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Created May 18, 2018 21:11
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class FeatureSpace(object):
def __init__(self, max_k):
self.max_k = max_k
self.knn_classifier = KNeighborsClassifier(max_k)
def train(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def transform(self, raw_scores):
raise NotImplementedError
def k_neighbors(self, scores):
return self.knn_classifier.kneighbors(scores)
class CCAFeatureSpace(FeatureSpace):
def __init__(self, max_k, n_axes, spp_transform=None):
super(CCAFeatureSpace, self).__init__(n_axes, max_k)
self.n_axes = n_axes
self.spp_transform = spp_transform
def train(self, species_df, environmental_df, id_field='ID'):
# Here's where you run NumpyCCA
# Set a bunch of self variables that define the space
self.fcids = np.array(species_df.__dict__[id_field])
spp_arr = np.array(species_df.drop(columns=[id_field]))
env_arr = np.array(enironmental_df.drop(columns=[id_field]))
cca_obj = NumpyCCA(spp_arr, env_arr)
self.coefficients = cca_obj.coefficients()
self.lc_scores = cca_obj.site_lc_scores()
# ...
# At the end, set the plot_scores on the knn_classifier, fcids)
def transform(self, raw_scores):
# This is function transform_env_score in current code
return transform_env_score(raw_scores)
def k_neighbors(self, scores):
dist, ind = super(CCAFeatureSpace, self).k_neighbors(scores)
neighbor_ids = self.fcids[ind[0]]
return dist[0], neighbor_ids
class EuclideanFeatureSpace(FeatureSpace):
def __init__(self, max_k):
super(EuclideanFeatureSpace, self).__init__(max_k)
def train(self, environmental_df, id_field='ID')
self.fcids = np.array(environmental_df.__dict__[id_field])
# Here's where you'd set up the axes based on normalized
# environmental variables, like in our first example
# ...
# At the end, set the plot_scores on the knn_classifier, fcids)
def transform(self, raw_scores):
# Standardize environmental variables
# Not currently implemented
return subtract_mean_divide_std(raw_scores)
def k_neighbors(self, scores):
# TODO: Redundant with CCA because self.fcids is member
# of subclasses
dist, ind = super(EuclideanFeatureSpace, self).k_neighbors(scores)
neighbor_ids = self.fcids[ind[0]]
return dist[0], neighbor_ids
# A class to represent a stack (bands) of rasters that is capable
# of imputation and attribution
class RasterList(object):
def __init__(self, rasters):
# Build the raster list
self.raster_list = # ...
def extract(self, point_feature_class):
# Extract spatial signatures at plot locations
return pd.DataFrame(env_signatures)
def impute(self, feature_space_obj):
# This is essentially your updatePixels loop from
# lines 347-351
pix_array_dim = pix_array.shape
num_squares_x = pix_array_dim[1]
num_squares_y = pix_array_dim[2]
nn_neighbors = np.ones((band_count, num_squares_x, num_squares_y))
for num_x in range(0, int(num_squares_x)):
for num_y in range(0, int(num_squares_y)):
raw_score = pix_array[:, num_x, num_y])
transformed_score = feature_space_obj.transform(raw_score)
self.distances, self.neighbors = (
def map_attribute(self, attr_df, map_attr, k=None, distance_weighting=None):
# Yet to do, but basically the logic in lines 351:353
def main():
# Set up your input layers
# This is more like pseudocode, but I'm guesing you have methods
# to do this stuff
raster_stack = RasterList([
Raster.extract_band('C:/path/to/harmonic/regression', 1)
Raster.extract_band('C:/path/to/harmonic/regression', 2)
# ...
# Sample point feature class
fc = FeatureClass('C:/path/to/feature/class')
# Get the environmental matrix
env_df = raster_stack.extract(fc)
# We'll pretend we're running a CCA, so read in a species file
# as well
spp_df = pd.read_csv('C:/path/to/species/file')
# Create the CCA object and train it using the two matrices
fs_obj = CCAFeatureSpace(8, 10, spp_transform='SQRT')
fs_obj.train(env_df, spp_df, id_field='FCID')
# Get all neighbors and distances using the requested feature space
# Note that we're guaranteed that the same ordering of environmental
# data that went into the feature space creation is the same when
# running impute
# We'll pretend we have a separate CSV file of attributes, although
# they could be connected to the point feature class as well
attr_df = pd.read_csv('C:/path/to/attributes/file')
# Map a given variable and return a raster
psme_raster = raster_stack.map_attribute(
attr_df, 'PSME', k=5, distance_weighting='INVERSE'
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@grovduck I am refactoring pieces of the CCA-kNN-Attribute mapping so that each gets it's own function. One they have their own functions, they can be chained together. Take a look at the example screenshot:
Example Function Chain

This is how Esri intends for multiple processes to be chained together. What do you think of this model? Any luck exploring the Python Raster Functions on your machine?

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