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Created February 8, 2013 16:13
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x <- sample(1:100,200, replace = TRUE)
cpp_src <- '
Rcpp::IntegerVector xa = clone(x); // Vector to be sampled
Rcpp::IntegerVector na(n); // Number of elements in solution
Rcpp::IntegerVector sa(s); // Sum of solution
int nsampled;
int currentSum;
int dropRandomIndex;
int numZeroes;
Rcpp::IntegerVector remainingQuantity(1);
int maxAttempts = 100;
// Create container for our results
Rcpp::IntegerVector res(maxAttempts);
std::fill( res.begin(), res.end(), NA_INTEGER );
// Calculate min/max so that we can draw random integers from within range
Rcpp::IntegerVector::iterator mn = std::min_element(xa.begin(), xa.end()) ;
Rcpp::IntegerVector::iterator mx = std::max_element(xa.begin(), xa.end()) ;
std::cout << "mx = " << *mx << std::endl;
// Now draw repeatedly
nsampled = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < maxAttempts; i++ ) {
std::cout << "\\n" << i;
int r = *mn + (rand() % (int)(*mx - *mn + 1));
res[i] = xa[r+1];
// Calculate n and s for current loop iteration
numZeroes = 0;
for( int j = 0; j < maxAttempts; j++)
if(res[j]==0) numZeroes++;
std::cout << " nz= " << numZeroes ;
nsampled = maxAttempts - sum( is_na(res) ) - numZeroes - 1;
currentSum = std::accumulate(res.begin(),res.begin()+i,0); // Cant just use Rcpp sugar sum() here because it freaks at the NAs
std::cout << " nsamp= " << nsampled << " sum= " << currentSum;
if(nsampled == na[0]-1) {
std::cout << " One element away. ";
remainingQuantity[0] = sa[0] - currentSum;
std::cout << "remainingQuantity = " << remainingQuantity[0];
if( (remainingQuantity[0] > 0) && (remainingQuantity[0]) < *mx ) {
std::cout << "Within range. Prepare the secret (cheating) weapon!\\n";
std::cout << sa[0] << " ";
std::cout << currentSum << " ";
std::cout << remainingQuantity[0] << std::endl;
if( i != maxAttempts ) {
std::cout << "Safe to add one last element on the end. Doing so.\\n";
res[i] = remainingQuantity[0];
currentSum = sa[0];
if(nsampled == na[0] && currentSum == sa[0]) std::cout << "It should end after this...nsamp= " << nsampled << " and currentSum= " << currentSum << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Out of striking distance. Dropping random element\\n";
dropRandomIndex = 0 + (rand() % (int)(i - 0 + 1));
res[dropRandomIndex] = 0;
if(nsampled == na[0] && currentSum == sa[0]) {
std::cout << "Success!\\n";
for(int l = 0; l <= i+1; l++)
std::cout << res[l] << " " ;
if(nsampled == na[0] && currentSum != sa[0]) {
std::cout << "Reached number of elements but sum is ";
if(currentSum > sa[0]) {
std::cout << "Too high. Blitz everything and start over!\\n";
for(int k = 0; k < res.size(); k++) {
res[k] = NA_INTEGER;
} else {
std::cout << "Too low. \\n";
if( nsampled < na[0] && currentSum >= sa[0] ) {
std::cout << "Too few elements but at or above the sum cutoff. Dropping a random element and trying again.\\n";
dropRandomIndex = 0 + (rand() % (int)(i - 0 + 1));
res[dropRandomIndex] = 0;
return res;
sumto <- cxxfunction( signature(x="integer", n="integer", s="integer"), body=cpp_src, plugin="Rcpp", verbose=TRUE )
testresult <- sumto(x=x, n=20L, s=1000L)
testresult <- testresult[!]
testresult <- testresult[testresult!=0]
##### Test Other functions ######
# ABF's R function
n <- 20L
target <- 1000L
vec <- seq(100)
# R repeat loop
sumto_repeat <- function(vec,n,target) {
res <- integer()
repeat {
res <- c( res, sample(vec,1) )
if( sum(res)<target & length(res)==(n-1) ) {
res[length(res)+1] <- target - sum(res)
# cat("mid:",sum(res),length(res),"\n")
if(sum(res)>target) res <- res[-length(res)]
if( length(res)>n | length(res)<n & sum(res)==target ) {
res <- res[-sample(seq(length(res)),1)]
# cat("end:",sum(res),length(res),"\n")
# cat(dput(res),"\n")
if( sum(res)==target & length(res)==n ) break
# Ananda's R function
SampleToSum <- function(Target = 100, VecLen = 10,
InRange = 1:100, Tolerance = 2,
showSum = TRUE) {
Res <- vector()
while ( TRUE ) {
Res <- round(diff(c(0, sort(runif(VecLen - 1)), 1)) * Target)
if ( all(Res > 0) &
all(Res >= min(InRange)) &
all(Res <= max(InRange)) &
abs((sum(Res) - Target)) <= Tolerance ) { break }
if (isTRUE(showSum)) cat("Total = ", sum(Res), "\n")
# Greg Snow's elegant solution
# But doesn't seem to always work if the vector differs from the sample size:
#> sum(as.vector(table( c( seq(n), sample(vec, target, replace=TRUE) ) )))
#[1] 1020
gs <- function(vec,n,target) {
as.vector(table( c( seq(n), sample(vec, target, replace=TRUE) ) ))
# Benchmark
m <- microbenchmark(
sumto(vec, n, target),
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mrdwab commented Feb 9, 2013

You spent too much time on this question ;)

I don't totally understand Greg Snow's solution. It just doesn't seem to work for me. The length is all wrong, the range in the results are very narrow---I think it answers a different question. Also, to get the correct output value, do remember that vec should be vec - n (which is why the sum is 20 off in your test).

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