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Created February 22, 2011 09:07
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namespace Yarrrr
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
/// <summary>
/// Pirate dictionary be plundered from Davie Reed ( )
/// Yarrr!
/// </summary>
public static class HereBePiratesYarrr
public static string ToSentenceCase(this string input)
return String.Format("{0}{1}", input.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper(), input.Substring(1));
private static Dictionary<string, string> lowerSubstitutions;
private static Dictionary<string, string> sentenceCaseSubstitutions;
static HereBePiratesYarrr()
lowerSubstitutions = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "hello", "ahoy" },
{ "hi", "yo-ho-ho" },
{ "pardon me", "avast" },
{ "excuse me", "arrr" },
{ "yes", "aye" },
{ "my", "me" },
{ "friend", "me bucko" },
{ "sir", "matey" },
{ "madam", "proud beauty" },
{ "miss", "comely wench" },
{ "stranger", "scurvy dog" },
{ "officer", "foul blaggart" },
{ "where", "whar" },
{ "is", "be" },
{ "are", "be" },
{ "am", "be" },
{ "the", "th'" },
{ "you", "ye" },
{ "your", "yer" },
{ "tell", "be tellin'" },
{ "know", "be knowin'" },
{ "how far", "how many leagues" },
{ "old", "barnacle-covered" },
{ "attractive", "comely" },
{ "happy", "grog-filled" },
{ "quickly", "smartly" },
{ "nearby", "broadside" },
{ "restroom", "head" },
{ "restaurant", "galley" },
{ "hotel", "fleabag inn" },
{ "pub", "Skull & Scuppers" },
{ "mall", "market" },
{ "bank", "buried treasure" },
{ "die", "visit Davey Jones' Locker" },
{ "died", "visited Davey Jones' Locker" },
{ "kill", "keel-haul" },
{ "killed", "keel-hauled" },
{ "sleep", "take a caulk" },
{ "stupid", "addled" },
{ "after", "aft" },
{ "stop", "belay" },
{ "nonsense", "bilge" },
{ "ocean", "briny deep" },
{ "song", "shanty" },
{ "money", "doubloons" },
{ "food", "grub" },
{ "nose", "prow" },
{ "leave", "weigh anchor" },
{ "cheat", "hornswaggle" },
{ "forward", "fore" },
{ "child", "sprog" },
{ "children", "sprogs" },
{ "sailor", "swab" },
{ "lean", "careen" },
{ "find", "come across" },
{ "mother", "dear ol' mum, bless her black soul" },
{ "drink", "barrel o' rum" },
{ "of", "o'" },
{ "!", "YARRR!" },
sentenceCaseSubstitutions = new Dictionary<string, string>(lowerSubstitutions.Count);
foreach (var substitution in lowerSubstitutions)
sentenceCaseSubstitutions.Add(substitution.Key.ToSentenceCase(), substitution.Key.ToSentenceCase());
public static string Piratize(this string boringEnglishString)
// TODO - turn this into a non-horrible regex ;-)
return lowerSubstitutions.Aggregate(boringEnglishString, (current, substitution) => current.Replace(substitution.Key, substitution.Value));
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