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Created July 29, 2012 02:50
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Hack to allow Backbone.RelationalModel to fetchRelated() an associated collection as a whole in a single request
// Note: this means that on the collection that will be fetched, a truthy-returning fetchAsCollection() function
// must be present
fetchRelated: function( key, options, update ) {
options || ( options = {} );
var setUrl,
requests = [],
rel = this.getRelation( key ),
If you add something like this pseudoCode, it will handle cases where we want to fetch a collection
as a whole, in a single request, provided there is a truthy-returning fetchAsCollection() fn on the collection
model we're wanting to fetch.
keyContents = rel && rel.keyContents,
toFetch = keyContents && _.isArray( keyContents ) ? keyContents : [ keyContents ], function( item ) {
var id = rel.relatedModel, item );
return id && ( update || ! rel.relatedModel, id ) );
}, this );
if ( toFetch && toFetch.length ) {
// Create a model for each entry in 'keyContents' that is to be fetched
var models = toFetch, function( item ) {
var model;
if ( _.isObject( item ) ) {
model = item );
else {
var attrs = {};
attrs[ rel.relatedModel.prototype.idAttribute ] = item;
model = attrs );
return model;
}, this );
// Try if the 'collection' can provide a url to fetch a set of models in one request.
if ( rel.related instanceof Backbone.Collection && _.isFunction( rel.related.url ) ) {
setUrl = rel.related.url( models );
// An assumption is that when 'Backbone.Collection.url' is a function, it can handle building of set urls.
// To make sure it can, test if the url we got by supplying a list of models to fetch is different from
// the one supplied for the default fetch action (without args to 'url').
Added rel.related.fetchAsCollection() === true ||
if ( setUrl && (rel.related.fetchAsCollection() === true || setUrl !== rel.related.url() ) ) {
var opts = _.defaults(
error: function() {
var args = arguments;
_.each( models, function( model ) {
model.trigger( 'destroy', model, model.collection, options );
options.error && options.error.apply( model, args );
url: setUrl
{ add: true }
// /*
// Conditional added here, so we use 'reset' instead of add,
// and get rid of the add altogether, then return the single
// request as our results
// */
if ( rel.related.fetchAsCollection() === true ) {
delete opts.add;
// use reset instead of add since we are working with a collection
opts.reset = true;
requests = rel.related.fetch( opts );
else {
requests = [ rel.related.fetch( opts ) ];
else {
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