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Created January 27, 2019 03:27
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(ns aoc.day16
(:use aoc.common)
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer [testing is]]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as stest]
[better-cond.core :as b]))
(def OPSYMS [:addr :addi :mulr :muli :banr :bani :borr :bori :setr :seti :gtir :gtri :gtrr :eqir :eqri :eqrr])
(def ^:dynamic *DEBUG* false)
(s/def ::instruction (s/coll-of int? :kind vector? :count 4))
(s/def ::registers (s/coll-of int? :kind vector? :count 4))
(defn calculate [opsym A B registers]
(let [reg (fn [i] {:pre [(<= 0 i 3)]} (fetch registers i))
val (fn [x] x)
f (fn [op fA fB]
(op (fA A) (fB B)))
gt (fn [x y]
(if (> x y) 1 0))
eq (fn [x y]
(if (= x y) 1 0))]
(case opsym
:addr (f + reg reg)
:addi (f + reg val)
:mulr (f * reg reg)
:muli (f * reg val)
:banr (f bit-and reg reg)
:bani (f bit-and reg val)
:borr (f bit-or reg reg)
:bori (f bit-or reg val)
:setr (reg A)
:seti (val A)
:gtir (f gt val reg)
:gtri (f gt reg val)
:gtrr (f gt reg reg)
:eqir (f eq val reg)
:eqri (f eq reg val)
:eqrr (f eq reg reg))))
(calculate :addr 1 3 [9 8 7 6]) --> 14
(calculate :gtri 0 8 [9 8 7 6]) --> 1
(calculate :gtri 3 8 [9 8 7 6]) --> 0)
(defn apply-symbolic-instruction
"Opcode is :mulr or :addi or ...
Args is three integers - two input arguments and one output register.
Registers is four integers - R0 through R3.
Output: new registers"
[opsym args registers]
(let [[A B C] args
result (calculate opsym A B registers)]
(assoc registers C result)))
(apply-symbolic-instruction :addr [2 1 0] [9 3 8 4]) --> [(+ 8 3) 3 8 4]
(apply-symbolic-instruction :seti [2 1 0] [9 3 8 4]) --> [2 3 8 4]
(apply-symbolic-instruction :setr [2 1 0] [9 3 8 4]) --> [8 3 8 4]
(apply-symbolic-instruction :banr [0 1 3] [12 9 1 2]) --> [12 9 1 (bit-and 12 9)])
(defn successful-opcodes
"Given registers, instruction, and registers', which one(s) of the 16 opcodes could have
produced that change in the registers? Returns a list of successful opcodes.
Note: 'instruction' contains four integers, the first being an opcode, but the opcode is
ignored. The point of this function is to try _all_ opcodes."
[registers instruction registers']
(let [args (subvec instruction 1)]
(into []
(for [opsym OPSYMS
:when (= (apply-symbolic-instruction opsym args registers)
(successful-opcodes [3 2 1 1] ['_ 2 1 2] [3 2 2 1]) --set=> [:mulr :addi :seti])
(defn data-16a []
(let [f (fn [[l1 l2 l3 _]]
{:reg (-> l1 (subs 8) read-string)
:inst (->> l2 (re-seq #"\d+") (mapv parse-long))
:reg' (-> l3 (subs 8) read-string)})]
(->> (parse "data/day16a.txt" str)
(partition 4)
(mapv f))))
(defn part1 []
(->> (for [{:keys [reg inst reg']} (data-16a)]
(successful-opcodes reg inst reg'))
(map count)
(filter (partial <= 3))
(defn determine-opcodes
"Input: {0 #{:eqir :gtrr :eqri :gtri},
1 #{:bani :gtir :banr :eqrr :seti :mulr :eqri :gtri},
2 #{:gtrr :gtri},
3 #{:gtrr},
4 #{:gtir :eqir :banr :eqrr :gtrr :eqri :gtri}, ..... }
One by one, known opcode mappings are removed and the potential maps are simplified.
Return: {0 :eqir, 1 :bani, 2 :gtri, 3 :gtrr, ... }"
(let [reduce-todo (fn [todo opnum]
(let [opsym (first (fetch todo opnum))
todo' (dissoc todo opnum)
todo' (map-vals #(disj % opsym) todo')]
(loop [done (sorted-map), todo data]
(empty? todo) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (map-vals first done)
let [[opcode sym] (->> todo
(filter (comp (partial = 1) count second))
(nil? opcode) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (raise-error "No unique opcode mapping found")
:else ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (recur (assoc done opcode sym)
(reduce-todo todo opcode))))))
(defn apply-numeric-instruction
"Same as apply-symbolic-instruction except the opcode is a number. Needs an opcode-table
like {0 :eqri, 1 :borr, ...} to resolve it."
[opcode-table instruction registers]
(let [opcode (first instruction)
opsym (fetch opcode-table opcode)
args (subvec instruction 1)]
(apply-symbolic-instruction opsym args registers)))
(s/fdef apply-numeric-instruction
:args (s/cat :opcode-table map?
:instruction ::instruction
:registers ::registers)
:ret ::registers)
(apply-numeric-instruction {7 :addr, 11 :borr} [7 2 1 0] [9 3 8 4]) --> [(+ 8 3) 3 8 4])
(defn part2 []
(let [init (into (sorted-map)
(zipmap (range 16) (repeat #{})))
xs (->> (for [{:keys [reg inst reg']} (data-16a)]
(let [numeric-opcode (first inst)
potential-opcodes (successful-opcodes reg inst reg')]
{numeric-opcode (set potential-opcodes)})))
data (apply merge-with set/union init xs)
opcode-table (determine-opcodes data)
program (parse "data/day16b.txt" (fn [line]
(mapv parse-long (re-seq #"\d+" line))))
execute-instruction (fn [regs inst]
(apply-numeric-instruction opcode-table inst regs))]
(s/check-asserts true)
(s/assert (s/coll-of ::instruction) program)
(reduce execute-instruction
[0 0 0 0]
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