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Last active June 11, 2024 16:29
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  • Save grovduck/6877a76ba4f873b280890887fa636817 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
class NetworkFiles:
neighbor_filename: str
distance_filename: str
class Config:
tree_data_filename: str
tree_columns: list[str]
network_files: NetworkFiles
tree_id_field: str
plot_id_field: str
synthetic_id_field: str
k: int
d: int
r: float
output_filename: str
min_synthetic_id: int | None = None
max_synthetic_id: int | None = None
ROOT = Path("M:/research/synthetic_plots/aa")
neighbor_filename=ROOT / "quantile_mesh/quantile_mesh_k25_neighbors.csv",
distance_filename=ROOT / "quantile_mesh/quantile_mesh_k25_distances.csv",
neighbor_filename=ROOT / "reference_network/reference_network_k25_neighbors.csv",
distance_filename=ROOT / "reference_network/reference_network_k25_distances.csv",
/ "equal_interval_mesh/equal_interval_mesh_k25_neighbors.csv",
/ "equal_interval_mesh/equal_interval_mesh_k25_distances.csv",
FUZZED_NETWORK = NetworkFiles(
neighbor_filename=ROOT / "fuzzed_network/fuzzed_network_k25_neighbors.csv",
distance_filename=ROOT / "fuzzed_network/fuzzed_network_k25_distances.csv",
QUANTILE_K10_D0_R1 = Config(
tree_columns=["LIVE_ID", "FCID", "SPP_SYMBOL", "DBH_CM", "TPH_FC"],
"quantile_k10_d0_r10": QUANTILE_K10_D0_R1,
# from dask.distributed import Client
# client = Client("tcp://")
import math
import click
import dask.dataframe as dd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from config import CONFIG_LOOKUP, Config, NetworkFiles
# Trees-per-hectare thresholds for censoring trees, corresponding
# to the radii (in feet) of the microplot, subplot, and macroplot
# and across all four subplots.
0: 1.0 / (4.0 * math.pi * ((6.8 * 0.3049) ** 2) / 10000),
1: 1.0 / (4.0 * math.pi * ((24.0 * 0.3049) ** 2) / 10000),
2: 1.0 / (4.0 * math.pi * ((58.9 * 0.3049) ** 2) / 10000),
def get_synthetic_network_data(
network: NetworkFiles,
) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Read in neighbors and distances from the synthetic network."""
neighbor_df = pd.read_csv(network.neighbor_filename)
distance_df = pd.read_csv(network.distance_filename)
return neighbor_df, distance_df
def melt_and_merge_network(
neighbor_df: pd.DataFrame,
distance_df: pd.DataFrame,
synthetic_id_field: str,
plot_id_field: str,
) -> dd.DataFrame:
"""Melt synthetic neighbors and distances and merge together."""
def _melt(df: pd.DataFrame, value_name: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
melted_df = df.melt(
id_vars=[synthetic_id_field], var_name="NEIGHBOR", value_name=value_name
melted_df["NEIGHBOR"] = melted_df["NEIGHBOR"].str.replace("NN", "").astype(int)
return melted_df
neighbor_df = _melt(neighbor_df, value_name=plot_id_field)
distance_df = _melt(distance_df, value_name="DISTANCE")
return dd.from_pandas(
neighbor_df.merge(distance_df, on=[synthetic_id_field, "NEIGHBOR"])
def get_weights_df(df: dd.DataFrame, k: int, d: int) -> dd.DataFrame:
"""Return neighbor weights based on gradient distance and weighting scheme(d)."""
weights = df.groupby("NEIGHBOR", as_index=False).DISTANCE.first().head(k)
weights["WEIGHT"] = (1.0 / weights.DISTANCE) ** d
weights["WEIGHT"] = weights.WEIGHT / weights.WEIGHT.sum()
return weights
def censor_by_threshold(df: dd.DataFrame, tph_field: str, r: float) -> dd.DataFrame:
"""Censor the tree data based on the TPH thresholds."""
# TODO: Calculating each time - could be more efficient
r_thresholds = {k: v * r for k, v in THRESHOLDS.items()}
# Bin the DBH values into groups based on the microplot, subplot, and
# macroplot diameter thresholds
df["DBH_GROUP"] = np.digitize(df.DBH_CM, [12.7, 54.0])
# Calulate the sum of TPH for each species and DBH group
grouped = (
df.groupby(["SPP_SYMBOL", "DBH_GROUP"], as_index=False)[tph_field]
.rename(columns={tph_field: "SUM_TPH"})
# Add a new field to indicate whether the species / DBH group met the
# censoring threshold
grouped["INCLUDE"] = np.where(
grouped.SUM_TPH >=, 1, 0
# Identify all species where at least one DBH group met the threshold
species = grouped.groupby("SPP_SYMBOL", as_index=False).INCLUDE.agg("max")
df = df.merge(species, on=["SPP_SYMBOL"])
# Zero out the TPH associated with species that did not meet the threshold
df[f"{tph_field}_CENSORED"] = np.where(df.INCLUDE == 1, df[tph_field], 0.0)
return df
def weight_and_censor(df: dd.DataFrame, k: int, d: float, r: float) -> dd.DataFrame:
"""Weight and censor the tree data based on the k, d, and r parameters."""
# Assign weights to records based on the k and d parameters
weight_df = get_weights_df(df, k, d)
df = df.merge(weight_df[["NEIGHBOR", "WEIGHT"]], on="NEIGHBOR")
# For plot neighbors that do not have treelists, fill in null values
# TODO: We're treating SPP_SYMBOL separately as the only string column.
# This needs to be generalized
df["SPP_SYMBOL"] = df["SPP_SYMBOL"].fillna("")
df = df.fillna(0)
# Calculate the modified TPH based on the weight and only retain
# records with a positive TPH. Note that the original network lists
# may contain records with neighbors all the way up to k=25, so this
# removes all reacords >= k
df[f"TPH_FC_K{k}"] = df.TPH_FC * df.WEIGHT
df = df[df[f"TPH_FC_K{k}"] > 0.0]
df = df.drop(columns="WEIGHT")
# Using the modified TPH, censor the data based on the r parameter
df = censor_by_threshold(df, f"TPH_FC_K{k}", r)
# Return only the records that are above the censoring threshold
return df[df[f"TPH_FC_K{k}_CENSORED"] > 0.0].drop(columns=["DBH_GROUP", "INCLUDE"])
def _main(config_key: str) -> None:
# Set the configuration for this run
config: Config = CONFIG_LOOKUP[config_key]
# Read in the tree data and subset to just the columns we need
# Note that all plots that might be candidate neighbors are represented
# in this list, including plots with no tree records. In this case,
# all fields except the plot_id_field will be null.
tree_df = dd.read_parquet(config.tree_data_filename)
drop_columns = list(set(tree_df.columns) - set(config.tree_columns))
tree_df = tree_df.drop(columns=drop_columns)
# Read in neighbors and distances from the synthetic network
syn_nn_df, syn_dist_df = get_synthetic_network_data(config.network_files)
# Subset the data if min_plot_id or max_plot_id are set
if config.min_synthetic_id or config.max_synthetic_id:
min_synthetic_id = config.min_synthetic_id or 1
max_synthetic_id = (
config.max_synthetic_id or syn_nn_df[config.synthetic_id_field].max()
def subset_df(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
conds = (df[config.synthetic_id_field] >= min_synthetic_id) & (
df[config.synthetic_id_field] <= max_synthetic_id
return df[conds]
syn_nn_df = subset_df(syn_nn_df)
syn_dist_df = subset_df(syn_dist_df)
# Melt and merge the neighbors and distances
syn_df = melt_and_merge_network(
syn_nn_df, syn_dist_df, config.synthetic_id_field, config.plot_id_field
# Join the synthetic plot data and the tree data
syn_tree_df = syn_df.merge(tree_df, on=config.plot_id_field)
syn_tree_df = syn_tree_df.repartition(npartitions=30)
# Describe the data types for the apply function
meta = {
"NEIGHBOR": "int64",
config.plot_id_field: "int64",
"DISTANCE": "float64",
config.tree_id_field: "int64",
"SPP_SYMBOL": "string",
"DBH_CM": "float64",
"TPH_FC": "float64",
f"TPH_FC_K{config.k}": "float64",
f"TPH_FC_K{config.k}_CENSORED": "float64",
# Apply the k, d, and r parameters to the tree data
syn_tree_df = (
# Change types before export
syn_tree_df = syn_tree_df.astype({config.tree_id_field: "int32"})
# Set columns for export
columns = [
config.output_filename, index=False, float_format="%.4f"
@click.argument("config-key", type=str)
def main(config_key: str):
import time
start = time.time()
print(f"Elapsed time: {time.time() - start}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
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aazuspan commented May 8, 2024

@grovduck, I spent some time optimizing things at the Pandas level and managed to get the time down from ~45s with Dask to ~4s without Dask. The main change was avoiding the apply call to weight_and_censor by vectorizing things as much as possible. My understanding is that apply is inherently slow, and Dask can't do much to improve that.

I don't think there's a way to make a PR against a Gist, so I made a private repo to track the changes (didn't push any data, just code!). There are 3 4 branches:

  • main: Your reference implementation that I used for comparison, with a few changes for repeatability1. Runs in about 45s.
  • no-dask: Same as main but without any Dask, just to keep things simple. Runs in about 76s.
  • no-apply: Same as no-dask but vectorized. Runs in about 4s.
  • polars: Re-implemented no-apply in Polars. Runs in about 0.8s.

The no-apply implementation is very rough around the edges, and was just a quick proof of concept. I tried to be very granular with the commits though, so it should hopefully be easy to track what I changed and why. Fair warning, I only tested with the QUANTILE_K10_D1_R1 config, so it's totally possible that it will break with other configs. I didn't try adding Dask back in yet, but that would be good to test.

If you want to try running these directly, I put the data files in a ./data directory in the repo root, and ran main first to make the reference file.

p.s. I'm still curious to try this in Polars, which claims to be substantially faster than Dask. I may poke around with that...


  1. I made a couple changes to your code to set up the testing, like fully sorting the output, not timing the CSV write, and using a new linear distance weighted config just to make sure I didn't screw up the weighting.

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grovduck commented May 8, 2024

@aazuspan, that is completely bonkers that you reduced the time so much! Thank you so much for looking at this. I'm just starting up the review of the estimator wrapper, but will see what you've done here and hopefully follow along!

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@aazuspan, just got a chance to go through the code commit by commit. So cool. All of your incremental changes made really good sense, but I'm blown away that more or less taking all the logic that was in the apply out of the apply makes it this much faster. I don't think I've really ever used groupby.transform too much, so that was cool to see how you did that, even on something like normalizing the weights.

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If you want to try running these directly, I put the data files in a ./data directory in the repo root, and ran main first to make the reference file.

I don't actually see this directory in the repo, but maybe better that we don't put it up there. I've just created a data directory locally and will continue to test with that.

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aazuspan commented Jun 6, 2024

@grovduck I had some down time while waiting for models to train, so I took a stab at re-writing this with Polars, which you can find on the polars branch. That turned out to be a pretty painless process considering I'd never used it before, and it brings the execution time down from 4s to 0.8s EDIT: 0.7s with some optimizations!

I'm not sure that's enough of a speedup to justify mixing or switching dataframe libraries, but it might be worth a closer look if the pandas code turned out to be a significant bottleneck.

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grovduck commented Jun 7, 2024

@aazuspan, this is bonkers! So cool to see. The refactoring really didn't look too painful - with_columns definitely looks like a "go-to" method!

I tested on the full 100,000 synthetic plot IDs and my timings from the no-apply branch to the polars branch went from 41.9s to 6.2s, so between a 6x and 7x speedup. What are your thoughts on using polars? To me, the code looks fairly straightforward to understand and obviously relies quite a bit on chaining. But, as you say, that's also a big move to switch/mix the libraries, so it would be good to think through the ramifications.

We might be running this code hundreds of thousands of times with one of our projects, so that might factor into the decision as well. I think next steps are to get synthetic_knn.datasets ready with the FIADB plots and then move this work over into synthetic-knn?

Thanks so much for pushing on this!

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aazuspan commented Jun 7, 2024

What are your thoughts on using polars? To me, the code looks fairly straightforward to understand and obviously relies quite a bit on chaining. But, as you say, that's also a big move to switch/mix the libraries, so it would be good to think through the ramifications.

We might be running this code hundreds of thousands of times with one of our projects, so that might factor into the decision as well.

My first impression of polars is really positive - nice API, great docs, and obviously the performance speaks for itself. It automatically does a lot of the same parallelization and task graph optimization as Dask, and has at least partial support (so far) for streaming larger-than-memory data. I think for an internal tool or end-to-end applications like this (i.e. files go in, files come out), I would 100% support switching, given how those performance improvements will potentially scale as you mentioned.

Aside from the time we would need to spend learning a new package, my only reservation to switching to polars would be cases where users would need to pass in dataframes or work with intermediate outputs, just because pandas is so ubiquitous that everyone's already familiar with it. It's easy to move between the two formats (with pl.from_pandas or pl.DataFrame.to_pandas), but it obviously adds a little complexity and overhead if we're switching back and forth.

I guess I lean towards polars, especially if this is primarily going to be used by us, but I'm not opposed to sticking with pandas either, since there are some strong arguments there in terms of compatibility.

I think next steps are to get synthetic_knn.datasets ready with the FIADB plots and then move this work over into synthetic-knn?

Sounds like a good plan!

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I guess I lean towards polars, especially if this is primarily going to be used by us, but I'm not opposed to sticking with pandas either, since there are some strong arguments there in terms of compatibility.

I can definitely see the use case for polars here if for no other reason than speed. I haven't yet hit you with the second part of this, which is to take the tree-level data and calculate stand-level attributes from it, but I'm guessing it will similarly benefit from polars. For now, I think synthetic-knn will be mostly an internal package, but perhaps it will be worth bringing in the crosswalking to pandas at some later date.

For now, I think we can sit on this until I get the synthetic_knn.datasets PR in place.

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