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Created July 23, 2014 12:33
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  • Save grzr/0cc5513a254e5fa974b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save grzr/0cc5513a254e5fa974b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
|message id |occurrences |
|line-too-long |4123 |
|no-member |1894 |
|missing-docstring |717 |
|invalid-name |554 |
|too-few-public-methods |188 |
|no-self-use |179 |
|import-error |153 |
|no-name-in-module |139 |
|protected-access |137 |
|fixme |132 |
|no-init |125 |
|unused-argument |120 |
|duplicate-code |115 |
|bad-whitespace |113 |
|unused-import |112 |
|anomalous-backslash-in-string |106 |
|unused-variable |77 |
|redefined-outer-name |65 |
|too-many-locals |50 |
|too-many-branches |50 |
|maybe-no-member |47 |
|too-many-statements |34 |
|redefined-builtin |29 |
|arguments-differ |29 |
|broad-except |25 |
|too-many-arguments |22 |
|relative-import |22 |
|pointless-string-statement |22 |
|trailing-whitespace |20 |
|bad-indentation |19 |
|star-args |18 |
|attribute-defined-outside-init |17 |
|missing-final-newline |15 |
|superfluous-parens |14 |
|bare-except |10 |
|undefined-variable |8 |
|too-many-instance-attributes |8 |
|dangerous-default-value |7 |
|too-many-public-methods |6 |
|undefined-loop-variable |5 |
|too-many-lines |5 |
|reimported |5 |
|too-many-return-statements |4 |
|super-on-old-class |4 |
|too-many-function-args |3 |
|multiple-statements |3 |
|method-hidden |3 |
|unreachable |2 |
|unnecessary-semicolon |2 |
|too-many-ancestors |2 |
|super-init-not-called |2 |
|redefine-in-handler |2 |
|no-value-for-parameter |2 |
|logging-not-lazy |2 |
|function-redefined |2 |
|deprecated-lambda |2 |
|bad-builtin |2 |
|unnecessary-lambda |1 |
|unbalanced-tuple-unpacking |1 |
|signature-differs |1 |
|not-callable |1 |
|no-method-argument |1 |
|global-statement |1 |
|expression-not-assigned |1 |
|duplicate-key |1 |
|abstract-method |1 |
Global evaluation
Your code has been rated at -0.69/10
Raw metrics
|type |number |% |previous |difference |
|code |23128 |65.52 |NC |NC |
|docstring |7828 |22.18 |NC |NC |
|comment |1651 |4.68 |NC |NC |
|empty |2693 |7.63 |NC |NC |
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