This document describes how to use CURL to interact with the RunDeck server to invoke a Job to run.
The steps are as follows:
Authenticate to the RunDeck server and acquire a session cookie.
Submit run request for particular Job ID, sending session cookie.
The following script logs in with default admin username/pass to localhost:4440, and saves the cookies into "cookies" file. It fails if http request fails, or user unauthorized.
The request submits j_username
and j_password
params to the url $SERVERURL/j_security_check
. The response should be a redirect (302) to the root path of the server. Otherwise the response will be a redirect to $SERVERURL/user/error
#usage: <server URL | - > <job ID>
errorMsg() {
echo "$*" 1>&2
DIR=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd)
# accept url argument on commandline, if '-' use default
if [ "-" == "$url" ] ; then
# curl opts to use a cookie jar, and follow redirects, showing only errors
CURLOPTS=-s -S -L -c $DIR/cookies -b $DIR/cookies
#curl command to use with opts
# submit login request
echo "Login..."
$CURL -d j_username=admin -d j_password=admin $loginurl > $DIR/curl.out
if [ 0 != $? ] ; then
errorMsg "failed login request to ${loginurl}"
exit 2
# make sure result doesn't contain the login form again, implying login failed
grep 'j_security_check' -q $DIR/curl.out
if [ 0 == $? ] ; then
errorMsg "login was not successful"
exit 2
echo "Login OK"
- Submit run request for job
The request to run the job is submitted to $SERVERURL/scheduledExecution/runJobByName.xml
. The responses for the run request are in XML, so a tool like xmlstarlet is useful.
The job to be run can be specified in two ways
- Specify the Job ID, using an
parameter. - Specify the Job name, and optional group, using the
If the specified job name and group do not uniquely identify a job, then an error response will be returned.
The job can accept arguments specified with the extra.argString
Additionally, nodeset filters defined in the job can be overridden. To do so, include a parameter extra.doNodeDispatch=true
. As well as filter parameters of the form: extra.node(Include|Exclude)[filter]=value
. Where "filter" is one of "" (blank, indicating hostname), "name","tags","osFamily", etc.. As well, extra.nodeThreadcount
and extra.nodeKeepgoing
can be specified.
The XML response will either be a success response, or error response.
Error response:
<response error='true'>
<message>error message</message>
A success response will include information about the successful execution request:
<response success='true'>
<message>success message</message>
<succeeded count="x">
<name>job name</name>
The <id>
element will contain the ID of the execution, and the <url>
element will contain the URL (relative to the $SERVERURL
) for viewing the output.
Here is the continuation of the previous shell script to submit the run request:
# now submit req
echo "Submit job..."
# get nodes page
$CURL ${runurl}?${params} > $DIR/curl.out
if [ 0 != $? ] ; then
errorMsg "failed nodes request"
exit 2
#test curl.out for valid xml
$XMLSTARLET val -w $DIR/curl.out > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ 0 != $? ] ; then
errorMsg "ERROR: Response was not valid xml"
exit 2
#test for expected /result element
$XMLSTARLET el $DIR/curl.out | grep -e '^result' -q
if [ 0 != $? ] ; then
errorMsg "ERROR: Response did not contain expected result"
exit 2
#If <result error="true"> then an error occured.
waserror=$($XMLSTARLET sel -T -t -v "/result/@error" $DIR/curl.out)
if [ "true" == "$waserror" ] ; then
errorMsg "Server reported an error: "
$XMLSTARLET sel -T -t -v "/result/error/message" -n $DIR/curl.out
exit 2
#If <response success='true'> then request succeeded.
wassuccess=$($XMLSTARLET sel -T -t -v "/result/@success" $DIR/curl.out)
if [ "true" == "$wassuccess" ] ; then
echo "Job submitted successfully."
$XMLSTARLET sel -T -t -v "/result/success/message" -n $DIR/curl.out
#echo execution id
$XMLSTARLET sel -T -t -o "Execution ID: " -v "/result/succeeded/execution/id" -n $DIR/curl.out
#echo job name
$XMLSTARLET sel -T -t -o "Job name: " -v "/result/succeeded/execution/name" -n $DIR/curl.out
#echo execution URL, which is relative to base server URL
$XMLSTARLET sel -T -t -o "Output url: $url" -v "/result/succeeded/execution/url" -n $DIR/curl.out
#echo all on one line
$XMLSTARLET sel -T -t -m "/result/succeeded/execution" -o "[" -v "id" -o "] " -v "name" -o ' <' -v "url" -o '>' -n $DIR/curl.out
#rm $DIR/curl.out
rm $DIR/cookies
The first problem with the -S comes from the fact that bash has a problem with the line
CURLOPTS=-s -S -L -c $DIR/cookies -b $DIR/cookies
.If you encapsulate the parameters with "" it will work:
CURLOPTS="-s -S -L -c $DIR/cookies -b $DIR/cookies"
.Second, the endpoint
isn't supported anymore in never versions of rundeck.You can use the API which is mentioned under Run-Job-API.
Third, the xml command is not found, due to the fact that this tool is missing on your machine (can be maybe installed; or replace it with grep).
Maybe my answer is a little bit late, but it could still help you or others when using the above script. Maybe the script could also be updated for current versions of rundeck.