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Created April 22, 2016 01:42
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Scala RandomAccessList
trait Node[+T] {
val index: Int
val left: Node[T]
val right: Node[T]
val len: Int
def apply(index: Int): T = ???
def update[X >: T](index: Int, value: X): Node[X] = ???
case object NullNode extends Node[Nothing] {
override val len: Int = 0
override val index: Int = -1
override val left: Node[Nothing] = this
override val right: Node[Nothing] = this
case class ValueNode[T](index: Int, value: T, left: Node[T], right: Node[T]) extends Node[T] {
val len: Int = left.len + right.len + 1
override def apply(index: Int): T =
if (index == this.index) value
else if (index <= right.index) right(index)
else left(index)
override def update[X >: T](index: Int, value: X): ValueNode[X] =
if (index == this.index) ValueNode(index, value, left, right)
else if (index <= right.index) ValueNode(index, value, left, right.update(index, value))
else ValueNode(index, value, left.update(index, value), right)
trait RandomAccessList[+T] {
val head: Node[T]
val right: RandomAccessList[T]
def len: Int
def apply(index: Int): T = ???
def update[X >: T](index: Int, value: X): RandomAccessList[X] = ???
def append[X >: T](value: X): RandomAccessList[X] = this
case object NilRandomAccessList extends RandomAccessList[Nothing] {
override val head: Node[Nothing] = NullNode
override val right: RandomAccessList[Nothing] = this
override val len: Int = 0
case class VRandomAccessList[T](head: Node[T], right: RandomAccessList[T]) extends RandomAccessList[T] {
override def apply(index: Int): T =
if (index > this.right.head.index) this.head(index)
else right(index)
override def update[X >: T](index: Int, value: X): RandomAccessList[X] =
if (index > right.head.index)
VRandomAccessList(head.update(index, value), right)
VRandomAccessList(head, right.update(index, value))
override def append[X >: T](value: X): RandomAccessList[X] =
if (firstTwoTreesEqualHeight)
VRandomAccessList(ValueNode(head.index + 1, value, head, right.head), right.right)
VRandomAccessList(ValueNode(head.index + 1, value, NullNode, NullNode), this)
private val firstTwoTreesEqualHeight =
right.head.len == head.len && right.head.len > 0
override def len: Int = head.len + right.len
object RandomAccessListApp extends App{
val nElements = 1000 * 1000 * 10
val emptyList: RandomAccessList[Int] = VRandomAccessList[Int](NullNode, NilRandomAccessList)
val list = (0 until nElements).foldLeft(emptyList)(_ append _)
object FastNode {
def len[T](fastNode: FastNode[T]): Int = if (fastNode == null) 0 else fastNode.len
case class FastNode[+T](index: Int, value: T, left: FastNode[T], right: FastNode[T]) {
val len: Int =
(if (left == null) 0 else left.len) +
(if (right == null) 0 else right.len) +
def apply(index: Int): T =
if (index == this.index) value
else if (index <= right.index) right(index)
else left(index)
def update[X >: T](index: Int, value: X): FastNode[X] =
if (index == this.index) FastNode(index, value, left, right)
else if (index <= right.index) FastNode(index, value, left, right.update(index, value))
else FastNode(index, value, left.update(index, value), right)
object FastRandomAccessList {
def len[T](fastRandomAccessList: FastRandomAccessList[T]) = if (fastRandomAccessList == null) 0 else fastRandomAccessList.len
case class FastRandomAccessList[+T](head: FastNode[T], right: FastRandomAccessList[T]) {
def apply(index: Int): T =
if (right.head == null || index > right.head.index) head(index)
else right(index)
def update[X >: T](index: Int, value: X): FastRandomAccessList[X] =
if (index > right.head.index)
FastRandomAccessList(head.update(index, value), right)
FastRandomAccessList(head, right.update(index, value))
def append[X >: T](value: X): FastRandomAccessList[X] =
if (firstTwoTreesEqualHeight)
FastRandomAccessList(FastNode(head.index + 1, value, head, right.head), right.right)
if (head != null) head.index + 1 else 0,
value, null, null),
private val firstTwoTreesEqualHeight =
if (head == null) false
else FastNode.len(right.head) == FastNode.len(head) && FastNode.len(right.head) > 0
val len: Int = FastNode.len(head) + FastRandomAccessList.len(right)
object FastRandomAccessListFastApp extends App {
val nElements = 1000 * 1000 * 10
val emptyList: FastRandomAccessList[Int] = FastRandomAccessList[Int](null, null)
val list = (0 until nElements).foldLeft(emptyList)(_ append _)
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