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Last active October 14, 2017 12:35
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Code Camp NYC 2017 - Schedule
const schedule = [...document.querySelectorAll("#tablepress-6 tbody tr")]
.map(row => ({
room: row.children[0].innerHTML,
time: row.children[1].innerHTML,
speaker: row.children[2].innerHTML,
title: row.children[3].innerHTML,
level: row.children[4].innerHTML,
abstract: row.children[5].innerHTML
.reduce((slots, session) => Object.assign({}, slots, {
[session.time]: [...(slots[session.time] || []), session]
}), {});
Object.keys(schedule).forEach(time => {
console.log(`\n### ${time}`);
schedule[time].forEach(session =>
console.log(`- **${session.title.trim()}** by ${session.speaker} *[${}]*`));


  • Boost your productivity with Angular by Mauricio Mendoza [Ambassador (18)]
  • ORMs and the DBA: How to Make Both Happy by Dan Mallott [Belasco (20)]
  • Be a Community Hero: Becoming a Microsoft MVP by Betsy Weber [Broadway (30)]
  • Build Bots with Node and the Microsoft Bot Framework by Szymon Rozga [Brooks Atkinson (18)]
  • Practical TypeScript 2 Migration by Steve Ognibene [Carnegie (18)]
  • Building Scalable Applications with the Actor Model by Greg Shackles [Central Park East (81)]
  • Disrupting the Application Eco-System with Progressive Web Applications by Chris Love [Central Park West (201)]
  • Learning how you learn: The most difficult and rewarding thing to learn. by Gloria W [Majestic (18)]
  • Live coding a new cop for RuboCop by Jônatas Davi Paganini [Marquis (18)]
  • Low Latency Programming (C#/.Net) by Anthony Abate [Music Box (46)]
  • Authentication using JWT for SPA and microservice by Alex Hung [Radio City (48)]
  • Building and Deploying Microservices with .NET Core by Kevin Israel [Winter Garden (46)]


  • Why loop when you can map, reduce, or filter? by Scott McAllister [Ambassador (18)]
  • DevOps How To Put Value For All Into A Value Stream Mapping by Dan Stolts [Belasco (20)]
  • Using Entity Framework Core with Relational and JSON Data in SQL Server 2016 by Erik Noren [Broadway (30)]
  • Bot Design Guidelines: Lessons from the Trenches by Szymon Rozga [Brooks Atkinson (18)]
  • Vector Graphics in Xamarin by Chris Miller [Carnegie (18)]
  • Bending Reality with the Hololens by Jason Ioffe [Central Park East (81)]
  • Building Enterprise Grade Web APIs in ASP.NET Core by David Berry [Central Park West (201)]
  • Serverless PowerShell Azure Functions by Doug Finke [Majestic (18)]
  • Building a software company by John-Daniel Trask [Marquis (18)]
  • Understanding Async/Await in Javascript by Hao Luo [Music Box (46)]
  • Build Intelligent Applications with Azure Cognitive Service API by Bhakthi Liyanage [New Amsterdam (18)]
  • Getting pushy with SignalR and Reactive Extensions by Jim Wooley [Radio City (48)]
  • Accessing Google Cloud APIs with C# by Carl Franklin [Winter Garden (46)]


  • I Forget: Do I Work From Home? Or Live at Work? : Avoiding Burnout as a Remote Professional by Ethan Brooks [Central Park West (201)]


  • Secure your app with Azure AD B2C by Oren Novotny [Ambassador (18)]
  • High performance .NET by John-Daniel Trask [Belasco (20)]
  • How to deal with everything... by Chris Ozog [Broadway (30)]
  • Evolve Deliberately: Moving Your Angular from V.1 to V.2 by Scott McAllister [Brooks Atkinson (18)]
  • Bring your code to life - Screencasting 101 by Betsy Weber [Carnegie (18)]
  • Services Workers - Your Web Applications Never Felt So Good by Chris Love [Central Park East (81)]
  • Design & Build AngularJS Component-Based Applications by Miguel Castro [Central Park West (201)]
  • The technical interview, why has it been so awful for so long and what can we do to make to improve it. by Glenn Hinks [Majestic (18)]
  • IoT protocols and practices: the failed corporate attempt at invasion of this maker space, and what giant communication companies are trying as we speak by Gloria W [Marquis (18)]
  • How to become a Jedi: Introduction to Mind Machine Interfacing using Brain Activity(EEG) and Azure IoT by Bhakthi Liyanage [Music Box (46)]
  • HoloLens & Mixed Reality Development with the Cloud by Nick Landry [Radio City (48)]
  • DevOps Journey at Overdrive - Experiences, Tips & Checklists From the Field DevOps by Dan Stolts [Winter Garden (46)]


  • Accelerating Mixed Reality Application Development with the Mixed Reality Toolkit by Rob Zelt [Ambassador (18)]
  • In-Memory Capabilities in SQL Server 2016 by Kevin S. Goff [Belasco (20)]
  • PowerShell For Developers by Doug Finke [Broadway (30)]
  • Live coding a small compiler by Jônatas Davi Paganini [Brooks Atkinson (18)]
  • What Every Developer Should Know About SQL Server Performance by David Berry [Carnegie (18)]
  • Devices to the Cloud by Arthur Garcia [Central Park East (81)]
  • Modern full stack development at the enterprise level by Glenn Hinks [Central Park West (201)]
  • Become a superior programmer in today's world! by Mauricio Mendoza [Majestic (18)]
  • Well-Aged Bacon: predicting Kevin Bacon's age with the Python Cognitive Services API by Paige Bailey [Marquis (18)]
  • Building a Voice-Driven TV Remote With Azure and Alexa by Greg Shackles [Music Box (46)]
  • Getting from 0 to 100 with Progressive Web Apps & Ember.js by Greg Hurlman [Radio City (48)]
  • Roslyn and You by Jim Wooley [Winter Garden (46)]


  • High Throughput Science in the Cloud Azure Batch by Rob Zelt [Ambassador (18)]
  • Implementing Data Warehouse Patterns with the Microsoft BI Tools by Kevin S. Goff [Belasco (20)]
  • Applying Design Patterns to Everyday Problems by David Berry [Broadway (30)]
  • Revamp teams with Microsoft Teams by Kushan Lahiru Perera [Brooks Atkinson (18)]
  • Getting started with Entity Framework Core by Jim Wooley [Carnegie (18)]
  • Multi-targeting the World: A Single Project to Rule Them All by Oren Novotny [Central Park East (81)]
  • HoloLens & Immersive Mixed Reality App Development by Nick Landry [Central Park West (201)]
  • Building SPAs with ASP.NET Core 2 and ReactJs by Kevin Israel [Majestic (18)]
  • OpenAPI Specification for RESTful Services by Muhammad Siddiqi [Marquis (18)]
  • Azure IoT, DevOps and Edge Devices by Bob Familiar [Music Box (46)]
  • Taming and Composing high performance Stream-Oriented Processing Systems for Big Data by Riccardo Terrell [Radio City (48)]
  • Real World Lessons in Progressive Web Application Caching by Chris Love [Winter Garden (46)]
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