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Last active August 25, 2016 09:29
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Subclipse Plugin in eclipse
Please note that the way how to install plugins differs from each version of Eclipse to the next one.
The following description is for Eclipse 3.5 - 4.3. See
for more detailed information by the plugin provider.
If not installing on Windows (32-bit), i.e. on Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows 64-bit, first have a look at the notes below,
as you first need to install Subversion for your operating system.
In Eclipse, select the menu "Help > Install New Software".
Enter the Update Site, depending on your version of subversion you installed:
If you installed Subversion 1.6:
If you installed Subversion 1.7:
If you installed Subversion 1.8:
Select the following items to be installed:
Subversion Client Adapter
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter
SVNKit Client Adapter
After the installation, restart Eclipse.
To verify that the integration works, try the following steps:
Open the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective (menu Window > Open Perspective > Other)
Add the following SVN Repository Location:
To add it, click on the yellowish icon with "svn" and the plus sign.
Test if you can browse to the sub-directories, e.g. matsim/trunk.
Installation on Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows 64-bit
While Subclipse includes everything it needs to run on Windows 32-bit, it has some additional dependencies on Linux and Mac OS X.
Especially, Subclipse requires that you have the correct version of Subversion installed on your machine along some libraries
to make Subversion usable by Subclipse.
Please have a look at the detailed information( provided directly by the Subclipse team.
For Windows 7 64-bit, see these informations(
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