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Created January 11, 2013 17:09
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Gatling: output from tarzan simulation
Simulation org.aamc.pdws.TarzanSimulation started...
scenarioName='Scenario Name' userId='1' data='Map(gatling.http.referer -> http://localhost:9090/tarzan1/j_spring_security_check, gatling.http.cookies -> CookieStore=Map(//localhost:9090 -> List(Cookie: domain=localhost:9090, name=JSESSIONID, value=9909E2C91EF09316EA551FED7A7B0293, path=/tarzan1/, maxAge=-1, secure=false)), gatling.core.timeShift -> 18)'
2013-01-11 11:57:02 0s elapsed
---- Scenario Name -------------------------------------------------------------
Users : [#################################################################]100%
waiting:0 / running:0 / done:1
---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------
> request_1 OK=1 KO=0
> request_1 Redirect 1 OK=1 KO=0
> request_2 OK=1 KO=0
> request_2 Redirect 1 OK=1 KO=0
> request_3 OK=1 KO=0
> request_3 Redirect 1 OK=1 KO=0
> request_3 Redirect 2 OK=1 KO=0
Simulation finished.
Simulation successful.
Generating reports...
Reports generated in 0s.
Please open the following file : C:\tools\app\gatling-charts-highcharts-1.4.2-SNAPSHOT\results\tarzansimulation-20130111115701\index.html
Press any key to continue . . .
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