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Created June 20, 2017 15:47
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@echo off
REM Make sure they supplied 1 param - which is the list element name to search for
REM If they didn't, show usage & exit
echo *** find lists (gbst and hgbst) that have a given element ***
if "%1" == "" goto usage
cd /d %~dp0
SET POWERSHELL=%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
%POWERSHELL% ./find-gbst-elm.ps1 %*
%POWERSHELL% ./find-hgbst-elm.ps1 %*
goto done
echo Missing arguments!
echo Usage: find-element.bat element_title
echo Example: find-element.bat deferred
echo Example: find-element.bat 'wait on others'
echo Example: find-element.bat 'quiet light'
## SCRIPT: find-gbst-elm.ps1
## PURPOSE: This PowerShell script finds all application lists that contain a given element
## Call this script like:
## find-gbst-elm.ps1 "element to search"
## find-gbst-elm.ps1 problem
param([string] $title)
$query = "select title as 'Application List Name' from table_gbst_lst where objid in(select gbst_elm2gbst_lst from table_gbst_elm where title = '$title' )"
$database = "dovetail";
write-host "Finding gbst_lst records who have an element with a title of:" $title;
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query -Database $database
## SCRIPT: find-hgbst-elm.ps1
## PURPOSE: This PowerShell script finds all user-defined lists that contain a given element
## Call this script like:
## find-hgbst-elm.ps1 "element to search"
## find-hgbst-elm.ps1 yes
## find-hgbst-elm.ps1 "advance exchange"
param([string] $title)
$query = "select * from table_hgbst_elm where title = '$title'";
$database = "dovetail";
function FindList(){
foreach( $element in $input){
write-host "Finding list for hgbst_elm.objid:" $element.objid;
c:\bin\hgbst-utils\hgbstutils.exe /quiet /db_name $database /db_server . /db_user sa /db_pass sa /elm $element.objid;
write-host "Finding hgbst_elm records with a title of:" $title;
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query -Database $database | FindList
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