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Last active October 21, 2023 06:33
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Darshan Common Aspect Atma (Individual Soul) Brahman (Universal Consciousness)
Nyaya Emphasis on logical reasoning Recognizes Atma as a conscious entity Considers Brahman as the ultimate cause of reality
Vaisheshika Analysis of the material universe Sees Atma as a distinct entity Views Brahman as the material cause of the world
Sankhya Distinction between Purusha and Prakriti Identifies Atma as pure consciousness Sees Brahman as the transcendent reality
Yoga Emphasis on spiritual practices Aims to unite Atma with the Divine Views Brahman as the ultimate reality to be united with
Mimamsa Study of sacred scriptures Explores Atma's connection through rituals Considers Brahman as the supreme essence
Vedanta Focus on Upanishadic teachings Realizes non-dual identity with Brahman Considers Atma and Brahman to be essentially one
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