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Created June 16, 2010 13:15
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ejabberd munin plugin
# Updated/Modified by Luc Castera (2010-06-14). Intellum Inc.
# (
# Munin plugin for ejabberd2.
# Written by Lasse Karstensen <> 2007-05-27.
# Based on ejabberd-plugin by Christian Dröge <>
# Memory, threads, ejabberd2 and other code
# optimisation by Peter Viskup <>
# As connected users, registered users and server-connections have somewhat
# different scales, this plugin uses munins suggest feature to create three
# different graphs.
# ejabberd_connections
# ejabberd_users
# ejabberd_registrations
# ejabberd_memory
# ejabberd_threads
# ejabberd_mnesia_records
# ejabberd_mnesia_memory
# use command
# ln -s ejabberd_ ejabberd_(connections|memory|registrations|threads|users|ejabberd_mnesia_memory|ejabberd_mnesia_records)
# to activate.
# If the autodetect-feature for vhosts breaks, you can set
# """
# [ejabberd_*]
# env.vhosts
# """
# in plugin-conf.d/munin-node to override it.
# (user root may also be smart/not so smart depending on your setup.)
# Be aware that datasource name of rrdtool is restricted to 19 characters maximum. It could lead to not working plugin if vhost string is too long.
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
if [ "$1" == "autoconf" ]; then
if [ -x "$EJCTL" > /dev/null ]; then
echo yes
exit 0
echo "no (ejabberdctl not found)"
exit 1
if [ "$1" == "suggest" ]; then
echo "connections"
echo "users"
echo "registrations"
echo "memory"
echo "threads"
echo "mnesia_records"
echo "mnesia_memory"
exit 0
if [ "$1" == "debug" ]; then
echo $EJCTL
exit 0
# trying to autodetect running vhosts.
if [ -z "$vhosts" ]; then
for CFGPATH in /etc/ejabberd /usr/local/ejabberd/etc; do
if [ -f "$CFGPATH/ejabberd.cfg" ]; then
if [ -z "$EJCFG" ]; then
echo "Unable to find ejabberd.cfg. Exiting." > /dev/stderr
exit -1
# you have to have all of vhosts defined on one line in $EJCFG or in plugins-conf.d/munin-node config file
vhosts=$(awk '/^\s*{hosts/ {gsub( /\{\s?hosts\s?,|[\",\[\]]|\}\s?.|localhost/ ,""); print;}' $EJCFG);
# get ejabberd PID
# in GNU/Linux Debian Lenny release the pidof command can be executed only by root
#EJPID=$(pidof -s /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.6.3/bin/beam.smp)
EJPID=$(ps -ef | awk '/ejabberd/ && /\/bin\/beam(.smp)?/ {print $2}')
if [ -z "$vhosts" ]; then
echo "No vhosts to sample." > /dev/stderr
echo "Please set env.vhosts in plugins-conf.d/munin-node." > /dev/stderr
exit -1
MODE=`basename $0 | sed 's/^ejabberd_//g'`
if ! [ "$MODE" == "connections" \
-o "$MODE" == "users" \
-o "$MODE" == "registrations" \
-o "$MODE" == "mnesia_records" \
-o "$MODE" == "mnesia_memory" \
-o "$MODE" == "memory" \
-o "$MODE" == "threads" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Unknown mode \"$MODE\". Exiting." > /dev/stderr
exit -1
if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
if [ "$MODE" == "memory" ]; then
echo 'graph_args --base 1024 -l 0'
echo 'graph_scale yes'
echo 'graph_category ejabberd'
echo 'graph_info This graph shows a statistic of ejabberd'
echo 'graph_title Memory of ejabberd process'
echo 'graph_vlabel Bytes'
echo "ejabberd_memory_size.label actual memory";
echo " Memory used by ejabberd process in Bytes";
echo "ejabberd_memory_peak.label memory peak";
echo " Memory peak of ejabberd process in Bytes";
echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0'
echo 'graph_scale no'
echo 'graph_category ejabberd'
echo 'graph_info This graph shows a statistic of ejabberd'
if [ "$MODE" == "connections" ]; then
echo 'graph_title Server-to-server conections'
echo 'graph_vlabel s2s'
echo 's2s_connections_out.label outgoing s2s connections'
echo ' Number of outgoing server to server connections'
echo 's2s_connections_in.label incoming s2s connections'
echo ' Number of incoming server to server connections'
elif [ "$MODE" == "users" ]; then
echo 'graph_title Connected users'
echo 'graph_vlabel users'
echo "connected_users.label connected users";
elif [ "$MODE" == "registrations" ]; then
echo 'graph_title Number of registered users'
echo 'graph_vlabel users'
for host in $vhosts; do
formathost=$(echo $host | tr '.' '_')
echo "registered_users_$formathost.label $host registered users";
echo "registered_users_$ Registered users for vhost $host"
elif [ "$MODE" == "mnesia_records" ]; then
echo 'graph_title Mnesia Records'
echo 'graph_vlabel Number of records'
echo 'mnesia_records_pubsub_subscription.label pubsub subscriptions'
echo ' Number of mnesia pubsub subscription records'
echo 'mnesia_records_offline_msg.label offline messages'
echo ' Number of offline messages'
echo 'mnesia_records_pubsub_item.label pubsub items'
echo ' Number of pubsub items'
echo 'mnesia_records_pubsub_state.label pubsub states'
echo ' Number of pubsub states'
echo 'mnesia_records_pubsub_node.label pubsub nodes'
echo ' Number of pubsub nodes'
echo 'mnesia_records_pubsub_index.label pubsub indexes'
echo ' Number of pubsub indexes'
elif [ "$MODE" == "mnesia_memory" ]; then
echo 'graph_args --base 1024 -l 0'
echo 'graph_scale yes'
echo 'graph_category ejabberd'
echo 'graph_title Mnesia Memory Usage'
echo 'graph_vlabel Bytes'
echo 'mnesia_memory_pubsub_subscription.label pubsub subcription memory'
echo ' Memory used by pubsub subcriptions'
echo 'mnesia_memory_offline_msg.label offline messages memory'
echo ' Memory used by offline messages'
echo 'mnesia_memory_pubsub_item.label pubsub items memory'
echo ' Memory used by pubsub items'
echo 'mnesia_memory_pubsub_state.label pubsub states memory'
echo ' Memory used by pubsub states'
echo 'mnesia_memory_pubsub_node.label pubsub nodes memory'
echo ' Memory used by pubsub nodes'
echo 'mnesia_memory_pubsub_index.label pubsub indexes memory'
echo ' Memory used by pubsub indexes'
elif [ "$MODE" == "threads" ]; then
echo 'graph_title Threads of ejabberd process'
echo 'graph_vlabel threads'
echo "ejabberd_threads.label number of threads";
echo " Number of threads of ejabberd process";
exit 0
if [ "$MODE" == "connections" ]; then
echo "s2s_connections_out.value $($EJCTL outgoing_s2s_number)"
echo "s2s_connections_in.value $($EJCTL incoming_s2s_number)"
exit 0
if [ "$MODE" == "users" ]; then
echo "connected_users.value $($EJCTL connected_users_number)";
exit 0
if [ "$MODE" == "registrations" ]; then
for host in $vhosts; do
formathost=$(echo $host | tr '.' '_')
num=$($EJCTL registered_users $host | wc -l)
if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then
echo "registered_users_$formathost.value $num";
exit 0
if [ "$MODE" == "memory" ]; then
echo "ejabberd_memory_size.value $(awk '/VmSize/ {print $2*1024}' /proc/${EJPID}/status)"
echo "ejabberd_memory_peak.value $(awk '/VmPeak/ {print $2*1024}' /proc/${EJPID}/status)"
exit 0
if [ "$MODE" == "threads" ]; then
echo "ejabberd_threads.value $(awk '/Threads/ {print $2}' /proc/${EJPID}/status)"
exit 0
if [ "$MODE" == "mnesia_records" ]; then
echo "mnesia_records_pubsub_subscription.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep pubsub_subscription | grep with | awk '{print $3}')"
echo "mnesia_records_offline_msg.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep offline_msg | grep with | awk '{print $4}')"
echo "mnesia_records_pubsub_item.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep pubsub_item | grep with | awk '{print $4}')"
echo "mnesia_records_pubsub_state.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep pubsub_state | grep with | awk '{print $4}')"
echo "mnesia_records_pubsub_node.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep pubsub_node | grep with | awk '{print $4}')"
echo "mnesia_records_pubsub_index.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep pubsub_index | grep with | awk '{print $4}')"
exit 0
if [ "$MODE" == "mnesia_memory" ]; then
echo "mnesia_memory_pubsub_subscription.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep pubsub_subscription | grep with | awk '{print $6}')"
echo "mnesia_memory_offline_msg.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep offline_msg | grep with | awk '{print $7}')"
echo "mnesia_memory_pubsub_item.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep pubsub_item | grep with | awk '{print $7}')"
echo "mnesia_memory_pubsub_state.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep pubsub_state | grep with | awk '{print $7}')"
echo "mnesia_memory_pubsub_node.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep pubsub_node | grep with | awk '{print $7}')"
echo "mnesia_memory_pubsub_index.value $($EJCTL mnesia info | grep pubsub_index | grep with | awk '{print $7}')"
exit 0
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