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Created April 23, 2019 18:53
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Modified for broadcasting *unencrypted* data via Blockstream Satellite
#!/usr/bin/env python
Post data to the Satellite API for transmission via Blockstream Satellite
import os, sys, argparse, textwrap, struct, zlib, requests, json, logging
# import gnupg
from math import ceil
# Example user-specific message header
class Order:
"""API Transmission Order
server: API server address where the order lives
def __init__(self, server):
# Get order UUID and Authorization Token from user input
uuid = raw_input("UUID: ") or None
if (uuid is None):
raise ValueError("Order UUID is required")
auth_token = raw_input("Authentication Token: ") or None
if (auth_token is None):
raise ValueError("Authentication Token is required")
self.uuid = uuid
self.auth_token = auth_token
self.server = server
# Check the order in the server
r = requests.get(server + '/order/' + uuid,
headers = {
'X-Auth-Token': auth_token
if (r.status_code !=
if "errors" in r.json():
for error in r.json()["errors"]:
print("ERROR: " + error)
self.order = r.json()
logging.debug(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
def bump(self):
"""Bump the order
if (self.order["status"] == "transmitting"):
raise ValueError("Cannot bump - order is already in transmission")
if (self.order["status"] == "sent"):
raise ValueError("Cannot bump - order was already transmitted")
if (self.order["unpaid_bid"] > 0):
unpaid_bid_msg = "(%d msat paid, %d msat unpaid)" %(
self.order["bid"], self.order["unpaid_bid"])
unpaid_bid_msg = ""
previous_bid = self.order["bid"] + self.order["unpaid_bid"]
tx_len = calc_tx_len(self.order["message_size"])
print("Previous bid was %s msat for %s bytes %s" %(
previous_bid, tx_len,
print("Paid bid ratio is currently %s msat/byte" %(
print("Total (paid + unpaid) bid ratio is currently %s msat/byte" %(
float(previous_bid) / tx_len))
# Ask for new bid
bid = ask_bid(tx_len, previous_bid)
# Post bump request
r = + '/order/' + self.uuid + "/bump",
'bid_increase': bid - previous_bid,
'auth_token': self.auth_token
if (r.status_code !=
if "errors" in r.json():
for error in r.json()["errors"]:
print("ERROR: " + error)
# Print the response
print("Order bumped successfully")
print("--\nNew Lightning Invoice Number:\n%s\n" %(
print("--\nNew Amount Due:\n%s millisatoshis\n" %(
logging.debug("API Response:")
logging.debug(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
def delete(self):
"""Delete the order
# Post delete request
r = requests.delete(self.server + '/order/' + self.uuid,
headers = {
'X-Auth-Token': self.auth_token
if (r.status_code !=
if "errors" in r.json():
for error in r.json()["errors"]:
print("ERROR: " + error)
# Print the response
print("Order deleted successfully")
logging.debug("API Response:")
logging.debug(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
def calc_tx_len(msg_len):
"""Compute the number of bytes actually transmitted for a message
The message is carried in the payload of Blocksat packets. Each packet can
fits up to 2048 bytes and adds 16 bytes of overhead.
msg_len : Length of the user message to be transmitted
return msg_len + int(16 * ceil(float(msg_len) / 2048))
def ask_bid(data_size, prev_bid=None):
"""Ask for user bid
data_size : Size of the transmit data in bytes
prev_bid : Previous bid, if any
if (prev_bid is not None):
# Suggest a 5% higher msat/byte ratio
prev_ratio = float(prev_bid) / data_size
suggested_ratio = 1.05 * prev_ratio
min_bid = data_size * suggested_ratio
min_bid = data_size * 50
bid = raw_input("Your " +
("new total " if prev_bid is not None else "") +
"bid to transmit %d bytes " %(data_size) +
"(in millisatoshis): [%d] " %(min_bid)) \
or min_bid
bid = int(bid)
if (prev_bid is not None):
print("Bump bid by %d msat to a total of %d msat (%.2f msat/byte)" %(
bid - prev_bid, bid, float(bid) / data_size))
print("Post data with bid of %d millisatoshis (%.2f msat/byte)" %(
bid, float(bid) / data_size))
return bid
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
Example data sender application
Sends a file to the Satellite API for transmission via Blockstream
Satellite. By default, encapsulates the file into a user-specific
message structure containing the data checksum and the file name,
and posts to the API *unencrypted*.
Supports commands to bump and delete an order that was sent previously.
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='File to send through API')
# parser.add_argument('-g', '--gnupghome', default=".gnupg",
# help='GnuPG home directory (default: .gnupg)')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port',
help='Satellite API server port (default: None)')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('--net', choices=['main', 'test'],
help='Choose Mainnet (main) or Testnet (test) ' +
'Satellite API (default: main)')
group.add_argument('-s', '--server',
help='Satellite API server address (default: ' +
parser.add_argument('--send-raw', default=False,
help='Send file directly, without any user-specific ' +
'data structure (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
help='Debug mode (default: false)')
# Optional actions
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('-b', '--bump', action='store_true',
help='Bump the bid of an order (default: false)')
group.add_argument('-d', '--delete', action='store_true',
help='Delete an order (default: false)')
args = parser.parse_args()
filename = args.file
# gnupghome = args.gnupghome
port = args.port
server = args.server
net =
send_raw = args.send_raw
# Switch debug level
if (args.debug):
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.debug('[Debug Mode]')
if (net is not None and net == "main"):
server = ""
elif (net is not None and net == "test"):
server = ""
# Process the server address
server_addr = server
if (port is not None):
server_addr = server + ":" + port
# Check if bump or delete
if (args.bump or args.delete):
order = Order(server_addr)
if (args.bump):
if (order.order["status"] == "cancelled"):
raise ValueError("Order already cancelled")
if (args.delete):
# GPG object
# gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome = gnupghome)
# Import public GPG keys
# public_keys = gpg.list_keys()
# Use the first public key in case there are multiple
# public_key = public_keys[0]
# Read the file, append header, encrypt and transmit to the Satellite API
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
data =
print("File has %d bytes" %(len(data)))
# Pack data into data structure (header + data), if enabled
if (not send_raw):
# The header contains a CRC32 checksum of the data as well as a
# string with the file name.
header = struct.pack(USER_HEADER_FORMAT,
plain_data = header + data
print("Packed in data structure with a total of %d bytes" %(
plain_data = data
# Encrypt
# recipient = public_key["fingerprint"]
# cipher_data = str(gpg.encrypt(plain_data, recipient))
# print("Encrypted version of the data structure has %d bytes" %(
# len(cipher_data)))
# Final message sent to API for transmission
msg_data = plain_data
msg_len = len(plain_data)
# Actual number of bytes used for satellite transmission
tx_len = calc_tx_len(msg_len)
print("Satellite transmission will use %d bytes" %(tx_len))
# Ask user for bid
bid = ask_bid(tx_len)
# Post request to the API
r = + '/order',
data={'bid': bid},
files={'file': msg_data})
# In case of failure, check the API error message
if (r.status_code != and
r.headers['content-type'] == "application/json"):
if "errors" in r.json():
for error in r.json()["errors"]:
print("ERROR: " + error["title"] + "\n" + error["detail"])
# Raise error if response status indicates failure
# Print the response
print("Data successfully transmitted")
print("--\nAuthentication Token:\n%s" %(r.json()["auth_token"]))
print("--\nUUID:\n%s" %(r.json()["uuid"]))
print("--\nLightning Invoice Number:\n%s" %(
print("--\nAmount Due:\n%s millisatoshis\n" %(
logging.debug("API Response:")
logging.debug(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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