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Created December 20, 2017 23:18
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kata for converting an arabic integer to roman numerals see where it is done in ruby
import org.junit.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
// kata for converting an arabic integer to roman numerals
// see
// where it is done in ruby
private val constants: Map<Int, String> = hashMapOf(
1 to "I",
4 to "IV",
5 to "V",
9 to "IX",
10 to "X",
40 to "XL",
50 to "L",
90 to "XC",
100 to "C",
400 to "CD",
500 to "D",
900 to "CM",
1000 to "M")
fun convert(arabic: Int): String? {
if (arabic < 0 || arabic > 3999)
throw IllegalArgumentException()
if (arabic == 0)
return ""
var roman: String? = ""
var step: Int = arabic
while (step > 0) {
if (constants.containsKey(step)) {
roman = constants[step]
return roman + convert(arabic - step)
// tests have to be inside a class for junit to pick them up
class RomanNumerals {
fun zero() {
assertEquals("", convert(0))
fun numbersWithTheirOwnNumeral() {
assertEquals("I", convert(1))
assertEquals("V", convert(5))
assertEquals("IX", convert(9))
assertEquals("X", convert(10))
assertEquals("L", convert(50))
assertEquals("C", convert(100))
fun numbersWhichHaveToBeCalculated() {
assertEquals("VI", convert(6))
assertEquals("VIII", convert(8))
assertEquals("XCIX", convert(99))
assertEquals("MMMCDXCVII", convert(3497))
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