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grom358 / gist:c5ad8e43021eb9252fa0af05407a62f9
Created February 24, 2017 06:36
User Defined Compactions
Restart cassandra: sudo service cassandra restart
In another terminal spam: nodetool disableautocompaction storage channel_messages
Keep spamming until node is up. Checked it worked that there is no compactions for channel_messages with nodetool compactionstats
cd /mnt/md0/cassandra/data/storage/channel_messages
Get list of files < 10Mb and 2 days old with: find -type f -iname '*-Data.db' -size -10M -mtime -2 | grep -v 'tmp' | cut -c3- | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/,/g'
Copy the list into clipboard
java -jar /tmp/jmxterm-1.0-alpha-4-uber.jar
open localhost:7199
bean org.apache.cassandra.db:type=CompactionManager
run forceUserDefinedCompaction <paste list>
nodetool setlogginglevel org.apache.cassandra.db.filter ERROR
nodetool setlogginglevel org.apache.cassandra.thrift ERROR
nodetool setlogginglevel ERROR
nodetool setlogginglevel org.apache.cassandra.utils ERROR
find -type f -iname '*-Data.db' -size -10M -mtime -2 | cut -c3- | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/,/g'
ls -lh | cut -c55- | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/,/g'
create keyspace weather with replication = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'AWS_VPC_US_EAST_1' : 3};
use weather;
create table city (cityid int, avg_tmp float, description text, primary key (cityid));
insert into city (cityid, avg_tmp, description) values (1,25.5,'Mild weather');
insert into city (cityid, avg_tmp, description) values (2,3,'Cold weather');
create table forecast(cityid int,forecast_date timestamp,humidity float,chanceofrain float,wind float,feelslike int, centigrade int, primary key (cityid,forecast_date));
insert into forecast(cityid,forecast_date,humidity,chanceofrain,wind,feelslike,centigrade) values (1,'2013-12-10',0.76,0.1,10,8,8);
insert into forecast(cityid,forecast_date,humidity,chanceofrain,wind,feelslike,centigrade) values (1,'2013-12-11',0.90,0.3,12,4,4);
insert into forecast(cityid,forecast_date,humidity,chanceofrain,wind,feelslike,centigrade) values (1,'2013-12-12',0.68,0.2,6,3,3);
insert into forecast(cityid,forecast_date,humidity,chanceofrain,wind,feelslike,centigrade) valu
$nodes = node_load_multiple(NULL, array("type" => "webform"));
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$save_node = new stdClass();
$save_node->nid = $node->nid;
$save_node->vid = $node->vid;
$save_node->type = $node->type;
$save_node->field_slsa_category = $node->field_slsa_category_1;
field_attach_presave("node", $save_node);
grom358 / ldap.php
Last active December 4, 2015 02:44
class LDAP_Connection {
protected $ds;
protected $baseDN;
protected $hostname;
protected $port;
protected $binaryFields;
private $isConnected;
public function __construct($config = null) {
diff --git a/OpenLayers.debug.js b/OpenLayers.debug.js
index 3a5882f..97661b5 100644
--- a/OpenLayers.debug.js
+++ b/OpenLayers.debug.js
@@ -64315,12 +64315,13 @@ OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v3 = {
cache.rendered = true;
+ cache.googleControl.appendChild(map.viewPortDiv);
package main
import (
.tooltip {
position: absolute;
padding: 10px 13px;
z-index: 2;
max-width: 600px;
color: #303030;
background-color: #f5f5b5;
border: 1px solid #deca7e;