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Created July 16, 2014 19:35
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"categories": [
"name": "TF Logic",
"order": 0,
"questions": [
"question": "What does it mean for a sentence to be a tautology?",
"answer": "Every possible interpretation makes the sentence true.",
"value": 100
"question": "Answer all of the following:<ol><li>A sentence is contingent iff it is falsifiable and consistent</li><li>A sentence P is a contradiction if it is not a tautology.</li><li>If a sentence is consistent, then it is falsifiable.</li></ol>",
"answer": "T/F/F",
"value": 200
"question": "Construct a truth-table to show that \\(C\\ \\&\\ (B\\vee A)\\approx (C\\ \\&\\ B)\\vee(C\\ \\&\\ A)\\)",
"answer": "(table)",
"value": 300
"question": "Write an explanation for why if \\(p,q\\models r\\), then the sentence \\((p\\ \\&\\ q)\\to r\\) is a tautology.",
"answer": "(explanation)",
"value": 400
"question": "Provide a natural deduction proof to demonstrate \\(C\\to(B\\vee A),\\ \\sim B\\ \\&\\ \\sim D,\\ A\\leftrightarrow B,\\) \\(\\ ((E\\vee B)\\leftrightarrow C)\\to(A\\vee D)\\vdash E\\)",
"answer": "(proof)",
"value": 500
"name": "Q Logic",
"order": 1,
"questions": [
"question": "Translate the following into quantifier logic symbols: If all Cylons are evil, then Gaius Baltar is evil.",
"answer": "",
"value": 100
"question": "Provide a natural deduction proof to show \\(\\forall x(Fx\\to Gx)\\) \\(\\vdash (\\forall x\\sim Gx\\to\\forall x\\sim Fx)\\)",
"answer": "",
"value": 200
"question": "Which of the following is more sad, and why?<ol><li>\\(\\exists x((Tx\\ \\&\\ \\forall y(Ty\\to y=x))\\ \\&\\ Lx)\\)</li><li>\\(\\exists x((Tx\\ \\&\\ Lx)\\ \\&\\ \\forall y((Ty\\ \\&\\ Ly)\\to y=x))\\)</li></ol> Assume Tx means that x is a turtle and Lx means that x is lonely.",
"answer": "(good explanations)",
"value": 300
"question": "Consider the two sentences:<ol><li>Everybody loves somebody.</li><li>Somebody is loved by everybody.</li></ol> One implies the other. Which implies which? Prove it.",
"answer": "",
"value": 400
"question": "Does the following interpretation show that the sentence \\(\\forall x\\exists y(Lxy\\vee Px)\\) is falsifiable? Why or why not?<ul><li>Domain: \\(\\{1,2,3\\}\\)</li><li>\\(P = \\{2,3\\}\\)</li><li>\\(L = \\{\\langle 3,3\\rangle, \\langle 1,1\\rangle, \\langle 2,1\\rangle\\}\\)</li></ul>",
"answer": "",
"value": 500
"name": "Sets",
"order": 2,
"questions": [
"question": "What is the definition of subset?",
"answer": "\\(A\\subseteq B\\leftrightarrow \\forall x(x\\in A\\to x\\in B)\\)",
"value": 100
"question": "True or false: The power set of the empty set is the empty set. If true, explain why. If false, calculate the actual power set.",
"answer": "False, \\(P(\\emptyset) = \\{\\emptyset\\}\\)",
"value": 200
"question": "What does it mean for a relation to be symmetric? Also, provide an example of a symmetric relation.",
"answer": "(defn + ex)",
"value": 300
"question": "Prove that if \\(A\\neq\\emptyset\\), then either \\(A\\setminus B\\neq\\emptyset\\) or \\(A\\cap B\\neq \\emptyset\\).",
"answer": "(proof)",
"value": 400
"question": "Prove that if B and C are disjoint and \\(A\\cap C\\) is nonempty, then \\(A\\not\\subseteq B\\).",
"answer": "(proof)",
"value": 500
"name": "Misc. Math",
"order": 3,
"questions": [
"question": "What does it mean (by definition) to say \\(3\\mid n\\)?",
"answer": "There is a natural number k such that 3k=n.",
"value": 100
"question": "Prove that \\(n^3\\) is even iff \\(n\\) is even.",
"answer": "",
"value": 200
"question": "Prove, by mathematical induction, that \\(0^2 + 1^2 +\\cdots + n^2 = \\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}\\).",
"answer": "",
"value": 300
"question": "Prove that for any natural number \\(n\\), \\(n(n^2 - 1)\\) is divisible by 6.",
"answer": "(proof)",
"value": 400
"question": "Prove that for any natural numbers \\(m\\) and \\(n\\), \\(mn\\) is even iff either \\(m\\) is even or \\(n\\) is even.",
"answer": "",
"value": 500
"name": "Misc. Logic",
"order": 4,
"questions": [
"question": "Must a valid argument have premises that are true in the real world? Why or why not?",
"answer": "No",
"value": 100
"question": "Using the syntax and grammar of truth-functional logic, give an example of an incomplete system.",
"answer": "",
"value": 500
"question": "Using the syntax and grammar of truth-functional logic, give an example of an unsound system.",
"answer": "",
"value": 400
"question": "What does it mean for a logical system to be sound?",
"answer": "",
"value": 200
"question": "What does it mean for a logical system to be complete?",
"answer": "",
"value": 300
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