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Created September 18, 2016 08:17
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let most_significant_bit =
(-1) lxor ((-1) lsr 1)
let bprint_int_binary buf n =
Buffer.add_string buf "0b";
let rec loop started bit n =
if bit = 0 then begin
if not started then Buffer.add_char buf '0'
let b = n land bit in
if b = 0 then begin
if started then Buffer.add_char buf '0';
loop started (bit lsr 1) n
else begin
Buffer.add_char buf '1';
loop true (bit lsr 1) n
end in
loop false most_significant_bit n
let print_int_binary n =
print_string "0b";
let rec loop started bit n =
if bit = 0 then
begin if not started then print_char '0' end
let b = n land bit in
if b = 0 then begin
if started then print_char '0';
loop started (bit lsr 1) n
else begin
print_char '1';
loop true (bit lsr 1) n
end in
loop false most_significant_bit n
let test low high =
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
for i = low to high do
Buffer.clear buf;
bprint_int_binary buf i;
let str = Buffer.contents buf in
try assert (int_of_string str = i)
with Failure _ ->
Printf.printf "bad: %d %s\n" i str; assert false
let _ = begin
test (-100000) 1000000;
test min_int (min_int + 10000);
test (max_int - 10000) max_int;
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