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Rakefile to deploy a Sproutcore application
require 'rake/clean'
# Deploying stuff starts here
require 'net/ssh'
require 'net/scp'
# Change the following constants accordingly
USER = 'yourusername' #TODO: change accordingly
HOSTNAME = '' #TODO: change accordingly
APPLICATION = 'hello_sprouts' #TODO: change accordingly
PORT = '8090' #TODO: change accordingly
# end constants
desc "Deploy the site"
task :deploy => :clean do
FileUtils.rmtree 'tmp'
puts "building sproutcore..."
status = system 'sc-build'
if status
deployid = `ls tmp/build/http\:/#{HOSTNAME}\:#{PORT}/#{APPLICATION}/en`.strip
puts "creating archive..."
system "cd tmp/build/http\:/#{HOSTNAME}\:#{PORT}/ && tar -cvpzf static.tar.gz #{APPLICATION}/ sproutcore/"
puts "uploading archive..."
Net::SCP.start(HOSTNAME, USER) do |scp|
scp.upload! "tmp/build/http:/#{HOSTNAME}:#{PORT}/static.tar.gz", REMOTE_DIR
puts "setting up server..."
Net::SSH.start(HOSTNAME, USER) do |ssh|
ssh.exec! "rm -rf ~/www/#{APPLICATION}/#{APPLICATION}"
ssh.exec! "rm -rf ~/www/#{APPLICATION}/sproutcore"
ssh.exec! "rm ~/www/#{APPLICATION}/index.html"
ssh.exec! "cd ~/www/#{APPLICATION}/ && tar xzvf static.tar.gz"
ssh.exec! "rm ~/www/#{APPLICATION}/static.tar.gz"
ssh.exec! "ln -s ~/www/#{APPLICATION}/#{APPLICATION}/en/#{deployid}/index.html ~/www/#{APPLICATION}/index.html"
puts "SUCCESS!"
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