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Last active August 16, 2016 22:38
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Log Notes Form 392 - example of using solutions as canned responses
' Log Notes Form
Option Explicit
Declare Function Utils3_ReplaceString ( OldStr As String, ReplacedStr As String, NewStr As String ) As String
'Hold onto our list of responses
Dim CannedResponsesTextList As List
Dim cannedresponsesTitleList As List
Dim cannedresponsesTitleArray() As String
Dim lastKey As Integer
' Form_Load
Sub Form_Load()
Dim br As New Bulkretrieve
Dim lor As List
br.SimpleQuery 0, "probdesc"
br.AppendFilter 0, "title", cbLike, "*%"
br.AppendSort 0, "title", cbAscending
Set lor = br.getRecordList(0)
Set cannedresponsesTitleList = New List
cannedresponsesTitleList.ItemType = "string"
lor.ExtractList cannedresponsesTitleList, "title"
cobj_lor_solutions.Fill cannedresponsesTitleList
Set CannedResponsesTextList = New List
CannedResponsesTextList.ItemType = "String"
lor.ExtractList CannedResponsesTextList, "description"
ReDim cannedresponsesTitleArray(cannedresponsesTitleList.Count - 1)
ReDim cannedresponsesTitleArray(cannedresponsesTitleList.Count + 1)
Dim i As Integer
cannedresponsesTitleArray(0) = "Select a canned response:"
cannedresponsesTitleArray(1) = ""
For i = 0 To cannedresponsesTitleList.Count - 1
cannedresponsesTitleArray(i + 2) = cannedresponsesTitleList.ItemByIndex(i)
Next i
End Sub
Sub ddl_solutions_click()
Dim newText As String
Dim selectedIndexList As New list
Set selectedIndexList = ddl_solutions.SelectedIndexes
newText = CannedResponsesTextList.ItemByIndex(selectedIndexList.ItemByIndex(0))
Dim extraSpacing As String
If Len(Notes.Text) > 0 Then extraSpacing = ebCrLf
Notes.Text = NOTES.text + extraSpacing + newText
End Sub
Sub NOTES_KeyPress(keyASCII As Integer)
'Debug.Print "Pressed " & keyASCII & " " & Chr$(keyASCII)
If lastKey = 64 And KeyAscii = 64 Then
' 64 is the at sign (@)
Dim result As Integer
If result < 2 Then Exit Sub
Dim newText As String
' subtract 2, as the first item is a header, and the second item is blank (which causes an empty line)
newText = CannedResponsesTextList.ItemByIndex(result - 2)
Dim n As string
n = Utils3_ReplaceString ( Notes.Text, "@@", "")
Dim extraSpacing As String
If Len(n) > 0 Then extraSpacing = ebCrLf
Notes.Text = n + extraSpacing + newText
lastKey = 0
lastKey = KeyAscii
End If
End Sub
Sub btn_clear_Click()
Notes.Text = ""
End Sub
' Message Handler
Sub Message(ByVal messageNumber As Long, ByVal messageString As String)
Select Case messageNumber
Case cbCloseMessage
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
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