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Last active November 15, 2017 13:49
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RDFLib SPARQLGenerator
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import defaultdict
from io import StringIO
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal, Variable
def unroll(triples, vars=None):
Convert list of tuples specifying triples with repeat subjects or
subjects and predicates to actual triples.
A python version of Turtle/SPARQL ; and , syntax.
>>> unroll( [ (FOAF.Person, [ (RDF.type, RDFS.Class),
(RDFS.label, Literal('Person') ) ] )
[ ( FOAF.Person, RDF.type, RDFS.Class ), ( FOAF.Person, RDFS.label, Literal('Person') ) ]
for t in triples:
if not isinstance(t, (list, tuple)):
yield t
if len(t) == 3: s,p,o = t
elif len(t) == 2: s,p = t
else: raise Exception("I cannot unroll %s"%(t,))
if not isinstance(p, (list, tuple)): p = (p,)
for p in p:
if isinstance(p, (list, tuple)) and len(p) == 2:
p,o = p
if not isinstance(o, (list, tuple)): o = (o,)
for o in o:
if vars:
s,p,o = [ vars.get(x,x) for x in ( s,p,o ) ]
yield (s,p,o)
class Vars(object):
def __init__(self, *vars):
self.vars = { v:Variable(v) for v in vars }
def all(self):
return self.vars.values()
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.vars[key]
def __getattr__(self, key):
return object.__getattr__(self, key)
except AttributeError:
return self.vars[key]
class Neg(object):
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
def n3(self, n3=lambda n: n.n3()):
return '!%s'%(self.f.n3(n3))
class Function(object):
def __init__(self, name, args): = name
self.args = args
def n3(self, n3=lambda n: n.n3()):
return '%s(%s)'%(, ', '.join(n3(a) for a in self.args))
def __invert__(self):
return Neg(self)
def __eq__(self, other):
return Operators.eq(self, other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return, other)
def __lt__(self, other):
return, other)
def __gt__(self, other):
return, other)
def __le__(self, other):
return Operators.le(self, other)
def __ge__(self, other):
return, other)
class Cast(Function):
def n3(self, n3=lambda n: n.n3()):
return '%s(%s)'%(n3(, n3(self.args))
class Aggregator(object):
def __init__(self, name, arg, proj, **kwargs): = name
self.arg = arg
self.proj = proj
self.kwargs = kwargs
def n3(self, n3=lambda n: n.n3()):
kw = ''
if self.kwargs: kw = '; ' + '; '.join( '%s="%s"' % item for item in self.kwargs.items() )
return '(%(name)s(%(arg)s %(kw)s) AS %(proj)s)'%dict(,
kw = kw)
class Operator(object):
def __init__(self, op, lhs, rhs):
self.op = op
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
def n3(self, n3=lambda n: n.n3()):
return '%s %s %s'%(n3(self.lhs), self.op, n3(self.rhs))
def create_function(name):
def init(self, *args):
Function.__init__(self, name, args)
return type(str(name), (Function,), dict(__init__=init))
def create_operator(name, op):
def init(self, *args):
Operator.__init__(self, op, *args)
return type(str(name), (Operator,), dict(__init__=init))
def create_aggregator(name):
def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
Aggregator.__init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs)
return type(str(name), (Aggregator,), dict(__init__=init))
class Functions(object):
cast = Cast
for f in ( "IRI", "isBLANK", "isLITERAL", "isIRI", "isNUMERIC", "BNODE",
"ABS", "IF", "RAND", "UUID", "STRUUID", "MD5", "SHA1", "SHA256",
"SHA384", "SHA512", "COALESCE", "CEIL", "FLOOR", "ROUND", "REGEX",
"LANG", "DATATYPE", "sameTerm", "BOUND", "EXISTS", "DESC" ):
setattr(Functions, f, create_function(f))
class Aggregators(object):
for a in ( "COUNT", "SUM", "MIN", "MAX", "AVG", "SAMPLE", "GROUP_CONCAT" ):
setattr(Aggregators, a, create_aggregator(a))
class Operators(object):
for o in [ ('lt', '<'),
('gt', '>'),
('le', '<='),
('ge', '>='),
('eq', '='),
('ne', '!='),
('mul', '*'),
('div', '/'),
('add', '+'),
('sub', '-'),
('_and', '&&'),
('_or', '||'),
setattr(Operators, o[0], create_operator(*o))
class Optional(object):
def __init__(self, triples):
self.triples = triples
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Optional): return self.triples.__lt__(other)
return False
class SPARQLGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, namespace_manager):
self.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
def _clear(self):
self.prefixes = {}
def _qname(self, node):
pfx, uri, local = self.namespace_manager.compute_qname(node, False)
self.prefixes[pfx] = uri
return '%s:%s'%(pfx, local)
return node.n3()
def _label(self, node):
if isinstance(node, Literal):
return node._literal_n3(
if isinstance(node, URIRef):
return self._qname(node)
return node.n3()
def _prefix_string(self):
return '\n'.join( 'PREFIX %s: <%s>'%(p,uri) for p,uri in self.prefixes.items() )
def _var_string(self, vars):
return ' '.join(v.n3() if not isinstance(v, tuple) else '(%s as %s)'%(self._label(v[0]), v[1].n3()) for v in vars)
def _triples_string(self, triples, indents=1):
res = StringIO()
triples = unroll(triples)
triples = sorted(triples)
indent = '\t'*indents
last_s = None
last_p = None
for t in triples:
if isinstance(t, Optional) :
res.write('\n%sOPTIONAL {\n%s\n%s}'%(indent, self._triples_string(t.triples, indents+1), indent))
s,p,o = t
if not last_s: res.write('%s%s %s %s'%(indent, self._label(s), self._label(p), self._label(o)))
elif s != last_s and last_s: res.write(' .\n%s%s %s %s'%(indent, self._label(s), self._label(p), self._label(o)))
elif p != last_p and last_p: res.write(' ;\n%s\t%s %s'%(indent, self._label(p), self._label(o)))
else: res.write(',\n%s\t\t%s'%(indent, self._label(o)))
last_s, last_p = s, p
if last_s: res.write(' .')
return res.getvalue()
def construct(self, target, source):
return "CONSTRUCT { %s } WHERE { %s }"%(self._triples_string(target), self._triples_string(source))
def select(self, vars, triples, optionals=[], filter=None, orderBy=None, groupBy=None, bind={}):
res = "SELECT DISTINCT\n\t%s\nWHERE {\n%s\n" % ( self._var_string(vars), self._triples_string(triples) )
for o in optionals:
res += '\tOPTIONAL {\n%s\n\t}\n'%self._triples_string(o, 2)
if filter:
res += '\tFILTER ( %s )\n'%filter.n3(self._label)
for v,expr in bind.items():
res += '\tBIND ( %s as %s )\n'%( self._label(expr), self._label(v))
res += '}'
if groupBy:
if not isinstance(groupBy, (tuple, list)): groupBy = (groupBy, )
res += ' GROUP BY %s'%( ' '.join(self._label(g) for g in groupBy))
if orderBy:
if not isinstance(orderBy, (tuple, list)): orderBy = (orderBy, )
res += ' ORDER BY %s'%(' '.join(self._label(o) for o in orderBy))
return self._prefix_string()+'\n\n'+res
if __name__ == '__main__':
from rdflib import Graph, RDF, Namespace
from datetime import datetime
FOAF = Namespace('')
p = Variable('p')
name = Variable('name')
g = Graph()
g.bind('foaf', FOAF)
[ (p, [ (RDF.type, FOAF.Person), (, name) ] ) ],
optional=[ (p, [ ( FOAF.knows, p), ( FOAF.age, Literal(3) ) ] ) ],,Literal(
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Missing so many things. Extending with order by is easy. Filter slightly more complicated. Optionals, union, etc.

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