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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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  • Save grondilu/aa164666244e3fdeee8e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save grondilu/aa164666244e3fdeee8e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
turn a oolite .dat mesh into something usable in WebGL
use v5.14;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{say state};
use Data::Dumper; # for debugging
my $float = qr{[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?};
my (@vertices, @faces, @texture, %image, @names);
my $texture_images_dir = '../images/textures';
my ($nverts, $nfaces, $nnames) = (0, 0, 0);
for my $line (<>) {
state $current_section;
chomp $line;
# commas are optional and must be treated as field separator
# so we replace them by spaces and consider spaces as field separators
$line =~ s/[,\s\t][\s\t]*/ /g;
given ($line) {
when (/^END/) { last }
when (/^\s*$/ || /^\/\//) { next }
when (/^NVERTS/) { $nverts = (split /\s+/)[1]; next; }
when (/^NFACES/) { $nfaces = (split /\s+/)[1]; next; }
when (/^VERTEX/) { $current_section = 'vertex'; next; }
when (/^FACES/ ) { $current_section = 'faces' ; next; }
when (/^TEXTURES/) { $current_section = 'texture'; next; }
when (/^NAMES/) {
$current_section = 'names';
$nnames = (split /\s+/)[1];
given ($current_section) {
when ('vertex') { push @vertices, [ split /\s+/, $line ] }
when ('faces') {
my @fields = split /\s+/, $line;
@fields == 10 or die "unexpected number of fields in line: $line";
$fields[6] == 3 or die "unexpected number of vertices";
push @faces, {
rgb => [ @fields[0..2] ],
normal => [ @fields[3..5] ],
vertex_indices => [ @fields[7..9] ]
when ('texture') {
my @fields = split /\s+/, $line;
my $image = shift @fields
or die "unexpected field in $line";
keys(%image) == 1
or die "can't deal with multi-level textures yet (@{[keys %image]}), sorry" if
$fields[0] == 1 && $fields[1] == 1
or die "unexpected range in the texture (line is $line)";
push @texture, {
image => $image,
coord => [
when ('names') { push @names, $line }
@texture == @faces
or die "unexpected number of texture coordinates";
my $texture_image = $texture[0]->{'image'};
my @vertex_coordinates;
for (0 .. $#faces) {
for (@{$faces[$_]->{'vertex_indices'}}) {
push @vertex_coordinates, @{$vertices[$_]};
print <<EOF
comment : "This is a very unoptimized mesh. Consider checking for redundancy for a better version",
faces : [ @{[ join ',', 0 .. 3 * @faces - 1 ]} ],
vertices : [ @{[ join ',', @vertex_coordinates ]} ],
_texture : {
image : "$texture_images_dir/$texture_image",
coord : [ @{[ join ',', map { join ',', @{$_->{'coord'}} } @texture ]} ]
normals : [ @{[ join ',', map { join ',', @{$_->{'normal'}} } @faces ]} ]
# say "nverts = $nverts, nfaces = $nfaces, nnames = $nnames";
#say join ', ', @$_ for @vertices;
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