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Created July 21, 2015 21:26
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  • Save gscheibel/cb8d396b4cc7e2107016 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import org.ajoberstar.grgit.*
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.asciidoctor:asciidoctor-gradle-plugin:1.5.2'
classpath 'com.github.jruby-gradle:jruby-gradle-plugin:0.1.5'
classpath 'org.ysb33r.gradle:vfs-gradle-plugin:1.0-beta1'
classpath 'commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.1'
classpath 'com.bluepapa32:gradle-watch-plugin:0.1.4'
classpath 'org.ajoberstar:gradle-git:1.1.0'
apply plugin: 'com.github.jruby-gradle.base'
apply plugin: 'org.ysb33r.vfs'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'org.asciidoctor.convert'
apply plugin: ''
version = '1.0.0'
ext {
revealjs_version = '3.0.0'
revealjsDir = new File(buildDir, 'reveal.js')
adocRevealjsDir = new File(buildDir, 'asciidoctor-reveal.js')
configurations {
repositories {
dependencies {
gems 'rubygems:asciidoctor-diagram:1.3.0.preview.3'
gems 'rubygems:slim:2.1.0'
gems 'rubygems:thread_safe:0.3.4'
pdf 'me.champeau.deck2pdf:deck2pdf:0.3.0'
task download << {
mkdir buildDir
vfs {
cp "zip:"+revealjs_version+".zip!reveal.js-"+revealjs_version, revealjsDir, recursive: true, overwrite: true
if(!adocRevealjsDir.exists()) {
Grgit.clone(dir: adocRevealjsDir, uri: '')
asciidoctor {
if( !buildDir.exists() ) {
dependsOn jrubyPrepareGems
dependsOn download
gemPath = jrubyPrepareGems.outputDir
requires = ['asciidoctor-diagram']
sources {
include 'slides.adoc'
resources {
from(sourceDir) {
include 'images/**'
include 'styles/**'
include 'snippets/**'
from(buildDir) {
include 'reveal.js/**'
include 'asciidoctor-reveal.js/**'
attributes 'sourcedir':[0],
imagesoutdir: 'images',
revealjs_theme: 'white'
options template_dirs: [new File(adocRevealjsDir, 'templates/slim').absolutePath]
watch {
asciidoc {
files fileTree(dir: 'src')
tasks 'asciidoctor'
task generatePdf(type:JavaExec) {
dependsOn asciidoctor
main = 'me.champeau.deck2pdf.Main'
workingDir = file("$buildDir/asciidoc/")
args = ["$workingDir/html5/slides.html","$workingDir/pdf/${}.pdf", '--profile=revealjs']
classpath = configurations.pdf
doFirst {
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