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import Combine
import Foundation
// MARK: - SinglePublisher
/// The protocol for "single publishers", which publish exactly one element, or
/// an error.
/// `Just`, `Future` and `URLSession.DataTaskPublisher` are examples of
/// publishers that conform to `SinglePublisher`.
/// Conversely, `Publishers.Sequence` is not a single publisher, because not all
/// sequences contain a single element.
/// # SinglePublisher Benefits
/// Once you have a publisher that conforms to `SinglePublisher`, you have
/// access to two desirable tools:
/// - A `AnySinglePublisher` type that hides details you don’t want to expose
/// across API boundaries. For example, the user of the publisher below knows
/// that it publishes exactly one `String`, no more, no less:
/// func namePublisher() -> AnySinglePublisher<String, Error>
/// You build an `AnySinglePublisher` with the
/// `eraseToAnySinglePublisher()` method:
/// mySinglePublisher.eraseToAnySinglePublisher()
/// - A `sinkSingle(receiveResult:)` method that simplifies handling of single
/// publisher results:
/// namePublisher().sinkSingle { result in
/// switch result {
/// case let .success(name): print(name)
/// case let .failure(error): print(error)
/// }
/// }
/// # Building Single Publishers
/// In order to benefit from the `SinglePublisher` protocol, you need a concrete
/// publisher that conforms to this protocol.
/// There are a few ways to get such a single publisher:
/// - **Compiler-checked single publishers** are publishers that conform to the
/// `SinglePublisher` protocol. This is the case of `Just` and `Fail`, for
/// example. Some publishers conditionally conform to `SinglePublisher`, such
/// as `Publishers.Map`, when the upstream publisher is a single publisher.
/// When you define a publisher type that publishes exactly one element, or
/// an error, you can turn it into a single publisher with an extension:
/// struct MySinglePublisher: Publisher { ... }
/// extension MySinglePublisher: SinglePublisher { }
/// - **Runtime-checked single publishers** are publishers that conform to the
/// `SinglePublisher` protocol by checking, at runtime, that an upstream
/// publisher publishes exactly one element, or an error.
/// You build a checked single publisher with one of those methods:
/// - `Publisher.checkSingle()` returns a single publisher that fails with a
/// `SingleError` if the upstream publisher does not publish exactly one
/// element, or an error.
/// - `Publisher.assertSingle()` returns a single publisher that raises a
/// fatal error if the upstream publisher does not publish exactly one
/// element, or an error.
/// - **Unchecked single publishers**: you should only build such a single
/// publisher when you are sure that the `SinglePublisher` contract
/// is honored by the upstream publisher.
/// For example:
/// // CORRECT: those publish exactly one element, or an error.
/// [1].publisher.uncheckedSingle()
/// [1, 2].publisher.prefix(1).uncheckedSingle()
/// // WRONG: does not publish any element
/// Empty().uncheckedSingle()
/// // WRONG: publishes more than one element
/// [1, 2].publisher.uncheckedSingle()
/// // WRONG: does not publish exactly one element, or an error
/// Just(1).append(Fail(error))
/// // WARNING: may not publish exactly one element, or an error
/// someSubject.prefix(1).uncheckedSingle()
/// The consequences of using `uncheckedSingle()` on a publisher that does not
/// publish exactly one element, or an error, are undefined.
/// # Basic Single Publishers
/// `AnySinglePublisher` comes with factory methods that build basic
/// single publishers:
/// // Immediately publishes one value, and then completes.
/// AnySinglePublisher.just(value)
/// // Immediately fails with the given error.
/// // Never publishes any value, never completes.
/// AnySinglePublisher.never()
public protocol SinglePublisher: Publisher { }
extension SinglePublisher {
/// Wraps this single publisher with a type eraser.
/// Use `eraseToAnySinglePublisher()` to expose an instance of
/// AnySinglePublisher to the downstream subscriber, rather than this
/// publisher’s actual type.
/// This form of type erasure preserves abstraction across API boundaries,
/// such as different modules. When you expose your publishers as the
/// AnySinglePublisher type, you can change the underlying implementation
/// over time without affecting existing clients.
/// - returns: An `AnySinglePublisher` wrapping this single publisher.
public func eraseToAnySinglePublisher() -> AnySinglePublisher<Output, Failure> {
/// Attaches a subscriber with closure-based behavior.
/// This method creates the subscriber and immediately requests an unlimited
/// number of values, prior to returning the subscriber.
/// - parameter receiveResult: The closure to execute when the single
/// publisher completes, with one value, or an error.
/// - returns: A subscriber that performs the provided closure upon
/// receiving value or error.
public func sinkSingle(receiveResult: @escaping (Result<Output, Failure>) -> Void) -> AnyCancellable {
receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case let .failure(error):
case .finished:
receiveValue: { value in
// MARK: - Checked & Unchecked Single Publishers
extension Publisher {
/// Checks that the publisher publishes exactly one element, or an error,
/// and turns contract violations into a `SingleError`.
/// See also `Publisher.assertSingle()`.
public func checkSingle() -> CheckSinglePublisher<Self> {
CheckSinglePublisher(upstream: self)
/// Checks that the publisher publishes exactly one element, or an error,
/// and raises a fatal error if the contract is not honored.
/// See also `Publisher.checkSingle()`.
public func assertSingle() -> AssertSinglePublisher<Self> {
/// Turns a publisher into a single publisher, assuming that it publishes
/// exactly one element, or an error.
/// For example:
/// // CORRECT: those publish exactly one element, or an error.
/// [1].publisher.uncheckedSingle()
/// [1, 2].publisher.prefix(1).uncheckedSingle()
/// // WRONG: does not publish any element
/// Empty().uncheckedSingle()
/// // WRONG: publishes more than one element
/// [1, 2].publisher.uncheckedSingle()
/// // WRONG: does not publish exactly one element, or an error
/// Just(1).append(Fail(error))
/// // WARNING: may not publish exactly one element, or an error
/// someSubject.prefix(1).uncheckedSingle()
/// See also `Publisher.assertSingle()`.
/// - warning: Violation of the single publisher contract are not checked.
public func uncheckedSingle() -> AnySinglePublisher<Output, Failure> {
AnySinglePublisher(unchecked: self)
/// The type of publishers returned by `Publisher.assertSingle()`.
public typealias AssertSinglePublisher<Upstream: Publisher>
= Publishers.MapError<CheckSinglePublisher<Upstream>, Upstream.Failure>
extension SinglePublisher {
/// :nodoc:
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Publisher is already a single publisher")
func checkSingle() -> CheckSinglePublisher<Self> {
CheckSinglePublisher(upstream: self)
/// :nodoc:
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Publisher is already a single publisher")
public func assertSingle() -> AssertSinglePublisher<Self> {
/// :nodoc:
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Publisher is already a single publisher: use publisher.eraseToAnySinglePublisher() instead.")
public func uncheckedSingle() -> AnySinglePublisher<Output, Failure> {
/// The error for checked single publishers returned
/// from `Publisher.eraseToAnySinglePublisher()`.
public enum SingleError<UpstreamFailure: Error>: Error {
/// Upstream publisher did complete without publishing any element
case missingElement
/// Upstream publisher did publish more than one element
case tooManyElements
/// Upstream publisher did complete with an error after publishing one element
case bothElementAndError
/// Upstream publisher did complete with an error
case upstream(UpstreamFailure)
extension SinglePublisher where Failure: _SingleError {
/// Raises a fatal error when the upstream publisher fails with a violation
/// of the `SinglePublisher` contract, and otherwise republishes all
/// received input.
func assertNoSingleFailure(file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line)
-> Publishers.MapError<Self, Failure.UpstreamFailure>
mapError { error in
error.assertUpstreamFailure(file: file, line: line)
protocol _SingleError {
associatedtype UpstreamFailure: Error
func assertUpstreamFailure(file: StaticString, line: UInt) -> UpstreamFailure
extension SingleError: _SingleError {
func assertUpstreamFailure(file: StaticString, line: UInt) -> UpstreamFailure {
switch self {
case .missingElement:
fatalError("Single violation: missing element at \(file):\(line)")
case .tooManyElements:
fatalError("Single violation: too many elements at \(file):\(line)")
case .bothElementAndError:
fatalError("Single violation: error completion after one element was published \(file):\(line)")
case let .upstream(error):
return error
// MARK: - AnySinglePublisher
/// A publisher that performs type erasure by wrapping another single publisher.
/// `AnySinglePublisher` is a concrete implementation of `SinglePublisher` that
/// has no significant properties of its own, and passes through elements and
/// completion values from its upstream publisher.
/// Use `AnySinglePublisher` to wrap a publisher whose type has details you
/// don’t want to expose across API boundaries, such as different modules.
/// You can use `eraseToAnySinglePublisher()` operator to wrap a publisher
/// with `AnySinglePublisher`.
public struct AnySinglePublisher<Output, Failure: Error>: SinglePublisher {
public typealias Failure = Failure
fileprivate let upstream: AnyPublisher<Output, Failure>
/// Creates a type-erasing publisher to wrap the unchecked single publisher.
/// See `Publisher.uncheckedSingle()`.
fileprivate init<P>(unchecked publisher: P)
where P: Publisher, P.Failure == Self.Failure, P.Output == Output
self.upstream = publisher.eraseToAnyPublisher()
/// Creates a type-erasing publisher to wrap the unchecked single publisher.
/// See `Publisher.uncheckedSingle()`.
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Publisher is already a single publisher: use AnySinglePublisher.init(_:) instead.")
fileprivate init<P>(unchecked publisher: P)
where P: SinglePublisher, P.Failure == Self.Failure, P.Output == Output
self.upstream = publisher.eraseToAnyPublisher()
/// Creates a type-erasing publisher to wrap the provided single publisher.
/// See `SinglePublisher.eraseToAnyPublisher()`.
public init<P>(_ singlePublisher: P)
where P: SinglePublisher, P.Failure == Self.Failure, P.Output == Output
self.upstream = singlePublisher.eraseToAnyPublisher()
public func receive<S>(subscriber: S)
where S: Combine.Subscriber, S.Failure == Self.Failure, S.Input == Output
upstream.receive(subscriber: subscriber)
// MARK: - Canonical Single Publishers
extension AnySinglePublisher where Failure == Never {
/// Creates an `AnySinglePublisher` which emits one value, and
/// then finishes.
public static func just(_ value: Output) -> Self {
extension AnySinglePublisher {
/// Creates an `AnySinglePublisher` which emits one value, and
/// then finishes.
public static func just(_ value: Output, failureType: Failure.Type = Self.Failure) -> Self {
.setFailureType(to: failureType)
/// Creates an `AnySinglePublisher` that immediately terminates with the
/// specified error.
public static func fail(_ error: Failure) -> Self {
Fail(error: error).eraseToAnySinglePublisher()
/// Creates an `AnySinglePublisher` that immediately terminates with the
/// specified error.
public static func fail(_ error: Failure, outputType: Output.Type) -> Self {
Fail(outputType: outputType, failure: error).eraseToAnySinglePublisher()
/// Creates an `AnySinglePublisher` which never completes.
public static func never() -> Self {
Empty(completeImmediately: false).uncheckedSingle()
/// Creates an `AnySinglePublisher` which never completes.
public static func never(outputType: Output.Type, failureType: Failure.Type) -> Self {
Empty(completeImmediately: false, outputType: outputType, failureType: failureType).uncheckedSingle()
// MARK: - CheckSinglePublisher
/// A single publisher that checks that another publisher publishes exactly one
/// element, or an error.
/// `CheckSinglePublisher` can fail with a `SingleError`:
/// - `.missingElement`: Upstream publisher did complete without publishing
/// any element.
/// - `.tooManyElements`: Upstream publisher did publish more than one element.
/// - `.upstream(error)`: Upstream publisher did complete with an error.
public struct CheckSinglePublisher<Upstream: Publisher>: SinglePublisher {
public typealias Output = Upstream.Output
public typealias Failure = SingleError<Upstream.Failure>
let upstream: Upstream
public func receive<S>(subscriber: S)
where S: Combine.Subscriber, S.Failure == Self.Failure, S.Input == Output
let subscription = CheckSingleSubscription(
upstream: upstream,
downstream: subscriber)
subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription)
private class CheckSingleSubscription<Upstream: Publisher, Downstream: Subscriber>: Subscription, Subscriber
Downstream.Input == Upstream.Output,
Downstream.Failure == SingleError<Upstream.Failure>
private enum State {
case waitingForRequest(Upstream, Downstream)
case waitingForSubscription(Subscribers.Demand, Downstream)
case waitingForElement(Subscription, Downstream)
case waitingForCompletion(Upstream.Output, Subscription, Downstream)
case finished
private var state: State
private let lock = NSRecursiveLock()
upstream: Upstream,
downstream: Downstream)
self.state = .waitingForRequest(upstream, downstream)
// MARK: - Subscription
func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) {
synchronized {
switch state {
case let .waitingForRequest(upstream, downstream):
state = .waitingForSubscription(demand, downstream)
upstream.receive(subscriber: self)
case let .waitingForSubscription(currentDemand, downstream):
state = .waitingForSubscription(demand + currentDemand, downstream)
case let .waitingForElement(subscription, _):
case .waitingForCompletion, .finished:
func cancel() {
synchronized {
switch state {
case .waitingForRequest, .waitingForSubscription:
state = .finished
case let .waitingForElement(subcription, _),
let .waitingForCompletion(_, subcription, _):
state = .finished
case .finished:
// MARK: - Subscriber
func receive(subscription: Subscription) {
synchronized {
switch state {
case let .waitingForSubscription(currentDemand, downstream):
state = .waitingForElement(subscription, downstream)
case .waitingForRequest, .waitingForElement, .waitingForCompletion, .finished:
func receive(_ input: Upstream.Output) -> Subscribers.Demand {
synchronized {
switch state {
case let .waitingForElement(subscription, downstream):
state = .waitingForCompletion(input, subscription, downstream)
case let .waitingForCompletion(_, subscription, downstream):
downstream.receive(completion: .failure(.tooManyElements))
state = .finished
case .waitingForRequest, .waitingForSubscription, .finished:
return .unlimited
func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Upstream.Failure>) {
synchronized {
switch completion {
case .finished:
switch state {
case let .waitingForRequest(_, downstream),
let .waitingForSubscription(_, downstream):
downstream.receive(completion: .failure(.missingElement))
state = .finished
case let .waitingForElement(subscription, downstream):
downstream.receive(completion: .failure(.missingElement))
state = .finished
case let .waitingForCompletion(element, _, downstream):
_ = downstream.receive(element)
downstream.receive(completion: .finished)
state = .finished
case .finished:
case let .failure(error):
switch state {
case let .waitingForRequest(_, downstream),
let .waitingForSubscription(_, downstream):
downstream.receive(completion: .failure(.upstream(error)))
state = .finished
case let .waitingForElement(_, downstream):
downstream.receive(completion: .failure(.upstream(error)))
state = .finished
case let .waitingForCompletion(_, _, downstream):
downstream.receive(completion: .failure(.bothElementAndError))
state = .finished
case .finished:
// MARK: - Private
private func synchronized<T>(_ execute: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
defer { lock.unlock() }
return try execute()
// MARK: - Support
extension Publishers.AllSatisfy: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.AssertNoFailure: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Autoconnect: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Breakpoint: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Catch: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher, NewPublisher: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.CombineLatest: SinglePublisher
where A: SinglePublisher, B: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.CombineLatest3: SinglePublisher
where A: SinglePublisher, B: SinglePublisher, C: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.CombineLatest4: SinglePublisher
where A: SinglePublisher, B: SinglePublisher, C: SinglePublisher, D: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Contains: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.ContainsWhere: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Count: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Delay: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.FlatMap: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher, NewPublisher: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.HandleEvents: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.MakeConnectable: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Map: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.MapError: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.MapKeyPath: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.MapKeyPath2: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.MapKeyPath3: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Print: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.ReceiveOn: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Retry: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.SetFailureType: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.SubscribeOn: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.SwitchToLatest: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher, P: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.TryAllSatisfy: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.TryCatch: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher, NewPublisher: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.TryContainsWhere: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.TryMap: SinglePublisher
where Upstream: SinglePublisher { }
extension Deferred: SinglePublisher
where DeferredPublisher: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Zip: SinglePublisher
where A: SinglePublisher, B: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Zip3: SinglePublisher
where A: SinglePublisher, B: SinglePublisher, C: SinglePublisher { }
extension Publishers.Zip4: SinglePublisher
where A: SinglePublisher, B: SinglePublisher, C: SinglePublisher, D: SinglePublisher { }
extension Result.Publisher: SinglePublisher { }
extension URLSession.DataTaskPublisher: SinglePublisher { }
extension Fail: SinglePublisher { }
extension Future: SinglePublisher { }
extension Just: SinglePublisher { }
import Combine
import XCTest
class SinglePublisherTests: XCTestCase {
// MARK: - CheckSinglePublisher
func test_CheckSinglePublisher_Just() throws {
let publisher = Just(1).eraseToAnyPublisher().checkSingle()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<SingleError<Never>>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
try withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1, handler: nil)
XCTAssertEqual(value, 1)
switch try XCTUnwrap(completion) {
case .finished:
case let .failure(error):
XCTFail("Unexpected error \(error)")
func test_CheckSinglePublisher_Empty() throws {
let publisher = Empty<Int, Never>().checkSingle()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<SingleError<Never>>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
try withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1, handler: nil)
switch try XCTUnwrap(completion) {
case .finished:
XCTFail("Expected error")
case let .failure(error):
switch error {
case .missingElement:
XCTFail("Unexpected error \(error)")
func test_CheckSinglePublisher_EmptyWithoutCompletion() throws {
let publisher = Empty<Int, Never>(completeImmediately: false).checkSingle()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<SingleError<Never>>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
expectation.isInverted = true
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.5, handler: nil)
func test_CheckSinglePublisher_Fail() throws {
struct TestError: Error { }
let publisher = Fail<Int, TestError>(error: TestError()).eraseToAnyPublisher().checkSingle()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<SingleError<TestError>>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
try withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1, handler: nil)
switch try XCTUnwrap(completion) {
case .finished:
XCTFail("Expected error")
case let .failure(error):
switch error {
case .upstream:
XCTFail("Unexpected error \(error)")
func test_CheckSinglePublisher_ElementThenFailure() throws {
struct TestError: Error { }
let subject = PassthroughSubject<Int, TestError>()
let publisher = subject.checkSingle()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<SingleError<TestError>>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
try withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
subject.send(completion: .failure(TestError()))
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1, handler: nil)
switch try XCTUnwrap(completion) {
case .finished:
XCTFail("Expected error")
case let .failure(error):
switch error {
case .bothElementAndError:
XCTFail("Unexpected error \(error)")
func test_CheckSinglePublisher_TooManyElements() throws {
let publisher = [1, 2].publisher.checkSingle()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<SingleError<Never>>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
try withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1, handler: nil)
switch try XCTUnwrap(completion) {
case .finished:
XCTFail("Expected error")
case let .failure(error):
switch error {
case .tooManyElements:
XCTFail("Unexpected error \(error)")
func test_CheckSinglePublisher_ElementWithoutCompletion() throws {
struct TestError: Error { }
let subject = CurrentValueSubject<Int, TestError>(1)
let publisher = subject.checkSingle()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<SingleError<TestError>>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
expectation.isInverted = true
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.5, handler: nil)
// MARK: - AssertNoSingleFailurePublisher
func test_AssertNoSingleFailurePublisher_Just() throws {
let publisher = Just(1).eraseToAnyPublisher().assertSingle()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<Never>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
try withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1, handler: nil)
XCTAssertEqual(value, 1)
switch try XCTUnwrap(completion) {
case .finished:
case let .failure(error):
XCTFail("Unexpected error \(error)")
func test_AssertNoSingleFailurePublisher_Fail() throws {
struct TestError: Error { }
let publisher = Fail<Int, TestError>(error: TestError()).eraseToAnyPublisher().assertSingle()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<TestError>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
try withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1, handler: nil)
switch try XCTUnwrap(completion) {
case .finished:
XCTFail("Expected error")
case .failure:
func test_AssertNoSingleFailurePublisher_ElementWithoutCompletion() throws {
struct TestError: Error { }
let subject = CurrentValueSubject<Int, TestError>(1)
let publisher = subject.assertSingle()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<TestError>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
expectation.isInverted = true
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.5, handler: nil)
// MARK: - Canonical Single Publishers
func test_AnySinglePublisher_never() {
let publisher = AnySinglePublisher<Int, Never>.never()
var completion: Subscribers.Completion<Never>?
var value: Int?
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "completion")
expectation.isInverted = true
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: {
completion = $0
receiveValue: {
value = $0
withExtendedLifetime(cancellable) {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.5, handler: nil)
func test_canonical_just_types() {
// The test passes if the test compiles
func accept1(_ p: AnySinglePublisher<Int, Never>) { }
func accept2(_ p: AnySinglePublisher<Int, Error>) { }
// The various ways to build a publisher...
let p1 = AnySinglePublisher.just(1)
let p2 = AnySinglePublisher.just(1, failureType: Error.self)
let p3 = AnySinglePublisher<Int, Error>.just(1)
// ... build the expected types.
// Shorthand notation thanks to type inference
func test_canonical_never_types() {
// The test passes if the test compiles
func accept1(_ p: AnySinglePublisher<Int, Never>) { }
func accept2(_ p: AnySinglePublisher<Int, Error>) { }
func accept3(_ p: AnySinglePublisher<Never, Never>) { }
// The various ways to build a publisher...
let p1 = AnySinglePublisher.never(outputType: Int.self, failureType: Error.self)
let p2 = AnySinglePublisher<Int, Error>.never()
// ... build the expected types.
// Shorthand notation thanks to type inference
func test_canonical_fail_types() {
// The test passes if the test compiles
struct TestError: Error { }
func accept1(_ p: AnySinglePublisher<Never, Error>) { }
func accept2(_ p: AnySinglePublisher<Int, Error>) { }
// The various ways to build a publisher...
let p1 = as Error, outputType: Int.self)
let p2 = AnySinglePublisher<Int, Error>.fail(TestError())
// ... build the expected types.
// Shorthand notation thanks to type inference
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