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Created June 27, 2014 06:59
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import Graphics.Input.Field as Field
import Graphics.Input as Input
import Http
import String
import Text
import Window
main : Signal Element
main = merge ui <| asText <~ getLogin redirect
ui = scene <~ Window.dimensions
~ lift5 form first.signal last.signal email.signal remail.signal errors
-- Signals and Inputs
first = Input.input Field.noContent
last = Input.input Field.noContent
email = Input.input Field.noContent
remail = Input.input Field.noContent
submit = Input.input ()
hasAttempted : Signal Bool
hasAttempted =
let isPositive c = c > 0
in isPositive <~ count submit.signal
sendable : Signal Bool
sendable = keepWhen hasAttempted False (isEmpty <~ errors)
errors : Signal [String]
errors =
let rawErrors = lift4 getErrors first.signal last.signal email.signal remail.signal
in keepWhen hasAttempted [] <| merge rawErrors (sampleOn submit.signal rawErrors)
getErrors : Field.Content -> Field.Content -> Field.Content -> Field.Content -> [String]
getErrors first last email remail =
let empty content = String.isEmpty content.string
checks = [ (empty first , "First name required.")
, (empty last , "Last name required.")
, (empty email , "Must enter your email address.")
, (empty remail, "Must re-enter your email address.")
, (email.string /= remail.string, "Email addresses do not match.")
activeError (err,msg) = if err then Just msg else Nothing
justs <| map activeError checks
redirect : Signal String
redirect =
keepWhen sendable "" <| sampleOn submit.signal <|
lift3 url first.signal last.signal email.signal
url : Field.Content -> Field.Content -> Field.Content -> String
url first last email =
"/login?first=" ++ first.string ++ "&last=" ++ last.string ++ "&email="++ email.string
getLogin : Signal String -> Signal (Http.Response String)
getLogin req = Http.send <| lift (\r -> r "") req
-- Display
scene : (Int,Int) -> Element -> Element
scene (w,h) form =
color charcoal . flow down <|
[ spacer w 50
, container w (h-50) midTop form
form : Field.Content -> Field.Content -> Field.Content -> Field.Content -> [String] -> Element
form first' last' email' remail' errors =
color lightGrey . flow down <|
[ container 340 60 middle . leftAligned . Text.height 32 <| toText "Example Sign Up"
, field "First Name:" first.handle first'
, field "Last Name:" last.handle last'
, field "Your Email:" email.handle email'
, field "Re-enter Email:" remail.handle remail'
, showErrors errors
, container 300 50 midRight <| size 60 30 <| Input.button submit.handle () "Submit"
field : String -> Input.Handle Field.Content -> Field.Content -> Element
field label handle content =
flow right
[ container 120 36 midRight <| plainText label
, container 220 36 middle <| size 180 26 <|
Field.field Field.defaultStyle handle id "" content
showErrors : [String] -> Element
showErrors errs =
flow down
[ spacer 10 10
, if isEmpty errs
then spacer 0 0
else flow down <| map (width 340 . centered . Text.color red . toText) errs
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