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Created March 5, 2017 02:13
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  • Save gsccheng/eec657e22c5dba109dc518654a8600ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gsccheng/eec657e22c5dba109dc518654a8600ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creating network "ctn_default" with the default driver
Creating ctn_redis_1
Creating ctn_web_1
Attaching to ctn_redis_1, ctn_web_1
web_1 | npm info it worked if it ends with ok
web_1 | npm info using npm@2.15.8
web_1 | npm info using node@v4.4.7
web_1 | npm info preprod react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0
web_1 | npm info prod react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0
web_1 |
web_1 | > react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0 prod /usr/src/app
web_1 | > concurrent --kill-others "npm run start-prod" "npm run start-prod-api"
web_1 |
web_1 | [0] npm
web_1 | [0] info it worked if it ends with ok
web_1 | [0] npm info using npm@3.10.10
web_1 | [0] npm info using node@v4.4.7
web_1 | [1] npm
web_1 | [1]
web_1 | [1] info it worked if it ends with ok
web_1 | [1] npm
web_1 | [1] info using npm@3.10.10
web_1 | [1] npm info
web_1 | [1] using node@v4.4.7
web_1 | [0] npm info lifecycle react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0~prestart-prod: react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0
web_1 | [0] npm info lifecycle react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0~start-prod: react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0
web_1 | [0]
web_1 | [0] > react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0 start-prod /usr/src/app
web_1 | [0] > better-npm-run start-prod
web_1 | [0]
web_1 | [1] npm info lifecycle react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0~prestart-prod-api: react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0
web_1 | [1] npm info lifecycle react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0~start-prod-api: react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0
web_1 | [1]
web_1 | [1] > react-redux-universal-hot-example@0.9.0 start-prod-api /usr/src/app
web_1 | [1] > better-npm-run start-prod-api
web_1 | [1]
web_1 | [0] running better-npm-run in /usr/src/app
web_1 | [0] Executing script: start-prod
web_1 | [0]
web_1 | [0] to be executed: node ./bin/server.js
web_1 | [1] running better-npm-run in /usr/src/app
web_1 | [1] Executing script: start-prod-api
web_1 | [1]
web_1 | [1] to be executed: node ./bin/api.js
redis_1 | >>> Creating cluster
redis_1 | >>> Performing hash slots allocation on 6 nodes...
redis_1 | Using 3 masters:
redis_1 |
redis_1 |
redis_1 |
redis_1 | Adding replica to
redis_1 | Adding replica to
redis_1 | Adding replica to
redis_1 | M: dc040694cd9920404a7d006634bfc540bc5c0f65
redis_1 | slots:0-5460 (5461 slots) master
redis_1 | M: 2494534022498ab4ca50982576551cb3eaf69bc3
redis_1 | slots:5461-10922 (5462 slots) master
redis_1 | M: adebc6d2f260c7c77e94ce4f3c548f804c427379
redis_1 | slots:10923-16383 (5461 slots) master
redis_1 | S: 3835d2c548b2b05726391987354d29617d66c506
redis_1 | replicates dc040694cd9920404a7d006634bfc540bc5c0f65
redis_1 | S: 40f96a5d858f6f9ffeda5ba2e67c5ac8b1e7002d
redis_1 | replicates 2494534022498ab4ca50982576551cb3eaf69bc3
redis_1 | S: b64b40f6b0fd2ac848f032acfbc14115c008a58d
redis_1 | replicates adebc6d2f260c7c77e94ce4f3c548f804c427379
redis_1 | Can I set the above configuration? (type 'yes' to accept): >>> Nodes configuration updated
redis_1 | >>> Assign a different config epoch to each node
redis_1 | >>> Sending CLUSTER MEET messages to join the cluster
web_1 | [1] I am totally in here
web_1 | [0] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] (waiting for the first Webpack build to finish)
redis_1 | Waiting for the cluster to join....
redis_1 | >>> Performing Cluster Check (using node
redis_1 | M: dc040694cd9920404a7d006634bfc540bc5c0f65
redis_1 | slots:0-5460 (5461 slots) master
redis_1 | M: 2494534022498ab4ca50982576551cb3eaf69bc3
redis_1 | slots:5461-10922 (5462 slots) master
redis_1 | M: adebc6d2f260c7c77e94ce4f3c548f804c427379
redis_1 | slots:10923-16383 (5461 slots) master
redis_1 | M: 3835d2c548b2b05726391987354d29617d66c506
redis_1 | slots: (0 slots) master
redis_1 | replicates dc040694cd9920404a7d006634bfc540bc5c0f65
redis_1 | M: 40f96a5d858f6f9ffeda5ba2e67c5ac8b1e7002d
redis_1 | slots: (0 slots) master
redis_1 | replicates 2494534022498ab4ca50982576551cb3eaf69bc3
redis_1 | M: b64b40f6b0fd2ac848f032acfbc14115c008a58d
redis_1 | slots: (0 slots) master
redis_1 | replicates adebc6d2f260c7c77e94ce4f3c548f804c427379
redis_1 | [OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration.
redis_1 | >>> Check for open slots...
redis_1 | >>> Check slots coverage...
redis_1 | [OK] All 16384 slots covered.
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-1.log <==
redis_1 | `-._ _.-'
redis_1 | `-.__.-'
redis_1 |
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.075 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.075 # Server started, Redis version 3.2.1
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.075 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.075 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 7000
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.149 # configEpoch set to 1 via CLUSTER SET-CONFIG-EPOCH
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.181 # IP address for this node updated to
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:25.140 # Cluster state changed: ok
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-2.log <==
redis_1 | `-._ _.-'
redis_1 | `-.__.-'
redis_1 |
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.083 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.083 # Server started, Redis version 3.2.1
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.083 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.084 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 7001
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.149 # configEpoch set to 2 via CLUSTER SET-CONFIG-EPOCH
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.297 # IP address for this node updated to
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:25.140 # Cluster state changed: ok
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-3.log <==
redis_1 | `-._ _.-'
redis_1 | `-.__.-'
redis_1 |
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.073 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.073 # Server started, Redis version 3.2.1
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.073 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.074 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 7002
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.149 # configEpoch set to 3 via CLUSTER SET-CONFIG-EPOCH
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.296 # IP address for this node updated to
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:25.140 # Cluster state changed: ok
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-4.log <==
redis_1 | `-._ _.-'
redis_1 | `-.__.-'
redis_1 |
redis_1 | 39:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.074 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
redis_1 | 39:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.074 # Server started, Redis version 3.2.1
redis_1 | 39:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.074 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
redis_1 | 39:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.074 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 7003
redis_1 | 39:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.150 # configEpoch set to 4 via CLUSTER SET-CONFIG-EPOCH
redis_1 | 39:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.296 # IP address for this node updated to
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:25.169 # Cluster state changed: ok
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-5.log <==
redis_1 | `-._ _.-'
redis_1 | `-.__.-'
redis_1 |
redis_1 | 38:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.062 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
redis_1 | 38:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.062 # Server started, Redis version 3.2.1
redis_1 | 38:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.062 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
redis_1 | 38:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.062 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 7004
redis_1 | 38:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.150 # configEpoch set to 5 via CLUSTER SET-CONFIG-EPOCH
redis_1 | 38:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.195 # IP address for this node updated to
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:25.170 # Cluster state changed: ok
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-6.log <==
redis_1 | `-._ _.-'
redis_1 | `-.__.-'
redis_1 |
redis_1 | 41:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.073 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
redis_1 | 41:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.073 # Server started, Redis version 3.2.1
redis_1 | 41:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.073 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
redis_1 | 41:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.074 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 7005
redis_1 | 41:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.150 # configEpoch set to 6 via CLUSTER SET-CONFIG-EPOCH
redis_1 | 41:M 05 Mar 02:07:20.296 # IP address for this node updated to
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:25.170 # Cluster state changed: ok
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-7.log <==
redis_1 | | `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
redis_1 | `-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
redis_1 | `-._ `-.__.-' _.-'
redis_1 | `-._ _.-'
redis_1 | `-.__.-'
redis_1 |
redis_1 | 40:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.045 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
redis_1 | 40:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.045 # Server started, Redis version 3.2.1
redis_1 | 40:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.045 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
redis_1 | 40:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.045 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 7006
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-8.log <==
redis_1 | | `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
redis_1 | `-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
redis_1 | `-._ `-.__.-' _.-'
redis_1 | `-._ _.-'
redis_1 | `-.__.-'
redis_1 |
redis_1 | 47:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.067 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
redis_1 | 47:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.067 # Server started, Redis version 3.2.1
redis_1 | 47:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.067 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
redis_1 | 47:M 05 Mar 02:07:18.067 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 7007
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-1.log <==
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.150 * Slave asks for synchronization
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.150 * Full resync requested by slave
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.150 * Starting BGSAVE for SYNC with target: disk
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.150 * Background saving started by pid 73
redis_1 | 73:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.171 * DB saved on disk
redis_1 | 73:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.171 * RDB: 0 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-2.log <==
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.132 * Slave asks for synchronization
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.132 * Full resync requested by slave
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.132 * Starting BGSAVE for SYNC with target: disk
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.132 * Background saving started by pid 71
redis_1 | 71:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.150 * DB saved on disk
redis_1 | 71:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.151 * RDB: 0 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-3.log <==
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * Slave asks for synchronization
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * Full resync requested by slave
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * Starting BGSAVE for SYNC with target: disk
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.150 * Background saving started by pid 72
redis_1 | 72:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.163 * DB saved on disk
redis_1 | 72:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.163 * RDB: 0 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-4.log <==
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * Connecting to MASTER
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * Partial resynchronization not possible (no cached master)
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.150 * Full resync from master: 4c89628967caa732905753937b646ce257f709d7:1
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-5.log <==
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.131 * Connecting to MASTER
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.131 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.131 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.131 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.131 * Partial resynchronization not possible (no cached master)
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.132 * Full resync from master: e7380b0c514f3717f074786a8de91ad484299100:1
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-6.log <==
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.148 * Connecting to MASTER
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.148 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.149 * Partial resynchronization not possible (no cached master)
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.150 * Full resync from master: 4b4f0dccea565f7e8fc0d589b73e5c54b2fed9af:1
web_1 | [0] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] (waiting for the first Webpack build to finish)
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:26.901Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be:
web_1 | [1] ----
web_1 | [1] ==> 🌎 API is running on port 3030
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:26.902Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: ==> 💻 Send requests to http://localhost:3030
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:26.908Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:26.910Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:26.961Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:26.962Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:26.966Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: MongoDB disconnected
web_1 | [1] Elasticsearch ERROR: 2017-03-05T02:07:26Z
web_1 | [1] Error: Request error, retrying
web_1 | [1] HEAD http://localhost:9220/ctnprod => connect ECONNREFUSED
web_1 | [1] at Log.error (/usr/src/app/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/log.js:225:56)
web_1 | [1] at checkRespForFailure (/usr/src/app/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/transport.js:240:18)
web_1 | [1] at HttpConnector.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/http.js:162:7)
web_1 | [1] at ClientRequest.wrapper (/usr/src/app/node_modules/elasticsearch/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:4968:19)
web_1 | [1] at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
web_1 | [1] at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:169:7)
web_1 | [1] at Socket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:267:9)
web_1 | [1] at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
web_1 | [1] at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7)
web_1 | [1] at emitErrorNT (net.js:1269:8)
web_1 | [1] at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:442:9)
web_1 | [1] at process._tickCallback (node.js:356:17)
web_1 | [1]
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:26.979Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:26.981Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Connection is closed.] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.067Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.067Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.069Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.069Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.069Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.070Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.070Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.070Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.071Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Node is disconnected] }
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-1.log <==
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.249 * Background saving terminated with success
redis_1 | 42:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.249 * Synchronization with slave succeeded
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-2.log <==
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.249 * Background saving terminated with success
redis_1 | 44:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.249 * Synchronization with slave succeeded
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-3.log <==
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.249 * Background saving terminated with success
redis_1 | 43:M 05 Mar 02:07:26.249 * Synchronization with slave succeeded
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-4.log <==
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.250 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: receiving 76 bytes from master
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.250 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Flushing old data
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.250 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Loading DB in memory
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.250 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Finished with success
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.254 * Background append only file rewriting started by pid 76
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.301 * AOF rewrite child asks to stop sending diffs.
redis_1 | 76:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.301 * Parent agreed to stop sending diffs. Finalizing AOF...
redis_1 | 76:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.302 * Concatenating 0.00 MB of AOF diff received from parent.
redis_1 | 76:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.303 * SYNC append only file rewrite performed
redis_1 | 76:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.303 * AOF rewrite: 0 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.349 * Background AOF rewrite terminated with success
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.349 * Residual parent diff successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (0.00 MB)
redis_1 | 39:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.349 * Background AOF rewrite finished successfully
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-5.log <==
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.249 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: receiving 76 bytes from master
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.249 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Flushing old data
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.249 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Loading DB in memory
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.250 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Finished with success
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.253 * Background append only file rewriting started by pid 74
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.290 * AOF rewrite child asks to stop sending diffs.
redis_1 | 74:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.291 * Parent agreed to stop sending diffs. Finalizing AOF...
redis_1 | 74:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.291 * Concatenating 0.00 MB of AOF diff received from parent.
redis_1 | 74:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.292 * SYNC append only file rewrite performed
redis_1 | 74:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.293 * AOF rewrite: 0 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.333 * Background AOF rewrite terminated with success
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.333 * Residual parent diff successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (0.00 MB)
redis_1 | 38:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.333 * Background AOF rewrite finished successfully
redis_1 |
redis_1 | ==> /var/log/supervisor/redis-6.log <==
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.250 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: receiving 76 bytes from master
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.250 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Flushing old data
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.250 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Loading DB in memory
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.250 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Finished with success
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.254 * Background append only file rewriting started by pid 75
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.301 * AOF rewrite child asks to stop sending diffs.
redis_1 | 75:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.301 * Parent agreed to stop sending diffs. Finalizing AOF...
redis_1 | 75:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.301 * Concatenating 0.00 MB of AOF diff received from parent.
redis_1 | 75:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.302 * SYNC append only file rewrite performed
redis_1 | 75:C 05 Mar 02:07:26.302 * AOF rewrite: 0 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.349 * Background AOF rewrite terminated with success
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.349 * Residual parent diff successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (0.00 MB)
redis_1 | 41:S 05 Mar 02:07:26.349 * Background AOF rewrite finished successfully
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.216Z] DEBUG: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Got article: Invited or not, news outlets criticize White House decision to pick and choose their peers
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.238Z] DEBUG: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Got article: Syrian peace talks begin in Geneva
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.261Z] DEBUG: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Got article: Google performs first successful collision attack on SHA-1 security algorithm
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.276Z] DEBUG: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Got article: Break-in attempted at mortuary housing remains of Kim Jong Nam
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.299Z] DEBUG: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Got article: Malaysian authorities arrest fourth suspect in killing of Kim Jong Nam, half-brother of North Korean leader
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.311Z] DEBUG: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Got article: Modern radio drama 'Paranoria, TX' releases 100th episode
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.325Z] DEBUG: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Got article: Adele and David Bowie each win five Grammys
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.335Z] DEBUG: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Got article: Michael Flynn resigns as National Security Advisor to Trump administration
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.341Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.343Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.344Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.344Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.345Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.345Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.346Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Connection is closed.] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.455Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.456Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.459Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.460Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.461Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.461Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.462Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.462Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.462Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Connection is closed.] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.571Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.571Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.573Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.574Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.575Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.576Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.577Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.577Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.578Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Connection is closed.] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.689Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.690Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.692Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.692Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.692Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.692Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.692Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.693Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.693Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Node is disconnected] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.806Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.806Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.807Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.807Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.807Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.808Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.808Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.808Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.808Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Node is disconnected] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.922Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.923Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.923Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.924Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.925Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.925Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.927Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.927Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:27.927Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Connection is closed.] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.045Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.045Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.047Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.047Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.047Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.048Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.048Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.048Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.048Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Node is disconnected] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.166Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.167Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.168Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.169Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.169Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.169Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.169Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.170Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.170Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Node is disconnected] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.292Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.293Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.295Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.295Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.296Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.296Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.297Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.297Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.297Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Connection is closed.] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.420Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.420Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.422Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.422Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.422Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.423Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.423Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.423Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.424Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Node is disconnected] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.548Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.548Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.552Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.552Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.554Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.555Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.555Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.556Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.556Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Connection is closed.] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.684Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.687Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.689Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.689Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.690Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.690Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.690Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.691Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.691Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Connection is closed.] }
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.819Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.820Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: New Redis node is connected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.822Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.822Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.822Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.823Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: A Redis node got disconnected
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.824Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.824Z] INFO: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Error in connecting to a node
web_1 | [1] [2017-03-05T02:07:28.824Z] WARN: ctn/61 on 55bc1e2a72be: Redis Connection Error: { [Error: Failed to refresh slots cache.] lastNodeError: [Error: Node is disconnected] }
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