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Created January 27, 2019 03:03
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(ns aoc.day13
(:use aoc.common)
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer [testing is]]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
(defn y-x-comparator
"Compares location vectors in a way that enables sorting from top-left to bottom-right."
[[a b] [c d]]
(compare [b a] [d c]))
(defn parse-line
"Returns a vector of data for one line of the input file. Each item in the vector is like:
[:track [4 17] \\-] or
[:cart {:id nil, :type :cart, :loc [4 17], :dir :right, :int :left}]
Thus information about track elements AND carts is returned, to be sorted through later."
[y line]
(let [cart-direction (zipmap [\< \> \^ \v]
[:left :right :up :down])]
(->> (for [[x char] (indexed line)
:when (not= \space char)]
(let [datum (case char
(\< \> \^ \v) [:cart {:id nil
:type :cart
:loc [x y]
:dir (fetch cart-direction char)
:int :left}]
;; else
[:track [x y] char])
cart? (some #{:cart} datum)
updown? (is-one-of? #{:up :down} (-> datum second (get :dir)))
leftright? (is-one-of? #{:left :right} (-> datum second (get :dir)))]
(and cart? updown?) [datum [:track [x y] \|]]
(and cart? leftright?) [datum [:track [x y] \-]]
:else [datum nil])))
;; The code above is complex and produces a vector of two items for each x-value. So we:
(apply concat) ;; run them together
(remove nil?) ;; get rid of nil values
vec))) ;; package into a vector for return
;; Input: { [1 4] \\
;; [9 2] \-
;; [4 2] \+
;; ... }
;; Output: { [0 4] {:type :corner, :left [[0 3] :up], :down [[1 4] :right]},
;; [1 4] {:type :straight, :left [[0 4] :left], :right [[2 4] :right]},
;; [2 4] {:type :intersection, :left [[1 4] :left], :right [[3 4] :right],
;; :up [[2 3] :up], :down [[2 5] :down]})
;; ... }
(defn process-tracks [tracks]
(let [info (fn [type details]
(apply merge
{:type type}
(for [[dir loc' dir'] (partition 3 details)]
{dir [loc' dir']})))]
(sorted-map-by y-x-comparator)
(for [[loc char] tracks
:let [[x y] loc, x-1 (dec x), x+1 (inc x), y-1 (dec y), y+1 (inc y)]]
(vector loc (case char
\- (info :straight [:left [x-1 y] :left, :right [x+1 y] :right])
\| (info :straight [:up [x y-1] :up, :down [x y+1] :down])
\+ (info :intersection [:left [x-1 y] :left, :right [x+1 y] :right
:up [x y-1] :up, :down [x y+1] :down])
\\ (if (is-one-of? [\| \+] (tracks [x y-1]))
(info :corner [:left [x y-1] :up, :down [x+1 y] :right])
(info :corner [:right [x y+1] :down, :up [x-1 y] :left]))
\/ (if (is-one-of? [\| \+] (tracks [x y-1]))
(info :corner [:right [x y-1] :up, :down [x-1 y] :left])
(info :corner [:left [x y+1] :down, :up [x+1 y] :right]))))))))
(defn parse-input
"Takes the lines of text input and returns a program state with keys :tracks and :carts."
(let [bits (->> (for [[y line] (indexed lines)]
(parse-line y line))
(apply concat)
(group-by first))
tracks (->> (:track bits)
(map rest)
(map vec)
(into {}))
assign-cart-id (fn [id cart] (assoc cart :id (-> (format "C%03d" id) keyword)))
carts (->> (:cart bits)
(map second)
(map assign-cart-id (range))
{:tracks (process-tracks tracks)
:carts carts}))
(defn- next-intersection-dir [x]
(case x
:left :forward
:forward :right
:right :left))
(defn- resolve-intersection-direction [direction intersection-value]
(case direction
:left (case intersection-value
:left :down
:forward :left
:right :up)
:right (case intersection-value
:left :up
:forward :right
:right :down)
:up (case intersection-value
:left :left
:forward :up
:right :right)
:down (case intersection-value
:left :right
:forward :down
:right :left)))
(defn advance-cart
"Given a cart and the `tracks` data structure, divine the current loc and dir of the cart,
and return loc' and dir'. Note that the direction may change if the cart has passed through
a corner or an intersection."
[cart tracks]
(let [{:keys [loc dir]} cart
loc-data (get tracks loc)
intersection? (= :intersection (:type loc-data))]
intersection? (let [int (:int cart)
dir (resolve-intersection-direction dir int)
int' (next-intersection-dir int)
[loc' dir'] (get loc-data dir)]
(-> cart
(assoc :loc loc')
(assoc :dir dir')
(assoc :int int')))
:else (let [[loc' dir'] (fetch loc-data dir)]
(-> cart
(assoc :loc loc')
(assoc :dir dir'))))))
(defn find-collisions
"Find any collisions between `cart` and `carts` -- i.e. `cart` has just moved and may
have collided with one of `carts`.
If no collision, returns {}.
If a collision occurred, returns (for example):)
{ :C019 [17 3], :C002 [17 3] }
It's not possible for the return value to have anything other than zero or two entries."
[cart carts]
{:post [(fn [ret] (and (map? ret) (is-one-of? [0 2] (count ret))))]}
(let [collision-loc (:loc cart)
collider-id (->> carts
(filter #(= (:loc %) collision-loc))
(if collider-id
{ (:id cart) collision-loc,
collider-id collision-loc}
(find-collisions {:id :X :loc [2 0]}
[{:id :Y :loc [2 0]} {:id :Z :loc [3 1]}])
--> {:X [2 0], :Y [2 0]}
(find-collisions {:id :A :loc [2 0]}
[{:id :B :loc [5 8]} {:id :C :loc [3 1]}])
--> {})
(defn initial-tick [carts]
{:tick 0
:ncarts (count carts)
:carts carts
:collisions-id->loc {}})
(defn remove-carts
"Input: collection of carts.
Output: sequence of carts with specific IDs removed."
[carts ids]
(->> carts
(remove (comp (set ids) :id))))
(defn- sort-carts-top-left-to-bottom-right [carts]
(sort-by (comp vec reverse :loc) carts))
(defn- advance-tick-engine
"Produces [carts' collisions] for the given input carts and tracks.
carts' will be smaller than carts if collisions have occurred.
Example of collisions value:
{:C001 [2 0], :C000 [2 0], :C005 [2 4], :C004 [2 4], :C006 [6 4], :C003 [6 4]}]
Yes, that is a lot of collisions."
[carts tracks]
(loop [done ()
carts carts
collisions {}]
:let [carts (sort-carts-top-left-to-bottom-right carts)]
(empty? carts) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (vector done collisions)
:let [[c & cs] carts
c' (advance-cart c tracks)
coll-data (find-collisions c' (concat done cs))]
(empty? coll-data) ,,,,,,,,,,,, (recur (conj done c')
:let [coll-ids (keys coll-data)]
:else ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (recur (remove-carts done coll-ids)
(remove-carts cs coll-ids)
(merge collisions coll-data)))))
(defn advance-tick
"Performs a 'tick' in this problem. Takes and returns a 'tick' structure. Also takes a 'tracks' vector.
Advance each cart one unit and detect any collisions. Carts are updated one at a time,
in [y x] order (top-left to bottom-right). After each one is updated, all locations are
examined for a collision.
The returned 'tick' structure contains the :carts that are still around after any collisions have taken place,
as well as :ncarts for convenience.
Any collisions that occurred in this tick are recorded in :collisions-id->loc, for instance:
:collisions-id->loc { :C006 [13 7], :C002 [13 7] }"
[tick tracks]
(let [[carts' collisions] (advance-tick-engine (:carts tick) tracks)]
(-> tick
(update :tick inc)
(assoc :ncarts (count carts'))
(assoc :carts carts')
(assoc :collisions-id->loc collisions))))
(defn part1 []
(let [{:keys [tracks carts]} (parse-input (parse "data/day13.txt" str))]
(->> (initial-tick carts)
(iterate (fn [tick] (advance-tick tick tracks)))
(drop-while (fn [tick] (empty? (:collisions-id->loc tick))))
(defn part2 []
(let [{:keys [tracks carts]} (parse-input (parse "data/day13.txt" str))]
(->> (initial-tick carts)
(iterate (fn [tick] (advance-tick tick tracks)))
(drop-while (fn [tick] (< 1 (:ncarts tick))))
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