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Last active May 9, 2020 15:10
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Proof that under casual broadcast deliverable condition, merge and tick are equivalent.
Require Import Coq.Init.Nat.
Require Import Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.
A vector clock [vclock] is a total map from index to clock and is represented
as a function from natural numbers to natural numbers. For index not in the
map, the defualt clock is 0.
Definition vclock : Type := nat -> nat.
Definition empty_vc : vclock := fun _ => 0.
Definition update_vc (vc : vclock) (idx : nat) (clock : nat) : vclock :=
fun idx' => if idx' =? idx
then clock
else vc idx.
Definition get_vc (vc : vclock) (idx : nat) : nat :=
vc idx.
[merge] combines two vector clocks into a new one. For each index, the new
vector clock maps it to the maximum of two vector clocks.
Definition merge (vc1 vc2 : vclock) : vclock :=
fun idx => let clock1 := vc1 idx in
let clock2 := vc2 idx in
max clock1 clock2.
Theorem merge_rule : forall (vc1 vc2 : vclock) (n : nat),
get_vc (merge vc1 vc2) n = max (get_vc vc1 n) (get_vc vc2 n).
Proof. intros. unfold merge. unfold get_vc. reflexivity. Qed.
[tick] increments the clock indexed by [idx] by 1. For each index, the new
vector clock maps it to the original clock + 1 if the index equals [idx], to
the original clock otherwise.
Definition tick (idx : nat) (vc : vclock) : vclock :=
fun idx' => let clock := vc idx' in
if idx' =? idx
then clock + 1
else clock.
Theorem tick_rule : forall (idx : nat) (vc : vclock) (n : nat),
get_vc (tick idx vc) n = if n =? idx
then (get_vc vc n) + 1
else (get_vc vc n).
Proof. intros. unfold tick. unfold get_vc. reflexivity. Qed.
Two vector clocks are equal if they map each index to the same clock.
Definition eq_vc (vc1 vc2 : vclock) : Prop :=
forall (n : nat), get_vc vc1 n = get_vc vc2 n.
The deliverable condition in casual broadcast. For process with vector clock
[vcp]. A message with vector clock [vcm] sent from process with index [idx]
is deliverable if and only if
forall k : 0..n { VC(m)[k] == VC(p)[k] + 1 if k == idx
{ VC(m)[k] <= VC(p)[k] otherwise
Definition deliverable (idx : nat) (vcp vcm : vclock) : Prop :=
forall (n : nat), if n =? idx
then get_vc vcm n = (get_vc vcp n) + 1
else get_vc vcm n <= get_vc vcp n.
If deliverable condition holds, the two new vector clocks produced by merging
and ticking the process's local clock in sender's postion are equal.
Theorem eq_merge_tick_if_deliverable : forall (idx : nat) (vcp vcm : vclock),
deliverable idx vcp vcm -> eq_vc (merge vcp vcm) (tick idx vcp).
intros. unfold eq_vc. intros.
rewrite merge_rule. rewrite tick_rule.
unfold deliverable in H. specialize H with (n := n).
destruct (n =? idx).
- rewrite <- H. apply max_r. rewrite H. rewrite Nat.add_1_r.
apply le_S. apply le_n.
- apply max_l. apply H.
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