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Give me back my sanity

One of the many things I do for my group at work is to take care of automating as many things as possible. It usually brings me a lot of satisfaction, mostly because I get a kick out of making people's lives easier.

But sometimes, maybe too often, I end up in drawn-out struggles with machines and programs. And sometimes, these struggles bring me to the edge of despair, so much so that I regularly consider living on a computer-less island growing vegetables for a living.

This is the story of how I had to install Pandoc in a CentOS 6 Docker container. But more generally, this is the story of how I think computing is inherently broken, how programmers (myself included) tend to think that their way is the way, how we're ultimately replicating what most of us think is wrong with society, building upon layers and layers of (best-case scenario) obscure and/or weak foundations.

I would like to extend my gratitude to Google, StackOverflow, GitHub issues but mostly, the people who make the beer I drink

It all starts with this beautifully simple command:

yum install -y pandoc

After resolving about 80 dependencies and downloading around 150Mb of data, here we have it, a beautiful new Pandoc.

Except it isn't so new, because CentOS doesn't really do new, so instead we have Pandoc You'd be tempted to think it doesn't matter so much, and that a few missing features aren't the end of the world. Unfortunately though this particular version is shipped with its very own show-stopping bugs.

"Do not fret" I hear, let's build a newer version of Pandoc ourselves!

Pandoc was written in Haskell, a quick Google search (like the 100's of other quick searches that led to this point) tells me that the compiler for Haskell is named GHC, why not...

My first reaction is to go:

yum install -y ghc

Quite a bit of time later (GHC is provided with 4 different flavours of every single library), we now have GHC 7.0.4-46.

Fast-forward a couple of hours and realize that this particular version of GHC is outdated, too...

It's ok, let's build it ourselves then:

RUN wget
RUN tar xf ghc-7.8.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-centos65.tar.bz2
RUN cd ghc-7.8.2 && ./configure
RUN cd ghc-7.8.2 && make install

GHC doesn't need make, just make install; they're pretty proud of that - I couldn't care less.

And that successfully installed the new version of GHC. Getting there, or are we?

Well as it turns out, Pandoc is installed through Cabal, some sort of package-manager-which-isn't-really-one for Haskell.

I tentatively try yum, which of course ends in failure, and proceed to build Cabal:

yum install -y which gmp-devel

Because my base CentOS Docker image doesn't have which, and because Cabal's compilation throws an error about a missing -lgmp, stupid me, it's obviously the gmp-devel package.

tar xf cabal-install-
cd cabal-install- && ./

And it builds, and downloads, and builds some more, and downloads some more...

ln -s /.cabal/bin/cabal /usr/bin/cabal

Because installing Cabal doesn't add Cabal to your path. This is nasty, I don't care, let's move on.

cabal update

Because it couldn't have done so previously, and so it builds and downloads some more.

By this point, I could have probably hand-written the converted files on a daily basis and still wasted less time. But we're almost there...

So I install Pandoc (and Citeproc), finally:

cabal install pandoc pandoc-citeproc

Hmm, there's an error with a missing UTF-8 locale, let's generate it with this completely obvious command:

localedef -v -c -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8

Funny thing is, this command actually throws an error, which Docker doesn't like when building, so hey, why not:

RUN localedef -v -c -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 || true

And here we go, error ignored whatever happens.

But wait, building Pandoc still doesn't go through, as it turns out it's missing an environment variable which we could tell from the previous step was hard-coded somewhere else. Of course it doesn't explicitly tell you, the depths of the Internet are your friend:


I re-build Pandoc and go read the entirety of Les Miserables in the mean time...

Another nasty symlink to the executables, because Cabal doesn't do that either:

ln -s /.cabal/bin/pandoc /usr/bin/pandoc
ln -s /.cabal/bin/pandoc-citeproc /usr/bin/pandoc-citeproc

And here we go, we now have a working Pandoc!

You may not believe it, but this is a really concise version of what I actually had to go through.

I don't doubt that I'm not the sharpest tool in the box or that there aren't more shortcuts I could have taken, but in my view this process is completely crazy.

In my opinion, we've done this to ourselves, maybe because of developer ego, maybe because we're not as smart as we think we are, or maybe because we and the rest of the world expect too much, too quickly. I don't have an answer, nor do I have a solution to the whole problem, but I'll definitely think twice about telling anybody else to get into this business.

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walle commented Nov 19, 2014

@DanielBaird thanks for the endorsement :)

I just created a Dockerfile for gimli,, that can run gimli in a container. It's my first Dockerfile though, so I'm bound to have missed something, enhancements are always appreciated.

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mietek commented Dec 7, 2014

You could also check out Halcyon.

$ time halcyon install pandoc
-----> Deploying app from install
       Prefix:                                   /app
       Label:                                    pandoc-1.13.1
       Source hash:                              58dbb34
       External storage:                         private and public

-----> Restoring install
       Downloading s3:// done
       Extracting halcyon-install-58dbb34-pandoc-1.13.1.tar.gz... done, 85MB
-----> Install restored
-----> Installing app into /app... done

-----> App deployed:                             pandoc-1.13.1

real    0m13.565s
user    0m3.514s
sys     0m3.154s

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Thanks for this! Just moved to CentOS and had similar pain when doing this for Ubuntu so happy to get some tips to avoid future pain.

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@mietek tried your suggestion for Halcyon without luck. moving discussion to question on SO if you can answer!

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ZhengRui commented Mar 1, 2015

Thanks, save me a lot of time

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acanas commented Apr 8, 2015

Thanks for telling your experience. Unfortunately not work for me, but this does:

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jstaf commented Mar 23, 2016

Works like a charm on CentOS 6.6... words cannot express how happy I am to get this working (literally bashed my head against my desk for about 4 hours today before I found this).

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If you want to install cabal globally you can run ./ --global

It will then be available in /usr/local/bin/cabal

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Seems to have got easier now if you use stack as per the official pandoc page.

Here a Dockerfile for rhel6

FROM rhel6

# stack
RUN curl -sSL | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/fpco.repo
RUN curl -s -o /tmp/pandoc-${VERSION}.tar.gz${VERSION}.tar.gz

RUN yum -y install stack gcc zlib-devel

RUN tar zxf /tmp/pandoc-${VERSION}.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src
RUN cd /usr/local/src/pandoc-${VERSION} && stack setup 
RUN cd /usr/local/src/pandoc-${VERSION} && stack install

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My issue with using stack is that I STILL have a binary that isn't portable bc it wants to look in weird directories for a stack work directory. I don't want stack on all of our prod machines. I JUST want pandoc.

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caot commented Oct 26, 2017

pandoc through anaconda will be helpful.

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pjrola commented Aug 30, 2018

I'm leaving this link here for anyone who is still struggling I managed to install it by following

wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d/
yum install -y pandoc pandoc-citeproc

will get you pandoc 1.15 if however you need the latest you should do

wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d/
yum install -y pandoc pandoc-citeproc

which will get you 2.2.1
hopefully this saves someone from days of work like I just experienced.

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