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Last active December 22, 2020 10:06
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GroupDocs.Translation Cloud CSharp Examples
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.FileExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Copy_File
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId= "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add FROM storage name here
string srcStorageName = "";
// add TO storage name here
string destStorageName = "";
// add FROM path here
string srcPath = "";
// add TO path here
string destPath = "";
FileApi api = new FileApi(conf);
CopyFileRequest request = new CopyFileRequest();
request.srcStorageName = srcStorageName;
request.destStorageName = destStorageName;
request.srcPath = srcPath;
request.destPath = destPath;
Console.WriteLine($"File copied");
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.FolderExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Copy_Folder
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add FROM storage name here
string srcStorageName = "";
// add TO storage name here
string destStorageName = "";
// add FROM folder name here
string srcPath = "";
// add TO folder name here
string destPath = "";
FolderApi api = new FolderApi(conf);
CopyFolderRequest request = new CopyFolderRequest();
request.srcStorageName = srcStorageName;
request.destStorageName = destStorageName;
request.srcPath = srcPath;
request.destPath = destPath;
Console.WriteLine($"Folder copied");
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.FolderExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Create_Folder
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add storage name here
string storageName = "";
// add folder name here
string path = "";
FolderApi api = new FolderApi(conf);
CreateFolderRequest request = new CreateFolderRequest();
request.storageName = storageName;
request.path = path;
Console.WriteLine($"Folder {path} created");
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.FileExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Delete_File
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add storage name here
string storageName = "";
// add folder name here
string path = "";
FileApi api = new FileApi(conf);
DeleteFileRequest request = new DeleteFileRequest();
request.storageName = storageName;
request.path = path;
Console.WriteLine($"File {path} deleted");
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.FolderExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Delete_Folder
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add storage name here
string storageName = "";
// add folder name here
string path = "";
FolderApi api = new FolderApi(conf);
DeleteFolderRequest request = new DeleteFolderRequest();
request.storageName = storageName;
request.path = path;
Console.WriteLine($"Folder {path} deleted");
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using System.IO;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.FileExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Download_File
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add storage name here
string storageName = "";
// add folder name here
string path = "";
FileApi api = new FileApi(conf);
DownloadFileRequest request = new DownloadFileRequest();
request.storageName = storageName;
request.path = path;
Stream response = api.DownloadFile(request);
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.StorageExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_File_Versions
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add storage name here
string storageName = "";
StorageApi api = new StorageApi(conf);
GetFileVersionsRequest request = new GetFileVersionsRequest();
request.storageName = storageName;
FileVersions response = api.GetFileVersions(request);
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.FolderExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Files_List
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add storage name here
string storageName = "";
// add folder name here
string path = "";
FolderApi api = new FolderApi(conf);
GetFilesListRequest request = new GetFilesListRequest();
request.storageName = storageName;
request.path = path;
FilesList response = api.GetFilesList(request);
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.FileExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Move_File
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add FROM storage name here
string srcStorageName = "";
// add TO storage name here
string destStorageName = "";
// add FROM path here
string srcPath = "";
// add TO path here
string destPath = "";
FileApi api = new FileApi(conf);
MoveFileRequest request = new MoveFileRequest();
request.srcStorageName = srcStorageName;
request.destStorageName = destStorageName;
request.srcPath = srcPath;
request.destPath = destPath;
Console.WriteLine($"File moved");
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.FolderExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Move_Folder
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add FROM storage name here
string srcStorageName = "";
// add TO storage name here
string destStorageName = "";
// add FROM folder name here
string srcPath = "";
// add TO folder name here
string destPath = "";
FolderApi api = new FolderApi(conf);
MoveFolderRequest request = new MoveFolderRequest();
request.srcStorageName = srcStorageName;
request.destStorageName = destStorageName;
request.srcPath = srcPath;
request.destPath = destPath;
Console.WriteLine($"Folder moved");
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.StorageExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Object_Exists
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add storage name here
string storageName = "";
StorageApi api = new StorageApi(conf);
ObjectExistsRequest request = new ObjectExistsRequest();
request.storageName = storageName;
ObjectExist response = api.ObjectExists(request);
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.StorageExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Space_Usage
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add storage name here
string storageName = "";
StorageApi api = new StorageApi(conf);
GetDiscUsageRequest request = new GetDiscUsageRequest();
request.storageName = storageName;
DiscUsage response = api.GetDiscUsage(request);
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.StorageExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Storage_Exists
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add storage name here
string storageName = "";
StorageApi api = new StorageApi(conf);
StorageExistsRequest request = new StorageExistsRequest();
request.storageName = storageName;
StorageExist response = api.StorageExists(request);
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.TranslationExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Translate_Document
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add file name to translate here
string name = "";
// add path where file is kept, leave as empty string if no specific folder
string folder = "";
// add language pair here, see
string pair = "";
// add format of file to translate, see
string format = "";
// add format of translated file, see
string outFormat = "";
// add storage name, add "First Storage" if default storage is used
string storage = "";
// add name of translated file
string saveFile = "";
// add path where to save translated file, leave as empty string if no specific folder(s)
string savePath = "";
// in case of PowerPoint translation, if master slides should be translated
bool masters = false;
// in case of Excel or Powerpoint translation, put zero based indexes of worksheets or slides to translate
List<int> elements = new List<int>();
TranslationApi api = new TranslationApi(conf);
TranslateDocumentRequest request = api.CreateDocumentRequest(name, folder, pair, format, outFormat, storage, saveFile, savePath, masters, elements);
TranslationResponse response = api.RunTranslationTask(request);
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.TranslationExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Translate_Text
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add language pair here, see
string pair = "";
// add text to translate here
string text = "";
TranslationApi api = new TranslationApi(conf);
TranslateTextRequest request = api.CreateTextRequest(pair, text);
TextResponse response = api.RunTranslationTextTask(request);
//TODO: Get your ClientId and ClientSecret at (free registration is required).
using System;
using System.IO;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model;
using GroupDocs.Translation.Cloud.SDK.NET.Model.Requests;
namespace Examples.FileExamples
public class Translation_CSharp_Upload_File
public static void Run()
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// add your ClientId here
conf.ClientId = "";
// add your ClientSecret here
conf.ClientSecret = "";
// add storage name here
string storageName = "";
// add path to file to upload on storage
string path = "";
// add path to file to upload here
string localPath = "";
FileStream fileStream = File.Open(localPath, FileMode.Open);
FileApi api = new FileApi(conf);
UploadFileRequest request = new UploadFileRequest();
request.storageName = storageName;
request.path = path;
request.File = fileStream;
FilesUploadResult response = api.UploadFile(request);
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