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Created November 15, 2017 12:00
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mongoengine atomic get_or_create using findAndModify
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from mongoengine import Document, IntField, StringField, connect
class ChatUser(Document):
_access = IntField() # internal access counter
chat_id = IntField(required=True, unique=True)
platform = StringField(required=True, choices=('telegram', 'facebook'), default='telegram')
name = StringField(required=True)
state = StringField()
def get_or_create(cls, query, new=None):
setOnInsert = cls().to_mongo().to_dict()
if new:
update = {'$inc': {'_access': 1}}
if setOnInsert:
update['$setOnInsert'] = setOnInsert
res = cls._get_collection().find_one_and_update(
query, update, return_document=True, upsert=True)
if res['_access'] == 1:
res['id'] = res.pop('_id')
return cls(**res)
ChatUser.get_or_create(query={'chat_id': 1234}, new={'name': 'user'})
ChatUser.get_or_create(query={'chat_id': 1234}, new={'name': 'user'})
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