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Last active March 9, 2021 16:02
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How to synchronize an SQLite table with a JSON payload using
// This sample code shows how to use GRDB to synchronize a database table
// with a JSON payload. We use as few SQL queries as possible:
// - Only one SELECT query.
// - One query per insert, delete, and update.
// - Useless UPDATE statements are avoided.
import Foundation
import GRDB
// Open an in-memory database that logs all its SQL statements
var configuration = Configuration()
configuration.trace = { print($0) }
let dbQueue = DatabaseQueue(configuration: configuration)
// Create a database table
try dbQueue.inDatabase { db in
try db.execute(
"CREATE TABLE persons (" +
"name TEXT " +
// Define the Person subclass of GRDB's Record.
// Record provides change tracking that helps avoiding useless
// UPDATE statements.
class Person : Record {
var id: Int64?
var name: String?
func updateFromJSON(json: NSDictionary) {
id = (json["id"] as? NSNumber)?.longLongValue
name = json["name"] as? String
// Record overrides
override class func databaseTableName() -> String {
return "persons"
required init(_ row: Row) {
id = row.value(named: "id")
name = row.value(named: "name")
override var persistentDictionary: [String: DatabaseValueConvertible?] {
return ["id": id, "name": name]
override func didInsertWithRowID(rowID: Int64, forColumn column: String?) {
id = rowID
// Synchronizes the persons table with a JSON payload
func synchronizePersonsWithJSON(jsonString: String, inDatabase db: Database) throws {
let jsonData = jsonString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
let json = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: []) as! NSDictionary
// A support function that extracts an ID from a JSON person.
func jsonPersonId(jsonPerson: NSDictionary) -> Int64 {
return (jsonPerson["id"] as! NSNumber).longLongValue
// Sort JSON persons by id:
let jsonPersons = (json["persons"] as! [NSDictionary]).sort {
return jsonPersonId($0) < jsonPersonId($1)
// Sort database persons by id:
let persons = Person.fetchAll(db, "SELECT * FROM persons ORDER BY id")
// Now that both lists are sorted by id, we can compare them with
// the sortedMerge() function (see
// We'll delete, insert or update persons, depending on their presence
// in either lists.
for mergeStep in sortedMerge(
left: persons, // Database persons
right: jsonPersons, // JSON persons
leftKey: { $! }, // The id of a database person
rightKey: jsonPersonId) // The id of a JSON person
switch mergeStep {
case .Left(let person):
// Delete database person without matching JSON person:
try person.delete(db)
case .Right(let jsonPerson):
// Insert JSON person without matching database person:
let row = Row(jsonPerson)! // Granted JSON keys are database columns
let person = Person(row)
try person.insert(db)
case .Common(let person, let jsonPerson):
// Update database person with its JSON counterpart:
if person.hasPersistentChangedValues {
try person.update(db)
do {
let jsonString =
"{ \"persons\": [" +
"{ \"id\": 1, \"name\": \"Arthur\"}, " +
"{ \"id\": 2, \"name\": \"Barbara\"}, " +
"{ \"id\": 3, \"name\": \"Craig\"}, " +
"]" +
print("---\nImport \(jsonString)")
try dbQueue.inTransaction { db in
// SELECT * FROM persons ORDER BY id
// INSERT INTO "persons" ("id","name") VALUES (1,'Arthur')
// INSERT INTO "persons" ("id","name") VALUES (2,'Barbara')
// INSERT INTO "persons" ("id","name") VALUES (3,'Craig')
try synchronizePersonsWithJSON(jsonString, inDatabase: db)
return .Commit
do {
let jsonString =
"{ \"persons\": [" +
"{ \"id\": 2, \"name\": \"Barbie\"}, " +
"{ \"id\": 3, \"name\": \"Craig\"}, " +
"{ \"id\": 4, \"name\": \"Daniel\"}, " +
"]" +
print("---\nImport \(jsonString)")
try dbQueue.inTransaction { db in
// SELECT * FROM persons ORDER BY id
// DELETE FROM "persons" WHERE "id"=1
// UPDATE "persons" SET "name"='Barbie' WHERE "id"=2
// INSERT INTO "persons" ("id","name") VALUES (4,'Daniel')
try synchronizePersonsWithJSON(jsonString, inDatabase: db)
return .Commit
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