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gs2589 / gist:963339742144ebd6999956a0f3791532
Created December 29, 2016 22:22
Output of rails c in AWS
~/my_app/current$ bundle exec rails c
rails new APP_PATH [options]
-r, [--ruby=PATH] # Path to the Ruby binary of your choice
# Default: /home/deploy/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.3/bin/ruby
-m, [--template=TEMPLATE] # Path to some application template (can be a filesystem path or URL)
-d, [--database=DATABASE] # Preconfigure for selected database (options: mysql/oracle/postgresql/sqlite3/frontbase/ibm_db/sqlserver/jdbcmysql/jdbcsqlite3/jdbcpostgresql/jdbc)
# Default: sqlite3
gs2589 / gist:62dae5dd7d846a43be4d0cca4af7da28
Last active December 29, 2016 16:17
Issue Deploying Rails App to AWS with Capistrano
In trying to deploy my rails 5 app with capistrano:
I am running $ cap production deploy --trace
and getting the following error below. Any help would be appreciated. See comment below for more details of different things I've tried
00:07 deploy:assets:precompile
01 ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ruby-2.3.1 do bundle exec rake assets:precompile
01 rake aborted!