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Last active June 19, 2020 07:31
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public class DateTimePickerColumn : Panel
// The type of the column: numbers or months
public DateTimePickerColumnType Type { get; set; }
// The number or month at the top of the column
public int First { get; set; }
// The selected number or month
public int Selected { get; set; }
public int Minimum {get; set; }
public int Maximum {get; set; }
public void ScrollUp()
--First; // Handle looping etc also
public void ScrollDown()
++First; // Handle looping etc also
protected override void MeasureOverride(Size size)
// ... Creates and measures enough ListBoxItems to fill size ...
protected override ArrangeOverride(Size size)
// Arranges the ListBoxItems in a vertical stack
private void UpdateItems()
// Assigns a number or a month to each ListBoxItem, and sets IsSelected if
// it's the currently selected item
public enum DateTimePickerColumnType
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