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Last active December 21, 2021 21:11
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RGB node

git clone
cd rgb-node
git checkout 3f3c520c19d84c66d430e76f0fc68c5a66d79c84
cargo install --path . --all-features --locked
Installed package `rgb_node v0.4.2 (/home/grunch/dev/rgb-node)` (executables `fungibled`, `rgb-cli`, `rgbd`, `stashd`)

Now I run two different nodes like we see in this demo (

# In the same dir start both daemons, for example
mkdir $HOME/rgbdata
cd $HOME/rgbdata
rgbd -vvvv -b ~/.cargo/bin -d ./data0 -n testnet
rgbd -vvvv -b ~/.cargo/bin -d ./data1 -n testnet

I create two aliases for the cli

alias rgb0-cli="$HOME/.cargo/bin/rgb-cli -d $HOME/rgbdata/data0 -n testnet"
alias rgb1-cli="$HOME/.cargo/bin/rgb-cli -d $HOME/rgbdata/data1 -n testnet"


Issue a token

$ rgb0-cli fungible issue USDT "USD Tether" 1000@5aa2d0a8098371ee12b4b59f43ffe6a2de637341258af65936a5baa01da49e9b:0
Asset successfully issued. Use this information for sharing:
Asset information:
genesis: genesis1qyfe883hey6jrgj2xvk5g3dfmfqfzm7a4wez4pd2krf7ltsxffd6u6nrvjvvnc8vt9llmp7663pgututl9heuwaudet72ay9j6thc6cetuvhxvsqqya5xjt2w9y4u6sfkuszwwctnrpug5yjxnthmr3mydg05rdrpspcxysnqvvqpfvag2w8jxzzsz9pf8pjfwf0xvln5z7w93yjln3gcnyxsa04jsf2p8vu4sxgppfv0j9qerppqxhvztpqscnjsxvq5gdfy5v6j3wvpjxxqzcerxur0xclfgzxjkgqusct7cyx8zzezcfpqv3nxjqmjurcl8r8640crk0njmyzak946sk0ykuh4f3hru4agh8luw70m7ayt6zavye70zst3w3ypwhqmgyspyxapsqqks79nv
id: rgb1pxs84f54qtq833vqdg2lwdaz7q7e86znwfggk78p0g3my7adzxnqsqpthj
ticker: USDT
name: USD Tether
description: ~
knownCirculating: 1000
isIssuedKnown: ~
issueLimit: 0
chain: testnet
decimalPrecision: 0
date: "2021-12-21T20:23:15"
  - id: a611ad7bb2237ae1788b507253e8933df0a237f7156a80c578c00295a67aa009
    amount: 1000
    origin: ~
knownInflation: {}
  - nodeId: a611ad7bb2237ae1788b507253e8933df0a237f7156a80c578c00295a67aa009
    index: 0
    outpoint: "5aa2d0a8098371ee12b4b59f43ffe6a2de637341258af65936a5baa01da49e9b:0"
      value: 1000
      blinding: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"


We get the asset-id which we need to make the transfer.

$ rgb0-cli fungible list
- id: rgb1pxs84f54qtq833vqdg2lwdaz7q7e86znwfggk78p0g3my7adzxnqsqpthj
  ticker: USDT
  name: USD Tether

Generate blinded UTXO

$ rgb1-cli fungible blind 79d0191dab03ffbccc27500a740f20a75cb175e77346244a567011d3c86d2b0b:0
Blinded outpoint: utxob1uhyzvlk9n54qnx85pwh8y3fdcx70vrrujjyglra5rl3h54z2k0fqlrp6x5
Outpoint blinding secret: 5005250618286015379


Here is where we start to find problems to continue.

When I run rgb0-cli fungible transfer --help I don't see the <blinded_utxo> option, I suppose that this argument name was changed to receiver, so I do this.

$ rgb0-cli fungible transfer utxob1uhyzvlk9n54qnx85pwh8y3fdcx70vrrujjyglra5rl3h54z2k0fqlrp6x5 100 rgb1pxs84f54qtq833vqdg2lwdaz7q7e86znwfggk78p0g3my7adzxnqsqpthj sample/source_tx.psbt sample/consignment.rgb sample/disclosure.rgb samples/witness.psbt -i 5aa2d0a8098371ee12b4b59f43ffe6a2de637341258af65936a5baa01da49e9b:0 -a 900@0c05cea88d0fca7d16ed6a26d622e7ea477f2e2ff25b9c023b8f06de08e4941a:1

thread 'main' panicked at 'can't create output transaction file: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/cli/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

but I got panic.

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