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CSS2 diffs
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diff --git a/css2/.htaccess b/css2/.htaccess
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-# Apache - directory config file
-Options +Indexes
-IndexOptions +DescriptionWidth=*
-<Files ~ '.*.src'>
-ForceType 'text/html'
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/changes-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/grammar-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/sample-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/ui-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/colors-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/selector-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/visudet-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/about-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/conform-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/intro-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/visufx-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/aural-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/cover-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/media-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/syndata-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/visuren-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/box-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/fonts-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/page-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/tables-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/cascade-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/generate-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/refs-diff.html
-Redirect gone /Style/Group/css2-src/text-diff.html
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-Global structure
-* Each .src document should contain head, body, title, and link tags
- to the next .src file to be printed.
-* The TOC and Indexes will be generated by the magic scripts of ALH.
-* It's ok to use <TABLE>.
-* It's ok to include GIF files in the spec.
-To suppress page numbers in generated PS:
-(1) Use Arnaud's patched html2ps
-(2) Add class="noxref" to your link.
-The toc will be generated from H? markup. Headers should not
-contain anchors unless those anchors follow a ":". For
-example the following is ok:
-<h3>Margin properties: <a href="...">, <a href="...></h3>
-And "Margin properties" will be replaced by an anchor whose content
-is "Margin properties" and a heading number.
-The following line in the source file:
- <!-- #include src=properties/propname.srb -->
-(1) Will generate a property definition based on the definition
- in properties/properties.db and the output of bin/pextr.
- [Analogous for descriptors].
-(2) Will generate an entry in the properties index [TO BE DONE].
-Note: To get the property name in the TOC, it must be put in a
- header.
-* To mark up a property instance so that it will generate
- a link to its definition, write:
- <span class="propinst-propname">'propname'</span>
-* You cannot put any <span>s inside the <span> around the property
- instance.
-* html2ps will normally indicate the generated link by inserting a
- page number after it. To suppress that, add "noxref":
- <span class="propinst-propname noxref">'propname'</span>
- (The way this works is that the addlinks script copies the "noxref"
- to the <a> tag it generates, and html2ps looks at that <a> tag.)
-Value types
-There are three types of value types:
-(1) Key words
-(2) Basic
-(3) Other
-Each Value specification in a property definition will include
-some combination of these three.
- - Basic values will be delimited by single < marks. (E.g., <length>)
- and will link to their definitions in syndata.src
- - Other values will be defined below the property definition. They
- will be indicated by single < marks *and*
- by <em>. They will link to their definitions.
-MarkUp all value definitions with:
- <span class="index-def" title="value, definition of">
- <a name="value-def-value" class="value-def"><b>value</b></a>
- </span>
-* You cannot put any <span>s
- inside the <span> around the value definition.
-Note that the name attribute is first.
-MarkUp all value instances with:
- <span class="index-inst" title="value">
- <span class="value-inst-value">value</span>
- </span>
-* You cannot put any <span>s
- inside the <span> around the value instance.
-The "value" in the text may be marked up (e.g., &lt;value&gt;)
-This will generate the same thing with an A element around the inner
- <a href="..." class="value-inst">
- <span class="value-inst-value">value</span>
- </a>
-* html2ps will normally indicate the generated link by inserting a
- page number after it. To suppress that, add "noxref":
- <span class="value-inst-value noxref">value</span>
-* Index markup appears within a <span> element or a <dfn> element.
-* Definitions are marked up with class="index-def"
- [Decided in NYC] The content of index definitions should be
- marked within <em>..</em>
-* Non-definitions are marked up with class="index-inst".
-* The title attribute determines the index keys:
- a) title="keyword" produces in the index:
- ...
- keyword, n
- ...
- where n refers to the nth appearance of that keyword
- in the index. If keyword is a definition, n will be
- rendered specially
- b) title="keyword::subkey" produces in the index:
- ...
- keyword
- subkey, n
- ...
- c) title="keyword1|keyword2" puts both keywords in the index.
- * You may have as many alternate entries in a span as you want,
- separating all of them with a "|".
- * You may only have one level of subkey (i.e., a::b::c is illegal).
-For example:
- <span class="index-def" title="mydef">mydef text</span>
- <span class="index-def" title="mydef::subpart">mydef text</span>
- <span class="index-def"
- title="mydef::subpart|subpart of mydef">mydef text</span>
-* If the title attribute is not set, the span content goes in the
- index (alphabetized) and links to the marked-up source. This
- practice is supported, but discouraged since markup may appear
- in the content.
-* This markup is converted into an anchor during processing. However,
- the processor looks to see whether an anchor has already been
- defined within the span and reuses it if it has. Thus,
- <span class="index-def" title="mydef"><a name="foo">..</a></span>
- will work, as will any markup that generates an anchor
- with "name" set. (the index is processed after the other stuff).
-* You may not, however, embed index markup. You don't need to,
- however, since the "|" mechanism allows any number of index
- keys at the same place.
-* [TODO] In the printed version, the links are printed as page
-* In accordance with the HTML spec, use uppercase for
- HTML element names and lowercase for HTML attribute names.
-* Markup CSS examples with the classes "example",
-"deprecated-example", "illegal-example".
-* Markup HTML examples with the classes "html-example",
-"deprecated-html-example", "illegal-html-example".
-* Markup XML examples with the classes "xml-example",
-"deprecated-xml-example", "illegal-xml-example".
-<div class="example"><P>
-<div class="deprecated-example"><P>
-<span class="example-title">DEPRECATED EXAMPLE:</span><br>
-<div class="illegal-example"><P>
-<span class="example-title">ILLEGAL EXAMPLE:</span><br>
-<div class="note"><P>
-<em><strong>Note.</strong> ...</em>
-* Indentation of examples? [HAKON TODO]
-* References. *All* references to WWW pages, books, etc. will appear in
-a single file: refs.src. Each reference entry will contain
-an anchor whose name has the prefix "ref-". If the reference is to a
-document online, the URL of the document will be displayed as well
-as linked to (for printing).
-References in refs.src should either be marked normative
-or informative and should be specified in the proper section.
-A normative reference is marked as class="normref":
-<dt><strong><a name="ref-FLEX" class="normref">[FLEX]</a></strong>
-<dd>"Flex: The Lexical Scanner Generator", Version 2.3.7, ISBN 1882114213.
-An informative reference is marked as class="informref".
-Please put the "name" attribute before the "class" attribute.
-All references within the rest of the specification will point to
-the appropriate entry in references.src. These links should have the
-following syntax:
- [[SYMBOL]]
- [[-SYMBOL]]
-The latter forces the reference to be informative ('informref').
-This will automatically be expanded to something like:
- <a rel="biblioentry"
- href="<path>/ref/references.html#ref-SYMBOL"
- class="informref"
- </a>[SYMBOL]</a>
-Note the appearance of class="normref" | class="informref"
-at the end of the anchor start tag. It is possible to
-have an informative link to a normative reference, but you
-should not have a normative link to an informative reference.
-You can check to see that links to refs.src are ok with respect
-to normref/informref by running "make checkrefs".
-Document HEAD
-<html lang="en">
-<!-- $Id: CONVENTIONS,v 1.15 1998-05-05 18:01:10 bbos Exp $ -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
-<TITLE>CSS2 Specification</TITLE>
-<!-- *Don't* put next, prev, and stylesheet links, they are automatic -->
-<H1 align="center">CSS2 Specification</H1>
-Style guidelines from From Bert:
- *Choose one font (Helvetica or Helvetica Narrow)
- *Choose three colors (black, white, red)
- *Choose two line thicknesses (1px, 3px)
- *Choose two line styles (solid, dotted)
- *Choose two image sizes (large: as wide as the page, and small: half as
- wide)
- *If one of us turns out to be a good cartoonist, we can liven up the
- pictures a bit with one human or animal figure per picture, and maybe
- even one or two free-hand curves, but better not force ourselves
- here.
- *Images should be centered (in a <P>)
-From Chris:
- Ian wrote:
- > As I begin to think about replacing ASCII art with
- > images, I would like to raise the following issue: what
- > tools/formats do we use for these images?
- Whatever tools are handy and do the job correctly. As to formats,
- bitmapped images should be available in PNG and GIF for paletted images
- and JPEG for suitable 24bit images; we should also retain a lossless master
- image (24bit PNG). If the artwork was generated from a vector format, the
- vector master should also be retained.
diff --git a/css2/DOC/FILES b/css2/DOC/FILES
deleted file mode 100644
index f10161621..000000000
--- a/css2/DOC/FILES
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/css2/DOC/TODO.src b/css2/DOC/TODO.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 32be5451f..000000000
--- a/css2/DOC/TODO.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<!--$Id: TODO.src,v 1.3 1997-09-30 18:36:55 bbos Exp $-->
- BODY {background: white; color: black; margin: 5%}
- </STYLE>
-<H1>CSS2 TODO List</H1>
-<!-- #include src=../build/todo.srb -->
diff --git a/css2/DOC/css2-plan.html b/css2/DOC/css2-plan.html
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--- a/css2/DOC/css2-plan.html
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@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html public '-//W3C//DTD HTML Experimental 19970428//EN'>
-<!-- $Id: css2-plan.html,v 1.1 1997-07-23 18:28:14 bbos Exp $ -->
-<title>CSS2 Specification Plan</title>
-<h1>CSS2 Specification Plan</h1>
-We will base the CSS2 specification on the HTML 4.0 specification in
- several ways:
-<li>The structures will be similar (see below)
-<li>Much of the information will be generated from markup (indexes,
-links to property definitions from the text, table of contents,
-subtables of contents for each chapter, etc.) Ian will work with
-Arnaud to adapt the HTML 4.0 binaries and makefiles to CSS2.
-<P>The CSS2 specification will be written in some "clean" version of
- HTML 4.0. Style sheets for the spec will be linked via the
- LINK element.
-<h2>What's in CSS2?</h2>
-CSS2 will be created by integrating the following documents or later
-versions of them:
-<li><a href="">WD-print-970626.html</a>
-<li><a href="">WD-acss-970606.html</a>
-<li><a href="">WD-positioning-970507.html</a>
-<li><a href="">WD-frosting-970626.html</a>
-<li><a href="">WD-font-970626</a>
-<li><a href="">WD-css-tables-970624</a>
-<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
-<P>Here's a preliminary proposal for the tables of contents. The lines
-with asterisks are notes from discussions. Entries in square brackets
-are optional sections to be discussed further. Entries in curly
-brackets will be generated from source markup.
-<P>Please comment on missing pieces.
-Cover Page
- Abstract
- Status
- Link to Issues List (until publicly released)
- Editors (Bert/H&aring;ykon/Chris/Ian)
- Comments to the editors
- {Table of Contents}
-About the CSS2 Specification
- Structure of the specification
- * Properties defined where appropriate
- * May be read from beginning to end
- * Information accessible quickly from TOC, indexes,
- links within the doc to property definitions, etc.
- Acknowledgments
-Introduction to CSS2
- A brief CSS2 tutorial
- * Style Sheets
- * (See the beginning of the CSS1 draft)
- * CSS and HTML/HTTP (e.g., text/css)
- * Link to sample style sheet in appendix
- Design principles of CSS2
- * Impact of Web design on CSS2
- * Modularity
- * Justification of syntax
- * Forward compatibility
- * Simple values
- * Define scope of CSS2
-Definitions and Conventions
- Definitions
- Conventions of the spec
-Syntax and data types of CSS2
- Rules (Selectors (and groups)
- Declarations (and groups))
- @-rules (import, page, font-face, media)
- Basic Data types
- keywords, strings, numbers, units
- list, percentage, length, color, url
- Comments (CSS2 and SGML)
- Document Trees
- * White space
- * Inheritance
- Selectors
- * CSS and HTML
- Cascade
- * !Important rule
- * Precedence rules
- Media Types
- Screen
- Page
- Aural
- * Voice families
- * Spatial audio
- Braille
- Flow objects: Float, display, and position properties
- * list, block, inline
- * replaced elements
- * filters
- Colors
- * Device independent color concepts
- * Point to implementation-dependent colors
- Fonts
- * Font database
- * Font encoding (from CSS1/Appendix C)
- * Font sets (from CSS1/Appendix C)
- Text and Synthesized text
- Box Model, Lists, Tables, and Columns
- User interface
- * Cursors
- * What does CSS2 conformance mean?
- * Forward compatible parsing
- {Concept index}
- {Property index}
- Sample Style Sheet
- Changes between CSS1 and CSS2
- Performance and Implementation Notes
- Colors
- * SRGB, Gamma (see CSS1/Appendix C)
- Grammar of CSS2
- [CSS2 and other style sheet languages]
-<P>This table of contents may vary if documents become too large or if
-they naturally combine, etc.
-<h2>The implementation of the spec</h2>
-The source files of the specification will be located in the following
- CVS module: <strong>WWW/Style/Group/css2-src</strong>.
-<P>This module will contain the following subdirectories:
-<li><strong>DOC</strong> Contains documents for editors:
-<li>README: How to create the electronic and printed versions of the
- spec and how to install it in the public space of the
- Web site. The <tt>Makefile</tt> in the toplevel
- directory will specify how the spec is created.
-<li>CONVENTIONS: Conventions adopted by the editors of the spec (e.g.,
- quotes around property names, markup to use for
- generated links, etc.
-<li>FILES: The list of files that compose the specification. This list
- will be used by the process that generates the final
- spec in all its forms.
-<li><strong>bin</strong> Contains scripts and programs to build the
- spec from source files.
-<li><strong>build</strong> Contains files (indexes, headers,
- etc.) generated to build the spec.
-<li><strong>images</strong> Contains image files
-<li><strong>style</strong> Contains style sheets associated with the
- spec.
-<P>All other source files, having the suffix ".srb", will be located
-in the toplevel directory. These files will contain HTML 4.0 plus any
-macros (to be defined) that may generate HTML during processing).
-<li>First draft for CSS WG: August 20
-<li>Recommendation: mid-December
-<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
-Local variables:
-mode: sgml
-sgml-nofill-elements:("pre" "style" "br")
diff --git a/css2/DOC/todo.db b/css2/DOC/todo.db
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index c4c42498b..000000000
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@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-1 2 Test-friendly spec San Jose ftf - 25 Aug 1997 - Write the spec with testable statements in mind for NIST -
-2 0 spell checking San Jose ftf Ian 25 Aug 1997 30 Sep 1997 I've done this with ispell in emacs and a personal dictionary I built along the checking. Spell-checked with Ispell and Emacs
-3 0 Have headers at the top of each page on paper San Jose ftf Ian 25 Aug 1997 1 Sep 1997 I've now a customized version of html2ps which I use along with a configuration file (html2psrc) which both improve the printed document. Used html2psrc
-4 0 Make sure links to all sections of the spec have page numbers generated in the Postscript version (instead of just to anchors in the same file) Ian Ian 25 Aug 1997 5 Sep 1997 Yes, new version of html2ps does this (I believe) Used html2psrc
-5 0 Give better explanation of meaning of percentages and when to compute them. Inside out and outside in formatting issues. San Jose ftf Howcome/Bert 26 Aug 1997 11 Feb 1998 - Ok in visual rendering model
-6 0 Replace ascii art with images. Notably, example of list items is wrong (margin applies to block, not to marker). Suggested: use OBJECT for images and then long description. San Jose ftf - 26 Aug 1997 30 Sep 1997 - Added
-7 0 Clarify text of fonts section re glyphs, panose. Perhaps add example. See San Jose ftf minutes for details. San Jose ftf Chris 26 Aug 1997 12 Dec 1997 - I suppose done by Dec 11
-8 0 Positioning: add right, bottom, min, max properties San Jose ftf Hakon 26 Aug 1997 30 Sep 1997 - Added to Sep 24 spec
-9 0 Add break-* : avoid to spec. San Jose ftf Ian 26 Aug 1997 30 Sep 1997 - Added to Sep 24 spec
-10 0 Add widow/orphan San Jose ftf - 26 Aug 1997 30 Sep 1997 - Added (with Bert) along with page breaking info
-11 0 Add language that tiling is a valid option for a printer driver (section 9.3.2) San Jose ftf - 26 Aug 1997 30 Sep 1997 - Ok (added to print.src)
-12 0 Make the acknowledgments appropriate Ian - 7 Sep 1997 12 Dec 1997 - I suppose ok by Dec 11
-13 2 Fix the CSS2 grammar (grammar.src) Ian - 7 Sep 1997 21 Mar 1998 Selector syntax updated (29 Sep 1997). Done
-14 0 In cursors, rename hand value San Jose ftf Ian 25 Aug 1997 14 Jan 1998 - Renamed pointer
-15 0 Fix percentage values for pitch-range/stress/richness Ian - 25 Aug 1997 - -
-16 0 What is the syntax of integers and numbers? (For syndata.src) Ian - 8 Sep 1997 30 Sep 1997 - Added 2 paras about syntax [BB]
-17 0 2.2, 2.3: add design principles (, drop the "tips" section Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 21 Mar 1998 - Done
-18 0 3.1.8:describe relationship between "canvas", "page" and "window". Poin to Ch7 Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 01 Oct 1997 [ij] (01 Oct 1997). Text added comparing canvas, page, window
-19 0 4.3: change title to "CSS embedded in HTML" Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 01 Oct 1997 - Title changed [IJ]
-20 0 5.5: change sequential selector syntax from "/P/ P" to "/P P/" Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 20 Oct 1997 - Changed!
-21 0 Ch5: add section on selector binding, priorities and associativity Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 21 Mar 1998 - Done
-22 0 Ch6: move first paragraphs into "design principles". Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 01 Oct 1997 - Paragraphs moved to design principles [IJ]
-23 0 add specificity rules for new selectors Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 21 Mar 1998 - Done in cascade.src
-24 0 Ch7: describe paged vs. scrolled media Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 20 Oct 1997 - Scrolled vs. Media described here and in page.src
-25 0 7.2: add reference to where media types are specified Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 01 Oct 1997 - Links added where appropriate [IJ]
-26 0 7.2: add media type TV (low resolution, color, limited scrollability) Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 01 Oct 1997 - Added
-27 0 7.2: add media type HANDHELD (small screen, monochrome, limited scroll, limited bandwidht) Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 01 Oct 1997 - Added
-28 0 Ch8: change title to "Visual rendering model" ("flow" is only one of the visual formatting models) Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 02 Oct 1997 - Changed visual flow model to visual rendering model except where the flow model is explicitly discussed (in the middle of flowobj.src)
-29 0 Ch8: describe terminology for "rendering model" and "rendering object" Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 12 Dec 1997 - See processing model
-30 0 Ch8: add "content" property to represent replaced vs. non-replaced elements Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 12 Dec 1997 - Done in 11 Dec draft
-31 0 Ch8: add figure to describe the three axes: normal,abs,float/replaced,non-replaced/inline,block Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 - - -
-32 0 8.1: clarify that the box model is slighly different in paged media Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 02 Oct 1997 - Add link from end of introduction to box model to section on page boxes.
-33 0 add table values: table, row, column, row-group, column-group, cell, caption? Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 12 Dec 1997 - Done in 11 Dec draft
-34 0 Ch8: make "flow", "float" and "absolute positioning" peers (e.g. 8.2, 8.3, 8.4). Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 02 Oct 1997 - Removed section on "outside the flow" and added it to floats. Made floats, absolute, and flow all same level
-35 0 8.3.2:replace "box coordinate system" with "positioning block". Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 20 Oct 1997 - Done (flowobj.src and flowobj2.src)
-36 0 8.1.2, 8.1.3: percentage values apply to "containing block" not the "parent element". Describe "containing block" in appropriate place Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 12 Dec 1997 - Done in 11 Dec draft
-37 0 8.4: add numbering to headers Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 02 Oct 1997 - Added headers
-38 0 8.6: add text on multicolumn layout. Constrain to paged media only? Never let multicol go below window? Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 12 Dec 1997 - No multicolumn in CSS2
-39 0 Ch9: change title to "visual rendering model details" Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 02 Oct 1997 - Done
-40 0 change syntax for min/max values on width? e.g. minmax(x,y,z)? Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 21 Mar 1998 - No change apparently
-41 0 change syntax for min/max values on height? e.g. minmax(x,y,z)? Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 21 Mar 1998 - No chagne apparently
-42 0 define "aspect-ratio" in more detail. Is "16:9" better units? Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 27 Oct 1997 - this property has been removed (as per phone call today with Bert and Howcome)
-43 0 9.4: add text to explain that there is always an "invisble" chunk of text to set minimum line-height Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 28 Oct 1997 - Rewrote section on inline layout (flowobj.html#inline) and line height calculataions (flowobj2.html#line-height) to give explanation of minimal line height
-44 0 9.4: clarify that replaced elements *must* make the line-height bigger if their height is larger than.. Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 15 Jan 1998 - Done during rewrite
-45 0 drop section on "float overlap". Too heavy. Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 02 Oct 1997 - Dropped
-46 0 drop outdated note that lenght will be added Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 02 Oct 1997 - Dropped
-47 0 clarify how 'visible' interact with 'width', 'height' -- do they really get larger? Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 - - -
-48 0 replace "primary text flow" with a pointer to the 'direction' property Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 15 Jan 1998 - Done
-49 0 describe that content made acesible through the 'scroll' value should also be printed Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 11 Feb 1998 - Added to definition of scroll value for overflow prop
-50 0 Global: make sure "origin" isn't used in the CSS2 spec Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 04 Oct 1997 Got cut off! Origin is mentioned wrt clipping (04 Oct 1997). The only place "origin" appears in the text is with respect
-51 0 9.8: add descriprion of static vs. dynamic: at any point in time, there is always a consistent static style sheet at work Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 - - -
-52 0 ch9: add description of inside-out and outside-in formatting model Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 15 Jan 1998 - Done during rewrite (however, top-down, bottom-up used)
-53 0 10.1: change title to "the color property" Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 02 Oct 1997 Whoops: Title changed (02 Oct 1997). Title changed
-54 0 10.2: is "rendering surface a good term, check CSS1 Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 12 Dec 1997 Ian: The term rendering surface is used in CSS1... (20 Oct 1997). Canvas defined
-55 0 should authors be able to redifine generic font families? Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 - Are you kidding? Readers, on the other hand - yes (but set via a preference, to keep the symmetry, not through CSS) (29 Oct 1997). -
-56 0, should these go to an appendix? Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 12 Dec 1997 - I believe these have been moved!
-57 0 Ch11: add table for how to map generic font families in other scripts Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 - - -
-58 0 Ch12: reorder properties to: indentation, alignment, decoration, letter/word spacing, case, white space Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 02 Oct 1997 - Reordered
-59 0 12.5: Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 12 Dec 1997 - No resolution since no problem!
-60 0 12.6.2: describe 'text-shadow' property -- remove 'text-shadow-color' Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 03 Oct 1997 - text-shadow-color changed to text-shadow (but otherwise same desc.)
-61 0 12.9.1: make sure the generated text functionality described by Murray can handle forced line breaks Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 11 Feb 1998 Added A escape sequence to represent hard line break. [BB] (29 Jan 1998). Yes, works with :before/:after and 'content'
-62 0 use parent-child selectors instead of deprecated example Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 20 Oct 1997 - Fixed deprecated example. See new text.
-63 0 move 'direction' property to "rendering model details" (ch 9) Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 20 Oct 1997 - Done. Still missing: explanation of values, examples.
-64 0 Ch 14: add alignment on decimal point Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 11 Feb 1998 - Exists in table alignment model
-65 0 14.9: delete -- floating elements within cell behave just like other floating elements Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 - - -
-66 0 should 'speak-header-cell' apply to header cells or table data cells? Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 - - -
-67 0 ch14: make sure pronouncing row header before column header is ok Håkon - 27 Sep 1997 - - -
-68 0 Add a paragraph in the section on colors that tells user agents what to do when colors arent available - 21 Oct 1997 - - -
-69 0 Introduce a NOT operator? - 21 Oct 1997 11 Feb 1998 - Not in CSS2
-70 0 Integrate Berts i18n info - 21 Oct 1997 11 Feb 1998 - Being done with Martin
-71 0 Add informative section on converting HTML relative font sizes to css? - 21 Oct 1997 - - -
-72 0 Integrate Todds base stylesheet for HTML40? - 21 Oct 1997 12 Dec 1997 - Done prior to 11 Dec draft
-73 0 How to revoke this message without being seen to have internal disputes? - 22 Oct 1997 - - -
-74 0 Are pseudo-elts *defined* by the fictional tag seq? Or does the fictional tag seq only define the cascading/inheritance? - 28 Oct 1997 - - -
-75 0 Is the specificty really doc-language dependent? - 28 Oct 1997 21 Mar 1998 - No
-76 0 Draw a flow-chart of the Processing Model. Ian's new chapter on the CSS Reference Processing Model - 28 Oct 1997 - Doc tree -> Annotated Doc tree (cascade, inheritance, initial values) -> endering tree (apply formatting algorithms to resolve "auto" -> Device (28 Oct 1997). The annotated tree may have 'auto' as a value for a prop, the rendering tree can't (28 Oct 1997). -
-77 0 Check all of 'Paged media' to ensure that printing-specific text is identified as such. It was written with printing in mind, and is not always applicable (eg, for Projector and PDA media - 29 Oct 1997 - - -
-78 0 Add tty media type (already in emacs w3) - 29 Oct 1997 12 Dec 1997 - Done in 11 Dec draft
-79 0 Clarify that an em unit can be used for horizontal or vertical measurement (see mail Fri Jul 18, David Perell, www-style, and also - 29 Oct 1997 - - -
-80 0 The precise meaning of 1em, when the text of an element is rendered by more than one font and each font din't match exactly the requested size; what is the inherited value? (no easy answer) (CSS1 insistence on inheriting *the* actual rather than specified - 29 Oct 1997 - - -
-81 0 The greek characters for kouros were bogus (latin character references) - 31 Oct 1997 - - fixed by adding correct NCRs in range 03?? (except in decimal) (31 Oct 1997).
-82 0 Unify presentation of what each value means (e.g., bulleted list everywhere in the spec) - 29 Oct 1997 21 Mar 1998 - Not done (Bert doesnt like...)
-83 0 make sure examples indented equally Ian - 29 Oct 1997 20 Feb 1998 - Done by Hakon
-84 0 Nice. It's that phrase "not relative to the document" in the existing news:Pine.A41.3.95a.971027183754.32264O-100000@sp049 - 31 Oct 1997 - - -
-85 1 Property 'alignment' should be 'text-align'. text.html#h-15.2 - 09 Nov 1997 12 Dec 1997 - Fixed
-86 1 Change "URL" in to "URI" as per agreement IETF/W3C. - 23 Nov 1997 12 Dec 1997 - Done after 11 Dec draft
-87 0 I propose we give Philippe Le Hegaret a special mention in the acks; he has helped a lot debugging the grammar and finding ambiguities in the property values. - 26 Nov 1997 11 Feb 1998 - Done
-88 0 Include the complete list of keywords in the spec. Ian - 26 Nov 1997 - - -
-89 0 In the section on comments, explain what user agents should do with SGML <-- and --> Ian - 26 Nov 1997 - - -
-90 0 Add reference to URL rfcs? (for resolution of fragment, relative, etc.) Ian - 26 Nov 1997 12 Dec 1997 - Done after 11 Dec draft
-91 0 Add named pages - 14 Jan 1998 21 Mar 1998 - Done
-ijacobs 0 No single quotes around value descriptions in DL lists? Ian - 15 Jan 1998 11 Feb 1998 - Ok
-ijacobs 0 Should there be commas in the rect() value of the 'clip' property? Bert - 15 Jan 1998 - - -
-ijacobs 0 Is there an 'inherit' property (or value?) Bert/Hakon - 15 Jan 1998 11 Feb 1998 - yes, inherit value on every prop
-ijacobs 0 Make sure to define text/css in the spec!! Ian/Chris - 15 Jan 1998 11 Feb 1998 - Will be defined in an RFC (and ref'd from the spec)
-ijacobs 0 in cascade.src, mention @-rules that affect that cascade Ian/Bert - 15 Jan 1998 - - -
-ijacobs 0 Make sure grammar.src and syndata.src are correct AND in sync Bert - 15 Jan 1998 29 Jan 1998 - New grammar now has whitespace as token. syndata.src is in sync.
-ijacobs 0 text-shadow or just 'shadow'? Hakon - 15 Jan 1998 21 Mar 1998 - text-shadow
-ijacobs 0 attr() is used in tables.src but defined nowhere Ian - 15 Jan 1998 21 Mar 1998 - Now in generate.src
-ian 0 Add statement that in CSS2, a block-level (or block level acting) element only produces one significant box which serves as containing block, delimiter for page breaks, etc. Ian - 20 Jan 1998 21 Mar 1998 - Not done per se, but addressed.
-ian 0 Add note that in HTML, user agents can skip table values for 'display' Ian - 20 Jan 1998 21 Mar 1998 - Done
-ian 0 Has this been adequately covered by :before/:after + speak? Email from DSR to about speak-before/after - 21 Jan 1998 - - -
-ian 0 Make sure all properties in sample style sheet (do "make checksample") - 23 Jan 1998 - - -
-ian 0 Fix bug that causes H? in comments to appear in TOC Ian/Bert - 28 Jan 1998 29 Jan 1998 - Believed fixed. mktoc now skips most comments. [BB]
-ian 0 Give advice on scaling/inserting images/inline thumbnail images Chris/Ian - 09 Feb 1998 - - -
-bbos 0 Create an XML example that shows the full complexity of writing direction and embedding. visuren.src#direction Bert 13 Feb 1998 - - -
-ian 0 Make sure properties database includes tactile and bitmap media groups appropriately Ian - 20 Feb 1998 21 Mar 1998 - Done
-ian 0 Define display in a non-visual chapter since applies to all media Editors - 20 Feb 1998 - - -
-ian 0 Don't forget better definition of alignment of dropcaps in selector.src Bert - 23 Feb 1998 21 Mar 1998 - Done by Hakon I think
-bbos 0 Chamgenge "skip" to "ignore" - 13 Mar 1998 21 Mar 1998 - Done
-bbos 0 Remove final ";" from all examples? StevenP on Ch.5 - 15 Mar 1998 - - -
-bbos 0 Add the words "instant espresso" and maybe "Provo" to some example Provo ftf - 15 Mar 1998 - - -
-bbos 0 Use #...;, but encode the doc in UTF8, so that Netscape will display the correct glyphs MartinD - 24 Mar 1998 - - -
diff --git a/css2/Makefile b/css2/Makefile
index 026820039..ac86b0a63 100644
--- a/css2/Makefile
+++ b/css2/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Makefile to generate the CSS2 document based on its "source files"
# Arnaud Le Hors -
-# $Id: Makefile,v 2.118 2011-06-06 09:59:21 bbos Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 2.122 2013-07-18 08:21:21 bbos Exp $
# what needs to be set for every new release:
# Note use of full year (1998) in identifier.
@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ THE_MONTHNAME = June
THE_DAY = 07
-#THE_STATUSNAME = Editors Draft
THE_STATUSNAME = Recommendation
+#THE_STATUSNAME = Editors Draft
PREV_YEAR = 2011
@@ -25,6 +27,26 @@ PREV_NAME = CSS2
+# A very visible warning after the first H1 on every page (or at the
+# location of the _THE_WARNING_ placeholder on some pages). Leave
+# empty if none is needed. (Escape any & as \&, # as \# and " as \")
+THE_WARNING = <div> \
+ <input id=annoying-warning type=checkbox title=\"hide note\"> \
+ <label for=annoying-warning>(hide)</label> \
+ <div class=annoying-warning> \
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong> Several sections of this specification \
+ have been updated by other specifications. Please, see <a \
+ href=\"\#css\" >\"Cascading Style Sheets \
+ (CSS) \&mdash; The Official Definition\"</a> in the latest <cite>CSS \
+ Snapshot</cite> for a list of specifications and the sections they \
+ replace. \
+ <p>The CSS Working Group is also developing \
+ <a href=\"\" >CSS level\&nbsp;2 \
+ revision\&nbsp;2 (CSS\&nbsp;2.2).</a> \
+ </div> \
+ </div>
# WEBROOT = /afs/
@@ -35,7 +57,7 @@ THE_UPDATE_DIR =$(UPDATES)
@@ -248,7 +270,7 @@ TAR= tar
ZIP= zip -y
LN= ln
-.SUFFIXES: .src .html .srd .idraw .gif .ps .subtoc .png .fig
+.SUFFIXES: .src .html .srd .idraw .gif .ps .subtoc .png .fig .pdf
%.subtoc: %.srd Project.cfg
@echo "=========== making" $@
@@ -262,23 +284,26 @@ LN= ln
# at the cost of possibly incorrect xrefs in the other .html files
#%.html: %.subtoc Project.cfg
-%.html: %.subtoc $(MAINSRCS:.src=.srd) $(APPSRCS:.src=.srd) Project.cfg #$(SPECSRCS:.src=.srd)
+%.html: %.subtoc $(MAINSRCS:.src=.srd) $(APPSRCS:.src=.srd) Project.cfg build/warning #$(SPECSRCS:.src=.srd)
@echo "=========== making" $@
$(ADDLINKS) $(VALUEDB) $*.srd propinst-/propdef- value-inst-/value-def- |\
$(ADDIDXANCH) -r $@ $(INDEXDB) - |\
$(ADDNAVBAR) -r $@ |\
+ $(INSAFTER) - build/warning /H1 - |\
$(INSAFTER) - $*.subtoc /H1 - |\
$(MKCHAIN) -r $@ - |\
- $(SED) -e 's|_THIS_VERSION_|$(THIS_VERSION)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_STATUS_|$(THE_STATUS)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_DATE_|$(THE_DATE)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_ID_|$(THE_ID)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_UPDATE_DIR_|$(THE_UPDATE_DIR)|g' >$@
+ $(SED) -e "s|_THIS_VERSION_|$(THIS_VERSION)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_STATUS_|$(THE_STATUS)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_STYLE_|$(THE_STYLE)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_DATE_|$(THE_DATE)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_WARNING_|$(THE_WARNING)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_ID_|$(THE_ID)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_UPDATE_DIR_|$(THE_UPDATE_DIR)|g" >$@
%.srd: %.src build/blocks.ok $(REFSRC:.src=.srd)
@echo "=========== making" $@
@@ -310,12 +335,16 @@ all: build/blocks.ok $(SPECOBJS) images/pngs.ok \
# $(IMAGES) issues.html errata-issues.html DOC/TODO.html
+ echo "<!-- warning -->" >$@
+ echo "_THE_WARNING_" >>$@
+ echo "<!-- /warning -->" >>$@
#images/links.ok : $(IMAGES)
# -@(cd images; for i in *.gif; do $(LN) -s $$i "`basename $$i .gif`" 2>//dev/null; done)
# touch images/links.ok
-install: all css2.tgz $(INSTALLDIR)/.htaccess
+install: all css2.tgz css2.txt css2.pdf $(INSTALLDIR)/.htaccess
@if [ -z "$(INSTALLDIR)" ]; then\
echo >&2;\
echo "*** No target directory specified" >&2;\
@@ -323,7 +352,7 @@ install: all css2.tgz $(INSTALLDIR)/.htaccess
exit 1;\
@if [ ! -d $(INSTALLDIR) ]; then mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR);fi
- $(CP) css2.tgz $(INSTALLDIR)
+ $(CP) css2.txt css2.pdf css2.tgz $(INSTALLDIR)
zcat css2.tgz | (cd $(INSTALLDIR); $(TAR) xvf -)
# -$(RM) -f $(CSSGROUPDIR)/issues.html
# -$(RM) $(CSSGROUPDIR)/css2-issues.html
@@ -363,26 +392,34 @@ images/pngs.ok: images/*.idraw images/*.fig
touch images/pngs.ok
translations.html : translations.src
- -e 's|_THE_UPDATE_DIR_|$(THE_UPDATE_DIR)|g' $< > $@
+ -e "s|_THE_UPDATE_DIR_|$(THE_UPDATE_DIR)|g" $< > $@
errata.html : errata.src
- $(SED) -e 's|_THIS_VERSION_|$(THIS_VERSION)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_ID_|$(THE_ID)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_UPDATE_DIR_|$(THE_UPDATE_DIR)|g' $< > $@
+ $(SED) -e "s|_THIS_VERSION_|$(THIS_VERSION)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_ID_|$(THE_ID)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_UPDATE_DIR_|$(THE_UPDATE_DIR)|g" $< > $@
#### Special section to build PS file and single plain text file
extras: css2.tgz build/blocks.ok $(SPECOBJS) images/pngs.ok $(IMAGES)
-# Because of memory limitations in html2ps, use the
-# automagic feature that any *.gif files are not
-# converted to ps if there's a *.ps file in the same
-# directory.
- -@(cd images; for i in *.idraw; do $(LN) -s $$i "`basename $$i .idraw`.ps"; done)
- $(HTML2PS) $(SPECOBJS) > $@
+# The sources are in ISO-8859-1, make them ASCII to avoid encoding problems
+%.pdf: %.html style/default.css style/prince.css
+ asc2xml < $< | xml2asc | prince -s style/prince.css -o $@ - %.pdf; $(PDF2PS) $< $@
+css2.pdf: css2.html style/default.css style/prince.css
+ prince -s style/prince.css -o $@ $<
+# build/blocks.ok $(SPECOBJS) images/pngs.ok $(IMAGES)
+# # Because of memory limitations in html2ps, use the
+# # automagic feature that any *.gif files are not
+# # converted to ps if there's a *.ps file in the same
+# # directory.
+# -@(cd images; for i in *.idraw; do $(LN) -s $$i "`basename $$i .idraw`.ps"; done)
+# $(HTML2PS) $(SPECOBJS) > $@ css2.pdf
# $(PDF2PS) $< $@
@@ -390,16 +427,15 @@ build/blocks.ok $(SPECOBJS) images/pngs.ok $(IMAGES)
gzip <$< >$@
-# This requires Acrobat Distiller or equivalent
+# # This requires Acrobat Distiller or equivalent
+# css2.pdf:
#css2.pdf: css2.html
# $(HTML2PDF) $< $@
css2.html html: $(SPECOBJS)
- $(HTMLCAT) - $(SPECOBJS) | \
- $(HTMLTRIM) div navbar - $@
+ $(HTMLCAT) - $(SPECOBJS) >$@
# the following requires to be on unix and have Netscape running...
#css2.txt txt: css2.html
@@ -412,12 +448,12 @@ css2.txt txt: css2.html
-css2.tgz: $(ALLOBJS) css2.txt css2.pdf # images/links.ok
+css2.tgz: $(ALLOBJS) # images/links.ok
# $(TAR) cf - $(ALLOBJS) `$(LS) -d images/*.png | $(GREP) -v "\."` | gzip >$@
$(TAR) cf - $^ | gzip >$@ $(ALLOBJS)
- $(ZIP) $@ $(ALLOBJS) images/*.png
+ $(ZIP) $@ $(ALLOBJS)
# $(ZIP) $@ $(ALLOBJS) `$(LS) -d images/*.png | $(GREP) -v "\."`
#### Section generate property tables from property database.
@@ -432,7 +468,7 @@ $(PROPBLKSDIR)/blocks.ok: $(PROPSRC)
touch $@
-cover.srd: cover.src build/contents.srb build/minicontents.srb
+cover.srd: cover.src build/contents.srb build/minicontents.srb Makefile
@echo "=========== making" $@
$(HIPP) $(INCLUDES) $< |\
$(ADDCITE) -r $(REFS) $(REFSRCS) >$@
@@ -441,14 +477,17 @@ cover.html: cover.srd Project.cfg
@echo "=========== making" $@
$(ADDNAVBAR) -r $@ $< |\
$(MKCHAIN) -r $@ - |\
- $(SED) -e 's|_THIS_VERSION_|$(THIS_VERSION)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_STATUS_|$(THE_STATUS)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_DATE_|$(THE_DATE)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_ID_|$(THE_ID)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_UPDATE_DIR_|$(THE_UPDATE_DIR)|g' >$@
+ $(SED) -e "s|_THIS_VERSION_|$(THIS_VERSION)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_STATUS_|$(THE_STATUS)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_STYLE_|$(THE_STYLE)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_DATE_|$(THE_DATE)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_WARNING_|$(THE_WARNING)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_YEAR_|$(THE_YEAR)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_ID_|$(THE_ID)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_UPDATE_DIR_|$(THE_UPDATE_DIR)|g" >$@
build/contents.srb: $(MAINSRCS:.src=.srd) $(APPSRCS:.src=.srd) $(REFSRCS:.src=.srd) $(INDEXSRCS:.src=.srd) Project.cfg
@echo "=========== making" $@
@@ -471,18 +510,22 @@ indexlist.srd:: build/indexlist.srb #indexlist.src build/blocks.ok
# @echo "=========== making" $@
# $(CP) $< $@
-indexlist.html: indexlist.srd build/indexlist.srb Project.cfg
+indexlist.html: indexlist.srd build/indexlist.srb Project.cfg build/warning
@echo "=========== making" $@
$(ADDNAVBAR) -r $@ $< |\
+ $(INSAFTER) - build/warning /H1 - |\
$(MKCHAIN) -r $@ - |\
- $(SED) -e 's|_THIS_VERSION_|$(THIS_VERSION)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_STATUS_|$(THE_STATUS)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_DATE_|$(THE_DATE)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_ID_|$(THE_ID)|g' \
- -e 's|_THE_UPDATE_DIR_|$(THE_UPDATE_DIR)|g' >$@
+ $(SED) -e "s|_THIS_VERSION_|$(THIS_VERSION)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_STATUS_|$(THE_STATUS)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_STYLE_|$(THE_STYLE)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_DATE_|$(THE_DATE)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_WARNING_|$(THE_WARNING)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_YEAR_|$(THE_YEAR)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_ID_|$(THE_ID)|g" \
+ -e "s|_THE_UPDATE_DIR_|$(THE_UPDATE_DIR)|g" >$@
build/propidx.srb: $(PROPSRC)
@echo "=========== making" $@
@@ -625,8 +668,8 @@ depend:
# Rules to make diff files relative to previous REC and WD.
# htmldiff returns >0 if there are differences, so we ignore the exit code.
-PREVREC = ../../../TR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512
+PREVREC = ../../../WWW/TR/2011/REC-CSS2-20110607
HTMLDIFF = htmldiff -i -w '<del>' -x '</del>' -y '<ins>' -z '</ins>'
diffs: $(SPECOBJS)
diff --git a/css2/Project.cfg b/css2/Project.cfg
index 70f2291f1..5d3b79678 100644
--- a/css2/Project.cfg
+++ b/css2/Project.cfg
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
@source-extension .src
@stylesheet style/default.css text/css
-@stylesheet text/css
+@stylesheet text/css
@contents "cover.html#minitoc"
# Additional links. If for navbar, then add a 3rd column
diff --git a/css2/about.html b/css2/about.html
index 2577014ad..035a439e2 100644
--- a/css2/about.html
+++ b/css2/about.html
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<TITLE>About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</TITLE>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/default.css" type="text/css">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
<link rel="prev" href="cover.html">
<link rel="next" href="intro.html">
<link rel="contents" href="cover.html#minitoc">
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<hr class="navbar">
-<H1><a name="q0">1 About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</a></H1>
+<H1><a name="q1.0">1 About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</a></H1>
<div class="subtoc">
<ul class="toc">
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
<li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#acknowledgements" class="tocxref">1.5 Acknowledgments</a>
+<!-- warning -->
+<div> <input id=annoying-warning type=checkbox title="hide note"> <label for=annoying-warning>(hide)</label> <div class=annoying-warning> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Several sections of this specification have been updated by other specifications. Please, see <a href="" >"Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) &mdash; The Official Definition"</a> in the latest <cite>CSS Snapshot</cite> for a list of specifications and the sections they replace. <p>The CSS Working Group is also developing <a href="" >CSS level&nbsp;2 revision&nbsp;2 (CSS&nbsp;2.2).</a> </div> </div>
+<!-- /warning -->
<h2>1.1 <a name="css2.1-v-css2">CSS&nbsp;2.1 vs CSS&nbsp;2</a></h2>
diff --git a/css2/about.src b/css2/about.src
index db3565341..6b87aecac 100644
--- a/css2/about.src
+++ b/css2/about.src
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN'>
<html lang="en">
-<!-- $Id: about.src,v 2.88 2011-06-07 15:58:30 bbos Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: about.src,v 2.89 2011-10-18 19:25:26 bbos Exp $ -->
<TITLE>About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</TITLE>
+<!--script src="" type="text/javascript" defer></script-->
<H1>About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</H1>
diff --git a/css2/aural.html b/css2/aural.html
index 75c9e8258..45e7080b3 100644
--- a/css2/aural.html
+++ b/css2/aural.html
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<TITLE>Aural style sheets</TITLE>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/default.css" type="text/css">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
<link rel="prev" href="ui.html">
<link rel="next" href="refs.html">
<link rel="contents" href="cover.html#minitoc">
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<hr class="navbar">
-<H1><a name="q0">Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a></H1>
+<H1><a name="q19.0">Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a></H1>
<div class="subtoc">
<ul class="toc">
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
<li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#Emacspeak" class="tocxref">A.13 Emacspeak</a>
+<!-- warning -->
+<div> <input id=annoying-warning type=checkbox title="hide note"> <label for=annoying-warning>(hide)</label> <div class=annoying-warning> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Several sections of this specification have been updated by other specifications. Please, see <a href="" >"Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) &mdash; The Official Definition"</a> in the latest <cite>CSS Snapshot</cite> for a list of specifications and the sections they replace. <p>The CSS Working Group is also developing <a href="" >CSS level&nbsp;2 revision&nbsp;2 (CSS&nbsp;2.2).</a> </div> </div>
+<!-- /warning -->
<p>This chapter is informative. UAs are not required to implement the
properties of this chapter in order to conform to CSS 2.1.
diff --git a/css2/aural.src b/css2/aural.src
index 1aae7f382..aaecb3cec 100644
--- a/css2/aural.src
+++ b/css2/aural.src
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN'>
<html lang="en">
-<!-- $Id: aural.src,v 2.58 2011-06-06 09:59:21 bbos Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: aural.src,v 2.59 2011-10-18 19:25:27 bbos Exp $ -->
<TITLE>Aural style sheets</TITLE>
+<!--script src="" type="text/javascript" defer></script-->
<H1>Aural style sheets</H1>
diff --git a/css2/bin/addhanch b/css2/bin/addhanch
index e3089964a..2e2c44b6e 100644
--- a/css2/bin/addhanch
+++ b/css2/bin/addhanch
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ sub addanchor {
$anchor = "$1$2$3"; # Only one of $1, $2, $3 will match.
$anchor1 = "#$anchor";
} else {
- $anchor = "q$seqno"; # Use simple sequence number
+ $anchor = "q$chapno.$seqno"; # Use simple sequence number
$anchor1 = "#$anchor";
- $anchor1 = "" if ($lvl == 1); # if H1, just go to the top of the page
+ # $anchor1 = "" if ($lvl == 1); # if H1, just go to the top of the page
# Increment the count, reset higher level counts
diff --git a/css2/bin/htmlcat b/css2/bin/htmlcat
index 5e001e38d..377481bb6 100644
--- a/css2/bin/htmlcat
+++ b/css2/bin/htmlcat
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
# Arnaud Le Hors -
# $Id: htmlcat,v 1.4 2006-10-09 18:55:52 ihickson Exp $
+use lib 'bin';
+use utils;
$PROGNAME = substr($0, rindex($0, "/") + 1);
if (!$ARGV[0]) {
@@ -26,9 +29,27 @@ sub readfile {
-# 1st file: take everything up to the body end tag or the end otherwise
+# Convert a file name to the first anchor in that file (#q7.0)
+sub guess_anchor {
+ my ($file, $fragment) = @_;
+ my $chapno = $lookup{$file};
+ if (!defined $chapno) {return $file . $fragment;} # Not a chapter
+ elsif (defined $fragment) {return $fragment;} # Fragment of a chapter
+ else {return "#q" . $chapno . ".0";} # Guess anchor of first H1 in that file
+# Read config file
+# 1st file:
$_ = $buf;
+# Remove navbar
+# Fix local links: "foo.html" -> "#q7.0" and "foo.html#bar" -> "#bar"
+s/(href=")([a-z0-9]+\.html)(#[a-z0-9.-]+)?"/$1.guess_anchor($2, $3).'"'/gie;
+# take everything up to the body end tag or the end otherwise
if (/<\/body>/sio) {
print OUTPUT $`;
} else {
@@ -40,8 +61,15 @@ shift;
# then for each other given html file only take the body content
foreach $file (@ARGV) {
- # look for the beginning of the body content
$_ = $buf;
+ # Remove navbar
+ s/<div\b[^>]*\bclass=["']?navbar\b[^>]*>.*?<\/div>//sigo;
+ s/<hr\b[^>]*\bclass=["']?navbar\b[^>]*>//sigo;
+ # Fix local links: "foo.html#bar" -> "#bar"
+ s/(href=")([a-z0-9]+\.html)(#[a-z0-9.-]+)?"/$1.guess_anchor($2, $3).'"'/gie;
+ # Remove warning
+ s/<!-- warning -->.*?<!-- \/warning -->//gs;
+ # look for the beginning of the body content
if (/<body>(.*)/sio) {
$buf = $1;
} elsif (/<\/head>/sio) {
diff --git a/css2/box.html b/css2/box.html
index a2033f500..050ad1500 100644
--- a/css2/box.html
+++ b/css2/box.html
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<TITLE>Box model</TITLE>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/default.css" type="text/css">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
<link rel="prev" href="media.html">
<link rel="next" href="visuren.html">
<link rel="contents" href="cover.html#minitoc">
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
<li class="tocline2"><a href="box.html#bidi-box-model" class="tocxref">8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context</a>
+<!-- warning -->
+<div> <input id=annoying-warning type=checkbox title="hide note"> <label for=annoying-warning>(hide)</label> <div class=annoying-warning> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Several sections of this specification have been updated by other specifications. Please, see <a href="" >"Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) &mdash; The Official Definition"</a> in the latest <cite>CSS Snapshot</cite> for a list of specifications and the sections they replace. <p>The CSS Working Group is also developing <a href="" >CSS level&nbsp;2 revision&nbsp;2 (CSS&nbsp;2.2).</a> </div> </div>
+<!-- /warning -->
<P>The CSS box model describes the rectangular boxes that are
generated for elements in the <a href="conform.html#doctree">document
diff --git a/css2/box.src b/css2/box.src
index 77e8a1911..fcc3caffa 100644
--- a/css2/box.src
+++ b/css2/box.src
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN'>
<html lang="en">
-<!-- $Id: box.src,v 1.86 2011-06-06 09:59:21 bbos Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: box.src,v 1.89 2012-05-15 14:12:14 bbos Exp $ -->
<TITLE>Box model</TITLE>
+<!--script src="" type="text/javascript" defer></script-->
<H1><a name="box-model">Box model</a></H1>
diff --git a/css2/cascade.html b/css2/cascade.html
index d5e8dde86..fbe103182 100644
--- a/css2/cascade.html
+++ b/css2/cascade.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<TITLE>Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance</TITLE>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/default.css" type="text/css">
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+<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
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<link rel="next" href="media.html">
<link rel="contents" href="cover.html#minitoc">
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<hr class="navbar">
-<h1><a name="q0">6 Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance</a></h1>
+<h1><a name="q6.0">6 Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance</a></h1>
<div class="subtoc">
<ul class="toc">
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
+<!-- warning -->
+<div> <input id=annoying-warning type=checkbox title="hide note"> <label for=annoying-warning>(hide)</label> <div class=annoying-warning> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Several sections of this specification have been updated by other specifications. Please, see <a href="" >"Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) &mdash; The Official Definition"</a> in the latest <cite>CSS Snapshot</cite> for a list of specifications and the sections they replace. <p>The CSS Working Group is also developing <a href="" >CSS level&nbsp;2 revision&nbsp;2 (CSS&nbsp;2.2).</a> </div> </div>
+<!-- /warning -->
<h2>6.1 <a name="value-stages">Specified, computed, and actual values</a></h2>
diff --git a/css2/cascade.src b/css2/cascade.src
index f51288ca7..b2077e777 100644
--- a/css2/cascade.src
+++ b/css2/cascade.src
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<html lang="en">
-<!-- $Id: cascade.src,v 2.74 2011-06-06 09:59:21 bbos Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: cascade.src,v 2.78 2012-08-21 13:50:54 bbos Exp $ -->
<TITLE>Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance</TITLE>
+<!--script src="" type="text/javascript" defer></script-->
diff --git a/css2/changes.html b/css2/changes.html
index 7b7f7b486..3b6b3f50d 100644
--- a/css2/changes.html
+++ b/css2/changes.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/default.css" type="text/css">
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<link rel="contents" href="cover.html#minitoc">
@@ -23,577 +23,580 @@
<hr class="navbar">
-<H1><a name="q0">Appendix C. Changes</a></H1>
+<H1><a name="q21.0">Appendix C. Changes</a></H1>
<div class="subtoc">
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#new" class="tocxref">C.1 Additional property values</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q2" class="tocxref">C.1.1 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q3" class="tocxref">C.1.2 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q4" class="tocxref">C.1.3 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q5" class="tocxref">C.1.4 Section 16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q6" class="tocxref">C.1.5 Section 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.2" class="tocxref">C.1.1 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.3" class="tocxref">C.1.2 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.4" class="tocxref">C.1.3 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.5" class="tocxref">C.1.4 Section 16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.6" class="tocxref">C.1.5 Section 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#changes" class="tocxref">C.2 Changes</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q8" class="tocxref">C.2.1 Section 1.1 CSS 2.1 vs CSS 2</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q9" class="tocxref">C.2.2 Section 1.2 Reading the specification</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q10" class="tocxref">C.2.3 Section 1.3 How the specification is organized</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q11" class="tocxref">C.2.4 Section Value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q12" class="tocxref">C.2.5 Section Media groups</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q13" class="tocxref">C.2.6 Section Computed value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q14" class="tocxref">C.2.7 Section 1.4.4 Notes and examples</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q15" class="tocxref">C.2.8 Section 1.5 Acknowledgments</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q16" class="tocxref">C.2.9 Section 3.2 Conformance</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q17" class="tocxref">C.2.10 Section 3.3 Error Conditions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q18" class="tocxref">C.2.11 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q19" class="tocxref">C.2.12 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q20" class="tocxref">C.2.13 Section 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21" class="tocxref">C.2.14 Section 4.3 Values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q22" class="tocxref">C.2.15 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q23" class="tocxref">C.2.16 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q24" class="tocxref">C.2.17 Section 4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q25" class="tocxref">C.2.18 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q26" class="tocxref">C.2.19 Section 4.3.8 Unsupported Values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q27" class="tocxref">C.2.20 Section 4.4 CSS style sheet representation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q28" class="tocxref">C.2.21 Section 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q29" class="tocxref">C.2.22 Section 5.8.3 Class selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q30" class="tocxref">C.2.23 Section 5.9 ID selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q31" class="tocxref">C.2.24 Section 5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q32" class="tocxref">C.2.25 Section 5.11.2 The link pseudo-classes: :link and :visited</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q33" class="tocxref">C.2.26 Section 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q34" class="tocxref">C.2.27 Section 5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q35" class="tocxref">C.2.28 Section 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q36" class="tocxref">C.2.29 Section 6.1 Specified, computed, and actual values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q37" class="tocxref">C.2.30 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q38" class="tocxref">C.2.31 Section 6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q39" class="tocxref">C.2.32 Section 6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q40" class="tocxref">C.2.33 Section 7.3 Recognized Media Types</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q41" class="tocxref">C.2.34 Section 7.3.1 Media Groups</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q42" class="tocxref">C.2.35 Section 8.3 Margin properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q43" class="tocxref">C.2.36 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q44" class="tocxref">C.2.37 Section 8.4 Padding properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q45" class="tocxref">C.2.38 Section 8.5.2 Border color</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q46" class="tocxref">C.2.39 Section 8.5.3 Border style</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q47" class="tocxref">C.2.40 Section 8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q48" class="tocxref">C.2.41 Section 9.1.2 Containing blocks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q49" class="tocxref">C.2.42 Section Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q50" class="tocxref">C.2.43 Section Anonymous inline boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q51" class="tocxref">C.2.44 Section 9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q52" class="tocxref">C.2.45 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q53" class="tocxref">C.2.46 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q54" class="tocxref">C.2.47 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q55" class="tocxref">C.2.48 Section 9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q56" class="tocxref">C.2.49 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q57" class="tocxref">C.2.50 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q58" class="tocxref">C.2.51 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q59" class="tocxref">C.2.52 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q60" class="tocxref">C.2.53 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q61" class="tocxref">C.2.54 Section 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q62" class="tocxref">C.2.55 Section 9.9 Layered presentation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q63" class="tocxref">C.2.56 Section 9.10 Text direction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q64" class="tocxref">C.2.57 Chapter 10 Visual formatting model details</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q65" class="tocxref">C.2.58 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q66" class="tocxref">C.2.59 Section 10.2 Content width</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q67" class="tocxref">C.2.60 Section 10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q68" class="tocxref">C.2.61 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q69" class="tocxref">C.2.62 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q70" class="tocxref">C.2.63 Section 10.3.4 Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q71" class="tocxref">C.2.64 Section 10.3.5 Floating, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q72" class="tocxref">C.2.65 Section 10.3.6 Floating, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q73" class="tocxref">C.2.66 Section 10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q74" class="tocxref">C.2.67 Section 10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q75" class="tocxref">C.2.68 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q76" class="tocxref">C.2.69 Section 10.5 Content height</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q77" class="tocxref">C.2.70 Section 10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q78" class="tocxref">C.2.71 Section 10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q79" class="tocxref">C.2.72 Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements, block-level replaced elements in normal flow, 'inline-block' replaced elements in normal flow and floating replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q80" class="tocxref">C.2.73 Section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q81" class="tocxref">C.2.74 Section 10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q82" class="tocxref">C.2.75 Section 10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q83" class="tocxref">C.2.76 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q84" class="tocxref">C.2.77 Section 10.8 Line height calculations</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q85" class="tocxref">C.2.78 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q86" class="tocxref">C.2.79 Section 11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q87" class="tocxref">C.2.80 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q88" class="tocxref">C.2.81 Section 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q89" class="tocxref">C.2.82 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q90" class="tocxref">C.2.83 Chapter 12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q91" class="tocxref">C.2.84 Section 12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q92" class="tocxref">C.2.85 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q93" class="tocxref">C.2.86 Section 12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q94" class="tocxref">C.2.87 Section 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q95" class="tocxref">C.2.88 Section 12.4.1 Nested counters and scope</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q96" class="tocxref">C.2.89 Section 12.5 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q97" class="tocxref">C.2.90 Section 12.5.1 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q98" class="tocxref">C.2.91 Chapter 13 Paged media</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q99" class="tocxref">C.2.92 Section 13.2.2 Page selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q100" class="tocxref">C.2.93 Section 13.3.1 Page break properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q101" class="tocxref">C.2.94 Section 13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q102" class="tocxref">C.2.95 Section 14.2.1 Background properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q103" class="tocxref">C.2.96 Section 14.3 Gamma correction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q104" class="tocxref">C.2.97 Chapter 15 Fonts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q105" class="tocxref">C.2.98 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q106" class="tocxref">C.2.99 Section 15.2.2 Font family</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q107" class="tocxref">C.2.100 Section 15.5 Small-caps</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q108" class="tocxref">C.2.101 Section 15.6 Font boldness</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q109" class="tocxref">C.2.102 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q110" class="tocxref">C.2.103 Chapter 16 Text</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q111" class="tocxref">C.2.104 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q112" class="tocxref">C.2.105 Section 16.3.1 Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q113" class="tocxref">C.2.106 Section 16.4 Letter and word spacing</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q114" class="tocxref">C.2.107 Section 16.5 Capitalization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q115" class="tocxref">C.2.108 Section 16.6 White space</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q116" class="tocxref">C.2.109 Chapter 17 Tables</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q117" class="tocxref">C.2.110 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q118" class="tocxref">C.2.111 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q119" class="tocxref">C.2.112 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q120" class="tocxref">C.2.113 Section 17.4.1 Caption position and alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q121" class="tocxref">C.2.114 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q122" class="tocxref">C.2.115 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q123" class="tocxref">C.2.116 Section Fixed table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q124" class="tocxref">C.2.117 Section Automatic table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q125" class="tocxref">C.2.118 Section 17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q126" class="tocxref">C.2.119 Section 17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q127" class="tocxref">C.2.120 Section 17.6 Borders</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q128" class="tocxref">C.2.121 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q129" class="tocxref">C.2.122 Section Borders and Backgrounds around empty cells</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q130" class="tocxref">C.2.123 Section 17.6.2 The collapsing border model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q131" class="tocxref">C.2.124 Section Border conflict resolution</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q132" class="tocxref">C.2.125 Section 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q133" class="tocxref">C.2.126 Section 18.4 Dynamic outlines</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q134" class="tocxref">C.2.127 Chapter 12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q135" class="tocxref">C.2.128 Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q136" class="tocxref">C.2.129 Appendix A Section 5 Pause properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q137" class="tocxref">C.2.130 Appendix A Section 6 Cue properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q138" class="tocxref">C.2.131 Appendix A Section 7 Mixing properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q139" class="tocxref">C.2.132 Appendix B Bibliography</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q140" class="tocxref">C.2.133 Other</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.8" class="tocxref">C.2.1 Section 1.1 CSS 2.1 vs CSS 2</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.9" class="tocxref">C.2.2 Section 1.2 Reading the specification</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.10" class="tocxref">C.2.3 Section 1.3 How the specification is organized</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.11" class="tocxref">C.2.4 Section Value</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.12" class="tocxref">C.2.5 Section Media groups</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.13" class="tocxref">C.2.6 Section Computed value</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.14" class="tocxref">C.2.7 Section 1.4.4 Notes and examples</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.15" class="tocxref">C.2.8 Section 1.5 Acknowledgments</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.16" class="tocxref">C.2.9 Section 3.2 Conformance</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.17" class="tocxref">C.2.10 Section 3.3 Error Conditions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.18" class="tocxref">C.2.11 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.19" class="tocxref">C.2.12 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.20" class="tocxref">C.2.13 Section 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.21" class="tocxref">C.2.14 Section 4.3 Values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.22" class="tocxref">C.2.15 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.23" class="tocxref">C.2.16 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.24" class="tocxref">C.2.17 Section 4.3.5 Counters</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.25" class="tocxref">C.2.18 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.26" class="tocxref">C.2.19 Section 4.3.8 Unsupported Values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.27" class="tocxref">C.2.20 Section 4.4 CSS style sheet representation</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.28" class="tocxref">C.2.21 Section 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.29" class="tocxref">C.2.22 Section 5.8.3 Class selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.30" class="tocxref">C.2.23 Section 5.9 ID selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.31" class="tocxref">C.2.24 Section 5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.32" class="tocxref">C.2.25 Section 5.11.2 The link pseudo-classes: :link and :visited</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.33" class="tocxref">C.2.26 Section 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.34" class="tocxref">C.2.27 Section 5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.35" class="tocxref">C.2.28 Section 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.36" class="tocxref">C.2.29 Section 6.1 Specified, computed, and actual values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.37" class="tocxref">C.2.30 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.38" class="tocxref">C.2.31 Section 6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.39" class="tocxref">C.2.32 Section 6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.40" class="tocxref">C.2.33 Section 7.3 Recognized Media Types</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.41" class="tocxref">C.2.34 Section 7.3.1 Media Groups</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.42" class="tocxref">C.2.35 Section 8.3 Margin properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.43" class="tocxref">C.2.36 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.44" class="tocxref">C.2.37 Section 8.4 Padding properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.45" class="tocxref">C.2.38 Section 8.5.2 Border color</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.46" class="tocxref">C.2.39 Section 8.5.3 Border style</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.47" class="tocxref">C.2.40 Section 8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.48" class="tocxref">C.2.41 Section 9.1.2 Containing blocks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.49" class="tocxref">C.2.42 Section Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.50" class="tocxref">C.2.43 Section Anonymous inline boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.51" class="tocxref">C.2.44 Section 9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.52" class="tocxref">C.2.45 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.53" class="tocxref">C.2.46 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.54" class="tocxref">C.2.47 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.55" class="tocxref">C.2.48 Section 9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.56" class="tocxref">C.2.49 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.57" class="tocxref">C.2.50 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.58" class="tocxref">C.2.51 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.59" class="tocxref">C.2.52 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.60" class="tocxref">C.2.53 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.61" class="tocxref">C.2.54 Section 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.62" class="tocxref">C.2.55 Section 9.9 Layered presentation</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.63" class="tocxref">C.2.56 Section 9.10 Text direction</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.64" class="tocxref">C.2.57 Chapter 10 Visual formatting model details</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.65" class="tocxref">C.2.58 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.66" class="tocxref">C.2.59 Section 10.2 Content width</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.67" class="tocxref">C.2.60 Section 10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.68" class="tocxref">C.2.61 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.69" class="tocxref">C.2.62 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.70" class="tocxref">C.2.63 Section 10.3.4 Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.71" class="tocxref">C.2.64 Section 10.3.5 Floating, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.72" class="tocxref">C.2.65 Section 10.3.6 Floating, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.73" class="tocxref">C.2.66 Section 10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.74" class="tocxref">C.2.67 Section 10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.75" class="tocxref">C.2.68 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.76" class="tocxref">C.2.69 Section 10.5 Content height</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.77" class="tocxref">C.2.70 Section 10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.78" class="tocxref">C.2.71 Section 10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.79" class="tocxref">C.2.72 Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements, block-level replaced elements in normal flow, 'inline-block' replaced elements in normal flow and floating replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.80" class="tocxref">C.2.73 Section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.81" class="tocxref">C.2.74 Section 10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.82" class="tocxref">C.2.75 Section 10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.83" class="tocxref">C.2.76 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.84" class="tocxref">C.2.77 Section 10.8 Line height calculations</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.85" class="tocxref">C.2.78 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.86" class="tocxref">C.2.79 Section 11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.87" class="tocxref">C.2.80 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.88" class="tocxref">C.2.81 Section 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.89" class="tocxref">C.2.82 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.90" class="tocxref">C.2.83 Chapter 12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.91" class="tocxref">C.2.84 Section 12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.92" class="tocxref">C.2.85 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.93" class="tocxref">C.2.86 Section 12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.94" class="tocxref">C.2.87 Section 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.95" class="tocxref">C.2.88 Section 12.4.1 Nested counters and scope</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.96" class="tocxref">C.2.89 Section 12.5 Lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.97" class="tocxref">C.2.90 Section 12.5.1 Lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.98" class="tocxref">C.2.91 Chapter 13 Paged media</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.99" class="tocxref">C.2.92 Section 13.2.2 Page selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.100" class="tocxref">C.2.93 Section 13.3.1 Page break properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.101" class="tocxref">C.2.94 Section 13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.102" class="tocxref">C.2.95 Section 14.2.1 Background properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.103" class="tocxref">C.2.96 Section 14.3 Gamma correction</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.104" class="tocxref">C.2.97 Chapter 15 Fonts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.105" class="tocxref">C.2.98 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.106" class="tocxref">C.2.99 Section 15.2.2 Font family</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.107" class="tocxref">C.2.100 Section 15.5 Small-caps</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.108" class="tocxref">C.2.101 Section 15.6 Font boldness</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.109" class="tocxref">C.2.102 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.110" class="tocxref">C.2.103 Chapter 16 Text</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.111" class="tocxref">C.2.104 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.112" class="tocxref">C.2.105 Section 16.3.1 Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.113" class="tocxref">C.2.106 Section 16.4 Letter and word spacing</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.114" class="tocxref">C.2.107 Section 16.5 Capitalization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.115" class="tocxref">C.2.108 Section 16.6 White space</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.116" class="tocxref">C.2.109 Chapter 17 Tables</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.117" class="tocxref">C.2.110 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.118" class="tocxref">C.2.111 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.119" class="tocxref">C.2.112 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.120" class="tocxref">C.2.113 Section 17.4.1 Caption position and alignment</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.121" class="tocxref">C.2.114 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.122" class="tocxref">C.2.115 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.123" class="tocxref">C.2.116 Section Fixed table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.124" class="tocxref">C.2.117 Section Automatic table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.125" class="tocxref">C.2.118 Section 17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.126" class="tocxref">C.2.119 Section 17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.127" class="tocxref">C.2.120 Section 17.6 Borders</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.128" class="tocxref">C.2.121 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.129" class="tocxref">C.2.122 Section Borders and Backgrounds around empty cells</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.130" class="tocxref">C.2.123 Section 17.6.2 The collapsing border model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.131" class="tocxref">C.2.124 Section Border conflict resolution</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.132" class="tocxref">C.2.125 Section 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.133" class="tocxref">C.2.126 Section 18.4 Dynamic outlines</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.134" class="tocxref">C.2.127 Chapter 12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.135" class="tocxref">C.2.128 Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.136" class="tocxref">C.2.129 Appendix A Section 5 Pause properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.137" class="tocxref">C.2.130 Appendix A Section 6 Cue properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.138" class="tocxref">C.2.131 Appendix A Section 7 Mixing properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.139" class="tocxref">C.2.132 Appendix B Bibliography</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.140" class="tocxref">C.2.133 Other</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#known-errors" class="tocxref">C.3 Errors</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q142" class="tocxref">C.3.1 Shorthand properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q143" class="tocxref">C.3.2 Applies to</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q144" class="tocxref">C.3.3 Section 4.1.1 (and G2)</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q145" class="tocxref">C.3.4 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q146" class="tocxref">C.3.5 Section 4.3 (Double sign problem)</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q147" class="tocxref">C.3.6 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q148" class="tocxref">C.3.7 Section 4.3.3 Percentages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q149" class="tocxref">C.3.8 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q150" class="tocxref">C.3.9 Section 4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q151" class="tocxref">C.3.10 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q152" class="tocxref">C.3.11 Section 4.3.7 Strings</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q153" class="tocxref">C.3.12 Section 5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q154" class="tocxref">C.3.13 Section 6.4 The cascade</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q155" class="tocxref">C.3.14 Section 8.1 Box Dimensions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q156" class="tocxref">C.3.15 Section 8.2 Example of margins, padding, and borders</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q157" class="tocxref">C.3.16 Section 8.5.4 Border shorthand properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q158" class="tocxref">C.3.17 Section 9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q159" class="tocxref">C.3.18 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q160" class="tocxref">C.3.19 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q161" class="tocxref">C.3.20 Section 9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q162" class="tocxref">C.3.21 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q163" class="tocxref">C.3.22 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q164" class="tocxref">C.3.23 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q165" class="tocxref">C.3.24 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q166" class="tocxref">C.3.25 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q167" class="tocxref">C.3.26 Section 9.6 Absolute positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q168" class="tocxref">C.3.27 Section 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q169" class="tocxref">C.3.28 Section 9.10 Text direction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q170" class="tocxref">C.3.29 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q171" class="tocxref">C.3.30 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q172" class="tocxref">C.3.31 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q173" class="tocxref">C.3.32 Section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q174" class="tocxref">C.3.33 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q175" class="tocxref">C.3.34 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q176" class="tocxref">C.3.35 Section 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q177" class="tocxref">C.3.36 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q178" class="tocxref">C.3.37 Section 12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q179" class="tocxref">C.3.38 Section 12.6.2 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q180" class="tocxref">C.3.39 Section 14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q181" class="tocxref">C.3.40 Section 14.2.1 Background properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q182" class="tocxref">C.3.41 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q183" class="tocxref">C.3.42 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q184" class="tocxref">C.3.43 Section 16.1 Indentation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q185" class="tocxref">C.3.44 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q186" class="tocxref">C.3.45 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q187" class="tocxref">C.3.46 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects </a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q188" class="tocxref">C.3.47 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q189" class="tocxref">C.3.48 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q190" class="tocxref">C.3.49 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q191" class="tocxref">C.3.50 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q192" class="tocxref">C.3.51 Section 18.2 System Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q193" class="tocxref">C.3.52 Section E.2 Painting order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.142" class="tocxref">C.3.1 Shorthand properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.143" class="tocxref">C.3.2 Applies to</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.144" class="tocxref">C.3.3 Section 4.1.1 (and G2)</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.145" class="tocxref">C.3.4 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.146" class="tocxref">C.3.5 Section 4.3 (Double sign problem)</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.147" class="tocxref">C.3.6 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.148" class="tocxref">C.3.7 Section 4.3.3 Percentages</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.149" class="tocxref">C.3.8 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.150" class="tocxref">C.3.9 Section 4.3.5 Counters</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.151" class="tocxref">C.3.10 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.152" class="tocxref">C.3.11 Section 4.3.7 Strings</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.153" class="tocxref">C.3.12 Section 5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.154" class="tocxref">C.3.13 Section 6.4 The cascade</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.155" class="tocxref">C.3.14 Section 8.1 Box Dimensions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.156" class="tocxref">C.3.15 Section 8.2 Example of margins, padding, and borders</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.157" class="tocxref">C.3.16 Section 8.5.4 Border shorthand properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.158" class="tocxref">C.3.17 Section 9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.159" class="tocxref">C.3.18 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.160" class="tocxref">C.3.19 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.161" class="tocxref">C.3.20 Section 9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.162" class="tocxref">C.3.21 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.163" class="tocxref">C.3.22 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.164" class="tocxref">C.3.23 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.165" class="tocxref">C.3.24 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.166" class="tocxref">C.3.25 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.167" class="tocxref">C.3.26 Section 9.6 Absolute positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.168" class="tocxref">C.3.27 Section 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.169" class="tocxref">C.3.28 Section 9.10 Text direction</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.170" class="tocxref">C.3.29 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.171" class="tocxref">C.3.30 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.172" class="tocxref">C.3.31 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.173" class="tocxref">C.3.32 Section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.174" class="tocxref">C.3.33 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.175" class="tocxref">C.3.34 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.176" class="tocxref">C.3.35 Section 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.177" class="tocxref">C.3.36 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.178" class="tocxref">C.3.37 Section 12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.179" class="tocxref">C.3.38 Section 12.6.2 Lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.180" class="tocxref">C.3.39 Section 14.2 The background</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.181" class="tocxref">C.3.40 Section 14.2.1 Background properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.182" class="tocxref">C.3.41 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.183" class="tocxref">C.3.42 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.184" class="tocxref">C.3.43 Section 16.1 Indentation</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.185" class="tocxref">C.3.44 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.186" class="tocxref">C.3.45 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.187" class="tocxref">C.3.46 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects </a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.188" class="tocxref">C.3.47 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.189" class="tocxref">C.3.48 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.190" class="tocxref">C.3.49 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.191" class="tocxref">C.3.50 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.192" class="tocxref">C.3.51 Section 18.2 System Colors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.193" class="tocxref">C.3.52 Section E.2 Painting order</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#clarifications" class="tocxref">C.4 Clarifications</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q195" class="tocxref">C.4.1 Section 2.1 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for HTML</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q196" class="tocxref">C.4.2 Section 2.2 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for XML</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q197" class="tocxref">C.4.3 Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q198" class="tocxref">C.4.4 Section 3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q199" class="tocxref">C.4.5 Section 4.1 Syntax</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q200" class="tocxref">C.4.6 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q201" class="tocxref">C.4.7 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q202" class="tocxref">C.4.8 Section 4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q203" class="tocxref">C.4.9 Section 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q204" class="tocxref">C.4.10 Section 4.3.1 Integers and real numbers</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q205" class="tocxref">C.4.11 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q206" class="tocxref">C.4.12 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q207" class="tocxref">C.4.13 Section 5.1 Pattern matching</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q208" class="tocxref">C.4.14 Section 5.7 Adjacent sibling selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q209" class="tocxref">C.4.15 Section 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q210" class="tocxref">C.4.16 Section 5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q211" class="tocxref">C.4.17 Section 5.9 ID selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q212" class="tocxref">C.4.18 Section 5.11.3 The dynamic pseudo-classes: :hover, :active, and :focus</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q213" class="tocxref">C.4.19 Section 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q214" class="tocxref">C.4.20 Section 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q215" class="tocxref">C.4.21 Section 6.2 Inheritance</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q216" class="tocxref">C.4.22 Section 6.2.1 The 'inherit' value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q217" class="tocxref">C.4.23 Section 6.3 The @import rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q218" class="tocxref">C.4.24 Section 6.4 The Cascade</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q219" class="tocxref">C.4.25 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q220" class="tocxref">C.4.26 Section 6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q221" class="tocxref">C.4.27 Section 7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q222" class="tocxref">C.4.28 Section 7.3 Recognized media types</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q223" class="tocxref">C.4.29 Section 7.3.1 Media groups</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q224" class="tocxref">C.4.30 Section 8.1 Box dimensions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q225" class="tocxref">C.4.31 Section 8.3 Margin properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q226" class="tocxref">C.4.32 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q227" class="tocxref">C.4.33 Section 8.5.3 Border style</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q228" class="tocxref">C.4.34 Section 9.1.1 The viewport</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q229" class="tocxref">C.4.35 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q230" class="tocxref">C.4.36 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q231" class="tocxref">C.4.37 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q232" class="tocxref">C.4.38 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q233" class="tocxref">C.4.39 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q234" class="tocxref">C.4.40 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q235" class="tocxref">C.4.41 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q236" class="tocxref">C.4.42 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q237" class="tocxref">C.4.43 Section 9.8 Comparison of normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q238" class="tocxref">C.4.44 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q239" class="tocxref">C.4.45 Section 10.2 Content width</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q240" class="tocxref">C.4.46 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q241" class="tocxref">C.4.47 Section 10.3.8 Absolutely positioning, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q242" class="tocxref">C.4.48 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q243" class="tocxref">C.4.49 Section 10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q244" class="tocxref">C.4.50 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q245" class="tocxref">C.4.51 Section 10.8 Line height calculations</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q246" class="tocxref">C.4.52 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q247" class="tocxref">C.4.53 Section 11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q248" class="tocxref">C.4.54 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q249" class="tocxref">C.4.55 Section 11.1.2 Clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q250" class="tocxref">C.4.56 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q251" class="tocxref">C.4.57 Section 12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q252" class="tocxref">C.4.58 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q253" class="tocxref">C.4.59 Section 12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q254" class="tocxref">C.4.60 Section 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q255" class="tocxref">C.4.61 Section 12.4.3 Counters in elements with 'display: none'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q256" class="tocxref">C.4.62 Section 14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q257" class="tocxref">C.4.63 Section 15.1 Fonts Introduction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q258" class="tocxref">C.4.64 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q259" class="tocxref">C.4.65 Section 15.2.2 Font family</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q260" class="tocxref">C.4.66 Section 15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q261" class="tocxref">C.4.67 Section 15.4 Font styling</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q262" class="tocxref">C.4.68 Section 15.5 Small-caps</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q263" class="tocxref">C.4.69 Section 15.6 Font boldness</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q264" class="tocxref">C.4.70 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q265" class="tocxref">C.4.71 Section 16.1 Indentation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q266" class="tocxref">C.4.72 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q267" class="tocxref">C.4.73 Section 16.3.1 Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q268" class="tocxref">C.4.74 Section 16.5 Capitalization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q269" class="tocxref">C.4.75 Section 16.6 White space</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q270" class="tocxref">C.4.76 Section 17.1 Introduction to tables</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q271" class="tocxref">C.4.77 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q272" class="tocxref">C.4.78 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q273" class="tocxref">C.4.79 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q274" class="tocxref">C.4.80 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q275" class="tocxref">C.4.81 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q276" class="tocxref">C.4.82 Section 17.5.2 Table width algorithms</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q277" class="tocxref">C.4.83 Section Fixed table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q278" class="tocxref">C.4.84 Section Automatic table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q279" class="tocxref">C.4.85 Section 17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q280" class="tocxref">C.4.86 Section 17.5.5 Dynamic row and column effects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q281" class="tocxref">C.4.87 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q282" class="tocxref">C.4.88 Section 17.6.2 The collapsing borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q283" class="tocxref">C.4.89 Section 18.2 System Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q284" class="tocxref">C.4.90 Section 18.4 Dynamic outlines</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q285" class="tocxref">C.4.91 Section 18.4.1 Outlines and the focus</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q286" class="tocxref">C.4.92 Appendix D Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.195" class="tocxref">C.4.1 Section 2.1 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for HTML</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.196" class="tocxref">C.4.2 Section 2.2 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for XML</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.197" class="tocxref">C.4.3 Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.198" class="tocxref">C.4.4 Section 3.1 Definitions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.199" class="tocxref">C.4.5 Section 4.1 Syntax</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.200" class="tocxref">C.4.6 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.201" class="tocxref">C.4.7 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.202" class="tocxref">C.4.8 Section 4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.203" class="tocxref">C.4.9 Section 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.204" class="tocxref">C.4.10 Section 4.3.1 Integers and real numbers</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.205" class="tocxref">C.4.11 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.206" class="tocxref">C.4.12 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.207" class="tocxref">C.4.13 Section 5.1 Pattern matching</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.208" class="tocxref">C.4.14 Section 5.7 Adjacent sibling selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.209" class="tocxref">C.4.15 Section 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.210" class="tocxref">C.4.16 Section 5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.211" class="tocxref">C.4.17 Section 5.9 ID selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.212" class="tocxref">C.4.18 Section 5.11.3 The dynamic pseudo-classes: :hover, :active, and :focus</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.213" class="tocxref">C.4.19 Section 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.214" class="tocxref">C.4.20 Section 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.215" class="tocxref">C.4.21 Section 6.2 Inheritance</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.216" class="tocxref">C.4.22 Section 6.2.1 The 'inherit' value</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.217" class="tocxref">C.4.23 Section 6.3 The @import rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.218" class="tocxref">C.4.24 Section 6.4 The Cascade</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.219" class="tocxref">C.4.25 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.220" class="tocxref">C.4.26 Section 6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.221" class="tocxref">C.4.27 Section 7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.222" class="tocxref">C.4.28 Section 7.3 Recognized media types</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.223" class="tocxref">C.4.29 Section 7.3.1 Media groups</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.224" class="tocxref">C.4.30 Section 8.1 Box dimensions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.225" class="tocxref">C.4.31 Section 8.3 Margin properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.226" class="tocxref">C.4.32 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.227" class="tocxref">C.4.33 Section 8.5.3 Border style</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.228" class="tocxref">C.4.34 Section 9.1.1 The viewport</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.229" class="tocxref">C.4.35 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.230" class="tocxref">C.4.36 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.231" class="tocxref">C.4.37 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.232" class="tocxref">C.4.38 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.233" class="tocxref">C.4.39 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.234" class="tocxref">C.4.40 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.235" class="tocxref">C.4.41 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.236" class="tocxref">C.4.42 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.237" class="tocxref">C.4.43 Section 9.8 Comparison of normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.238" class="tocxref">C.4.44 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.239" class="tocxref">C.4.45 Section 10.2 Content width</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.240" class="tocxref">C.4.46 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.241" class="tocxref">C.4.47 Section 10.3.8 Absolutely positioning, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.242" class="tocxref">C.4.48 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.243" class="tocxref">C.4.49 Section 10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.244" class="tocxref">C.4.50 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.245" class="tocxref">C.4.51 Section 10.8 Line height calculations</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.246" class="tocxref">C.4.52 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.247" class="tocxref">C.4.53 Section 11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.248" class="tocxref">C.4.54 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.249" class="tocxref">C.4.55 Section 11.1.2 Clipping</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.250" class="tocxref">C.4.56 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.251" class="tocxref">C.4.57 Section 12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.252" class="tocxref">C.4.58 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.253" class="tocxref">C.4.59 Section 12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.254" class="tocxref">C.4.60 Section 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.255" class="tocxref">C.4.61 Section 12.4.3 Counters in elements with 'display: none'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.256" class="tocxref">C.4.62 Section 14.2 The background</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.257" class="tocxref">C.4.63 Section 15.1 Fonts Introduction</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.258" class="tocxref">C.4.64 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.259" class="tocxref">C.4.65 Section 15.2.2 Font family</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.260" class="tocxref">C.4.66 Section 15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.261" class="tocxref">C.4.67 Section 15.4 Font styling</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.262" class="tocxref">C.4.68 Section 15.5 Small-caps</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.263" class="tocxref">C.4.69 Section 15.6 Font boldness</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.264" class="tocxref">C.4.70 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.265" class="tocxref">C.4.71 Section 16.1 Indentation</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.266" class="tocxref">C.4.72 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.267" class="tocxref">C.4.73 Section 16.3.1 Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.268" class="tocxref">C.4.74 Section 16.5 Capitalization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.269" class="tocxref">C.4.75 Section 16.6 White space</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.270" class="tocxref">C.4.76 Section 17.1 Introduction to tables</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.271" class="tocxref">C.4.77 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.272" class="tocxref">C.4.78 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.273" class="tocxref">C.4.79 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.274" class="tocxref">C.4.80 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.275" class="tocxref">C.4.81 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.276" class="tocxref">C.4.82 Section 17.5.2 Table width algorithms</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.277" class="tocxref">C.4.83 Section Fixed table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.278" class="tocxref">C.4.84 Section Automatic table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.279" class="tocxref">C.4.85 Section 17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.280" class="tocxref">C.4.86 Section 17.5.5 Dynamic row and column effects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.281" class="tocxref">C.4.87 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.282" class="tocxref">C.4.88 Section 17.6.2 The collapsing borders model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.283" class="tocxref">C.4.89 Section 18.2 System Colors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.284" class="tocxref">C.4.90 Section 18.4 Dynamic outlines</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.285" class="tocxref">C.4.91 Section 18.4.1 Outlines and the focus</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.286" class="tocxref">C.4.92 Appendix D Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#errata" class="tocxref">C.5 Errata since the Candidate Recommendation of July 2007</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q288" class="tocxref">C.5.1 Section&nbsp; Value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q289" class="tocxref">C.5.2 Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q290" class="tocxref">C.5.3 Section 3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q291" class="tocxref">C.5.4 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q292" class="tocxref">C.5.5 Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q293" class="tocxref">C.5.6 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q294" class="tocxref">C.5.7 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q295" class="tocxref">C.5.8 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q296" class="tocxref">C.5.9 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q297" class="tocxref">C.5.10 Section&nbsp;4.1.5 At-rules</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q298" class="tocxref">C.5.11 Section&nbsp;4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q299" class="tocxref">C.5.12 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q300" class="tocxref">C.5.13 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q301" class="tocxref">C.5.14 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q302" class="tocxref">C.5.15 Section&nbsp;4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q303" class="tocxref">C.5.16 Section&nbsp;5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q304" class="tocxref">C.5.17 Section 5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q305" class="tocxref">C.5.18 Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q306" class="tocxref">C.5.19 Section&nbsp;5.12.3 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q307" class="tocxref">C.5.20 Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q308" class="tocxref">C.5.21 Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q309" class="tocxref">C.5.22 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q310" class="tocxref">C.5.23 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q311" class="tocxref">C.5.24 Section&nbsp;7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q312" class="tocxref">C.5.25 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q313" class="tocxref">C.5.26 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q314" class="tocxref">C.5.27 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q315" class="tocxref">C.5.28 Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q316" class="tocxref">C.5.29 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q317" class="tocxref">C.5.30 Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q318" class="tocxref">C.5.31 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q319" class="tocxref">C.5.32 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q320" class="tocxref">C.5.33 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q321" class="tocxref">C.5.34 Section&nbsp;9.6.1 Fixed positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q322" class="tocxref">C.5.35 Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q323" class="tocxref">C.5.36 Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q324" class="tocxref">C.5.37 Section&nbsp;10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q325" class="tocxref">C.5.38 Section&nbsp;10.3.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q326" class="tocxref">C.5.39 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q327" class="tocxref">C.5.40 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q328" class="tocxref">C.5.41 Section&nbsp;10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q329" class="tocxref">C.5.42 Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q330" class="tocxref">C.5.43 Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q331" class="tocxref">C.5.44 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q332" class="tocxref">C.5.45 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q333" class="tocxref">C.5.46 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q334" class="tocxref">C.5.47 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q335" class="tocxref">C.5.48 Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements [&hellip;]</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q336" class="tocxref">C.5.49 Section&nbsp;10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q337" class="tocxref">C.5.50 Section&nbsp;10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q338" class="tocxref">C.5.51 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q339" class="tocxref">C.5.52 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q340" class="tocxref">C.5.53 Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q341" class="tocxref">C.5.54 Section&nbsp;12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q342" class="tocxref">C.5.55 Section&nbsp;12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q343" class="tocxref">C.5.56 Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q344" class="tocxref">C.5.57 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q345" class="tocxref">C.5.58 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q346" class="tocxref">C.5.59 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q347" class="tocxref">C.5.60 Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q348" class="tocxref">C.5.61 Section&nbsp; Rendering page boxes that do not fit a target sheet</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q349" class="tocxref">C.5.62 Section&nbsp;13.2.3 Content outside the page box</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q350" class="tocxref">C.5.63 Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q351" class="tocxref">C.5.64 Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q352" class="tocxref">C.5.65 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q353" class="tocxref">C.5.66 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q354" class="tocxref">C.5.67 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q355" class="tocxref">C.5.68 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q356" class="tocxref">C.5.69 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q357" class="tocxref">C.5.70 Section&nbsp;13.3.5 "Best" page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q358" class="tocxref">C.5.71 Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q359" class="tocxref">C.5.72 Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q360" class="tocxref">C.5.73 Section 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', and 'background'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q361" class="tocxref">C.5.74 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q362" class="tocxref">C.5.75 Section&nbsp;16.6 Whitespace: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q363" class="tocxref">C.5.76 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q364" class="tocxref">C.5.77 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q365" class="tocxref">C.5.78 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q366" class="tocxref">C.5.79 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q367" class="tocxref">C.5.80 Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q368" class="tocxref">C.5.81 Section&nbsp;18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q369" class="tocxref">C.5.82 Section B.2 Informative references</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q370" class="tocxref">C.5.83 Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q371" class="tocxref">C.5.84 Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q372" class="tocxref">C.5.85 Section E.2 Painting order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q373" class="tocxref">C.5.86 Appendix G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q374" class="tocxref">C.5.87 Section&nbsp;G.1 Grammar</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q375" class="tocxref">C.5.88 Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q376" class="tocxref">C.5.89 Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q377" class="tocxref">C.5.90 Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q378" class="tocxref">C.5.91 Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q379" class="tocxref">C.5.92 Appendix&nbsp;I. Index</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.288" class="tocxref">C.5.1 Section&nbsp; Value</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.289" class="tocxref">C.5.2 Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.290" class="tocxref">C.5.3 Section 3.1 Definitions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.291" class="tocxref">C.5.4 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.292" class="tocxref">C.5.5 Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.293" class="tocxref">C.5.6 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.294" class="tocxref">C.5.7 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.295" class="tocxref">C.5.8 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.296" class="tocxref">C.5.9 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.297" class="tocxref">C.5.10 Section&nbsp;4.1.5 At-rules</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.298" class="tocxref">C.5.11 Section&nbsp;4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.299" class="tocxref">C.5.12 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.300" class="tocxref">C.5.13 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.301" class="tocxref">C.5.14 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.302" class="tocxref">C.5.15 Section&nbsp;4.3.5 Counters</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.303" class="tocxref">C.5.16 Section&nbsp;5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.304" class="tocxref">C.5.17 Section 5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.305" class="tocxref">C.5.18 Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.306" class="tocxref">C.5.19 Section&nbsp;5.12.3 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.307" class="tocxref">C.5.20 Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.308" class="tocxref">C.5.21 Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.309" class="tocxref">C.5.22 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.310" class="tocxref">C.5.23 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.311" class="tocxref">C.5.24 Section&nbsp;7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.312" class="tocxref">C.5.25 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.313" class="tocxref">C.5.26 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.314" class="tocxref">C.5.27 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.315" class="tocxref">C.5.28 Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.316" class="tocxref">C.5.29 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.317" class="tocxref">C.5.30 Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.318" class="tocxref">C.5.31 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.319" class="tocxref">C.5.32 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.320" class="tocxref">C.5.33 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.321" class="tocxref">C.5.34 Section&nbsp;9.6.1 Fixed positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.322" class="tocxref">C.5.35 Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.323" class="tocxref">C.5.36 Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.324" class="tocxref">C.5.37 Section&nbsp;10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.325" class="tocxref">C.5.38 Section&nbsp;10.3.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.326" class="tocxref">C.5.39 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.327" class="tocxref">C.5.40 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.328" class="tocxref">C.5.41 Section&nbsp;10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.329" class="tocxref">C.5.42 Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.330" class="tocxref">C.5.43 Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.331" class="tocxref">C.5.44 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.332" class="tocxref">C.5.45 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.333" class="tocxref">C.5.46 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.334" class="tocxref">C.5.47 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.335" class="tocxref">C.5.48 Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements [&hellip;]</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.336" class="tocxref">C.5.49 Section&nbsp;10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.337" class="tocxref">C.5.50 Section&nbsp;10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.338" class="tocxref">C.5.51 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.339" class="tocxref">C.5.52 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.340" class="tocxref">C.5.53 Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.341" class="tocxref">C.5.54 Section&nbsp;12.2 The 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.342" class="tocxref">C.5.55 Section&nbsp;12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.343" class="tocxref">C.5.56 Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.344" class="tocxref">C.5.57 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.345" class="tocxref">C.5.58 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.346" class="tocxref">C.5.59 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.347" class="tocxref">C.5.60 Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.348" class="tocxref">C.5.61 Section&nbsp; Rendering page boxes that do not fit a target sheet</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.349" class="tocxref">C.5.62 Section&nbsp;13.2.3 Content outside the page box</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.350" class="tocxref">C.5.63 Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.351" class="tocxref">C.5.64 Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.352" class="tocxref">C.5.65 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.353" class="tocxref">C.5.66 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.354" class="tocxref">C.5.67 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.355" class="tocxref">C.5.68 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.356" class="tocxref">C.5.69 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.357" class="tocxref">C.5.70 Section&nbsp;13.3.5 "Best" page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.358" class="tocxref">C.5.71 Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.359" class="tocxref">C.5.72 Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.360" class="tocxref">C.5.73 Section 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', and 'background'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.361" class="tocxref">C.5.74 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.362" class="tocxref">C.5.75 Section&nbsp;16.6 Whitespace: the 'white-space' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.363" class="tocxref">C.5.76 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.364" class="tocxref">C.5.77 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.365" class="tocxref">C.5.78 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.366" class="tocxref">C.5.79 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.367" class="tocxref">C.5.80 Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.368" class="tocxref">C.5.81 Section&nbsp;18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.369" class="tocxref">C.5.82 Section B.2 Informative references</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.370" class="tocxref">C.5.83 Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.371" class="tocxref">C.5.84 Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.372" class="tocxref">C.5.85 Section E.2 Painting order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.373" class="tocxref">C.5.86 Appendix G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.374" class="tocxref">C.5.87 Section&nbsp;G.1 Grammar</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.375" class="tocxref">C.5.88 Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.376" class="tocxref">C.5.89 Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.377" class="tocxref">C.5.90 Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.378" class="tocxref">C.5.91 Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.379" class="tocxref">C.5.92 Appendix&nbsp;I. Index</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#errata2" class="tocxref">C.6 Errata since the Candidate Recommendation of April 2009</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q381" class="tocxref">C.6.1 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q382" class="tocxref">C.6.2 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q383" class="tocxref">C.6.3 Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q384" class="tocxref">C.6.4 Section&nbsp; serif</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q385" class="tocxref">C.6.5 Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q386" class="tocxref">C.6.6 Section&nbsp; Fixed table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q387" class="tocxref">C.6.7 Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q388" class="tocxref">C.6.8 Appendix&nbsp;G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.381" class="tocxref">C.6.1 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.382" class="tocxref">C.6.2 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.383" class="tocxref">C.6.3 Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.384" class="tocxref">C.6.4 Section&nbsp; serif</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.385" class="tocxref">C.6.5 Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.386" class="tocxref">C.6.6 Section&nbsp; Fixed table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.387" class="tocxref">C.6.7 Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.388" class="tocxref">C.6.8 Appendix&nbsp;G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#errata3" class="tocxref">C.7 Errata since the Candidate Recommendation of September 2009</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q390" class="tocxref">C.7.1 Section&nbsp; Value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q391" class="tocxref">C.7.2 Section&nbsp;3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q392" class="tocxref">C.7.3 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q393" class="tocxref">C.7.4 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q394" class="tocxref">C.7.5 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q395" class="tocxref">C.7.6 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q396" class="tocxref">C.7.7 Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q397" class="tocxref">C.7.8 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q398" class="tocxref">C.7.9 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q399" class="tocxref">C.7.10 Section&nbsp;4.1.8 Declarations and properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q400" class="tocxref">C.7.11 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q401" class="tocxref">C.7.12 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q402" class="tocxref">C.7.13 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q403" class="tocxref">C.7.14 Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q404" class="tocxref">C.7.15 Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q405" class="tocxref">C.7.16 Section&nbsp;5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q406" class="tocxref">C.7.17 Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q407" class="tocxref">C.7.18 Section&nbsp;5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q408" class="tocxref">C.7.19 Section&nbsp;5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q409" class="tocxref">C.7.20 Section&nbsp;5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q410" class="tocxref">C.7.21 Section&nbsp;6.2 Inheritance</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q411" class="tocxref">C.7.22 Section&nbsp;6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q412" class="tocxref">C.7.23 Section&nbsp;7.3 Recognized media types</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q413" class="tocxref">C.7.24 Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q414" class="tocxref">C.7.25 Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q415" class="tocxref">C.7.26 Section&nbsp;9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q416" class="tocxref">C.7.27 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q417" class="tocxref">C.7.28 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q418" class="tocxref">C.7.29 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q419" class="tocxref">C.7.30 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q420" class="tocxref">C.7.31 Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q421" class="tocxref">C.7.32 Section&nbsp;9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q422" class="tocxref">C.7.33 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q423" class="tocxref">C.7.34 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q424" class="tocxref">C.7.35 Section&nbsp;9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q425" class="tocxref">C.7.36 Section&nbsp;9.4 Normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q426" class="tocxref">C.7.37 Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q427" class="tocxref">C.7.38 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q428" class="tocxref">C.7.39 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q429" class="tocxref">C.7.40 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q430" class="tocxref">C.7.41 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q431" class="tocxref">C.7.42 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q432" class="tocxref">C.7.43 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q433" class="tocxref">C.7.44 Section&nbsp;14.2.1 Background properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q434" class="tocxref">C.7.45 Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q435" class="tocxref">C.7.46 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q436" class="tocxref">C.7.47 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q437" class="tocxref">C.7.48 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q438" class="tocxref">C.7.49 Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q439" class="tocxref">C.7.50 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q440" class="tocxref">C.7.51 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q441" class="tocxref">C.7.52 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q442" class="tocxref">C.7.53 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q443" class="tocxref">C.7.54 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q444" class="tocxref">C.7.55 Section&nbsp;10.6.7 'Auto' heights for block formatting context roots</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q445" class="tocxref">C.7.56 Section&nbsp;10.7 Minimum and maximum heights: 'min-height' and 'max-height'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q446" class="tocxref">C.7.57 Section&nbsp;10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q447" class="tocxref">C.7.58 Section&nbsp;10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q448" class="tocxref">C.7.59 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q449" class="tocxref">C.7.60 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q450" class="tocxref">C.7.61 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q451" class="tocxref">C.7.62 Section&nbsp;11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q452" class="tocxref">C.7.63 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q453" class="tocxref">C.7.64 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q454" class="tocxref">C.7.65 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q455" class="tocxref">C.7.66 Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q456" class="tocxref">C.7.67 Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q457" class="tocxref">C.7.68 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q458" class="tocxref">C.7.69 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q459" class="tocxref">C.7.70 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q460" class="tocxref">C.7.71 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q461" class="tocxref">C.7.72 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q462" class="tocxref">C.7.73 Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q463" class="tocxref">C.7.74 Section&nbsp;13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q464" class="tocxref">C.7.75 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q465" class="tocxref">C.7.76 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q466" class="tocxref">C.7.77 Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q467" class="tocxref">C.7.78 Section&nbsp;15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q468" class="tocxref">C.7.79 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q469" class="tocxref">C.7.80 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q470" class="tocxref">C.7.81 Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q471" class="tocxref">C.7.82 Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q472" class="tocxref">C.7.83 Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q473" class="tocxref">C.7.84 Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q474" class="tocxref">C.7.85 Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q475" class="tocxref">C.7.86 Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q476" class="tocxref">C.7.87 Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q477" class="tocxref">C.7.88 Section&nbsp;16.4 Letter and word spacing: the 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q478" class="tocxref">C.7.89 Section&nbsp;16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q479" class="tocxref">C.7.90 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q480" class="tocxref">C.7.91 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q481" class="tocxref">C.7.92 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q482" class="tocxref">C.7.93 Section&nbsp;17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q483" class="tocxref">C.7.94 Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q484" class="tocxref">C.7.95 Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q485" class="tocxref">C.7.96 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q486" class="tocxref">C.7.97 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q487" class="tocxref">C.7.98 Section&nbsp; Automatic table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q488" class="tocxref">C.7.99 Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q489" class="tocxref">C.7.100 Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q490" class="tocxref">C.7.101 Section&nbsp;B.2 Informative references</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q491" class="tocxref">C.7.102 Section&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q492" class="tocxref">C.7.103 Section&nbsp;E.2 Painting order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q493" class="tocxref">C.7.104 Appendix&nbsp;G Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.390" class="tocxref">C.7.1 Section&nbsp; Value</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.391" class="tocxref">C.7.2 Section&nbsp;3.1 Definitions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.392" class="tocxref">C.7.3 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.393" class="tocxref">C.7.4 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.394" class="tocxref">C.7.5 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.395" class="tocxref">C.7.6 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.396" class="tocxref">C.7.7 Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.397" class="tocxref">C.7.8 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.398" class="tocxref">C.7.9 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.399" class="tocxref">C.7.10 Section&nbsp;4.1.8 Declarations and properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.400" class="tocxref">C.7.11 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.401" class="tocxref">C.7.12 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.402" class="tocxref">C.7.13 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.403" class="tocxref">C.7.14 Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.404" class="tocxref">C.7.15 Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.405" class="tocxref">C.7.16 Section&nbsp;5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.406" class="tocxref">C.7.17 Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.407" class="tocxref">C.7.18 Section&nbsp;5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.408" class="tocxref">C.7.19 Section&nbsp;5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.409" class="tocxref">C.7.20 Section&nbsp;5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.410" class="tocxref">C.7.21 Section&nbsp;6.2 Inheritance</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.411" class="tocxref">C.7.22 Section&nbsp;6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.412" class="tocxref">C.7.23 Section&nbsp;7.3 Recognized media types</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.413" class="tocxref">C.7.24 Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.414" class="tocxref">C.7.25 Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.415" class="tocxref">C.7.26 Section&nbsp;9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.416" class="tocxref">C.7.27 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.417" class="tocxref">C.7.28 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.418" class="tocxref">C.7.29 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.419" class="tocxref">C.7.30 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.420" class="tocxref">C.7.31 Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.421" class="tocxref">C.7.32 Section&nbsp;9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.422" class="tocxref">C.7.33 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.423" class="tocxref">C.7.34 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.424" class="tocxref">C.7.35 Section&nbsp;9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.425" class="tocxref">C.7.36 Section&nbsp;9.4 Normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.426" class="tocxref">C.7.37 Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.427" class="tocxref">C.7.38 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.428" class="tocxref">C.7.39 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.429" class="tocxref">C.7.40 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.430" class="tocxref">C.7.41 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.431" class="tocxref">C.7.42 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.432" class="tocxref">C.7.43 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.433" class="tocxref">C.7.44 Section&nbsp;14.2.1 Background properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.434" class="tocxref">C.7.45 Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.435" class="tocxref">C.7.46 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.436" class="tocxref">C.7.47 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.437" class="tocxref">C.7.48 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.438" class="tocxref">C.7.49 Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.439" class="tocxref">C.7.50 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.440" class="tocxref">C.7.51 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.441" class="tocxref">C.7.52 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.442" class="tocxref">C.7.53 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.443" class="tocxref">C.7.54 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.444" class="tocxref">C.7.55 Section&nbsp;10.6.7 'Auto' heights for block formatting context roots</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.445" class="tocxref">C.7.56 Section&nbsp;10.7 Minimum and maximum heights: 'min-height' and 'max-height'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.446" class="tocxref">C.7.57 Section&nbsp;10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.447" class="tocxref">C.7.58 Section&nbsp;10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.448" class="tocxref">C.7.59 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.449" class="tocxref">C.7.60 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.450" class="tocxref">C.7.61 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.451" class="tocxref">C.7.62 Section&nbsp;11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.452" class="tocxref">C.7.63 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.453" class="tocxref">C.7.64 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.454" class="tocxref">C.7.65 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.455" class="tocxref">C.7.66 Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.456" class="tocxref">C.7.67 Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.457" class="tocxref">C.7.68 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.458" class="tocxref">C.7.69 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.459" class="tocxref">C.7.70 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.460" class="tocxref">C.7.71 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.461" class="tocxref">C.7.72 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.462" class="tocxref">C.7.73 Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.463" class="tocxref">C.7.74 Section&nbsp;13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.464" class="tocxref">C.7.75 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.465" class="tocxref">C.7.76 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.466" class="tocxref">C.7.77 Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.467" class="tocxref">C.7.78 Section&nbsp;15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.468" class="tocxref">C.7.79 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.469" class="tocxref">C.7.80 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.470" class="tocxref">C.7.81 Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.471" class="tocxref">C.7.82 Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.472" class="tocxref">C.7.83 Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.473" class="tocxref">C.7.84 Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.474" class="tocxref">C.7.85 Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.475" class="tocxref">C.7.86 Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.476" class="tocxref">C.7.87 Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.477" class="tocxref">C.7.88 Section&nbsp;16.4 Letter and word spacing: the 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.478" class="tocxref">C.7.89 Section&nbsp;16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.479" class="tocxref">C.7.90 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.480" class="tocxref">C.7.91 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.481" class="tocxref">C.7.92 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.482" class="tocxref">C.7.93 Section&nbsp;17.2 The CSS table model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.483" class="tocxref">C.7.94 Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.484" class="tocxref">C.7.95 Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.485" class="tocxref">C.7.96 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.486" class="tocxref">C.7.97 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.487" class="tocxref">C.7.98 Section&nbsp; Automatic table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.488" class="tocxref">C.7.99 Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.489" class="tocxref">C.7.100 Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.490" class="tocxref">C.7.101 Section&nbsp;B.2 Informative references</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.491" class="tocxref">C.7.102 Section&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.492" class="tocxref">C.7.103 Section&nbsp;E.2 Painting order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.493" class="tocxref">C.7.104 Appendix&nbsp;G Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#q494" class="tocxref">C.8 Changes since the working draft of 7 December 2010</a>
+ <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#q21.494" class="tocxref">C.8 Changes since the working draft of 7 December 2010</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q495" class="tocxref">C.8.1 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q496" class="tocxref">C.8.2 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q497" class="tocxref">C.8.3 10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q498" class="tocxref">C.8.4 14.3 Gamma correction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q499" class="tocxref">C.8.5 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q500" class="tocxref">C.8.6 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q501" class="tocxref">C.8.7 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q502" class="tocxref">C.8.8 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q503" class="tocxref">C.8.9 13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q504" class="tocxref">C.8.10 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q505" class="tocxref">C.8.11 10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q506" class="tocxref">C.8.12 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q507" class="tocxref">C.8.13 10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q508" class="tocxref">C.8.14 9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q509" class="tocxref">C.8.15 Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q510" class="tocxref">C.8.16 5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q511" class="tocxref">C.8.17 16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q512" class="tocxref">C.8.18 12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q513" class="tocxref">C.8.19 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q514" class="tocxref">C.8.20 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q515" class="tocxref">C.8.21 4.1.9 Comments</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q516" class="tocxref">C.8.22 12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q517" class="tocxref">C.8.23 9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q518" class="tocxref">C.8.24 9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q519" class="tocxref">C.8.25 9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q520" class="tocxref">C.8.26 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q521" class="tocxref">C.8.27 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q522" class="tocxref">C.8.28 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths: 'min-width' and 'max-width'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q523" class="tocxref">C.8.29 9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q524" class="tocxref">C.8.30 Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q525" class="tocxref">C.8.31 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q526" class="tocxref">C.8.32 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q527" class="tocxref">C.8.33 13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q528" class="tocxref">C.8.34 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q529" class="tocxref">C.8.35 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q530" class="tocxref">C.8.36 3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q531" class="tocxref">C.8.37 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q532" class="tocxref">C.8.38 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q533" class="tocxref">C.8.39 11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q534" class="tocxref">C.8.40 Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q535" class="tocxref">C.8.41 16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q536" class="tocxref">C.8.42 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q537" class="tocxref">C.8.43 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q538" class="tocxref">C.8.44 5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q539" class="tocxref">C.8.45 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q540" class="tocxref">C.8.46 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q541" class="tocxref">C.8.47 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', and 'background'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q542" class="tocxref">C.8.48 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q543" class="tocxref">C.8.49 6.1.2 Computed values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q544" class="tocxref">C.8.50 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q545" class="tocxref">C.8.51 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q546" class="tocxref">C.8.52 G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q547" class="tocxref">C.8.53 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q548" class="tocxref">C.8.54 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q549" class="tocxref">C.8.55 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.495" class="tocxref">C.8.1 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.496" class="tocxref">C.8.2 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.497" class="tocxref">C.8.3 10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.498" class="tocxref">C.8.4 14.3 Gamma correction</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.499" class="tocxref">C.8.5 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.500" class="tocxref">C.8.6 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.501" class="tocxref">C.8.7 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.502" class="tocxref">C.8.8 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.503" class="tocxref">C.8.9 13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.504" class="tocxref">C.8.10 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.505" class="tocxref">C.8.11 10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.506" class="tocxref">C.8.12 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.507" class="tocxref">C.8.13 10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.508" class="tocxref">C.8.14 9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.509" class="tocxref">C.8.15 Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.510" class="tocxref">C.8.16 5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.511" class="tocxref">C.8.17 16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.512" class="tocxref">C.8.18 12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.513" class="tocxref">C.8.19 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.514" class="tocxref">C.8.20 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.515" class="tocxref">C.8.21 4.1.9 Comments</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.516" class="tocxref">C.8.22 12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.517" class="tocxref">C.8.23 9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.518" class="tocxref">C.8.24 9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.519" class="tocxref">C.8.25 9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.520" class="tocxref">C.8.26 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.521" class="tocxref">C.8.27 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.522" class="tocxref">C.8.28 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths: 'min-width' and 'max-width'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.523" class="tocxref">C.8.29 9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.524" class="tocxref">C.8.30 Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.525" class="tocxref">C.8.31 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.526" class="tocxref">C.8.32 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.527" class="tocxref">C.8.33 13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.528" class="tocxref">C.8.34 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.529" class="tocxref">C.8.35 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.530" class="tocxref">C.8.36 3.1 Definitions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.531" class="tocxref">C.8.37 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.532" class="tocxref">C.8.38 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.533" class="tocxref">C.8.39 11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.534" class="tocxref">C.8.40 Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.535" class="tocxref">C.8.41 16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.536" class="tocxref">C.8.42 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.537" class="tocxref">C.8.43 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.538" class="tocxref">C.8.44 5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.539" class="tocxref">C.8.45 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.540" class="tocxref">C.8.46 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.541" class="tocxref">C.8.47 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', and 'background'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.542" class="tocxref">C.8.48 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.543" class="tocxref">C.8.49 6.1.2 Computed values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.544" class="tocxref">C.8.50 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.545" class="tocxref">C.8.51 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.546" class="tocxref">C.8.52 G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.547" class="tocxref">C.8.53 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.548" class="tocxref">C.8.54 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.549" class="tocxref">C.8.55 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
+<!-- warning -->
+<div> <input id=annoying-warning type=checkbox title="hide note"> <label for=annoying-warning>(hide)</label> <div class=annoying-warning> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Several sections of this specification have been updated by other specifications. Please, see <a href="" >"Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) &mdash; The Official Definition"</a> in the latest <cite>CSS Snapshot</cite> for a list of specifications and the sections they replace. <p>The CSS Working Group is also developing <a href="" >CSS level&nbsp;2 revision&nbsp;2 (CSS&nbsp;2.2).</a> </div> </div>
+<!-- /warning -->
<P><em>This appendix is informative, not normative.</em></P>
<P>CSS&nbsp;2.1 is an updated revision of CSS2. The changes between
@@ -614,78 +617,78 @@ changes and most changes to examples are also not listed here.</p>
<h2>C.1 <a name="new">Additional property values</a></h2>
-<h3 id="a4.3.6"><a name="q2">C.1.1 </a><a href="syndata.html#color-units">Section 4.3.6
+<h3 id="a4.3.6"><a name="q21.2">C.1.1 </a><a href="syndata.html#color-units">Section 4.3.6
<p>New color value: 'orange'
-<h3 id="a9.2.4"><a name="q3">C.1.2 </a><a href="visuren.html#propdef-display">Section 9.2.4
+<h3 id="a9.2.4"><a name="q21.3">C.1.2 </a><a href="visuren.html#propdef-display">Section 9.2.4
The 'display' property</a></h3>
<p>New 'display' value: 'inline-block'
-<h3 id="a12.2"><a name="q4">C.1.3 </a><a href="generate.html#content">Section 12.2 The
+<h3 id="a12.2"><a name="q21.4">C.1.3 </a><a href="generate.html#content">Section 12.2 The
'content' property</a></h3>
<p>New 'content' values 'none' and 'normal'. (The values 'none' and
'normal' are equivalent in CSS&nbsp;2.1, but may have different
functions in CSS3.)
-<h3 id="a16.6"><a name="q5">C.1.4 </a><a href="text.html#propdef-white-space">Section 16.6
+<h3 id="a16.6"><a name="q21.5">C.1.4 </a><a href="text.html#propdef-white-space">Section 16.6
White space: the 'white-space' property</a></h3>
<p>New 'white-space' values: 'pre-wrap' and 'pre-line'
-<h3 id="a18.1"><a name="q6">C.1.5 </a><a href="ui.html#propdef-cursor">Section 18.1 Cursors:
+<h3 id="a18.1"><a name="q21.6">C.1.5 </a><a href="ui.html#propdef-cursor">Section 18.1 Cursors:
the 'cursor' property</a></h3>
<p>New 'cursor' value: 'progress'
<h2>C.2 <a name="changes">Changes</a></h2>
-<h3 id="c1.1"><a name="q8">C.2.1 </a><a href="about.html#css2.1-v-css2">Section 1.1 CSS 2.1 vs CSS 2</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c1.1"><a name="q21.8">C.2.1 </a><a href="about.html#css2.1-v-css2">Section 1.1 CSS 2.1 vs CSS 2</a></h3>
<p>This new section is added to explain the motivation for CSS2.1
and its relation to CSS2.</p>
-<h3 id="c1.2"><a name="q9">C.2.2 </a><a href="about.html#reading">Section 1.2 Reading the specification</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c1.2"><a name="q21.9">C.2.2 </a><a href="about.html#reading">Section 1.2 Reading the specification</a></h3>
<p>This section (formerly Section 1.1) has been marked non-normative.</p>
-<h3 id="c1.3"><a name="q10">C.2.3 </a><a href="about.html#organization">Section 1.3 How the specification is organized</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c1.3"><a name="q21.10">C.2.3 </a><a href="about.html#organization">Section 1.3 How the specification is organized</a></h3>
<p>This section (formerly Section 1.2) has been marked non-normative.</p>
-<h3 id="c1.4.2.1"><a name="q11">C.2.4 </a><a href="about.html#value-defs">Section Value</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c1.4.2.1"><a name="q21.11">C.2.4 </a><a href="about.html#value-defs">Section Value</a></h3>
<p>This section (formerly unnumbered under 1.3.2) notes that value types are specified
in terms of tokens and that spaces may appear between tokens in values. A note
explains that spaces are required between some tokens.</p>
-<h3 id="c1.4.2.6"><a name="q12">C.2.5 </a><a href="about.html#media-applies">Section Media groups</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c1.4.2.6"><a name="q21.12">C.2.5 </a><a href="about.html#media-applies">Section Media groups</a></h3>
<p>This section (formerly unnumbered under 1.3.2) now declares the Media line
in property definitions to be non-normative.</p>
-<h3 id="c1.4.2.7"><a name="q13">C.2.6 </a><a href="about.html#computed-defs">Section Computed value</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c1.4.2.7"><a name="q21.13">C.2.6 </a><a href="about.html#computed-defs">Section Computed value</a></h3>
<p>A new line is added to each property definition specifying what the computed
values are for the property. (This defines what level of computation is done to
a property value before inheritance and before certain other calculations.)</p>
-<h3 id="c1.4.4"><a name="q14">C.2.7 </a><a href="about.html#notes-and-examples">Section 1.4.4 Notes and examples</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c1.4.4"><a name="q21.14">C.2.7 </a><a href="about.html#notes-and-examples">Section 1.4.4 Notes and examples</a></h3>
<p>This section (formerly 1.3.4) now specifies that HTML examples lacking DOCTYPE
declarations are SGML Text Entities conforming to the HTML 4.01 Strict DTD [HTML4].
The markup for many examples has been reformulated to either include a DOCTYPE or
conform to this definition.</p>
-<h3 id="c1.5"><a name="q15">C.2.8 </a><a href="about.html#acknowledgements">Section 1.5 Acknowledgments</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c1.5"><a name="q21.15">C.2.8 </a><a href="about.html#acknowledgements">Section 1.5 Acknowledgments</a></h3>
<p>This section (formerly 1.4) has been updated to reflect contributions to CSS2.1
and has been marked non-normative.<p>
-<h3 id="c3.2"><a name="q16">C.2.9 </a><a href="conform.html#conformance">Section 3.2
+<h3 id="c3.2"><a name="q21.16">C.2.9 </a><a href="conform.html#conformance">Section 3.2
<p>Support for user style sheets is now required (in most cases),
@@ -697,13 +700,13 @@ rather than just recommended.
Authors are recommended to treat form control styling capabilities in UAs
as experimental.</p>
-<h3 id="c3.3"><a name="q17">C.2.10 </a><a href="conform.html#errors">Section 3.3
+<h3 id="c3.3"><a name="q21.17">C.2.10 </a><a href="conform.html#errors">Section 3.3
Error Conditions</a></h3>
<p>This section changed to say that error handling <em>is</em> specified
in most cases.</p>
-<h3 id="c4.1.1"><a name="q18">C.2.11 </a><a href="syndata.html#tokenization">Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c4.1.1"><a name="q21.18">C.2.11 </a><a href="syndata.html#tokenization">Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a></h3>
<p>Added INVALID token and rules for its definition.</p>
@@ -723,7 +726,7 @@ conflict with Unicode escapes).</p>
through excluding disallowed characters. This allows invisible ASCII
characters to be included in a string.</p>
-<h3 id="c4.1.3"><a name="q19">C.2.12 </a><a href="syndata.html#characters">Section 4.1.3
+<h3 id="c4.1.3"><a name="q21.19">C.2.12 </a><a href="syndata.html#characters">Section 4.1.3
Characters and case</a></h3>
<p>Updated prose about identifiers (second bullet point) to match changes
@@ -743,36 +746,36 @@ equivalent), except for parts that are not under the control of CSS."
See also the change to case-sensitivity of counters in <a
-<h3 id="c4.2"><a name="q20">C.2.13 </a><a href="syndata.html#parsing-errors">Section 4.2
+<h3 id="c4.2"><a name="q21.20">C.2.13 </a><a href="syndata.html#parsing-errors">Section 4.2
Rules for handling parsing errors</a></h3>
<p>Defined parsing in the cases of Malformed Declarations,
Unexpected End of Stylesheet, and Unexpected End of String.</p>
-<h3 id="c4.3"><a name="q21">C.2.14 </a><a href="syndata.html#values">Section 4.3
+<h3 id="c4.3"><a name="q21.21">C.2.14 </a><a href="syndata.html#values">Section 4.3
<p>Sections 4.3.7 (Angles), 4.3.8 (Times), and 4.3.9 (Frequencies)
have been moved to the informative Appendix A.</p>
-<h3 id="c4.3.2"><a name="q22">C.2.15 </a><a href="syndata.html#length-units">Section 4.3.2
+<h3 id="c4.3.2"><a name="q21.22">C.2.15 </a><a href="syndata.html#length-units">Section 4.3.2
<p>Added a paragraph on heuristics for finding the x-height of a font.</p>
-<h3 id="c4.3.4"><a name="q23">C.2.16 </a><a href="syndata.html#uri">Section 4.3.4
+<h3 id="c4.3.4"><a name="q21.23">C.2.16 </a><a href="syndata.html#uri">Section 4.3.4
URLs and URIs</a></h3>
<p>Updated URI references to RFC3986.</p>
-<h3 id="c4.3.5"><a name="q24">C.2.17 </a><a href="syndata.html#counter">Section 4.3.5
+<h3 id="c4.3.5"><a name="q21.24">C.2.17 </a><a href="syndata.html#counter">Section 4.3.5
<p>Changed "Counters are denoted by identifiers" to "Counters are
denoted by <ins>case-sensitive</ins> identifiers" (see also the
change to case-sensitivity in <a href="#c4.1.3">4.1.3</a>).
-<h3 id="c4.3.6"><a name="q25">C.2.18 </a><a href="syndata.html#color-units">Section 4.3.6
+<h3 id="c4.3.6"><a name="q21.25">C.2.18 </a><a href="syndata.html#color-units">Section 4.3.6
<p>Defined the numeric values corresponding to color keywords instead
@@ -782,13 +785,13 @@ of referencing HTML4 for those values.</p>
into the gamut instead of simply clipping them into the range of the
-<h3 id="c4.3.8"><a name="q26">C.2.19 </a><a href="syndata.html#unsupported-values">Section 4.3.8
+<h3 id="c4.3.8"><a name="q21.26">C.2.19 </a><a href="syndata.html#unsupported-values">Section 4.3.8
Unsupported Values</a></h3>
<p>Added this section to recommend that unsupported properties and values
be ignored as if they were invalid.</p>
-<h3 id="c4.4"><a name="q27">C.2.20 </a><a href="syndata.html#charset">Section 4.4
+<h3 id="c4.4"><a name="q21.27">C.2.20 </a><a href="syndata.html#charset">Section 4.4
CSS style sheet representation</a></h3>
<p>Changed character encoding detection rule 2 to include a BOM and
@@ -818,12 +821,12 @@ defined rules for character encoding detection based on @charset and/or BOM.</p>
-<h3 id="c5.8.1"><a name="q28">C.2.21 </a><a href="selector.html#matching-attrs">Section 5.8.1 Matching
+<h3 id="c5.8.1"><a name="q21.28">C.2.21 </a><a href="selector.html#matching-attrs">Section 5.8.1 Matching
attributes and attribute values</a></h3>
<p>BCP&nbsp;47 replaces RFC&nbsp;1766.
-<h3 id="c5.8.3"><a name="q29">C.2.22 </a><a href="selector.html#class-html">Section 5.8.3 Class
+<h3 id="c5.8.3"><a name="q21.29">C.2.22 </a><a href="selector.html#class-html">Section 5.8.3 Class
<p>Class selectors are allowed for other formats than HTML.
@@ -832,18 +835,18 @@ selectors</a></h3>
attributes per element. The behavior is non-normative, because, at the
time of writing, there exist no such formats.
-<h3 id="c5.9"><a name="q30">C.2.23 </a><a href="selector.html#id-selectors">Section 5.9 ID
+<h3 id="c5.9"><a name="q21.30">C.2.23 </a><a href="selector.html#id-selectors">Section 5.9 ID
<p>Specified how to match elements with two or more ID attributes.
-<h3 id="c5.10"><a name="q31">C.2.24 </a><a href="selector.html#pseudo-elements">Section 5.10
+<h3 id="c5.10"><a name="q21.31">C.2.24 </a><a href="selector.html#pseudo-elements">Section 5.10
Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a></h3>
<p>Removed exception for HTML UAs that allowed them (and only them) to
ignore ':first-letter' and ':first-line'.
-<h3 id="c5.11.2"><a name="q32">C.2.25 </a><a href="selector.html#link-pseudo-classes">Section 5.11.2
+<h3 id="c5.11.2"><a name="q21.32">C.2.25 </a><a href="selector.html#link-pseudo-classes">Section 5.11.2
The link pseudo-classes: :link and :visited</a></h3>
<p>UAs may return a :visited link to :link status at some point. (This
@@ -852,13 +855,13 @@ was previously a note, but is now normative.)
<p>Added a note about privacy concerns with link pseudo classes and
allowed UAs to treat :visited as :link.
-<h3 id="c5.11.4"><a name="q33">C.2.26 </a><a href="selector.html#lang">Section 5.11.4 The
+<h3 id="c5.11.4"><a name="q21.33">C.2.26 </a><a href="selector.html#lang">Section 5.11.4 The
language pseudo-class: :lang</a></h3>
<p>The identifier C in ':lang(C)' need not be a valid language code,
but it must not be empty.
-<h3 id="c5.12.1"><a name="q34">C.2.27 </a><a href="selector.html#first-line-pseudo">Section
+<h3 id="c5.12.1"><a name="q21.34">C.2.27 </a><a href="selector.html#first-line-pseudo">Section
5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a></h3>
<p>':first-line' also applies to inline blocks, table captions and
@@ -868,7 +871,7 @@ rules about which line is the first line more precise.
<p>UAs are no longer forbidden from applying more properties than the
given list.
-<h3 id="c5.12.2"><a name="q35">C.2.28 </a><a href="selector.html#first-letter">Section 5.12.2
+<h3 id="c5.12.2"><a name="q21.35">C.2.28 </a><a href="selector.html#first-letter">Section 5.12.2
The :first-letter pseudo-element</a></h3>
<p>More precise definition of first letter. Added rules for cases
@@ -886,7 +889,7 @@ punctuation.
-<h3 id="c6.1"><a name="q36">C.2.29 </a><a href="cascade.html#value-stages">Section 6.1 Specified, computed, and actual values</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c6.1"><a name="q21.36">C.2.29 </a><a href="cascade.html#value-stages">Section 6.1 Specified, computed, and actual values</a></h3>
<p>Redefined "computed value" and created the concept of "used value"
so that inheritance can be performed without laying out the document.
@@ -910,11 +913,11 @@ specified value is a percentage:
<p>Note that only 'text-indent' inherits by default, the others only
inherit if the 'inherit' keyword is specified.
-<h3 id="c6.4.1"><a name="q37">C.2.30 </a><a href="cascade.html#cascading-order">Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c6.4.1"><a name="q21.37">C.2.30 </a><a href="cascade.html#cascading-order">Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a></h3>
<p>Changed suggestion that user be able to turn off author styles to a requirement.</p>
-<h3 id="c6.4.3"><a name="q38">C.2.31 </a><a href="cascade.html#specificity">Section 6.4.3
+<h3 id="c6.4.3"><a name="q21.38">C.2.31 </a><a href="cascade.html#specificity">Section 6.4.3
Calculating a selector's specificity</a></h3>
<p>The "style" attribute now has a higher specificity than any style
@@ -923,20 +926,20 @@ rule.</p>
<p>Pseudo-elements are now counted with elements in calculating a
a selector's specificity.</p>
-<h3 id="c6.4.4"><a name="q39">C.2.32 </a><a href="cascade.html#preshint">Section 6.4.4 Precedence
+<h3 id="c6.4.4"><a name="q21.39">C.2.32 </a><a href="cascade.html#preshint">Section 6.4.4 Precedence
of non-CSS presentational hints</a></h3>
<p>"Non-CSS presentational hints" no longer exist, with the exception
of a small set of attributes in HTML.</p>
-<h3 id="c7.3"><a name="q40">C.2.33 </a><a href="media.html#media-types">Section 7.3
+<h3 id="c7.3"><a name="q21.40">C.2.33 </a><a href="media.html#media-types">Section 7.3
Recognized Media Types</a></h3>
<p>Added 'speech' media type.</p>
<p>Marked "Media" field in property descriptions informative.</p>
-<h3 id="c7.3.1"><a name="q41">C.2.34 </a><a href="media.html#media-types">Section 7.3.1
+<h3 id="c7.3.1"><a name="q21.41">C.2.34 </a><a href="media.html#media-types">Section 7.3.1
Media Groups</a></h3>
<p>Marked this section informative.</p>
@@ -945,12 +948,12 @@ Media Groups</a></h3>
<p>Changed 'tactile' to be both 'static' and 'interactive'.</p>
-<h3 id="c8.3"><a name="q42">C.2.35 </a><a href="box.html#margin-properties">Section 8.3 Margin properties</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c8.3"><a name="q21.42">C.2.35 </a><a href="box.html#margin-properties">Section 8.3 Margin properties</a></h3>
<p>If the containing block's width depends on an element with percentage
margins, then the resulting layout is undefined in CSS 2.1.</p>
-<h3 id="c8.3.1"><a name="q43">C.2.36 </a><a href="box.html#collapsing-margins">Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c8.3.1"><a name="q21.43">C.2.36 </a><a href="box.html#collapsing-margins">Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a></h3>
<p>In the definition of "collapsing margins", added "non-empty content"
and "clearance" to the parenthetical list of things that prevent consecutive
@@ -973,33 +976,33 @@ top) border.
<p>Margins of relatively positioned elements <em>do</em> sometimes
-<h3 id="c8.4"><a name="q44">C.2.37 </a><a href="box.html#padding-properties">Section 8.4 Padding properties</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c8.4"><a name="q21.44">C.2.37 </a><a href="box.html#padding-properties">Section 8.4 Padding properties</a></h3>
<p>If the containing block's width depends on an element with percentage
padding, then the resulting layout is undefined in CSS 2.1.</p>
-<h3 id="c8.5.2"><a name="q45">C.2.38 </a><a href="box.html#border-color-properties">Section 8.5.2 Border color</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c8.5.2"><a name="q21.45">C.2.38 </a><a href="box.html#border-color-properties">Section 8.5.2 Border color</a></h3>
<p>'transparent' can now be specified independently for each border side,
on par with &lt;color>.</p>
-<h3 id="c8.5.3"><a name="q46">C.2.39 </a><a href="box.html#border-style-properties">Section 8.5.3 Border style</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c8.5.3"><a name="q21.46">C.2.39 </a><a href="box.html#border-style-properties">Section 8.5.3 Border style</a></h3>
<p>3D border styles ('groove', 'ridge', 'inset', 'outset') now depend on the
corresponding border-color rather than on 'color'.</p>
-<h3 id="c8.6"><a name="q47">C.2.40 </a><a href="box.html#bidi-box-model">Section 8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c8.6"><a name="q21.47">C.2.40 </a><a href="box.html#bidi-box-model">Section 8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context</a></h3>
<p>Added this new section to specify layout of inline boxes when affected by bidi.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.1.2"><a name="q48">C.2.41 </a><a href="visuren.html#containing-block">Section 9.1.2
+<h3 id="c9.1.2"><a name="q21.48">C.2.41 </a><a href="visuren.html#containing-block">Section 9.1.2
Containing blocks</a></h3>
<p>Removed paragraphs about the initial containing block, as this is
now defined differently. (See <a href="#initial-containing-block">changes
to section 10.1</a>.)</p>
-<h3 id="c9.2.1.1"><a name="q49">C.2.42 </a><a href="visuren.html#anonymous-block-level">Section
+<h3 id="c9.2.1.1"><a name="q21.49">C.2.42 </a><a href="visuren.html#anonymous-block-level">Section
Anonymous block boxes</a></h3>
<p>Added a paragraph to define formatting when an inline box contains
@@ -1007,20 +1010,20 @@ a block box.</p>
<p>Specified what property values are applied to anonymous boxes.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.2.2.1"><a name="q50">C.2.43 </a><a href="visuren.html#anonymous">Section
+<h3 id="c9.2.2.1"><a name="q21.50">C.2.43 </a><a href="visuren.html#anonymous">Section
Anonymous inline boxes</a></h3>
<p>Specified that collapsed white space does not generate anonymous
inline boxes.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.2.3"><a name="q51">C.2.44 </a><a href="visuren.html#run-in">Section 9.2.3
+<h3 id="c9.2.3"><a name="q21.51">C.2.44 </a><a href="visuren.html#run-in">Section 9.2.3
Run-in boxes</a></h3>
<p>Changed run-in rules so that a) run-ins that contain blocks become blocks
b) run-ins can only run into sibling blocks and c) run-ins cannot run into
other run-ins.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.2.4"><a name="q52">C.2.45 </a><a href="visuren.html#display-prop">Section 9.2.4
+<h3 id="c9.2.4"><a name="q21.52">C.2.45 </a><a href="visuren.html#display-prop">Section 9.2.4
The 'display' property</a></h3>
<p>The 'marker' and 'compact' values of the 'display' property are
@@ -1036,7 +1039,7 @@ different from the definition in CSS2.</p>
<p>Conforming HTML UAs are no longer allowed to ignore the 'display'
-<h3 id="c9.3.1"><a name="q53">C.2.46 </a><a href="visuren.html#choose-position">Section 9.3.1
+<h3 id="c9.3.1"><a name="q21.53">C.2.46 </a><a href="visuren.html#choose-position">Section 9.3.1
Choosing a positioning scheme</a></h3>
<p>The 'position' property now applies to all elements, including
@@ -1055,7 +1058,7 @@ for rationale.</p>
<p>UAs are allowed to treat all values of 'position' as 'static' on
the root element.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.3.2"><a name="q54">C.2.47 </a><a href="visuren.html#position-props">Section 9.3.2
+<h3 id="c9.3.2"><a name="q21.54">C.2.47 </a><a href="visuren.html#position-props">Section 9.3.2
Box offsets</a></h3>
<p>Defined computed values of 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' based
@@ -1064,7 +1067,7 @@ on the value of 'position'.</p>
<p>Percentage offsets are no longer undefined for containing blocks
without an explicit height.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.4.1"><a name="q55">C.2.48 </a><a href="visuren.html#block-formatting">Section 9.4.1
+<h3 id="c9.4.1"><a name="q21.55">C.2.48 </a><a href="visuren.html#block-formatting">Section 9.4.1
Block formatting contexts</a></h3>
<p>Specified that floats, absolutely positioned elements, inline-blocks,
@@ -1075,7 +1078,7 @@ table-cells, table-captions, and elements with 'overflow' other than
to its containing block, except boxes that establish a new block formatting
context, as they may become narrower due to floats.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.4.2"><a name="q56">C.2.49 </a><a href="visuren.html#inline-formatting">Section 9.4.2
+<h3 id="c9.4.2"><a name="q21.56">C.2.49 </a><a href="visuren.html#inline-formatting">Section 9.4.2
Inline formatting context</a></h3>
<p>Specified that the effect of 'justify' on the content of a line box
@@ -1084,7 +1087,7 @@ does not affect the contents of inline-table and inline-block boxes.</p>
<p>Empty line boxes are now required to be treated as zero-height and
ignored in margin collapsing.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.4.3"><a name="q57">C.2.50 </a><a href="visuren.html#relative-positioning">Section 9.4.3
+<h3 id="c9.4.3"><a name="q21.57">C.2.50 </a><a href="visuren.html#relative-positioning">Section 9.4.3
Relative positioning</a></h3>
<p>Added several paragraphs and an example to explain exactly what the
@@ -1092,7 +1095,7 @@ computed values of relatively-positioned offsets are, how they affect
each other, and what happens when the positioning is overconstrained.
(These were not previously defined.)</p>
-<h3 id="c9.5"><a name="q58">C.2.51 </a><a href="visuren.html#floats">Section 9.5
+<h3 id="c9.5"><a name="q21.58">C.2.51 </a><a href="visuren.html#floats">Section 9.5
<p>Floats are no longer required to have an explicit width.</p>
@@ -1109,7 +1112,7 @@ there are no more floats present."</p>
or element in the normal flow that establishes a new block formatting
context must not overlap any floats in the same block formatting context.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.5.1"><a name="q59">C.2.52 </a><a href="visuren.html#float-position">Section 9.5.1
+<h3 id="c9.5.1"><a name="q21.59">C.2.52 </a><a href="visuren.html#float-position">Section 9.5.1
Positioning the float</a></h3>
<p>The 'float' property now also applies to :before/:after and generated
@@ -1121,7 +1124,7 @@ root element.</p>
<p>Added to rule 4 prose to define the position of a float when it
occurs between two collapsing margins.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.5.2"><a name="q60">C.2.53 </a><a href="visuren.html#flow-control">Section 9.5.2
+<h3 id="c9.5.2"><a name="q21.60">C.2.53 </a><a href="visuren.html#flow-control">Section 9.5.2
Controlling flow next to floats</a></h3>
<p>Defined <em>clearance</em> to precisely detail the 'clear' property's
@@ -1130,7 +1133,7 @@ effect on margin collapsing and the block's cleared position.</p>
<p>Added note to explain effect of 'clear' on inline elements since
CSS1 (but not CSS2 or CSS&nbsp;2.1) allows 'clear' on inline elements.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.7"><a name="q61">C.2.54 </a><a href="visuren.html#dis-pos-flo">Section 9.7
+<h3 id="c9.7"><a name="q21.61">C.2.54 </a><a href="visuren.html#dis-pos-flo">Section 9.7
Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a></h3>
<p>Changed rules to convert 'display' not always to 'block', but
@@ -1140,7 +1143,7 @@ table.</p>
<p>Added rule 4 to convert root element's 'display' value according
to the mapping.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.9"><a name="q62">C.2.55 </a><a href="visuren.html#layers">Section 9.9
+<h3 id="c9.9"><a name="q21.62">C.2.55 </a><a href="visuren.html#layers">Section 9.9
Layered presentation</a></h3>
<p>Specified that the background and borders of an element that forms
@@ -1150,7 +1153,7 @@ context prose to be more precise, and added a normative
Contexts</a> to be even more precise about the position of borders,
backgrounds, and content on the z-axis.</p>
-<h3 id="c9.10"><a name="q63">C.2.56 </a><a href="visuren.html#direction">Section 9.10
+<h3 id="c9.10"><a name="q21.63">C.2.56 </a><a href="visuren.html#direction">Section 9.10
Text direction</a></h3>
<p>Conforming UAs are now allowed to not support bidirectional text; in
@@ -1167,14 +1170,14 @@ algorithm applies to text in the CSS formatting model and how the CSS
<p>Conforming HTML UAs are no longer exempt from supporting 'direction'
and 'unicode-bidi'.</p>
-<h3 id="c10"><a name="q64">C.2.57 </a><a href="visudet.html">Chapter 10
+<h3 id="c10"><a name="q21.64">C.2.57 </a><a href="visudet.html">Chapter 10
Visual formatting model details</a></h3>
<p>Updated prose to use the terms "specified", "computed" and "used"
as appropriate when referencing values. This affects many calculations
in this section. (See <a href="#c6.1">changes to section 6.1</a>.)</p>
-<h3 id="c10.1"><a name="q65">C.2.58 </a><a href="visudet.html#containing-block-details">Section 10.1
+<h3 id="c10.1"><a name="q21.65">C.2.58 </a><a href="visudet.html#containing-block-details">Section 10.1
Definition of "containing block"</a></h3>
<p id="initial-containing-block">In rule 1, defined the initial
@@ -1195,13 +1198,13 @@ content box to the initial containing block.</p>
<p>Specified the positioning and breaking behavior of absolutely-positioned
elements in paged media.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.2"><a name="q66">C.2.59 </a><a href="visudet.html#the-width-property">Section 10.2
+<h3 id="c10.2"><a name="q21.66">C.2.59 </a><a href="visudet.html#the-width-property">Section 10.2
Content width</a></h3>
<p>Declared that if the containing block's width depends on an element's
percentage width, then the resulting layout is undefined in CSS&nbsp;2.1.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.3"><a name="q67">C.2.60 </a><a href="visudet.html#Computing_widths_and_margins">Section 10.3
+<h3 id="c10.3"><a name="q21.67">C.2.60 </a><a href="visudet.html#Computing_widths_and_margins">Section 10.3
Calculating widths and margins</a></h3>
<p>The computed values of 'left' and 'right' for are now defined in
@@ -1210,7 +1213,7 @@ Calculating widths and margins</a></h3>
<p>Added sections 10.3.9 and 10.3.10 to define calculations for inline blocks.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.3.2"><a name="q68">C.2.61 </a><a href="visudet.html#inline-replaced-width">Section 10.3.2
+<h3 id="c10.3.2"><a name="q21.68">C.2.61 </a><a href="visudet.html#inline-replaced-width">Section 10.3.2
Inline, replaced elements</a></h3>
<p>The sizing algorithm for replaced elements now takes into account and
@@ -1221,7 +1224,7 @@ sizes is now also defined.</p>
<p>The effect of percentage intrinsic widths is now undefined for CSS
level 2, rather than ignored.
-<h3 id="c10.3.3"><a name="q69">C.2.62 </a><a href="visudet.html#blockwidth">Section 10.3.3
+<h3 id="c10.3.3"><a name="q21.69">C.2.62 </a><a href="visudet.html#blockwidth">Section 10.3.3
Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a></h3>
<p>Specified that a computed total of the width, padding, and borders
@@ -1229,26 +1232,26 @@ that is greater than the containing block width causes auto margins to
be treated as zero in the rest of the rules. This avoids 'auto' margins
being negative on the start edge.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.3.4"><a name="q70">C.2.63 </a><a href="visudet.html#block-replaced-width">Section 10.3.4
+<h3 id="c10.3.4"><a name="q21.70">C.2.63 </a><a href="visudet.html#block-replaced-width">Section 10.3.4
Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow</a></h3>
<p>Applied changes to section 10.3.2 and section 10.3.3 to block-level
replaced elements in normal flow by referring to the calculations in
those sections.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.3.5"><a name="q71">C.2.64 </a><a href="visudet.html#float-width">Section 10.3.5
+<h3 id="c10.3.5"><a name="q21.71">C.2.64 </a><a href="visudet.html#float-width">Section 10.3.5
Floating, non-replaced elements</a></h3>
<p>Defined computations for 'auto' width floats as shrink-to-fit.
(Floats were previously required to have fixed widths.)</p>
-<h3 id="c10.3.6"><a name="q72">C.2.65 </a><a href="visudet.html#float-replaced-width">Section 10.3.6
+<h3 id="c10.3.6"><a name="q21.72">C.2.65 </a><a href="visudet.html#float-replaced-width">Section 10.3.6
Floating, replaced elements</a></h3>
<p>Applied changes to section 10.3.2 to this section by referencing
it for 'auto' width calculations.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.3.7"><a name="q73">C.2.66 </a><a href="visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-width">Section 10.3.7
+<h3 id="c10.3.7"><a name="q21.73">C.2.66 </a><a href="visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-width">Section 10.3.7
Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a></h3>
<p>Defined the static position of an element more precisely.</p>
@@ -1260,7 +1263,7 @@ position determines which side is clamped to the static position, not
the 'direction' property of the containing block of the absolutely
positioned element.
-<h3 id="c10.3.8"><a name="q74">C.2.67 </a><a href="visudet.html#abs-replaced-width">Section 10.3.8
+<h3 id="c10.3.8"><a name="q21.74">C.2.67 </a><a href="visudet.html#abs-replaced-width">Section 10.3.8
Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a></h3>
<p>In rule 1, applied sizing rules from section 10.3.2.</p>
@@ -1276,7 +1279,7 @@ absolutely positioned element.
<p>In rule 4 (formerly rule 5), prevented 'auto' left and right margins
in resulting in a negative margin on the start edge.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.4"><a name="q75">C.2.68 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-widths">Section 10.4
+<h3 id="c10.4"><a name="q21.75">C.2.68 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-widths">Section 10.4
Minimum and maximum widths</a></h3>
<p>Specified that if the containing block's width is negative, the
@@ -1293,7 +1296,7 @@ resulting layout is undefined in CSS 2.1.</p>
a table designed to preserve the intrinsic ratio as much as possible
within the given constraints.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.5"><a name="q76">C.2.69 </a><a href="visudet.html#the-height-property">Section 10.5
+<h3 id="c10.5"><a name="q21.76">C.2.69 </a><a href="visudet.html#the-height-property">Section 10.5
Content height</a></h3>
<p>Removed mention of 'line-height' for inline elements since their
@@ -1306,7 +1309,7 @@ specified. Added a note to explain why this is possible.</p>
<p>Specified that a percentage height on the root element is relative
to the initial containing block.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.6"><a name="q77">C.2.70 </a><a href="visudet.html#Computing_heights_and_margins">Section 10.6
+<h3 id="c10.6"><a name="q21.77">C.2.70 </a><a href="visudet.html#Computing_heights_and_margins">Section 10.6
Calculating heights and margins</a></h3>
<p>The computed values of 'top' and 'bottom' for are now defined in
@@ -1320,14 +1323,14 @@ the previous sections.</p>
context roots. (Unlike other block boxes, the height of these boxes
increases to accommodate any normal-flow descendant floats.)</p>
-<h3 id="c10.6.1"><a name="q78">C.2.71 </a><a href="visudet.html#inline-non-replaced">Section 10.6.1
+<h3 id="c10.6.1"><a name="q21.78">C.2.71 </a><a href="visudet.html#inline-non-replaced">Section 10.6.1
Inline, non-replaced elements</a></h3>
<p>The height of an inline box is no longer given by the 'line-height'
property and is now undefined. This section now suggests that the
height of the box can be based on the font.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.6.2"><a name="q79">C.2.72 </a><a href="visudet.html#inline-replaced-height">Section 10.6.2
+<h3 id="c10.6.2"><a name="q21.79">C.2.72 </a><a href="visudet.html#inline-replaced-height">Section 10.6.2
Inline replaced elements, block-level replaced elements in normal flow,
'inline-block' replaced elements in normal flow and floating replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -1339,7 +1342,7 @@ sizes is now also defined.</p>
<p>Specified that for inline elements, the margin box is used when calculating
the height of the line box.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.6.3"><a name="q80">C.2.73 </a><a href="visudet.html#normal-block">Section 10.6.3
+<h3 id="c10.6.3"><a name="q21.80">C.2.73 </a><a href="visudet.html#normal-block">Section 10.6.3
Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes
to 'visible'</a></h3>
@@ -1347,19 +1350,19 @@ to 'visible'</a></h3>
to 'visible'; elements with other values of 'overflow' are discussed in the
new section 10.6.7 ('Auto' heights for block formatting context roots).</p>
-<h3 id="c10.6.4"><a name="q81">C.2.74 </a><a href="visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-height">Section 10.6.4
+<h3 id="c10.6.4"><a name="q21.81">C.2.74 </a><a href="visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-height">Section 10.6.4
Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a></h3>
<p>Defined the static position of an element more precisely.</p>
<p>Rewrote constraint rules.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.6.5"><a name="q82">C.2.75 </a><a href="visudet.html#abs-replaced-height">Section 10.6.5
+<h3 id="c10.6.5"><a name="q21.82">C.2.75 </a><a href="visudet.html#abs-replaced-height">Section 10.6.5
Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a></h3>
<p>In rule 1, applied sizing rules from section 10.6.2.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.7"><a name="q83">C.2.76 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-heights">Section 10.7
+<h3 id="c10.7"><a name="q21.83">C.2.76 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-heights">Section 10.7
Minimum and maximum heights</a></h3>
<p>Percentage min/max heights on absolutely-positioned elements are no
@@ -1373,14 +1376,14 @@ in CSS&nbsp;2.1.</p>
a table designed to preserve the intrinsic ratio as much as possible
within the given constraints.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.8"><a name="q84">C.2.77 </a><a href="visudet.html#line-height">Section 10.8
+<h3 id="c10.8"><a name="q21.84">C.2.77 </a><a href="visudet.html#line-height">Section 10.8
Line height calculations</a></h3>
<p>Added rule 4 to specify that the height of the line box must be at
least as much as that specified by the 'line-height' property on the
this block.</p>
-<h3 id="c10.8.1"><a name="q85">C.2.78 </a><a href="visudet.html#leading">Section 10.8.1
+<h3 id="c10.8.1"><a name="q21.85">C.2.78 </a><a href="visudet.html#leading">Section 10.8.1
Leading and half-leading</a></h3>
<p>UAs are no longer permitted to clip content to the line box, and
@@ -1403,12 +1406,12 @@ to take into account any protruding descendants.</p>
<p>Defined the baseline of inline tables and inline blocks.</p>
-<h3 id="c11.1"><a name="q86">C.2.79 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow-clipping">Section 11.1
+<h3 id="c11.1"><a name="q21.86">C.2.79 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow-clipping">Section 11.1
Overflow and clipping</a></h3>
<p>Specified that 'overflow' clips to the padding edge.</p>
-<h3 id="c11.1.1"><a name="q87">C.2.80 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow">Section 11.1.1
+<h3 id="c11.1.1"><a name="q21.87">C.2.80 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow">Section 11.1.1
<p>'projection' media are no longer permitted to print overflowing
@@ -1427,7 +1430,7 @@ the containing block. (And consequently, all text in section
subtracts the scrollbar width from the containing block width has been
-<h3 id="c11.1.2"><a name="q88">C.2.81 </a><a href="visufx.html#clipping">Section 11.1.2 Clipping:
+<h3 id="c11.1.2"><a name="q21.88">C.2.81 </a><a href="visufx.html#clipping">Section 11.1.2 Clipping:
the 'clip' property</a></h3>
<p>The 'clip' property now applies only to absolutely positioned elements.
@@ -1447,24 +1450,24 @@ with respect to the top and left edges for <em>all</em> four values
(top, right, bottom, and left). This is now the specified
-<h3 id="c11.2"><a name="q89">C.2.82 </a><a href="visufx.html#visibility">Section 11.2
+<h3 id="c11.2"><a name="q21.89">C.2.82 </a><a href="visufx.html#visibility">Section 11.2
<p>The 'visibility' property is now defined to inherit, and descendant
elements can override an ancestor's hidden visibility.</p>
-<h3 id="c12"><a name="q90">C.2.83 </a><a href="generate.html">Chapter 12
+<h3 id="c12"><a name="q21.90">C.2.83 </a><a href="generate.html">Chapter 12
Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a></h3>
<p>Moved all discussion of aural rendering to Appendix A.</p>
-<h3 id="c12.1"><a name="q91">C.2.84 </a><a href="generate.html#before-after-content">Section 12.1
+<h3 id="c12.1"><a name="q21.91">C.2.84 </a><a href="generate.html#before-after-content">Section 12.1
The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a></h3>
<p>Removed restrictions on which properties and property values
are allowed on ':before' and ':after' pseudo-elements.</p>
-<h3 id="c12.2"><a name="q92">C.2.85 </a><a href="generate.html#content">Section 12.2 The
+<h3 id="c12.2"><a name="q21.92">C.2.85 </a><a href="generate.html#content">Section 12.2 The
'content' property</a></h3>
<p>The initial value of 'content' is now 'normal', not the empty
@@ -1488,7 +1491,7 @@ and elements with 'display: compact' or 'display: run-in' has been
removed. (The interaction is already fully defined, because generated
content consists of boxes in the tree, no different from other boxes.)
-<h3 id="c12.3.2"><a name="q93">C.2.86 </a><a href="generate.html#quotes-insert">Section 12.3.2
+<h3 id="c12.3.2"><a name="q21.93">C.2.86 </a><a href="generate.html#quotes-insert">Section 12.3.2
Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a></h3>
<p>Specified that extra 'close-quote's and 'no-close-quote's (those
@@ -1496,13 +1499,13 @@ without a matching 'open-quote' or 'no-open-quote') are not rendered,
and that neither 'close-quote' nor 'no-close-quote' cause the quoting
depth to be negative.</p>
-<h3 id="c12.4"><a name="q94">C.2.87 </a><a href="generate.html#counters">Section 12.4 Automatic
+<h3 id="c12.4"><a name="q21.94">C.2.87 </a><a href="generate.html#counters">Section 12.4 Automatic
counters and numbering</a></h3>
<p>Defined what a rule with duplicate counters, such as
'counter-reset: section 2 section', means.</p>
-<h3 id="c12.4.1"><a name="q95">C.2.88 </a><a href="generate.html#scope">Section 12.4.1 Nested
+<h3 id="c12.4.1"><a name="q21.95">C.2.88 </a><a href="generate.html#scope">Section 12.4.1 Nested
counters and scope</a></h3>
<p>The scope of a counter no longer defaults to the whole document,
@@ -1510,7 +1513,7 @@ but starts at the first element that uses the counter. (This affects
counters that are used without a prior 'counter-reset' to set the
scope explicitly.)</p>
-<h3 id="c12.5"><a name="q96">C.2.89 </a><a href="generate.html#lists">Section 12.5
+<h3 id="c12.5"><a name="q21.96">C.2.89 </a><a href="generate.html#lists">Section 12.5
<p>Removed text in section 12.5 (formerly 12.6) relating to the
@@ -1518,7 +1521,7 @@ Lists</a></h3>
<p>Removed the 'marker-offset' property (and thus former section 12.6.1).</p>
-<h3 id="c12.5.1"><a name="q97">C.2.90 </a><a href="generate.html#list-style">Section 12.5.1
+<h3 id="c12.5.1"><a name="q21.97">C.2.90 </a><a href="generate.html#list-style">Section 12.5.1
<p>The list styles 'hebrew', 'armenian', 'georgian', 'cjk-ideographic',
@@ -1534,12 +1537,12 @@ ignored.</p>
<p>The size of list style markers without an intrinsic size is now
-<h3 id="c13.1"><a name="q98">C.2.91 </a><a href="page.html">Chapter 13 Paged media</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c13.1"><a name="q21.98">C.2.91 </a><a href="page.html">Chapter 13 Paged media</a></h3>
<p>The 'size', 'marks', and 'page' properties are not part of
-<h3 id="c13.2.2"><a name="q99">C.2.92 </a><a href="page.html#page-selectors">Section 13.2.2
+<h3 id="c13.2.2"><a name="q21.99">C.2.92 </a><a href="page.html#page-selectors">Section 13.2.2
Page selectors</a></h3>
<p>The requirement for UA's to honor different declarations for
@@ -1547,7 +1550,7 @@ Page selectors</a></h3>
implementations: the page area of the :first page may be used
for :left and :right pages as well.</p>
-<h3 id="c13.3.1"><a name="q100">C.2.93 </a><a href="page.html#page-break-props">Section 13.3.1
+<h3 id="c13.3.1"><a name="q21.100">C.2.93 </a><a href="page.html#page-break-props">Section 13.3.1
Page break properties</a></h3>
<p>UAs are now only required to apply the page break properties
@@ -1560,7 +1563,7 @@ break splits a box.</p>
<p>The 'page-break-inside' property no longer inherits.</p>
-<h3 id="c13.3.3"><a name="q101">C.2.94 </a><a href="page.html#allowed-page-breaks">Section 13.3.3
+<h3 id="c13.3.3"><a name="q21.101">C.2.94 </a><a href="page.html#allowed-page-breaks">Section 13.3.3
Allowed page breaks</a></h3>
<p>The 'page-break-inside' property of all ancestors is checked
@@ -1572,7 +1575,7 @@ rule A is dropped together with B and D rather than together with C.</p>
<p>Removed restriction on breaking within absolutely positioned boxes.</p>
-<h3 id="c14.2.1"><a name="q102">C.2.95 </a><a href="colors.html#background-properties">Section
+<h3 id="c14.2.1"><a name="q21.102">C.2.95 </a><a href="colors.html#background-properties">Section
14.2.1 Background properties</a></h3>
<p>For 'background-position', the restriction that keywords cannot
@@ -1588,12 +1591,12 @@ all such declarations as if 'fixed' were an invalid value.</p>
<p>The size of background images without an intrinsic size is now
-<h3 id="c14.3"><a name="q103">C.2.96 Section
+<h3 id="c14.3"><a name="q21.103">C.2.96 Section
14.3 Gamma correction</a></h3>
<p>The contents of this section is now a non-normative note.</p>
-<h3 id="c15"><a name="q104">C.2.97 </a><a href="fonts.html">Chapter 15 Fonts</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c15"><a name="q21.104">C.2.97 </a><a href="fonts.html">Chapter 15 Fonts</a></h3>
<p>The 'font-stretch' and 'font-size-adjust' properties have
been removed in CSS&nbsp;2.1.</p>
@@ -1602,7 +1605,7 @@ been removed in CSS&nbsp;2.1.</p>
associated parts of the font matching algorithm have been
removed in CSS&nbsp;2.1.</p>
-<h3 id="c15.2"><a name="q105">C.2.98 </a><a href="fonts.html#algorithm">Section 15.2
+<h3 id="c15.2"><a name="q21.105">C.2.98 </a><a href="fonts.html#algorithm">Section 15.2
Font matching algorithm</a></h3>
<p>In this section (previously 15.5), in step 5 (previously 8)
@@ -1614,7 +1617,7 @@ character.</p>
a small-caps font in a given family, then that font will be
selected by 'normal'.</p>
-<h3 id="c15.3"><a name="q106">C.2.99 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-family-prop">Section 15.2.2 Font family</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c15.3"><a name="q21.106">C.2.99 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-family-prop">Section 15.2.2 Font family</a></h3>
<p>The "missing character" glyph is no longer considered a match
for the last font in a font set, but is now considered a match
@@ -1623,13 +1626,13 @@ for U+FFFD.</p>
<p>Certain punctuation characters when appearing in unquoted font
family names are now required to be escaped.</p>
-<h3 id="c15.5"><a name="q107">C.2.100 </a><a href="fonts.html#small-caps">Section 15.5
+<h3 id="c15.5"><a name="q21.107">C.2.100 </a><a href="fonts.html#small-caps">Section 15.5
<p>The 'font-variant' property's effect is no longer restricted to
bicameral scripts.</p>
-<h3 id="c15.6"><a name="q108">C.2.101 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-boldness">Section 15.6
+<h3 id="c15.6"><a name="q21.108">C.2.101 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-boldness">Section 15.6
Font boldness</a></h3>
<p>The computed value of 'font-weight' has been defined more
@@ -1637,7 +1640,7 @@ precisely such that the 'bolder' and 'lighter' values have an
appropriate effect when inheriting through elements with
different font-families.</p>
-<h3 id="c15.7"><a name="q109">C.2.102 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-size-props">Section 15.7
+<h3 id="c15.7"><a name="q21.109">C.2.102 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-size-props">Section 15.7
Font size</a></h3>
<p>Removed suggestion of 1.2 fixed ratio between keyword font
@@ -1646,11 +1649,11 @@ smallest font-size no less than 9 pixels per EM unit.</p>
<p>Added table mapping CSS font-size keywords to HTML font size numbers.</p>
-<h3 id="c16"><a name="q110">C.2.103 </a><a href="text.html">Chapter 16 Text</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c16"><a name="q21.110">C.2.103 </a><a href="text.html">Chapter 16 Text</a></h3>
<p>The 'text-shadow' property is not in CSS&nbsp;2.1.
-<h3 id="c16.2"><a name="q111">C.2.104 </a><a href="text.html#alignment-prop">Section 16.2
+<h3 id="c16.2"><a name="q21.111">C.2.104 </a><a href="text.html#alignment-prop">Section 16.2
<p>The initial value of 'text-align' is no longer UA-defined but
@@ -1663,7 +1666,7 @@ CSS&nbsp;2.1.</p>
<p>For 'text-align', specified that 'justify' is treated as the initial
value when computed value of 'white-space' is 'pre' or 'pre-line'.</p>
-<h3 id="c16.3.1"><a name="q112">C.2.105 </a><a href="text.html#lining-striking-props">Section 16.3.1
+<h3 id="c16.3.1"><a name="q21.112">C.2.105 </a><a href="text.html#lining-striking-props">Section 16.3.1
Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a></h3>
<p>More precisely defined what boxes are affected by text decorations
@@ -1687,7 +1690,7 @@ if they chose not to support blinking text.</p>
follow CSS2's 'text-decoration' requirements but not the additional
requirements in CSS2.1.</p>
-<h3 id="c16.4"><a name="q113">C.2.106 </a><a href="text.html#spacing-props">Section 16.4
+<h3 id="c16.4"><a name="q21.113">C.2.106 </a><a href="text.html#spacing-props">Section 16.4
Letter and word spacing</a></h3>
<p>Support for the various values of 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing'
@@ -1697,13 +1700,13 @@ is no longer optional.</p>
and ideographic space left in the text after white space processing
rules have been applied.</p>
-<h3 id="c16.5"><a name="q114">C.2.107 </a><a href="text.html#caps-prop">Section 16.5
+<h3 id="c16.5"><a name="q21.114">C.2.107 </a><a href="text.html#caps-prop">Section 16.5
<p>UAs are no longer allowed to not transform characters for which there
is an appropriate transformation but which are outside of Latin-1.</p>
-<h3 id="c16.6"><a name="q115">C.2.108 </a><a href="text.html#white-space-prop">Section 16.6
+<h3 id="c16.6"><a name="q21.115">C.2.108 </a><a href="text.html#white-space-prop">Section 16.6
White space</a></h3>
<p>The 'white-space' property now applies to all elements, not just
@@ -1721,7 +1724,7 @@ white space handling.</p>
<p>Added <a href="text.html#ctrlchars">section 16.6.3</a> to specify handling
of control and combining characters.</p>
-<h3 id="c17"><a name="q116">C.2.109 </a><a href="tables.html">Chapter 17
+<h3 id="c17"><a name="q21.116">C.2.109 </a><a href="tables.html">Chapter 17
<p>Moved all discussion of aural rendering and related properties
@@ -1731,7 +1734,7 @@ to Appendix A.</p>
as appropriate when referencing values. (See <a href="#c6.1">changes
to section 6.1</a>.)</p>
-<h3 id="c17.2"><a name="q117">C.2.110 </a><a href="tables.html#table-display">Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a></h3>
+<h3 id="c17.2"><a name="q21.117">C.2.110 </a><a href="tables.html#table-display">Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a></h3>
<p>Defined handling of multiple 'table-header-group' and 'table-footer-group'
@@ -1739,7 +1742,7 @@ elements.</p>
<p>UAs are no longer allowed to ignore the table display values
on arbitrary HTML elements, only on HTML table elements.</p>
-<h3 id="c17.2.1"><a name="q118">C.2.111 </a><a href="tables.html#anonymous-boxes">Section 17.2.1
+<h3 id="c17.2.1"><a name="q21.118">C.2.111 </a><a href="tables.html#anonymous-boxes">Section 17.2.1
Anonymous table objects</a></h3>
<p>Changed rules so that internal table elements without an enclosing
@@ -1756,7 +1759,7 @@ throughout the rest of the specification.</p>
<p>HTML UAs are no longer exempt from the anonymous box generation rules.</p>
-<h3 id="c17.4"><a name="q119">C.2.112 </a><a href="tables.html#model">Section 17.4
+<h3 id="c17.4"><a name="q21.119">C.2.112 </a><a href="tables.html#model">Section 17.4
Tables in the visual formatting model</a></h3>
<p>The relationship of the caption box, table box, and outer anonymous
@@ -1770,19 +1773,19 @@ table box has been changed as follows:</p>
and positions of both the table box and its captions.</li>
-<h3 id="c17.4.1"><a name="q120">C.2.113 </a><a href="tables.html#caption-position">Section 17.4.1
+<h3 id="c17.4.1"><a name="q21.120">C.2.113 </a><a href="tables.html#caption-position">Section 17.4.1
Caption position and alignment</a></h3>
<p>The 'left' and 'right' values on 'caption-side' have been removed.</p>
-<h3 id="c17.5"><a name="q121">C.2.114 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layout">Section 17.5
+<h3 id="c17.5"><a name="q21.121">C.2.114 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layout">Section 17.5
Visual layout of table contents</a></h3>
<p>Changed rule 5 in grid layout rules to allow overlapping of
table cells instead of leaving skipping a gap in the grid to
avoid overlap.</p>
-<h3 id="c17.5.1"><a name="q122">C.2.115 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layers">Section 17.5.1
+<h3 id="c17.5.1"><a name="q21.122">C.2.115 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layers">Section 17.5.1
Table layers and transparency</a></h3>
<p>In point 6, changed 'These "empty" cells are transparent' to:
@@ -1793,13 +1796,13 @@ these "empty" cells are transparent through the cell, row, row group,
column, and column group backgrounds, letting the table background
show through.</blockquote>
-<h3 id="c17.5.2.1"><a name="q123">C.2.116 </a><a href="tables.html#fixed-table-layout">Section
+<h3 id="c17.5.2.1"><a name="q21.123">C.2.116 </a><a href="tables.html#fixed-table-layout">Section
Fixed table layout</a></h3>
<p>Specified that in fixed table layout, extra columns in rows
after the first must not be rendered.</p>
-<h3 id="c17.5.2.2"><a name="q124">C.2.117 </a><a href="tables.html#auto-table-layout">Section
+<h3 id="c17.5.2.2"><a name="q21.124">C.2.117 </a><a href="tables.html#auto-table-layout">Section
Automatic table layout</a></h3>
<p>Restricted inputs to the table layout algorithm for 'table-layout: auto',
@@ -1810,7 +1813,7 @@ set on, the table and any of its descendants.</p>
<p>Added rule 4 to include the column group's width in the algorithm
for determining column widths.</p>
-<h3 id="c17.5.3"><a name="q125">C.2.118 </a><a href="tables.html#height-layout">Section 17.5.3
+<h3 id="c17.5.3"><a name="q21.125">C.2.118 </a><a href="tables.html#height-layout">Section 17.5.3
Table height algorithms</a></h3>
<p>The 'height' property on tables is now treated as a minimum
@@ -1821,13 +1824,13 @@ constrain the size of the table to be smaller than its contents.</p>
<p>Defined the baseline of a row with no baseline-aligned cells.</p>
-<h3 id="c17.5.4"><a name="q126">C.2.119 </a><a href="tables.html#column-alignment">Section 17.5.4
+<h3 id="c17.5.4"><a name="q21.126">C.2.119 </a><a href="tables.html#column-alignment">Section 17.5.4
Horizontal alignment in a column</a></h3>
<p>The &lt;string&gt; value for 'text-align' is not part of
-<h3 id="c17.6"><a name="q127">C.2.120 </a><a href="tables.html#borders">Section 17.6
+<h3 id="c17.6"><a name="q21.127">C.2.120 </a><a href="tables.html#borders">Section 17.6
<p>Several popular browsers assume an initial value for
@@ -1835,7 +1838,7 @@ Borders</a></h3>
behavior that is close to that value, even if they do not actually
implement the CSS table model. 'Separate' is now the initial value.</p>
-<h3 id="c17.6.1"><a name="q128">C.2.121 </a><a href="tables.html#separated-borders">Section 17.6.1
+<h3 id="c17.6.1"><a name="q21.128">C.2.121 </a><a href="tables.html#separated-borders">Section 17.6.1
The separated borders model</a></h3>
<p>Specified the effect of padding on the table element.</p>
@@ -1843,7 +1846,7 @@ The separated borders model</a></h3>
<p>Specified which parts of the table are included in the width
-<h3 id="c17.6.1.1"><a name="q129">C.2.122 </a><a href="tables.html#empty-cells">Section
+<h3 id="c17.6.1.1"><a name="q21.129">C.2.122 </a><a href="tables.html#empty-cells">Section
Borders and Backgrounds around empty cells</a></h3>
<p>Refined definition of "empty" when used as a condition for the
@@ -1857,7 +1860,7 @@ not just borders.</p>
it is no longer treated as "display: none". Instead it is given zero
height and its associated border-spacing is eliminated.</p>
-<h3 id="c17.6.2"><a name="q130">C.2.123 </a><a href="tables.html#collapsing-borders">Section 17.6.2
+<h3 id="c17.6.2"><a name="q21.130">C.2.123 </a><a href="tables.html#collapsing-borders">Section 17.6.2
The collapsing border model</a></h3>
<p>The outer half of the table borders no longer lie in the margin area.
@@ -1866,18 +1869,18 @@ in the collapsed borders model and how its width is calculated.
The edges of the box in which the table background is painted
is, however left explicitly undefined.</p>
-<h3 id="c17.6.2.1"><a name="q131">C.2.124 </a><a href="tables.html#border-conflict-resolution">Section
+<h3 id="c17.6.2.1"><a name="q21.131">C.2.124 </a><a href="tables.html#border-conflict-resolution">Section
Border conflict resolution</a></h3>
<p>Defined in rule 4 what happens when two elements of the same
type conflict and their borders have the same width and style.</p>
-<h3 id="c18.1"><a name="q132">C.2.125 </a><a href="ui.html#cursor-props">Section 18.1 Cursors:
+<h3 id="c18.1"><a name="q21.132">C.2.125 </a><a href="ui.html#cursor-props">Section 18.1 Cursors:
the 'cursor' property</a></h3>
<p>The size of cursors without an intrinsic size is now defined.
-<h3 id="c18.4"><a name="q133">C.2.126 </a><a href="ui.html#dynamic-outlines">Section 18.4
+<h3 id="c18.4"><a name="q21.133">C.2.126 </a><a href="ui.html#dynamic-outlines">Section 18.4
Dynamic outlines</a></h3>
<p>Position of outline with respect to the border edge is now
@@ -1887,14 +1890,14 @@ only suggested, not required.</p>
In such UAs the initial value of 'outline-color' is the value of
the 'color' property.</p>
-<h3 id="s-12"><a name="q134">C.2.127 </a><a href="generate.html">Chapter 12 Generated content,
+<h3 id="s-12"><a name="q21.134">C.2.127 </a><a href="generate.html">Chapter 12 Generated content,
automatic numbering, and lists</a></h3>
<p>The 'marker' value for 'display' does not exist in CSS&nbsp;2.1
-<h3 id="cA"><a name="q135">C.2.128 </a><a href="aural.html">Appendix A. Aural style
+<h3 id="cA"><a name="q21.135">C.2.128 </a><a href="aural.html">Appendix A. Aural style
<p>Chapter 19 on aural style sheets has become appendix A and is not
@@ -1904,7 +1907,7 @@ property from the "tables" chapter and other notes on aural table
rendering. The 'aural' media type is deprecated in favor of the new
'speech' media type.</p>
-<h3 id="cA.5"><a name="q136">C.2.129 </a><a href="aural.html#pause-props">Appendix A Section 5 Pause properties</a></h3>
+<h3 id="cA.5"><a name="q21.136">C.2.129 </a><a href="aural.html#pause-props">Appendix A Section 5 Pause properties</a></h3>
<p>Changed the initial value of 'pause-before' and 'pause-after' to
be 0 instead of UA-defined.</p>
@@ -1912,17 +1915,17 @@ be 0 instead of UA-defined.</p>
<p>A note has been added to this section (formerly 19.4) about the change
in position and behavior of pauses in CSS3 Speech compared to this appendix.</p>
-<h3 id="cA.6"><a name="q137">C.2.130 </a><a href="aural.html#cue-props">Appendix A Section 6 Cue properties</a></h3>
+<h3 id="cA.6"><a name="q21.137">C.2.130 </a><a href="aural.html#cue-props">Appendix A Section 6 Cue properties</a></h3>
<p>This section (formerly Section 19.5) now specifies the placement
of cues and pauses with respect to the :before and :after pseudo-elements.</p>
-<h3 id="cA.7"><a name="q138">C.2.131 </a><a href="aural.html#mixing-props">Appendix A Section 7
+<h3 id="cA.7"><a name="q21.138">C.2.131 </a><a href="aural.html#mixing-props">Appendix A Section 7
Mixing properties</a></h3>
<p>The keywords 'mix' and 'repeat' may now appear in either order.</p>
-<h3 id="cB"><a name="q139">C.2.132 </a><a href="refs.html">Appendix B
+<h3 id="cB"><a name="q21.139">C.2.132 </a><a href="refs.html">Appendix B
<p>Various references in Appendix B (formerly Appendix E) have been
@@ -1950,7 +1953,7 @@ XHTML 1, XML ID, and XML Namespaces.</p>
<p>Updated language tags references from [RFC1766] to [BCP47].</p>
-<h3 id="other"><a name="q140">C.2.133 Other</a></h3>
+<h3 id="other"><a name="q21.140">C.2.133 Other</a></h3>
<p>The former informative appendix C, "Implementation and
performance notes for fonts," is left out of CSS&nbsp;2.1.
@@ -1960,7 +1963,7 @@ performance notes for fonts," is left out of CSS&nbsp;2.1.
<h2>C.3 <a name="known-errors">Errors</a></h2>
-<h3 id="x-shorthand-inherit"><a name="q142">C.3.1 Shorthand properties</a></h3>
+<h3 id="x-shorthand-inherit"><a name="q21.142">C.3.1 Shorthand properties</a></h3>
<p>Shorthand properties take a list of subproperty values <em>or</em>
the value 'inherit'. One cannot mix 'inherit' with other subproperty
@@ -1970,12 +1973,12 @@ did not enforce this rule: 'border-top', 'border-right',
'border-bottom', 'border-left', 'border', 'background', 'font',
'list-style', 'cue', and 'outline'.
-<h3 id="x-applies-table"><a name="q143">C.3.2 Applies to</a></h3>
+<h3 id="x-applies-table"><a name="q21.143">C.3.2 Applies to</a></h3>
<p>The "applies to" line of many property definitions has been made more
accurate by excluding or including table display types where appropriate.</p>
-<h3 id="x4.1.1"><a name="q144">C.3.3 </a><a href="syndata.html#tokenization">Section 4.1.1</a> (and
+<h3 id="x4.1.1"><a name="q21.144">C.3.3 </a><a href="syndata.html#tokenization">Section 4.1.1</a> (and
<a href="grammar.html#grammar">G2</a>)</h3>
<p>DELIM should not have included single or double quote. Refer also
@@ -1992,18 +1995,18 @@ anyway, it was redundant.</p>
<p>In the rule for "any" (in the core syntax), corrected "FUNCTION"
to "FUNCTION any* ')'".</p>
-<h3 id="x4.1.3"><a name="q145">C.3.4 </a><a href="syndata.html#characters">Section 4.1.3
+<h3 id="x4.1.3"><a name="q21.145">C.3.4 </a><a href="syndata.html#characters">Section 4.1.3
Characters and case</a></h3>
<p>Corrected third paragraph to say that an '@import' rule can only be
preceded by an '@charset' rule or other '@import' rules.</p>
-<h3 id="x4.3"><a name="q146">C.3.5 </a><a href="syndata.html#values">Section 4.3 (Double sign problem)</a></h3>
+<h3 id="x4.3"><a name="q21.146">C.3.5 </a><a href="syndata.html#values">Section 4.3 (Double sign problem)</a></h3>
<p>Several values described in subsections of this section
incorrectly allowed two "+" or "-" signs at their beginnings.
-<h3 id="x4.3.2"><a name="q147">C.3.6 </a><a href="syndata.html#length-units">Section 4.3.2
+<h3 id="x4.3.2"><a name="q21.147">C.3.6 </a><a href="syndata.html#length-units">Section 4.3.2
<p>Fixed double sign error in definition of &lt;length&gt;.
@@ -2017,13 +2020,13 @@ at arm's length is about <ins>0.26&nbsp;mm</ins> instead of 0.28
<p>Corrected last sentence to refer to a unsupported <em>used</em>
length, not an unsupported specified length.</p>
-<h3 id="x4.3.3"><a name="q148">C.3.7 </a><a href="syndata.html#percentage-units">Section 4.3.3
+<h3 id="x4.3.3"><a name="q21.148">C.3.7 </a><a href="syndata.html#percentage-units">Section 4.3.3
<p>Fixed double sign error in definition of &lt;percentage&gt;.
(&lt;number&gt; already has a sign.)</p>
-<h3 id="x4.3.4"><a name="q149">C.3.8 </a><a href="syndata.html#uri">Section 4.3.4
+<h3 id="x4.3.4"><a name="q21.149">C.3.8 </a><a href="syndata.html#uri">Section 4.3.4
URLs and URIs</a></h3>
<p>Defined escaping requirements in terms of the URI token so that
@@ -2031,13 +2034,13 @@ no escaping requirements are missing from the prose.</p>
<p>Included invalid URIs in last paragraph about URI error handling.</p>
-<h3 id="x4.3.5"><a name="q150">C.3.9 </a><a href="syndata.html#counter">Section 4.3.5
+<h3 id="x4.3.5"><a name="q21.150">C.3.9 </a><a href="syndata.html#counter">Section 4.3.5
<p>Corrected syntax of counter() and counters() notation to allow white space
between tokens.</p>
-<h3 id="x4.3.6"><a name="q151">C.3.10 </a><a href="syndata.html#color-units">Section 4.3.6
+<h3 id="x4.3.6"><a name="q21.151">C.3.10 </a><a href="syndata.html#color-units">Section 4.3.6
<p>Deleted the comments about range
@@ -2048,20 +2051,20 @@ em { color: rgb(255,0,0) }
em { color: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) }
-<h3 id="x4.3.7"><a name="q152">C.3.11 </a><a href="syndata.html#strings">Section 4.3.7
+<h3 id="x4.3.7"><a name="q21.152">C.3.11 </a><a href="syndata.html#strings">Section 4.3.7
<p>(Formerly section 4.3.10) Corrected text to allow all forms of Unicode
escapes for U+000A, not just the "\A" form, for including newlines in
-<h3 id="x5.10"><a name="q153">C.3.12 </a><a href="selector.html#pseudo-elements">Section 5.10
+<h3 id="x5.10"><a name="q21.153">C.3.12 </a><a href="selector.html#pseudo-elements">Section 5.10
Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a></h3>
<p>In the second bullet, added that the ':lang()' pseudo-class can also
be deduced from the document in some cases.</p>
-<h3 id="x6.4"><a name="q154">C.3.13 </a><a href="cascade.html#cascade">Section 6.4 The cascade</a></h3>
+<h3 id="x6.4"><a name="q21.154">C.3.13 </a><a href="cascade.html#cascade">Section 6.4 The cascade</a></h3>
<p>Removed paragraph about imported style sheets being overridden by
rules in the importing style sheet: imported style rules follow the
@@ -2069,7 +2072,7 @@ cascade as specified in <a href="cascade.html#cascading-order">6.4.1
Cascading order</a>, exactly as if they were inserted in place of the
@import rule.</p>
-<h3 id="x8.1"><a name="q155">C.3.14 </a><a href="box.html#box-dimensions">Section 8.1 Box Dimensions</a></h3>
+<h3 id="x8.1"><a name="q21.155">C.3.14 </a><a href="box.html#box-dimensions">Section 8.1 Box Dimensions</a></h3>
<p>The definition of "content edge" has been changed to depend on 'width'
and 'height' rather than directly on 'rendered content'.</p>
@@ -2080,12 +2083,12 @@ established by the box." For information about containing
blocks, consult <a href="visudet.html#containing-block-details">
Section 10.1</a>.</p>
-<h3 id="x8.2"><a name="q156">C.3.15 </a><a href="box.html#mpb-examples">Section 8.2 Example of margins, padding, and borders</a></h3>
+<h3 id="x8.2"><a name="q21.156">C.3.15 </a><a href="box.html#mpb-examples">Section 8.2 Example of margins, padding, and borders</a></h3>
<p>The colors in the example HTML did not match the colors in the
-<h3 id="x8.5.4"><a name="q157">C.3.16 </a><a
+<h3 id="x8.5.4"><a name="q21.157">C.3.16 </a><a
href="box.html#border-shorthand-properties">Section 8.5.4
Border shorthand properties</a></h3>
@@ -2093,7 +2096,7 @@ Border shorthand properties</a></h3>
&lt;border-width&gt;, &lt;border-style&gt; and &lt;'border-top-color'&gt;
value types as appropriate.</p>
-<h3 id="x9.2.1"><a name="q158">C.3.17 </a><a href="visuren.html#containing-block">Section 9.2.1
+<h3 id="x9.2.1"><a name="q21.158">C.3.17 </a><a href="visuren.html#containing-block">Section 9.2.1
Block-level elements and block boxes</a></h3>
<p>Excepted table elements from second paragraph about principal block
@@ -2102,13 +2105,13 @@ boxes and their contents.</p>
<p>Corrected sentence to say "either only block boxes or only inline
boxes" instead of "only block boxes".</p>
-<h3 id="x9.3.1"><a name="q159">C.3.18 </a><a href="visuren.html#choose-position">Section 9.3.1
+<h3 id="x9.3.1"><a name="q21.159">C.3.18 </a><a href="visuren.html#choose-position">Section 9.3.1
Choosing a positioning scheme</a></h3>
<p>In the definition of "position: static", added 'right' and 'bottom'
to the sentence saying that 'top' and 'left' do not apply.</p>
-<h3 id="x9.3.2"><a name="q160">C.3.19 </a><a href="visuren.html#position-props">Section 9.3.2
+<h3 id="x9.3.2"><a name="q21.160">C.3.19 </a><a href="visuren.html#position-props">Section 9.3.2
Box offsets</a></h3>
<p>The properties 'top', 'right', 'bottom', and 'left', incorrectly
@@ -2124,7 +2127,7 @@ from the edges of the containing block. (The previous definition
conflicted with that was further down; since that text is now
redundant, it has been removed.)</p>
-<h3 id="x9.4.1"><a name="q161">C.3.20 </a><a href="visuren.html#block-formatting">Section 9.4.1
+<h3 id="x9.4.1"><a name="q21.161">C.3.20 </a><a href="visuren.html#block-formatting">Section 9.4.1
Block formatting contexts</a></h3>
<p>In paragraph about relationship of a box's outer edges to its
@@ -2132,54 +2135,54 @@ containing block's edges, corrected parenthetical to say that
<em>line boxes</em>, not the <em>content area</em>, may shrink due
to floats.</p>
-<h3 id="x9.4.2"><a name="q162">C.3.21 </a><a href="visuren.html#inline-formatting">Section 9.4.2
+<h3 id="x9.4.2"><a name="q21.162">C.3.21 </a><a href="visuren.html#inline-formatting">Section 9.4.2
Inline formatting context</a></h3>
<p>Added "and the presence of floats" to "The width of a line box is
determined by a containing block".</p>
-<h3 id="x9.4.3"><a name="q163">C.3.22 </a><a href="visuren.html#relative-positioning">Section 9.4.3
+<h3 id="x9.4.3"><a name="q21.163">C.3.22 </a><a href="visuren.html#relative-positioning">Section 9.4.3
Relative positioning</a></h3>
<p>In the first paragraph, added "or floated" to the phrase "laid out
according to the normal flow" as floated elements can be relatively
positioned but are not part of the normal flow.</p>
-<h3 id="x9.5"><a name="q164">C.3.23 </a><a href="visuren.html#floats">Section 9.5
+<h3 id="x9.5"><a name="q21.164">C.3.23 </a><a href="visuren.html#floats">Section 9.5
<p>Corrected sentence about not enough horizontal room for the float
to say that it is shifted downward until either it fits <em>or there
are no more floats present</em>.</p>
-<h3 id="x9.5.1"><a name="q165">C.3.24 </a><a href="visuren.html#float-position">Section 9.5.1
+<h3 id="x9.5.1"><a name="q21.165">C.3.24 </a><a href="visuren.html#float-position">Section 9.5.1
Positioning the float</a></h3>
<p>Correct "Applies to" line and prose to say that the 'float' property
can be set for any element but only applies to elements that are not
absolutely positioned.</p>
-<h3 id="x9.5.2"><a name="q166">C.3.25 </a><a href="visuren.html#flow-control">Section 9.5.2
+<h3 id="x9.5.2"><a name="q21.166">C.3.25 </a><a href="visuren.html#flow-control">Section 9.5.2
Controlling flow next to floats</a></h3>
<p>Removed sentence saying that 'clear' may only be specified for
block-level elements: it can be specified for any element, it only
<em>applies to</em> block-level elements.</p>
-<h3 id="x9.6"><a name="q167">C.3.26 </a><a href="visuren.html#absolute-positioning">Section 9.6
+<h3 id="x9.6"><a name="q21.167">C.3.26 </a><a href="visuren.html#absolute-positioning">Section 9.6
Absolute positioning</a></h3>
<p>Corrected sentence that said absolutely positioned boxes establish
a new containing block for absolutely positioned descendants to
except fixed positioned descendants.</p>
-<h3 id="x9.7"><a name="q168">C.3.27 </a><a href="visuren.html#dis-pos-flo">Section 9.7
+<h3 id="x9.7"><a name="q21.168">C.3.27 </a><a href="visuren.html#dis-pos-flo">Section 9.7
Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a></h3>
<p>In rule 1, corrected "user agents must ignore 'position' and 'float"
to "'position' and 'float' do not apply".</p>
-<h3 id="x9.10"><a name="q169">C.3.28 </a><a href="visuren.html#direction">Section 9.10
+<h3 id="x9.10"><a name="q21.169">C.3.28 </a><a href="visuren.html#direction">Section 9.10
Text direction</a></h3>
<p>Corrected note about 'direction' on table column elements to say
@@ -2192,21 +2195,21 @@ corrected the prose to handle anonymous child blocks.</p>
<p>Updated mention of Unicode's embedding limit from 15 to 61.</p>
-<h3 id="x10.1"><a name="q170">C.3.29 </a><a href="visudet.html#containing-block-details">Section 10.1
+<h3 id="x10.1"><a name="q21.170">C.3.29 </a><a href="visudet.html#containing-block-details">Section 10.1
Definition of "containing block"</a></h3>
<p>Included table cells (and inline blocks) together with block-level elements
in rule 2 defining the containing block of non-absolutely-positioned elements.</p>
-<h3 id="x10.3.3"><a name="q171">C.3.30 </a><a href="visudet.html#blockwidth">Section 10.3.3
+<h3 id="x10.3.3"><a name="q21.171">C.3.30 </a><a href="visudet.html#blockwidth">Section 10.3.3
Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a></h3>
<p>In the last sentence of the paragraph following the equation
("If the value of 'direction' is 'ltr', this happens to
'margin-left' instead") substituted 'rtl' for 'ltr'.</p>
-<h3 id="x10.4"><a name="q172">C.3.31 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-widths">Section 10.4
+<h3 id="x10.4"><a name="q21.172">C.3.31 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-widths">Section 10.4
Minimum and maximum widths</a></h3>
<p>The initial value for 'min-width' is now '0' rather than UA-dependent.</p>
@@ -2217,7 +2220,7 @@ from "table elements" to "table rows and row groups".</p>
<p>Specified that negative values for 'min-width' and 'max-width' are
-<h3 id="x10.6.3"><a name="q173">C.3.32 </a><a href="visudet.html#normal-block">Section 10.6.3
+<h3 id="x10.6.3"><a name="q21.173">C.3.32 </a><a href="visudet.html#normal-block">Section 10.6.3
Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow'
computes to 'visible'</a></h3>
@@ -2226,7 +2229,7 @@ padding or borders, as these influence margin-collapsing behavior.</p>
<p>Added text to correctly account for margin collapsing behavior.</p>
-<h3 id="x10.7"><a name="q174">C.3.33 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-heights">Section 10.7
+<h3 id="x10.7"><a name="q21.174">C.3.33 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-heights">Section 10.7
Minimum and maximum heights</a></h3>
<p>Corrected "applies to" exception for both 'min-width' and 'max-width'
@@ -2235,7 +2238,7 @@ from "table elements" to "table columns and column groups".</p>
<p>Specified that negative values for 'min-height' and 'max-height'
are illegal.</p>
-<h3 id="x11.1.1"><a name="q175">C.3.34 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow">Section 11.1.1
+<h3 id="x11.1.1"><a name="q21.175">C.3.34 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow">Section 11.1.1
<p>Corrected "applies to" line for 'overflow' from "block-level and
@@ -2248,24 +2251,24 @@ to both DIVs, so the second DIV box should have been rendered with a
red border as well. The second DIV has now been changed to a CITE,
which does not have a red border.
-<h3 id="x11.1.2"><a name="q176">C.3.35 </a><a href="visufx.html#clipping">Section 11.1.2 Clipping:
+<h3 id="x11.1.2"><a name="q21.176">C.3.35 </a><a href="visufx.html#clipping">Section 11.1.2 Clipping:
the 'clip' property</a></h3>
<p>Corrected "rect (&lt;top&gt; &lt;right&gt; &lt;bottom&gt; &lt;left&gt;)" to
"rect(&lt;top&gt;, &lt;right&gt;, &lt;bottom&gt;, &lt;left&gt;)".</p>
-<h3 id="x11.2"><a name="q177">C.3.36 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow-clipping ">Section 11.2
+<h3 id="x11.2"><a name="q21.177">C.3.36 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow-clipping ">Section 11.2
<p>Corrected initial value of 'visibility' to 'visible'.</p>
-<h3 id="x12.4.2"><a name="q178">C.3.37 </a><a href="generate.html#counter-styles">Section 12.4.2 Counter
+<h3 id="x12.4.2"><a name="q21.178">C.3.37 </a><a href="generate.html#counter-styles">Section 12.4.2 Counter
<p>The example used the style 'hebrew', which does not exist in CSS
level 2. Changed to 'lower-greek'.
-<h3 id="x12.6.2"><a name="q179">C.3.38 </a><a href="generate.html#list-style">Section 12.6.2 Lists</a></h3>
+<h3 id="x12.6.2"><a name="q21.179">C.3.38 </a><a href="generate.html#list-style">Section 12.6.2 Lists</a></h3>
<p>Under the 'list-style' property, the example:</p>
@@ -2277,7 +2280,7 @@ ul > ul { list-style: circle outside } /* Any UL child of a UL */
cannot be a child of another UL element). An LI has been inserted in
-<h3 id="x14.2"><a name="q180">C.3.39 </a><a href="colors.html#background">Section 14.2 The background</a></h3>
+<h3 id="x14.2"><a name="q21.180">C.3.39 </a><a href="colors.html#background">Section 14.2 The background</a></h3>
<p>Second sentence: "In terms of the box model, 'background' refers to
the background of the content and the padding areas" now also
@@ -2289,7 +2292,7 @@ mentions the border area. (See also <a href="#x8.1">errata to section
the content, padding and border areas.
-<h3 id="x14.2.1"><a name="q181">C.3.40 </a><a href="colors.html#background-properties">Section 14.2.1
+<h3 id="x14.2.1"><a name="q21.181">C.3.40 </a><a href="colors.html#background-properties">Section 14.2.1
Background properties</a></h3>
<p>Under 'background-image', defined the image tile size used when
@@ -2312,25 +2315,25 @@ area of the element" has been corrected to
when it is in the background, padding <ins>or border</ins> area of the
-<h3 id="x15.2"><a name="q182">C.3.41 </a><a href="fonts.html#algorithm">Section 15.2 Font
+<h3 id="x15.2"><a name="q21.182">C.3.41 </a><a href="fonts.html#algorithm">Section 15.2 Font
matching algorithm</a></h3>
<p>In bullet 2, changed "the UA uses the 'font-family' descriptor"
to "the UA uses the 'font-family' property".
-<h3 id="x15.7"><a name="q183">C.3.42 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-size-props">Section 15.7
+<h3 id="x15.7"><a name="q21.183">C.3.42 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-size-props">Section 15.7
Font size</a></h3>
<p>The statement "Negative values are not allowed" for 'font-size'
now applies to percentages as well as lengths.</p>
-<h3 id="x16.1"><a name="q184">C.3.43 </a><a href="text.html#indentation-prop">Section 16.1
+<h3 id="x16.1"><a name="q21.184">C.3.43 </a><a href="text.html#indentation-prop">Section 16.1
<p>Corrected 'text-indent' to apply to table cells (and inline blocks)
as well as block-level elements.</p>
-<h3 id="x16.2"><a name="q185">C.3.44 </a><a href="text.html#alignment-prop">Section 16.2
+<h3 id="x16.2"><a name="q21.185">C.3.44 </a><a href="text.html#alignment-prop">Section 16.2
<p>Corrected 'text-align' to apply to table cells (and inline blocks)
@@ -2341,14 +2344,14 @@ as well as block-level elements.
<p>Corrected the note to say that justification is also dependent
on the script, not just the language, of the text.</p>
-<h3 id="x17.2"><a name="q186">C.3.45 </a><a href="tables.html#table-display">Section 17.2 The CSS table
+<h3 id="x17.2"><a name="q21.186">C.3.45 </a><a href="tables.html#table-display">Section 17.2 The CSS table
<p>In the definition of <strong>table-header-group</strong>, changed
"footer" to "header" in "Print user agents may repeat footer rows on
each page spanned by a table."
-<h3 id="x17.2.1"><a name="q187">C.3.46 </a><a href="tables.html#anonymous-boxes">Section 17.2.1
+<h3 id="x17.2.1"><a name="q21.187">C.3.46 </a><a href="tables.html#anonymous-boxes">Section 17.2.1
Anonymous table objects </a></h3>
<p>Added 'table-header-group' and 'table-footer-group' alongside
@@ -2365,7 +2368,7 @@ requiring a 'table' or 'inline-table' parent in rule 4.</p>
for children of 'table'/'inline-table' and
'table-row-group'/'table-header-group'/'table-footer-group' boxes.</p>
-<h3 id="x17.4"><a name="q188">C.3.47 </a><a href="tables.html#model">Section 17.4
+<h3 id="x17.4"><a name="q21.188">C.3.47 </a><a href="tables.html#model">Section 17.4
Tables in the visual formatting model</a></h3>
<p>Specified handling of multiple caption boxes.</p>
@@ -2375,7 +2378,7 @@ box if the table is block-level and an 'inline-block' box if
the table is inline-level but that the anonymous outer table
box cannot accept run-ins.</p>
-<h3 id="x17.5"><a name="q189">C.3.48 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layout">Section 17.5
+<h3 id="x17.5"><a name="q21.189">C.3.48 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layout">Section 17.5
Visual layout of table contents</a></h3>
<p>Correct text that said all internal table elements have
@@ -2400,7 +2403,7 @@ table size.
-<h3 id="x17.5.1"><a name="q190">C.3.49 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layers">Section 17.5.1
+<h3 id="x17.5.1"><a name="q21.190">C.3.49 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layers">Section 17.5.1
Table layers and transparency</a></h3>
<p>The rows and columns only cover the whole table in the collapsed
@@ -2412,18 +2415,18 @@ positioning and painting of backgrounds on those elements.</p>
<p>Specify the handling of "missing cells".</p>
-<h3 id="x17.6.1"><a name="q191">C.3.50 </a><a href="tables.html#separated-borders">Section 17.6.1
+<h3 id="x17.6.1"><a name="q21.191">C.3.50 </a><a href="tables.html#separated-borders">Section 17.6.1
The separated borders model</a></h3>
<p>In the image, changed "cell-spacing" to "border-spacing".
-<h3 id="x18.2"><a name="q192">C.3.51 </a><a href="ui.html#system-colors">Section 18.2 System
+<h3 id="x18.2"><a name="q21.192">C.3.51 </a><a href="ui.html#system-colors">Section 18.2 System
<p>For the 'ButtonHighlight' value, changed the description
from "Dark shadow" to "Highlight color".</p>
-<h3 id="xE.2"><a name="q193">C.3.52 </a><a href="zindex.html#painting-order">Section E.2 Painting
+<h3 id="xE.2"><a name="q21.193">C.3.52 </a><a href="zindex.html#painting-order">Section E.2 Painting
<p>Changed "but any descendants which actually create a new stacking
@@ -2438,12 +2441,12 @@ presentation).</a>
<h2>C.4 <a name="clarifications">Clarifications</a></h2>
-<h3 id="r2.1"><a name="q195">C.4.1 </a><a href="intro.html#html-tutorial">Section 2.1
+<h3 id="r2.1"><a name="q21.195">C.4.1 </a><a href="intro.html#html-tutorial">Section 2.1
A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for HTML</a></h3>
<p>This section has been marked non-normative.</p>
-<h3 id="r2.2"><a name="q196">C.4.2 </a><a
+<h3 id="r2.2"><a name="q21.196">C.4.2 </a><a
href="intro.html#xml-tutorial">Section 2.2
A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for XML</a></h3>
@@ -2460,12 +2463,12 @@ href="bach.css"?&gt;</code>, but
<pre>&lt;?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="bach.css"?&gt;</pre>
-<h3 id="r2.3"><a name="q197">C.4.3 </a><a href="intro.html#processing-model">Section&nbsp;2.3
+<h3 id="r2.3"><a name="q21.197">C.4.3 </a><a href="intro.html#processing-model">Section&nbsp;2.3
The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a></h3>
<p>This section has been marked non-normative.
-<h3 id="r3.1"><a name="q198">C.4.4 </a><a href="conform.html#defs">Section 3.1
+<h3 id="r3.1"><a name="q21.198">C.4.4 </a><a href="conform.html#defs">Section 3.1
<p>Added a note to clarify that the deprecated/non-deprecated status
@@ -2491,7 +2494,7 @@ unit per image source pixel.
<p>Added definition for 'property'.</p>
-<h3 id="r4.1"><a name="q199">C.4.5 </a><a href="syndata.html#syntax">Section 4.1
+<h3 id="r4.1"><a name="q21.199">C.4.5 </a><a href="syndata.html#syntax">Section 4.1
<p>Moved definitions of "immediately before" and "immediately after" forward
@@ -2500,7 +2503,7 @@ so they apply to the whole Syntax section.</p>
<p>Added sections and to defined vendor-specific
-<h3 id="r4.1.1"><a name="q200">C.4.6 </a><a href="syndata.html#tokenization">Section 4.1.1
+<h3 id="r4.1.1"><a name="q21.200">C.4.6 </a><a href="syndata.html#tokenization">Section 4.1.1
<p>Clarified that input that cannot be parsed according to the core syntax
@@ -2509,7 +2512,7 @@ is ignored according to the rules for handling parsing errors.</p>
<p>Clarified that input that cannot be tokenized or parsed has no meaning in
-<h3 id="r4.1.3"><a name="q201">C.4.7 </a><a href="syndata.html#characters">Section 4.1.3
+<h3 id="r4.1.3"><a name="q21.201">C.4.7 </a><a href="syndata.html#characters">Section 4.1.3
Characters and case</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that when a CRLF pair terminates an escape sequence, the pair
@@ -2519,12 +2522,12 @@ in the tokenization rules.</p>
<p>Replaced "[a-z0-9]" by "[a-zA-Z0-9]" as an extra reminder that CSS
identifiers are case-insensitive.
-<h3 id ="r4.1.7"><a name="q202">C.4.8 </a><a href="syndata.html#declaration">Section 4.1.7
+<h3 id ="r4.1.7"><a name="q21.202">C.4.8 </a><a href="syndata.html#declaration">Section 4.1.7
Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a></h3>
<p>Replaced the term "{}-block" with "declaration block".</p>
-<h3 id="r4.2"><a name="q203">C.4.9 </a><a href="syndata.html#parsing-errors">Section 4.2
+<h3 id="r4.2"><a name="q21.203">C.4.9 </a><a href="syndata.html#parsing-errors">Section 4.2
Rules for handling parsing errors</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that all property:value combinations and @-keywords that do not
@@ -2537,55 +2540,55 @@ invalid, this does not make the entire at-rule invalid.</p>
<p>Referenced section 4.1.7 for parsing invalid bits inside declaration
-<h3 id="r4.3.1"><a name="q204">C.4.10 </a><a href="syndata.html#numbers">Section 4.3.1
+<h3 id="r4.3.1"><a name="q21.204">C.4.10 </a><a href="syndata.html#numbers">Section 4.3.1
Integers and real numbers</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that '-0' is equivalent to '0' and is not a negative number.</p>
-<h3 id="r4.3.2"><a name="q205">C.4.11 </a><a href="syndata.html#length-units">Section 4.3.2
+<h3 id="r4.3.2"><a name="q21.205">C.4.11 </a><a href="syndata.html#length-units">Section 4.3.2
<p>Clarified that negative length values on properties that do not allow them
cause the declaration to be ignored.</p>
-<h3 id="r4.3.4"><a name="q206">C.4.12 </a><a href="syndata.html#uri">Section 4.3.4
+<h3 id="r4.3.4"><a name="q21.206">C.4.12 </a><a href="syndata.html#uri">Section 4.3.4
URLs and URIs</a></h3>
<p>Reduced unnecessary discussion of what a URI is.</p>
-<h3 id="r5.1"><a name="q207">C.4.13 </a><a href="selector.html#pattern-matching">Section 5.1
+<h3 id="r5.1"><a name="q21.207">C.4.13 </a><a href="selector.html#pattern-matching">Section 5.1
Pattern matching</a></h3>
<p>Added note about terminology change ("simple selector") between
CSS2 and CSS3.
-<h3 id="r5.7"><a name="q208">C.4.14 </a><a href="selector.html#adjacent-selectors">Section 5.7
+<h3 id="r5.7"><a name="q21.208">C.4.14 </a><a href="selector.html#adjacent-selectors">Section 5.7
Adjacent sibling selectors</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that text nodes and comments do not affect whether a
sibling selector matches.
-<h3 id="r5.8.1"><a name="q209">C.4.15 </a><a href="selector.html#matching-attrs">Section 5.8.1
+<h3 id="r5.8.1"><a name="q21.209">C.4.15 </a><a href="selector.html#matching-attrs">Section 5.8.1
Matching attributes and attribute values</a></h3>
<p>Clarified ~= and |= by using the definitions from the Selectors
-<h3 id="r5.8.2"><a name="q210">C.4.16 </a><a href="selector.html#default-attrs">Section 5.8.2
+<h3 id="r5.8.2"><a name="q21.210">C.4.16 </a><a href="selector.html#default-attrs">Section 5.8.2
Default attribute values in DTDs</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that rules about default attribute values are the same,
whether the default is specified in a DTD or by other means.
-<h3 id="r5.9"><a name="q211">C.4.17 </a><a href="selector.html#id-selectors">Section 5.9 ID
+<h3 id="r5.9"><a name="q21.211">C.4.17 </a><a href="selector.html#id-selectors">Section 5.9 ID
<p>Added a note that it depends on the document format which
attributes are ID attributes.
-<h3 id="r5.11.3"><a name="q212">C.4.18 </a><a
+<h3 id="r5.11.3"><a name="q21.212">C.4.18 </a><a
href="selector.html#dynamic-pseudo-classes">Section 5.11.3 The
dynamic pseudo-classes: :hover, :active, and :focus</a></h3>
@@ -2595,13 +2598,13 @@ of an element that matches ':active' or ':hover' itself also matches
<p>Added note that, in CSS1, ':active' only applies to links.
-<h3 id="r5.11.4"><a name="q213">C.4.19 </a><a href="selector.html#lang">Section 5.11.4 The
+<h3 id="r5.11.4"><a name="q21.213">C.4.19 </a><a href="selector.html#lang">Section 5.11.4 The
language pseudo-class: :lang</a></h3>
<p>Added a note to show the differences between ':lang(xx)' and
-<h3 id="r5.12.2"><a name="q214">C.4.20 </a><a href="selector.html#first-letter">Section 5.12.2
+<h3 id="r5.12.2"><a name="q21.214">C.4.20 </a><a href="selector.html#first-letter">Section 5.12.2
The :first-letter pseudo-element</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that digits can also be first letter.
@@ -2610,32 +2613,32 @@ The :first-letter pseudo-element</a></h3>
-<h3 id="r6.2"><a name="q215">C.4.21 </a><a href="cascade.html#inheritance">Section 6.2 Inheritance</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r6.2"><a name="q21.215">C.4.21 </a><a href="cascade.html#inheritance">Section 6.2 Inheritance</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that computed values are inherited (not specified values)
and that they become the specified value on the inheritor.</p>
<p>Removed discussion of "default" styles for a document.</p>
-<h3 id="r6.2.1"><a name="q216">C.4.22 </a><a href="cascade.html#value-def-inherit">Section 6.2.1 The 'inherit' value</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r6.2.1"><a name="q21.216">C.4.22 </a><a href="cascade.html#value-def-inherit">Section 6.2.1 The 'inherit' value</a></h3>
<p>Clarify that 'inherit' can be used on properties that are not normally inherited
and that when set on the root element, it has the effect of assigning the
property's initial value.</p>
-<h3 id="r6.3"><a name="q217">C.4.23 </a><a href="cascade.html#at-import">Section 6.3 The @import rule</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r6.3"><a name="q21.217">C.4.23 </a><a href="cascade.html#at-import">Section 6.3 The @import rule</a></h3>
<p>Except @charset from the statement that @imports must precede all other rules.</p>
-<h3 id="r6.4"><a name="q218">C.4.24 </a><a href="cascade.html#cascade">Section 6.4 The Cascade</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r6.4"><a name="q21.218">C.4.24 </a><a href="cascade.html#cascade">Section 6.4 The Cascade</a></h3>
<p>Obfuscated note about system settings and UA limitations.</p>
-<h3 id="r6.4.1"><a name="q219">C.4.25 </a><a href="cascade.html#cascading-order">Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r6.4.1"><a name="q21.219">C.4.25 </a><a href="cascade.html#cascading-order">Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a></h3>
<p>Various editorial changes to clarify sort order.</p>
-<h3 id="r6.4.3"><a name="q220">C.4.26 </a><a href="cascade.html#specificity">Section 6.4.3 Calculating a
+<h3 id="r6.4.3"><a name="q21.220">C.4.26 </a><a href="cascade.html#specificity">Section 6.4.3 Calculating a
selector's specificity</a></h3>
<p>Added a note:
@@ -2647,25 +2650,25 @@ counted as an attribute selector (a=0, b=1, c=0), even if the
document's DTD.
-<h3 id="r7.2.1"><a name="q221">C.4.27 </a><a href="media.html#at-media-rule">Section 7.2.1
+<h3 id="r7.2.1"><a name="q21.221">C.4.27 </a><a href="media.html#at-media-rule">Section 7.2.1
The @media rule</a></h3>
<p>Clarify that Style rules outside of @media rules apply to the same
media types that the style sheet itself applies to.</p>
-<h3 id="r7.3"><a name="q222">C.4.28 </a><a href="media.html#media-types">Section 7.3 Recognized
+<h3 id="r7.3"><a name="q21.222">C.4.28 </a><a href="media.html#media-types">Section 7.3 Recognized
media types</a></h3>
<p>Added text to clarify that media types are mutually exclusive,
but a UA can render simultaneously to canvases with different
media types.</p>
-<h3 id="r7.3.1"><a name="q223">C.4.29 </a><a href="media.html#media-groups">Section 7.3.1
+<h3 id="r7.3.1"><a name="q21.223">C.4.29 </a><a href="media.html#media-groups">Section 7.3.1
Media groups</a></h3>
<p>Split "aural" media group into "audio" and "speech".</p>
-<h3 id="r8.1"><a name="q224">C.4.30 </a><a href="box.html#box-dimensions">Section 8.1 Box dimensions</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r8.1"><a name="q21.224">C.4.30 </a><a href="box.html#box-dimensions">Section 8.1 Box dimensions</a></h3>
<li>The terms "content box", "padding box", "border box", and "margin box"
@@ -2681,12 +2684,12 @@ generating element. Margin backgrounds are always transparent.
<li>Removed definition of "box width" and "height".
-<h3 id="r8.3"><a name="q225">C.4.31 </a><a href="box.html#margin-properties">Section 8.3 Margin properties</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r8.3"><a name="q21.225">C.4.31 </a><a href="box.html#margin-properties">Section 8.3 Margin properties</a></h3>
<p>Added a sentence to note that vertical margins have no effect on non-replaced
inline elements.</p>
-<h3 id="r8.3.1"><a name="q226">C.4.32 </a><a href="box.html#collapsing-margins">Section 8.3.1
+<h3 id="r8.3.1"><a name="q21.226">C.4.32 </a><a href="box.html#collapsing-margins">Section 8.3.1
Collapsing margins</a></h3>
<p>Changed "absolute maximum" to "maximum of the absolute values" in
@@ -2705,13 +2708,13 @@ and its in-flow children.</p>
<p>Emphasized that absolutely positioned elements' margins do not collapse even between
the positioned element and its in-flow children.</p>
-<h3 id="r8.5.3"><a name="q227">C.4.33 </a><a href="box.html#border-style-properties">Section 8.5.3
+<h3 id="r8.5.3"><a name="q21.227">C.4.33 </a><a href="box.html#border-style-properties">Section 8.5.3
Border style</a></h3>
<p>Changed description of 'none' value to not imply that all four border
widths are set to zero.</p>
-<h3 id="r9.1.1"><a name="q228">C.4.34 </a><a href="visuren.html#viewport">Section 9.1.1
+<h3 id="r9.1.1"><a name="q21.228">C.4.34 </a><a href="visuren.html#viewport">Section 9.1.1
The viewport</a></h3>
<p>Changed the sentence "When the viewport is smaller than the ..., the user
@@ -2719,12 +2722,12 @@ agent should offer a scrolling mechanism" to use "area of the canvas on
which the document is rendered" instead of "document's initial containing
-<h3 id="r9.2.4"><a name="q229">C.4.35 </a><a href="visuren.html#display-prop">Section 9.2.4 The
+<h3 id="r9.2.4"><a name="q21.229">C.4.35 </a><a href="visuren.html#display-prop">Section 9.2.4 The
'display' property</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that 'display: none' also applies to non-visual media.
-<h3 id="r9.3.1"><a name="q230">C.4.36 </a><a href="visuren.html#choose-position">Section 9.3.1
+<h3 id="r9.3.1"><a name="q21.230">C.4.36 </a><a href="visuren.html#choose-position">Section 9.3.1
Choosing a positioning scheme</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that the margins of fixed positioned boxes do not collapse
@@ -2733,7 +2736,7 @@ with any other margins.</p>
<p>Clarified that in print media fixed boxes are rendered on every page.</p>
-<h3 id="r9.3.2"><a name="q231">C.4.37 </a><a href="visuren.html#position-props">Section 9.3.2
+<h3 id="r9.3.2"><a name="q21.231">C.4.37 </a><a href="visuren.html#position-props">Section 9.3.2
Box offsets</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that negative lengths and percentages are allowed as values
@@ -2745,7 +2748,7 @@ on the width and height of absolutely positioned, replaced elements
for details." to the definition of 'auto' because that's not what
chapter 10 says at all.</p>
-<h3 id="r9.4.2"><a name="q232">C.4.38 </a><a href="visuren.html#inline-formatting">Section 9.4.2
+<h3 id="r9.4.2"><a name="q21.232">C.4.38 </a><a href="visuren.html#inline-formatting">Section 9.4.2
Inline formatting context</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that 'justify' stretches "spaces and words in inline boxes";
@@ -2764,7 +2767,7 @@ for split inline boxes not being fully defined when affected by bidi
as that situation is now defined in <a href="box.html#bidi-box-model">section
-<h3 id="r9.4.3"><a name="q233">C.4.39 </a><a href="visuren.html#relative-positioning">Section 9.4.3
+<h3 id="r9.4.3"><a name="q21.233">C.4.39 </a><a href="visuren.html#relative-positioning">Section 9.4.3
Relative positioning</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that although relative positioning normally does not
@@ -2778,7 +2781,7 @@ containing blocks accordingly.</p>
<p>The paragraph about dynamic movement and superscripting has been
shifted into a non-normative note.</p>
-<h3 id="r9.5"><a name="q234">C.4.40 </a><a href="visuren.html#floats">Section 9.5
+<h3 id="r9.5"><a name="q21.234">C.4.40 </a><a href="visuren.html#floats">Section 9.5
<p>Clarified that line boxes are shortened to make room for the
@@ -2790,79 +2793,79 @@ the float" means.</p>
<p>Clarified floats' position in the stacking order.</p>
-<h3 id="r9.5.1"><a name="q235">C.4.41 </a><a href="visuren.html#float-position">Section 9.5.1
+<h3 id="r9.5.1"><a name="q21.235">C.4.41 </a><a href="visuren.html#float-position">Section 9.5.1
Positioning the float</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that the elements referenced in the float behavior
rules are in the same block formatting context as the float.</p>
-<h3 id="r9.5.2"><a name="q236">C.4.42 </a><a href="visuren.html#flow-control">Section 9.5.2
+<h3 id="r9.5.2"><a name="q21.236">C.4.42 </a><a href="visuren.html#flow-control">Section 9.5.2
Controlling flow next to floats</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that the effects of 'clear' do not consider floats
in other block formatting contexts.</p>
-<h3 id="r9.8"><a name="q237">C.4.43 </a><a href="visuren.html#comparison">Section 9.8
+<h3 id="r9.8"><a name="q21.237">C.4.43 </a><a href="visuren.html#comparison">Section 9.8
Comparison of normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning</a></h3>
<p>Added a note to clarify that the images in this section are not
drawn to scale and are illustrations, not reference renderings.</p>
-<h3 id="r10.1"><a name="q238">C.4.44 </a><a href="visudet.html#containing-block-details">Section 10.1
+<h3 id="r10.1"><a name="q21.238">C.4.44 </a><a href="visudet.html#containing-block-details">Section 10.1
Definition of "containing block"</a></h3>
<p>Noted that a containing block formed by inline elements may wind up
with a negative containing block width.</p>
-<h3 id="r10.2"><a name="q239">C.4.45 </a><a href="visudet.html#the-width-property">Section 10.2
+<h3 id="r10.2"><a name="q21.239">C.4.45 </a><a href="visudet.html#the-width-property">Section 10.2
Content width</a></h3>
<p>In the definition of &lt;length&gt; values for the 'width' property,
changed "Specifies a fixed width" to "Specifies the width of the content
area using a length unit".</p>
-<h3 id="r10.3.3"><a name="q240">C.4.46 </a><a href="visudet.html#blockwidth">Section 10.3.3
+<h3 id="r10.3.3"><a name="q21.240">C.4.46 </a><a href="visudet.html#blockwidth">Section 10.3.3
Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that setting both left and right margins to 'auto'
horizontally centers the element within its containing block.</p>
-<h3 id="r10.3.8"><a name="q241">C.4.47 </a><a href="visudet.html#abs-replaced-width">Section 10.3.8
+<h3 id="r10.3.8"><a name="q21.241">C.4.47 </a><a href="visudet.html#abs-replaced-width">Section 10.3.8
Absolutely positioning, replaced elements</a></h3>
<p>Clarified which part of the text of section 10.3.7 is re-used.
-<h3 id="r10.4"><a name="q242">C.4.48 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-widths">Section 10.4
+<h3 id="r10.4"><a name="q21.242">C.4.48 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-widths">Section 10.4
Minimum and maximum widths</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that 'min-width' and 'max-width' do not affect the
computed values of any properties. (They only affect the used value.)</p>
-<h3 id="r10.6.1"><a name="q243">C.4.49 </a><a href="visudet.html#Computing_heights_and_margins">Section 10.6
+<h3 id="r10.6.1"><a name="q21.243">C.4.49 </a><a href="visudet.html#Computing_heights_and_margins">Section 10.6
Calculating heights and margins</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that these rules apply to the root element just as to
any other element.</p>
-<h3 id="r10.7"><a name="q244">C.4.50 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-heights">Section 10.7
+<h3 id="r10.7"><a name="q21.244">C.4.50 </a><a href="visudet.html#min-max-heights">Section 10.7
Minimum and maximum heights</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that 'min-width' and 'max-width' do not affect the
computed values of any properties. (They only affect the used value.)</p>
-<h3 id="r10.8"><a name="q245">C.4.51 </a><a href="visudet.html#line-height">Section 10.8
+<h3 id="r10.8"><a name="q21.245">C.4.51 </a><a href="visudet.html#line-height">Section 10.8
Line height calculations</a></h3>
<p>Removed clarifying note about line height being taller than tallest
single inline box due to vertical alignment.</p>
-<h3 id="r10.8.1"><a name="q246">C.4.52 </a><a href="visudet.html#leading">Section 10.8.1 Leading
+<h3 id="r10.8.1"><a name="q21.246">C.4.52 </a><a href="visudet.html#leading">Section 10.8.1 Leading
and half-leading</a></h3>
<p>Removed "slightly" from the note "Values of this property have
<del>slightly</del> different meanings in the context of tables."
-<h3 id="r11.1"><a name="q247">C.4.53 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow-clipping">Section 11.1
+<h3 id="r11.1"><a name="q21.247">C.4.53 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow-clipping">Section 11.1
Overflow and clipping</a></h3>
<p>Clarified when absolute positioning and negative margins cause
@@ -2874,7 +2877,7 @@ overflow.</p>
mentioned that the 'overflow' property also specifies whether a
scrolling mechanism is provided to access clipped content.</p>
-<h3 id="r11.1.1"><a name="q248">C.4.54 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow">Section 11.1.1
+<h3 id="r11.1.1"><a name="q21.248">C.4.54 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow">Section 11.1.1
<p>Clarified that descendant elements whose containing block is the
@@ -2884,7 +2887,7 @@ clipping.</p>
<p>Removed unnecessary mentions of the 'clip' property from the 'hidden'
value definition.</p>
-<h3 id="r11.1.2"><a name="q249">C.4.55 </a><a href="visufx.html#clipping">Section 11.1.2
+<h3 id="r11.1.2"><a name="q21.249">C.4.55 </a><a href="visufx.html#clipping">Section 11.1.2
<p>Changed "portion of an element's rendered content" to "portion
@@ -2898,13 +2901,13 @@ backgrounds and borders.</p>
<p>Clarified that arguments of clip() can be separated by spaces or by
commas, <em>but not a combination.</em>
-<h3 id="r11.2"><a name="q250">C.4.56 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow-clipping ">Section 11.2
+<h3 id="r11.2"><a name="q21.250">C.4.56 </a><a href="visufx.html#overflow-clipping ">Section 11.2
<p>Clarified that descendants of a 'visibility: hidden' element will
be visible if they have 'visibility: visible'.</p>
-<h3 id="r12.1"><a name="q251">C.4.57 </a><a href="generate.html#before-after-content">Section 12.1
+<h3 id="r12.1"><a name="q21.251">C.4.57 </a><a href="generate.html#before-after-content">Section 12.1
The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that :before and :after pseudo-elements interact with
@@ -2914,19 +2917,19 @@ element.
<p>Noted that the interaction of :before and :after with replaced elements
is left undefined for now.</p>
-<h3 id="r12.2"><a name="q252">C.4.58 </a><a href="generate.html#content">Section 12.2
+<h3 id="r12.2"><a name="q21.252">C.4.58 </a><a href="generate.html#content">Section 12.2
The 'content' property</a></h3>
<p>Clarified which counters are used for counter() and counters() in
case there are multiple counters of the same name.</p>
-<h3 id="r12.3.2"><a name="q253">C.4.59 </a><a href="generate.html#quotes-insert">Section 12.3.2
+<h3 id="r12.3.2"><a name="q21.253">C.4.59 </a><a href="generate.html#quotes-insert">Section 12.3.2
Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a></h3>
<p>Removed note about common typographic practices when quotes in
different languages are mixed.</p>
-<h3 id="r12.4"><a name="q254">C.4.60 </a><a href="generate.html#counters">Section 12.4
+<h3 id="r12.4"><a name="q21.254">C.4.60 </a><a href="generate.html#counters">Section 12.4
Automatic counters and numbering</a></h3>
<p>In the "self-nesting" behavior of counters, clarified that merely
@@ -2941,13 +2944,13 @@ on a later sibling or a later 'counter-reset' on the same element.</p>
'counter-reset' as that is now defined (differently) under
"12.4.1 Nested counters and scope."</p>
-<h3 id="r12.4.3"><a name="q255">C.4.61 </a><a href="generate.html#undisplayed-counters">Section 12.4.3
+<h3 id="r12.4.3"><a name="q21.255">C.4.61 </a><a href="generate.html#undisplayed-counters">Section 12.4.3
Counters in elements with 'display: none'</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that pseudo-elements that generate no boxes also do not
increment counters.
-<h3 id="r14.2"><a name="q256">C.4.62 </a><a href="colors.html#background">Section 14.2 The background</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r14.2"><a name="q21.256">C.4.62 </a><a href="colors.html#background">Section 14.2 The background</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that the root background image, although painted over the entire
canvas, is anchored as if painted only for the root element, and that the root's
@@ -2971,17 +2974,17 @@ rather than just examples.</p>
<p>Stated that the tiling and positioning of background images for inline
elements is undefined in CSS2.1.</p>
-<h3 id="r15.1"><a name="q257">C.4.63 </a><a href="fonts.html#fonts-intro">Section 15.1 Fonts Introduction</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r15.1"><a name="q21.257">C.4.63 </a><a href="fonts.html#fonts-intro">Section 15.1 Fonts Introduction</a></h3>
<p>Drastically shortened introduction.</p>
-<h3 id="r15.2"><a name="q258">C.4.64 </a><a href="fonts.html#algorithm">Section 15.2
+<h3 id="r15.2"><a name="q21.258">C.4.64 </a><a href="fonts.html#algorithm">Section 15.2
Font matching algorithm</a></h3>
<p>In the per-property rule 2, clarified that 'normal' matches
the non-small-caps variant (if there is one).</p>
-<h3 id="r15.3"><a name="q259">C.4.65 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-family-prop">Section 15.2.2 Font family</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r15.3"><a name="q21.259">C.4.65 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-family-prop">Section 15.2.2 Font family</a></h3>
<p>Removed discussion of font-matching algorithm. (It is already
covered in the <a href="fonts.html#algorithm">font-matching algorithm's
@@ -2991,19 +2994,19 @@ own section</a>.</p>
value must be treated as font family names and not as the keyword
value (which must be unquoted).</p>
-<h3 id="r15.3.1"><a name="q260">C.4.66 </a><a href="fonts.html#generic-font-families">Section 15.3.1
+<h3 id="r15.3.1"><a name="q21.260">C.4.66 </a><a href="fonts.html#generic-font-families">Section 15.3.1
Generic font families</a></h3>
<p>This section, previously section 15.2.6, has been moved but no
other change was made.</p>
-<h3 id="r15.4"><a name="q261">C.4.67 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-styling">Section 15.4
+<h3 id="r15.4"><a name="q21.261">C.4.67 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-styling">Section 15.4
Font styling</a></h3>
<p>The text for this section (formerly part of 15.2.3) has been
reverted to its CSS1 format.</p>
-<h3 id="r15.5"><a name="q262">C.4.68 </a><a href="fonts.html#small-caps">Section 15.5
+<h3 id="r15.5"><a name="q21.262">C.4.68 </a><a href="fonts.html#small-caps">Section 15.5
<p>The text for this section (formerly part of 15.2.3) has been
@@ -3015,7 +3018,7 @@ reverted to its CSS1 format.</p>
substitution of full-caps, the behavior is the same as for
-<h3 id="r15.6"><a name="q263">C.4.69 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-boldness">Section 15.6
+<h3 id="r15.6"><a name="q21.263">C.4.69 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-boldness">Section 15.6
Font boldness</a></h3>
<p>The text for this section (formerly part of 15.2.3) has been
@@ -3029,7 +3032,7 @@ must not be lighter than faces mapped to lower values." This is
otherwise implied by "The only guarantee is that a face of a given
value will be no less dark than the faces of lighter values."</p>
-<h3 id="r15.7"><a name="q264">C.4.70 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-size-props">Section 15.7
+<h3 id="r15.7"><a name="q21.264">C.4.70 </a><a href="fonts.html#font-size-props">Section 15.7
Font size</a></h3>
<p>Clarified relationship of font size to em squares.</p>
@@ -3037,7 +3040,7 @@ Font size</a></h3>
<p>Added a totally irrelevant note about font sizes virtual reality
-<h3 id="r16.1"><a name="q265">C.4.71 </a><a href="text.html#indentation-prop">Section 16.1
+<h3 id="r16.1"><a name="q21.265">C.4.71 </a><a href="text.html#indentation-prop">Section 16.1
<p>Clarified that text overflowing due to text-indent is affected
@@ -3046,30 +3049,30 @@ by the 'overflow' property.</p>
<p>Added a note about text-indents inheriting behavior and suggesting
'text-indent: 0' on inline-blocks.</p>
-<h3 id="r16.2"><a name="q266">C.4.72 </a><a href="text.html#alignment-prop">Section 16.2
+<h3 id="r16.2"><a name="q21.266">C.4.72 </a><a href="text.html#alignment-prop">Section 16.2
<p>Changed "double justify" to "justify" under "left, right, center,
and justify".</p>
-<h3 id="r16.3.1"><a name="q267">C.4.73 </a><a href="text.html#lining-striking-props">Section 16.3.1
+<h3 id="r16.3.1"><a name="q21.267">C.4.73 </a><a href="text.html#lining-striking-props">Section 16.3.1
Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a></h3>
<p>Added an example to illustrate how underlining affects descendant
-<h3 id="r16.5"><a name="q268">C.4.74 </a><a href="text.html#caps-prop">Section 16.5
+<h3 id="r16.5"><a name="q21.268">C.4.74 </a><a href="text.html#caps-prop">Section 16.5
<p>Switched language reference from RFC2070 to BCP47.</p>
-<h3 id="r16.6"><a name="q269">C.4.75 </a><a href="text.html#white-space-prop">Section 16.6
+<h3 id="r16.6"><a name="q21.269">C.4.75 </a><a href="text.html#white-space-prop">Section 16.6
White space</a></h3>
<p>Added <a href="text.html#egbidiwscollapse">section 16.6.1</a> as an example
to illustrate the interaction of white space collapsing and bidi.</p>
-<h3 id="r17.1"><a name="q270">C.4.76 </a><a href="tables.html#tables-intro">Section 17.1
+<h3 id="r17.1"><a name="q21.270">C.4.76 </a><a href="tables.html#tables-intro">Section 17.1
Introduction to tables</a></h3>
<p>Expanded introduction to include a brief discussion of the two
@@ -3077,7 +3080,7 @@ table layout models. Mentioned that the automatic table algorithm
is not fully defined in CSS&nbsp;2.1 but that some implementations
have achieved relatively close interoperability.</p>
-<h3 id="r17.2"><a name="q271">C.4.77 </a><a href="tables.html#table-display">Section 17.2
+<h3 id="r17.2"><a name="q21.271">C.4.77 </a><a href="tables.html#table-display">Section 17.2
The CSS table model</a></h3>
<p>Clarify that all table captions must be rendered if more than
@@ -3086,14 +3089,14 @@ one exists.</p>
<p>Specified that replaced elements with table display values are
treated as table elements in table layout.</p>
-<h3 id="r17.2.1"><a name="q272">C.4.78 </a><a href="tables.html#anonymous-boxes">Section 17.2.1
+<h3 id="r17.2.1"><a name="q21.272">C.4.78 </a><a href="tables.html#anonymous-boxes">Section 17.2.1
Anonymous table objects</a></h3>
<p>Moved the first bullet text to the prose before the list of
generation rules as it is a general statement of what the rules
are supposed to accomplish.</p>
-<h3 id="r17.4"><a name="q273">C.4.79 </a><a href="tables.html#model">Section 17.4
+<h3 id="r17.4"><a name="q21.273">C.4.79 </a><a href="tables.html#model">Section 17.4
Tables in the visual formatting model</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that "display: table" elements behave as block-level elements
@@ -3112,7 +3115,7 @@ and 'left' values on the table box are used on the anonymous outer
box instead of the table box and that the table box itself uses the
initial values of those properties.</p>
-<h3 id="r17.5"><a name="q274">C.4.80 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layout">Section 17.5
+<h3 id="r17.5"><a name="q21.274">C.4.80 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layout">Section 17.5
Visual layout of table contents</a></h3>
<p>To remove ambiguity about the position of extent of internal
@@ -3134,7 +3137,7 @@ property.)</blockquote>
<p>Changed warning note about positioning of table cells to be more
precise about the possibly unintended effects.</p>
-<h3 id="r17.5.1"><a name="q275">C.4.81 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layers">Section 17.5.1 Table layers and
+<h3 id="r17.5.1"><a name="q21.275">C.4.81 </a><a href="tables.html#table-layers">Section 17.5.1 Table layers and
<p>At the end of the section added the following paragraph:
@@ -3143,21 +3146,21 @@ transparency</a></h3>
the background of the area given by the 'border-spacing' property is
always the background of the table element. See 17.6.1</blockquote>
-<h3 id="r17.5.2"><a name="q276">C.4.82 </a><a href="tables.html#width-layout">Section 17.5.2 Table width algorithms</a></h3>
+<h3 id="r17.5.2"><a name="q21.276">C.4.82 </a><a href="tables.html#width-layout">Section 17.5.2 Table width algorithms</a></h3>
<p>Added a paragraph to clarify the interaction of the table width
algorithms with the rules in
<a href="visudet.html#Computing_widths_and_margins">section 10.3</a>
(Calculating widths and margins).</p>
-<h3 id="r17.5.2.1"><a name="q277">C.4.83 </a><a href="tables.html#fixed-table-layout">Section
+<h3 id="r17.5.2.1"><a name="q21.277">C.4.83 </a><a href="tables.html#fixed-table-layout">Section
Fixed table layout</a></h3>
<p>Explicitly mentioned that the fixed table layout algorithm may be
used with the algorithm of <a href="visudet.html#blockwidth">section
10.3.3</a> when 'table-layout' is 'fixed' but 'width' is 'auto'.</p>
-<h3 id="r17.5.2.2"><a name="q278">C.4.84 </a><a href="tables.html#auto-table-layout">Section
+<h3 id="r17.5.2.2"><a name="q21.278">C.4.84 </a><a href="tables.html#auto-table-layout">Section
Automatic table layout</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that UAs can use other algorithms besides the one in
@@ -3165,7 +3168,7 @@ this section <em>even if</em> it results in different behavior.
Also marked the rest of the section non-normative in accordance
with that statement.</p>
-<h3 id="r17.5.4"><a name="q279">C.4.85 </a><a href="tables.html#column-alignment">Section 17.5.4
+<h3 id="r17.5.4"><a name="q21.279">C.4.85 </a><a href="tables.html#column-alignment">Section 17.5.4
Horizontal alignment in a column</a></h3>
<p>Changed "The horizontal alignment of a cell's content within a cell
@@ -3173,14 +3176,14 @@ box is specified with the 'text-align' property" to "The horizontal
alignment of a cell's <ins>inline content</ins> within a cell box
<ins>can be</ins> specified with the 'text-align' property."
-<h3 id="r17.5.5"><a name="q280">C.4.86 </a><a href="tables.html#dynamic-effects">Section 17.5.5
+<h3 id="r17.5.5"><a name="q21.280">C.4.86 </a><a href="tables.html#dynamic-effects">Section 17.5.5
Dynamic row and column effects</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that not affecting layout means that 'visibility: collapse'
causes the part of row- and column-spanning cells that span into
the collapsed row to be clipped.</p>
-<h3 id="r17.6.1"><a name="q281">C.4.87 </a><a href="tables.html#separated-borders">Section 17.6.1
+<h3 id="r17.6.1"><a name="q21.281">C.4.87 </a><a href="tables.html#separated-borders">Section 17.6.1
The separated borders model</a></h3>
<p>Added a note explaining that 'border-spacing' can be used as a
@@ -3195,32 +3198,32 @@ element" was replaced by:
group backgrounds are invisible, allowing the table background to show
-<h3 id="r17.6.2"><a name="q282">C.4.88 </a><a href="tables.html#collapsing-borders">Section 17.6.2
+<h3 id="r17.6.2"><a name="q21.282">C.4.88 </a><a href="tables.html#collapsing-borders">Section 17.6.2
The collapsing borders model</a></h3>
<p>In the sentence after the question, added "and
padding-left<sub>i</sub> and padding-right<sub>i</sub> refer
to the left (resp., right) padding of cell i."
-<h3 id="r18.2"><a name="q283">C.4.89 </a><a href="ui.html#system-colors">Section 18.2
+<h3 id="r18.2"><a name="q21.283">C.4.89 </a><a href="ui.html#system-colors">Section 18.2
System Colors</a></h3>
<p>Noted that system colors are deprecated in CSS3.</p>
-<h3 id="r18.4"><a name="q284">C.4.90 </a><a href="ui.html#dynamic-outlines">Section 18.4
+<h3 id="r18.4"><a name="q21.284">C.4.90 </a><a href="ui.html#dynamic-outlines">Section 18.4
Dynamic outlines</a></h3>
<p>Clarified that outlines do not cause overflow.</p>
<p>Clarified that outlines are only fully connected "if possible".</p>
-<h3 id="r18.4.1"><a name="q285">C.4.91 </a><a href="ui.html#outline-focus">Section 18.4.1
+<h3 id="r18.4.1"><a name="q21.285">C.4.91 </a><a href="ui.html#outline-focus">Section 18.4.1
Outlines and the focus</a></h3>
<p>Clarify that changing outlines in response to focus
should not cause a document to reflow.</p>
-<h3 id="rD"><a name="q286">C.4.92 </a><a href="sample.html">Appendix D Default style sheet for
+<h3 id="rD"><a name="q21.286">C.4.92 </a><a href="sample.html">Appendix D Default style sheet for
HTML 4</a></h3>
<p>Added paragraph clarifying that some presentational markup in
@@ -3234,7 +3237,7 @@ href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719">CR version of July 19, 2007.</a>
-<h3 id="s."><a name="q288">C.5.1 </a><a
+<h3 id="s."><a name="q21.288">C.5.1 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Value</a></h3>
@@ -3244,7 +3247,7 @@ CSS specifications.
-<h3 id="s.2.3"><a name="q289">C.5.2 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.2.3"><a name="q21.289">C.5.2 </a><a
Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a></h3>
@@ -3253,7 +3256,7 @@ is not normative.
-<h3 id="s.3.1"><a name="q290">C.5.3 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/conform.html#defs">
+<h3 id="s.3.1"><a name="q21.290">C.5.3 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/conform.html#defs">
Section 3.1 Definitions</a></h3>
<p><span class=date>[2007-11-14]</span> Append <q><ins>For raster
@@ -3263,7 +3266,7 @@ definition of <q>intrinsic dimensions.</q>
-<h3 id=s.4.1.1><a name="q291">C.5.4 </a><a
+<h3 id=s.4.1.1><a name="q21.291">C.5.4 </a><a
href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/syndata.html#tokenization"> Section
4.1.1 Tokenization</a></h3>
@@ -3292,7 +3295,7 @@ before or within the @charset rule disables the @charset.)</ins>
-<h3 id="s."><a name="q292">C.5.5 </a><a
+<h3 id="s."><a name="q21.292">C.5.5 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a></h3>
@@ -3301,7 +3304,7 @@ are: -xv-, -ah-, prince-, -webkit-, and -khtml-.
-<h3 id="s.4.1.3"><a name="q293">C.5.6 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.1.3"><a name="q21.293">C.5.6 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a></h3>
@@ -3316,7 +3319,7 @@ helps avoid mistakes.
-<h3 id="s.4.1.3a"><a name="q294">C.5.7 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.1.3a"><a name="q21.294">C.5.7 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a></h3>
@@ -3329,7 +3332,7 @@ parts that are not under the control of CSS.</blockquote>
-<h3 id="s.4.1.3b"><a name="q295">C.5.8 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.1.3b"><a name="q21.295">C.5.8 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a></h3>
@@ -3345,7 +3348,7 @@ special meaning.
-<h3 id="s.4.1.3c"><a name="q296">C.5.9 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.1.3c"><a name="q21.296">C.5.9 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a></h3>
@@ -3359,7 +3362,7 @@ linefeed, carriage return or form feed</ins>) can be escaped [&hellip;]
-<h3 id="s.4.1.5"><a name="q297">C.5.10 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.1.5"><a name="q21.297">C.5.10 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.5 At-rules</a></h3>
@@ -3374,7 +3377,7 @@ statement other than an @charset or an @import rule.
-<h3 id="s.4.1.7"><a name="q298">C.5.11 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.1.7"><a name="q21.298">C.5.11 </a><a
Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a></h3>
@@ -3388,7 +3391,7 @@ well.</blockquote>
-<h3 id="s.4.2"><a name="q299">C.5.12 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.2"><a name="q21.299">C.5.12 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a></h3>
@@ -3413,7 +3416,7 @@ p @here {color: red} /* ruleset with unexpected at-keyword "@here" */
-<h3 id="s.4.2a"><a name="q300">C.5.13 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.2a"><a name="q21.300">C.5.13 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a></h3>
@@ -3428,7 +3431,7 @@ whichever comes first.</blockquote>
-<h3 id="s.4.3.2"><a name="q301">C.5.14 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.3.2"><a name="q21.301">C.5.14 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a></h3>
@@ -3443,7 +3446,7 @@ pixels that best approximates the reference pixel.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.4.3.5"><a name="q302">C.5.15 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.3.5"><a name="q21.302">C.5.15 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.3.5 Counters</a></h3>
@@ -3453,7 +3456,7 @@ identifiers</q>.
-<h3 id="s.5.8.1"><a name="q303">C.5.16 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.5.8.1"><a name="q21.303">C.5.16 </a><a
Section&nbsp;5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a></h3>
@@ -3467,7 +3470,7 @@ Selectors</a> module.
-<h3 id="s.5.8.2"><a name="q304">C.5.17 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.5.8.2"><a name="q21.304">C.5.17 </a><a
href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/selector.html#default-attrs"> Section
5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a></h3>
@@ -3476,7 +3479,7 @@ selector</q> by <q><ins>type</ins> selector</q>.
-<h3 id="s.5.11.4"><a name="q305">C.5.18 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.5.11.4"><a name="q21.305">C.5.18 </a><a
Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a></h3>
@@ -3485,7 +3488,7 @@ case-insensitive.
-<h3 id="s.5.12.3"><a name="q306">C.5.19 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.5.12.3"><a name="q21.306">C.5.19 </a><a
Section&nbsp;5.12.3 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a></h3>
@@ -3500,7 +3503,7 @@ letter or line of the element including the <del>inserted text</del>
-<h3 id="s.6.3"><a name="q307">C.5.20 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.6.3"><a name="q21.307">C.5.20 </a><a
Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a></h3>
@@ -3517,7 +3520,7 @@ rules.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.6.3a"><a name="q308">C.5.21 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.6.3a"><a name="q21.308">C.5.21 </a><a
Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a></h3>
@@ -3542,7 +3545,7 @@ do) each link as though the link were to a separate style sheet.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.6.4.1"><a name="q309">C.5.22 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.6.4.1"><a name="q21.309">C.5.22 </a><a
Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a></h3>
@@ -3551,7 +3554,7 @@ Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a></h3>
-<h3 id="s.6.4.1a"><a name="q310">C.5.23 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.6.4.1a"><a name="q21.310">C.5.23 </a><a
Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a></h3>
@@ -3566,7 +3569,7 @@ sheet was reached.</ins></blockquote>
-<h3 id="s.7.2.1"><a name="q311">C.5.24 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.7.2.1"><a name="q21.311">C.5.24 </a><a
Section&nbsp;7.2.1 The @media rule</a></h3>
@@ -3589,7 +3592,7 @@ CSS&nbsp;2.1.</ins>&rdquo;
-<h3 id="s.8.3.1"><a name="q312">C.5.25 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.8.3.1"><a name="q21.312">C.5.25 </a><a
Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a></h3>
@@ -3599,7 +3602,7 @@ has a non-zero <em>bottom</em> (not: top) border.
-<h3 id="s.8.3.1a"><a name="q313">C.5.26 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.8.3.1a"><a name="q21.313">C.5.26 </a><a
Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a></h3>
@@ -3610,7 +3613,7 @@ adjoining to its last child's bottom margin.
-<h3 id="s.8.3.1b"><a name="q314">C.5.27 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.8.3.1b"><a name="q21.314">C.5.27 </a><a
Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a></h3>
@@ -3630,7 +3633,7 @@ the third bullet as follows:
-<h3 id="s.9.2.2"><a name="q315">C.5.28 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.9.2.2"><a name="q21.315">C.5.28 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a></h3>
@@ -3641,7 +3644,7 @@ inline: 'inline', 'inline-table', <ins>'inline-block'</ins> and
-<h3 id="s.9.2.4"><a name="q316">C.5.29 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.9.2.4"><a name="q21.316">C.5.29 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a></h3>
@@ -3650,7 +3653,7 @@ also applies to non-visual media.
-<h3 id="s.9.3.2"><a name="q317">C.5.30 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.9.3.2"><a name="q21.317">C.5.30 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom',
@@ -3666,7 +3669,7 @@ from the padding edge of that element.</del>
-<h3 id="s.9.5"><a name="q318">C.5.31 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.9.5"><a name="q21.318">C.5.31 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a></h3>
@@ -3693,7 +3696,7 @@ context.&rdquo;
-<h3 id="s.9.5a"><a name="q319">C.5.32 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.9.5a"><a name="q21.319">C.5.32 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a></h3>
@@ -3703,7 +3706,7 @@ context.&rdquo;
-<h3 id="s.9.5.2"><a name="q320">C.5.33 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.9.5.2"><a name="q21.320">C.5.33 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear'
@@ -3713,7 +3716,7 @@ clearance after the first note.
-<h3 id="s.9.6.1"><a name="q321">C.5.34 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.9.6.1"><a name="q21.321">C.5.34 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.6.1 Fixed positioning</a></h3>
@@ -3726,7 +3729,7 @@ visible in the initial containing block will not print.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.9.9.1"><a name="q322">C.5.35 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.9.9.1"><a name="q21.322">C.5.35 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index'
@@ -3755,7 +3758,7 @@ follows:
-<h3 id="s.10.1"><a name="q323">C.5.36 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.1"><a name="q21.323">C.5.36 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a></h3>
@@ -3778,7 +3781,7 @@ origin; it is the page area for paged media.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.10.3"><a name="q324">C.5.37 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.3"><a name="q21.324">C.5.37 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a></h3>
@@ -3795,7 +3798,7 @@ href="visuren.html#relative-positioning">section 9.4.3.</a>
-<h3 id="s.10.3.1"><a name="q325">C.5.38 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.3.1"><a name="q21.325">C.5.38 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.3.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -3811,7 +3814,7 @@ to determine a used value:
-<h3 id="s.10.3.2"><a name="q326">C.5.39 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.3.2"><a name="q21.326">C.5.39 </a><a
Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -3828,7 +3831,7 @@ computed value of 'auto', but none of the conditions above are met,
-<h3 id="s.10.3.2a"><a name="q327">C.5.40 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.3.2a"><a name="q21.327">C.5.40 </a><a
Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -3842,7 +3845,7 @@ CSS2.1</ins>.</blockquote>
-<h3 id="s.10.3.3"><a name="q328">C.5.41 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.3.3"><a name="q21.328">C.5.41 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal
@@ -3869,7 +3872,7 @@ definition of the 'overflow' property.</del></blockquote>
-<h3 id="s.10.3.7"><a name="q329">C.5.42 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.3.7"><a name="q21.329">C.5.42 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -3889,7 +3892,7 @@ definition of the 'overflow' property.</del></blockquote>
-<h3 id="s.10.3.7a"><a name="q330">C.5.43 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.3.7a"><a name="q21.330">C.5.43 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -3915,7 +3918,7 @@ establishing the static-position</ins> containing block is
-<h3 id="s.10.3.8"><a name="q331">C.5.44 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.3.8"><a name="q21.331">C.5.44 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -3927,7 +3930,7 @@ block is [...]</blockquote>
-<h3 id="s.10.3.8a"><a name="q332">C.5.45 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.3.8a"><a name="q21.332">C.5.45 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -3945,7 +3948,7 @@ is replaced by the following rules:</ins></blockquote>
-<h3 id="s.10.3.8c"><a name="q333">C.5.46 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.3.8c"><a name="q21.333">C.5.46 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -3954,7 +3957,7 @@ Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a></h3>
-<h3 id="s.10.5"><a name="q334">C.5.47 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.5"><a name="q21.334">C.5.47 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a></h3>
@@ -3964,7 +3967,7 @@ width: the 'width' property&rdquo;).
-<h3 id="s.10.6.2"><a name="q335">C.5.48 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.6.2"><a name="q21.335">C.5.48 </a><a
Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements [&hellip;]</a></h3>
@@ -3981,7 +3984,7 @@ met [&hellip;]</q>.
-<h3 id="s.10.6.4"><a name="q336">C.5.49 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.6.4"><a name="q21.336">C.5.49 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced
@@ -3995,7 +3998,7 @@ this:
-<h3 id="s.10.6.5"><a name="q337">C.5.50 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.6.5"><a name="q21.337">C.5.50 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -4004,7 +4007,7 @@ Section&nbsp;10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a></h3>
-<h3 id="s.10.8.1"><a name="q338">C.5.51 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.10.8.1"><a name="q21.338">C.5.51 </a><a
href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/visudet.html#leading"> Section 10.8.1
Leading and half-leading</a></h3>
@@ -4015,7 +4018,7 @@ context of tables.</q>
-<h3 id="s.11.1.1"><a name="q339">C.5.52 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.11.1.1"><a name="q21.339">C.5.52 </a><a
Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a></h3>
@@ -4047,7 +4050,7 @@ viewport, if the value on the root element is 'visible'.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.11.1.2"><a name="q340">C.5.53 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.11.1.2"><a name="q21.340">C.5.53 </a><a
Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a></h3>
@@ -4058,7 +4061,7 @@ combination)</ins></q>.
-<h3 id="s.12.2"><a name="q341">C.5.54 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.12.2"><a name="q21.341">C.5.54 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.2 The 'content' property</a></h3>
@@ -4069,7 +4072,7 @@ used as names for counters.
-<h3 id="s.12.4.2"><a name="q342">C.5.55 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.12.4.2"><a name="q21.342">C.5.55 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.4.2 Counter styles</a></h3>
@@ -4080,7 +4083,7 @@ hebrew by lower-greek:
-<h3 id="s.12.5"><a name="q343">C.5.56 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.12.5"><a name="q21.343">C.5.56 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a></h3>
@@ -4099,7 +4102,7 @@ clear, not necessarily <em>in</em> the principal box.
-<h3 id="s.12.5.1"><a name="q344">C.5.57 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.12.5.1"><a name="q21.344">C.5.57 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image',
'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a></h3>
@@ -4109,7 +4112,7 @@ without an intrinsic size is now defined.
-<h3 id="s.12.5.1a"><a name="q345">C.5.58 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.12.5.1a"><a name="q21.345">C.5.58 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image',
'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a></h3>
@@ -4135,7 +4138,7 @@ a future level of CSS.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.12.5.1b"><a name="q346">C.5.59 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.12.5.1b"><a name="q21.346">C.5.59 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image',
'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a></h3>
@@ -4145,7 +4148,7 @@ Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image',
-<h3 id="s.13.2"><a name="q347">C.5.60 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.2"><a name="q21.347">C.5.60 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a></h3>
@@ -4166,7 +4169,7 @@ margin area is transparent.</ins>
-<h3 id="s."><a name="q348">C.5.61 </a><a
+<h3 id="s."><a name="q21.348">C.5.61 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Rendering page boxes that do not fit a target
@@ -4177,7 +4180,7 @@ because CSS&nbsp;2.1 does not have a 'size' property.)
-<h3 id="s.13.2.3"><a name="q349">C.5.62 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.2.3"><a name="q21.349">C.5.62 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.2.3 Content outside the page box</a></h3>
@@ -4196,7 +4199,7 @@ below the page box.
-<h3 id="s.13.3.1"><a name="q350">C.5.63 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.3.1"><a name="q21.350">C.5.63 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before',
'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a></h3>
@@ -4206,7 +4209,7 @@ property no longer inherits.</p>
-<h3 id="s.13.3.1a"><a name="q351">C.5.64 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.3.1a"><a name="q21.351">C.5.64 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before',
'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a></h3>
@@ -4217,7 +4220,7 @@ other elements than block-level ones.
-<h3 id="s.13.3.2"><a name="q352">C.5.65 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.3.2"><a name="q21.352">C.5.65 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans',
@@ -4228,7 +4231,7 @@ element</ins> (twice).
-<h3 id="s.13.3.2a"><a name="q353">C.5.66 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.3.2a"><a name="q21.353">C.5.66 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans',
@@ -4238,7 +4241,7 @@ accept positive values.
-<h3 id="s.13.3.3"><a name="q354">C.5.67 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.3.3"><a name="q21.354">C.5.67 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a></h3>
@@ -4248,7 +4251,7 @@ not just that of the breakpoint's parent.</p>
-<h3 id="s.13.3.3a"><a name="q355">C.5.68 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.3.3a"><a name="q21.355">C.5.68 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a></h3>
@@ -4262,7 +4265,7 @@ Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a></h3>
-<h3 id="s.13.3.3b"><a name="q356">C.5.69 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.3.3b"><a name="q21.356">C.5.69 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a></h3>
@@ -4288,7 +4291,7 @@ break.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.13.3.5"><a name="q357">C.5.70 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.3.5"><a name="q21.357">C.5.70 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.5 "Best" page breaks</a></h3>
@@ -4299,7 +4302,7 @@ replaced elements.
-<h3 id="s.14.2"><a name="q358">C.5.71 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.14.2"><a name="q21.358">C.5.71 </a><a
Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a></h3>
@@ -4308,7 +4311,7 @@ special on BODY not only in HTML
-<h3 id="s.14.2a"><a name="q359">C.5.72 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.14.2a"><a name="q21.359">C.5.72 </a><a
Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a></h3>
@@ -4326,7 +4329,7 @@ element or XHTML "body" element child [&hellip;]
-<h3 id="s.14.2.1a"><a name="q360">C.5.73 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.14.2.1a"><a name="q21.360">C.5.73 </a><a
Section 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color',
'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment',
@@ -4337,7 +4340,7 @@ without an intrinsic size is now defined.
-<h3 id="s.15.6"><a name="q361">C.5.74 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.15.6"><a name="q21.361">C.5.74 </a><a
Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a></h3>
@@ -4383,7 +4386,7 @@ CSS3.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.16.6"><a name="q362">C.5.75 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.16.6"><a name="q21.362">C.5.75 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.6 Whitespace: the 'white-space' property</a></h3>
@@ -4403,7 +4406,7 @@ td[nowrap] { white-space: nowrap }
-<h3 id="s.16.6.1"><a name="q363">C.5.76 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.16.6.1"><a name="q21.363">C.5.76 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a></h3>
@@ -4421,7 +4424,7 @@ space collapsing steps above.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.17.2.1"><a name="q364">C.5.77 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.17.2.1"><a name="q21.364">C.5.77 </a><a
href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/tables.html#anonymous-boxes"> Section
17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a></h3>
@@ -4430,7 +4433,7 @@ href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/tables.html#anonymous-boxes"> Section
-<h3 id="s.17.2.1a"><a name="q365">C.5.78 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.17.2.1a"><a name="q21.365">C.5.78 </a><a
href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/tables.html#anonymous-boxes"> Section
17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a></h3>
@@ -4446,7 +4449,7 @@ treated as if it has 'display: none'.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.17.4"><a name="q366">C.5.79 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.17.4"><a name="q21.366">C.5.79 </a><a
Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a></h3>
@@ -4467,7 +4470,7 @@ anonymous box.
-<h3 id="s.17.5.4a"><a name="q367">C.5.80 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.17.5.4a"><a name="q21.367">C.5.80 </a><a
Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a></h3>
@@ -4480,7 +4483,7 @@ content within a cell box <del>is</del> <ins>can be</ins> specified
-<h3 id="s.18.1"><a name="q368">C.5.81 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.18.1"><a name="q21.368">C.5.81 </a><a
Section&nbsp;18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a></h3>
@@ -4489,7 +4492,7 @@ intrinsic size is now defined.
-<h3 id="s.B.2"><a name="q369">C.5.82 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/refs.html#q2">
+<h3 id="s.B.2"><a name="q21.369">C.5.82 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/refs.html#q2">
Section B.2 Informative references</a></h3>
<p><span class=date>[2007-11-14]</span> Spelling error: change
@@ -4498,7 +4501,7 @@ Section B.2 Informative references</a></h3>
-<h3 id="s.D"><a name="q370">C.5.83 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/sample.html">
+<h3 id="s.D"><a name="q21.370">C.5.83 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/sample.html">
Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a></h3>
<p><span class=date>[2008-08-19]</span> Replace
@@ -4512,7 +4515,7 @@ Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a></h3>
-<h3 id="s.Da"><a name="q371">C.5.84 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/sample.html">
+<h3 id="s.Da"><a name="q21.371">C.5.84 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/sample.html">
Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a></h3>
<p><span class=date>[2008-08-19]</span> Add tr to:
@@ -4521,7 +4524,7 @@ Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a></h3>
-<h3 id="s.E.2"><a name="q372">C.5.85 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.E.2"><a name="q21.372">C.5.85 </a><a
href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/zindex.html#painting-order"> Section
E.2 Painting order</a></h3>
@@ -4532,7 +4535,7 @@ create a new stacking context</q>.
-<h3 id=s.G><a name="q373">C.5.86 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/grammar.html"> Appendix
+<h3 id=s.G><a name="q21.373">C.5.86 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/grammar.html"> Appendix
G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a></h3>
<p><span class=date>[2007-09-27]</span> Change the last <q>S</q> in
@@ -4554,7 +4557,7 @@ Flex.
-<h3 id=s.G.1><a name="q374">C.5.87 </a><a
+<h3 id=s.G.1><a name="q21.374">C.5.87 </a><a
Section&nbsp;G.1 Grammar</a></h3>
@@ -4563,7 +4566,7 @@ with respect to the S token and avoid nullable non-terminals.
-<h3 id=s.G.2><a name="q375">C.5.88 </a><a
+<h3 id=s.G.2><a name="q21.375">C.5.88 </a><a
Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a></h3>
@@ -4579,7 +4582,7 @@ href="">
-<h3 id=s.G.2a><a name="q376">C.5.89 </a><a
+<h3 id=s.G.2a><a name="q21.376">C.5.89 </a><a
Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a></h3>
@@ -4597,7 +4600,7 @@ Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a></h3>
-<h3 id=s.G.2b><a name="q377">C.5.90 </a><a
+<h3 id=s.G.2b><a name="q21.377">C.5.90 </a><a
Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a></h3>
@@ -4612,7 +4615,7 @@ respectively (<em>not</em> as &ldquo;<code>\51</code>&rdquo; and
-<h3 id=s.G.2c><a name="q378">C.5.91 </a><a
+<h3 id=s.G.2c><a name="q21.378">C.5.91 </a><a
Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a></h3>
@@ -4621,7 +4624,7 @@ fact only one occurrence.
-<h3 id=s.I><a name="q379">C.5.92 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/indexlist.html">
+<h3 id=s.I><a name="q21.379">C.5.92 </a><a href="/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/indexlist.html">
Appendix&nbsp;I. Index</a></h3>
<p>Add a TITLE attribute to all links and which is equal to the lemma.
@@ -4636,7 +4639,7 @@ status of a draft.
-<h3 id="s.4.2b"><a name="q381">C.6.1 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.4.2b"><a name="q21.381">C.6.1 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a></h3>
@@ -4655,7 +4658,7 @@ first.
-<h3 id="s.13.3.3c"><a name="q382">C.6.2 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.13.3.3c"><a name="q21.382">C.6.2 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a></h3>
@@ -4672,7 +4675,7 @@ them.
-<h3 id="s.15.3"><a name="q383">C.6.3 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.15.3"><a name="q21.383">C.6.3 </a><a
Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a></h3>
@@ -4683,7 +4686,7 @@ in fact the complete and normative list.
-<h3 id="s."><a name="q384">C.6.4 </a><a
+<h3 id="s."><a name="q21.384">C.6.4 </a><a
Section&nbsp; serif</a></h3>
@@ -4693,7 +4696,7 @@ The correct names are &ldquo;Excelsior Cyrillic Upright&rdquo; and
-<h3 id="s.15.7"><a name="q385">C.6.5 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.15.7"><a name="q21.385">C.6.5 </a><a
Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a></h3>
@@ -4714,7 +4717,7 @@ specification does <em>not</em> recommend such a fixed ratio.
-<h3 id="s."><a name="q386">C.6.6 </a><a
+<h3 id="s."><a name="q21.386">C.6.6 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Fixed table layout</a></h3>
@@ -4725,7 +4728,7 @@ undefined.
-<h3 id="s.17.5.3"><a name="q387">C.6.7 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.17.5.3"><a name="q21.387">C.6.7 </a><a
Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height layout</a></h3>
@@ -4742,7 +4745,7 @@ class="propinst-height">'height'</span></a> on row groups.</ins>
-<h3 id="s.Ga"><a name="q388">C.6.8 </a><a
+<h3 id="s.Ga"><a name="q21.388">C.6.8 </a><a
Appendix&nbsp;G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a></h3>
@@ -4761,7 +4764,7 @@ corrections have the status of a draft.
-<h3 id="t.1"><a name="q390">C.7.1 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.1"><a name="q21.390">C.7.1 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Value</a></h3>
@@ -4774,7 +4777,7 @@ latter <em>component value.</em>
-<h3 id="t.3.1"><a name="q391">C.7.2 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.3.1"><a name="q21.391">C.7.2 </a><a
Section&nbsp;3.1 Definitions</a></h3>
@@ -4791,7 +4794,7 @@ rendering model.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.4.1.1"><a name="q392">C.7.3 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.1.1"><a name="q21.392">C.7.3 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a></h3>
@@ -4809,7 +4812,7 @@ didn't have code points U+0080 to U+009F, i.e., \200-\237 in octal.)
-<h3 id="t.4.1.1a"><a name="q393">C.7.4 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.1.1a"><a name="q21.393">C.7.4 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a></h3>
@@ -4829,7 +4832,7 @@ explanation of how to make a tokenizer without back-up.
-<h3 id="t.4.1.1b"><a name="q394">C.7.5 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.1.1b"><a name="q21.394">C.7.5 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a></h3>
@@ -4840,7 +4843,7 @@ interpreted as part of an escape.
-<h3 id="t.4.1.1c"><a name="q395">C.7.6 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.1.1c"><a name="q21.395">C.7.6 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a></h3>
@@ -4871,7 +4874,7 @@ errors.")</ins>
-<h3 id="t."><a name="q396">C.7.7 </a><a
+<h3 id="t."><a name="q21.396">C.7.7 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a></h3>
@@ -4880,7 +4883,7 @@ list of existing vendor prefixes.
-<h3 id="t.4.1.3"><a name="q397">C.7.8 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.1.3"><a name="q21.397">C.7.8 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a></h3>
@@ -4890,7 +4893,7 @@ parsed as a DELIM.
-<h3 id="t.4.1.3a"><a name="q398">C.7.9 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.1.3a"><a name="q21.398">C.7.9 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a></h3>
@@ -4904,7 +4907,7 @@ the same:
-<h3 id="t.4.1.8"><a name="q399">C.7.10 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.1.8"><a name="q21.399">C.7.10 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.1.8 Declarations and properties</a></h3>
@@ -4915,7 +4918,7 @@ and semantic restrictions</blockquote>
-<h3 id="t.4.2"><a name="q400">C.7.11 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.2"><a name="q21.400">C.7.11 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a></h3>
@@ -4931,7 +4934,7 @@ unknown at-keywords</ins>.</strong> User agents must ignore&hellip;
-<h3 id="t.4.3.2"><a name="q401">C.7.12 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.3.2"><a name="q21.401">C.7.12 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a></h3>
@@ -4942,7 +4945,7 @@ case.)
-<h3 id="t.4.3.2a"><a name="q402">C.7.13 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.3.2a"><a name="q21.402">C.7.13 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a></h3>
@@ -4962,7 +4965,7 @@ about 16%.)
-<h3 id="t.4.3.4a"><a name="q403">C.7.14 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.3.4a"><a name="q21.403">C.7.14 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a></h3>
@@ -4977,7 +4980,7 @@ double quotes (&quot;), must be escaped
-<h3 id="t.4.3.4"><a name="q404">C.7.15 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.4.3.4"><a name="q21.404">C.7.15 </a><a
Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a></h3>
@@ -4994,7 +4997,7 @@ within a URI value.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.5.8.2"><a name="q405">C.7.16 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.5.8.2"><a name="q21.405">C.7.16 </a><a
Section&nbsp;5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a></h3>
@@ -5027,7 +5030,7 @@ value must be dropped:
-<h3 id="t.5.11.4"><a name="q406">C.7.17 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.5.11.4"><a name="q21.406">C.7.17 </a><a
Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a></h3>
@@ -5036,7 +5039,7 @@ only case-insensitive for characters in ASCII.
-<h3 id="t.5.12"><a name="q407">C.7.18 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.5.12"><a name="q21.407">C.7.18 </a><a
Section&nbsp;5.12 Pseudo-elements</a></h3>
@@ -5052,7 +5055,7 @@ elsewhere.</a></ins>
-<h3 id="t.5.12.1"><a name="q408">C.7.19 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.5.12.1"><a name="q21.408">C.7.19 </a><a
Section&nbsp;5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a></h3>
@@ -5067,7 +5070,7 @@ table-cell</del> <ins>block container element</ins>.
-<h3 id="t.5.12.2"><a name="q409">C.7.20 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.5.12.2"><a name="q21.409">C.7.20 </a><a
Section&nbsp;5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a></h3>
@@ -5082,7 +5085,7 @@ container elements</ins>.
-<h3 id="t.6.2"><a name="q410">C.7.21 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.6.2"><a name="q21.410">C.7.21 </a><a
Section&nbsp;6.2 Inheritance</a></h3>
@@ -5092,7 +5095,7 @@ boxes
-<h3 id="t.6.4.4"><a name="q411">C.7.22 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.6.4.4"><a name="q21.411">C.7.22 </a><a
Section&nbsp;6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a></h3>
@@ -5112,7 +5115,7 @@ the author style sheet</ins>.
-<h3 id="t.7.3"><a name="q412">C.7.23 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.7.3"><a name="q21.412">C.7.23 </a><a
Section&nbsp;7.3 Recognized media types</a></h3>
@@ -5132,7 +5135,7 @@ this error handling.</em></ins>
-<h3 id="t.8.3.1"><a name="q413">C.7.24 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.8.3.1"><a name="q21.413">C.7.24 </a><a
Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a></h3>
@@ -5153,7 +5156,7 @@ collapses
-<h3 id="t.8.3.1a"><a name="q414">C.7.25 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.8.3.1a"><a name="q21.414">C.7.25 </a><a
Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a></h3>
@@ -5185,7 +5188,7 @@ element</del> <ins>block box</ins> with a 'height' of 'auto'
-<h3 id="t.9.2.1"><a name="q415">C.7.26 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.2.1"><a name="q21.415">C.7.26 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a></h3>
@@ -5200,7 +5203,7 @@ section&nbsp;8.3.1</a> and <a href="#t.9.4">9.4.</a>
-<h3 id="t."><a name="q416">C.7.27 </a><a
+<h3 id="t."><a name="q21.416">C.7.27 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a></h3>
@@ -5212,7 +5215,7 @@ box&rdquo; only refers to boxes in the same flow.
-<h3 id="t."><a name="q417">C.7.28 </a><a
+<h3 id="t."><a name="q21.417">C.7.28 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a></h3>
@@ -5232,7 +5235,7 @@ box.</ins>
-<h3 id="t."><a name="q418">C.7.29 </a><a
+<h3 id="t."><a name="q21.418">C.7.29 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a></h3>
@@ -5247,7 +5250,7 @@ block box</ins>.
-<h3 id="t."><a name="q419">C.7.30 </a><a
+<h3 id="t."><a name="q21.419">C.7.30 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a></h3>
@@ -5264,7 +5267,7 @@ pieces, even if either side is empty.</ins>.
-<h3 id="t.9.2.2"><a name="q420">C.7.31 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.2.2"><a name="q21.420">C.7.31 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a></h3>
@@ -5274,7 +5277,7 @@ Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a></h3>
-<h3 id="t.9.2.3a"><a name="q421">C.7.32 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.2.3a"><a name="q21.421">C.7.32 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a></h3>
@@ -5345,7 +5348,7 @@ definition is recursive.)</ins>
-<h3 id="t.9.2.4"><a name="q422">C.7.33 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.2.4"><a name="q21.422">C.7.33 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a></h3>
@@ -5362,7 +5365,7 @@ generate a principal block box and a <del>list-item inline</del>
-<h3 id="t.9.2.4a"><a name="q423">C.7.34 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.2.4a"><a name="q21.423">C.7.34 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a></h3>
@@ -5382,7 +5385,7 @@ atomic inline-level box</ins>.
-<h3 id="t.9.3"><a name="q424">C.7.35 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.3"><a name="q21.424">C.7.35 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.3 Positioning schemes</a></h3>
@@ -5402,7 +5405,7 @@ and <del>positioning</del> <ins>formatting</ins> of run-in boxes.
-<h3 id="t.9.4"><a name="q425">C.7.36 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.4"><a name="q21.425">C.7.36 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.4 Normal flow</a></h3>
@@ -5453,7 +5456,7 @@ well.
-<h3 id="t.9.3.2"><a name="q426">C.7.37 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.3.2"><a name="q21.426">C.7.37 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a></h3>
@@ -5499,7 +5502,7 @@ ignored (i.e., the <del>computed</del> <ins>used</ins> value of
-<h3 id="t.9.5"><a name="q427">C.7.38 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.5"><a name="q21.427">C.7.38 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a></h3>
@@ -5525,7 +5528,7 @@ block<ins>-level</ins> boxes:
-<h3 id="t.9.5a"><a name="q428">C.7.39 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.5a"><a name="q21.428">C.7.39 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a></h3>
@@ -5548,7 +5551,7 @@ negative height do not move line boxes.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.9.5.2"><a name="q429">C.7.40 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.5.2"><a name="q21.429">C.7.40 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear'
@@ -5559,7 +5562,7 @@ may have zero height.
-<h3 id="t.9.5.2a"><a name="q430">C.7.41 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.5.2a"><a name="q21.430">C.7.41 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear'
@@ -5570,7 +5573,7 @@ height H of a float.
-<h3 id="t.9.5.2b"><a name="q431">C.7.42 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.5.2b"><a name="q21.431">C.7.42 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear'
@@ -5618,7 +5621,7 @@ edge of the block at its hypothetical position.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.9.5.2c"><a name="q432">C.7.43 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.5.2c"><a name="q21.432">C.7.43 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear'
@@ -5635,7 +5638,7 @@ and its 'clear' property had been 'none'.
-<h3 id="t.14.2.1"><a name="q433">C.7.44 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.14.2.1"><a name="q21.433">C.7.44 </a><a
Section&nbsp;14.2.1 Background properties</a></h3>
@@ -5646,7 +5649,7 @@ backgrounds in paged media was previously undefined.
-<h3 id="t.9.9.1"><a name="q434">C.7.45 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.9.1"><a name="q21.434">C.7.45 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index'
@@ -5658,7 +5661,7 @@ description.)
-<h3 id="t.9.10"><a name="q435">C.7.46 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.10"><a name="q21.435">C.7.46 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi'
@@ -5721,7 +5724,7 @@ element</del> <ins>block container</ins> is [&hellip;]
-<h3 id="t.9.10a"><a name="q436">C.7.47 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.10a"><a name="q21.436">C.7.47 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi'
@@ -5740,7 +5743,7 @@ class&nbsp;B</a>)</ins> break or block boundary
-<h3 id="t.9.10b"><a name="q437">C.7.48 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.10b"><a name="q21.437">C.7.48 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi'
@@ -5761,7 +5764,7 @@ neutral characters always.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.10.1"><a name="q438">C.7.49 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.1"><a name="q21.438">C.7.49 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a></h3>
@@ -5790,7 +5793,7 @@ container</ins> ancestor box.
-<h3 id="t.10.2"><a name="q439">C.7.50 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.2"><a name="q21.439">C.7.50 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a></h3>
@@ -5804,7 +5807,7 @@ absolute length; <del>'auto' if the property does not apply</del>
-<h3 id="t.10.2a"><a name="q440">C.7.51 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.2a"><a name="q21.440">C.7.51 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a></h3>
@@ -5821,7 +5824,7 @@ inline<del>-level</del> elements.
-<h3 id="t.10.2b"><a name="q441">C.7.52 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.2b"><a name="q21.441">C.7.52 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a></h3>
@@ -5836,7 +5839,7 @@ than 'auto'.</del>
-<h3 id="t.10.5"><a name="q442">C.7.53 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.5"><a name="q21.442">C.7.53 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a></h3>
@@ -5851,7 +5854,7 @@ does not apply</del>
-<h3 id="t.10.5a"><a name="q443">C.7.54 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.5a"><a name="q21.443">C.7.54 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a></h3>
@@ -5870,7 +5873,7 @@ instead.
-<h3 id="t.10.6.7"><a name="q444">C.7.55 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.6.7"><a name="q21.444">C.7.55 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.6.7 'Auto' heights for block formatting context
@@ -5895,7 +5898,7 @@ inside absolutely positioned descendants or other floats are not.
-<h3 id="t.10.7"><a name="q445">C.7.56 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.7"><a name="q21.445">C.7.56 </a><a
Section&nbsp;10.7 Minimum and maximum heights: 'min-height' and
@@ -5910,7 +5913,7 @@ on tables, inline tables, table cells, table rows, and row groups is undefined.<
-<h3 id="t.10.8"><a name="q446">C.7.57 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.8"><a name="q21.446">C.7.57 </a><a
Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align'
@@ -5954,7 +5957,7 @@ details, see CSS level&nbsp;3.)</ins>
-<h3 id="t.10.8a"><a name="q447">C.7.58 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.8a"><a name="q21.447">C.7.58 </a><a
Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align'
@@ -6003,7 +6006,7 @@ inline-block</del> <ins>block container</ins> element.
-<h3 id="t.10.8.1"><a name="q448">C.7.59 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.8.1"><a name="q21.448">C.7.59 </a><a
Leading and half-leading</a></h3>
@@ -6023,7 +6026,7 @@ imaginary box a "strut." (The name is inspired by TeX.).</ins>
-<h3 id="t.10.8.1a"><a name="q449">C.7.60 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.8.1a"><a name="q21.449">C.7.60 </a><a
Leading and half-leading</a></h3>
@@ -6046,7 +6049,7 @@ and TrueType fonts.
-<h3 id="t.10.8.1b"><a name="q450">C.7.61 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.8.1b"><a name="q21.450">C.7.61 </a><a
Leading and half-leading</a></h3>
@@ -6068,7 +6071,7 @@ example in a table.
-<h3 id="t.11.1"><a name="q451">C.7.62 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.11.1"><a name="q21.451">C.7.62 </a><a
Section&nbsp;11.1 Overflow and clipping</a></h3>
@@ -6088,7 +6091,7 @@ containing block</ins>
-<h3 id="t.11.1.1"><a name="q452">C.7.63 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.11.1.1"><a name="q21.452">C.7.63 </a><a
Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a></h3>
@@ -6101,7 +6104,7 @@ box. Change &ldquo;containing <del>block</del>&rdquo; to
-<h3 id="t.11.1.1a"><a name="q453">C.7.64 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.11.1.1a"><a name="q21.453">C.7.64 </a><a
Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a></h3>
@@ -6116,7 +6119,7 @@ when it overflows the element's box.
-<h3 id="t.11.1.1b"><a name="q454">C.7.65 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.11.1.1b"><a name="q21.454">C.7.65 </a><a
Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a></h3>
@@ -6133,7 +6136,7 @@ cells, <ins>inline-table,</ins> and inline-block elements
-<h3 id="t.11.1.2"><a name="q455">C.7.66 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.11.1.2"><a name="q21.455">C.7.66 </a><a
Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a></h3>
@@ -6171,7 +6174,7 @@ element's border box).
-<h3 id="t.12.5"><a name="q456">C.7.67 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.12.5"><a name="q21.456">C.7.67 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a></h3>
@@ -6191,7 +6194,7 @@ as a visual indication that the element is a list item.
-<h3 id="t.12.5.1"><a name="q457">C.7.68 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.12.5.1"><a name="q21.457">C.7.68 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image',
'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a></h3>
@@ -6203,7 +6206,7 @@ floats. This will be fixed in a future specification.
-<h3 id="t.12.5.1a"><a name="q458">C.7.69 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.12.5.1a"><a name="q21.458">C.7.69 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image',
'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a></h3>
@@ -6213,7 +6216,7 @@ refers to <em>uppercase</em> Armenian numbering.
-<h3 id="t.12.5.1b"><a name="q459">C.7.70 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.12.5.1b"><a name="q21.459">C.7.70 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image',
'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a></h3>
@@ -6232,7 +6235,7 @@ before any :before pseudo-elements</ins>.
-<h3 id="t.12.5.1c"><a name="q460">C.7.71 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.12.5.1c"><a name="q21.460">C.7.71 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image',
'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a></h3>
@@ -6248,7 +6251,7 @@ box <ins>or its position in the painting order</ins>
-<h3 id="t.12.5.1d"><a name="q461">C.7.72 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.12.5.1d"><a name="q21.461">C.7.72 </a><a
Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image',
'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a></h3>
@@ -6266,7 +6269,7 @@ other than 'visible'. Insert in the definition of 'outside':
-<h3 id="t.13.2"><a name="q462">C.7.73 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.13.2"><a name="q21.462">C.7.73 </a><a
href="/TR/2009/CR-CSS2-20090908/page.html#page-box"> Section&nbsp;13.2
Page boxes: the @page rule</a></h3>
@@ -6300,7 +6303,7 @@ used to determine which tokens to ignore in that case.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.13.2.2"><a name="q463">C.7.74 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.13.2.2"><a name="q21.463">C.7.74 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first
@@ -6330,7 +6333,7 @@ depends on the major writing direction of the document.</del>
-<h3 id="t.13.3.2"><a name="q464">C.7.75 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.13.3.2"><a name="q21.464">C.7.75 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans',
@@ -6359,7 +6362,7 @@ page breaks are given below.
-<h3 id="t.13.3.3"><a name="q465">C.7.76 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.13.3.3"><a name="q21.465">C.7.76 </a><a
Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a></h3>
@@ -6379,7 +6382,7 @@ the outer edges of its child content [&hellip;]
-<h3 id="t.15.3"><a name="q466">C.7.77 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.15.3"><a name="q21.466">C.7.77 </a><a
Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a></h3>
@@ -6392,7 +6395,7 @@ or be escaped so as to consist of only identifiers.
-<h3 id="t.15.3.1"><a name="q467">C.7.78 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.15.3.1"><a name="q21.467">C.7.78 </a><a
Section&nbsp;15.3.1 Generic font families</a></h3>
@@ -6416,7 +6419,7 @@ ornamentation. [&hellip;]
-<h3 id="t.15.6"><a name="q468">C.7.79 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.15.6"><a name="q21.468">C.7.79 </a><a
Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a></h3>
@@ -6426,7 +6429,7 @@ and the actually used font, but only on the inherited weight.
-<h3 id="t.15.6q"><a name="q469">C.7.80 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.15.6q"><a name="q21.469">C.7.80 </a><a
Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a></h3>
@@ -6483,7 +6486,7 @@ rule for desired weights less than 400 is used.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.15.7"><a name="q470">C.7.81 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.15.7"><a name="q21.470">C.7.81 </a><a
Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a></h3>
@@ -6496,7 +6499,7 @@ href="/TR/2009/CR-CSS2-20090908/syndata.html#percentage-units"
-<h3 id="t.16.1"><a name="q471">C.7.82 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.1"><a name="q21.471">C.7.82 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a></h3>
@@ -6517,7 +6520,7 @@ in a block <ins>container</ins>.
-<h3 id="t.16.1a"><a name="q472">C.7.83 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.1a"><a name="q21.472">C.7.83 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a></h3>
@@ -6535,7 +6538,7 @@ element.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.16.2"><a name="q473">C.7.84 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.2"><a name="q21.473">C.7.84 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a></h3>
@@ -6562,7 +6565,7 @@ justification.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.16.2a"><a name="q474">C.7.85 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.2a"><a name="q21.474">C.7.85 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a></h3>
@@ -6594,7 +6597,7 @@ the contents of inline boxes, else aligned as for the initial value.
-<h3 id="t.16.3.1"><a name="q475">C.7.86 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.3.1"><a name="q21.475">C.7.86 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a></h3>
@@ -6635,7 +6638,7 @@ inline blocks must not be underlined.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.16.3.1a"><a name="q476">C.7.87 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.3.1a"><a name="q21.476">C.7.87 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking:
the 'text-decoration' property</a></h3>
@@ -6666,7 +6669,7 @@ CSS.</em></ins>
-<h3 id="t.16.4"><a name="q477">C.7.88 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.4"><a name="q21.477">C.7.88 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.4 Letter and word spacing: the 'letter-spacing' and
'word-spacing' properties</a></h3>
@@ -6687,7 +6690,7 @@ affected.</ins>
-<h3 id="t.16.6"><a name="q478">C.7.89 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.6"><a name="q21.478">C.7.89 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a></h3>
@@ -6723,7 +6726,7 @@ removed if 'white-space' is set to 'normal', 'nowrap', or 'pre-line'.
-<h3 id="t.16.6.1"><a name="q479">C.7.90 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.6.1"><a name="q21.479">C.7.90 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a></h3>
@@ -6733,7 +6736,7 @@ normative, not informative.
-<h3 id="t.16.6.1a"><a name="q480">C.7.91 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.6.1a"><a name="q21.480">C.7.91 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a></h3>
@@ -6749,7 +6752,7 @@ element (not inside an inline element) <del>should</del>
-<h3 id="t.16.6.1b"><a name="q481">C.7.92 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.16.6.1b"><a name="q21.481">C.7.92 </a><a
Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a></h3>
@@ -6763,7 +6766,7 @@ container's inlines are laid out</ins>.
-<h3 id="t.17.2"><a name="q482">C.7.93 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.17.2"><a name="q21.482">C.7.93 </a><a
Section&nbsp;17.2 The CSS table model</a></h3>
@@ -6779,7 +6782,7 @@ columns, column groups, and cells.
-<h3 id="t.17.2.1"><a name="q483">C.7.94 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.17.2.1"><a name="q21.483">C.7.94 </a><a
Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a></h3>
@@ -6791,7 +6794,7 @@ table cell.
-<h3 id="t.17.2.1a"><a name="q484">C.7.95 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.17.2.1a"><a name="q21.484">C.7.95 </a><a
Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a></h3>
@@ -6803,7 +6806,7 @@ but also <em>had 'display: inline' and zero width and height.</em>
-<h3 id="t.17.4"><a name="q485">C.7.96 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.17.4"><a name="q21.485">C.7.96 </a><a
Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a></h3>
@@ -6817,7 +6820,7 @@ the caption is collapsed with the top margin of the table</del>.
-<h3 id="t.17.4a"><a name="q486">C.7.97 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.17.4a"><a name="q21.486">C.7.97 </a><a
Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a></h3>
@@ -6858,7 +6861,7 @@ box. The table box uses the initial values for those properties.
-<h3 id="t."><a name="q487">C.7.98 </a><a
+<h3 id="t."><a name="q21.487">C.7.98 </a><a
Section&nbsp; Automatic table layout</a></h3>
@@ -6898,7 +6901,7 @@ widths influence the final table width as follows:
-<h3 id="t.17.5.3"><a name="q488">C.7.99 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.17.5.3"><a name="q21.488">C.7.99 </a><a
Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a></h3>
@@ -6926,7 +6929,7 @@ for layout.</del>
-<h3 id="t.17.5.4"><a name="q489">C.7.100 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.17.5.4"><a name="q21.489">C.7.100 </a><a
Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a></h3>
@@ -6940,7 +6943,7 @@ content</del> <ins>inline-level content</ins> within a cell box
-<h3 id="t.B.2"><a name="q490">C.7.101 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.B.2"><a name="q21.490">C.7.101 </a><a
Section&nbsp;B.2 Informative references</a></h3>
@@ -6949,7 +6952,7 @@ RFC&nbsp;3066.
-<h3 id="t.D"><a name="q491">C.7.102 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.D"><a name="q21.491">C.7.102 </a><a
Section&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a></h3>
@@ -6974,7 +6977,7 @@ dir, hr, menu, pre { display: block; <ins>unicode-bidi: embed</ins> }
-<h3 id="t.E.2"><a name="q492">C.7.103 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.E.2"><a name="q21.492">C.7.103 </a><a
Section&nbsp;E.2 Painting order</a></h3>
@@ -6988,7 +6991,7 @@ descendants of</ins> an element generating a stacking context (see the
-<h3 id="t.G"><a name="q493">C.7.104 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.G"><a name="q21.493">C.7.104 </a><a
Appendix&nbsp;G Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a></h3>
@@ -7007,12 +7010,12 @@ Appendix&nbsp;G Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a></h3>
-<h2 id=errata4><a name="q494">C.8 Changes since the working draft of 7 December 2010</a></h2>
+<h2 id=errata4><a name="q21.494">C.8 Changes since the working draft of 7 December 2010</a></h2>
-<h3 id=u.8.3.1><a name="q495">C.8.1 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.8.3.1><a name="q21.495">C.8.1 </a><a
Collapsing margins</a></h3>
@@ -7021,7 +7024,7 @@ shorter and clearer.
-<h3 id=u.10.8.1><a name="q496">C.8.2 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.10.8.1><a name="q21.496">C.8.2 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/visudet.html#leading">10.8.1 Leading
and half-leading</a></h3>
@@ -7041,7 +7044,7 @@ to be aligned, for example in a table.</em>
-<h3 id=u.10.3><a name="q497">C.8.3 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.10.3><a name="q21.497">C.8.3 </a><a
Calculating widths and margins</a></h3>
@@ -7060,7 +7063,7 @@ heights.
-<h3 id=u.14.3><a name="q498">C.8.4 14.3
+<h3 id=u.14.3><a name="q21.498">C.8.4 14.3
Gamma correction</a></h3>
<p>The section on gamma correction was removed. It existed only to
@@ -7068,7 +7071,7 @@ help implementations on certain operating systems of the 1990s.
-<h3 id=u.11.1.2><a name="q499">C.8.5 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.11.1.2><a name="q21.499">C.8.5 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/visufx.html#clipping">11.1.2 Clipping:
the 'clip' property</a></h3>
@@ -7078,7 +7081,7 @@ influence.
-<h3 id=u.9.4.2><a name="q500">C.8.6 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.4.2><a name="q21.500">C.8.6 </a><a
Inline formatting contexts</a></h3>
@@ -7090,7 +7093,7 @@ href="#u.9.4.2a">another issue.</a>)
-<h3 id=u.10.3.2><a name="q501">C.8.7 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.10.3.2><a name="q21.501">C.8.7 </a><a
Inline, replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -7126,7 +7129,7 @@ percentage, then that percentage is resolved against 1em.</del>
-<h3 id=u.10.1><a name="q502">C.8.8 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.10.1><a name="q21.502">C.8.8 </a><a
Definition of "containing block"</a></h3>
@@ -7164,7 +7167,7 @@ to be negative.</del>
-<h3 id=u.13.2.2><a name="q503">C.8.9 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.13.2.2><a name="q21.503">C.8.9 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/page.html#page-selectors">13.2.2 Page
selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a></h3>
@@ -7179,7 +7182,7 @@ before the break or to the page after it.</ins>
-<h3 id=u.8.3.1a><a name="q504">C.8.10 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.8.3.1a><a name="q21.504">C.8.10 </a><a
Collapsing margins</a></h3>
@@ -7198,7 +7201,7 @@ ignored for this purpose.)</span></ins>
-<h3 id=u.10.8><a name="q505">C.8.11 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.10.8><a name="q21.505">C.8.11 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/visudet.html#line-height">10.8 Line
height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align'
@@ -7231,7 +7234,7 @@ used when calculating the height of the line box.</del>
-<h3 id=u.10.8.1a><a name="q506">C.8.12 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.10.8.1a><a name="q21.506">C.8.12 </a><a
Leading and half-leading</a></h3>
@@ -7269,7 +7272,7 @@ height.</ins>
-<h3 id=u.10.6.1a><a name="q507">C.8.13 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.10.6.1a><a name="q21.507">C.8.13 </a><a
Inline, non-replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -7285,7 +7288,7 @@ height of the line box.
-<h3 id=u.9.5.1><a name="q508">C.8.14 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.5.1><a name="q21.508">C.8.14 </a><a
Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a></h3>
@@ -7302,7 +7305,7 @@ to</ins> it. Analogous rules hold for right-floating elements.
-<h3 id=u.><a name="q509">C.8.15 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.><a name="q21.509">C.8.15 </a><a
Anonymous block boxes</a></h3>
@@ -7317,7 +7320,7 @@ anonymous block box around C2.
-<h3 id=u.5.12.1><a name="q510">C.8.16 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.5.12.1><a name="q21.510">C.8.16 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/selector.html#first-line-pseudo">5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a></h3>
<p>UAs are not required to support 'vertical-align' on '::first-line'.
@@ -7332,7 +7335,7 @@ font properties, color property, background properties,
-<h3 id=u.16.6><a name="q511">C.8.17 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.16.6><a name="q21.511">C.8.17 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/text.html#white-space-prop">16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a></h3>
<p>CSS&nbsp;2.1 does not define whether the Line Separator character
@@ -7375,7 +7378,7 @@ as newline characters per UAX14.</ins>
-<h3 id=u.12.5.1><a name="q512">C.8.18 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.12.5.1><a name="q21.512">C.8.18 </a><a
Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image',
'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a></h3>
@@ -7393,7 +7396,7 @@ class="informref">[CSS3LIST]</span></a>.</ins>
-<h3 id=u.9.7><a name="q513">C.8.19 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.7><a name="q21.513">C.8.19 </a><a
Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a></h3>
@@ -7409,7 +7412,7 @@ computed value of 'block' or 'list-item'</ins>.
-<h3 id=u.9.4.2a><a name="q514">C.8.20 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.4.2a><a name="q21.514">C.8.20 </a><a
Inline formatting contexts</a></h3>
@@ -7434,7 +7437,7 @@ margin collapsing, this line box must be ignored.</del>
-<h3 id=u.4.1.9><a name="q515">C.8.21 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.4.1.9><a name="q21.515">C.8.21 </a><a
@@ -7448,7 +7451,7 @@ tokens
-<h3 id=u.12.5.1a><a name="q516">C.8.22 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.12.5.1a><a name="q21.516">C.8.22 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/syndata.html#comments">12.5.1 Lists:
the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and
'list-style' properties</a></h3>
@@ -7494,7 +7497,7 @@ calculated from the resolved height and the intrinsic ratio.</del>
-<h3 id=u.9.5.1a><a name="q517">C.8.23 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.5.1a><a name="q21.517">C.8.23 </a><a
Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a></h3>
@@ -7511,7 +7514,7 @@ set to zero, the position of the float is undefined.</ins>
-<h3 id=u.9.3><a name="q518">C.8.24 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.3><a name="q21.518">C.8.24 </a><a
Positioning schemes</a></h3>
@@ -7529,7 +7532,7 @@ all in-flow elements whose nearest out-of-flow ancestor is
-<h3 id=u.9.10><a name="q519">C.8.25 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.10><a name="q21.519">C.8.25 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/visuren.html#direction">9.10 Text
direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a></h3>
@@ -7549,7 +7552,7 @@ incomplete last line in a block in case of 'text-align: justify'.
-<h3 id=u.16.3.1><a name="q520">C.8.26 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.16.3.1><a name="q21.520">C.8.26 </a><a
Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration'
@@ -7568,7 +7571,7 @@ whether the decoration propagates into block-level tables.</ins>
-<h3 id=u.16.3.1a><a name="q521">C.8.27 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.16.3.1a><a name="q21.521">C.8.27 </a><a
Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration'
@@ -7595,7 +7598,7 @@ priority):
-<h3 id=u.10.4><a name="q522">C.8.28 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.10.4><a name="q21.522">C.8.28 </a><a
Minimum and maximum widths: 'min-width' and 'max-width'</a></h3>
@@ -7609,7 +7612,7 @@ table cells, table columns, and column groups is undefined.</ins>
-<h3 id=u.9.3.2><a name="q523">C.8.29 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.3.2><a name="q21.523">C.8.29 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/visuren.html#position-props">9.3.2 Box
offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a></h3>
@@ -7640,7 +7643,7 @@ of the value of other properties:
-<h3 id=u.><a name="q524">C.8.30 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.><a name="q21.524">C.8.30 </a><a
Anonymous block boxes</a></h3>
@@ -7659,7 +7662,7 @@ each side of the block-level box(es)</ins>.
-<h3 id=u.><a name="q525">C.8.31 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.><a name="q21.525">C.8.31 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/tables.html#model">17.4 Tables in the
visual formatting model</a></h3>
@@ -7680,7 +7683,7 @@ instead.)</ins>
-<h3 id=u.11.1.2a><a name="q526">C.8.32 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.11.1.2a><a name="q21.526">C.8.32 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/visufx.html#clipping">11.1.2 Clipping:
the 'clip' property</a></h3>
@@ -7695,7 +7698,7 @@ see where the four offsets of the clip rectangle are applied:
-<h3 id=u.13.2><a name="q527">C.8.33 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.13.2><a name="q21.527">C.8.33 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/page.html#page-box">13.2 Page boxes:
the @page rule</a></h3>
@@ -7712,7 +7715,7 @@ selector and the block.</ins>
-<h3 id=u.4.1.1><a name="q528">C.8.34 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.4.1.1><a name="q21.528">C.8.34 </a><a
@@ -7730,7 +7733,7 @@ followed by a CDC.</ins>
-<h3 id=u.4.2><a name="q529">C.8.35 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.4.2><a name="q21.529">C.8.35 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/syndata.html#parsing-errors">4.2 Rules
for handling parsing errors</a></h3>
@@ -7747,7 +7750,7 @@ or rule) in which the string was found.
-<h3 id=u.3.1><a name="q530">C.8.36 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.3.1><a name="q21.530">C.8.36 </a><a
@@ -7763,7 +7766,7 @@ purpose of conformance with this specification.
-<h3 id=u.4.3.4><a name="q531">C.8.37 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.4.3.4><a name="q21.531">C.8.37 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/syndata.html#uri">4.3.4 URLs and
@@ -7779,7 +7782,7 @@ thus, "url(/*x*/pic.png)" denotes the URI "/*x*/pic.png", not
-<h3 id=u.9.5><a name="q532">C.8.38 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.5><a name="q21.532">C.8.38 </a><a
@@ -7792,7 +7795,7 @@ height or negative <ins>outer</ins> height do not shorten line boxes.
-<h3 id=u.11.1.1><a name="q533">C.8.39 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.11.1.1><a name="q21.533">C.8.39 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/visufx.html#overflow">11.1.1 Overflow:
the 'overflow' property</a></h3>
@@ -7818,7 +7821,7 @@ the 'overflow' property</a></h3>
-<h3 id=u.><a name="q534">C.8.40 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.><a name="q21.534">C.8.40 </a><a
Anonymous block boxes</a></h3>
@@ -7834,7 +7837,7 @@ inline box.
-<h3 id=u.16.2><a name="q535">C.8.41 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.16.2><a name="q21.535">C.8.41 </a><a
Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a></h3>
@@ -7849,7 +7852,7 @@ inline-level boxes are to be made flush with both sides of the
-<h3 id=u.9.5a><a name="q536">C.8.42 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.5a><a name="q21.536">C.8.42 </a><a
@@ -7867,7 +7870,7 @@ margin box of the float.
-<h3 id=u.9.4.2b><a name="q537">C.8.43 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.4.2b><a name="q21.537">C.8.43 </a><a
Inline formatting contexts</a></h3>
@@ -7881,7 +7884,7 @@ as specified elsewhere)</ins> and they never overlap.
-<h3 id=u.5.12><a name="q538">C.8.44 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.5.12><a name="q21.538">C.8.44 </a><a
@@ -7897,7 +7900,7 @@ precisely.</em></ins>
-<h3 id=u.9.5b><a name="q539">C.8.45 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.5b><a name="q21.539">C.8.45 </a><a
@@ -7915,7 +7918,7 @@ formatting context as the element itself.
-<h3 id=u.9.5c><a name="q540">C.8.46 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.5c><a name="q21.540">C.8.46 </a><a
@@ -7930,7 +7933,7 @@ for the margin box of the float.
-<h3 id=u.14.2.1><a name="q541">C.8.47 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.14.2.1><a name="q21.541">C.8.47 </a><a
Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image',
'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position',
@@ -7946,7 +7949,7 @@ image has an intrinsic ratio, but no intrinsic size.</ins>
-<h3 id=u.9.2.4><a name="q542">C.8.48 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.9.2.4><a name="q21.542">C.8.48 </a><a
href="/TR/2010/WD-CSS2-20101207/visuren.html#display-prop">9.2.4 The
'display' property</a></h3>
@@ -8102,7 +8105,7 @@ inserted just inside their associated element.
-<h3 id=u.6.1.2><a name="q543">C.8.49 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.6.1.2><a name="q21.543">C.8.49 </a><a
Computed values</a></h3>
@@ -8132,7 +8135,7 @@ also be used on properties that are not normally inherited.
-<h3 id=u.10.3.2a><a name="q544">C.8.50 </a><a
+<h3 id=u.10.3.2a><a name="q21.544">C.8.50 </a><a
Inline, replaced elements</a></h3>
@@ -8153,7 +8156,7 @@ elements in normal flow.
-<h3 id="t.9.5.2d"><a name="q545">C.8.51 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.5.2d"><a name="q21.545">C.8.51 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear'
@@ -8195,7 +8198,7 @@ other.</em></ins>
-<h3 id="t.G.2"><a name="q546">C.8.52 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.G.2"><a name="q21.546">C.8.52 </a><a
href="/TR/2009/CR-CSS2-20090908/grammar.html#scanner">G.2 Lexical
@@ -8214,7 +8217,7 @@ recovery token {baduri}:
-<h3 id="t.9.5.2e"><a name="q547">C.8.53 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.5.2e"><a name="q21.547">C.8.53 </a><a
Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear'
@@ -8231,7 +8234,7 @@ if the element <del>had a non-zero bottom border and its</del>
-<h3 id="t.9.5b"><a name="q548">C.8.54 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.9.5b"><a name="q21.548">C.8.54 </a><a
@@ -8249,7 +8252,7 @@ floated box is reflowed in the <del>first available</del>
-<h3 id="t.10.6.3"><a name="q549">C.8.55 </a><a
+<h3 id="t.10.6.3"><a name="q21.549">C.8.55 </a><a
Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow'
computes to 'visible'</a></h3>
diff --git a/css2/changes.src b/css2/changes.src
index 43dd8be55..4735092ac 100644
--- a/css2/changes.src
+++ b/css2/changes.src
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<html lang="en">
-<!-- $Id: changes.src,v 2.166 2011-06-07 13:13:58 bbos Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: changes.src,v 2.176 2014-01-17 13:48:59 bbos Exp $ -->
+<!--script src="" type="text/javascript" defer></script-->
diff --git a/css2/checkx.out b/css2/checkx.out
deleted file mode 100644
index ad14d1d52..000000000
--- a/css2/checkx.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,905 +0,0 @@
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:4:E: element "ROW" undefined
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:10:E: element "CELL" undefined
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:27:E: there is no attribute "ROWSPAN"
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:30:E: element "CELL" undefined
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:38:E: element "CELL" undefined
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:46:E: element "CELL" undefined
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:5:4:E: element "ROW" undefined
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:5:19:E: there is no attribute "COLSPAN"
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:5:22:E: element "CELL" undefined
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:6:7:E: end tag for "CELL" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:5:5: start tag was here
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:6:7:E: end tag for "ROW" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:5:0: start tag was here
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:6:7:E: end tag for "CELL" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:41: start tag was here
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:6:7:E: end tag for "CELL" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:33: start tag was here
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:6:7:E: end tag for "CELL" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:13: start tag was here
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:6:7:E: end tag for "CELL" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:5: start tag was here
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:6:7:E: end tag for "ROW" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:4:0: start tag was here
-nsgmls:build/tables.src_xampl8.2.html:6:7:E: end tag for "TABLE" which is not finished
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
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-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-No error or warning found
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-No error or warning found
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 7 Context : * in property : color
- inherit is not a color value : inherit
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 File not found /1/w3c/bbos/ (No such file or directory)
- Line : 2 File not found /1/w3c/bbos/ (No such file or directory)
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 File not found /1/w3c/bbos/ (No such file or directory)
- Line : 2 File not found /1/w3c/bbos/ (No such file or directory)
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 5
- Sorry the feature [rel =up] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2 Context : button p in property : font
- menu is not a font-size value : menu
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : p.note:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : "Note: "
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Parse error - Unrecognized : null[lang|=fr] > * { quotes: "« " " »" "\2039 " " \203A" }
- Line : 2 Parse error - Unrecognized : [lang|=en] > * { quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019" }
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Parse error - Unrecognized : null[lang|=fr] > * { quotes: "«" "»" "&#8249;" "&#8250;" }
- Line : 2 Parse error - Unrecognized : [lang|=en] > * { quotes: "&#8220;" "&#8221;" "&#8216;" "&#8217;" }
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : p.note:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : "Note: "
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2 Context : q:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : open-quote
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2 Context : body:after in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : "The End"
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : img:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : attr(alt )
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 4 Context : h1:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : "chapter\A hoofdstuk\A chapitre"
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2 Context : h3:after in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : ": "
- Line : 3 Context : p:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : "... "
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2 Parse error - unrecognized : :lang(en)
- Line : 2 in property : quotes
- Property quotes doesn't exist : '"' '"' "'" "'"
- Line : 3 Parse error - unrecognized : :lang(no)
- Line : 3 in property : quotes
- Property quotes doesn't exist : "«" "»" '"' '"'
- Line : 6 Context : q:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : open-quote
- Line : 7 Context : q:after in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : close-quote
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : blockquote p:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : open-quote
- Line : 2 Context : blockquote p:after in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : no-close-quote
- Line : 3 Context : blockquote p.last:after in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : close-quote
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-html.parser.ParserException: Failed to load properties (url=null)(msg=null)
- at html.parser.JmlParser.<init>(
- at html.tags.HtmlParser.<init>(
- at CSS.CSS.StyleSheetCom.main(
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 File not found /1/w3c/bbos/ (No such file or directory)
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 17 Context : col in property : display
- table-column is not a display value : table-column
- Line : 45 Context : button, textarea, input, object, select, img in property : display
- inline-block is not a display value : inline-block
- Line : 58 Context : br:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : "\A"
- Line : 61
- Sorry the feature [href] is not implemented yet.
- Line : 62 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class : focus
- Line : 62 Context : * in property : outline
- Property outline doesn't exist : thin dotted invert
- Line : 65 Context : h1 in property : page-break-before
- Property page-break-before doesn't exist : always
- Line : 67 Context : h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 in property : page-break-after
- Property page-break-after doesn't exist : avoid
- Line : 68 Context : ul, ol, dl in property : page-break-before
- Property page-break-before doesn't exist : avoid
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [title] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [class =example] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [hello ="Cleveland"] is not implemented yet.
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [goodbye ="Columbus"] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [rel~="copyright"] is not implemented yet.
- Line : 2
- Sorry the feature [href =""] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [lang =fr] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [lang|="en"] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [character =romeo] is not implemented yet.
- Line : 4
- Sorry the feature [character =juliet] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [notation =decimal] is not implemented yet.
- Line : 2
- Sorry the feature [notation =octal] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-No error or warning found
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class : focus
- Line : 2 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class : focus
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Parse error - unrecognized : :lang(fr)
- Line : 1 in property : quotes
- Property quotes doesn't exist : "« " " »"
- Line : 2 Parse error - unrecognized : :lang(de)
- Line : 2 in property : quotes
- Property quotes doesn't exist : "»" "«" "\2039" "\203A"
- Line : 3 Parse error - unrecognized : :lang(fr) > Q
- Line : 3 in property : quotes
- Property quotes doesn't exist : "« " " »"
- Line : 4 Parse error - unrecognized : :lang(de) > Q
- Line : 4 in property : quotes
- Property quotes doesn't exist : "»" "«" "\2039" "\203A"
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-No error or warning found
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : h1:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : counter(chapno,upper-roman ) ". "
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : p.special:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : "Special! "
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [href] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 9
- Sorry the feature [example ="public class foo\
- private int x;\
- foo(int x) {\
- this.x = x;\
- }\
-}"] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Parse error - unrecognized : ://
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Parse error - unrecognized : ://
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-No error or warning found
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2
- Sorry the feature [title ="a not s\
-o very long title"] is not implemented yet.
- Line : 3
- Sorry the feature [title ="a not so very long title"] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : table in property : border-collapse
- Property border-collapse doesn't exist : collapse
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : caption in property : caption-side
- Property caption-side doesn't exist : top
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : th in property : speak-header
- Property speak-header doesn't exist : once
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : th in property : speak-header
- Property speak-header doesn't exist : always
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : td in property : text-align
- "." is not a text-align value : "."
- Line : 2 Context : td:before in property : content
- Property content doesn't exist : "$"
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2 Context : table in property : border-collapse
- Property border-collapse doesn't exist : separate
- Line : 3 Context : table in property : border-spacing
- Property border-spacing doesn't exist : 15.0pt
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : table in property : empty-cells
- Property empty-cells doesn't exist : show
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : table in property : border-collapse
- Property border-collapse doesn't exist : collapse
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [rules =rows] is not implemented yet.
- Line : 2
- Sorry the feature [rules =rows] is not implemented yet.
- Line : 2 Context : table in property : border-collapse
- Property border-collapse doesn't exist : collapse
- Line : 3 Context : table in property : border-top
- Too many values : hidden
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 6 Context : col in property : display
- table-column is not a display value : table-column
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2 Context : table in property : border-style
- hidden is not a style value : hidden
- Line : 4 Context : table in property : table-layout
- Property table-layout doesn't exist : fixed
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : caption in property : caption-side
- Property caption-side doesn't exist : bottom
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1
- Sorry the feature [href] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 3
- Sorry the feature [nowrap] is not implemented yet.
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : p in property : cursor
- Property cursor doesn't exist : text
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : p in property : color
- windowtext is not a color value : WindowText
- Line : 1 Context : p in property : background-color
- window is not a color value : Window
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : button in property : outline-width
- Property outline-width doesn't exist : thick
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class : focus
- Line : 1 Context : * in property : outline
- Property outline doesn't exist : thick solid black
- Line : 2 Context : A:active in property : outline
- Property outline doesn't exist : thick solid red
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : *#div1 in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : absolute
- Line : 1 Context : *#div1 in property : left
- Property left doesn't exist : 50.0px
- Line : 1 Context : *#div1 in property : top
- Property top doesn't exist : 50.0px
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : *#div1 in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : absolute
- Line : 1 Context : *#div1 in property : left
- Property left doesn't exist : 50.0px
- Line : 1 Context : *#div1 in property : top
- Property top doesn't exist : 50.0px
- Line : 2 Context : *#em1 in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : absolute
- Line : 2 Context : *#em1 in property : left
- Property left doesn't exist : 100.0px
- Line : 2 Context : *#em1 in property : top
- Property top doesn't exist : 100.0px
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : p in property : clip
- Property clip doesn't exist : rect(5.0px,40.0px,45.0px,5.0px )
- Line : 2 Context : p in property : clip
- Property clip doesn't exist : rect(5.0px,55.0px,45.0px,5.0px )
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : *#outer in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : relative
- Line : 1 Context : *#outer in property : top
- Property top doesn't exist : -12.0px
- Line : 2 Context : *#inner in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : relative
- Line : 2 Context : *#inner in property : top
- Property top doesn't exist : 12.0px
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2 Context : *#outer in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : absolute
- Line : 3 Context : *#outer in property : top
- Property top doesn't exist : 200.0px
- Line : 3 Context : *#outer in property : left
- Property left doesn't exist : 200.0px
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2 Context : *#outer in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : relative
- Line : 6 Context : *#inner in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : absolute
- Line : 7 Context : *#inner in property : top
- Property top doesn't exist : 200.0px
- Line : 7 Context : *#inner in property : left
- Property left doesn't exist : -100.0px
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 3 Context : *#inner in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : absolute
- Line : 4 Context : *#inner in property : top
- Property top doesn't exist : 200.0px
- Line : 4 Context : *#inner in property : left
- Property left doesn't exist : -100.0px
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 2 Context : HEBREW, HE-QUO in property : direction
- Property direction doesn't exist : rtl
- Line : 2 Context : HEBREW, HE-QUO in property : unicode-bidi
- Property unicode-bidi doesn't exist : embed
- Line : 3 Context : ENGLISH in property : direction
- Property direction doesn't exist : ltr
- Line : 3 Context : ENGLISH in property : unicode-bidi
- Property unicode-bidi doesn't exist : embed
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 3 Context : h1#first in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : fixed
- Line : 6 Context : h1#first in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : static
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
-URL : file:/1/w3c/bbos/
- Line : 1 Context : div.a8 in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : relative
- Line : 1 Context : div.a8 in property : direction
- Property direction doesn't exist : ltr
- Line : 1 Context : div.a8 in property : left
- Property left doesn't exist : -1.0em
- Line : 1 Context : div.a8 in property : right
- Property right doesn't exist : auto
- Line : 2 Context : div.a8 in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : relative
- Line : 2 Context : div.a8 in property : direction
- Property direction doesn't exist : ltr
- Line : 2 Context : div.a8 in property : left
- Property left doesn't exist : auto
- Line : 2 Context : div.a8 in property : right
- Property right doesn't exist : 1.0em
- Line : 3 Context : div.a8 in property : position
- Property position doesn't exist : relative
- Line : 3 Context : div.a8 in property : direction
- Property direction doesn't exist : ltr
- Line : 3 Context : div.a8 in property : left
- Property left doesn't exist : -1.0em
- Line : 3 Context : div.a8 in property : right
- Property right doesn't exist : 5.0em
-file : /1/w3c/bbos/
diff --git a/css2/colors.html b/css2/colors.html
index c7a52f50d..ab2b38dd3 100644
--- a/css2/colors.html
+++ b/css2/colors.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<title>Colors and backgrounds</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/default.css" type="text/css">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
<link rel="prev" href="page.html">
<link rel="next" href="fonts.html">
<link rel="contents" href="cover.html#minitoc">
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ body>del,body>ins {display:block}
<hr class="navbar">
-<h1><a name="q0">14 Colors and Backgrounds</a></h1>
+<h1><a name="q14.0">14 Colors and Backgrounds</a></h1>
<div class="subtoc">
<ul class="toc">
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ body>del,body>ins {display:block}
+<!-- warning -->
+<div> <input id=annoying-warning type=checkbox title="hide note"> <label for=annoying-warning>(hide)</label> <div class=annoying-warning> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Several sections of this specification have been updated by other specifications. Please, see <a href="" >"Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) &mdash; The Official Definition"</a> in the latest <cite>CSS Snapshot</cite> for a list of specifications and the sections they replace. <p>The CSS Working Group is also developing <a href="" >CSS level&nbsp;2 revision&nbsp;2 (CSS&nbsp;2.2).</a> </div> </div>
+<!-- /warning -->
<p>CSS properties allow authors to specify the foreground color and
background of an element. Backgrounds may be colors or
diff --git a/css2/colors.src b/css2/colors.src
index 898f071fc..41c0b927a 100644
--- a/css2/colors.src
+++ b/css2/colors.src
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<html lang="en">
-<!-- $Id: colors.src,v 2.60 2011-06-06 09:59:22 bbos Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: colors.src,v 2.61 2011-10-18 19:25:27 bbos Exp $ -->
<title>Colors and backgrounds</title>
+<!--script src="" type="text/javascript" defer></script-->
<style type="text/css">
.current,.proposed,span.delcurrent { background:#feb }
ins.proposed,span.insproposed,p.insproposed { background:#bfb }
diff --git a/css2/conform.html b/css2/conform.html
index 18b440b9e..5e69b88f4 100644
--- a/css2/conform.html
+++ b/css2/conform.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<TITLE>Conformance: requirements and recommendations</TITLE>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/default.css" type="text/css">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
<link rel="prev" href="intro.html">
<link rel="next" href="syndata.html">
<link rel="contents" href="cover.html#minitoc">
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<hr class="navbar">
-<H1><a name="q0">3 Conformance: Requirements and Recommendations</a></H1>
+<H1><a name="q3.0">3 Conformance: Requirements and Recommendations</a></H1>
<div class="subtoc">
<ul class="toc">
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
<li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#text-css" class="tocxref">3.4 <span class="index-def" title="text/css">The text/css content type</span></a>
+<!-- warning -->
+<div> <input id=annoying-warning type=checkbox title="hide note"> <label for=annoying-warning>(hide)</label> <div class=annoying-warning> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Several sections of this specification have been updated by other specifications. Please, see <a href="" >"Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) &mdash; The Official Definition"</a> in the latest <cite>CSS Snapshot</cite> for a list of specifications and the sections they replace. <p>The CSS Working Group is also developing <a href="" >CSS level&nbsp;2 revision&nbsp;2 (CSS&nbsp;2.2).</a> </div> </div>
+<!-- /warning -->
<H2>3.1 <a name="defs">Definitions</a></H2>
diff --git a/css2/conform.src b/css2/conform.src
index ccea10bea..d16be6fc5 100644
--- a/css2/conform.src
+++ b/css2/conform.src
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<html lang="en">
-<!-- $Id: conform.src,v 2.90 2011-06-06 09:59:22 bbos Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: conform.src,v 2.91 2011-10-18 19:25:27 bbos Exp $ -->
<TITLE>Conformance: requirements and recommendations</TITLE>
+<!--script src="" type="text/javascript" defer></script-->
diff --git a/css2/cover.html b/css2/cover.html
index 76f14d6bb..04be9d987 100644
--- a/css2/cover.html
+++ b/css2/cover.html
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
<title>Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS&nbsp;2.1) Specification</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/default.css" type="text/css">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
<link rel="next" href="about.html">
<link rel="contents" href="cover.html#minitoc">
<link rel="CSS-properties" href="propidx.html" title="properties">
<link rel="index" href="indexlist.html" title="index">
<link rel="first" href="cover.html">
-<!--<script src="" type="text/javascript" defer></script>-->
+<!--script src="" type="text/javascript" defer></script-->
<div class="navbar">
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
src="" width="72"></a>
<h1 id="title">Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS&nbsp;2.1) Specification</h1>
- <h2 id="W3C-doctype">W3C Recommendation 07 June 2011</h2>
+ <h2 id="W3C-doctype">W3C Recommendation 07 June 2011, edited in place 12 April 2016 to point to new work</h2>
<dt>This version:
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@</a>
<dd><a href=""></a>
+ <dt>Latest editor's draft:
+ <dd><a href="">
<dd class="vcard"><a class="url fn" lang=nl href="">
Bert Bos</a>
@@ -179,36 +182,38 @@ report.</a>
Candidate Recommendation and the previous Recommendation are listed
in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
+<div> <input id=annoying-warning type=checkbox title="hide note"> <label for=annoying-warning>(hide)</label> <div class=annoying-warning> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Several sections of this specification have been updated by other specifications. Please, see <a href="" >"Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) &mdash; The Official Definition"</a> in the latest <cite>CSS Snapshot</cite> for a list of specifications and the sections they replace. <p>The CSS Working Group is also developing <a href="" >CSS level&nbsp;2 revision&nbsp;2 (CSS&nbsp;2.2).</a> </div> </div>
<!--NewPage--><!-- this is for html2ps -->
-<div class="toc">
+<div class="quick toc">
<h2><a name="minitoc">Quick Table of Contents</a></h2>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="about.html" class="tocxref">1 About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="intro.html" class="tocxref">2 Introduction to CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="conform.html" class="tocxref">3 Conformance: Requirements and Recommendations</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="syndata.html" class="tocxref">4 Syntax and basic data types</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="selector.html" class="tocxref">5 Selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="cascade.html" class="tocxref">6 Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="media.html" class="tocxref">7 Media types</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="box.html" class="tocxref">8 Box model</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visuren.html" class="tocxref">9 Visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visudet.html" class="tocxref">10 Visual formatting model details</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visufx.html" class="tocxref">11 Visual effects</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="generate.html" class="tocxref">12 Generated <span class="index-def" title="generated content">content</span>, automatic <span class="index-def" title="automatic numbering">numbering</span>, and lists</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="page.html" class="tocxref">13 Paged media</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="colors.html" class="tocxref">14 Colors and Backgrounds</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="fonts.html" class="tocxref">15 Fonts</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="text.html" class="tocxref">16 Text</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="tables.html" class="tocxref">17 Tables</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="ui.html" class="tocxref">18 User interface</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="aural.html" class="tocxref">Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="refs.html" class="tocxref">Appendix B. Bibliography</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="changes.html" class="tocxref">Appendix C. Changes</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="sample.html" class="tocxref">Appendix D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="zindex.html" class="tocxref">Appendix E. Elaborate description of Stacking Contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="propidx.html" class="tocxref">Appendix F. Full property table</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="grammar.html" class="tocxref">Appendix G. Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="indexlist.html" class="tocxref">Appendix I. Index</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="about.html#q1.0" class="tocxref">1 About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="intro.html#q2.0" class="tocxref">2 Introduction to CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="conform.html#q3.0" class="tocxref">3 Conformance: Requirements and Recommendations</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="syndata.html#q4.0" class="tocxref">4 Syntax and basic data types</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="selector.html#q5.0" class="tocxref">5 Selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="cascade.html#q6.0" class="tocxref">6 Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="media.html#q7.0" class="tocxref">7 Media types</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="box.html#box-model" class="tocxref">8 Box model</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="visuren.html#q9.0" class="tocxref">9 Visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="visudet.html#q10.0" class="tocxref">10 Visual formatting model details</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="visufx.html#q11.0" class="tocxref">11 Visual effects</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="generate.html#generated-text" class="tocxref">12 Generated <span class="index-def" title="generated content">content</span>, automatic <span class="index-def" title="automatic numbering">numbering</span>, and lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="page.html#the-page" class="tocxref">13 Paged media</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="colors.html#q14.0" class="tocxref">14 Colors and Backgrounds</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="fonts.html#q15.0" class="tocxref">15 Fonts</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="text.html#q16.0" class="tocxref">16 Text</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="tables.html#q17.0" class="tocxref">17 Tables</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="ui.html#q18.0" class="tocxref">18 User interface</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="aural.html#q19.0" class="tocxref">Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="refs.html#q20.0" class="tocxref">Appendix B. Bibliography</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="changes.html#q21.0" class="tocxref">Appendix C. Changes</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="sample.html#q22.0" class="tocxref">Appendix D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="zindex.html#q23.0" class="tocxref">Appendix E. Elaborate description of Stacking Contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="propidx.html#q24.0" class="tocxref">Appendix F. Full property table</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="grammar.html#q25.0" class="tocxref">Appendix G. Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="indexlist.html#q27.0" class="tocxref">Appendix I. Index</a>
@@ -216,7 +221,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<div class="toc">
<h2><a name="toc">Full Table of Contents</a></h2>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="about.html" class="tocxref">1 About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="about.html#q1.0" class="tocxref">1 About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#css2.1-v-css2" class="tocxref">1.1 CSS&nbsp;2.1 vs CSS&nbsp;2</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#reading" class="tocxref">1.2 Reading the specification</a>
@@ -240,7 +245,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#acknowledgements" class="tocxref">1.5 Acknowledgments</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="intro.html" class="tocxref">2 Introduction to CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="intro.html#q2.0" class="tocxref">2 Introduction to CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#html-tutorial" class="tocxref">2.1 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for HTML</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#xml-tutorial" class="tocxref">2.2 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for XML</a>
@@ -251,14 +256,14 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#design-principles" class="tocxref">2.4 CSS design principles</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="conform.html" class="tocxref">3 Conformance: Requirements and Recommendations</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="conform.html#q3.0" class="tocxref">3 Conformance: Requirements and Recommendations</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#defs" class="tocxref">3.1 Definitions</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#conformance" class="tocxref">3.2 UA Conformance</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#errors" class="tocxref">3.3 Error conditions</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#text-css" class="tocxref">3.4 <span class="index-def" title="text/css">The text/css content type</span></a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="syndata.html" class="tocxref">4 Syntax and basic data types</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="syndata.html#q4.0" class="tocxref">4 Syntax and basic data types</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="syndata.html#syntax" class="tocxref">4.1 Syntax</a>
<ul class="toc">
@@ -293,7 +298,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#escaping" class="tocxref">4.4.1 Referring to characters not represented in a character encoding</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="selector.html" class="tocxref">5 Selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="selector.html#q5.0" class="tocxref">5 Selectors</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#pattern-matching" class="tocxref">5.1 Pattern matching</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#selector-syntax" class="tocxref">5.2 Selector syntax</a>
@@ -327,7 +332,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#before-and-after" class="tocxref">5.12.3 The <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-elements:::before|:before">:before</span> and <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-elements:::after|:after">:after</span> pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="cascade.html" class="tocxref">6 Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="cascade.html#q6.0" class="tocxref">6 Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="cascade.html#value-stages" class="tocxref">6.1 Specified, computed, and actual values</a>
<ul class="toc">
@@ -349,7 +354,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline3"><a href="cascade.html#preshint" class="tocxref">6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="media.html" class="tocxref">7 Media types</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="media.html#q7.0" class="tocxref">7 Media types</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="media.html#media-intro" class="tocxref">7.1 Introduction to media types</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="media.html#media-sheets" class="tocxref">7.2 Specifying media-dependent style sheets</a>
@@ -361,7 +366,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline3"><a href="media.html#media-groups" class="tocxref">7.3.1 Media groups</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="box.html" class="tocxref">8 Box model</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="box.html#box-model" class="tocxref">8 Box model</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="box.html#box-dimensions" class="tocxref">8.1 Box dimensions</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="box.html#mpb-examples" class="tocxref">8.2 Example of margins, padding, and borders</a>
@@ -379,7 +384,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="box.html#bidi-box-model" class="tocxref">8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visuren.html" class="tocxref">9 Visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="visuren.html#q9.0" class="tocxref">9 Visual formatting model</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#visual-model-intro" class="tocxref">9.1 Introduction to the visual formatting model</a>
<ul class="toc">
@@ -433,7 +438,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#direction" class="tocxref">9.10 Text direction: the <span class="propinst-direction">'direction'</span> and <span class="propinst-unicode-bidi">'unicode-bidi'</span> properties</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visudet.html" class="tocxref">10 Visual formatting model details</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="visudet.html#q10.0" class="tocxref">10 Visual formatting model details</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="visudet.html#containing-block-details" class="tocxref">10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="visudet.html#the-width-property" class="tocxref">10.2 Content width: the <span class="propinst-width">'width'</span> property</a>
@@ -468,7 +473,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#leading" class="tocxref">10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visufx.html" class="tocxref">11 Visual effects</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="visufx.html#q11.0" class="tocxref">11 Visual effects</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="visufx.html#overflow-clipping" class="tocxref">11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
<ul class="toc">
@@ -477,7 +482,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="visufx.html#visibility" class="tocxref">11.2 Visibility: the <span class="propinst-visibility">'visibility'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="generate.html" class="tocxref">12 Generated <span class="index-def" title="generated content">content</span>, automatic <span class="index-def" title="automatic numbering">numbering</span>, and lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="generate.html#generated-text" class="tocxref">12 Generated <span class="index-def" title="generated content">content</span>, automatic <span class="index-def" title="automatic numbering">numbering</span>, and lists</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="generate.html#before-after-content" class="tocxref">12.1 The <span class="index-def" title=":before|pseudo-elements:::before|before">:before</span> and <span class="index-def" title=":after|pseudo-elements:::after|after">:after</span> pseudo-elements</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="generate.html#content" class="tocxref">12.2 The <span class="propinst-content">'content'</span> property</a>
@@ -497,7 +502,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline3"><a href="generate.html#list-style" class="tocxref">12.5.1 Lists: the <span class="propinst-list-style-type">'list-style-type'</span>, <span class="propinst-list-style-image">'list-style-image'</span>, <span class="propinst-list-style-position">'list-style-position'</span>, and <span class="propinst-list-style">'list-style'</span> properties</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="page.html" class="tocxref">13 Paged media</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="page.html#the-page" class="tocxref">13 Paged media</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="page.html#page-intro" class="tocxref">13.1 Introduction to paged media</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="page.html#page-box" class="tocxref">13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
@@ -516,7 +521,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="page.html#page-cascade" class="tocxref">13.4 Cascading in the page context</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="colors.html" class="tocxref">14 Colors and Backgrounds</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="colors.html#q14.0" class="tocxref">14 Colors and Backgrounds</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="colors.html#colors" class="tocxref">14.1 Foreground color: the <span class="propinst-color">'color'</span> property</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="colors.html#background" class="tocxref">14.2 The background</a>
@@ -524,7 +529,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline3"><a href="colors.html#background-properties" class="tocxref">14.2.1 Background properties: <span class="propinst-background-color">'background-color'</span>, <span class="propinst-background-image">'background-image'</span>, <span class="propinst-background-repeat">'background-repeat'</span>, <span class="propinst-background-attachment">'background-attachment'</span>, <span class="propinst-background-position">'background-position'</span>, and <span class="propinst-background">'background'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="fonts.html" class="tocxref">15 Fonts</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="fonts.html#q15.0" class="tocxref">15 Fonts</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#fonts-intro" class="tocxref">15.1 Introduction</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#algorithm" class="tocxref">15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
@@ -545,7 +550,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#font-size-props" class="tocxref">15.7 Font size: the <span class="propinst-font-size">'font-size'</span> property</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#font-shorthand" class="tocxref">15.8 Shorthand font property: the <span class="propinst-font">'font'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="text.html" class="tocxref">16 Text</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="text.html#q16.0" class="tocxref">16 Text</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="text.html#indentation-prop" class="tocxref">16.1 Indentation: the <span class="propinst-text-indent">'text-indent'</span> property</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="text.html#alignment-prop" class="tocxref">16.2 Alignment: the <span class="propinst-text-align">'text-align'</span> property</a>
@@ -562,7 +567,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline3"><a href="text.html#ctrlchars" class="tocxref">16.6.3 Control and combining characters' details</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="tables.html" class="tocxref">17 Tables</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="tables.html#q17.0" class="tocxref">17 Tables</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="tables.html#tables-intro" class="tocxref">17.1 Introduction to tables</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="tables.html#table-display" class="tocxref">17.2 The CSS table model</a>
@@ -599,7 +604,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#table-border-styles" class="tocxref">17.6.3 Border styles</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="ui.html" class="tocxref">18 User interface</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="ui.html#q18.0" class="tocxref">18 User interface</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="ui.html#cursor-props" class="tocxref">18.1 Cursors: the <span class="propinst-cursor">'cursor'</span> property</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="ui.html#system-colors" class="tocxref">18.2 System Colors</a>
@@ -610,7 +615,7 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="ui.html#magnification" class="tocxref">18.5 Magnification</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="aural.html" class="tocxref">Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="aural.html#q19.0" class="tocxref">Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#aural-media-group" class="tocxref">A.1 The media types 'aural' and 'speech'</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#aural-intro" class="tocxref">A.2 Introduction to aural style sheets</a>
@@ -634,595 +639,595 @@ in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#sample" class="tocxref">A.12 Sample style sheet for HTML</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#Emacspeak" class="tocxref">A.13 Emacspeak</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="refs.html" class="tocxref">Appendix B. Bibliography</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="refs.html#q20.0" class="tocxref">Appendix B. Bibliography</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="refs.html#normative" class="tocxref">B.1 Normative references</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="refs.html#informative" class="tocxref">B.2 Informative references</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="changes.html" class="tocxref">Appendix C. Changes</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="changes.html#q21.0" class="tocxref">Appendix C. Changes</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#new" class="tocxref">C.1 Additional property values</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q2" class="tocxref">C.1.1 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q3" class="tocxref">C.1.2 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q4" class="tocxref">C.1.3 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q5" class="tocxref">C.1.4 Section 16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q6" class="tocxref">C.1.5 Section 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.2" class="tocxref">C.1.1 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.3" class="tocxref">C.1.2 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.4" class="tocxref">C.1.3 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.5" class="tocxref">C.1.4 Section 16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.6" class="tocxref">C.1.5 Section 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#changes" class="tocxref">C.2 Changes</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q8" class="tocxref">C.2.1 Section 1.1 CSS 2.1 vs CSS 2</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q9" class="tocxref">C.2.2 Section 1.2 Reading the specification</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q10" class="tocxref">C.2.3 Section 1.3 How the specification is organized</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q11" class="tocxref">C.2.4 Section Value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q12" class="tocxref">C.2.5 Section Media groups</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q13" class="tocxref">C.2.6 Section Computed value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q14" class="tocxref">C.2.7 Section 1.4.4 Notes and examples</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q15" class="tocxref">C.2.8 Section 1.5 Acknowledgments</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q16" class="tocxref">C.2.9 Section 3.2 Conformance</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q17" class="tocxref">C.2.10 Section 3.3 Error Conditions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q18" class="tocxref">C.2.11 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q19" class="tocxref">C.2.12 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q20" class="tocxref">C.2.13 Section 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21" class="tocxref">C.2.14 Section 4.3 Values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q22" class="tocxref">C.2.15 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q23" class="tocxref">C.2.16 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q24" class="tocxref">C.2.17 Section 4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q25" class="tocxref">C.2.18 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q26" class="tocxref">C.2.19 Section 4.3.8 Unsupported Values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q27" class="tocxref">C.2.20 Section 4.4 CSS style sheet representation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q28" class="tocxref">C.2.21 Section 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q29" class="tocxref">C.2.22 Section 5.8.3 Class selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q30" class="tocxref">C.2.23 Section 5.9 ID selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q31" class="tocxref">C.2.24 Section 5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q32" class="tocxref">C.2.25 Section 5.11.2 The link pseudo-classes: :link and :visited</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q33" class="tocxref">C.2.26 Section 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q34" class="tocxref">C.2.27 Section 5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q35" class="tocxref">C.2.28 Section 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q36" class="tocxref">C.2.29 Section 6.1 Specified, computed, and actual values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q37" class="tocxref">C.2.30 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q38" class="tocxref">C.2.31 Section 6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q39" class="tocxref">C.2.32 Section 6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q40" class="tocxref">C.2.33 Section 7.3 Recognized Media Types</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q41" class="tocxref">C.2.34 Section 7.3.1 Media Groups</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q42" class="tocxref">C.2.35 Section 8.3 Margin properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q43" class="tocxref">C.2.36 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q44" class="tocxref">C.2.37 Section 8.4 Padding properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q45" class="tocxref">C.2.38 Section 8.5.2 Border color</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q46" class="tocxref">C.2.39 Section 8.5.3 Border style</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q47" class="tocxref">C.2.40 Section 8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q48" class="tocxref">C.2.41 Section 9.1.2 Containing blocks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q49" class="tocxref">C.2.42 Section Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q50" class="tocxref">C.2.43 Section Anonymous inline boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q51" class="tocxref">C.2.44 Section 9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q52" class="tocxref">C.2.45 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q53" class="tocxref">C.2.46 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q54" class="tocxref">C.2.47 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q55" class="tocxref">C.2.48 Section 9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q56" class="tocxref">C.2.49 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q57" class="tocxref">C.2.50 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q58" class="tocxref">C.2.51 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q59" class="tocxref">C.2.52 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q60" class="tocxref">C.2.53 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q61" class="tocxref">C.2.54 Section 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q62" class="tocxref">C.2.55 Section 9.9 Layered presentation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q63" class="tocxref">C.2.56 Section 9.10 Text direction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q64" class="tocxref">C.2.57 Chapter 10 Visual formatting model details</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q65" class="tocxref">C.2.58 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q66" class="tocxref">C.2.59 Section 10.2 Content width</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q67" class="tocxref">C.2.60 Section 10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q68" class="tocxref">C.2.61 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q69" class="tocxref">C.2.62 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q70" class="tocxref">C.2.63 Section 10.3.4 Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q71" class="tocxref">C.2.64 Section 10.3.5 Floating, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q72" class="tocxref">C.2.65 Section 10.3.6 Floating, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q73" class="tocxref">C.2.66 Section 10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q74" class="tocxref">C.2.67 Section 10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q75" class="tocxref">C.2.68 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q76" class="tocxref">C.2.69 Section 10.5 Content height</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q77" class="tocxref">C.2.70 Section 10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q78" class="tocxref">C.2.71 Section 10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q79" class="tocxref">C.2.72 Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements, block-level replaced elements in normal flow, 'inline-block' replaced elements in normal flow and floating replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q80" class="tocxref">C.2.73 Section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q81" class="tocxref">C.2.74 Section 10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q82" class="tocxref">C.2.75 Section 10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q83" class="tocxref">C.2.76 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q84" class="tocxref">C.2.77 Section 10.8 Line height calculations</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q85" class="tocxref">C.2.78 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q86" class="tocxref">C.2.79 Section 11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q87" class="tocxref">C.2.80 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q88" class="tocxref">C.2.81 Section 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q89" class="tocxref">C.2.82 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q90" class="tocxref">C.2.83 Chapter 12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q91" class="tocxref">C.2.84 Section 12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q92" class="tocxref">C.2.85 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q93" class="tocxref">C.2.86 Section 12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q94" class="tocxref">C.2.87 Section 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q95" class="tocxref">C.2.88 Section 12.4.1 Nested counters and scope</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q96" class="tocxref">C.2.89 Section 12.5 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q97" class="tocxref">C.2.90 Section 12.5.1 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q98" class="tocxref">C.2.91 Chapter 13 Paged media</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q99" class="tocxref">C.2.92 Section 13.2.2 Page selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q100" class="tocxref">C.2.93 Section 13.3.1 Page break properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q101" class="tocxref">C.2.94 Section 13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q102" class="tocxref">C.2.95 Section 14.2.1 Background properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q103" class="tocxref">C.2.96 Section 14.3 Gamma correction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q104" class="tocxref">C.2.97 Chapter 15 Fonts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q105" class="tocxref">C.2.98 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q106" class="tocxref">C.2.99 Section 15.2.2 Font family</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q107" class="tocxref">C.2.100 Section 15.5 Small-caps</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q108" class="tocxref">C.2.101 Section 15.6 Font boldness</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q109" class="tocxref">C.2.102 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q110" class="tocxref">C.2.103 Chapter 16 Text</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q111" class="tocxref">C.2.104 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q112" class="tocxref">C.2.105 Section 16.3.1 Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q113" class="tocxref">C.2.106 Section 16.4 Letter and word spacing</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q114" class="tocxref">C.2.107 Section 16.5 Capitalization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q115" class="tocxref">C.2.108 Section 16.6 White space</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q116" class="tocxref">C.2.109 Chapter 17 Tables</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q117" class="tocxref">C.2.110 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q118" class="tocxref">C.2.111 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q119" class="tocxref">C.2.112 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q120" class="tocxref">C.2.113 Section 17.4.1 Caption position and alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q121" class="tocxref">C.2.114 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q122" class="tocxref">C.2.115 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q123" class="tocxref">C.2.116 Section Fixed table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q124" class="tocxref">C.2.117 Section Automatic table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q125" class="tocxref">C.2.118 Section 17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q126" class="tocxref">C.2.119 Section 17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q127" class="tocxref">C.2.120 Section 17.6 Borders</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q128" class="tocxref">C.2.121 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q129" class="tocxref">C.2.122 Section Borders and Backgrounds around empty cells</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q130" class="tocxref">C.2.123 Section 17.6.2 The collapsing border model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q131" class="tocxref">C.2.124 Section Border conflict resolution</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q132" class="tocxref">C.2.125 Section 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q133" class="tocxref">C.2.126 Section 18.4 Dynamic outlines</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q134" class="tocxref">C.2.127 Chapter 12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q135" class="tocxref">C.2.128 Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q136" class="tocxref">C.2.129 Appendix A Section 5 Pause properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q137" class="tocxref">C.2.130 Appendix A Section 6 Cue properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q138" class="tocxref">C.2.131 Appendix A Section 7 Mixing properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q139" class="tocxref">C.2.132 Appendix B Bibliography</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q140" class="tocxref">C.2.133 Other</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.8" class="tocxref">C.2.1 Section 1.1 CSS 2.1 vs CSS 2</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.9" class="tocxref">C.2.2 Section 1.2 Reading the specification</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.10" class="tocxref">C.2.3 Section 1.3 How the specification is organized</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.11" class="tocxref">C.2.4 Section Value</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.12" class="tocxref">C.2.5 Section Media groups</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.13" class="tocxref">C.2.6 Section Computed value</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.14" class="tocxref">C.2.7 Section 1.4.4 Notes and examples</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.15" class="tocxref">C.2.8 Section 1.5 Acknowledgments</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.16" class="tocxref">C.2.9 Section 3.2 Conformance</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.17" class="tocxref">C.2.10 Section 3.3 Error Conditions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.18" class="tocxref">C.2.11 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.19" class="tocxref">C.2.12 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.20" class="tocxref">C.2.13 Section 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.21" class="tocxref">C.2.14 Section 4.3 Values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.22" class="tocxref">C.2.15 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.23" class="tocxref">C.2.16 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.24" class="tocxref">C.2.17 Section 4.3.5 Counters</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.25" class="tocxref">C.2.18 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.26" class="tocxref">C.2.19 Section 4.3.8 Unsupported Values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.27" class="tocxref">C.2.20 Section 4.4 CSS style sheet representation</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.28" class="tocxref">C.2.21 Section 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.29" class="tocxref">C.2.22 Section 5.8.3 Class selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.30" class="tocxref">C.2.23 Section 5.9 ID selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.31" class="tocxref">C.2.24 Section 5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.32" class="tocxref">C.2.25 Section 5.11.2 The link pseudo-classes: :link and :visited</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.33" class="tocxref">C.2.26 Section 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.34" class="tocxref">C.2.27 Section 5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.35" class="tocxref">C.2.28 Section 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.36" class="tocxref">C.2.29 Section 6.1 Specified, computed, and actual values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.37" class="tocxref">C.2.30 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.38" class="tocxref">C.2.31 Section 6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.39" class="tocxref">C.2.32 Section 6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.40" class="tocxref">C.2.33 Section 7.3 Recognized Media Types</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.41" class="tocxref">C.2.34 Section 7.3.1 Media Groups</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.42" class="tocxref">C.2.35 Section 8.3 Margin properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.43" class="tocxref">C.2.36 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.44" class="tocxref">C.2.37 Section 8.4 Padding properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.45" class="tocxref">C.2.38 Section 8.5.2 Border color</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.46" class="tocxref">C.2.39 Section 8.5.3 Border style</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.47" class="tocxref">C.2.40 Section 8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.48" class="tocxref">C.2.41 Section 9.1.2 Containing blocks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.49" class="tocxref">C.2.42 Section Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.50" class="tocxref">C.2.43 Section Anonymous inline boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.51" class="tocxref">C.2.44 Section 9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.52" class="tocxref">C.2.45 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.53" class="tocxref">C.2.46 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.54" class="tocxref">C.2.47 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.55" class="tocxref">C.2.48 Section 9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.56" class="tocxref">C.2.49 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.57" class="tocxref">C.2.50 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.58" class="tocxref">C.2.51 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.59" class="tocxref">C.2.52 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.60" class="tocxref">C.2.53 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.61" class="tocxref">C.2.54 Section 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.62" class="tocxref">C.2.55 Section 9.9 Layered presentation</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.63" class="tocxref">C.2.56 Section 9.10 Text direction</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.64" class="tocxref">C.2.57 Chapter 10 Visual formatting model details</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.65" class="tocxref">C.2.58 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.66" class="tocxref">C.2.59 Section 10.2 Content width</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.67" class="tocxref">C.2.60 Section 10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.68" class="tocxref">C.2.61 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.69" class="tocxref">C.2.62 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.70" class="tocxref">C.2.63 Section 10.3.4 Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.71" class="tocxref">C.2.64 Section 10.3.5 Floating, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.72" class="tocxref">C.2.65 Section 10.3.6 Floating, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.73" class="tocxref">C.2.66 Section 10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.74" class="tocxref">C.2.67 Section 10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.75" class="tocxref">C.2.68 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.76" class="tocxref">C.2.69 Section 10.5 Content height</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.77" class="tocxref">C.2.70 Section 10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.78" class="tocxref">C.2.71 Section 10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.79" class="tocxref">C.2.72 Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements, block-level replaced elements in normal flow, 'inline-block' replaced elements in normal flow and floating replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.80" class="tocxref">C.2.73 Section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.81" class="tocxref">C.2.74 Section 10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.82" class="tocxref">C.2.75 Section 10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.83" class="tocxref">C.2.76 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.84" class="tocxref">C.2.77 Section 10.8 Line height calculations</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.85" class="tocxref">C.2.78 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.86" class="tocxref">C.2.79 Section 11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.87" class="tocxref">C.2.80 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.88" class="tocxref">C.2.81 Section 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.89" class="tocxref">C.2.82 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.90" class="tocxref">C.2.83 Chapter 12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.91" class="tocxref">C.2.84 Section 12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.92" class="tocxref">C.2.85 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.93" class="tocxref">C.2.86 Section 12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.94" class="tocxref">C.2.87 Section 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.95" class="tocxref">C.2.88 Section 12.4.1 Nested counters and scope</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.96" class="tocxref">C.2.89 Section 12.5 Lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.97" class="tocxref">C.2.90 Section 12.5.1 Lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.98" class="tocxref">C.2.91 Chapter 13 Paged media</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.99" class="tocxref">C.2.92 Section 13.2.2 Page selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.100" class="tocxref">C.2.93 Section 13.3.1 Page break properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.101" class="tocxref">C.2.94 Section 13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.102" class="tocxref">C.2.95 Section 14.2.1 Background properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.103" class="tocxref">C.2.96 Section 14.3 Gamma correction</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.104" class="tocxref">C.2.97 Chapter 15 Fonts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.105" class="tocxref">C.2.98 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.106" class="tocxref">C.2.99 Section 15.2.2 Font family</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.107" class="tocxref">C.2.100 Section 15.5 Small-caps</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.108" class="tocxref">C.2.101 Section 15.6 Font boldness</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.109" class="tocxref">C.2.102 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.110" class="tocxref">C.2.103 Chapter 16 Text</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.111" class="tocxref">C.2.104 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.112" class="tocxref">C.2.105 Section 16.3.1 Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.113" class="tocxref">C.2.106 Section 16.4 Letter and word spacing</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.114" class="tocxref">C.2.107 Section 16.5 Capitalization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.115" class="tocxref">C.2.108 Section 16.6 White space</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.116" class="tocxref">C.2.109 Chapter 17 Tables</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.117" class="tocxref">C.2.110 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.118" class="tocxref">C.2.111 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.119" class="tocxref">C.2.112 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.120" class="tocxref">C.2.113 Section 17.4.1 Caption position and alignment</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.121" class="tocxref">C.2.114 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.122" class="tocxref">C.2.115 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.123" class="tocxref">C.2.116 Section Fixed table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.124" class="tocxref">C.2.117 Section Automatic table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.125" class="tocxref">C.2.118 Section 17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.126" class="tocxref">C.2.119 Section 17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.127" class="tocxref">C.2.120 Section 17.6 Borders</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.128" class="tocxref">C.2.121 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.129" class="tocxref">C.2.122 Section Borders and Backgrounds around empty cells</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.130" class="tocxref">C.2.123 Section 17.6.2 The collapsing border model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.131" class="tocxref">C.2.124 Section Border conflict resolution</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.132" class="tocxref">C.2.125 Section 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.133" class="tocxref">C.2.126 Section 18.4 Dynamic outlines</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.134" class="tocxref">C.2.127 Chapter 12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.135" class="tocxref">C.2.128 Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.136" class="tocxref">C.2.129 Appendix A Section 5 Pause properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.137" class="tocxref">C.2.130 Appendix A Section 6 Cue properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.138" class="tocxref">C.2.131 Appendix A Section 7 Mixing properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.139" class="tocxref">C.2.132 Appendix B Bibliography</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.140" class="tocxref">C.2.133 Other</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#known-errors" class="tocxref">C.3 Errors</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q142" class="tocxref">C.3.1 Shorthand properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q143" class="tocxref">C.3.2 Applies to</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q144" class="tocxref">C.3.3 Section 4.1.1 (and G2)</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q145" class="tocxref">C.3.4 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q146" class="tocxref">C.3.5 Section 4.3 (Double sign problem)</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q147" class="tocxref">C.3.6 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q148" class="tocxref">C.3.7 Section 4.3.3 Percentages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q149" class="tocxref">C.3.8 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q150" class="tocxref">C.3.9 Section 4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q151" class="tocxref">C.3.10 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q152" class="tocxref">C.3.11 Section 4.3.7 Strings</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q153" class="tocxref">C.3.12 Section 5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q154" class="tocxref">C.3.13 Section 6.4 The cascade</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q155" class="tocxref">C.3.14 Section 8.1 Box Dimensions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q156" class="tocxref">C.3.15 Section 8.2 Example of margins, padding, and borders</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q157" class="tocxref">C.3.16 Section 8.5.4 Border shorthand properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q158" class="tocxref">C.3.17 Section 9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q159" class="tocxref">C.3.18 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q160" class="tocxref">C.3.19 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q161" class="tocxref">C.3.20 Section 9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q162" class="tocxref">C.3.21 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q163" class="tocxref">C.3.22 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q164" class="tocxref">C.3.23 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q165" class="tocxref">C.3.24 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q166" class="tocxref">C.3.25 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q167" class="tocxref">C.3.26 Section 9.6 Absolute positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q168" class="tocxref">C.3.27 Section 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q169" class="tocxref">C.3.28 Section 9.10 Text direction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q170" class="tocxref">C.3.29 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q171" class="tocxref">C.3.30 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q172" class="tocxref">C.3.31 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q173" class="tocxref">C.3.32 Section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q174" class="tocxref">C.3.33 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q175" class="tocxref">C.3.34 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q176" class="tocxref">C.3.35 Section 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q177" class="tocxref">C.3.36 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q178" class="tocxref">C.3.37 Section 12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q179" class="tocxref">C.3.38 Section 12.6.2 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q180" class="tocxref">C.3.39 Section 14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q181" class="tocxref">C.3.40 Section 14.2.1 Background properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q182" class="tocxref">C.3.41 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q183" class="tocxref">C.3.42 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q184" class="tocxref">C.3.43 Section 16.1 Indentation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q185" class="tocxref">C.3.44 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q186" class="tocxref">C.3.45 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q187" class="tocxref">C.3.46 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects </a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q188" class="tocxref">C.3.47 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q189" class="tocxref">C.3.48 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q190" class="tocxref">C.3.49 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q191" class="tocxref">C.3.50 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q192" class="tocxref">C.3.51 Section 18.2 System Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q193" class="tocxref">C.3.52 Section E.2 Painting order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.142" class="tocxref">C.3.1 Shorthand properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.143" class="tocxref">C.3.2 Applies to</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.144" class="tocxref">C.3.3 Section 4.1.1 (and G2)</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.145" class="tocxref">C.3.4 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.146" class="tocxref">C.3.5 Section 4.3 (Double sign problem)</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.147" class="tocxref">C.3.6 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.148" class="tocxref">C.3.7 Section 4.3.3 Percentages</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.149" class="tocxref">C.3.8 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.150" class="tocxref">C.3.9 Section 4.3.5 Counters</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.151" class="tocxref">C.3.10 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.152" class="tocxref">C.3.11 Section 4.3.7 Strings</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.153" class="tocxref">C.3.12 Section 5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.154" class="tocxref">C.3.13 Section 6.4 The cascade</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.155" class="tocxref">C.3.14 Section 8.1 Box Dimensions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.156" class="tocxref">C.3.15 Section 8.2 Example of margins, padding, and borders</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.157" class="tocxref">C.3.16 Section 8.5.4 Border shorthand properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.158" class="tocxref">C.3.17 Section 9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.159" class="tocxref">C.3.18 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.160" class="tocxref">C.3.19 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.161" class="tocxref">C.3.20 Section 9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.162" class="tocxref">C.3.21 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.163" class="tocxref">C.3.22 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.164" class="tocxref">C.3.23 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.165" class="tocxref">C.3.24 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.166" class="tocxref">C.3.25 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.167" class="tocxref">C.3.26 Section 9.6 Absolute positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.168" class="tocxref">C.3.27 Section 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.169" class="tocxref">C.3.28 Section 9.10 Text direction</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.170" class="tocxref">C.3.29 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.171" class="tocxref">C.3.30 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.172" class="tocxref">C.3.31 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.173" class="tocxref">C.3.32 Section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.174" class="tocxref">C.3.33 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.175" class="tocxref">C.3.34 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.176" class="tocxref">C.3.35 Section 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.177" class="tocxref">C.3.36 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.178" class="tocxref">C.3.37 Section 12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.179" class="tocxref">C.3.38 Section 12.6.2 Lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.180" class="tocxref">C.3.39 Section 14.2 The background</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.181" class="tocxref">C.3.40 Section 14.2.1 Background properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.182" class="tocxref">C.3.41 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.183" class="tocxref">C.3.42 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.184" class="tocxref">C.3.43 Section 16.1 Indentation</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.185" class="tocxref">C.3.44 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.186" class="tocxref">C.3.45 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.187" class="tocxref">C.3.46 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects </a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.188" class="tocxref">C.3.47 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.189" class="tocxref">C.3.48 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.190" class="tocxref">C.3.49 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.191" class="tocxref">C.3.50 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.192" class="tocxref">C.3.51 Section 18.2 System Colors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.193" class="tocxref">C.3.52 Section E.2 Painting order</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#clarifications" class="tocxref">C.4 Clarifications</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q195" class="tocxref">C.4.1 Section 2.1 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for HTML</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q196" class="tocxref">C.4.2 Section 2.2 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for XML</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q197" class="tocxref">C.4.3 Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q198" class="tocxref">C.4.4 Section 3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q199" class="tocxref">C.4.5 Section 4.1 Syntax</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q200" class="tocxref">C.4.6 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q201" class="tocxref">C.4.7 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q202" class="tocxref">C.4.8 Section 4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q203" class="tocxref">C.4.9 Section 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q204" class="tocxref">C.4.10 Section 4.3.1 Integers and real numbers</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q205" class="tocxref">C.4.11 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q206" class="tocxref">C.4.12 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q207" class="tocxref">C.4.13 Section 5.1 Pattern matching</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q208" class="tocxref">C.4.14 Section 5.7 Adjacent sibling selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q209" class="tocxref">C.4.15 Section 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q210" class="tocxref">C.4.16 Section 5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q211" class="tocxref">C.4.17 Section 5.9 ID selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q212" class="tocxref">C.4.18 Section 5.11.3 The dynamic pseudo-classes: :hover, :active, and :focus</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q213" class="tocxref">C.4.19 Section 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q214" class="tocxref">C.4.20 Section 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q215" class="tocxref">C.4.21 Section 6.2 Inheritance</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q216" class="tocxref">C.4.22 Section 6.2.1 The 'inherit' value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q217" class="tocxref">C.4.23 Section 6.3 The @import rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q218" class="tocxref">C.4.24 Section 6.4 The Cascade</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q219" class="tocxref">C.4.25 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q220" class="tocxref">C.4.26 Section 6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q221" class="tocxref">C.4.27 Section 7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q222" class="tocxref">C.4.28 Section 7.3 Recognized media types</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q223" class="tocxref">C.4.29 Section 7.3.1 Media groups</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q224" class="tocxref">C.4.30 Section 8.1 Box dimensions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q225" class="tocxref">C.4.31 Section 8.3 Margin properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q226" class="tocxref">C.4.32 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q227" class="tocxref">C.4.33 Section 8.5.3 Border style</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q228" class="tocxref">C.4.34 Section 9.1.1 The viewport</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q229" class="tocxref">C.4.35 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q230" class="tocxref">C.4.36 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q231" class="tocxref">C.4.37 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q232" class="tocxref">C.4.38 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q233" class="tocxref">C.4.39 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q234" class="tocxref">C.4.40 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q235" class="tocxref">C.4.41 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q236" class="tocxref">C.4.42 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q237" class="tocxref">C.4.43 Section 9.8 Comparison of normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q238" class="tocxref">C.4.44 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q239" class="tocxref">C.4.45 Section 10.2 Content width</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q240" class="tocxref">C.4.46 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q241" class="tocxref">C.4.47 Section 10.3.8 Absolutely positioning, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q242" class="tocxref">C.4.48 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q243" class="tocxref">C.4.49 Section 10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q244" class="tocxref">C.4.50 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q245" class="tocxref">C.4.51 Section 10.8 Line height calculations</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q246" class="tocxref">C.4.52 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q247" class="tocxref">C.4.53 Section 11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q248" class="tocxref">C.4.54 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q249" class="tocxref">C.4.55 Section 11.1.2 Clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q250" class="tocxref">C.4.56 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q251" class="tocxref">C.4.57 Section 12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q252" class="tocxref">C.4.58 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q253" class="tocxref">C.4.59 Section 12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q254" class="tocxref">C.4.60 Section 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q255" class="tocxref">C.4.61 Section 12.4.3 Counters in elements with 'display: none'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q256" class="tocxref">C.4.62 Section 14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q257" class="tocxref">C.4.63 Section 15.1 Fonts Introduction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q258" class="tocxref">C.4.64 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q259" class="tocxref">C.4.65 Section 15.2.2 Font family</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q260" class="tocxref">C.4.66 Section 15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q261" class="tocxref">C.4.67 Section 15.4 Font styling</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q262" class="tocxref">C.4.68 Section 15.5 Small-caps</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q263" class="tocxref">C.4.69 Section 15.6 Font boldness</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q264" class="tocxref">C.4.70 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q265" class="tocxref">C.4.71 Section 16.1 Indentation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q266" class="tocxref">C.4.72 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q267" class="tocxref">C.4.73 Section 16.3.1 Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q268" class="tocxref">C.4.74 Section 16.5 Capitalization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q269" class="tocxref">C.4.75 Section 16.6 White space</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q270" class="tocxref">C.4.76 Section 17.1 Introduction to tables</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q271" class="tocxref">C.4.77 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q272" class="tocxref">C.4.78 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q273" class="tocxref">C.4.79 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q274" class="tocxref">C.4.80 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q275" class="tocxref">C.4.81 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q276" class="tocxref">C.4.82 Section 17.5.2 Table width algorithms</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q277" class="tocxref">C.4.83 Section Fixed table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q278" class="tocxref">C.4.84 Section Automatic table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q279" class="tocxref">C.4.85 Section 17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q280" class="tocxref">C.4.86 Section 17.5.5 Dynamic row and column effects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q281" class="tocxref">C.4.87 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q282" class="tocxref">C.4.88 Section 17.6.2 The collapsing borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q283" class="tocxref">C.4.89 Section 18.2 System Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q284" class="tocxref">C.4.90 Section 18.4 Dynamic outlines</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q285" class="tocxref">C.4.91 Section 18.4.1 Outlines and the focus</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q286" class="tocxref">C.4.92 Appendix D Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.195" class="tocxref">C.4.1 Section 2.1 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for HTML</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.196" class="tocxref">C.4.2 Section 2.2 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for XML</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.197" class="tocxref">C.4.3 Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.198" class="tocxref">C.4.4 Section 3.1 Definitions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.199" class="tocxref">C.4.5 Section 4.1 Syntax</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.200" class="tocxref">C.4.6 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.201" class="tocxref">C.4.7 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.202" class="tocxref">C.4.8 Section 4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.203" class="tocxref">C.4.9 Section 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.204" class="tocxref">C.4.10 Section 4.3.1 Integers and real numbers</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.205" class="tocxref">C.4.11 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.206" class="tocxref">C.4.12 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.207" class="tocxref">C.4.13 Section 5.1 Pattern matching</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.208" class="tocxref">C.4.14 Section 5.7 Adjacent sibling selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.209" class="tocxref">C.4.15 Section 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.210" class="tocxref">C.4.16 Section 5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.211" class="tocxref">C.4.17 Section 5.9 ID selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.212" class="tocxref">C.4.18 Section 5.11.3 The dynamic pseudo-classes: :hover, :active, and :focus</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.213" class="tocxref">C.4.19 Section 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.214" class="tocxref">C.4.20 Section 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.215" class="tocxref">C.4.21 Section 6.2 Inheritance</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.216" class="tocxref">C.4.22 Section 6.2.1 The 'inherit' value</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.217" class="tocxref">C.4.23 Section 6.3 The @import rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.218" class="tocxref">C.4.24 Section 6.4 The Cascade</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.219" class="tocxref">C.4.25 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.220" class="tocxref">C.4.26 Section 6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.221" class="tocxref">C.4.27 Section 7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.222" class="tocxref">C.4.28 Section 7.3 Recognized media types</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.223" class="tocxref">C.4.29 Section 7.3.1 Media groups</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.224" class="tocxref">C.4.30 Section 8.1 Box dimensions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.225" class="tocxref">C.4.31 Section 8.3 Margin properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.226" class="tocxref">C.4.32 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.227" class="tocxref">C.4.33 Section 8.5.3 Border style</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.228" class="tocxref">C.4.34 Section 9.1.1 The viewport</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.229" class="tocxref">C.4.35 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.230" class="tocxref">C.4.36 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.231" class="tocxref">C.4.37 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.232" class="tocxref">C.4.38 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.233" class="tocxref">C.4.39 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.234" class="tocxref">C.4.40 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.235" class="tocxref">C.4.41 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.236" class="tocxref">C.4.42 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.237" class="tocxref">C.4.43 Section 9.8 Comparison of normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.238" class="tocxref">C.4.44 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.239" class="tocxref">C.4.45 Section 10.2 Content width</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.240" class="tocxref">C.4.46 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.241" class="tocxref">C.4.47 Section 10.3.8 Absolutely positioning, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.242" class="tocxref">C.4.48 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.243" class="tocxref">C.4.49 Section 10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.244" class="tocxref">C.4.50 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.245" class="tocxref">C.4.51 Section 10.8 Line height calculations</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.246" class="tocxref">C.4.52 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.247" class="tocxref">C.4.53 Section 11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.248" class="tocxref">C.4.54 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.249" class="tocxref">C.4.55 Section 11.1.2 Clipping</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.250" class="tocxref">C.4.56 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.251" class="tocxref">C.4.57 Section 12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.252" class="tocxref">C.4.58 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.253" class="tocxref">C.4.59 Section 12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.254" class="tocxref">C.4.60 Section 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.255" class="tocxref">C.4.61 Section 12.4.3 Counters in elements with 'display: none'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.256" class="tocxref">C.4.62 Section 14.2 The background</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.257" class="tocxref">C.4.63 Section 15.1 Fonts Introduction</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.258" class="tocxref">C.4.64 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.259" class="tocxref">C.4.65 Section 15.2.2 Font family</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.260" class="tocxref">C.4.66 Section 15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.261" class="tocxref">C.4.67 Section 15.4 Font styling</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.262" class="tocxref">C.4.68 Section 15.5 Small-caps</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.263" class="tocxref">C.4.69 Section 15.6 Font boldness</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.264" class="tocxref">C.4.70 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.265" class="tocxref">C.4.71 Section 16.1 Indentation</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.266" class="tocxref">C.4.72 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.267" class="tocxref">C.4.73 Section 16.3.1 Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.268" class="tocxref">C.4.74 Section 16.5 Capitalization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.269" class="tocxref">C.4.75 Section 16.6 White space</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.270" class="tocxref">C.4.76 Section 17.1 Introduction to tables</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.271" class="tocxref">C.4.77 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.272" class="tocxref">C.4.78 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.273" class="tocxref">C.4.79 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.274" class="tocxref">C.4.80 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.275" class="tocxref">C.4.81 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.276" class="tocxref">C.4.82 Section 17.5.2 Table width algorithms</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.277" class="tocxref">C.4.83 Section Fixed table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.278" class="tocxref">C.4.84 Section Automatic table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.279" class="tocxref">C.4.85 Section 17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.280" class="tocxref">C.4.86 Section 17.5.5 Dynamic row and column effects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.281" class="tocxref">C.4.87 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.282" class="tocxref">C.4.88 Section 17.6.2 The collapsing borders model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.283" class="tocxref">C.4.89 Section 18.2 System Colors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.284" class="tocxref">C.4.90 Section 18.4 Dynamic outlines</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.285" class="tocxref">C.4.91 Section 18.4.1 Outlines and the focus</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.286" class="tocxref">C.4.92 Appendix D Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#errata" class="tocxref">C.5 Errata since the Candidate Recommendation of July 2007</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q288" class="tocxref">C.5.1 Section&nbsp; Value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q289" class="tocxref">C.5.2 Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q290" class="tocxref">C.5.3 Section 3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q291" class="tocxref">C.5.4 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q292" class="tocxref">C.5.5 Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q293" class="tocxref">C.5.6 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q294" class="tocxref">C.5.7 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q295" class="tocxref">C.5.8 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q296" class="tocxref">C.5.9 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q297" class="tocxref">C.5.10 Section&nbsp;4.1.5 At-rules</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q298" class="tocxref">C.5.11 Section&nbsp;4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q299" class="tocxref">C.5.12 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q300" class="tocxref">C.5.13 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q301" class="tocxref">C.5.14 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q302" class="tocxref">C.5.15 Section&nbsp;4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q303" class="tocxref">C.5.16 Section&nbsp;5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q304" class="tocxref">C.5.17 Section 5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q305" class="tocxref">C.5.18 Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q306" class="tocxref">C.5.19 Section&nbsp;5.12.3 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q307" class="tocxref">C.5.20 Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q308" class="tocxref">C.5.21 Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q309" class="tocxref">C.5.22 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q310" class="tocxref">C.5.23 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q311" class="tocxref">C.5.24 Section&nbsp;7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q312" class="tocxref">C.5.25 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q313" class="tocxref">C.5.26 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q314" class="tocxref">C.5.27 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q315" class="tocxref">C.5.28 Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q316" class="tocxref">C.5.29 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q317" class="tocxref">C.5.30 Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q318" class="tocxref">C.5.31 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q319" class="tocxref">C.5.32 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q320" class="tocxref">C.5.33 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q321" class="tocxref">C.5.34 Section&nbsp;9.6.1 Fixed positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q322" class="tocxref">C.5.35 Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q323" class="tocxref">C.5.36 Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q324" class="tocxref">C.5.37 Section&nbsp;10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q325" class="tocxref">C.5.38 Section&nbsp;10.3.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q326" class="tocxref">C.5.39 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q327" class="tocxref">C.5.40 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q328" class="tocxref">C.5.41 Section&nbsp;10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q329" class="tocxref">C.5.42 Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q330" class="tocxref">C.5.43 Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q331" class="tocxref">C.5.44 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q332" class="tocxref">C.5.45 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q333" class="tocxref">C.5.46 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q334" class="tocxref">C.5.47 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q335" class="tocxref">C.5.48 Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements [&hellip;]</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q336" class="tocxref">C.5.49 Section&nbsp;10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q337" class="tocxref">C.5.50 Section&nbsp;10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q338" class="tocxref">C.5.51 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q339" class="tocxref">C.5.52 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q340" class="tocxref">C.5.53 Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q341" class="tocxref">C.5.54 Section&nbsp;12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q342" class="tocxref">C.5.55 Section&nbsp;12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q343" class="tocxref">C.5.56 Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q344" class="tocxref">C.5.57 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q345" class="tocxref">C.5.58 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q346" class="tocxref">C.5.59 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q347" class="tocxref">C.5.60 Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q348" class="tocxref">C.5.61 Section&nbsp; Rendering page boxes that do not fit a target sheet</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q349" class="tocxref">C.5.62 Section&nbsp;13.2.3 Content outside the page box</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q350" class="tocxref">C.5.63 Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q351" class="tocxref">C.5.64 Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q352" class="tocxref">C.5.65 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q353" class="tocxref">C.5.66 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q354" class="tocxref">C.5.67 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q355" class="tocxref">C.5.68 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q356" class="tocxref">C.5.69 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q357" class="tocxref">C.5.70 Section&nbsp;13.3.5 "Best" page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q358" class="tocxref">C.5.71 Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q359" class="tocxref">C.5.72 Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q360" class="tocxref">C.5.73 Section 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', and 'background'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q361" class="tocxref">C.5.74 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q362" class="tocxref">C.5.75 Section&nbsp;16.6 Whitespace: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q363" class="tocxref">C.5.76 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q364" class="tocxref">C.5.77 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q365" class="tocxref">C.5.78 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q366" class="tocxref">C.5.79 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q367" class="tocxref">C.5.80 Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q368" class="tocxref">C.5.81 Section&nbsp;18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q369" class="tocxref">C.5.82 Section B.2 Informative references</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q370" class="tocxref">C.5.83 Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q371" class="tocxref">C.5.84 Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q372" class="tocxref">C.5.85 Section E.2 Painting order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q373" class="tocxref">C.5.86 Appendix G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q374" class="tocxref">C.5.87 Section&nbsp;G.1 Grammar</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q375" class="tocxref">C.5.88 Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q376" class="tocxref">C.5.89 Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q377" class="tocxref">C.5.90 Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q378" class="tocxref">C.5.91 Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q379" class="tocxref">C.5.92 Appendix&nbsp;I. Index</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.288" class="tocxref">C.5.1 Section&nbsp; Value</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.289" class="tocxref">C.5.2 Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.290" class="tocxref">C.5.3 Section 3.1 Definitions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.291" class="tocxref">C.5.4 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.292" class="tocxref">C.5.5 Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.293" class="tocxref">C.5.6 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.294" class="tocxref">C.5.7 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.295" class="tocxref">C.5.8 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.296" class="tocxref">C.5.9 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.297" class="tocxref">C.5.10 Section&nbsp;4.1.5 At-rules</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.298" class="tocxref">C.5.11 Section&nbsp;4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.299" class="tocxref">C.5.12 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.300" class="tocxref">C.5.13 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.301" class="tocxref">C.5.14 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.302" class="tocxref">C.5.15 Section&nbsp;4.3.5 Counters</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.303" class="tocxref">C.5.16 Section&nbsp;5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.304" class="tocxref">C.5.17 Section 5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.305" class="tocxref">C.5.18 Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.306" class="tocxref">C.5.19 Section&nbsp;5.12.3 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.307" class="tocxref">C.5.20 Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.308" class="tocxref">C.5.21 Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.309" class="tocxref">C.5.22 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.310" class="tocxref">C.5.23 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.311" class="tocxref">C.5.24 Section&nbsp;7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.312" class="tocxref">C.5.25 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.313" class="tocxref">C.5.26 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.314" class="tocxref">C.5.27 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.315" class="tocxref">C.5.28 Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.316" class="tocxref">C.5.29 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.317" class="tocxref">C.5.30 Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.318" class="tocxref">C.5.31 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.319" class="tocxref">C.5.32 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.320" class="tocxref">C.5.33 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.321" class="tocxref">C.5.34 Section&nbsp;9.6.1 Fixed positioning</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.322" class="tocxref">C.5.35 Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.323" class="tocxref">C.5.36 Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.324" class="tocxref">C.5.37 Section&nbsp;10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.325" class="tocxref">C.5.38 Section&nbsp;10.3.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.326" class="tocxref">C.5.39 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.327" class="tocxref">C.5.40 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.328" class="tocxref">C.5.41 Section&nbsp;10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.329" class="tocxref">C.5.42 Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.330" class="tocxref">C.5.43 Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.331" class="tocxref">C.5.44 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.332" class="tocxref">C.5.45 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.333" class="tocxref">C.5.46 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.334" class="tocxref">C.5.47 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.335" class="tocxref">C.5.48 Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements [&hellip;]</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.336" class="tocxref">C.5.49 Section&nbsp;10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.337" class="tocxref">C.5.50 Section&nbsp;10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.338" class="tocxref">C.5.51 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.339" class="tocxref">C.5.52 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.340" class="tocxref">C.5.53 Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.341" class="tocxref">C.5.54 Section&nbsp;12.2 The 'content' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.342" class="tocxref">C.5.55 Section&nbsp;12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.343" class="tocxref">C.5.56 Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.344" class="tocxref">C.5.57 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.345" class="tocxref">C.5.58 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.346" class="tocxref">C.5.59 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.347" class="tocxref">C.5.60 Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.348" class="tocxref">C.5.61 Section&nbsp; Rendering page boxes that do not fit a target sheet</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.349" class="tocxref">C.5.62 Section&nbsp;13.2.3 Content outside the page box</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.350" class="tocxref">C.5.63 Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.351" class="tocxref">C.5.64 Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.352" class="tocxref">C.5.65 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.353" class="tocxref">C.5.66 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.354" class="tocxref">C.5.67 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.355" class="tocxref">C.5.68 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.356" class="tocxref">C.5.69 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.357" class="tocxref">C.5.70 Section&nbsp;13.3.5 "Best" page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.358" class="tocxref">C.5.71 Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.359" class="tocxref">C.5.72 Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.360" class="tocxref">C.5.73 Section 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', and 'background'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.361" class="tocxref">C.5.74 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.362" class="tocxref">C.5.75 Section&nbsp;16.6 Whitespace: the 'white-space' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.363" class="tocxref">C.5.76 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.364" class="tocxref">C.5.77 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.365" class="tocxref">C.5.78 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.366" class="tocxref">C.5.79 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.367" class="tocxref">C.5.80 Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.368" class="tocxref">C.5.81 Section&nbsp;18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.369" class="tocxref">C.5.82 Section B.2 Informative references</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.370" class="tocxref">C.5.83 Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.371" class="tocxref">C.5.84 Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.372" class="tocxref">C.5.85 Section E.2 Painting order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.373" class="tocxref">C.5.86 Appendix G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.374" class="tocxref">C.5.87 Section&nbsp;G.1 Grammar</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.375" class="tocxref">C.5.88 Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.376" class="tocxref">C.5.89 Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.377" class="tocxref">C.5.90 Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.378" class="tocxref">C.5.91 Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.379" class="tocxref">C.5.92 Appendix&nbsp;I. Index</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#errata2" class="tocxref">C.6 Errata since the Candidate Recommendation of April 2009</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q381" class="tocxref">C.6.1 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q382" class="tocxref">C.6.2 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q383" class="tocxref">C.6.3 Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q384" class="tocxref">C.6.4 Section&nbsp; serif</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q385" class="tocxref">C.6.5 Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q386" class="tocxref">C.6.6 Section&nbsp; Fixed table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q387" class="tocxref">C.6.7 Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q388" class="tocxref">C.6.8 Appendix&nbsp;G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.381" class="tocxref">C.6.1 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.382" class="tocxref">C.6.2 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.383" class="tocxref">C.6.3 Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.384" class="tocxref">C.6.4 Section&nbsp; serif</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.385" class="tocxref">C.6.5 Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.386" class="tocxref">C.6.6 Section&nbsp; Fixed table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.387" class="tocxref">C.6.7 Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.388" class="tocxref">C.6.8 Appendix&nbsp;G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#errata3" class="tocxref">C.7 Errata since the Candidate Recommendation of September 2009</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q390" class="tocxref">C.7.1 Section&nbsp; Value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q391" class="tocxref">C.7.2 Section&nbsp;3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q392" class="tocxref">C.7.3 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q393" class="tocxref">C.7.4 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q394" class="tocxref">C.7.5 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q395" class="tocxref">C.7.6 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q396" class="tocxref">C.7.7 Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q397" class="tocxref">C.7.8 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q398" class="tocxref">C.7.9 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q399" class="tocxref">C.7.10 Section&nbsp;4.1.8 Declarations and properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q400" class="tocxref">C.7.11 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q401" class="tocxref">C.7.12 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q402" class="tocxref">C.7.13 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q403" class="tocxref">C.7.14 Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q404" class="tocxref">C.7.15 Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q405" class="tocxref">C.7.16 Section&nbsp;5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q406" class="tocxref">C.7.17 Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q407" class="tocxref">C.7.18 Section&nbsp;5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q408" class="tocxref">C.7.19 Section&nbsp;5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q409" class="tocxref">C.7.20 Section&nbsp;5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q410" class="tocxref">C.7.21 Section&nbsp;6.2 Inheritance</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q411" class="tocxref">C.7.22 Section&nbsp;6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q412" class="tocxref">C.7.23 Section&nbsp;7.3 Recognized media types</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q413" class="tocxref">C.7.24 Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q414" class="tocxref">C.7.25 Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q415" class="tocxref">C.7.26 Section&nbsp;9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q416" class="tocxref">C.7.27 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q417" class="tocxref">C.7.28 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q418" class="tocxref">C.7.29 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q419" class="tocxref">C.7.30 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q420" class="tocxref">C.7.31 Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q421" class="tocxref">C.7.32 Section&nbsp;9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q422" class="tocxref">C.7.33 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q423" class="tocxref">C.7.34 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q424" class="tocxref">C.7.35 Section&nbsp;9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q425" class="tocxref">C.7.36 Section&nbsp;9.4 Normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q426" class="tocxref">C.7.37 Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q427" class="tocxref">C.7.38 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q428" class="tocxref">C.7.39 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q429" class="tocxref">C.7.40 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q430" class="tocxref">C.7.41 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q431" class="tocxref">C.7.42 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q432" class="tocxref">C.7.43 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q433" class="tocxref">C.7.44 Section&nbsp;14.2.1 Background properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q434" class="tocxref">C.7.45 Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q435" class="tocxref">C.7.46 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q436" class="tocxref">C.7.47 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q437" class="tocxref">C.7.48 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q438" class="tocxref">C.7.49 Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q439" class="tocxref">C.7.50 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q440" class="tocxref">C.7.51 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q441" class="tocxref">C.7.52 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q442" class="tocxref">C.7.53 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q443" class="tocxref">C.7.54 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q444" class="tocxref">C.7.55 Section&nbsp;10.6.7 'Auto' heights for block formatting context roots</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q445" class="tocxref">C.7.56 Section&nbsp;10.7 Minimum and maximum heights: 'min-height' and 'max-height'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q446" class="tocxref">C.7.57 Section&nbsp;10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q447" class="tocxref">C.7.58 Section&nbsp;10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q448" class="tocxref">C.7.59 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q449" class="tocxref">C.7.60 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q450" class="tocxref">C.7.61 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q451" class="tocxref">C.7.62 Section&nbsp;11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q452" class="tocxref">C.7.63 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q453" class="tocxref">C.7.64 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q454" class="tocxref">C.7.65 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q455" class="tocxref">C.7.66 Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q456" class="tocxref">C.7.67 Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q457" class="tocxref">C.7.68 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q458" class="tocxref">C.7.69 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q459" class="tocxref">C.7.70 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q460" class="tocxref">C.7.71 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q461" class="tocxref">C.7.72 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q462" class="tocxref">C.7.73 Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q463" class="tocxref">C.7.74 Section&nbsp;13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q464" class="tocxref">C.7.75 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q465" class="tocxref">C.7.76 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q466" class="tocxref">C.7.77 Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q467" class="tocxref">C.7.78 Section&nbsp;15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q468" class="tocxref">C.7.79 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q469" class="tocxref">C.7.80 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q470" class="tocxref">C.7.81 Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q471" class="tocxref">C.7.82 Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q472" class="tocxref">C.7.83 Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q473" class="tocxref">C.7.84 Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q474" class="tocxref">C.7.85 Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q475" class="tocxref">C.7.86 Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q476" class="tocxref">C.7.87 Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q477" class="tocxref">C.7.88 Section&nbsp;16.4 Letter and word spacing: the 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q478" class="tocxref">C.7.89 Section&nbsp;16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q479" class="tocxref">C.7.90 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q480" class="tocxref">C.7.91 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q481" class="tocxref">C.7.92 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q482" class="tocxref">C.7.93 Section&nbsp;17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q483" class="tocxref">C.7.94 Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q484" class="tocxref">C.7.95 Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q485" class="tocxref">C.7.96 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q486" class="tocxref">C.7.97 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q487" class="tocxref">C.7.98 Section&nbsp; Automatic table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q488" class="tocxref">C.7.99 Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q489" class="tocxref">C.7.100 Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q490" class="tocxref">C.7.101 Section&nbsp;B.2 Informative references</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q491" class="tocxref">C.7.102 Section&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q492" class="tocxref">C.7.103 Section&nbsp;E.2 Painting order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q493" class="tocxref">C.7.104 Appendix&nbsp;G Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.390" class="tocxref">C.7.1 Section&nbsp; Value</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.391" class="tocxref">C.7.2 Section&nbsp;3.1 Definitions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.392" class="tocxref">C.7.3 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.393" class="tocxref">C.7.4 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.394" class="tocxref">C.7.5 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.395" class="tocxref">C.7.6 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.396" class="tocxref">C.7.7 Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.397" class="tocxref">C.7.8 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.398" class="tocxref">C.7.9 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.399" class="tocxref">C.7.10 Section&nbsp;4.1.8 Declarations and properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.400" class="tocxref">C.7.11 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.401" class="tocxref">C.7.12 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.402" class="tocxref">C.7.13 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.403" class="tocxref">C.7.14 Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.404" class="tocxref">C.7.15 Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.405" class="tocxref">C.7.16 Section&nbsp;5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.406" class="tocxref">C.7.17 Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.407" class="tocxref">C.7.18 Section&nbsp;5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.408" class="tocxref">C.7.19 Section&nbsp;5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.409" class="tocxref">C.7.20 Section&nbsp;5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.410" class="tocxref">C.7.21 Section&nbsp;6.2 Inheritance</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.411" class="tocxref">C.7.22 Section&nbsp;6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.412" class="tocxref">C.7.23 Section&nbsp;7.3 Recognized media types</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.413" class="tocxref">C.7.24 Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.414" class="tocxref">C.7.25 Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.415" class="tocxref">C.7.26 Section&nbsp;9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.416" class="tocxref">C.7.27 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.417" class="tocxref">C.7.28 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.418" class="tocxref">C.7.29 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.419" class="tocxref">C.7.30 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.420" class="tocxref">C.7.31 Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.421" class="tocxref">C.7.32 Section&nbsp;9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.422" class="tocxref">C.7.33 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.423" class="tocxref">C.7.34 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.424" class="tocxref">C.7.35 Section&nbsp;9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.425" class="tocxref">C.7.36 Section&nbsp;9.4 Normal flow</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.426" class="tocxref">C.7.37 Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.427" class="tocxref">C.7.38 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.428" class="tocxref">C.7.39 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.429" class="tocxref">C.7.40 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.430" class="tocxref">C.7.41 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.431" class="tocxref">C.7.42 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.432" class="tocxref">C.7.43 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.433" class="tocxref">C.7.44 Section&nbsp;14.2.1 Background properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.434" class="tocxref">C.7.45 Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.435" class="tocxref">C.7.46 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.436" class="tocxref">C.7.47 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.437" class="tocxref">C.7.48 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.438" class="tocxref">C.7.49 Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.439" class="tocxref">C.7.50 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.440" class="tocxref">C.7.51 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.441" class="tocxref">C.7.52 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.442" class="tocxref">C.7.53 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.443" class="tocxref">C.7.54 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.444" class="tocxref">C.7.55 Section&nbsp;10.6.7 'Auto' heights for block formatting context roots</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.445" class="tocxref">C.7.56 Section&nbsp;10.7 Minimum and maximum heights: 'min-height' and 'max-height'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.446" class="tocxref">C.7.57 Section&nbsp;10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.447" class="tocxref">C.7.58 Section&nbsp;10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.448" class="tocxref">C.7.59 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.449" class="tocxref">C.7.60 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.450" class="tocxref">C.7.61 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.451" class="tocxref">C.7.62 Section&nbsp;11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.452" class="tocxref">C.7.63 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.453" class="tocxref">C.7.64 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.454" class="tocxref">C.7.65 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.455" class="tocxref">C.7.66 Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.456" class="tocxref">C.7.67 Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.457" class="tocxref">C.7.68 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.458" class="tocxref">C.7.69 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.459" class="tocxref">C.7.70 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.460" class="tocxref">C.7.71 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.461" class="tocxref">C.7.72 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.462" class="tocxref">C.7.73 Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.463" class="tocxref">C.7.74 Section&nbsp;13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.464" class="tocxref">C.7.75 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.465" class="tocxref">C.7.76 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.466" class="tocxref">C.7.77 Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.467" class="tocxref">C.7.78 Section&nbsp;15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.468" class="tocxref">C.7.79 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.469" class="tocxref">C.7.80 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.470" class="tocxref">C.7.81 Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.471" class="tocxref">C.7.82 Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.472" class="tocxref">C.7.83 Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.473" class="tocxref">C.7.84 Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.474" class="tocxref">C.7.85 Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.475" class="tocxref">C.7.86 Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.476" class="tocxref">C.7.87 Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.477" class="tocxref">C.7.88 Section&nbsp;16.4 Letter and word spacing: the 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.478" class="tocxref">C.7.89 Section&nbsp;16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.479" class="tocxref">C.7.90 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.480" class="tocxref">C.7.91 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.481" class="tocxref">C.7.92 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.482" class="tocxref">C.7.93 Section&nbsp;17.2 The CSS table model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.483" class="tocxref">C.7.94 Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.484" class="tocxref">C.7.95 Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.485" class="tocxref">C.7.96 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.486" class="tocxref">C.7.97 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.487" class="tocxref">C.7.98 Section&nbsp; Automatic table layout</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.488" class="tocxref">C.7.99 Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.489" class="tocxref">C.7.100 Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.490" class="tocxref">C.7.101 Section&nbsp;B.2 Informative references</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.491" class="tocxref">C.7.102 Section&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.492" class="tocxref">C.7.103 Section&nbsp;E.2 Painting order</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.493" class="tocxref">C.7.104 Appendix&nbsp;G Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#q494" class="tocxref">C.8 Changes since the working draft of 7 December 2010</a>
+ <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#q21.494" class="tocxref">C.8 Changes since the working draft of 7 December 2010</a>
<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q495" class="tocxref">C.8.1 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q496" class="tocxref">C.8.2 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q497" class="tocxref">C.8.3 10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q498" class="tocxref">C.8.4 14.3 Gamma correction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q499" class="tocxref">C.8.5 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q500" class="tocxref">C.8.6 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q501" class="tocxref">C.8.7 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q502" class="tocxref">C.8.8 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q503" class="tocxref">C.8.9 13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q504" class="tocxref">C.8.10 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q505" class="tocxref">C.8.11 10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q506" class="tocxref">C.8.12 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q507" class="tocxref">C.8.13 10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q508" class="tocxref">C.8.14 9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q509" class="tocxref">C.8.15 Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q510" class="tocxref">C.8.16 5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q511" class="tocxref">C.8.17 16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q512" class="tocxref">C.8.18 12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q513" class="tocxref">C.8.19 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q514" class="tocxref">C.8.20 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q515" class="tocxref">C.8.21 4.1.9 Comments</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q516" class="tocxref">C.8.22 12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q517" class="tocxref">C.8.23 9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q518" class="tocxref">C.8.24 9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q519" class="tocxref">C.8.25 9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q520" class="tocxref">C.8.26 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q521" class="tocxref">C.8.27 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q522" class="tocxref">C.8.28 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths: 'min-width' and 'max-width'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q523" class="tocxref">C.8.29 9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q524" class="tocxref">C.8.30 Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q525" class="tocxref">C.8.31 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q526" class="tocxref">C.8.32 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q527" class="tocxref">C.8.33 13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q528" class="tocxref">C.8.34 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q529" class="tocxref">C.8.35 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q530" class="tocxref">C.8.36 3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q531" class="tocxref">C.8.37 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q532" class="tocxref">C.8.38 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q533" class="tocxref">C.8.39 11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q534" class="tocxref">C.8.40 Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q535" class="tocxref">C.8.41 16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q536" class="tocxref">C.8.42 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q537" class="tocxref">C.8.43 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q538" class="tocxref">C.8.44 5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q539" class="tocxref">C.8.45 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q540" class="tocxref">C.8.46 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q541" class="tocxref">C.8.47 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', and 'background'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q542" class="tocxref">C.8.48 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q543" class="tocxref">C.8.49 6.1.2 Computed values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q544" class="tocxref">C.8.50 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q545" class="tocxref">C.8.51 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q546" class="tocxref">C.8.52 G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q547" class="tocxref">C.8.53 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q548" class="tocxref">C.8.54 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q549" class="tocxref">C.8.55 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.495" class="tocxref">C.8.1 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.496" class="tocxref">C.8.2 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.497" class="tocxref">C.8.3 10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.498" class="tocxref">C.8.4 14.3 Gamma correction</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.499" class="tocxref">C.8.5 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.500" class="tocxref">C.8.6 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.501" class="tocxref">C.8.7 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.502" class="tocxref">C.8.8 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.503" class="tocxref">C.8.9 13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.504" class="tocxref">C.8.10 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.505" class="tocxref">C.8.11 10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.506" class="tocxref">C.8.12 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.507" class="tocxref">C.8.13 10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.508" class="tocxref">C.8.14 9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.509" class="tocxref">C.8.15 Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.510" class="tocxref">C.8.16 5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.511" class="tocxref">C.8.17 16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.512" class="tocxref">C.8.18 12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.513" class="tocxref">C.8.19 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.514" class="tocxref">C.8.20 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.515" class="tocxref">C.8.21 4.1.9 Comments</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.516" class="tocxref">C.8.22 12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.517" class="tocxref">C.8.23 9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.518" class="tocxref">C.8.24 9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.519" class="tocxref">C.8.25 9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.520" class="tocxref">C.8.26 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.521" class="tocxref">C.8.27 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.522" class="tocxref">C.8.28 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths: 'min-width' and 'max-width'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.523" class="tocxref">C.8.29 9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.524" class="tocxref">C.8.30 Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.525" class="tocxref">C.8.31 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.526" class="tocxref">C.8.32 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.527" class="tocxref">C.8.33 13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.528" class="tocxref">C.8.34 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.529" class="tocxref">C.8.35 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.530" class="tocxref">C.8.36 3.1 Definitions</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.531" class="tocxref">C.8.37 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.532" class="tocxref">C.8.38 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.533" class="tocxref">C.8.39 11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.534" class="tocxref">C.8.40 Anonymous block boxes</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.535" class="tocxref">C.8.41 16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.536" class="tocxref">C.8.42 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.537" class="tocxref">C.8.43 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.538" class="tocxref">C.8.44 5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.539" class="tocxref">C.8.45 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.540" class="tocxref">C.8.46 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.541" class="tocxref">C.8.47 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', and 'background'</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.542" class="tocxref">C.8.48 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.543" class="tocxref">C.8.49 6.1.2 Computed values</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.544" class="tocxref">C.8.50 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.545" class="tocxref">C.8.51 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.546" class="tocxref">C.8.52 G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.547" class="tocxref">C.8.53 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.548" class="tocxref">C.8.54 9.5 Floats</a>
+ <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21.549" class="tocxref">C.8.55 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="sample.html" class="tocxref">Appendix D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="zindex.html" class="tocxref">Appendix E. Elaborate description of Stacking Contexts</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="sample.html#q22.0" class="tocxref">Appendix D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="zindex.html#q23.0" class="tocxref">Appendix E. Elaborate description of Stacking Contexts</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="zindex.html#stacking-defs" class="tocxref">E.1 Definitions</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="zindex.html#painting-order" class="tocxref">E.2 Painting order</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="zindex.html#stacking-notes" class="tocxref">E.3 Notes</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="propidx.html" class="tocxref">Appendix F. Full property table</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="grammar.html" class="tocxref">Appendix G. Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="propidx.html#q24.0" class="tocxref">Appendix F. Full property table</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="grammar.html#q25.0" class="tocxref">Appendix G. Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="tocline2"><a href="grammar.html#grammar" class="tocxref">G.1 Grammar</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="grammar.html#scanner" class="tocxref">G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
<li class="tocline2"><a href="grammar.html#tokenizer-diffs" class="tocxref">G.3 Comparison of tokenization in CSS&nbsp;2.1 and CSS1</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="grammar.html#q4" class="tocxref">G.4 Implementation note</a>
+ <li class="tocline2"><a href="grammar.html#q25.4" class="tocxref">G.4 Implementation note</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="indexlist.html" class="tocxref">Appendix I. Index</a>
+ <li class="tocline1"><a href="indexlist.html#q27.0" class="tocxref">Appendix I. Index</a>
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<title>Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS&nbsp;2.1) Specification</title>
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<h1 id="title">Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS&nbsp;2.1) Specification</h1>
- <h2 id="W3C-doctype">W3C _THE_STATUSNAME_ _THE_DATE_</h2>
+ <h2 id="W3C-doctype">W3C _THE_STATUSNAME_ _THE_DATE_, edited in place 12 April 2016 to point to new work</h2>
<dt>This version:
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
<dd><a href=""></a>
+ <dt>Latest editor's draft:
+ <dd><a href="">
<dd class="vcard"><a class="url fn" lang=nl href="">
Bert Bos</a>
@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@
<p class="copyright"><a
- Copyright</a> &copy; 2011 <a href=""><acronym
+ Copyright</a> &copy; _THE_YEAR_ <a href=""><acronym
title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>&reg;</sup>
(<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts
Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a
@@ -164,8 +167,10 @@ report.</a>
Candidate Recommendation and the previous Recommendation are listed
in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
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- <p><a href=""><img alt="W3C" height="48"
- src="" width="72"></a>
- <h1 id="title">Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS&nbsp;2.1) Specification</h1>
- <h2 id="W3C-doctype">W3C Recommendation 07 June 2011</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt>This version:
- <dd><a href="">
- <dt>Latest version:
- <dd><a href="">
- <dt>Previous versions:
- <dd><a href="">
- <dd><a href="">
- <dt>Editors:
- <dd class="vcard"><a class="url fn" lang=nl href="">
- Bert Bos</a>
- &lt;<span class="email">bert&nbsp;</span>&gt;</dd>
- <dd class="vcard"><a class="url fn" lang=tr href="">
- Tantek &Ccedil;elik</a>
- &lt;<span class="email">tantek&nbsp;</span>&gt;</dd>
- <dd class="vcard"><a class="url fn" lang=en href="">
- Ian Hickson</a>
- &lt;<span class="email">ian&nbsp;</span>&gt;</dd>
- <dd class="vcard"><a class="url fn n" lang=no href="">
-<span class="given-name">H&aring;kon</span> <span class="additional-name">Wium</span> <span class="family-name">Lie</span></a>
- &lt;<span class="email">howcome&nbsp;</span>&gt;</dd>
- </dl>
- <p>Please refer to the <a
- href=""><strong>
- errata</strong></a> for this document.
- <p>This document is also available in these non-normative formats:
- <a href="css2.txt">plain text</a>,
- <a href="css2.tgz">gzip'ed tar file</a>,
- <a href="">zip file</a>,
- <a href="">gzip'ed PostScript</a>,
- <a href="css2.pdf">PDF</a>.
- See also <a
- href=";lang=any;search1=Submit"><strong>
- translations</strong></a>.
- <p class="copyright"><a
- href="">
- Copyright</a> &copy; 2011 <a href=""><acronym
- title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>&reg;</sup>
- (<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts
- Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a
- href=""><acronym title="European Research
- Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a
- href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a
- href="">
- liability</a>, <a
- href="">
- trademark</a> and <a
- href="">
- document use</a> rules apply.
- <hr title="Separator from Header">
-<h2 id=abstract>Abstract</h2>
-<p>This specification defines Cascading Style Sheets, level&nbsp;2
-revision&nbsp;1 (CSS&nbsp;2.1). CSS&nbsp;2.1 is a style sheet language
-that allows
-authors and users to attach style (e.g., fonts and spacing) to
-structured documents (e.g., HTML documents and XML
-applications). By separating the presentation style of documents from
-the content of documents, CSS&nbsp;2.1 simplifies Web authoring and
-site maintenance.
-<P>CSS&nbsp;2.1 builds on CSS2 <a href="refs.html#ref-CSS2" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[CSS2]</span></a> which builds on CSS1 <a href="refs.html#ref-CSS1" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[CSS1]</span></a>.
-It supports media-specific style sheets so that authors may tailor the
-presentation of their documents to visual browsers, aural devices,
-printers, braille devices, handheld devices, etc. It also supports
-content positioning, table layout, features for internationalization
-and some properties related to user interface.
-<p>CSS&nbsp;2.1 corrects a few errors in CSS2 (the most important
-being a new definition of the height/width of absolutely positioned
-elements, more influence for HTML's "style" attribute and a new
-calculation of the 'clip' property), and adds a few highly requested
-features which have already been widely implemented.
-But most of all CSS&nbsp;2.1
-represents a "snapshot" of CSS usage: it consists of all CSS features
-that are implemented interoperably at the date of publication of the Recommendation.
-<p>CSS&nbsp;2.1 is derived from and is intended to replace CSS2. Some
-parts of CSS2 are unchanged in CSS&nbsp;2.1, some parts have been
-altered, and some parts removed. The removed portions may be used in a
-future CSS3 specification. Future specs should refer to CSS&nbsp;2.1
-(unless they need features from CSS2 which have been dropped in
-CSS&nbsp;2.1, and then they should only reference CSS2 for those
-features, or preferably reference such feature(s) in the respective
-CSS3 Module that includes those feature(s)).
-<h2 id=status>Status of this document</h2>
-<p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time
-of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A
-list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this
-technical report can be found in the <a
-href="">W3C technical reports index at
-<p>This document has been reviewed by W3C Members, by software
-developers, and by other W3C groups and interested parties, and is
-endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. It is a stable
-document and may be used as reference material or cited from another
-document. W3C's role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention
-to the specification and to promote its widespread deployment. This
-enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web.</p>
-<p>The (<a
-public mailing list <a
-href=""></a> (see <a
-href="">instructions</a>) is preferred
-for discussion of this specification. When sending e-mail, please put
-the text &#8220;CSS21&#8221; in the subject, preferably like
-this: &#8220;[CSS21] <em>&hellip;summary of
-<p>This document was produced by the <a
-href="">CSS Working Group</a> (part
-of the <a href="">Style Activity</a>).
-<p>This document was produced by a group operating under
-the <a href="">5 February 2004 W3C
-Patent Policy</a>. W3C maintains a <a rel="disclosure"
-href="">public list of any
-patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of the
-group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent.
-An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the
-individual believes
-contains <a
-Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance
-with <a
-href="">section 6 of
-the W3C Patent Policy</a>.</p>
-<p>The Working Group has created a <a href="/Style/CSS/Test/">test
-suite</a> and
-an <a href="/Style/CSS/Test/CSS2.1/20110323/reports/">implementation
-<p>All changes since the previous Working Draft, the previous
-Candidate Recommendation and the previous Recommendation are listed
-in <a href="changes.html">appendix&nbsp;C.</a>
-<!--NewPage--><!-- this is for html2ps -->
-<div class="toc">
-<h2><a name="minitoc">Quick Table of Contents</a></h2>
-<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="about.html" class="tocxref">1 About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="intro.html" class="tocxref">2 Introduction to CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="conform.html" class="tocxref">3 Conformance: Requirements and Recommendations</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="syndata.html" class="tocxref">4 Syntax and basic data types</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="selector.html" class="tocxref">5 Selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="cascade.html" class="tocxref">6 Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="media.html" class="tocxref">7 Media types</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="box.html" class="tocxref">8 Box model</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visuren.html" class="tocxref">9 Visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visudet.html" class="tocxref">10 Visual formatting model details</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visufx.html" class="tocxref">11 Visual effects</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="generate.html" class="tocxref">12 Generated <span class="index-def" title="generated content">content</span>, automatic <span class="index-def" title="automatic numbering">numbering</span>, and lists</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="page.html" class="tocxref">13 Paged media</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="colors.html" class="tocxref">14 Colors and Backgrounds</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="fonts.html" class="tocxref">15 Fonts</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="text.html" class="tocxref">16 Text</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="tables.html" class="tocxref">17 Tables</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="ui.html" class="tocxref">18 User interface</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="aural.html" class="tocxref">Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="refs.html" class="tocxref">Appendix B. Bibliography</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="changes.html" class="tocxref">Appendix C. Changes</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="sample.html" class="tocxref">Appendix D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="zindex.html" class="tocxref">Appendix E. Elaborate description of Stacking Contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="propidx.html" class="tocxref">Appendix F. Full property table</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="grammar.html" class="tocxref">Appendix G. Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="indexlist.html" class="tocxref">Appendix I. Index</a>
-<!--NewPage--><!-- this is for html2ps -->
-<div class="toc">
-<h2><a name="toc">Full Table of Contents</a></h2>
-<ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="about.html" class="tocxref">1 About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#css2.1-v-css2" class="tocxref">1.1 CSS&nbsp;2.1 vs CSS&nbsp;2</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#reading" class="tocxref">1.2 Reading the specification</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#organization" class="tocxref">1.3 How the specification is organized</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#conventions" class="tocxref">1.4 Conventions</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="about.html#doc-language" class="tocxref">1.4.1 Document language elements and attributes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="about.html#property-defs" class="tocxref">1.4.2 CSS property definitions</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#value-defs" class="tocxref"> Value</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#initial-value" class="tocxref"> Initial</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#applies-to" class="tocxref"> Applies to</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#inherited-prop" class="tocxref"> Inherited</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#percentage-wrt" class="tocxref"> Percentage values</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#media-applies" class="tocxref"> Media groups</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#computed-defs" class="tocxref"> Computed value</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="about.html#shorthand" class="tocxref">1.4.3 Shorthand properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="about.html#notes-and-examples" class="tocxref">1.4.4 Notes and examples</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="about.html#images-and-longdesc" class="tocxref">1.4.5 Images and long descriptions</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#acknowledgements" class="tocxref">1.5 Acknowledgments</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="intro.html" class="tocxref">2 Introduction to CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#html-tutorial" class="tocxref">2.1 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for HTML</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#xml-tutorial" class="tocxref">2.2 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for XML</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#processing-model" class="tocxref">2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="intro.html#the-canvas" class="tocxref">2.3.1 The canvas</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="intro.html#addressing" class="tocxref">2.3.2 CSS&nbsp;2.1 addressing model</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#design-principles" class="tocxref">2.4 CSS design principles</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="conform.html" class="tocxref">3 Conformance: Requirements and Recommendations</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#defs" class="tocxref">3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#conformance" class="tocxref">3.2 UA Conformance</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#errors" class="tocxref">3.3 Error conditions</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#text-css" class="tocxref">3.4 <span class="index-def" title="text/css">The text/css content type</span></a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="syndata.html" class="tocxref">4 Syntax and basic data types</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="syndata.html#syntax" class="tocxref">4.1 Syntax</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#tokenization" class="tocxref">4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#keywords" class="tocxref">4.1.2 Keywords</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="syndata.html#vendor-keywords" class="tocxref"> Vendor-specific extensions</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="syndata.html#vendor-keyword-history" class="tocxref"> Informative Historical Notes</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#characters" class="tocxref">4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#statements" class="tocxref">4.1.4 Statements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#at-rules" class="tocxref">4.1.5 <span class="index-def" title="at-rule"> At-rules</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#block" class="tocxref">4.1.6 Blocks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#rule-sets" class="tocxref">4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#declaration" class="tocxref">4.1.8 Declarations and properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#comments" class="tocxref">4.1.9 Comments</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="syndata.html#parsing-errors" class="tocxref">4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="syndata.html#values" class="tocxref">4.3 Values</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#numbers" class="tocxref">4.3.1 Integers and real numbers</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#length-units" class="tocxref">4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#percentage-units" class="tocxref">4.3.3 Percentages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#uri" class="tocxref">4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#counter" class="tocxref">4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#color-units" class="tocxref">4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#strings" class="tocxref">4.3.7 Strings</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#unsupported-values" class="tocxref">4.3.8 Unsupported Values</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="syndata.html#charset" class="tocxref">4.4 CSS style sheet representation</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#escaping" class="tocxref">4.4.1 Referring to characters not represented in a character encoding</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="selector.html" class="tocxref">5 Selectors</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#pattern-matching" class="tocxref">5.1 Pattern matching</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#selector-syntax" class="tocxref">5.2 Selector syntax</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#grouping" class="tocxref">5.2.1 Grouping</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#universal-selector" class="tocxref">5.3 Universal selector</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#type-selectors" class="tocxref">5.4 Type selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#descendant-selectors" class="tocxref">5.5 Descendant selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#child-selectors" class="tocxref">5.6 Child selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#adjacent-selectors" class="tocxref">5.7 Adjacent sibling selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#attribute-selectors" class="tocxref">5.8 Attribute selectors</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#matching-attrs" class="tocxref">5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#default-attrs" class="tocxref">5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#class-html" class="tocxref">5.8.3 Class selectors</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#id-selectors" class="tocxref">5.9 ID selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#pseudo-elements" class="tocxref">5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#pseudo-class-selectors" class="tocxref">5.11 Pseudo-classes</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#first-child" class="tocxref">5.11.1 :first-child pseudo-class</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#link-pseudo-classes" class="tocxref">5.11.2 The link pseudo-classes: <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::link|:link|link (pseudo-class)">:link</span> and <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::visited|:visited|visited (pseudo-class)">:visited</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#dynamic-pseudo-classes" class="tocxref">5.11.3 The dynamic pseudo-classes: <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::hover|:hover|hover (pseudo-class)">:hover</span>, <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::active|:active|active (pseudo-class)">:active</span>, and <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::focus|:focus|focus (pseudo-class)">:focus</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#lang" class="tocxref">5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::lang|:lang|lang (pseudo-class)">:lang</span></a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#pseudo-element-selectors" class="tocxref">5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#first-line-pseudo" class="tocxref">5.12.1 The <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-elements:::first-line|:first-line|first-line">:first-line</span> pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#first-letter" class="tocxref">5.12.2 The <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-elements:::first-letter|:first-letter|first-letter">:first-letter</span> pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#before-and-after" class="tocxref">5.12.3 The <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-elements:::before|:before">:before</span> and <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-elements:::after|:after">:after</span> pseudo-elements</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="cascade.html" class="tocxref">6 Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="cascade.html#value-stages" class="tocxref">6.1 Specified, computed, and actual values</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="cascade.html#specified-value" class="tocxref">6.1.1 <span class="index-def" title="specified value"> Specified values</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="cascade.html#computed-value" class="tocxref">6.1.2 <span class="index-def" title="computed value"> Computed values</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="cascade.html#used-value" class="tocxref">6.1.3 <span class="index-def" title="used value"> Used values</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="cascade.html#actual-value" class="tocxref">6.1.4 <span class="index-def" title="actual value"> Actual values</span></a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="cascade.html#inheritance" class="tocxref">6.2 Inheritance</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="cascade.html#value-def-inherit" class="tocxref">6.2.1 The <span class="index-def" title="inherit, definition of">'inherit'</span> value</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="cascade.html#at-import" class="tocxref">6.3 The @import rule</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="cascade.html#cascade" class="tocxref">6.4 The cascade</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="cascade.html#cascading-order" class="tocxref">6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="cascade.html#important-rules" class="tocxref">6.4.2 !important rules</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="cascade.html#specificity" class="tocxref">6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="cascade.html#preshint" class="tocxref">6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="media.html" class="tocxref">7 Media types</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="media.html#media-intro" class="tocxref">7.1 Introduction to media types</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="media.html#media-sheets" class="tocxref">7.2 Specifying media-dependent style sheets</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="media.html#at-media-rule" class="tocxref">7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="media.html#media-types" class="tocxref">7.3 Recognized media types</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="media.html#media-groups" class="tocxref">7.3.1 Media groups</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="box.html" class="tocxref">8 Box model</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="box.html#box-dimensions" class="tocxref">8.1 Box dimensions</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="box.html#mpb-examples" class="tocxref">8.2 Example of margins, padding, and borders</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="box.html#margin-properties" class="tocxref">8.3 Margin properties: <span class="propinst-margin-top">'margin-top'</span>, <span class="propinst-margin-right">'margin-right'</span>, <span class="propinst-margin-bottom">'margin-bottom'</span>, <span class="propinst-margin-left">'margin-left'</span>, and <span class="propinst-margin">'margin'</span></a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="box.html#collapsing-margins" class="tocxref">8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="box.html#padding-properties" class="tocxref">8.4 Padding properties: <span class="propinst-padding-top">'padding-top'</span>, <span class="propinst-padding-right">'padding-right'</span>, <span class="propinst-padding-bottom">'padding-bottom'</span>, <span class="propinst-padding-left">'padding-left'</span>, and <span class="propinst-padding">'padding'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="box.html#border-properties" class="tocxref">8.5 Border properties</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="box.html#border-width-properties" class="tocxref">8.5.1 Border width: <span class="propinst-border-top-width">'border-top-width'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-right-width">'border-right-width'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-bottom-width">'border-bottom-width'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-left-width">'border-left-width'</span>, and <span class="propinst-border-width">'border-width'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="box.html#border-color-properties" class="tocxref">8.5.2 Border color: <span class="propinst-border-top-color">'border-top-color'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-right-color">'border-right-color'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-bottom-color">'border-bottom-color'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-left-color">'border-left-color'</span>, and <span class="propinst-border-color">'border-color'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="box.html#border-style-properties" class="tocxref">8.5.3 Border style: <span class="propinst-border-top-style">'border-top-style'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-right-style">'border-right-style'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-bottom-style">'border-bottom-style'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-left-style">'border-left-style'</span>, and <span class="propinst-border-style">'border-style'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="box.html#border-shorthand-properties" class="tocxref">8.5.4 Border shorthand properties: <span class="propinst-border-top">'border-top'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-right">'border-right'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-bottom">'border-bottom'</span>, <span class="propinst-border-left">'border-left'</span>, and <span class="propinst-border">'border'</span></a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="box.html#bidi-box-model" class="tocxref">8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visuren.html" class="tocxref">9 Visual formatting model</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#visual-model-intro" class="tocxref">9.1 Introduction to the visual formatting model</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#viewport" class="tocxref">9.1.1 The viewport</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#containing-block" class="tocxref">9.1.2 <span class="index-def" title="containing block"> Containing blocks</span></a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#box-gen" class="tocxref">9.2 Controlling box generation</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#block-boxes" class="tocxref">9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="visuren.html#anonymous-block-level" class="tocxref"> Anonymous block boxes</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#inline-boxes" class="tocxref">9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="visuren.html#anonymous" class="tocxref"> Anonymous inline boxes</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#run-in" class="tocxref">9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#display-prop" class="tocxref">9.2.4 The <span class="propinst-display">'display'</span> property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#positioning-scheme" class="tocxref">9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#choose-position" class="tocxref">9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme: <span class="propinst-position">'position'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#position-props" class="tocxref">9.3.2 Box offsets: <span class="propinst-top">'top'</span>, <span class="propinst-right">'right'</span>, <span class="propinst-bottom">'bottom'</span>, <span class="propinst-left">'left'</span></a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#normal-flow" class="tocxref">9.4 Normal flow</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#block-formatting" class="tocxref">9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#inline-formatting" class="tocxref">9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#relative-positioning" class="tocxref">9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#floats" class="tocxref">9.5 Floats</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#float-position" class="tocxref">9.5.1 Positioning the float: the <span class="propinst-float">'float'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#flow-control" class="tocxref">9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the <span class="propinst-clear">'clear'</span> property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#absolute-positioning" class="tocxref">9.6 Absolute positioning</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#fixed-positioning" class="tocxref">9.6.1 Fixed positioning</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#dis-pos-flo" class="tocxref">9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#comparison" class="tocxref">9.8 Comparison of normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#comp-normal-flow" class="tocxref">9.8.1 Normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#comp-relpos" class="tocxref">9.8.2 Relative positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#comp-float" class="tocxref">9.8.3 Floating a box</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#comp-abspos" class="tocxref">9.8.4 Absolute positioning</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#layers" class="tocxref">9.9 Layered presentation</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visuren.html#z-index" class="tocxref">9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the <span class="propinst-z-index">'z-index'</span> property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visuren.html#direction" class="tocxref">9.10 Text direction: the <span class="propinst-direction">'direction'</span> and <span class="propinst-unicode-bidi">'unicode-bidi'</span> properties</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visudet.html" class="tocxref">10 Visual formatting model details</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visudet.html#containing-block-details" class="tocxref">10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visudet.html#the-width-property" class="tocxref">10.2 Content width: the <span class="propinst-width">'width'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visudet.html#Computing_widths_and_margins" class="tocxref">10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#inline-width" class="tocxref">10.3.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#inline-replaced-width" class="tocxref">10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#blockwidth" class="tocxref">10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#block-replaced-width" class="tocxref">10.3.4 Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#float-width" class="tocxref">10.3.5 Floating, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#float-replaced-width" class="tocxref">10.3.6 Floating, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-width" class="tocxref">10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#abs-replaced-width" class="tocxref">10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#inlineblock-width" class="tocxref">10.3.9 'Inline-block', non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#inlineblock-replaced-width" class="tocxref">10.3.10 'Inline-block', replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visudet.html#min-max-widths" class="tocxref">10.4 Minimum and maximum widths: <span class="propinst-min-width">'min-width'</span> and <span class="propinst-max-width">'max-width'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visudet.html#the-height-property" class="tocxref">10.5 Content height: the <span class="propinst-height">'height'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visudet.html#Computing_heights_and_margins" class="tocxref">10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#inline-non-replaced" class="tocxref">10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#inline-replaced-height" class="tocxref">10.6.2 Inline replaced elements, block-level replaced elements in normal flow, 'inline-block' replaced elements in normal flow and floating replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#normal-block" class="tocxref">10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-height" class="tocxref">10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#abs-replaced-height" class="tocxref">10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#block-root-margin" class="tocxref">10.6.6 Complicated cases</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#root-height" class="tocxref">10.6.7 'Auto' heights for block formatting context roots</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visudet.html#min-max-heights" class="tocxref">10.7 Minimum and maximum heights: <span class="propinst-min-height">'min-height'</span> and <span class="propinst-max-height">'max-height'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visudet.html#line-height" class="tocxref">10.8 Line height calculations: the <span class="propinst-line-height">'line-height'</span> and <span class="propinst-vertical-align">'vertical-align'</span> properties</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visudet.html#leading" class="tocxref">10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="visufx.html" class="tocxref">11 Visual effects</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visufx.html#overflow-clipping" class="tocxref">11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visufx.html#overflow" class="tocxref">11.1.1 Overflow: the <span class="propinst-overflow">'overflow'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="visufx.html#clipping" class="tocxref">11.1.2 Clipping: the <span class="propinst-clip">'clip'</span> property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="visufx.html#visibility" class="tocxref">11.2 Visibility: the <span class="propinst-visibility">'visibility'</span> property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="generate.html" class="tocxref">12 Generated <span class="index-def" title="generated content">content</span>, automatic <span class="index-def" title="automatic numbering">numbering</span>, and lists</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="generate.html#before-after-content" class="tocxref">12.1 The <span class="index-def" title=":before|pseudo-elements:::before|before">:before</span> and <span class="index-def" title=":after|pseudo-elements:::after|after">:after</span> pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="generate.html#content" class="tocxref">12.2 The <span class="propinst-content">'content'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="generate.html#quotes" class="tocxref">12.3 Quotation marks</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="generate.html#quotes-specify" class="tocxref">12.3.1 Specifying quotes with the <span class="propinst-quotes">'quotes'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="generate.html#quotes-insert" class="tocxref">12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the <span class="propinst-content">'content'</span> property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="generate.html#counters" class="tocxref">12.4 Automatic <span class="index-def" title="counters">counters</span> and numbering</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="generate.html#scope" class="tocxref">12.4.1 Nested counters and scope</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="generate.html#counter-styles" class="tocxref">12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="generate.html#undisplayed-counters" class="tocxref">12.4.3 Counters in elements with 'display: none'</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="generate.html#lists" class="tocxref">12.5 Lists</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="generate.html#list-style" class="tocxref">12.5.1 Lists: the <span class="propinst-list-style-type">'list-style-type'</span>, <span class="propinst-list-style-image">'list-style-image'</span>, <span class="propinst-list-style-position">'list-style-position'</span>, and <span class="propinst-list-style">'list-style'</span> properties</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="page.html" class="tocxref">13 Paged media</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="page.html#page-intro" class="tocxref">13.1 Introduction to paged media</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="page.html#page-box" class="tocxref">13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="page.html#page-margins" class="tocxref">13.2.1 Page margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="page.html#page-selectors" class="tocxref">13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="page.html#outside-page-box" class="tocxref">13.2.3 Content outside the page box</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="page.html#page-breaks" class="tocxref">13.3 Page breaks</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="page.html#page-break-props" class="tocxref">13.3.1 Page break properties: <span class="propinst-page-break-before">'page-break-before'</span>, <span class="propinst-page-break-after">'page-break-after'</span>, <span class="propinst-page-break-inside">'page-break-inside'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="page.html#break-inside" class="tocxref">13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: <span class="propinst-orphans">'orphans'</span>, <span class="propinst-widows">'widows'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="page.html#allowed-page-breaks" class="tocxref">13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="page.html#forced" class="tocxref">13.3.4 Forced page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="page.html#best-page-breaks" class="tocxref">13.3.5 "Best" page breaks</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="page.html#page-cascade" class="tocxref">13.4 Cascading in the page context</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="colors.html" class="tocxref">14 Colors and Backgrounds</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="colors.html#colors" class="tocxref">14.1 Foreground color: the <span class="propinst-color">'color'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="colors.html#background" class="tocxref">14.2 The background</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="colors.html#background-properties" class="tocxref">14.2.1 Background properties: <span class="propinst-background-color">'background-color'</span>, <span class="propinst-background-image">'background-image'</span>, <span class="propinst-background-repeat">'background-repeat'</span>, <span class="propinst-background-attachment">'background-attachment'</span>, <span class="propinst-background-position">'background-position'</span>, and <span class="propinst-background">'background'</span></a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="fonts.html" class="tocxref">15 Fonts</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#fonts-intro" class="tocxref">15.1 Introduction</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#algorithm" class="tocxref">15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#font-family-prop" class="tocxref">15.3 Font family: the <span class="propinst-font-family">'font-family'</span> property</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="fonts.html#generic-font-families" class="tocxref">15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="fonts.html#serif-def" class="tocxref"> <span class="index-def" title="serif, definition of"><dfn>serif</dfn></span></a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="fonts.html#sans-serif-def" class="tocxref"> <span class="index-def" title="sans-serif, definition of"> <dfn>sans-serif</dfn></span></a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="fonts.html#cursive-def" class="tocxref"> <span class="index-def" title="cursive, definition of"> <dfn>cursive</dfn></span></a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="fonts.html#fantasy-def" class="tocxref"> <span class="index-def" title="fantasy, definition of"> <dfn>fantasy</dfn></span></a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="fonts.html#monospace-def" class="tocxref"> <span class="index-def" title="monospace, definition of"> <dfn>monospace</dfn></span></a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#font-styling" class="tocxref">15.4 Font styling: the <span class="propinst-font-style">'font-style'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#small-caps" class="tocxref">15.5 Small-caps: the <span class="propinst-font-variant">'font-variant'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#font-boldness" class="tocxref">15.6 Font boldness: the <span class="propinst-font-weight">'font-weight'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#font-size-props" class="tocxref">15.7 Font size: the <span class="propinst-font-size">'font-size'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="fonts.html#font-shorthand" class="tocxref">15.8 Shorthand font property: the <span class="propinst-font">'font'</span> property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="text.html" class="tocxref">16 Text</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="text.html#indentation-prop" class="tocxref">16.1 Indentation: the <span class="propinst-text-indent">'text-indent'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="text.html#alignment-prop" class="tocxref">16.2 Alignment: the <span class="propinst-text-align">'text-align'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="text.html#decoration" class="tocxref">16.3 Decoration</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="text.html#lining-striking-props" class="tocxref">16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the <span class="propinst-text-decoration">'text-decoration'</span> property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="text.html#spacing-props" class="tocxref">16.4 Letter and word spacing: the <span class="propinst-letter-spacing">'letter-spacing'</span> and <span class="propinst-word-spacing">'word-spacing'</span> properties</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="text.html#caps-prop" class="tocxref">16.5 Capitalization: the <span class="propinst-text-transform">'text-transform'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="text.html#white-space-prop" class="tocxref">16.6 White space: the <span class="propinst-white-space">'white-space'</span> property</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="text.html#white-space-model" class="tocxref">16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="text.html#egbidiwscollapse" class="tocxref">16.6.2 Example of bidirectionality with white space collapsing</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="text.html#ctrlchars" class="tocxref">16.6.3 Control and combining characters' details</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="tables.html" class="tocxref">17 Tables</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="tables.html#tables-intro" class="tocxref">17.1 Introduction to tables</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="tables.html#table-display" class="tocxref">17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#anonymous-boxes" class="tocxref">17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="tables.html#columns" class="tocxref">17.3 Columns</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="tables.html#model" class="tocxref">17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#caption-position" class="tocxref">17.4.1 Caption position and alignment</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="tables.html#table-layout" class="tocxref">17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#table-layers" class="tocxref">17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#width-layout" class="tocxref">17.5.2 Table width algorithms: the <span class="propinst-table-layout">'table-layout'</span> property</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="tables.html#fixed-table-layout" class="tocxref"> Fixed table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="tables.html#auto-table-layout" class="tocxref"> Automatic table layout</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#height-layout" class="tocxref">17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#column-alignment" class="tocxref">17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#dynamic-effects" class="tocxref">17.5.5 Dynamic row and column effects</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="tables.html#borders" class="tocxref">17.6 Borders</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#separated-borders" class="tocxref">17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="tables.html#empty-cells" class="tocxref"> Borders and Backgrounds around empty cells: the <span class="propinst-empty-cells">'empty-cells'</span> property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#collapsing-borders" class="tocxref">17.6.2 The collapsing border model</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="tables.html#border-conflict-resolution" class="tocxref"> Border conflict resolution</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="tables.html#table-border-styles" class="tocxref">17.6.3 Border styles</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="ui.html" class="tocxref">18 User interface</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="ui.html#cursor-props" class="tocxref">18.1 Cursors: the <span class="propinst-cursor">'cursor'</span> property</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="ui.html#system-colors" class="tocxref">18.2 System Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="ui.html#system-fonts" class="tocxref">18.3 User preferences for fonts</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="ui.html#dynamic-outlines" class="tocxref">18.4 Dynamic outlines: the <span class="index-def" title="outline">'outline'</span> property</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="ui.html#outline-focus" class="tocxref">18.4.1 Outlines and the focus</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="ui.html#magnification" class="tocxref">18.5 Magnification</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="aural.html" class="tocxref">Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#aural-media-group" class="tocxref">A.1 The media types 'aural' and 'speech'</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#aural-intro" class="tocxref">A.2 Introduction to aural style sheets</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="aural.html#angles" class="tocxref">A.2.1 Angles</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="aural.html#times" class="tocxref">A.2.2 Times</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="aural.html#frequencies" class="tocxref">A.2.3 Frequencies</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#volume-props" class="tocxref">A.3 Volume properties: <span class="propinst-volume">'volume'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#speaking-props" class="tocxref">A.4 Speaking properties: <span class="propinst-speak">'speak'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#pause-props" class="tocxref">A.5 Pause properties: <span class="propinst-pause-before">'pause-before'</span>, <span class="propinst-pause-after">'pause-after'</span>, and <span class="propinst-pause">'pause'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#cue-props" class="tocxref">A.6 Cue properties: <span class="propinst-cue-before">'cue-before'</span>, <span class="propinst-cue-after">'cue-after'</span>, and <span class="propinst-cue">'cue'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#mixing-props" class="tocxref">A.7 Mixing properties: <span class="propinst-play-during">'play-during'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#spatial-props" class="tocxref">A.8 Spatial properties: <span class="propinst-azimuth">'azimuth'</span> and <span class="propinst-elevation">'elevation'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#voice-char-props" class="tocxref">A.9 Voice characteristic properties: <span class="propinst-speech-rate">'speech-rate'</span>, <span class="propinst-voice-family">'voice-family'</span>, <span class="propinst-pitch">'pitch'</span>, <span class="propinst-pitch-range">'pitch-range'</span>, <span class="propinst-stress">'stress'</span>, and <span class="propinst-richness">'richness'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#speech-props" class="tocxref">A.10 Speech properties: <span class="propinst-speak-punctuation">'speak-punctuation'</span> and <span class="propinst-speak-numeral">'speak-numeral'</span></a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#aural-tables" class="tocxref">A.11 Audio rendering of tables</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="aural.html#speak-headers" class="tocxref">A.11.1 Speaking headers: the <span class="propinst-speak-header">'speak-header'</span> property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#sample" class="tocxref">A.12 Sample style sheet for HTML</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="aural.html#Emacspeak" class="tocxref">A.13 Emacspeak</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="refs.html" class="tocxref">Appendix B. Bibliography</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="refs.html#normative" class="tocxref">B.1 Normative references</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="refs.html#informative" class="tocxref">B.2 Informative references</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="changes.html" class="tocxref">Appendix C. Changes</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#new" class="tocxref">C.1 Additional property values</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q2" class="tocxref">C.1.1 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q3" class="tocxref">C.1.2 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q4" class="tocxref">C.1.3 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q5" class="tocxref">C.1.4 Section 16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q6" class="tocxref">C.1.5 Section 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#changes" class="tocxref">C.2 Changes</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q8" class="tocxref">C.2.1 Section 1.1 CSS 2.1 vs CSS 2</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q9" class="tocxref">C.2.2 Section 1.2 Reading the specification</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q10" class="tocxref">C.2.3 Section 1.3 How the specification is organized</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q11" class="tocxref">C.2.4 Section Value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q12" class="tocxref">C.2.5 Section Media groups</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q13" class="tocxref">C.2.6 Section Computed value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q14" class="tocxref">C.2.7 Section 1.4.4 Notes and examples</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q15" class="tocxref">C.2.8 Section 1.5 Acknowledgments</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q16" class="tocxref">C.2.9 Section 3.2 Conformance</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q17" class="tocxref">C.2.10 Section 3.3 Error Conditions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q18" class="tocxref">C.2.11 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q19" class="tocxref">C.2.12 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q20" class="tocxref">C.2.13 Section 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q21" class="tocxref">C.2.14 Section 4.3 Values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q22" class="tocxref">C.2.15 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q23" class="tocxref">C.2.16 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q24" class="tocxref">C.2.17 Section 4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q25" class="tocxref">C.2.18 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q26" class="tocxref">C.2.19 Section 4.3.8 Unsupported Values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q27" class="tocxref">C.2.20 Section 4.4 CSS style sheet representation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q28" class="tocxref">C.2.21 Section 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q29" class="tocxref">C.2.22 Section 5.8.3 Class selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q30" class="tocxref">C.2.23 Section 5.9 ID selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q31" class="tocxref">C.2.24 Section 5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q32" class="tocxref">C.2.25 Section 5.11.2 The link pseudo-classes: :link and :visited</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q33" class="tocxref">C.2.26 Section 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q34" class="tocxref">C.2.27 Section 5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q35" class="tocxref">C.2.28 Section 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q36" class="tocxref">C.2.29 Section 6.1 Specified, computed, and actual values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q37" class="tocxref">C.2.30 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q38" class="tocxref">C.2.31 Section 6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q39" class="tocxref">C.2.32 Section 6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q40" class="tocxref">C.2.33 Section 7.3 Recognized Media Types</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q41" class="tocxref">C.2.34 Section 7.3.1 Media Groups</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q42" class="tocxref">C.2.35 Section 8.3 Margin properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q43" class="tocxref">C.2.36 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q44" class="tocxref">C.2.37 Section 8.4 Padding properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q45" class="tocxref">C.2.38 Section 8.5.2 Border color</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q46" class="tocxref">C.2.39 Section 8.5.3 Border style</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q47" class="tocxref">C.2.40 Section 8.6 The box model for inline elements in bidirectional context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q48" class="tocxref">C.2.41 Section 9.1.2 Containing blocks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q49" class="tocxref">C.2.42 Section Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q50" class="tocxref">C.2.43 Section Anonymous inline boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q51" class="tocxref">C.2.44 Section 9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q52" class="tocxref">C.2.45 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q53" class="tocxref">C.2.46 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q54" class="tocxref">C.2.47 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q55" class="tocxref">C.2.48 Section 9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q56" class="tocxref">C.2.49 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q57" class="tocxref">C.2.50 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q58" class="tocxref">C.2.51 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q59" class="tocxref">C.2.52 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q60" class="tocxref">C.2.53 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q61" class="tocxref">C.2.54 Section 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q62" class="tocxref">C.2.55 Section 9.9 Layered presentation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q63" class="tocxref">C.2.56 Section 9.10 Text direction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q64" class="tocxref">C.2.57 Chapter 10 Visual formatting model details</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q65" class="tocxref">C.2.58 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q66" class="tocxref">C.2.59 Section 10.2 Content width</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q67" class="tocxref">C.2.60 Section 10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q68" class="tocxref">C.2.61 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q69" class="tocxref">C.2.62 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q70" class="tocxref">C.2.63 Section 10.3.4 Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q71" class="tocxref">C.2.64 Section 10.3.5 Floating, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q72" class="tocxref">C.2.65 Section 10.3.6 Floating, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q73" class="tocxref">C.2.66 Section 10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q74" class="tocxref">C.2.67 Section 10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q75" class="tocxref">C.2.68 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q76" class="tocxref">C.2.69 Section 10.5 Content height</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q77" class="tocxref">C.2.70 Section 10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q78" class="tocxref">C.2.71 Section 10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q79" class="tocxref">C.2.72 Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements, block-level replaced elements in normal flow, 'inline-block' replaced elements in normal flow and floating replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q80" class="tocxref">C.2.73 Section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q81" class="tocxref">C.2.74 Section 10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q82" class="tocxref">C.2.75 Section 10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q83" class="tocxref">C.2.76 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q84" class="tocxref">C.2.77 Section 10.8 Line height calculations</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q85" class="tocxref">C.2.78 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q86" class="tocxref">C.2.79 Section 11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q87" class="tocxref">C.2.80 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q88" class="tocxref">C.2.81 Section 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q89" class="tocxref">C.2.82 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q90" class="tocxref">C.2.83 Chapter 12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q91" class="tocxref">C.2.84 Section 12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q92" class="tocxref">C.2.85 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q93" class="tocxref">C.2.86 Section 12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q94" class="tocxref">C.2.87 Section 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q95" class="tocxref">C.2.88 Section 12.4.1 Nested counters and scope</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q96" class="tocxref">C.2.89 Section 12.5 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q97" class="tocxref">C.2.90 Section 12.5.1 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q98" class="tocxref">C.2.91 Chapter 13 Paged media</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q99" class="tocxref">C.2.92 Section 13.2.2 Page selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q100" class="tocxref">C.2.93 Section 13.3.1 Page break properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q101" class="tocxref">C.2.94 Section 13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q102" class="tocxref">C.2.95 Section 14.2.1 Background properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q103" class="tocxref">C.2.96 Section 14.3 Gamma correction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q104" class="tocxref">C.2.97 Chapter 15 Fonts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q105" class="tocxref">C.2.98 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q106" class="tocxref">C.2.99 Section 15.2.2 Font family</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q107" class="tocxref">C.2.100 Section 15.5 Small-caps</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q108" class="tocxref">C.2.101 Section 15.6 Font boldness</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q109" class="tocxref">C.2.102 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q110" class="tocxref">C.2.103 Chapter 16 Text</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q111" class="tocxref">C.2.104 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q112" class="tocxref">C.2.105 Section 16.3.1 Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q113" class="tocxref">C.2.106 Section 16.4 Letter and word spacing</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q114" class="tocxref">C.2.107 Section 16.5 Capitalization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q115" class="tocxref">C.2.108 Section 16.6 White space</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q116" class="tocxref">C.2.109 Chapter 17 Tables</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q117" class="tocxref">C.2.110 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q118" class="tocxref">C.2.111 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q119" class="tocxref">C.2.112 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q120" class="tocxref">C.2.113 Section 17.4.1 Caption position and alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q121" class="tocxref">C.2.114 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q122" class="tocxref">C.2.115 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q123" class="tocxref">C.2.116 Section Fixed table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q124" class="tocxref">C.2.117 Section Automatic table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q125" class="tocxref">C.2.118 Section 17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q126" class="tocxref">C.2.119 Section 17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q127" class="tocxref">C.2.120 Section 17.6 Borders</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q128" class="tocxref">C.2.121 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q129" class="tocxref">C.2.122 Section Borders and Backgrounds around empty cells</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q130" class="tocxref">C.2.123 Section 17.6.2 The collapsing border model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q131" class="tocxref">C.2.124 Section Border conflict resolution</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q132" class="tocxref">C.2.125 Section 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q133" class="tocxref">C.2.126 Section 18.4 Dynamic outlines</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q134" class="tocxref">C.2.127 Chapter 12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q135" class="tocxref">C.2.128 Appendix A. Aural style sheets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q136" class="tocxref">C.2.129 Appendix A Section 5 Pause properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q137" class="tocxref">C.2.130 Appendix A Section 6 Cue properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q138" class="tocxref">C.2.131 Appendix A Section 7 Mixing properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q139" class="tocxref">C.2.132 Appendix B Bibliography</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q140" class="tocxref">C.2.133 Other</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#known-errors" class="tocxref">C.3 Errors</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q142" class="tocxref">C.3.1 Shorthand properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q143" class="tocxref">C.3.2 Applies to</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q144" class="tocxref">C.3.3 Section 4.1.1 (and G2)</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q145" class="tocxref">C.3.4 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q146" class="tocxref">C.3.5 Section 4.3 (Double sign problem)</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q147" class="tocxref">C.3.6 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q148" class="tocxref">C.3.7 Section 4.3.3 Percentages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q149" class="tocxref">C.3.8 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q150" class="tocxref">C.3.9 Section 4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q151" class="tocxref">C.3.10 Section 4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q152" class="tocxref">C.3.11 Section 4.3.7 Strings</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q153" class="tocxref">C.3.12 Section 5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q154" class="tocxref">C.3.13 Section 6.4 The cascade</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q155" class="tocxref">C.3.14 Section 8.1 Box Dimensions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q156" class="tocxref">C.3.15 Section 8.2 Example of margins, padding, and borders</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q157" class="tocxref">C.3.16 Section 8.5.4 Border shorthand properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q158" class="tocxref">C.3.17 Section 9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q159" class="tocxref">C.3.18 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q160" class="tocxref">C.3.19 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q161" class="tocxref">C.3.20 Section 9.4.1 Block formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q162" class="tocxref">C.3.21 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q163" class="tocxref">C.3.22 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q164" class="tocxref">C.3.23 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q165" class="tocxref">C.3.24 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q166" class="tocxref">C.3.25 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q167" class="tocxref">C.3.26 Section 9.6 Absolute positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q168" class="tocxref">C.3.27 Section 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q169" class="tocxref">C.3.28 Section 9.10 Text direction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q170" class="tocxref">C.3.29 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q171" class="tocxref">C.3.30 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q172" class="tocxref">C.3.31 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q173" class="tocxref">C.3.32 Section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q174" class="tocxref">C.3.33 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q175" class="tocxref">C.3.34 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q176" class="tocxref">C.3.35 Section 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q177" class="tocxref">C.3.36 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q178" class="tocxref">C.3.37 Section 12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q179" class="tocxref">C.3.38 Section 12.6.2 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q180" class="tocxref">C.3.39 Section 14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q181" class="tocxref">C.3.40 Section 14.2.1 Background properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q182" class="tocxref">C.3.41 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q183" class="tocxref">C.3.42 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q184" class="tocxref">C.3.43 Section 16.1 Indentation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q185" class="tocxref">C.3.44 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q186" class="tocxref">C.3.45 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q187" class="tocxref">C.3.46 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects </a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q188" class="tocxref">C.3.47 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q189" class="tocxref">C.3.48 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q190" class="tocxref">C.3.49 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q191" class="tocxref">C.3.50 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q192" class="tocxref">C.3.51 Section 18.2 System Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q193" class="tocxref">C.3.52 Section E.2 Painting order</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#clarifications" class="tocxref">C.4 Clarifications</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q195" class="tocxref">C.4.1 Section 2.1 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for HTML</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q196" class="tocxref">C.4.2 Section 2.2 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for XML</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q197" class="tocxref">C.4.3 Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q198" class="tocxref">C.4.4 Section 3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q199" class="tocxref">C.4.5 Section 4.1 Syntax</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q200" class="tocxref">C.4.6 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q201" class="tocxref">C.4.7 Section 4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q202" class="tocxref">C.4.8 Section 4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q203" class="tocxref">C.4.9 Section 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q204" class="tocxref">C.4.10 Section 4.3.1 Integers and real numbers</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q205" class="tocxref">C.4.11 Section 4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q206" class="tocxref">C.4.12 Section 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q207" class="tocxref">C.4.13 Section 5.1 Pattern matching</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q208" class="tocxref">C.4.14 Section 5.7 Adjacent sibling selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q209" class="tocxref">C.4.15 Section 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q210" class="tocxref">C.4.16 Section 5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q211" class="tocxref">C.4.17 Section 5.9 ID selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q212" class="tocxref">C.4.18 Section 5.11.3 The dynamic pseudo-classes: :hover, :active, and :focus</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q213" class="tocxref">C.4.19 Section 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q214" class="tocxref">C.4.20 Section 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q215" class="tocxref">C.4.21 Section 6.2 Inheritance</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q216" class="tocxref">C.4.22 Section 6.2.1 The 'inherit' value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q217" class="tocxref">C.4.23 Section 6.3 The @import rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q218" class="tocxref">C.4.24 Section 6.4 The Cascade</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q219" class="tocxref">C.4.25 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q220" class="tocxref">C.4.26 Section 6.4.3 Calculating a selector's specificity</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q221" class="tocxref">C.4.27 Section 7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q222" class="tocxref">C.4.28 Section 7.3 Recognized media types</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q223" class="tocxref">C.4.29 Section 7.3.1 Media groups</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q224" class="tocxref">C.4.30 Section 8.1 Box dimensions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q225" class="tocxref">C.4.31 Section 8.3 Margin properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q226" class="tocxref">C.4.32 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q227" class="tocxref">C.4.33 Section 8.5.3 Border style</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q228" class="tocxref">C.4.34 Section 9.1.1 The viewport</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q229" class="tocxref">C.4.35 Section 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q230" class="tocxref">C.4.36 Section 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q231" class="tocxref">C.4.37 Section 9.3.2 Box offsets</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q232" class="tocxref">C.4.38 Section 9.4.2 Inline formatting context</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q233" class="tocxref">C.4.39 Section 9.4.3 Relative positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q234" class="tocxref">C.4.40 Section 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q235" class="tocxref">C.4.41 Section 9.5.1 Positioning the float</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q236" class="tocxref">C.4.42 Section 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q237" class="tocxref">C.4.43 Section 9.8 Comparison of normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q238" class="tocxref">C.4.44 Section 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q239" class="tocxref">C.4.45 Section 10.2 Content width</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q240" class="tocxref">C.4.46 Section 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q241" class="tocxref">C.4.47 Section 10.3.8 Absolutely positioning, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q242" class="tocxref">C.4.48 Section 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q243" class="tocxref">C.4.49 Section 10.6 Calculating heights and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q244" class="tocxref">C.4.50 Section 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q245" class="tocxref">C.4.51 Section 10.8 Line height calculations</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q246" class="tocxref">C.4.52 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q247" class="tocxref">C.4.53 Section 11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q248" class="tocxref">C.4.54 Section 11.1.1 Overflow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q249" class="tocxref">C.4.55 Section 11.1.2 Clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q250" class="tocxref">C.4.56 Section 11.2 Visibility</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q251" class="tocxref">C.4.57 Section 12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q252" class="tocxref">C.4.58 Section 12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q253" class="tocxref">C.4.59 Section 12.3.2 Inserting quotes with the 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q254" class="tocxref">C.4.60 Section 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q255" class="tocxref">C.4.61 Section 12.4.3 Counters in elements with 'display: none'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q256" class="tocxref">C.4.62 Section 14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q257" class="tocxref">C.4.63 Section 15.1 Fonts Introduction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q258" class="tocxref">C.4.64 Section 15.2 Font matching algorithm</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q259" class="tocxref">C.4.65 Section 15.2.2 Font family</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q260" class="tocxref">C.4.66 Section 15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q261" class="tocxref">C.4.67 Section 15.4 Font styling</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q262" class="tocxref">C.4.68 Section 15.5 Small-caps</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q263" class="tocxref">C.4.69 Section 15.6 Font boldness</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q264" class="tocxref">C.4.70 Section 15.7 Font size</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q265" class="tocxref">C.4.71 Section 16.1 Indentation</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q266" class="tocxref">C.4.72 Section 16.2 Alignment</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q267" class="tocxref">C.4.73 Section 16.3.1 Underlining, over lining, striking, and blinking</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q268" class="tocxref">C.4.74 Section 16.5 Capitalization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q269" class="tocxref">C.4.75 Section 16.6 White space</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q270" class="tocxref">C.4.76 Section 17.1 Introduction to tables</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q271" class="tocxref">C.4.77 Section 17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q272" class="tocxref">C.4.78 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q273" class="tocxref">C.4.79 Section 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q274" class="tocxref">C.4.80 Section 17.5 Visual layout of table contents</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q275" class="tocxref">C.4.81 Section 17.5.1 Table layers and transparency</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q276" class="tocxref">C.4.82 Section 17.5.2 Table width algorithms</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q277" class="tocxref">C.4.83 Section Fixed table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q278" class="tocxref">C.4.84 Section Automatic table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q279" class="tocxref">C.4.85 Section 17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q280" class="tocxref">C.4.86 Section 17.5.5 Dynamic row and column effects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q281" class="tocxref">C.4.87 Section 17.6.1 The separated borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q282" class="tocxref">C.4.88 Section 17.6.2 The collapsing borders model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q283" class="tocxref">C.4.89 Section 18.2 System Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q284" class="tocxref">C.4.90 Section 18.4 Dynamic outlines</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q285" class="tocxref">C.4.91 Section 18.4.1 Outlines and the focus</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q286" class="tocxref">C.4.92 Appendix D Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#errata" class="tocxref">C.5 Errata since the Candidate Recommendation of July 2007</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q288" class="tocxref">C.5.1 Section&nbsp; Value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q289" class="tocxref">C.5.2 Section&nbsp;2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q290" class="tocxref">C.5.3 Section 3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q291" class="tocxref">C.5.4 Section 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q292" class="tocxref">C.5.5 Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q293" class="tocxref">C.5.6 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q294" class="tocxref">C.5.7 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q295" class="tocxref">C.5.8 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q296" class="tocxref">C.5.9 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q297" class="tocxref">C.5.10 Section&nbsp;4.1.5 At-rules</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q298" class="tocxref">C.5.11 Section&nbsp;4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q299" class="tocxref">C.5.12 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q300" class="tocxref">C.5.13 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q301" class="tocxref">C.5.14 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q302" class="tocxref">C.5.15 Section&nbsp;4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q303" class="tocxref">C.5.16 Section&nbsp;5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q304" class="tocxref">C.5.17 Section 5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q305" class="tocxref">C.5.18 Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q306" class="tocxref">C.5.19 Section&nbsp;5.12.3 The :before and :after pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q307" class="tocxref">C.5.20 Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q308" class="tocxref">C.5.21 Section&nbsp;6.3 The @import rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q309" class="tocxref">C.5.22 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q310" class="tocxref">C.5.23 Section 6.4.1 Cascading order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q311" class="tocxref">C.5.24 Section&nbsp;7.2.1 The @media rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q312" class="tocxref">C.5.25 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q313" class="tocxref">C.5.26 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q314" class="tocxref">C.5.27 Section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q315" class="tocxref">C.5.28 Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q316" class="tocxref">C.5.29 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q317" class="tocxref">C.5.30 Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q318" class="tocxref">C.5.31 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q319" class="tocxref">C.5.32 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q320" class="tocxref">C.5.33 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q321" class="tocxref">C.5.34 Section&nbsp;9.6.1 Fixed positioning</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q322" class="tocxref">C.5.35 Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q323" class="tocxref">C.5.36 Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q324" class="tocxref">C.5.37 Section&nbsp;10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q325" class="tocxref">C.5.38 Section&nbsp;10.3.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q326" class="tocxref">C.5.39 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q327" class="tocxref">C.5.40 Section 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q328" class="tocxref">C.5.41 Section&nbsp;10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q329" class="tocxref">C.5.42 Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q330" class="tocxref">C.5.43 Section&nbsp;10.3.7 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q331" class="tocxref">C.5.44 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q332" class="tocxref">C.5.45 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q333" class="tocxref">C.5.46 Section&nbsp;10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q334" class="tocxref">C.5.47 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q335" class="tocxref">C.5.48 Section 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements [&hellip;]</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q336" class="tocxref">C.5.49 Section&nbsp;10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q337" class="tocxref">C.5.50 Section&nbsp;10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q338" class="tocxref">C.5.51 Section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q339" class="tocxref">C.5.52 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q340" class="tocxref">C.5.53 Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q341" class="tocxref">C.5.54 Section&nbsp;12.2 The 'content' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q342" class="tocxref">C.5.55 Section&nbsp;12.4.2 Counter styles</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q343" class="tocxref">C.5.56 Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q344" class="tocxref">C.5.57 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q345" class="tocxref">C.5.58 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q346" class="tocxref">C.5.59 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q347" class="tocxref">C.5.60 Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q348" class="tocxref">C.5.61 Section&nbsp; Rendering page boxes that do not fit a target sheet</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q349" class="tocxref">C.5.62 Section&nbsp;13.2.3 Content outside the page box</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q350" class="tocxref">C.5.63 Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q351" class="tocxref">C.5.64 Section&nbsp;13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q352" class="tocxref">C.5.65 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q353" class="tocxref">C.5.66 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q354" class="tocxref">C.5.67 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q355" class="tocxref">C.5.68 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q356" class="tocxref">C.5.69 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q357" class="tocxref">C.5.70 Section&nbsp;13.3.5 "Best" page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q358" class="tocxref">C.5.71 Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q359" class="tocxref">C.5.72 Section&nbsp;14.2 The background</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q360" class="tocxref">C.5.73 Section 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', and 'background'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q361" class="tocxref">C.5.74 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q362" class="tocxref">C.5.75 Section&nbsp;16.6 Whitespace: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q363" class="tocxref">C.5.76 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q364" class="tocxref">C.5.77 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q365" class="tocxref">C.5.78 Section 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q366" class="tocxref">C.5.79 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q367" class="tocxref">C.5.80 Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q368" class="tocxref">C.5.81 Section&nbsp;18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q369" class="tocxref">C.5.82 Section B.2 Informative references</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q370" class="tocxref">C.5.83 Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q371" class="tocxref">C.5.84 Appendix&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q372" class="tocxref">C.5.85 Section E.2 Painting order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q373" class="tocxref">C.5.86 Appendix G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q374" class="tocxref">C.5.87 Section&nbsp;G.1 Grammar</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q375" class="tocxref">C.5.88 Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q376" class="tocxref">C.5.89 Section G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q377" class="tocxref">C.5.90 Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q378" class="tocxref">C.5.91 Section&nbsp;G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q379" class="tocxref">C.5.92 Appendix&nbsp;I. Index</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#errata2" class="tocxref">C.6 Errata since the Candidate Recommendation of April 2009</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q381" class="tocxref">C.6.1 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q382" class="tocxref">C.6.2 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q383" class="tocxref">C.6.3 Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q384" class="tocxref">C.6.4 Section&nbsp; serif</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q385" class="tocxref">C.6.5 Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q386" class="tocxref">C.6.6 Section&nbsp; Fixed table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q387" class="tocxref">C.6.7 Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q388" class="tocxref">C.6.8 Appendix&nbsp;G. Grammar of CSS 2.1</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#errata3" class="tocxref">C.7 Errata since the Candidate Recommendation of September 2009</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q390" class="tocxref">C.7.1 Section&nbsp; Value</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q391" class="tocxref">C.7.2 Section&nbsp;3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q392" class="tocxref">C.7.3 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q393" class="tocxref">C.7.4 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q394" class="tocxref">C.7.5 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q395" class="tocxref">C.7.6 Section&nbsp;4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q396" class="tocxref">C.7.7 Section&nbsp; Informative Historical Notes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q397" class="tocxref">C.7.8 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q398" class="tocxref">C.7.9 Section&nbsp;4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q399" class="tocxref">C.7.10 Section&nbsp;4.1.8 Declarations and properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q400" class="tocxref">C.7.11 Section&nbsp;4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q401" class="tocxref">C.7.12 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q402" class="tocxref">C.7.13 Section&nbsp;4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q403" class="tocxref">C.7.14 Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q404" class="tocxref">C.7.15 Section&nbsp;4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q405" class="tocxref">C.7.16 Section&nbsp;5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q406" class="tocxref">C.7.17 Section&nbsp;5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q407" class="tocxref">C.7.18 Section&nbsp;5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q408" class="tocxref">C.7.19 Section&nbsp;5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q409" class="tocxref">C.7.20 Section&nbsp;5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q410" class="tocxref">C.7.21 Section&nbsp;6.2 Inheritance</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q411" class="tocxref">C.7.22 Section&nbsp;6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS presentational hints</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q412" class="tocxref">C.7.23 Section&nbsp;7.3 Recognized media types</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q413" class="tocxref">C.7.24 Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q414" class="tocxref">C.7.25 Section&nbsp;8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q415" class="tocxref">C.7.26 Section&nbsp;9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q416" class="tocxref">C.7.27 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q417" class="tocxref">C.7.28 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q418" class="tocxref">C.7.29 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q419" class="tocxref">C.7.30 Section&nbsp; Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q420" class="tocxref">C.7.31 Section&nbsp;9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q421" class="tocxref">C.7.32 Section&nbsp;9.2.3 Run-in boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q422" class="tocxref">C.7.33 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q423" class="tocxref">C.7.34 Section&nbsp;9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q424" class="tocxref">C.7.35 Section&nbsp;9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q425" class="tocxref">C.7.36 Section&nbsp;9.4 Normal flow</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q426" class="tocxref">C.7.37 Section&nbsp;9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q427" class="tocxref">C.7.38 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q428" class="tocxref">C.7.39 Section&nbsp;9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q429" class="tocxref">C.7.40 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q430" class="tocxref">C.7.41 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q431" class="tocxref">C.7.42 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q432" class="tocxref">C.7.43 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q433" class="tocxref">C.7.44 Section&nbsp;14.2.1 Background properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q434" class="tocxref">C.7.45 Section&nbsp;9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q435" class="tocxref">C.7.46 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q436" class="tocxref">C.7.47 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q437" class="tocxref">C.7.48 Section&nbsp;9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q438" class="tocxref">C.7.49 Section&nbsp;10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q439" class="tocxref">C.7.50 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q440" class="tocxref">C.7.51 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q441" class="tocxref">C.7.52 Section&nbsp;10.2 Content width: the 'width' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q442" class="tocxref">C.7.53 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q443" class="tocxref">C.7.54 Section&nbsp;10.5 Content height: the 'height' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q444" class="tocxref">C.7.55 Section&nbsp;10.6.7 'Auto' heights for block formatting context roots</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q445" class="tocxref">C.7.56 Section&nbsp;10.7 Minimum and maximum heights: 'min-height' and 'max-height'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q446" class="tocxref">C.7.57 Section&nbsp;10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q447" class="tocxref">C.7.58 Section&nbsp;10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q448" class="tocxref">C.7.59 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q449" class="tocxref">C.7.60 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q450" class="tocxref">C.7.61 Section&nbsp;10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q451" class="tocxref">C.7.62 Section&nbsp;11.1 Overflow and clipping</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q452" class="tocxref">C.7.63 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q453" class="tocxref">C.7.64 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q454" class="tocxref">C.7.65 Section&nbsp;11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q455" class="tocxref">C.7.66 Section&nbsp;11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q456" class="tocxref">C.7.67 Section&nbsp;12.5 Lists</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q457" class="tocxref">C.7.68 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q458" class="tocxref">C.7.69 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q459" class="tocxref">C.7.70 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q460" class="tocxref">C.7.71 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q461" class="tocxref">C.7.72 Section&nbsp;12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q462" class="tocxref">C.7.73 Section&nbsp;13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q463" class="tocxref">C.7.74 Section&nbsp;13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q464" class="tocxref">C.7.75 Section&nbsp;13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q465" class="tocxref">C.7.76 Section&nbsp;13.3.3 Allowed page breaks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q466" class="tocxref">C.7.77 Section&nbsp;15.3 Font family: the 'font-family' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q467" class="tocxref">C.7.78 Section&nbsp;15.3.1 Generic font families</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q468" class="tocxref">C.7.79 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q469" class="tocxref">C.7.80 Section&nbsp;15.6 Font boldness: the 'font-weight' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q470" class="tocxref">C.7.81 Section&nbsp;15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q471" class="tocxref">C.7.82 Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q472" class="tocxref">C.7.83 Section&nbsp;16.1 Indentation: the 'text-indent' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q473" class="tocxref">C.7.84 Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q474" class="tocxref">C.7.85 Section&nbsp;16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q475" class="tocxref">C.7.86 Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q476" class="tocxref">C.7.87 Section&nbsp;16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q477" class="tocxref">C.7.88 Section&nbsp;16.4 Letter and word spacing: the 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q478" class="tocxref">C.7.89 Section&nbsp;16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q479" class="tocxref">C.7.90 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q480" class="tocxref">C.7.91 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q481" class="tocxref">C.7.92 Section&nbsp;16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q482" class="tocxref">C.7.93 Section&nbsp;17.2 The CSS table model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q483" class="tocxref">C.7.94 Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q484" class="tocxref">C.7.95 Section&nbsp;17.2.1 Anonymous table objects</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q485" class="tocxref">C.7.96 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q486" class="tocxref">C.7.97 Section&nbsp;17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q487" class="tocxref">C.7.98 Section&nbsp; Automatic table layout</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q488" class="tocxref">C.7.99 Section&nbsp;17.5.3 Table height algorithms</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q489" class="tocxref">C.7.100 Section&nbsp;17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q490" class="tocxref">C.7.101 Section&nbsp;B.2 Informative references</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q491" class="tocxref">C.7.102 Section&nbsp;D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q492" class="tocxref">C.7.103 Section&nbsp;E.2 Painting order</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q493" class="tocxref">C.7.104 Appendix&nbsp;G Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="changes.html#q494" class="tocxref">C.8 Changes since the working draft of 7 December 2010</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q495" class="tocxref">C.8.1 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q496" class="tocxref">C.8.2 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q497" class="tocxref">C.8.3 10.3 Calculating widths and margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q498" class="tocxref">C.8.4 14.3 Gamma correction</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q499" class="tocxref">C.8.5 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q500" class="tocxref">C.8.6 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q501" class="tocxref">C.8.7 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q502" class="tocxref">C.8.8 10.1 Definition of "containing block"</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q503" class="tocxref">C.8.9 13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q504" class="tocxref">C.8.10 8.3.1 Collapsing margins</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q505" class="tocxref">C.8.11 10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and 'vertical-align' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q506" class="tocxref">C.8.12 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q507" class="tocxref">C.8.13 10.6.1 Inline, non-replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q508" class="tocxref">C.8.14 9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q509" class="tocxref">C.8.15 Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q510" class="tocxref">C.8.16 5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q511" class="tocxref">C.8.17 16.6 White space: the 'white-space' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q512" class="tocxref">C.8.18 12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q513" class="tocxref">C.8.19 9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q514" class="tocxref">C.8.20 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q515" class="tocxref">C.8.21 4.1.9 Comments</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q516" class="tocxref">C.8.22 12.5.1 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q517" class="tocxref">C.8.23 9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q518" class="tocxref">C.8.24 9.3 Positioning schemes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q519" class="tocxref">C.8.25 9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q520" class="tocxref">C.8.26 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q521" class="tocxref">C.8.27 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the 'text-decoration' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q522" class="tocxref">C.8.28 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths: 'min-width' and 'max-width'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q523" class="tocxref">C.8.29 9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q524" class="tocxref">C.8.30 Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q525" class="tocxref">C.8.31 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q526" class="tocxref">C.8.32 11.1.2 Clipping: the 'clip' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q527" class="tocxref">C.8.33 13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q528" class="tocxref">C.8.34 4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q529" class="tocxref">C.8.35 4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q530" class="tocxref">C.8.36 3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q531" class="tocxref">C.8.37 4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q532" class="tocxref">C.8.38 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q533" class="tocxref">C.8.39 11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q534" class="tocxref">C.8.40 Anonymous block boxes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q535" class="tocxref">C.8.41 16.2 Alignment: the 'text-align' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q536" class="tocxref">C.8.42 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q537" class="tocxref">C.8.43 9.4.2 Inline formatting contexts</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q538" class="tocxref">C.8.44 5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q539" class="tocxref">C.8.45 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q540" class="tocxref">C.8.46 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q541" class="tocxref">C.8.47 14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', and 'background'</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q542" class="tocxref">C.8.48 9.2.4 The 'display' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q543" class="tocxref">C.8.49 6.1.2 Computed values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q544" class="tocxref">C.8.50 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q545" class="tocxref">C.8.51 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q546" class="tocxref">C.8.52 G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q547" class="tocxref">C.8.53 Section&nbsp;9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the 'clear' property</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q548" class="tocxref">C.8.54 9.5 Floats</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="changes.html#q549" class="tocxref">C.8.55 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="sample.html" class="tocxref">Appendix D. Default style sheet for HTML 4</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="zindex.html" class="tocxref">Appendix E. Elaborate description of Stacking Contexts</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="zindex.html#stacking-defs" class="tocxref">E.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="zindex.html#painting-order" class="tocxref">E.2 Painting order</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="zindex.html#stacking-notes" class="tocxref">E.3 Notes</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="propidx.html" class="tocxref">Appendix F. Full property table</a>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="grammar.html" class="tocxref">Appendix G. Grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="grammar.html#grammar" class="tocxref">G.1 Grammar</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="grammar.html#scanner" class="tocxref">G.2 Lexical scanner</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="grammar.html#tokenizer-diffs" class="tocxref">G.3 Comparison of tokenization in CSS&nbsp;2.1 and CSS1</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="grammar.html#q4" class="tocxref">G.4 Implementation note</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline1"><a href="indexlist.html" class="tocxref">Appendix I. Index</a>
-<hr class="navbar">
-<hr class="navbar">
-<H1><a name="q0">1 About the CSS&nbsp;2.1 Specification</a></H1>
-<div class="subtoc">
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#css2.1-v-css2" class="tocxref">1.1 CSS&nbsp;2.1 vs CSS&nbsp;2</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#reading" class="tocxref">1.2 Reading the specification</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#organization" class="tocxref">1.3 How the specification is organized</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#conventions" class="tocxref">1.4 Conventions</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="about.html#doc-language" class="tocxref">1.4.1 Document language elements and attributes</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="about.html#property-defs" class="tocxref">1.4.2 CSS property definitions</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#value-defs" class="tocxref"> Value</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#initial-value" class="tocxref"> Initial</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#applies-to" class="tocxref"> Applies to</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#inherited-prop" class="tocxref"> Inherited</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#percentage-wrt" class="tocxref"> Percentage values</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#media-applies" class="tocxref"> Media groups</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="about.html#computed-defs" class="tocxref"> Computed value</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="about.html#shorthand" class="tocxref">1.4.3 Shorthand properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="about.html#notes-and-examples" class="tocxref">1.4.4 Notes and examples</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="about.html#images-and-longdesc" class="tocxref">1.4.5 Images and long descriptions</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="about.html#acknowledgements" class="tocxref">1.5 Acknowledgments</a>
- </ul>
-<h2>1.1 <a name="css2.1-v-css2">CSS&nbsp;2.1 vs CSS&nbsp;2</a></h2>
-<p>The CSS community has gained significant experience with the CSS2
-specification since it became a recommendation in 1998. Errors in the
-CSS2 specification have subsequently been corrected via the
-publication of various errata, but there has not yet been an
-opportunity for the specification to be changed based on experience
-<p>While many of these issues will be addressed by the upcoming CSS3
-specifications, the current state of affairs hinders the
-implementation and interoperability of CSS2. The CSS&nbsp;2.1 specification
-attempts to address this situation by:
-<li>Maintaining compatibility with those portions of CSS2 that are
-widely accepted and implemented.
-<li>Incorporating all published CSS2 errata.
-<li>Where implementations overwhelmingly differ from the CSS2
-specification, modifying the specification to be in accordance with
-generally accepted practice.
-<li>Removing CSS2 features which, by virtue of not having been
-implemented, have been rejected by the CSS community. CSS&nbsp;2.1 aims to
-reflect what CSS features are reasonably widely implemented for HTML
-and XML languages in general (rather than <em>only</em> for a
-particular XML language, or <em>only</em> for HTML).
-<li>Removing CSS2 features that will be obsoleted by CSS3, thus
-encouraging adoption of the proposed CSS3 features in their place.
-<li>Adding a (very) small number of <a href="changes.html#new">new
-property values,</a> when implementation experience has shown that
-they are needed for implementing CSS2.
-<p>Thus, while it is not the case that a CSS2 style sheet is
-necessarily forwards-compatible with CSS&nbsp;2.1, it is the case that a
-style sheet restricting itself to CSS&nbsp;2.1 features is more likely to
-find a compliant user agent today and to preserve forwards
-compatibility in the future. While breaking forward compatibility is
-not desirable, we believe the advantages to the revisions in CSS&nbsp;2.1
-are worthwhile.
-<p>CSS&nbsp;2.1 is derived from and is intended to replace CSS2. Some
-parts of CSS2 are unchanged in CSS&nbsp;2.1, some parts have been
-altered, and some parts removed. The removed portions may be used in a
-future CSS3 specification. Future specs should refer to CSS&nbsp;2.1
-(unless they need features from CSS2 which have been dropped in
-CSS&nbsp;2.1, and then they should only reference CSS2 for those
-features, or preferably reference such feature(s) in the respective
-CSS3 Module that includes those feature(s)).
-<h2>1.2 <a name="reading">Reading the specification</a></h2>
-<p>This section is non-normative.
-<P>This specification has been written with two types of readers in
-mind: CSS authors and CSS implementors. We hope the specification will
-provide authors with the tools they need to write efficient,
-attractive, and accessible documents, without overexposing them to
-CSS's implementation details. Implementors, however, should find all
-they need to build <a href="conform.html#conformance">conforming user
-The specification begins with a general presentation of CSS and
-becomes more and more technical and specific towards the end. For
-quick access to information, a general table of contents,
-specific tables of contents at the beginning of each section,
-and an index provide easy navigation, in both the electronic
-and printed versions.
-<P>The specification has been written with two modes of presentation
-in mind: electronic and printed. Although the two presentations will
-no doubt be similar, readers will find some differences. For example,
-links will not work in the printed version (obviously), and page
-numbers will not appear in the electronic version. In case of a
-discrepancy, the electronic version is considered the authoritative
-version of the document.
-<h2>1.3 <a name="organization">How the specification is organized</a></h2>
-<p>This section is non-normative.
-<P>The specification is organized into the following sections:
-<dt><Strong>Section 2: An introduction to CSS&nbsp;2.1</strong>
-<dd>The introduction includes a brief tutorial on CSS&nbsp;2.1 and
-a discussion of design principles behind CSS&nbsp;2.1.
-<dt><strong>Sections 3 - 18: CSS&nbsp;2.1 reference manual.</strong>
-<dd>The bulk of the reference manual consists of the CSS&nbsp;2.1 language
-reference. This reference defines what may go into a CSS&nbsp;2.1 style sheet
-(syntax, properties, property values) and how user agents must
-interpret these style sheets in order to claim <a
-<dd>Appendixes contain information about <a href="aural.html">aural
-properties</a> (non-normative), <a href="sample.html">a
-sample style sheet for HTML 4</a>, <a href="changes.html">changes
-from CSS2</a>, <a href="grammar.html">the grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>,
-a list of normative and informative <a href="refs.html">references</a>,
-and two indexes: one for
-<a href="propidx.html">properties</a> and one
-<a href="indexlist.html">general index</a>.
-<H2>1.4 <a name="conventions">Conventions</a></H2>
-<H3>1.4.1 <a name="doc-language" href="conform.html#doclanguage">Document language</a> elements
-and attributes</H3>
-<li>CSS property and pseudo-class names are delimited
-by single quotes.
-<li>CSS values are delimited by single quotes.
-<li>Document language attribute names are in lowercase letters
-and delimited by double quotes.
-<H3>1.4.2 <a name="property-defs">CSS property definitions</a></H3>
-<P>Each CSS property definition begins with a summary of key
-information that resembles the following:</p>
-<div class="propdef">
-<span class="index-def" title="'property-name'"><a name="propdef-property-name" class="propdef-title"><strong>'property-name'</strong></a></span>
-<table class="propinfo" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><em>Value:</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>legal values &amp; syntax
-<tr valign=baseline><td><em>Initial:</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>initial value
-<tr valign=baseline><td><em>Applies to:</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>elements this property applies to
-<tr valign=baseline><td><em>Inherited:</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>whether the property is inherited
-<tr valign=baseline><td><em>Percentages:</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>how percentage values are interpreted
-<tr valign=baseline><td><em>Media:</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>which media groups the property applies to
-<tr valign=baseline><td><em>Computed&nbsp;value:</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;<td>how to compute the computed value
-<h4> <a name="value-defs">Value</a></h4>
-<P>This part specifies the set of valid values for the property whose
-name is <a href="about.html#propdef-property-name" class="noxref"><span class="propinst-property-name">'property-name'</span></a>. A property
-value can have one or more components. Component value types are designated
-in several ways:
-<li> <a name="syndata.html#keywords">keyword</a> values (e.g., auto,
-disc, etc.)
-<li> basic data types, which appear between "&lt;" and "&gt;" (e.g.,
-&lt;length&gt;, &lt;percentage&gt;, etc.). In the electronic version
-of the document, each instance of a basic data type links to its
-<li> types that have the same range of values as a property bearing
-the same name (e.g., &lt;'border-width'&gt;
-&lt;'background-attachment'&gt;, etc.). In this case, the type name
-is the property name (complete with quotes) between "&lt;" and "&gt;"
-(e.g., &lt;'border-width'&gt;). Such a type does <strong>not</strong>
-include the value 'inherit'. In the electronic version of the
-document, each instance of this type of non-terminal links to the
-corresponding property definition.
-<li> non-terminals that do not share the same name as a property. In this
-case, the non-terminal name appears between "&lt;" and "&gt;", as in
-&lt;border-width&gt;. Notice the distinction between
-&lt;border-width&gt; and &lt;'border-width'&gt;; the latter is defined
-in terms of the former. The definition of a non-terminal is located
-near its first appearance in the specification. In the electronic
-version of the document, each instance of this type of value links to
-the corresponding value definition.
-<P>Other words in these definitions are keywords that must appear
-literally, without quotes (e.g., red). The slash (/) and the comma (,)
-must also appear literally.
-<P>Component values may be arranged into property values as follows:</p>
-<li>Several juxtaposed words mean that all of them must occur, in the
-given order.
-<li>A bar (|) separates two or more alternatives:
-exactly one of them must occur.
-<li>A double bar (||) separates
-two or more options: one or more of them must occur, in any order.
-<li>A double ampersand (&&) separates two or more components, all of which
-must occur, in any order.
-<li>Brackets ([&nbsp;]) are for grouping.
-<P>Juxtaposition is stronger than the double ampersand, the double
-ampersand is stronger than the double bar, and the double bar
-is stronger than the bar. Thus, the following lines are equivalent:
- a b | c || d && e f
- [ a b ] | [ c || [ d && [ e f ]]]
-<P> Every type, keyword, or bracketed group may be followed by one of
-the following modifiers:</p>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- An asterisk (*) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group
- occurs zero or more times.
- <LI>
- A plus (+) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group
- occurs one or more times.
- <LI>
- A question mark (?) indicates that the preceding type, word, or
- group is optional.
- <LI>
- A pair of numbers in curly braces ({A,B}) indicates that the
- preceding type, word, or group occurs at least A and at most
- B times.
- </UL>
-<P>The following examples illustrate different value types:
- <EM>Value:</EM> N | NW | NE<BR>
- <EM>Value:</EM> [ &lt;length&gt; | thick | thin ]{1,4}<BR>
- <EM>Value:</EM> [&lt;family-name&gt; , ]* &lt;family-name&gt;<BR>
- <EM>Value:</EM> &lt;uri&gt;? &lt;color&gt; [ / &lt;color&gt; ]?<BR>
- <EM>Value:</EM> &lt;uri&gt; || &lt;color&gt;<BR>
- <EM>Value:</EM> inset? && [ &lt;length&gt;{2,4} && &lt;color&gt;? ]
-<p>Component values are specified in terms of tokens, as described in <a
-href="grammar.html#scanner">Appendix G.2</a>. As the grammar allows spaces
-between tokens in the components of the <code>expr</code> production,
-spaces may appear between tokens in property values.
-<p class=note>Note: In many cases, spaces will in fact be
-<em>required</em> between tokens in order to distinguish them from
-each other. For example, the value '1em2em' would be parsed as a
-single <code>DIMEN</code> token with the number '1' and the identifier
-'em2em', which is an invalid unit. In this case, a space would be
-required before the '2' to get this parsed as the two lengths '1em'
-and '2em'.
-<h4> <a name="initial-value">Initial</a></h4>
-<P>This part specifies the property's initial value. Please consult
-the section on <a href="cascade.html">the cascade</a> for information
-about the interaction between style sheet-specified, inherited, and
-initial property values.
-<h4> <a name="applies-to">Applies to</a></h4>
-<p>This part lists the elements to which the property applies. All
-elements are considered to have all properties, but some properties
-have no rendering effect on some types of elements. For example, the <a href="visuren.html#propdef-clear" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-clear">'clear'</span></a> property only affects block-level elements.
-<h4> <a name="inherited-prop">Inherited</a></h4>
-<p>This part indicates whether the value of the property is inherited
-from an ancestor element. Please consult the section on <a
-href="cascade.html">the cascade</a> for information about the
-interaction between style sheet-specified, inherited, and initial
-property values.
-<h4> <a name="percentage-wrt">Percentage values</a></h4>
-<p>This part indicates how percentages should be interpreted, if they occur in
-the value of the property. If "N/A" appears here, it means that the
-property does not accept percentages in its values.
-<h4> <a name="media-applies">Media groups</a></h4>
-<p>This part indicates the <a href="media.html#media-groups">media
-groups</a> to which the property applies. Information about media
-groups is non-normative.
-<h4> <a name="computed-defs">Computed value</a></h4>
-<p>This part describes the computed value for the property. See the
-section on <a href="cascade.html#computed-value">computed values</a>
-for how this definition is used.
-<H3>1.4.3 <a name="shorthand">Shorthand properties</a></H3>
-<p>Some properties are <a name="x1"><span class="index-def" title="shorthand
-property"><dfn>shorthand properties</dfn></span></a>, meaning that they allow
-authors to specify the values of several properties with a single
-<P>For instance, the <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font" class="noxref"><span class="propinst-font">'font'</span></a> property
-is a shorthand property for setting <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-style" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-font-style">'font-style'</span></a>, <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-variant" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-font-variant">'font-variant'</span></a>, <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-weight" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-font-weight">'font-weight'</span></a>, <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-size" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-font-size">'font-size'</span></a>, <a href="visudet.html#propdef-line-height" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-line-height">'line-height'</span></a>, and <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-family" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-font-family">'font-family'</span></a> all at once.</p>
-<P>When values are omitted from a shorthand form, each
-"missing" property is assigned
-its initial value (see the section on <a href="cascade.html">the
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-The multiple style rules of this example:</p>
-h1 {
- font-weight: bold;
- font-size: 12pt;
- line-height: 14pt;
- font-family: Helvetica;
- font-variant: normal;
- font-style: normal;
-<p>may be rewritten with a single shorthand property:</p>
-h1 { font: bold 12pt/14pt Helvetica }
-<p>In this example, <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-variant" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-font-variant">'font-variant'</span></a>, and <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-style" class="noxref"><span
-take their initial values.</p>
-<h3>1.4.4 <a name="notes-and-examples">Notes and examples</a></h3>
-<P>All examples that illustrate illegal usage are clearly
-marked as "ILLEGAL EXAMPLE".
-<P>HTML examples lacking DOCTYPE declarations are SGML Text Entities
-conforming to the HTML 4.01 Strict DTD <a href="refs.html#ref-HTML4" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[HTML4]</span></a>. Other HTML examples
-conform to the DTDs given in the examples.
-<P>All notes are informative only.
-<P>Examples and notes are <a href="conform.html#defs">marked within
-the source HTML</a> for the specification and CSS user agents will
-render them specially.
-<h3>1.4.5 <a name="images-and-longdesc">Images and long descriptions</a></h3>
-<P>Most images in the electronic version of this specification are
-accompanied by "long descriptions" of what they represent. A link to
-the long description is denoted by a "[D]" after the image.
-<P>Images and long descriptions are informative only.
-<H2>1.5 <a name="acknowledgements">Acknowledgments</a></H2>
-<p>This section is non-normative.
-<p>CSS 2.1 is based on CSS2. See the <a
-section of CSS2</a> for the people that contributed to CSS2.
-<p>We would like to thank the following people who, through their
-input and feedback on the www-style mailing list, have helped us with
-the creation of this specification:
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Andrew Clover</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Bernd Mielke</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">C. Bottelier</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Christian Roth</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Christoph P&auml;per</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Claus F&auml;rber</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Coises</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Craig Saila</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Darren Ferguson</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Dylan Schiemann</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Etan Wexler</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">George Lund</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">James Craig</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">Jan</span>
- <span class="additional-name">Eirik</span>
- <span class="family-name">Olufsen</span></span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn"><span class="given-name">Jan</span>
- <span class="additional-name">Roland</span>
- <span class="family-name">Eriksson</span></span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Joris Huizer</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Joshua Prowse</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Kai Lahmann</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Kevin Smith</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Lachlan Cannon</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Lars Knoll</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Lauri Raittila</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Mark Gallagher</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Michael Day</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Peter Sheerin</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">Rijk</span>
- <span class="family-name">van Geijtenbeek</span></span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Robin Berjon</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Scott Montgomery</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Shelby Moore</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Stuart Ballard</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Tom Gilder</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Vadim Plessky</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Peter Moulder</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Anton Prowse</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Gérard Talbot</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Ingo Chao</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Bruno Fassino</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Justin Rogers</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Boris Zbarsky</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Garrett Smith</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Zack Weinberg</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Bjoern Hoehrmann</span></span>,
- and the
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn org">Open eBook Publication Structure Working Group</span></span>
- Editors. We would also like to thank
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Gary Schnabl</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Glenn Adams</span></span> and
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Susan Lesch</span></span>
- who helped proofread earlier versions of this document.</p>
- <p>In addition, we would like to extend special thanks to
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Elika J. Etemad</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Ada Chan</span></span> and
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Boris Zbarsky</span></span>
- who have contributed significant time to CSS&nbsp;2.1, and to
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Kimberly Blessing</span></span>
- for help with the editing.</p>
- <p>Many thanks also to the following people for their help
- with the test suite:
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Robert Stam</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Aharon Lanin</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Alan Gresley</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Alan Harder</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Alexander Dawson</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Arron Eicholz</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Bernd Mielke</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Bert Bos</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Boris Zbarsky</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Bruno Fassino</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Daniel Schattenkirchner</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">David Hammond</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">David Hyatt</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Eira Monstad</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Elika J. Etemad</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Gérard Talbot</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Gabriele Romanato</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Germain Garand</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Hilbrand Edskes</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Ian Hickson</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">James Hopkins</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Justin Boss</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">L. David Baron</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Lachlan Hunt</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Magne Andersson</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Marc Pacheco</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Mark McKenzie-Bell</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Matt Bradley</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Melinda Grant</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Michael Turnwall</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Ray Kiddy</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Richard Ishida</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Robert O'Callahan</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Simon Montagu</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Tom Clancy</span></span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Vasil Dinkov</span></span>,
- &hellip; and all the contributors to the CSS1 test suite.
- <p>Working Group members active during the development of this
- specification:
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">César Acebal</span> (<span class=org>Universidad de Oviedo</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Tab Atkins Jr.</span> (<span class=org>Google, Inc.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">L. David Baron</span> (<span class=org>Mozilla Foundation</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Bert Bos</span> (<span class=org>W3C/ERCIM</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Tantek Çelik</span> (<span class=org>W3C Invited Experts</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Cathy Chan</span> (<span class=org>Nokia</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Giorgi Chavchanidze</span> (<span class=org>Opera Software</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">John Daggett</span> (<span class=org>Mozilla Foundation</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Beth Dakin</span> (<span class=org>Apple, Inc.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Arron Eicholz</span> (<span class=org>Microsoft Corp.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Elika J. Etemad</span> (<span class=org>W3C Invited Experts</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Simon Fraser</span> (<span class=org>Apple, Inc.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Sylvain Galineau</span> (<span class=org>Microsoft Corp.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Daniel Glazman</span> (<span class=org>Disruptive Innovations</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Molly Holzschlag</span> (<span class=org>Opera Software</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">David Hyatt</span> (<span class=org>Apple, Inc.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Richard Ishida</span> (<span class=org>W3C/ERCIM</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">John Jansen</span> (<span class=org>Microsoft Corp.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Brad Kemper</span> (<span class=org>W3C Invited Experts</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Håkon Wium Lie</span> (<span class=org>Opera Software</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Chris Lilley</span> (<span class=org>W3C/ERCIM</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Peter Linss</span> (<span class=org>HP</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Markus Mielke</span> (<span class=org>Microsoft Corp.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Alex Mogilevsky</span> (<span class=org>Microsoft Corp.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">David Singer</span> (<span class=org>Apple Inc.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Anne van Kesteren</span> (<span class=org>Opera Software</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Steve Zilles</span> (<span class=org>Adobe Systems Inc.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Ian Hickson</span> (<span class=org>Google, Inc.</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Melinda Grant</span> (<span class=org>HP</span>)</span>,
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Øyvind Stenhaug</span> (<span class=org>Opera Software</span>)</span>,
- and
- <span class=vcard><span class="fn">Paul Nelson</span> (<span class=org>Microsoft Corp.</span>)</span>.
-<hr class="navbar">
-<hr class="navbar">
-<H1><a name="q0">2 Introduction to CSS&nbsp;2.1</a></H1>
-<div class="subtoc">
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#html-tutorial" class="tocxref">2.1 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for HTML</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#xml-tutorial" class="tocxref">2.2 A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for XML</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#processing-model" class="tocxref">2.3 The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="intro.html#the-canvas" class="tocxref">2.3.1 The canvas</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="intro.html#addressing" class="tocxref">2.3.2 CSS&nbsp;2.1 addressing model</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="intro.html#design-principles" class="tocxref">2.4 CSS design principles</a>
- </ul>
-<H2>2.1 <a name="html-tutorial">A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for HTML</a></H2>
-<p>This section is non-normative.
-<P> In this tutorial, we show how easy it can be to design simple
-style sheets. For this tutorial, you will need to know a little HTML
-(see <a href="refs.html#ref-HTML4" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[HTML4]</span></a>) and some basic desktop publishing terminology.
-<P>We begin with a small HTML document:</p>
-<PRE class="html-example">
-&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"&gt;
- &lt;HEAD&gt;
- &lt;TITLE&gt;Bach's home page&lt;/TITLE&gt;
- &lt;/HEAD&gt;
- &lt;BODY&gt;
- &lt;H1&gt;Bach's home page&lt;/H1&gt;
- &lt;P&gt;Johann Sebastian Bach was a prolific composer.
- &lt;/BODY&gt;
-<P>To set the text color of the H1 elements to red, you can write the
-following CSS rules:</P>
-<PRE class="example">
- h1 { color: red }
-<P>A CSS rule consists of two main parts: <a
-href="selector.html">selector</a> ('h1') and declaration
-('color:&nbsp;red'). In HTML, element names are case-insensitive so
-'h1' works just as well as 'H1'. The declaration has two parts:
-property name ('color') and property value ('red'). While the example above tries to
-influence only one of the properties needed for rendering an HTML
-document, it qualifies as a style sheet on its own. Combined with
-other style sheets (one fundamental feature of CSS is that style
-sheets are combined), the rule will determine the final presentation of the
-<P> The HTML 4 specification defines how style sheet rules may be
-specified for HTML documents: either within the HTML document, or via
-an external style sheet. To put the style sheet into the document, use
-the STYLE element:</p>
-<PRE class="html-example">
-&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"&gt;
- &lt;HEAD&gt;
- &lt;TITLE&gt;Bach's home page&lt;/TITLE&gt;
- &lt;STYLE type="text/css"&gt;
- h1 { color: red }
- &lt;/STYLE&gt;
- &lt;/HEAD&gt;
- &lt;BODY&gt;
- &lt;H1&gt;Bach's home page&lt;/H1&gt;
- &lt;P&gt;Johann Sebastian Bach was a prolific composer.
- &lt;/BODY&gt;
-<P> For maximum flexibility, we recommend that authors specify
-external style sheets; they may be changed without modifying the
-source HTML document, and they may be shared among several
-documents. To link to an external style sheet, you can use the LINK
-<PRE class="html-example">
-&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"&gt;
- &lt;HEAD&gt;
- &lt;TITLE&gt;Bach's home page&lt;/TITLE&gt;
- &lt;LINK rel="stylesheet" href="bach.css" type="text/css"&gt;
- &lt;/HEAD&gt;
- &lt;BODY&gt;
- &lt;H1&gt;Bach's home page&lt;/H1&gt;
- &lt;P&gt;Johann Sebastian Bach was a prolific composer.
- &lt;/BODY&gt;
-<P>The LINK element specifies:</p>
-<li>the type of link: to a "stylesheet".
-<li>the location of the style sheet via the "href" attribute.
-<li>the type of style sheet being linked: "text/css".
-<P>To show the close relationship between a style sheet and the
-structured markup, we continue to use the STYLE element in this
-tutorial. Let's add more colors:
-<PRE class="html-example">
-&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"&gt;
- &lt;HEAD&gt;
- &lt;TITLE&gt;Bach's home page&lt;/TITLE&gt;
- &lt;STYLE type="text/css"&gt;
- body { color: black; background: white }
- h1 { color: red; background: white }
- &lt;/STYLE&gt;
- &lt;/HEAD&gt;
- &lt;BODY&gt;
- &lt;H1&gt;Bach's home page&lt;/H1&gt;
- &lt;P&gt;Johann Sebastian Bach was a prolific composer.
- &lt;/BODY&gt;
-<P>The style sheet now contains four rules: the first two set the
-color and background of the BODY element (it's a good idea to set the
-text color and background color together), while the last two
-set the color and the background of the H1 element. Since no color
-has been specified for the P element, it will inherit the color
-from its parent element, namely BODY. The H1 element is also a child
-element of BODY but the second rule overrides the inherited value. In
-CSS there are often such conflicts between different values, and this
-specification describes how to resolve them.
-<P>CSS&nbsp;2.1 has more than 90 properties, including <a href="colors.html#propdef-color" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-color">'color'</span></a>. Let's look at some of the
-<PRE class="example">
-&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"&gt;
- &lt;HEAD&gt;
- &lt;TITLE&gt;Bach's home page&lt;/TITLE&gt;
- &lt;STYLE type="text/css"&gt;
- body {
- font-family: "Gill Sans", sans-serif;
- font-size: 12pt;
- margin: 3em;
- }
- &lt;/STYLE&gt;
- &lt;/HEAD&gt;
- &lt;BODY&gt;
- &lt;H1&gt;Bach's home page&lt;/H1&gt;
- &lt;P&gt;Johann Sebastian Bach was a prolific composer.
- &lt;/BODY&gt;
-<P>The first thing to notice is that several declarations are grouped
-within a block enclosed by curly braces ({...}), and separated by
-semicolons, though the last declaration may also be followed by a
-<P>The first declaration on the BODY element sets the font family to
-"Gill Sans". If that font is not available, the user agent (often
-referred to as a "browser") will use the 'sans-serif' font family
-which is one of five generic font families which all users agents
-know. Child elements of BODY will inherit the value of the <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-family" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-font-family">'font-family'</span></a> property.
-<P>The second declaration sets the font size of the BODY element to
-12 points. The "point" unit is commonly used in print-based typography
-to indicate font sizes and other length values. It's an example of an
-absolute unit which does not scale relative to the environment.
-<P>The third declaration uses a relative unit which scales with regard
-to its surroundings. The "em" unit refers to the font size of the
-element. In this case the result is that the margins around the BODY
-element are three times wider than the font size.
-<H2>2.2 <a name="xml-tutorial">A brief CSS&nbsp;2.1 tutorial for XML</a></H2>
-<p>This section is non-normative.
-<P>CSS can be used with any structured document format, for example
-with applications of the eXtensible Markup Language <a href="refs.html#ref-XML10" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[XML10]</span></a>. In
-fact, XML depends more on style sheets than HTML, since authors can
-make up their own elements that user agents do not know how to
-<P>Here is a simple XML fragment:
-<PRE class="xml-example">
- &lt;HEADLINE&gt;Fredrick the Great meets Bach&lt;/HEADLINE&gt;
- &lt;AUTHOR&gt;Johann Nikolaus Forkel&lt;/AUTHOR&gt;
- &lt;PARA&gt;
- One evening, just as he was getting his
- &lt;INSTRUMENT&gt;flute&lt;/INSTRUMENT&gt; ready and his
- musicians were assembled, an officer brought him a list of
- the strangers who had arrived.
- &lt;/PARA&gt;
-<P>To display this fragment in a document-like fashion, we must first
-declare which elements are inline-level (i.e., do not cause line breaks) and
-which are block-level (i.e., cause line breaks).
-<PRE class="example">
-INSTRUMENT { display: inline }
-ARTICLE, HEADLINE, AUTHOR, PARA { display: block }
-<P>The first rule declares INSTRUMENT to be inline and the second
-rule, with its comma-separated list of selectors, declares all the
-other elements to be block-level. Element names in XML are
-case-sensitive, so a selector written in lowercase (e.g., 'instrument')
-is different from uppercase (e.g., 'INSTRUMENT').
-<P>One way of linking a style sheet to an XML document is to use
-a processing instruction:
-<PRE class="xml-example">
-&lt;?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="bach.css"?&gt;
- &lt;HEADLINE&gt;Fredrick the Great meets Bach&lt;/HEADLINE&gt;
- &lt;AUTHOR&gt;Johann Nikolaus Forkel&lt;/AUTHOR&gt;
- &lt;PARA&gt;
- One evening, just as he was getting his
- &lt;INSTRUMENT&gt;flute&lt;/INSTRUMENT&gt; ready and his
- musicians were assembled, an officer brought him a list of
- the strangers who had arrived.
- &lt;/PARA&gt;
-<P>A visual user agent could format the above example as:
-<div class="figure">
-<p><img src="images/bach1.png" alt="Example rendering"><SPAN class="dlink">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A name="img-bach1" href="images/longdesc/bach1-desc.html" title="Long description for the first Bach/XML formatting example">[D]</A></SPAN>
-<P>Notice that the word "flute" remains within the paragraph since it
-is the content of the inline element INSTRUMENT.
-<P>Still, the text is not formatted the way you would expect. For
-example, the headline font size should be larger than then the rest of
-the text, and you may want to display the author's name in italic:</P>
-<PRE class="example">
-INSTRUMENT { display: inline }
-ARTICLE, HEADLINE, AUTHOR, PARA { display: block }
-HEADLINE { font-size: 1.3em }
-AUTHOR { font-style: italic }
-ARTICLE, HEADLINE, AUTHOR, PARA { margin: 0.5em }
-<P>A visual user agent could format the above example as:
-<div class="figure">
-<p><img src="images/bach2.png" alt="Example rendering"><SPAN class="dlink">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A name="img-bach2" href="images/longdesc/bach2-desc.html" title="Long description for the second Bach/XML formatting example">[D]</A></SPAN>
-<P>Adding more rules to the style sheet will allow you to further
-describe the presentation of the document.
-<H2>2.3 <a name="processing-model">The CSS&nbsp;2.1 processing model</a></H2>
-<p>This section up to but not including its subsections is
-<P>This section presents one possible model of how user
-agents that support CSS work. This is only a conceptual model; real
-implementations may vary.
-<P>In this model, a user agent processes a source
-by going through the following steps:</P>
-<li>Parse the source document and create a <a
-href="conform.html#doctree">document tree</a>.</li>
-<li>Identify the target <a href="media.html">media type</a>.
-<li>Retrieve all style sheets associated with the document that are
-specified for the target <a href="media.html">media type</a>.
-<li>Annotate every element of the document tree by assigning a single
-value to every <a href="syndata.html#properties">property</a> that is
-applicable to the target <a href="media.html">media type</a>.
-Properties are assigned values according to the mechanisms described
-in the section on <a href="cascade.html">cascading and
-<P>Part of the calculation of values depends on the formatting
-algorithm appropriate for the target <a href="media.html">media
-type</a>. For example, if the target medium is the screen, user agents
-apply the <a href="visuren.html">visual formatting model</a>.
-<li>From the annotated document tree, generate a
-<span class="index-def" title="formatting structure">
-<a name="formatting-structure"><dfn>formatting
-structure</dfn></a></span>. Often, the formatting structure closely
-resembles the document tree, but it may also differ significantly,
-notably when authors make use of pseudo-elements and generated content.
-First, the formatting structure need not be "tree-shaped" at all -- the
-nature of the structure depends on the implementation. Second, the
-formatting structure may contain more or less information than the
-document tree. For instance, if an element in the document tree has a
-value of 'none' for the <a href="visuren.html#propdef-display" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-display">'display'</span></a> property, that element will
-generate nothing in the formatting structure. A list element, on the
-other hand, may generate more information in the formatting structure:
-the list element's content and list style information (e.g., a bullet
-<P>Note that the CSS user agent does not alter the document tree
-during this phase. In particular, content generated due to style
-sheets is not fed back to the document language processor (e.g., for
-<li>Transfer the formatting structure to the target medium (e.g., print
-the results, display them on the screen, render them as speech,
-<h3>2.3.1 <a name="the-canvas">The canvas</a></h3>
-<P>For all media, the term <span class="index-def" title="canvas"> <a
-name="canvas"><dfn>canvas</dfn></a></span> describes "the space where
-the formatting structure is rendered." The canvas is infinite for each
-dimension of the space, but rendering generally occurs within
-a finite region of the canvas, established by the user agent
-according to the target medium. For instance, user agents rendering
-to a screen generally impose a minimum width and choose an initial
-width based on the dimensions of the <a href="visuren.html#viewport">
-viewport</a>. User agents rendering to a page generally impose
-width and height constraints. Aural user agents may impose limits
-in audio space, but not in time.
-<h3>2.3.2 <a name="addressing">CSS&nbsp;2.1 addressing model</a></h3>
-<P> CSS&nbsp;2.1 <a href="selector.html">selectors</a> and properties allow
-style sheets to refer to the following parts of a document
-or user agent:</p>
-<li>Elements in the document tree and certain relationships between
-them (see the section on <a href="selector.html">selectors</a>).
-<li>Attributes of elements in the document tree, and values of those
-attributes (see the section on <a
-href="selector.html#attribute-selectors">attribute selectors</a>).
-<li>Some parts of element content (see the <a
-href="selector.html#first-line">:first-line</a> and <a
-href="selector.html#first-letter">:first-letter</a> pseudo-elements).
-<li>Elements of the document tree when they are in a certain state
-(see the section on <a href="selector.html#pseudo-classes">pseudo-classes</a>).
-<li>Some aspects of the <a href="#canvas">canvas</a> where
-the document will be rendered.
-<li>Some system information (see the section on <a href="ui.html">user
-<H2>2.4 <a name="design-principles">CSS design principles</a></H2>
-<p>This section is non-normative.
-<P>CSS&nbsp;2.1, as CSS2 and CSS1 before it, is based on a set of design principles:</p>
-<P><STRONG>Forward and backward compatibility</STRONG>. CSS&nbsp;2.1 user
-agents will be able to understand CSS1 style sheets. CSS1 user agents
-will be able to read CSS&nbsp;2.1 style sheets and discard parts they do not
-understand. Also, user agents with no CSS support will be able to
-display style-enhanced documents. Of course, the stylistic
-enhancements made possible by CSS will not be rendered, but all
-content will be presented.</P>
-<P><STRONG>Complementary to structured documents</STRONG>. Style
-sheets complement structured documents (e.g., HTML and XML
-applications), providing
-stylistic information for the marked-up text. It should be easy to
-change the style sheet with little or no impact on the markup.</P>
-<P><STRONG>Vendor, platform, and device independence</STRONG>. Style
-sheets enable documents to remain vendor, platform, and device
-independent. Style sheets themselves are also vendor and platform
-independent, but CSS&nbsp;2.1 allows you to target a style sheet for a group of
-devices (e.g., printers).</P>
-<P><STRONG>Maintainability</STRONG>. By pointing to style sheets from
-documents, webmasters can simplify site maintenance and retain
-consistent look and feel throughout the site. For example, if
-the organization's background color changes, only one file needs to be
-<P><STRONG>Simplicity</STRONG>. CSS is a simple style language which
-is human readable and writable. The CSS properties are kept
-independent of each other to the largest extent possible and there is
-generally only one way to achieve a certain effect.</P>
-<P><STRONG>Network performance</STRONG>. CSS provides for compact
-encodings of how to present content. Compared to images or audio
-files, which are often used by authors to achieve certain rendering
-effects, style sheets most often decrease the content size. Also,
-fewer network connections have to be opened which further increases
-network performance.</P> </LI>
-<P><STRONG>Flexibility</STRONG>. CSS can be applied to content in
-several ways. The key feature is the ability to cascade style
-information specified in the default (user agent) style sheet, user
-style sheets, linked style sheets, the document head, and in
-attributes for the elements forming the document body.</P>
-<P><STRONG>Richness</STRONG>. Providing authors with a rich set of
-rendering effects increases the richness of the Web as a medium of
-expression. Designers have been longing for functionality commonly
-found in desktop publishing and slide-show applications. Some of
-the requested rendering effects conflict with device independence, but
-CSS&nbsp;2.1 goes a long way toward granting designers their requests.</P>
-<P><STRONG>Alternative language bindings</STRONG>. The set of CSS
-properties described in this specification form a consistent
-formatting model for visual and aural presentations. This formatting
-model can be accessed through the CSS language, but bindings to other
-languages are also possible. For example, a JavaScript program may
-dynamically change the value of a certain element's <a href="colors.html#propdef-color" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-color">'color'</span></a> property.</P>
-<P><STRONG>Accessibility</STRONG>. Several CSS
-features will make the Web more accessible
-to users with disabilities:</p>
-<LI>Properties to control font appearance allow authors
-to eliminate inaccessible bit-mapped text images.
-<li>Positioning properties allow authors to eliminate
-mark-up tricks (e.g., invisible images) to force layout.
-<LI>The semantics of
-<tt>!important</tt> rules mean that users with
-particular presentation requirements
-can override the author's style sheets.
-<li>The 'inherit' value for all properties
-improves cascading generality and allows for
-easier and more consistent style tuning.
-<li>Improved media support, including media groups and the
-braille, embossed, and tty media types, will allow users and
-authors to tailor pages to those devices.
-<div class="note"><P> <em><strong>Note.</strong> For more information
-about designing accessible documents using CSS and HTML, see [[-WCAG20]].</em>
-<hr class="navbar">
-<hr class="navbar">
-<H1><a name="q0">3 Conformance: Requirements and Recommendations</a></H1>
-<div class="subtoc">
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#defs" class="tocxref">3.1 Definitions</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#conformance" class="tocxref">3.2 UA Conformance</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#errors" class="tocxref">3.3 Error conditions</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="conform.html#text-css" class="tocxref">3.4 <span class="index-def" title="text/css">The text/css content type</span></a>
- </ul>
-<H2>3.1 <a name="defs">Definitions</a></H2>
-<P>The key words <a name="x0"><span class="index-def" title="MUST">"MUST"</span></a>,
-<a name="x1"><span class="index-def" title="MUST NOT">"MUST NOT"</span></a>, <a name="x2"><span
-class="index-def" title="REQUIRED">"REQUIRED"</span></a>, <a name="x3"><span
-class="index-def" title="SHALL">"SHALL"</span></a>, <a name="x4"><span
-class="index-def" title="SHALL NOT">"SHALL NOT"</span></a>, <a name="x5"><span
-class="index-def" title="SHOULD">"SHOULD"</span></a>, <a name="x6"><span
-class="index-def" title="SHOULD NOT">"SHOULD NOT"</span></a>, <a name="x7"><span
-class="index-def" title="RECOMMENDED">"RECOMMENDED"</span></a>, <a name="x8"><span
-class="index-def" title="MAY">"MAY"</span></a>, and <a name="x9"><span
-class="index-def" title="OPTIONAL">"OPTIONAL"</span></a> in this document
-are to be interpreted as described in RFC&nbsp;2119 (see <a href="refs.html#ref-RFC2119" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[RFC2119]</span></a>).
-However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase
-letters in this specification.
-<P>At times, this specification recommends good practice
-for authors and user agents. These recommendations are not normative
-and conformance with this specification does not depend on their
-realization. These recommendations contain the expression "We
-recommend ...", "This specification recommends ...", or some similar
-<P>The fact that a feature is marked as deprecated (namely the <a
-href="aural.html#aural-media-group">'aural'</a> keyword) or going to
-be deprecated in CSS3 (namely the <a
-href="ui.html#system-colors">system colors</a>) also has no influence
-on conformance. (For example, 'aural' is marked as non-normative, so
-UAs do not need to support it; the system colors are normative, so UAs
-must support them.)
-<p>All sections of this specification, including appendices, are
-normative unless otherwise noted.
-<p><a href="about.html#notes-and-examples">Examples and notes</a>
-are not normative.
-<div class=example><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>Examples usually have the word "example" near
-their start ("Example:", "The following example&hellip;," "For
-example," etc.) and are shown in the color maroon, like this
-<div class=note><p>Notes start with the word "Note," are indented and
-shown in green, like this paragraph.</p></div>
-<p>Figures are for illustration only. They are not reference
-renderings, unless explicitly stated.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="style
-sheet"><a name="style-sheet">Style sheet</a></span></strong>
-<dd>A set of statements that specify presentation of a document.
-<P>Style sheets may have three different origins: <a
-href="#author">author</a>, <a href="#user">user</a>, and <a
-href="#user-agent">user agent</a>. The interaction of these sources is
-described in the section on <a href="cascade.html">cascading and
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="valid style
-sheet|validity"><a name="valid-style-sheet">Valid style
-<dd>The validity of a style sheet depends on the level of CSS
-used for the style sheet. All valid CSS1 style sheets are valid CSS&nbsp;2.1
-style sheets, but some changes from CSS1 mean that
-a few CSS1 style sheets will have slightly different semantics in
-CSS&nbsp;2.1. Some features in CSS2 are not part of CSS&nbsp;2.1, so not all CSS2
-style sheets are valid CSS&nbsp;2.1 style sheets.
-<P>A valid CSS&nbsp;2.1 style sheet must be written according to the <a
-href="grammar.html">grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>. Furthermore, it must contain
-only at-rules, property names, and property values defined in this
-An <span
-name="illegal">illegal</a></strong></span> (invalid) at-rule,
-property name, or property value is one that is not valid.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="source
-document"><a name="source-document">Source
-<dd>The document to which one or more style sheets apply. This is
-encoded in some language that represents the document as a tree of <a
-href="#element">elements</a>. Each element consists of a name that
-identifies the type of element, optionally a number of <a
-href="#attribute">attributes</a>, and a (possibly empty) <a
-href="#content">content</a>. For example, the source document could be
-an XML or SGML instance.</dd>
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="document language"><a
-name="doclanguage">Document language</a></span></strong>
-<dd>The encoding language of the source document (e.g., HTML, XHTML, or
-SVG). CSS is used to describe the presentation of document languages
-and CSS does not change the underlying semantics of the document
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="element"><a
-<dd>(An SGML term, see <a href="refs.html#ref-ISO8879" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[ISO8879]</span></a>.) The primary syntactic constructs
-of the document language. Most CSS style sheet rules use the names of
-these elements (such as P, TABLE, and OL in HTML) to specify
-how the elements should be rendered.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="replaced element">
-<a name="replaced-element">Replaced
-<dd><p>An element whose content is outside the scope of the CSS
-formatting model, such as an image, embedded document, or applet. For
-example, the content of the HTML IMG element is often replaced by the
-image that its "src" attribute designates. Replaced elements often
-have intrinsic dimensions: an intrinsic width, an intrinsic height,
-and an intrinsic ratio. For example, a bitmap image has an intrinsic
-width and an intrinsic height specified in absolute units (from which
-the intrinsic ratio can obviously be determined). On the other hand,
-other documents may not have any intrinsic dimensions (for example, a
-blank HTML document).
-<p>User agents may consider a replaced element to not have any
-intrinsic dimensions if it is believed that those dimensions could
-leak sensitive information to a third party. For example, if an HTML
-document changed intrinsic size depending on the user's bank balance,
-then the UA might want to act as if that resource had no intrinsic
-<p>The content of replaced elements is not considered in the CSS
-rendering model.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="intrinsic
-dimensions"><a name="intrinsic">Intrinsic dimensions</a></span></strong>
-<dd>The width and height as defined by the element itself, not imposed
-by the surroundings. CSS does not define how the intrinsic dimensions
-are found. In CSS&nbsp;2.1 only replaced elements can come with
-intrinsic dimensions.
-For raster images without reliable resolution information, a size of
-1&nbsp;px unit per image source pixel must be assumed.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="attribute"><a
-<dd>A value associated with an element, consisting of a name, and an
-associated (textual) value.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="content"><a
-<dd>The content associated with an element in the source document.
-Some elements have no content, in which case they are
-called <strong><span class="index-def"
-title="empty"><a name="empty">empty</a></span></strong>. The content
-of an element may include text, and it may include a number of
-sub-elements, in which case the element is called
-the <strong><span class="index-def"
-title="parent"><a name="parent">parent</a></span></strong> of those
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def"
-title="ignore"><a name="ignore">Ignore</a></span></strong>
-<dd>This term has two slightly different meanings in this
-specification. First, a CSS parser must follow certain rules when it
-discovers unknown or illegal syntax in a style sheet. The parser must
-then ignore certain parts of the style sheets. The exact rules for
-which parts must be ignored are described in these sections (<a
-href="syndata.html#declaration">Declarations and properties,</a> <a
-href="syndata.html#parsing-errors">Rules for handling parsing
-errors,</a> <a href="syndata.html#unsupported-values">Unsupported
-Values</a>) or may be explained in the text where the term "ignore"
-appears. Second, a user agent may (and, in some cases must) disregard
-certain properties or values in the style sheet, even if the syntax is
-legal. For example, table-column elements cannot affect the font of the
-column, so the font properties must be ignored.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="rendered
-content|content::rendered"><a name="rendered-content">Rendered
-<dd>The content of an element after the rendering that applies to it
-according to the relevant style sheets has been applied. How a
-replaced element's content is rendered is not defined by this
-specification. Rendered content may also be
-alternate text for an element (e.g., the value of the XHTML "alt"
-attribute), and may include items inserted implicitly or explicitly by
-the style sheet, such as bullets, numbering, etc.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="document tree">
-<a name="doctree">Document
-<dd>The tree of elements encoded in the source document. Each element
-in this tree has exactly one parent, with the exception of the
-<strong><span class="index-def" title="root"><a
-name="root">root</a></span></strong> element, which has none.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def"
-title="child"><a name="child">Child</a></span></strong>
-<dd>An element A is called the child of element B if and only if B is
-the parent of A.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def"
-title="descendant"><a name="descendant">Descendant</a></span></strong>
-<dd>An element A is called a descendant of an element B, if either (1)
-A is a child of B, or (2) A is the child of some element C that is a
-descendant of B.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def"
-title="ancestor"><a name="ancestor">Ancestor</a></span></strong>
-<dd>An element A is called an ancestor of an element B, if and only if
-B is a descendant of A.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def"
-title="sibling"><a name="sibling">Sibling</a></span></strong>
-<dd>An element A is called a sibling of an element B, if and only if B
-and A share the same parent element. Element A is a preceding sibling
-if it comes before B in the document tree. Element B is a following
-sibling if it comes after A in the document tree.
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="preceding
-element|element::preceding"><a name="preceding">Preceding element</a></span></strong>
-<dd>An element A is called a preceding element of an element B, if and
-only if (1) A is an ancestor of B or (2) A is a preceding sibling of
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def" title="following
-element|element::following"><a name="following">Following
-<dd>An element A is called a following element of an element B, if and
-only if B is a preceding element of A.
-class="index-def"><a name="author">Author</a></span></strong>
-<dd>An author is a person who writes documents and associated style
-An <strong><span class="index-def"><a name="authoring">authoring
-tool</a></span></strong> is a <a href="#user-agent">User Agent</a>
-that generates style sheets.</dd>
-class="index-def"><a name="user">User</a></span></strong>
-<dd> A user is a person who interacts with a user agent to view, hear, or
-otherwise use a document and its associated style sheet. The user
-may provide a personal style sheet that encodes personal
-<dt><strong><span class="index-def"><a name="user-agent">User agent
-<dd>A <span class="index-def" title="user agent|UA"><a name="ua">user
-agent</a></span> is any program that interprets a document written in
-the document language and applies associated style sheets according
-to the terms of this specification. A user agent may display a
-document, read it aloud, cause it to be printed, convert it
-to another format, etc.</dd>
-<DD>An HTML user agent is one that supports one or more of the HTML
-specifications. A user agent that supports XHTML <a href="refs.html#ref-XHTML" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[XHTML]</span></a>, but not
-HTML is not considered an
-HTML user agent for the purpose of conformance with this
-class="index-def"><a name="property">Property</a></span></strong>
-<dd>CSS defines a finite set of parameters, called properties, that
-direct the rendering of a document. Each property has a name (e.g.,
-'color', 'font', or border') and a value (e.g., 'red', '12pt Times', or
-'dotted'). Properties are attached to various parts of the document
-and to the page on which the document is to be displayed by the
-mechanisms of specificity, cascading, and inheritance (see the chapter
-on <a href="cascade.html">Assigning property values, Cascading, and
-<div class="html-example">
-<p>Here is an example of a source document written in HTML:
-&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"&gt;
- &lt;TITLE&gt;My home page&lt;/TITLE&gt;
- &lt;BODY&gt;
- &lt;H1&gt;My home page&lt;/H1&gt;
- &lt;P&gt;Welcome to my home page! Let me tell you about my favorite
- composers:
- &lt;UL&gt;
- &lt;LI&gt; Elvis Costello
- &lt;LI&gt; Johannes Brahms
- &lt;LI&gt; Georges Brassens
- &lt;/UL&gt;
- &lt;/BODY&gt;
-<P>This results in the following tree:</P>
-<div class="figure">
-<P><IMG src="images/doctree.png" alt="Sample document tree"><SPAN class="dlink">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A name="img-doctree" href="images/longdesc/doctree-desc.html" title="Long description for sample document tree diagram">[D]</A></SPAN></p>
-<P>According to the definition of HTML 4, HEAD elements will be
-inferred during parsing and become part of the document tree even if
-the "head" tags are not in the document source. Similarly, the parser
-knows where the P and LI elements end, even though there are no
-&lt;/p&gt; and &lt;/li&gt; tags in the source.
-<P>Documents written in XHTML (and other XML-based languages) behave
-differently: there are no inferred elements and all elements must have
-end tags.
-<h2>3.2 <a name="conformance">UA Conformance</a></h2>
-<P>This section defines <span class="index-def"
-title="conformance"><a name="conformance-term">conformance</a></span> with
-the CSS&nbsp;2.1
-specification only. There may be other levels of CSS in the future
-that may require a user agent to implement a different set of features
-in order to conform.
-<P>In general, the following points must be observed by a user agent
-claiming conformance to this specification:</P>
-<li>It must recognize one or more of the CSS&nbsp;2.1 <a href="media.html">media types</a>.
-<li>For each source document, it must attempt to retrieve all
-associated style sheets that are appropriate for the recognized media
-types. If it cannot retrieve all associated style sheets (for instance,
-because of network errors), it must display the document using those
-it can retrieve.
-<li>It must parse the style sheets according to this specification.
-In particular, it must recognize all at-rules, blocks, declarations,
-and selectors (see the <a href="grammar.html">grammar of CSS&nbsp;2.1</a>).
-If a user agent encounters a property that applies for a supported
-media type, the user agent must parse the value according to the property
-definition. This means that the user agent must accept all valid
-values and must
-<a name="x44"><span class="index-inst" title="ignore">ignore</span></a> declarations with
-invalid values. User
-agents must <a name="x45"><span class="index-inst" title="ignore">ignore</span></a>
-rules that apply to unsupported <a href="media.html">media
-<li>For each element in a <a href="#doctree">document tree</a>, it
-must assign a value for every property according to the
-property's definition and the rules of <a
-href="cascade.html">cascading and inheritance</a>.
-<li>If the source document comes with alternate style sheet sets (such as
-with the "alternate" keyword in HTML 4 <a href="refs.html#ref-HTML4" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[HTML4]</span></a>), the UA must
-allow the user to select which style sheet set the UA should apply.
-<li>The UA must allow the user to turn off the influence of author style sheets.
-<P>Not every user agent must observe every point, however:</p>
-<li>An application that reads style sheets without rendering any
-content (e.g., a CSS&nbsp;2.1 validator) must respect points 1-3.
-<li>An authoring tool is only required to output <a
-href="#valid-style-sheet">valid style sheets</a>
-<li>A user agent that <em>renders</em> a document with associated style
-sheets must respect points 1-6 and render the document
-according to the media-specific requirements set forth in this
-specification. <a href="cascade.html#actual-value">Values</a>
-may be approximated when required by the user agent.
-<P>The inability of a user agent to implement part of this
-specification due to the limitations of a particular device (e.g., a
-user agent cannot render colors on a monochrome monitor or page) does
-not imply non-conformance. </P>
-<p>UAs must allow users to specify a file that contains the user style
-sheet. UAs that run on devices without any means of writing or
-specifying files are exempted from this requirement. Additionally, UAs
-may offer other means to specify user preferences, for example, through
-a GUI.
-<p>CSS&nbsp;2.1 does not define which properties apply to form controls and
-frames, or how CSS can be used to style them. User agents may apply CSS
-properties to these elements. Authors are recommended to treat such
-support as experimental. A future level of CSS may specify this further.
-<h2>3.3 <a name="errors">Error conditions</a></h2>
-<p>In general, this document specifies error handling behavior
-throughout the specification. For example, see the <a
-href="syndata.html#parsing-errors">rules for handling parsing errors</a>.
-<h2>3.4 <span class="index-def" title="text/css"><a
-name="text-css">The text/css content type</a></span></h2>
-<p>CSS style sheets that exist in separate files are sent over the
-Internet as a sequence of bytes accompanied by encoding
-information. The structure of the
-transmission, termed a <span class="index-def" title="message
-entity"><a name="message-entity"><strong>message
-entity,</strong></a></span> is defined by RFC 2045 and RFC 2616 (see
-<a href="refs.html#ref-RFC2045" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[RFC2045]</span></a> and <a href="refs.html#ref-RFC2616" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[RFC2616]</span></a>). A message entity with a content type of
-"text/css" represents an independent CSS document. The "text/css"
-content type has been registered by RFC 2318 (<a href="refs.html#ref-2318" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[RFC2318]</span></a>).
-<hr class="navbar">
-<hr class="navbar">
-<h1><a name="q0">4 Syntax and basic data types</a></h1>
-<div class="subtoc">
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="syndata.html#syntax" class="tocxref">4.1 Syntax</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#tokenization" class="tocxref">4.1.1 Tokenization</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#keywords" class="tocxref">4.1.2 Keywords</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="syndata.html#vendor-keywords" class="tocxref"> Vendor-specific extensions</a>
- <li class="tocline4"><a href="syndata.html#vendor-keyword-history" class="tocxref"> Informative Historical Notes</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#characters" class="tocxref">4.1.3 Characters and case</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#statements" class="tocxref">4.1.4 Statements</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#at-rules" class="tocxref">4.1.5 <span class="index-def" title="at-rule"> At-rules</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#block" class="tocxref">4.1.6 Blocks</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#rule-sets" class="tocxref">4.1.7 Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#declaration" class="tocxref">4.1.8 Declarations and properties</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#comments" class="tocxref">4.1.9 Comments</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="syndata.html#parsing-errors" class="tocxref">4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="syndata.html#values" class="tocxref">4.3 Values</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#numbers" class="tocxref">4.3.1 Integers and real numbers</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#length-units" class="tocxref">4.3.2 Lengths</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#percentage-units" class="tocxref">4.3.3 Percentages</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#uri" class="tocxref">4.3.4 URLs and URIs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#counter" class="tocxref">4.3.5 Counters</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#color-units" class="tocxref">4.3.6 Colors</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#strings" class="tocxref">4.3.7 Strings</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#unsupported-values" class="tocxref">4.3.8 Unsupported Values</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="syndata.html#charset" class="tocxref">4.4 CSS style sheet representation</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="syndata.html#escaping" class="tocxref">4.4.1 Referring to characters not represented in a character encoding</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
-<h2>4.1 <a name="syntax">Syntax</a></h2>
-<p>This section describes a grammar (and <a name="x0"><span class="index-def"
-title="forward-compatible parsing"><dfn>forward-compatible
-parsing</dfn></span></a> rules) common to any level of CSS (including
-CSS&nbsp;2.1). Future updates of CSS will adhere to this core syntax,
-although they may add additional syntactic constraints.
-<p>These descriptions are normative. They are also
-complemented by the normative grammar rules presented in <a
-href="grammar.html">Appendix G</a>.
-<p>In this specification, the expressions "immediately before" or
-"immediately after" mean with no intervening white space or comments.
-<h3>4.1.1 <a name="tokenization">Tokenization</a></h3>
-<p>All levels of CSS &mdash; level 1, level 2, and any future levels &mdash; use
-the same core syntax. This allows UAs to parse (though not completely
-understand) style sheets written in levels of CSS that did not exist at
-the time the UAs were created. Designers can use this feature to
-create style sheets that work with older user agents, while also
-exercising the possibilities of the latest levels of CSS.
-<p>At the lexical level, CSS style sheets consist of a sequence of tokens.
-The list of tokens for CSS is as follows. The definitions use Lex-style
-regular expressions. Octal codes refer to ISO 10646 (<a href="refs.html#ref-ISO10646" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[ISO10646]</span></a>). As in
-Lex, in case of multiple matches, the longest match determines the token.
-<tr><th>Token </th><th>Definition</th></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>
-<tr><td>IDENT </td><td><code><var>{ident}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>ATKEYWORD </td><td><code>@<var>{ident}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>STRING </td><td><code><var>{string}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>BAD_STRING </td><td><code><var>{badstring}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>BAD_URI </td><td><code><var>{baduri}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>BAD_COMMENT </td><td><code><var>{badcomment}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>HASH </td><td><code>#<var>{name}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>NUMBER </td><td><code><var>{num}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>PERCENTAGE </td><td><code><var>{num}</var>%</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>DIMENSION </td><td><code><var>{num}{ident}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>URI </td><td><code>url\(<var>{w}{string}{w}</var>\)<br>
- |url\(<var>{w}</var>([!#$%&amp;*-\[\]-~]|<var>{nonascii}</var>|<var>{escape}</var>)*<var>{w}</var>\)</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>UNICODE-RANGE </td><td><code>u\+[0-9a-f?]{1,6}(-[0-9a-f]{1,6})?</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>CDO </td><td><code>&lt;!--</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>CDC </td><td><code>--&gt;</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>: </td><td><code>:</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>; </td><td><code>;</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>{ </td><td><code>\{</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>} </td><td><code>\}</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>( </td><td><code>\(</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>) </td><td><code>\)</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>[ </td><td><code>\[</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>] </td><td><code>\]</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>S </td><td><code>[ \t\r\n\f]+</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>COMMENT </td><td><code>\/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*\/</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>FUNCTION </td><td><code><var>{ident}</var>\(</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>INCLUDES </td><td><code>~=</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>DASHMATCH </td><td><code>|=</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>DELIM </td><td><var>any other character not matched by
-the above rules, and neither a single nor a double quote</var>
-<p>The macros in curly braces ({}) above are defined as follows:
-<tr><th>Macro </th><th>Definition</th></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>
-<tr><td>ident </td><td><code>[-]?<var>{nmstart}</var><var>{nmchar}*</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>name </td><td><code><var>{nmchar}+</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>nmstart </td><td><code>[_a-z]|<var>{nonascii}</var>|<var>{escape}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>unicode </td><td><code>\\[0-9a-f]{1,6}(\r\n|[ \n\r\t\f])?</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>escape </td><td><code><var>{unicode}</var>|\\[^\n\r\f0-9a-f]</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>nmchar </td><td><code>[_a-z0-9-]|<var>{nonascii}</var>|<var>{escape}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>num </td><td><code>[0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>string </td><td><code><var>{string1}</var>|<var>{string2}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>string1 </td><td><code>\"([^\n\r\f\\"]|\\{nl}|<var>{escape}</var>)*\"</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>string2 </td><td><code>\'([^\n\r\f\\']|\\{nl}|<var>{escape}</var>)*\'</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>badstring </td><td><code><var>{badstring1}</var>|<var>{badstring2}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>badstring1 </td><td><code>\"([^\n\r\f\\"]|\\{nl}|<var>{escape}</var>)*\\?</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>badstring2 </td><td><code>\'([^\n\r\f\\']|\\{nl}|<var>{escape}</var>)*\\?</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>badcomment </td><td><code><var>{badcomment1}</var>|<var>{badcomment2}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>badcomment1 </td><td><code>\/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>badcomment2 </td><td><code>\/\*[^*]*(\*+[^/*][^*]*)*</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>baduri </td><td><code><var>{baduri1}</var>|<var>{baduri2}</var>|<var>{baduri3}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>baduri1 </td><td><code>url\(<var>{w}</var>([!#$%&*-~]|<var>{nonascii}</var>|<var>{escape}</var>)*<var>{w}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>baduri2 </td><td><code>url\(<var>{w}</var><var>{string}</var><var>{w}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>baduri3 </td><td><code>url\(<var>{w}</var><var>{badstring}</var></code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>nl </td><td><code>\n|\r\n|\r|\f</code></td></tr>
-<tr><td>w </td><td><code>[ \t\r\n\f]*</code></td></tr>
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<p>For example, the rule of the longest match means that
-"<code>red--&gt</code>" is tokenized as the IDENT "<code>red--</code>"
-followed by the DELIM "<code>&gt;</code>", rather than as an IDENT
-followed by a CDC.
-<p>Below is the core syntax for CSS. The sections that follow describe
-how to use it. <a href="grammar.html">Appendix G</a> describes a
-more restrictive grammar that is closer to the CSS level 2 language.
-Parts of style sheets that can be parsed according to this grammar but
-not according to the grammar in Appendix G are among the parts that
-will be ignored according to the <a href="#parsing-errors">rules for
-handling parsing errors</a>.
-stylesheet : [ CDO | CDC | S | statement ]*;
-statement : ruleset | at-rule;
-at-rule : ATKEYWORD S* any* [ block | ';' S* ];
-block : '{' S* [ any | block | ATKEYWORD S* | ';' S* ]* '}' S*;
-ruleset : selector? '{' S* declaration? [ ';' S* declaration? ]* '}' S*;
-selector : any+;
-declaration : property S* ':' S* value;
-property : IDENT;
-value : [ any | block | ATKEYWORD S* ]+;
- | DASHMATCH | ':' | FUNCTION S* [any|unused]* ')'
- | '(' S* [any|unused]* ')' | '[' S* [any|unused]* ']'
- ] S*;
-unused : block | ATKEYWORD S* | ';' S* | CDO S* | CDC S*;
-<p>The "unused" production is not used in CSS and will not be used by
-any future extension. It is included here only to help with error
-handling. (See <a href="#parsing-errors">4.2 "Rules for handling
-parsing errors."</a>)
-<p><a name="comment">COMMENT</a> tokens do not occur
-in the grammar (to keep it readable), but any number of these tokens
-may appear anywhere outside other tokens. (Note, however, that a
-comment before or within the @charset rule disables the @charset.)</p>
-<p>The token S in the grammar above stands for <a
-name="whitespace">white space</a>. Only the characters "space" (U+0020), "tab" (U+0009), "line feed" (U+000A), "carriage return" (U+000D), and
-"form feed" (U+000C) can occur in white space. Other space-like characters,
-such as "em-space" (U+2003) and "ideographic space" (U+3000), are never part of white space.
-<p>The meaning of input that cannot be tokenized or parsed is
-undefined in CSS&nbsp;2.1.
-<h3>4.1.2 <a name="keywords">Keywords</a></h3>
-<p>Keywords have the form of <a
-href="#value-def-identifier">identifiers.</a> Keywords must not be
-placed between quotes ("..." or '...'). Thus,
-<p>is a keyword, but
-<p>is not. (It is a <a href="#strings">string</a>.) Other illegal examples:
-<div class="illegal-example"><P style="display:none">Illegal example(s):</P>
-width: "auto";
-border: "none";
-background: "red";
-<h4> <a name="vendor-keywords">Vendor-specific extensions</a></h4>
-<p>In CSS, identifiers may begin with '<code
-class="css">-</code>' (dash) or '<code
-class="css">_</code>' (underscore). Keywords
-and <a href="#properties">property names</a> beginning
-with <code class="css">-</code>' or '<code
-class="css">_</code>' are reserved for vendor-specific extensions. Such vendor-specific extensions should have one of the following formats:
-'-' + vendor identifier + '-' + meaningful name
-'_' + vendor identifier + '-' + meaningful name
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<p>For example, if XYZ organization added a property to describe the color of the
-border on the East side of the display, they might call it <span
-<p>Other known examples:</p>
-<p>An initial dash or underscore is guaranteed never to be used in a property or keyword by any current or future level of CSS. Thus typical CSS implementations may not
-recognize such properties and may ignore them according to the <a
-href="#parsing-errors">rules for handling parsing errors</a>. However, because the initial dash or underscore is part of the grammar, CSS&nbsp;2.1 implementers should always be able to use a CSS-conforming parser, whether or not they support any vendor-specific extensions.
-<p>Authors should avoid vendor-specific extensions</p>
-<h4> <a name="vendor-keyword-history">Informative Historical Notes</a></h4>
-<p>This section is informative.</p>
-<p>At the time of writing, the following prefixes are known to exist:</p>
-<table border='1'>
-<tr><td><code>-ms-</code>, <code>mso-</code></td><td>Microsoft</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>-o-</code>, <code>-xv-</code></td><td>Opera Software</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>-atsc-</code></td><td>Advanced Television Standards Committee</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>-wap-</code></td><td>The WAP Forum</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>-ah-</code></td><td>Antenna House</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>-hp-</code></td><td>Hewlett Packard</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>-ro-</code></td><td>Real Objects</td></tr>
-<tr><td><code>-rim-</code></td><td>Research In Motion</td></tr>
-<h3>4.1.3 <a name="characters">Characters and case</a></h3>
-<p> The following rules always hold:</p>
- <li> All CSS syntax is <a name="x1"><span class="index-inst" title="case
- sensitivity">case-insensitive</span></a> within the ASCII
- range (i.e., [a-z] and [A-Z] are equivalent), except for parts that are
- not under the control of CSS. For example, the case-sensitivity of
- values of the HTML attributes "id" and "class", of font names, and
- of URIs lies outside the scope of this specification. Note in
- particular that element names are case-insensitive in HTML, but
- case-sensitive in XML.
- </li>
- <li> In CSS, <span class="index-def"
- title="identifier|identifier, definition of"><a
- name="value-def-identifier"><dfn>identifiers</dfn></a></span>
- (including element names, classes, and IDs in <a
- href="selector.html">selectors</a>) can contain only the
- characters [a-zA-Z0-9] and ISO 10646 characters U+00A0 and higher,
- plus the hyphen (-) and the underscore (_); they cannot start with
- a digit, two hyphens, or a hyphen followed by a digit.
- Identifiers can also contain escaped characters and any ISO 10646
- character as a numeric code (see next item).
- <span class="example">For instance, the identifier "B&amp;W?" may
- be written as "B\&amp;W\?" or "B\26 W\3F".</span>
- <p>Note that Unicode is code-by-code equivalent to ISO 10646 (see
- <a href="refs.html#ref-UNICODE" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[UNICODE]</span></a> and <a href="refs.html#ref-ISO10646" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[ISO10646]</span></a>).
- </p>
- </li>
- <li> In CSS&nbsp;2.1, a backslash (\) character can indicate one
- of three types of <span class="index-def" title="backslash
- escapes"> <a name="escaped-characters">character
- escape.</a></span> Inside a CSS comment, a backslash stands for
- itself, and if a backslash is immediately followed by the end of
- the style sheet, it also stands for itself (i.e., a DELIM token).
- <p>First, inside a <a href="#strings">string</a>, a backslash
- followed by a newline is ignored (i.e., the string is deemed not
- to contain either the backslash or the newline).
- Outside a string, a backslash followed by a newline stands for
- itself (i.e., a DELIM followed by a newline).
- <p>Second, it cancels the meaning of special CSS characters.
- Any character (except a
- hexadecimal digit, linefeed, carriage return, or form feed)
- can be escaped
- with a backslash to remove its special meaning.
- For example, <samp>"\""</samp> is a string consisting of one
- double quote. Style sheet preprocessors must not remove
- these backslashes from a style sheet since that would
- change the style sheet's meaning.
- </p>
- <p>Third, backslash escapes allow authors to refer to characters
- they cannot easily put in a document. In this case, the backslash
- is followed by at most six hexadecimal digits (0..9A..F), which
- stand for the ISO 10646 (<a href="refs.html#ref-ISO10646" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[ISO10646]</span></a>)
- character with that number, which must not be zero.
- (It is undefined in CSS&nbsp;2.1 what happens if a style sheet
- <em>does</em> contain a character with Unicode codepoint zero.)
- If a character in the range [0-9a-fA-F] follows the hexadecimal number,
- the end of the number needs to be made clear. There are two ways
- to do that:
- </p>
- <ol>
- <li>with a space (or other white space character): "\26 B" ("&amp;B").
- In this case, user agents should treat a "CR/LF" pair
- (U+000D/U+000A) as a single white space character.</li>
- <li>by providing exactly 6 hexadecimal digits: "\000026B" ("&amp;B")</li>
- </ol>
- <p>In fact, these two methods may be combined. Only one white space
- character is ignored after a hexadecimal escape. Note that this means
- that a "real" space after the escape sequence must be
- doubled.
- </p>
- <p>If the number is outside the range allowed by Unicode (e.g.,
- "\110000" is above the maximum 10FFFF allowed in current Unicode),
- the UA may replace the escape with the "replacement character"
- (U+FFFD). If the character is to be displayed, the UA should show
- a visible symbol, such as a "missing character" glyph (cf. <a
- href="fonts.html#algorithm">15.2,</a> point 5).
- </li>
- <li class=note>Note: Backslash escapes are always
- considered to be part of an <a
- href="#value-def-identifier">identifier</a> or a string (i.e.,
- "\7B" is not punctuation, even though "{" is, and "\32" is allowed
- at the start of a class name, even though "2" is not).
- <p>The identifier "te\st" is exactly the same identifier as "test".
- </li>
- </ul>
-<h3>4.1.4 <a name="statements">Statements</a></h3>
-<p> A CSS style sheet, for any level of CSS, consists of a list of
-<a name="x5"><span class="index-inst" title="statements"><em>statements</em></span></a>
-(see the <a href="#tokenization">grammar</a> above). There are two
-kinds of statements: <a name="x6"><span
-class="index-inst" title="at-rules"><em>at-rules</em></span></a>
-and <a name="x7"><span class="index-inst" title="rule sets"><em>rule
-sets.</em></span></a> There may be <a href="#whitespace">white space</a>
-around the statements.
-<h3>4.1.5 <span class="index-def" title="at-rule">
-<a name="at-rules">At-rules</a></span></h3>
-<p> At-rules start with an <dfn>at-keyword</dfn>, an '@' character
-followed immediately by an <a
-href="#value-def-identifier">identifier</a> (for example, '@import',
-<p> An at-rule consists of everything up to and including the next
-semicolon (;) or the next <a href="#block">block,</a> whichever comes
-<p>CSS&nbsp;2.1 user agents must <span class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x9"
-href="#ignore">ignore</a></span> any <a
-href="cascade.html#at-import">'@import'</a> rule that occurs inside a <a
-href="#block">block</a> or after any non-ignored statement other than an <a name="x10"><span
-class="index-inst">@charset</span></a> or an @import rule.
-<div class="illegal-example"><P style="display:none">Illegal example(s):</P><p>
-Assume, for example, that a CSS&nbsp;2.1 parser encounters this style sheet:
-@import "subs.css";
-h1 { color: blue }
-@import "list.css";
-<p> The second '@import' is illegal according to CSS&nbsp;2.1. The CSS&nbsp;2.1 parser
-<span class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x11" href="#ignore">ignores</a></span>
-the whole at-rule, effectively reducing the style sheet to:
-<pre><code class="css">
-@import "subs.css";
-h1 { color: blue }
-<div class="illegal-example"><P style="display:none">Illegal example(s):</P><p>
-In the following example, the second '@import' rule is invalid,
-since it occurs inside a '@media' <a href="#block">block</a>.
-@import "subs.css";
-@media print {
- @import "print-main.css";
- body { font-size: 10pt }
-h1 {color: blue }
-<p>Instead, to achieve the effect of only importing a style sheet
-for 'print' media, use the @import rule with media syntax, e.g.:
-<pre><code class="css">
-@import "subs.css";
-@import "print-main.css" print;
-@media print {
- body { font-size: 10pt }
-h1 {color: blue }
-<h3>4.1.6 <a name="block">Blocks</a></h3>
-<p> A <a name="x12"><span class="index-inst" title="block"><em>block</em></span></a>
-starts with a left curly brace ({) and ends with the matching right
-curly brace (}). In between there may be any tokens, except that
-parentheses ((&nbsp;)), brackets ([&nbsp;]), and braces ({&nbsp;}) must
-always occur in
-matching pairs and may be nested. Single (') and double quotes (")
- must also occur in matching pairs, and characters between them
-are parsed as a <a name="x13"><span class="index-inst" title="string">string</span></a>.
-See <a href="#tokenization">Tokenization</a> above for the definition
-of a string.
-<div class="illegal-example"><P style="display:none">Illegal example(s):</P>
-<p> Here is an example of a block. Note that the right brace between
-the double quotes does not match the opening brace of the block, and that the
-second single quote is an <a href="#escaped-characters">escaped
-character</a>, and thus does not match the first single quote:
-{ causta: "}" + ({7} * '\'') }
-<p>Note that the above rule is not valid CSS&nbsp;2.1, but it is still
-a block as defined above.
-<h3>4.1.7 <a name="rule-sets">Rule sets, declaration blocks, and selectors</a></h3>
-<p> A rule set (also called "rule") consists of a selector followed by
-a declaration block.
-<p> A <a name="x14"><span class="index-def"
-title="declaration block"><dfn>declaration block</dfn></span></a>
-starts with a left curly
-brace ({) and ends with the matching right curly brace (}). In between
-there must be a list of zero or more semicolon-separated (;)
-<p>The <a name="x15"><span class="index-def"
-title="selector"><em>selector</em></span></a> (see also the section on <a
-href="selector.html">selectors</a>) consists of everything up to (but
-not including) the first left curly brace ({). A selector always goes
-together with a declaration block. When a user agent cannot parse the selector (i.e., it
-is not valid CSS&nbsp;2.1), it must <span class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x16"
-href="#ignore">ignore</a></span> the selector and the following
-declaration block (if any) as well.
-<p>CSS&nbsp;2.1 gives a special meaning to the comma (,) in
-selectors. However, since it is not known if the comma may acquire
-other meanings in future updates of CSS, the whole statement should
-be <span class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x17"
-href="#ignore">ignored</a></span> if there is an error anywhere in the
-selector, even though the rest of the selector may look reasonable in
-<div class=illegal-example><P style="display:none">Illegal example(s):</P>
-<p>For example, since the "&amp;" is not a valid token in a CSS&nbsp;2.1
-selector, a CSS&nbsp;2.1 user agent must
-<span class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x18" href="#ignore">ignore</a></span>
-the whole second line, and not set the color of H3 to red:
-h1, h2 {color: green }
-h3, h4 &amp; h5 {color: red }
-h6 {color: black }
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<p>Here is a more complex example. The first two pairs of curly braces
-are inside a string, and do not mark the end of the selector. This is
-a valid CSS&nbsp;2.1 rule.
-<pre><code class="css">
-p[example="public class foo\
- private int x;\
- foo(int x) {\
- this.x = x;\
- }\
-}"] { color: red }
-<h3>4.1.8 <a name="declaration">Declarations</a> and <a
-<p> A <a name="x19"><span class="index-def"
-title="declaration"><dfn>declaration</dfn></span></a> is either empty or
-consists of a <a name="x20"><span class="index-inst"
-title="property">property name</span></a>, followed by a colon (:), followed by
-a property value. Around each of these there may be <a
-href="#whitespace">white space</a>.
-<p>Because of the way selectors work, multiple declarations for the
-same selector may be organized into semicolon (;) separated
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-Thus, the following rules:</p>
-<pre><code class="css">
-h1 { font-weight: bold }
-h1 { font-size: 12px }
-h1 { line-height: 14px }
-h1 { font-family: Helvetica }
-h1 { font-variant: normal }
-h1 { font-style: normal }
-<p>are equivalent to:</p>
-<pre><code class="css">
-h1 {
- font-weight: bold;
- font-size: 12px;
- line-height: 14px;
- font-family: Helvetica;
- font-variant: normal;
- font-style: normal
-<p>A property name is an <a
-href="#value-def-identifier">identifier</a>. Any token may occur
-in the property value. Parentheses ("(&nbsp;)"), brackets ("[&nbsp;]"),
-braces ("{&nbsp;}"), single
-quotes ('), and double quotes (") must come in matching
-pairs, and semicolons not in strings must be <a
-href="#escaped-characters">escaped</a>. Parentheses, brackets, and
-braces may be nested. Inside the quotes, characters are parsed as a
-<p>The syntax of <a name="x21"><span class="index-def" title="value">values</span></a>
-is specified separately for each property, but in any case, values are
-built from identifiers, strings, numbers, lengths, percentages, URIs,
-colors, etc.
-<p>A user agent must <span class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x22"
-href="#ignore">ignore</a></span> a declaration with an invalid property
-name or an invalid value. Every CSS property has its own syntactic
-and semantic restrictions on the values it accepts.
-<div class="illegal-example"><P style="display:none">Illegal example(s):</P><p>
-For example, assume a CSS&nbsp;2.1 parser encounters this style sheet:
-h1 { color: red; font-style: 12pt } /* Invalid value: 12pt */
-p { color: blue; font-vendor: any; /* Invalid prop.: font-vendor */
- font-variant: small-caps }
-em em { font-style: normal }
-<p> The second declaration on the first line has an invalid value
-'12pt'. The second declaration on the second line contains an
-undefined property 'font-vendor'. The CSS&nbsp;2.1 parser will <span
-class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x23" href="#ignore">ignore</a></span> these
-declarations, effectively reducing the style sheet to:
-<pre class="example"><code class="css">
-h1 { color: red; }
-p { color: blue; font-variant: small-caps }
-em em { font-style: normal }
-<h3>4.1.9 <a name="comments">Comments</a></h3>
-<p><a name="x24"><span class="index-inst" title="comments">Comments </span></a> begin
-with the characters "/*" and end with the characters "*/". They may
-occur anywhere outside other tokens,
-and their contents have no influence on the rendering. Comments may
-not be nested.
-<p>CSS also allows the SGML comment delimiters ("&lt;!--" and
-"--&gt;") in certain places defined by the grammar, but they do not
-delimit CSS
-comments. They are permitted so that style rules appearing in an HTML
-source document (in the STYLE element) may be hidden from pre-HTML 3.2
-user agents. See the HTML 4 specification (<a href="refs.html#ref-HTML4" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[HTML4]</span></a>) for more information.
-<h2>4.2 <a name="parsing-errors">Rules for handling parsing
-<p>In some cases, user agents must ignore part of an illegal style
-sheet. This specification defines <span class="index-def"
-title="ignore"><a name="ignore"><dfn>ignore</dfn></a></span> to mean
-that the user agent parses the illegal part (in order to find its
-beginning and end), but otherwise acts as if it had not been there.
-CSS&nbsp;2.1 reserves for future updates of CSS all property:value combinations
-and @-keywords that do not contain an identifier beginning with dash or
-underscore. Implementations must ignore such combinations (other than those
-introduced by future updates of CSS).
-<p>To ensure that new properties and new values for existing
-properties can be added in the future, user agents are required to
-obey the following rules when they encounter the following
-<li><strong>Unknown properties.</strong> User agents must <span
-class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x26" href="#ignore">ignore</a></span> a <a
-href="syndata.html#declaration">declaration</a> with an unknown
-property. For example, if the style sheet is:
-<pre class="illegal-example">
-h1 { color: red; rotation: 70minutes }
-<p> the user agent will treat this as if the style sheet had been
-<pre class="example"><code class="css">
-h1 { color: red }
-<li id="illegalvalues"><strong>Illegal values.</strong> User agents must ignore a
-declaration with an illegal value. For example:
-<pre class="illegal-example"><code>
-img { float: left } /* correct CSS&nbsp;2.1 */
-img { float: left here } /* "here" is not a value of 'float' */
-img { background: "red" } /* keywords cannot be quoted */
-img { border-width: 3 } /* a unit must be specified for length values */
-A CSS&nbsp;2.1 parser would honor the first rule and
-<span class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x27" href="#ignore">ignore</a></span>
-the rest, as if the style sheet had been:
-<pre class="example"><code class="css">
-img { float: left }
-img { }
-img { }
-img { }
-<p>A user agent conforming to a future CSS specification may accept one or
-more of the other rules as well.</p>
-<li><strong>Malformed declarations.</strong> User agents must handle
-unexpected tokens encountered while parsing a declaration by reading
-until the end of the declaration, while observing the rules for matching
-pairs of (), [], {}, "", and '', and correctly handling escapes. For
-example, a malformed declaration may be missing a property name, colon (:), or
-property value. The following are all equivalent:
-<pre class="example"><code>
-p { color:green }
-p { color:green; color } /* malformed declaration missing ':', value */
-p { color:red; color; color:green } /* same with expected recovery */
-p { color:green; color: } /* malformed declaration missing value */
-p { color:red; color:; color:green } /* same with expected recovery */
-p { color:green; color{;color:maroon} } /* unexpected tokens { } */
-p { color:red; color{;color:maroon}; color:green } /* same with recovery */
-<li><strong>Malformed statements.</strong> User agents must handle
-unexpected tokens encountered while parsing a statement by reading
-until the end of the statement, while observing the rules for matching
-pairs of (), [], {}, "", and '', and correctly handling escapes. For
-example, a malformed statement may contain an unexpected closing brace
-or at-keyword. E.g., the following lines are all ignored:
-p @here {color: red} /* ruleset with unexpected at-keyword "@here" */
-@foo @bar; /* at-rule with unexpected at-keyword "@bar" */
-}} {{ - }} /* ruleset with unexpected right brace */
-) ( {} ) p {color: red } /* ruleset with unexpected right parenthesis */
-<li><strong>At-rules with unknown at-keywords.</strong> User agents must <span
-class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x28" href="#ignore">ignore</a></span>
-an invalid at-keyword together with everything following it, up to the
-end of the block that contains the invalid at-keyword, or up to and
-including the next semicolon (;), or up to and including the next
-block ({...}), whichever comes first. For example, consider the
-<pre class="illegal-example"><code>
-@three-dee {
- @background-lighting {
- azimuth: 30deg;
- elevation: 190deg;
- }
- h1 { color: red }
-h1 { color: blue }
-<p> The '@three-dee' at-rule is not part of CSS&nbsp;2.1. Therefore, the whole
-at-rule (up to, and including, the third right curly brace) is <span
-class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x29" href="#ignore">ignored.</a></span> A
-CSS&nbsp;2.1 user agent <span class="index-inst" title="ignore"><a name="x30"
-href="#ignore">ignores</a></span> it, effectively reducing the style sheet
-<pre class="example"><code class="css">
-h1 { color: blue }
-<p>Something inside an at-rule that is ignored because it is invalid,
-such as an invalid declaration within an @media-rule, does not make
-the entire at-rule invalid.
-<li id=unexpected-eof><strong>Unexpected end of style sheet.</strong>
-User agents must close all open constructs (for example: blocks, parentheses, brackets, rules, strings, and comments) at the end of the
-style sheet. For example:
-<pre class="illegal-example"><code>
- @media screen {
- p:before { content: 'Hello
-would be treated the same as:
-<pre class="example"><code class="css">
- @media screen {
- p:before { content: 'Hello'; }
- }
-in a conformant UA.
-<li><strong>Unexpected end of string.</strong>
- User agents must close strings upon reaching the end of a line
- (i.e., before an unescaped line feed, carriage return or form
- feed character), but
- then drop the construct (declaration or rule) in which the string
- was found. For example:
- p {
- color: green;
- font-family: 'Courier New Times
- color: red;
- color: green;
- }
- ...would be treated the same as:
-<pre><code class="css">
- p { color: green; color: green; }
- ...because the second declaration (from 'font-family' to the
- semicolon after 'color: red') is invalid and is dropped.
-<li>See also <a href="#rule-sets">Rule sets, declaration blocks, and
-selectors</a> for parsing rules for declaration blocks.
-<h2>4.3 <a name="values">Values</a></h2>
-<h3>4.3.1 <a name="numbers">Integers and real numbers</a></h3>
-<p>Some value types may have integer values (denoted by <span
-class="index-def" title="&lt;integer&gt;::definition of"><a
-name="value-def-integer" class="value-def">&lt;integer&gt;</a></span>)
-or real number values (denoted by <span class="index-def"
-title="&lt;number&gt;::definition of"><a name="value-def-number"
-class="value-def">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>). Real numbers and
-integers are specified in decimal notation only. An &lt;integer&gt;
-consists of one or more digits "0" to "9". A &lt;number&gt; can either
-be an &lt;integer&gt;, or it can be zero or more digits followed by a
-dot (.) followed by one or more digits. Both integers and real numbers
-may be preceded by a "-" or "+" to indicate the sign.
--0 is equivalent to 0 and is not a negative number.</p>
-<p>Note that many properties that allow an integer or real number as a
-value actually restrict the value to some range, often to a
-non-negative value.
-<h3>4.3.2 <a name="length-units">Lengths</a></h3>
-<p>Lengths refer to distance measurements.</p>
-<p> The format of a length value (denoted by <span class="index-def"
-title="&lt;length&gt;::definition of"><a name="value-def-length"
-class="value-def">&lt;length&gt;</a></span> in this specification) is
-a <a href="syndata.html#value-def-number" class="noxref"><span
-class="value-inst-number">&lt;number&gt;</span></a> (with or without a
-decimal point) immediately followed by a unit identifier (e.g., px,
-em, etc.). After a zero length, the unit identifier is optional.
-<p> Some properties allow negative length values, but this may
-complicate the formatting model and there may be
-implementation-specific limits. If a negative length value cannot be
-supported, it should be converted to the nearest value that can be
-<p>If a negative length value is set on a property that does not allow
- negative length values, the declaration is ignored.
-<p>In cases where the <a href="cascade.html#usedValue">used</a>
-length cannot be supported, user agents must approximate it in the
-<a href="cascade.html#actual-value">actual value.</a>
-<p><a name="absrel-units">There are two types of length units:
-relative and absolute.</a> <a name="x34"><span class="index-def" title="relative
-units"><em>Relative length</em></span></a> units specify a length relative
-to another length property. Style sheets that use relative units
-can more easily scale from one output environment
-to another.
-<p>Relative units are:</p>
-<li><strong>em</strong>: the <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-size" class="noxref"><span class="propinst-font-size">'font-size'</span></a> of the relevant font</li>
-<li><strong>ex</strong>: the <span class="descinst">'x-height'</span> of the relevant font</li>
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<pre><code class="css">
-h1 { margin: 0.5em } /* em */
-h1 { margin: 1ex } /* ex */
-<p>The <span class="index-def" title="em (unit)|quad width"><a
-name="em-width">'em'</a></span> unit is equal to the computed value of
-the <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-size" class="noxref"><span class="propinst-font-size">'font-size'</span></a> property of
-the element on which it is used. The exception is when 'em' occurs in
-the value of the 'font-size' property itself, in which case it refers
-to the font size of the parent element. It may be used for vertical or
-horizontal measurement. (This unit is also sometimes called the
-quad-width in typographic texts.)
-<p>The <span class="index-def" title="x-height|ex (unit)"><a
-name="ex">'ex'</a></span> unit is defined by the element's first available
-The exception is when 'ex' occurs in the value of the <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-size" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-font-size">'font-size'</span></a> property, in which case
-it refers to the 'ex' of the parent element.
-<p>The <span class="descinst-x-height">'x-height'</span> is so called
-because it is often equal to the height of the lowercase "x". However,
-an 'ex' is defined even for fonts that do not contain an "x".</p>
-<p>The x-height of a font can be found in different ways. Some fonts
-contain reliable metrics for the x-height. If reliable font metrics are
-not available, UAs may determine the x-height from the height of a
-lowercase glyph. One possible heuristic is to look at how far the glyph
-for the lowercase "o" extends below the baseline, and subtract that value
-from the top of its bounding box. In the cases where it is impossible or
-impractical to determine the x-height, a value of 0.5em should be used.</p>
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<p>The rule:
-<pre><code class="css">
-h1 { line-height: 1.2em }
-<p>means that the line height of "h1" elements will be 20% greater
-than the font size of the "h1" elements. On the other hand:
-<pre><code class="css">
-h1 { font-size: 1.2em }
-<p>means that the font-size of "h1" elements will be 20% greater than
-the font size inherited by "h1" elements.</p>
-<p>When specified for the root of the <a href="conform.html#doctree">
-document tree</a> (e.g., "HTML" in HTML), 'em' and 'ex' refer to
-the property's <a href="about.html#initial-value">initial value</a>.
-<p>Child elements do not inherit the relative values specified for
-their parent; they inherit the <a
-href="cascade.html#computed-value">computed values</a>.</p>
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-In the following rules, the computed <a href="text.html#propdef-text-indent" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-text-indent">'text-indent'</span></a> value of "h1" elements
-will be 36px, not 45px, if "h1" is a child of the "body" element.
-<pre><code class="css">
-body {
- font-size: 12px;
- text-indent: 3em; /* i.e., 36px */
-h1 { font-size: 15px }
-<p><a name="x39"><span class="index-def" title="absolute length"><em> Absolute
-units are fixed in relation to each other.
-They are mainly useful
-when the output
-environment is known. The absolute units consist of the physical units
-(in, cm, mm, pt, pc) and the px unit:
-<li><strong>in</strong>: inches &mdash; 1in is equal
- to 2.54cm.</li>
-<li><strong>cm</strong>: centimeters</li>
-<li><strong>mm</strong>: millimeters</li>
-<li><strong>pt</strong>: points &mdash; the points used by CSS are equal to
- 1/72nd of 1in. </li>
-<li><strong>pc</strong>: picas &mdash; 1pc is equal
- to 12pt.</li>
-<li><strong>px</strong>: pixel units &mdash; 1px is equal to 0.75pt.</li>
-<p>For a CSS device, these dimensions are either anchored (i) by
-relating the physical units to their physical measurements, or
-(ii) by relating the pixel unit to the <i>reference pixel</i>.
-For print media and similar high-resolution devices, the anchor unit
-should be one of the standard physical units (inches, centimeters, etc).
-For lower-resolution devices, and devices with unusual viewing distances,
-it is recommended instead that the anchor unit be the pixel unit. For
-such devices it is recommended that the pixel unit refer to the whole
-number of device pixels that best approximates the reference pixel.
-<p class="note">Note that if the anchor unit is the pixel unit,
-the physical units might not match their physical measurements.
-Alternatively if the anchor unit is a physical unit, the pixel
-unit might not map to a whole number of device pixels.</p>
-<p class="note">Note that this definition of the pixel unit and
-the physical units differs from previous versions of CSS. In
-particular, in previous versions of CSS the pixel unit and the
-physical units were not related by a fixed ratio: the physical
-units were always tied to their physical measurements while the
-pixel unit would vary to most closely match the reference pixel.
-(This change was made because too much existing content relies
-on the assumption of 96dpi, and breaking that assumption breaks
-the content.)
-<p>The <a name="x40"><span class="index-def" title="reference pixel|pixel"><em>reference pixel</em></span></a> is the
-visual angle of one pixel on a device with a pixel density of 96dpi
-and a distance from the reader of an arm's length. For a nominal arm's
-length of 28 inches, the visual angle is therefore about 0.0213
-degrees. For reading at arm's length, 1px thus corresponds to about
-0.26&nbsp;mm (1/96&nbsp;inch).
-<p>The image below illustrates the effect of viewing distance on
-the size of a reference pixel: a reading distance of 71&nbsp;cm
-(28&nbsp;inches) results in a reference pixel of 0.26&nbsp;mm,
-while a reading distance of 3.5&nbsp;m (12&nbsp;feet) results in
-a reference pixel of 1.3&nbsp;mm.
-<div class="figure">
-<p><img src="images/pixel1.png" alt="Showing that pixels must become
-larger if the viewing distance increases"><SPAN class="dlink">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A name="img-pixel1" href="images/longdesc/pixel1-desc.html" title="Long description for the illustration of a pixel's definition">[D]</A></SPAN></p>
-<p>This second image illustrates the effect of a device's resolution
-on the pixel unit: an area of 1px by 1px is covered by a single dot
-in a low-resolution device (e.g. a typical computer display), while
-the same area is covered by 16 dots in a higher resolution device
-(such as a printer).
-<div class="figure">
-<p><img src="images/pixel2.png" alt="Showing that more device pixels (dots)
-are needed to cover a 1px by 1px area on a high-resolution device than
-on a low-res one"><SPAN class="dlink">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A name="img-pixel2" href="images/longdesc/pixel2-desc.html" title="Long description for the illustration of reference
-vs. device pixel">[D]</A></SPAN></p>
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<pre><code class="css">
-h1 { margin: 0.5in } /* inches */
-h2 { line-height: 3cm } /* centimeters */
-h3 { word-spacing: 4mm } /* millimeters */
-h4 { font-size: 12pt } /* points */
-h4 { font-size: 1pc } /* picas */
-p { font-size: 12px } /* px */
-<h3>4.3.3 <a name="percentage-units">Percentages</a></h3>
-<p> The format of a percentage value (denoted by <span
-class="index-def" title="&lt;percentage&gt;::definition of"><a
-class="value-def">&lt;percentage&gt;</a></span> in this specification)
-is a <span class="index-inst"
-title="&lt;number&gt;"><a name="x43" href="syndata.html#value-def-number" class="noxref"><span
-class="value-inst-number">&lt;number&gt;</span></a></span> immediately
-followed by '%'.
-<p> Percentage values are always relative to another value, for
-example a length. Each property that allows percentages also defines
-the value to which the percentage refers. The value may be that of
-another property for the same element, a property for an ancestor
-element, or a value of the formatting context (e.g., the width of a <a
-href="visuren.html#containing-block">containing block</a>). When a
-percentage value is set for a property of the <a
-href="conform.html#root">root</a> element and the percentage is
-defined as referring to the inherited value of some property, the
-resultant value is the percentage times the <a
-href="about.html#initial-value">initial value</a> of that property.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-Since child elements (generally) inherit the <a
-href="cascade.html#computed-value">computed values</a> of their parent, in
-the following example, the children of the P element will inherit a
-value of 12px for <a href="visudet.html#propdef-line-height" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-line-height">'line-height'</span></a>, not the percentage
-value (120%):
-<pre><code class="css">
-p { font-size: 10px }
-p { line-height: 120% } /* 120% of 'font-size' */
-<h3>4.3.4 <a name="uri">URLs and URIs</a></h3>
-<p>URI values (Uniform Resource Identifiers, see <a href="refs.html#ref-RFC3986" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[RFC3986]</span></a>, which
-includes URLs, URNs, etc) in this specification are denoted by <span
-class="index-def" title="&lt;uri&gt;::definition of"><a
-name="value-def-uri" class="value-def">&lt;uri&gt;</a></span>. The
-functional notation used to designate URIs in property values is
-"url()", as in:
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<pre><code class="css">
-body { background: url("") }
-<p> The format of a URI value is 'url(' followed by optional <a
-href="#whitespace">white space</a> followed by an optional single quote
-(') or double quote (") character followed by the URI
-itself, followed by an optional single quote (') or double quote (")
-character followed by optional white space followed by
-')'. The two quote characters must be the same.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>An example without quotes:
-li { list-style: url( disc }
-Some characters appearing in an unquoted URI, such as parentheses,
-white space characters, single quotes (') and double quotes
-(&quot;), must be escaped with a backslash so that the resulting URI value
-is a URI token: '\(', '\)'.
-<p>Depending on the type of URI, it might also be possible to write
-the above characters as URI-escapes (where "(" = %28, ")" = %29, etc.)
-as described in <a href="refs.html#ref-RFC3986" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[RFC3986]</span></a>.
-<div class=note>
-<p><em>Note that COMMENT tokens cannot occur within other tokens:
-thus, "url(/*x*/pic.png)" denotes the URI "/*x*/pic.png", not
-<p> In order to create modular style sheets that are not dependent on
-the absolute location of a resource, authors may use relative URIs.
-Relative URIs (as defined in <a href="refs.html#ref-RFC3986" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[RFC3986]</span></a>) are resolved to full URIs
-using a base URI. RFC&nbsp;3986, section&nbsp;5, defines the normative
-algorithm for this process. For CSS style sheets, the base URI is that
-of the style sheet, not that of the source document.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<p>For example, suppose the following rule:</p>
-<pre><code class="css">
-body { background: url("yellow") }
-<p>is located in a style sheet designated by the URI:</p>
-<p>The background of the source document's BODY will be tiled with
-whatever image is described by the resource designated
-by the URI
-<p>User agents may vary in how they handle invalid URIs or URIs that
-unavailable or inapplicable resources.
-<h3>4.3.5 <a name="counter">Counters</a></h3>
-<p><span class="index-def" title="&lt;counter&gt;, definition of"><a
-name="value-def-counter">Counters</a></span> are denoted by
-case-sensitive identifiers (see the <a href="generate.html#propdef-counter-increment" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-counter-increment">'counter-increment'</span></a> and
-<a href="generate.html#propdef-counter-reset" class="noxref"><span class="propinst-counter-reset">'counter-reset'</span></a>
-properties). To refer to the value of a counter, the notation
-<a name="x46"><span class="index-def" title="counter()">
-'counter(&lt;identifier&gt;)'</span></a> or 'counter(&lt;identifier&gt;,
-&lt;'list-style-type'&gt;)', with optional white space separating the tokens,
-is used. The default style is 'decimal'.
-<p>To refer to a sequence of nested counters of the same name, the
-notation is 'counters(&lt;identifier&gt;, &lt;string&gt;)' or
-'counters(&lt;identifier&gt;, &lt;string&gt;, &lt;'list-style-type'&gt;)'
-with optional white space separating the tokens.
-<p>See <a href="generate.html#scope">"Nested counters and scope"</a>
-in the chapter on <a href="generate.html">generated content</a> for
-how user agents must determine the value or values of the counter. See
-the definition of counter values of the <a href="generate.html#propdef-content" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-content">'content'</span></a> property for how it must
-convert these values to a string.
-<p>In CSS&nbsp;2.1, the values of counters can
-only be referred to from the <a href="generate.html#propdef-content" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-content">'content'</span></a> property. Note that 'none'
-is a possible &lt;'list-style-type'&gt;: 'counter(x,
-none)' yields an empty string.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<p>Here is a style sheet that numbers paragraphs (p) for each chapter
-(h1). The paragraphs are numbered with roman numerals, followed by a
-period and a space:
-<pre><code class="css">
-p {counter-increment: par-num}
-h1 {counter-reset: par-num}
-p:before {content: counter(par-num, upper-roman) ". "}
-<h3>4.3.6 <a name="color-units">Colors</a></h3>
-A <span class="index-def" title="&lt;color&gt;::definition of"><a
-name="value-def-color" class="value-def">&lt;color&gt;</a></span>
-is either a keyword or a numerical RGB specification.
-<p> The list of color keywords is: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia,
-gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal,
-white, and yellow. These 17 colors have the following values:
-<div class="colordiagram" id="TanteksColorDiagram20020613">
-<div class="diagramrow">
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:maroon;color:white"><span class="colorname">maroon</span> #800000
-</span><span class="colorsquare" style="background:red"><span class="colorname">red</span> #ff0000
-</span><span class="colorsquare" style="background:orange"><span class="colorname">orange</span> #ffA500
-</span><span class="colorsquare" style="background:yellow"><span class="colorname">yellow</span> #ffff00
-</span><span class="colorsquare" style="background:olive;color:white"><span class="colorname">olive</span> #808000</span>
-<div class="diagramrow">
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:purple;color:white"><span class="colorname">purple</span> #800080</span>
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:fuchsia"><span class="colorname">fuchsia</span> #ff00ff</span>
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:white"><span class="colorname">white</span> #ffffff</span>
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:lime"><span class="colorname">lime</span> #00ff00</span>
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:green;color:white"><span class="colorname">green</span> #008000</span>
-<div class="diagramrow" style="padding:0 2.5em">
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:navy;color:white"><span class="colorname">navy</span> #000080</span>
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:blue"><span class="colorname">blue</span> #0000ff</span>
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:aqua"><span class="colorname">aqua</span> #00ffff</span>
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:teal;color:white"><span class="colorname">teal</span> #008080</span>
-<div class="diagramrow" style="padding:0 5em">
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:black;color:white"><span class="colorname">black</span> #000000</span>
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:silver"><span class="colorname">silver</span> #c0c0c0</span>
-<span class="colorsquare" style="background:gray;color:white"><span class="colorname">gray</span> #808080</span>
-In addition to these color keywords, users may specify
-keywords that correspond to the colors used by certain objects in the
-user's environment. Please consult the section on <a
-href="./ui.html#system-colors">system colors</a> for more information.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<pre><code class="css">
-body {color: black; background: white }
-h1 { color: maroon }
-h2 { color: olive }
-<p>The RGB color model is used in numerical color
-specifications. These examples all specify the same color:
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<pre><code class="css">
-em { color: #f00 } /* #rgb */
-em { color: #ff0000 } /* #rrggbb */
-em { color: rgb(255,0,0) }
-em { color: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) }
-<p> The format of an RGB value in hexadecimal notation is a '#'
-immediately followed by either three or six hexadecimal
-characters. The three-digit RGB notation (#rgb) is converted into
-six-digit form (#rrggbb) by replicating digits, not by adding
-zeros. For example, #fb0 expands to #ffbb00. This ensures that
-white (#ffffff) can be specified with the short notation (#fff) and
-removes any dependencies on the color depth of the display.
-<p> The format of an RGB value in the functional notation is 'rgb('
-followed by a comma-separated list of three numerical values (either
-three integer values or three percentage values) followed by ')'.
-The integer value 255 corresponds to 100%, and to F or FF in the
-hexadecimal notation: rgb(255,255,255) = rgb(100%,100%,100%) =
-#FFF. <a href="#whitespace">White space</a> characters are allowed
-around the numerical values.
-<p>All RGB colors are specified in the sRGB color space (see
-<a href="refs.html#ref-SRGB" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[SRGB]</span></a>). User agents may vary in the fidelity with which they
-represent these colors, but using sRGB provides an unambiguous and
-objectively measurable definition of what the color should be, which
-can be related to international standards (see <a href="refs.html#ref-COLORIMETRY" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[COLORIMETRY]</span></a>).
-<p><a href="conform.html#conformance">Conforming user agents</a> may
-limit their color-displaying efforts to performing a gamma-correction
-on them. sRGB specifies a display gamma of 2.2 under specified viewing
-conditions. User agents should adjust the colors given in CSS such that,
-in combination with an output device's "natural" display gamma, an
-effective display gamma of 2.2 is produced. Note that only colors specified in CSS are affected; e.g.,
-images are expected to carry their own color information.
-<p>Values outside the device gamut should be clipped or
-mapped into the gamut when the gamut is known: the red, green,
-and blue values must be changed to fall within the range supported by
-the device. Users agents may perform higher quality mapping of colors
-from one gamut to another. For a typical CRT monitor, whose device
-gamut is the same as sRGB, the four rules below are equivalent:
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<pre><code class="css">
-em { color: rgb(255,0,0) } /* integer range 0 - 255 */
-em { color: rgb(300,0,0) } /* clipped to rgb(255,0,0) */
-em { color: rgb(255,-10,0) } /* clipped to rgb(255,0,0) */
-em { color: rgb(110%, 0%, 0%) } /* clipped to rgb(100%,0%,0%) */
-<p>Other devices, such as printers, have different gamuts than sRGB;
-some colors outside the 0..255 sRGB range will be representable
-(inside the device gamut), while other colors inside the 0..255 sRGB
-range will be outside the device gamut and will thus be mapped.
-<div class=note><p><em><strong>Note.</strong> Mapping or clipping of
-color values should be done to the actual device gamut if known (which
-may be larger or smaller than 0..255).</em>
-<h3>4.3.7 <a name="strings">Strings</a></h3>
-<p><span class="index-def" title="&lt;string&gt;, definition of"><a
-name="value-def-string">Strings</a></span> can either be written
-with double quotes or with single quotes. Double quotes cannot occur
-inside double quotes, unless escaped (e.g., as '\"' or as
-'\22'). Analogously for single quotes (e.g., "\'" or "\27").
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-"this is a 'string'"
-"this is a \"string\""
-'this is a "string"'
-'this is a \'string\''
-<p>A string cannot directly contain a <a name="x49"><span class="index-inst"
-To include a newline in a string, use an escape representing the line feed
-character in ISO-10646 (U+000A), such as "\A" or "\00000a".
-This character represents the generic notion of "newline" in CSS.
-See the <a href="generate.html#propdef-content" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-content">'content'</span></a> property for an example.
-<p>It is possible to break strings over several lines, for aesthetic
-or other reasons, but in such a case the newline itself has to be
-escaped with a backslash (\). For instance, the following two
-selectors are exactly the same:
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<pre><code class="css">
-a[title="a not s\
-o very long title"] {/*...*/}
-a[title="a not so very long title"] {/*...*/}
-<h3>4.3.8 <a name="unsupported-values">Unsupported Values</a></h3>
-<p>If a UA does not support a particular value, it should <em>ignore</em> that
- value when parsing style sheets, as if that value was an
- <a href="#illegalvalues">illegal value</a>. For example:
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<pre><code class="css">
- h3 {
- display: inline;
- display: run-in;
- }
-A UA that supports the 'run-in' value for the 'display' property will
-accept the first display declaration and then "write over" that value with
-the second display declaration. A UA that does not support the 'run-in'
-value will process the first display declaration and ignore the second
-display declaration.
-<h2>4.4 <a name="charset">CSS style sheet representation</a></h2>
-<p>A CSS style sheet is a sequence of characters from the Universal
-Character Set (see <a href="refs.html#ref-ISO10646" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[ISO10646]</span></a>). For transmission and
-storage, these characters must be <a name="x50"><span class="index-def"
-title="character encoding">encoded</span></a> by a character encoding that
-supports the set of characters available in US-ASCII (e.g., UTF-8, ISO
-8859-x, SHIFT JIS, etc.). For a good introduction to character sets
-and character encodings, please consult the HTML 4
-specification (<a href="refs.html#ref-HTML4" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[HTML4]</span></a>, chapter 5). See also the XML 1.0
-specification (<a href="refs.html#ref-XML10" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[XML10]</span></a>, sections 2.2 and 4.3.3, and Appendix F).
-<p>When a style sheet is embedded in another document, such as in the
-STYLE element or "style" attribute of HTML, the style sheet shares the
-character encoding of the whole document.
-<p>When a style sheet resides in a separate file, user agents must
-observe the following <a name="x51"><span class="index-inst" title="character
-encoding::user agent's determination of">priorities</span></a> when
-determining a style sheet's <a name="x52"><span class="index-inst" title="character
-encoding::default|default::character encoding">character
-encoding</span></a> (from highest priority to lowest):
-<li>An HTTP "charset" parameter in a "Content-Type" field
-(or similar parameters in other protocols)</li>
-<li><a name="x54"><span class="index-inst">BOM</span></a> and/or <a name="x55"><span
-class="index-inst">@charset</span></a> (see below)</li>
-<li><code>&lt;link charset=""&gt;</code> or other metadata from the linking mechanism (if any)</li>
-<li>charset of referring style sheet or document (if any)</li>
-<li>Assume UTF-8</li>
-<p>Authors using an <a name="x56"><span class="index-inst">@charset</span></a> rule must
-place the rule at the very beginning of the style sheet, preceded by
-no characters. (If a byte order mark is appropriate for the encoding
-used, it may precede the @charset rule.)
-<p>After <a name="x57"><span class="index-def">"@charset"</span></a>, authors specify
-the name of a character encoding (in quotes). For example:
-<pre class="example"><code class="css">@charset "ISO-8859-1";</code></pre>
-<p>@charset must be written literally, i.e., the 10 characters
-'@charset "' (lowercase, no backslash escapes), followed by the
-encoding name, followed by '";'.
-<p>The name must be a charset name as described in the IANA registry.
-See <a href="refs.html#ref-CHARSETS" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[CHARSETS]</span></a> for a complete list of charsets. Authors should use
-the charset names marked as "preferred MIME name" in the IANA
-<p>User agents must support at least the <a name="x58"><span
-class="index-inst">UTF-8</span></a> encoding.
-<p>User agents must ignore any @charset rule not at the beginning of the
-style sheet. When user agents detect the character encoding using the
-BOM and/or the @charset rule, they should follow the following rules:
-<li>Except as specified in these rules, all @charset rules are ignored.</li>
-<li>The encoding is detected based on the stream of bytes that begins
-the style sheet. The following table gives a set of possibilities for
-initial byte sequences (written in hexadecimal). The first row that
-matches the beginning of the style sheet gives the result of encoding
-detection based on the BOM and/or @charset rule. If no rows match, the
-encoding cannot be detected based on the BOM and/or @charset rule. The
-notation (...)* refers to repetition for which the best match is the one
-that repeats as few times as possible. The bytes marked "XX" are those
-used to determine the name of the encoding, by treating them, in the
-order given, as a sequence of ASCII characters. Bytes marked "YY" are
-similar, but need to be transcoded into ASCII as noted. User agents may
-ignore entries in the table if they do not support any encodings
-relevant to the entry.
-<table border="1"
- summary="Relationship between initial bytes of sheet and chosen encoding">
-<tr><th scope="col">Initial Bytes</th><th scope="col">Result</th></tr>
-<tr><td>EF BB BF 40 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 20 22 (XX)* 22 3B</td><td>as specified</td></tr>
-<tr><td>EF BB BF</td><td>UTF-8</td></tr>
-<tr><td>40 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 20 22 (XX)* 22 3B</td><td>as specified</td></tr>
-<tr><td>FE FF 00 40 00 63 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 73 00 65 00 74 00 20 00 22 (00 XX)* 00 22 00 3B</td><td>as specified (with BE endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>00 40 00 63 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 73 00 65 00 74 00 20 00 22 (00 XX)* 00 22 00 3B</td><td>as specified (with BE endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>FF FE 40 00 63 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 73 00 65 00 74 00 20 00 22 00 (XX 00)* 22 00 3B 00</td><td>as specified (with LE endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>40 00 63 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 73 00 65 00 74 00 20 00 22 00 (XX 00)* 22 00 3B 00</td><td>as specified (with LE endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>00 00 FE FF 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 63 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 73 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 74 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 22 (00 00 00 XX)* 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 3B</td><td>as specified (with BE endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>00 00 00 40 00 00 00 63 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 73 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 74 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 22 (00 00 00 XX)* 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 3B</td><td>as specified (with BE endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>00 00 FF FE 00 00 40 00 00 00 63 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 73 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 74 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 22 00 (00 00 XX 00)* 00 00 22 00 00 00 3B 00</td><td>as specified (with 2143 endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>00 00 40 00 00 00 63 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 73 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 74 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 22 00 (00 00 XX 00)* 00 00 22 00 00 00 3B 00</td><td>as specified (with 2143 endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>FE FF 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 63 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 73 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 74 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 22 00 00 (00 XX 00 00)* 00 22 00 00 00 3B 00 00</td><td>as specified (with 3412 endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>00 40 00 00 00 63 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 73 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 74 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 22 00 00 (00 XX 00 00)* 00 22 00 00 00 3B 00 00</td><td>as specified (with 3412 endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>FF FE 00 00 40 00 00 00 63 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 73 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 74 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 (XX 00 00 00)* 22 00 00 00 3B 00 00 00</td><td>as specified (with LE endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>40 00 00 00 63 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 73 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 74 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 (XX 00 00 00)* 22 00 00 00 3B 00 00 00</td><td>as specified (with LE endianness if not specified)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>00 00 FE FF</td><td>UTF-32-BE</td></tr>
-<tr><td>FF FE 00 00</td><td>UTF-32-LE</td></tr>
-<tr><td>00 00 FF FE</td><td>UTF-32-2143</td></tr>
-<tr><td>FE FF 00 00</td><td>UTF-32-3412</td></tr>
-<tr><td>FE FF</td><td>UTF-16-BE</td></tr>
-<tr><td>FF FE</td><td>UTF-16-LE</td></tr>
-<tr><td>7C 83 88 81 99 A2 85 A3 40 7F (YY)* 7F 5E</td><td>as specified, transcoded from EBCDIC to ASCII</td></tr>
-<tr><td>AE 83 88 81 99 A2 85 A3 40 FC (YY)* FC 5E</td><td>as specified, transcoded from IBM1026 to ASCII</td></tr>
-<tr><td>00 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 20 22 (YY)* 22 3B</td><td>as specified, transcoded from GSM 03.38 to ASCII</td></tr>
-<tr><td>analogous patterns</td><td>User agents may
- support additional, analogous, patterns if they support encodings
- that are not handled by the patterns here</td></tr>
-<li>If the encoding is detected based on one of the entries in the table
-above marked "as specified", the user agent ignores the style sheet if it
-does not parse an appropriate @charset rule at the beginning of the
-stream of characters resulting from decoding in the chosen @charset.
-This ensures that:
- <ul>
- <li>@charset rules should only function if they are in the
- encoding of the style sheet,</li>
- <li>byte order marks are ignored only
- in encodings that support a byte order mark, and</li>
- <li>encoding names cannot contain newlines.</li>
- </ul>
-<p>User agents must ignore style sheets in unknown encodings.</p>
-<h3>4.4.1 <a name="escaping">Referring to characters not represented in a character encoding</a></h3>
-<p>A style sheet may have to refer to characters that cannot be
-represented in the current character encoding. These characters must
-be written as <a href="#escaped-characters">escaped</a> references to
-ISO 10646 characters. These escapes serve the same purpose as numeric
-character references in HTML or XML documents (see <a href="refs.html#ref-HTML4" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[HTML4]</span></a>,
-chapters 5 and 25).
-<p>The character escape mechanism should be used when only a few
-characters must be represented this way. If most of a style sheet
-requires escaping, authors should encode it with a more appropriate
-encoding (e.g., if the style sheet contains a lot of Greek characters,
-authors might use "ISO-8859-7" or "UTF-8").
-<p>Intermediate processors using a different character encoding may
-translate these escaped sequences into byte sequences of that
-encoding. Intermediate processors must not, on
-the other hand, alter escape sequences that cancel the special meaning
-of an ASCII character.
-<p><a href="conform.html#conformance">Conforming user agents</a> must
-correctly map to ISO-10646 all characters in any character encodings
-that they recognize (or they must behave as if they did).
-<p>For example, a style sheet transmitted as ISO-8859-1
-(Latin-1) cannot contain Greek letters directly:
-"&#954;&#959;&#965;&#961;&#959;&#962;" (Greek: "kouros") has to be
-written as "\3BA\3BF\3C5\3C1\3BF\3C2".
-<div class="note"><p>
-In HTML 4,
-numeric character references are interpreted in "style" attribute
-values but not in the content of the STYLE element. Because of this
-asymmetry, we recommend that authors use the CSS character
-escape mechanism rather than numeric character references
-for both the "style" attribute and the STYLE element.
-For example, we recommend:</em></p>
-<pre class="html-example"><code class="html">
-&lt;SPAN style="font-family: L\FC beck"&gt;...&lt;/SPAN&gt;
-<p><em>rather than:</em></p>
-<pre class="html-example"><code class="html">
-&lt;SPAN style="font-family: L&amp;#252;beck"&gt;...&lt;/SPAN&gt;
-<hr class="navbar">
-<hr class="navbar">
-<h1><a name="q0">5 Selectors</a></h1>
-<div class="subtoc">
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#pattern-matching" class="tocxref">5.1 Pattern matching</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#selector-syntax" class="tocxref">5.2 Selector syntax</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#grouping" class="tocxref">5.2.1 Grouping</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#universal-selector" class="tocxref">5.3 Universal selector</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#type-selectors" class="tocxref">5.4 Type selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#descendant-selectors" class="tocxref">5.5 Descendant selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#child-selectors" class="tocxref">5.6 Child selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#adjacent-selectors" class="tocxref">5.7 Adjacent sibling selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#attribute-selectors" class="tocxref">5.8 Attribute selectors</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#matching-attrs" class="tocxref">5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#default-attrs" class="tocxref">5.8.2 Default attribute values in DTDs</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#class-html" class="tocxref">5.8.3 Class selectors</a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#id-selectors" class="tocxref">5.9 ID selectors</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#pseudo-elements" class="tocxref">5.10 Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes</a>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#pseudo-class-selectors" class="tocxref">5.11 Pseudo-classes</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#first-child" class="tocxref">5.11.1 :first-child pseudo-class</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#link-pseudo-classes" class="tocxref">5.11.2 The link pseudo-classes: <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::link|:link|link (pseudo-class)">:link</span> and <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::visited|:visited|visited (pseudo-class)">:visited</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#dynamic-pseudo-classes" class="tocxref">5.11.3 The dynamic pseudo-classes: <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::hover|:hover|hover (pseudo-class)">:hover</span>, <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::active|:active|active (pseudo-class)">:active</span>, and <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::focus|:focus|focus (pseudo-class)">:focus</span></a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#lang" class="tocxref">5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::lang|:lang|lang (pseudo-class)">:lang</span></a>
- </ul>
- <li class="tocline2"><a href="selector.html#pseudo-element-selectors" class="tocxref">5.12 Pseudo-elements</a>
- <ul class="toc">
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#first-line-pseudo" class="tocxref">5.12.1 The <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-elements:::first-line|:first-line|first-line">:first-line</span> pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#first-letter" class="tocxref">5.12.2 The <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-elements:::first-letter|:first-letter|first-letter">:first-letter</span> pseudo-element</a>
- <li class="tocline3"><a href="selector.html#before-and-after" class="tocxref">5.12.3 The <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-elements:::before|:before">:before</span> and <span class="index-def" title="pseudo-elements:::after|:after">:after</span> pseudo-elements</a>
- </ul>
- </ul>
-<h2>5.1 <a name="pattern-matching">Pattern matching</a></h2>
-<p>In CSS, pattern matching rules determine which style rules apply to
-elements in the <a href="conform.html#doctree">document
-tree</a>. These patterns, called <a name="x0"><span class="index-inst"
-title="selector">selectors,</span></a> may range from simple element names
-to rich contextual patterns. If all conditions in the pattern are true
-for a certain element, the selector <a name="x1"><span class="index-def"
-title="match|selector::match"><dfn>matches</dfn></span></a> the element.
-<P>The case-sensitivity of document language element names in
-selectors depends on the document language. For example, in HTML,
-element names are case-insensitive, but in XML they are
-<P>The following table summarizes CSS&nbsp;2.1 selector syntax:</P>
-<table border=1>
-<TR><TH>Pattern<TH>Meaning<TH>Described in section</TR>
-<TR><TD>*<TD>Matches any element.<TD><a href="#universal-selector">Universal
-<TR><TD>E<TD>Matches any E element (i.e., an element of type E).<TD><a href="#type-selectors">Type
-<TR><TD>E F<TD>Matches any F element that is a descendant of
-an E element.<TD><a href="#descendant-selectors">Descendant
-<TR><TD>E &gt; F<TD>Matches any F element that is a child of
-an element E.<TD><a href="#child-selectors">Child selectors</a></TR>
-<TR><TD>E:first-child<TD>Matches element E when E is the first
-child of its parent.
-<TD><a href="#first-child">The :first-child pseudo-class</a></TR>
-<TR><TD>E:link<br>E:visited <TD>Matches element E if E is the source
-anchor of a hyperlink of which the target is not yet visited (:link)
-or already visited (:visited).
-<TD><a href="#link-pseudo-classes">The link pseudo-classes</a></TR>
-<TR><TD>E:active<br>E:hover<br>E:focus <TD>Matches E during certain
-user actions.
-<TD><a href="#dynamic-pseudo-classes">The dynamic pseudo-classes</a>
-<TR><TD>E:lang(c) <TD>Matches element of type E if it is in (human) language c
-(the document language specifies how language is determined).
-<TD><a href="#lang">The :lang() pseudo-class</a>
-<TR><TD>E + F<TD>Matches any F element immediately preceded by
-a sibling element E.<TD><a href="#adjacent-selectors">Adjacent selectors</a>
-<TR><TD>E[foo]<TD>Matches any E element with the
-"foo" attribute set (whatever the value).
-<TD><a href="#attribute-selectors">Attribute selectors</a>
-<TR><TD>E[foo="warning"]<TD>Matches any E element whose
-"foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "warning".
-<TD><a href="#attribute-selectors">Attribute selectors</a>
-<TR><TD>E[foo~="warning"]<TD>Matches any E element whose
-"foo" attribute value is a list of space-separated values, one of
-which is exactly equal to "warning".
-<TD><a href="#attribute-selectors">Attribute selectors</a>
-<TR><TD>E[lang|="en"]<TD>Matches any E element whose
-"lang" attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values
-beginning (from the left) with "en".
-<TD><a href="#attribute-selectors">Attribute selectors</a>
-<TR><TD>DIV.warning<TD><em>Language specific.</em> (In HTML, the same
-as DIV[class~="warning"].)
-<TD><a href="#class-html">Class selectors</a></TR>
-<TR><TD>E#myid<TD>Matches any E element with ID
-equal to "myid".<TD><a href="#id-selectors">ID selectors</a></TR>
-<h2>5.2 <a name="selector-syntax">Selector syntax</a></h2>
-<P>A <span class="index-def" title="simple selector"><a
-name="simple-selector"><dfn>simple selector</dfn></a></span> is either
-a <a href="#type-selectors">type selector</a> or <a
-href="#universal-selector">universal selector</a> followed immediately
-by zero or more <a href="#attribute-selectors">attribute
-selectors</a>, <a href="#id-selectors">ID selectors</a>, or <a
-href="#pseudo-classes">pseudo-classes</a>, in any order. The simple
-selector matches if all of its components match.
-<p class="note">Note: the terminology used here in CSS&nbsp;2.1 is
-different from what is used in CSS3. For example, a "simple selector"
-refers to a smaller part of a selector in CSS3 than in CSS&nbsp;2.1.
-See the CSS3 Selectors module <a href="refs.html#ref-CSS3SEL" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[CSS3SEL]</span></a>.
-<P>A <a name="x4"><span class="index-def"
-title="selector"><dfn>selector</dfn></span></a> is a chain of one or more
-simple selectors separated by combinators. <span class="index-def"
-name="combinator"><dfn>Combinators</dfn></a></span> are: white space,
-"&gt;", and "+". White space may appear between a combinator and the
-simple selectors around it.
-<P>The elements of the document tree that match a selector are called
-<span class="index-def" title="subject (of selector)|selector::subject
-of"><a name="subject"><dfn>subjects</dfn></a></span> of the selector.
-A selector consisting of a single simple selector matches any element
-satisfying its requirements. Prepending a simple selector and
-combinator to a chain imposes additional matching constraints, so the
-subjects of a selector are always a subset of the elements matching
-the last simple selector.
-<P>One <a href="#pseudo-elements">pseudo-element</a> may be appended
-to the last simple selector in a chain, in which case the style
-information applies to a subpart of each subject.
-<h3>5.2.1 <a name="grouping">Grouping</a></h3>
-<p>When several selectors share the same declarations, they may be
-grouped into a comma-separated list.</p>
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<P>In this example, we condense three rules with identical declarations
-into one. Thus,
-h1 { font-family: sans-serif }
-h2 { font-family: sans-serif }
-h3 { font-family: sans-serif }
-<p>is equivalent to:</p>
-h1, h2, h3 { font-family: sans-serif }
-<P>CSS offers other "shorthand" mechanisms as well, including
-<span class="index-def" title="multiple declarations">
-<a name="x8" href="syndata.html#declaration">multiple declarations</a></span>
-and <span class="index-inst" title="shorthand property"><a name="x9"
-href="about.html#shorthand">shorthand properties</a></span>.
-<h2>5.3 <a name="universal-selector">Universal selector</a></h2>
-<P>The <a name="x10"><span class="index-def" title="universal selector">universal
-selector</span></a>, written "*", matches the name of any element
-type. It matches any single element in the <a
-href="conform.html#doctree">document tree.</a>
-<P>If the universal selector is not the only component of a <a
-href="#simple-selector">simple selector</a>, the "*" may be
-omitted. For example:</P>
-<li><code>*[lang=fr] </code> and <code>[lang=fr]</code> are equivalent.
-<li><code>*.warning</code> and <code>.warning</code> are equivalent.
-<li><code>*#myid</code> and <code>#myid</code> are equivalent.
-<h2>5.4 <a name="type-selectors">Type selectors</a></h2>
-<p>A <a name="x11"><span class="index-def" title="type selector"><em>type
-selector</em></span></a> matches the name of a document language element
-type. A type selector matches every instance of the element type in
-the document tree.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<P>The following rule matches all H1 elements in the
-document tree:</p>
-h1 { font-family: sans-serif }
-<h2>5.5 <a name="descendant-selectors">Descendant selectors</a></h2>
-<p>At times, authors may want selectors to match an element that is
-the descendant of another element in the document tree (e.g., "Match
-those EM elements that are contained by an H1 element"). <a name="x12"><span
-class="index-def" title="descendant-selectors">Descendant
-selectors</span></a> express such a relationship in a pattern. A
-descendant selector is made up of two or more selectors separated by
-<a href="syndata.html#whitespace">white space</a>. A descendant
-selector of the form "<code>A B</code>" matches when an element
-<code>B</code> is an arbitrary descendant of some <a
-href="conform.html#doctree">ancestor</a> element <code>A</code>.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-For example, consider the following rules:</p>
-h1 { color: red }
-em { color: red }
-<p>Although the intention of these rules is to add emphasis to text by
-changing its color, the effect will be lost in a case such as:</p>
-<pre class="html-example">
-&lt;H1&gt;This headline is &lt;EM&gt;very&lt;/EM&gt; important&lt;/H1&gt;
-<p>We address this case by supplementing the previous rules with a
-rule that sets the text color to blue whenever an EM occurs anywhere
-within an H1:</p>
-h1 { color: red }
-em { color: red }
-h1 em { color: blue }
-<p>The third rule will match the EM in the following fragment:</p>
-<pre class="html-example">
-&lt;H1&gt;This &lt;SPAN class="myclass"&gt;headline
-is &lt;EM&gt;very&lt;/EM&gt; important&lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;/H1&gt;
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><P>
-The following selector:</p>
-div * p
-<P>matches a P element that is a grandchild or later descendant of a
-DIV element. Note the white space on either side of the "*" is not part
-of the universal selector; the white space is a combinator
-that the DIV must be the ancestor of some element, and that that
-element must be an ancestor of the P.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-The selector in the following rule, which combines
-descendant and <a href="#attribute-selectors">attribute selectors</a>,
-matches any element that (1) has the "href" attribute set and
-(2) is inside a P that is itself inside a DIV:</p>
-div p *[href]
-<h2>5.6 <a name="child-selectors">Child selectors</a></h2>
-<p>A <a name="x13"><span class="index-def" title="child selector"><em>child
-selector</em></span></a> matches when an element is the <a
-href="conform.html#doctree">child</a> of some element. A child
-selector is made up of two or more selectors separated by "&gt;".
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-The following rule sets the style of all P elements that
-are children of BODY:</p>
-body &gt; P { line-height: 1.3 }
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><P>
-The following example combines descendant selectors and child selectors:</p>
-div ol&gt;li p
-<P>It matches a P element that is a descendant of an LI; the LI element
-must be the child of an OL element; the OL element must be a
-descendant of a DIV. Notice that the optional white space around
-the "&gt;" combinator has been left out.
-<P>For information on selecting the first child of an element, please
-see the section on the <a href="#first-child">:first-child</a>
-pseudo-class below.
-<h2>5.7 <a name="adjacent-selectors">Adjacent sibling selectors</a></h2>
-<p>Adjacent sibling selectors have the following syntax: E1 + E2,
-where E2 is the subject of the selector. The selector matches if E1
-and E2 share the same parent in the document tree and E1 immediately
-precedes E2,
-ignoring non-element nodes (such as text nodes and comments).
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-Thus, the following rule states that when a P element immediately
-follows a MATH element, it should not be indented:</p>
-math + p { text-indent: 0 }
-<p>The next example reduces the vertical space separating
-an H1 and an H2 that immediately follows it:</p>
-h1 + h2 { margin-top: -5mm }
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-The following rule is similar to the one in the previous example,
-except that it adds a class selector. Thus, special formatting only
-occurs when H1 has <samp>class="opener"</samp>:</p>
-h1.opener + h2 { margin-top: -5mm }
-<h2>5.8 <a name="attribute-selectors">Attribute selectors</a></h2>
-<p>CSS&nbsp;2.1 allows authors to specify rules that match elements
-which have certain attributes defined
-in the source document.
-<h3>5.8.1 <a name="matching-attrs">Matching attributes and attribute values</a></h3>
-<P>Attribute selectors may match in four ways:</p>
-<dd>Match when the element sets the "att" attribute, whatever
-the value of the attribute.
-<dt><a name="x14"><span class="index-def" title="exact
-<dd>Match when the element's "att" attribute value is exactly "val".
-<dt><a name="x16"><span class="index-def" title="space-separated
-<dd>Represents an element with the <code>att</code> attribute whose
-value is a white space-separated list of words, one of which is exactly
-"val". If "val" contains white space, it will never represent anything
-(since the words are <em>separated</em> by spaces).
-If "val" is the empty string, it will never represent anything either.
-<dt><a name="x18"><span class="index-def" title="hyphen-separated
-<dd>Represents an element with the <code>att</code> attribute, its
-value either being exactly "val" or beginning with "val" immediately
-followed by "-" (U+002D). This is primarily intended to allow <a name="x20"><span
-class="index-inst" title="language code">language subcode</span></a>
-matches (e.g., the <code>hreflang</code> attribute on the
-<code>a</code> element in HTML) as described in BCP&nbsp;47
-(<a href="refs.html#ref-BCP47" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[BCP47]</span></a>) or its successor. For <code>lang</code> (or
-<code>xml:lang</code>) language subcode matching, please see <a
-href="#lang">the <code>:lang</code> pseudo-class</a>.
-<p>Attribute values must be identifiers or strings. The
-case-sensitivity of attribute names and values in selectors depends on
-the document language.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-For example, the following attribute selector
-matches all H1 elements that specify the "title" attribute,
-whatever its value:</p>
-h1[title] { color: blue; }
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-In the following example, the selector matches all SPAN elements whose
-"class" attribute has exactly the value "example":</p>
-span[class=example] { color: blue; }
-<P>Multiple attribute selectors can be used to refer to several
-attributes of an element, or even several times to the same attribute.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-Here, the selector matches all SPAN elements whose
-"hello" attribute has exactly the value "Cleveland" and whose
-"goodbye" attribute has exactly the value "Columbus":</P>
-span[hello="Cleveland"][goodbye="Columbus"] { color: blue; }
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-The following selectors illustrate the differences between "=" and "~=".
-The first selector will match, for example, the value
-"copyright copyleft copyeditor" for the "rel" attribute. The second
-selector will only match when the "href" attribute has the value
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><P>
-The following rule hides all elements for which the value of the
-"lang" attribute is "fr" (i.e., the language is French).
-*[lang=fr] { display : none }
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><P>
-The following rule will match for values of the "lang" attribute
-that begin with "en", including "en", "en-US", and "en-cockney":</p>
-*[lang|="en"] { color : red }
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><P>
-Similarly, the following aural style sheet rules allow a script
-to be read aloud in different voices for each role:</p>
-<pre class="example">
- { voice-family: "Laurence Olivier", charles, male }
- { voice-family: "Vivien Leigh", victoria, female }
-<H3>5.8.2 <a name="default-attrs">Default attribute values in DTDs</a></H3>
-<P>Matching takes place on attribute values in the document tree.
-Default attribute values may be defined in a <a name="x21"><span class="index-inst"
-title="DTD">DTD</span></a> or elsewhere, but cannot always be selected by
-attribute selectors. Style sheets should be designed so that they work
-even if the default values are not included in the document tree.
-<p>More precisely, a UA may, but is <em>not</em> required to, read an "external
-subset" of the DTD but <em>is</em> required to look for default
-attribute values in the document's "internal subset." (See <a href="refs.html#ref-XML10" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[XML10]</span></a>
-for definitions of these subsets.)
-Depending on the UA, a default attribute value defined in the external
-subset of the DTD might or might not appear in the document tree.
-<p>A UA that recognizes an XML namespace <a href="refs.html#ref-XMLNAMESPACES" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[XMLNAMESPACES]</span></a> may, but is not
-required to, use its knowledge of that namespace to treat default
-attribute values as if they were present in the document. (E.g., an
-XHTML UA is not required to use its built-in knowledge of the XHTML
-<p class="note">Note that, typically, implementations choose to ignore
-external subsets.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<P style="display:none">Example:</P>
-<P>For example, consider an element EXAMPLE with an attribute "notation"
-that has a default value of "decimal". The DTD fragment might be
-<pre class="dtd-example">
-&lt;!ATTLIST EXAMPLE notation (decimal,octal) "decimal">
-<p>If the style sheet contains the rules
-<pre class="example">
-EXAMPLE[notation=decimal] { /*... default property settings ...*/ }
-EXAMPLE[notation=octal] { /*... other settings...*/ }
-<p>the first rule might not match elements whose "notation" attribute
-is set by default, i.e., not set explicitly. To catch all cases, the
-attribute selector for the default value must be dropped:</p>
-<pre class="example">
-EXAMPLE { /*... default property settings ...*/ }
-EXAMPLE[notation=octal] { /*... other settings...*/ }
-<p>Here, because the selector <code>EXAMPLE[notation=octal]</code> is
-more <a href="cascade.html#specificity">specific</a> than the type
-selector alone, the style declarations in the second rule will override
-those in the first for elements that have a "notation" attribute value
-of "octal". Care has to be taken that all property declarations that
-are to apply only to the default case are overridden in the non-default
-cases' style rules.
-<h3>5.8.3 <a name="class-html">Class selectors</a></h3>
-<p>Working with HTML, authors may use the period (<code>.</code>)
-notation as an alternative to the <code>~=</code> notation when
-representing the <code>class</code> attribute. Thus, for HTML,
-<code>div.value</code> and <code>div[class~=value]</code> have the
-same meaning. The attribute value must immediately follow the
-&quot;period&quot; (<code>.</code>). UAs may apply selectors using the
-period (.) notation in XML documents if the UA has namespace specific
-knowledge that allows it to determine which attribute is the
-&quot;class&quot; attribute for the respective namespace. One such
-example of namespace specific knowledge is the prose in the
-specification for a particular namespace (e.g., SVG 1.1 <a href="refs.html#ref-SVG11" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[SVG11]</span></a>
-describes the <a
-&quot;class&quot; attribute</a> and how a UA should interpret it, and
-similarly MathML 3.0 <a href="refs.html#ref-MATH30" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[MATH30]</span></a> describes the <a
-&quot;class&quot; attribute</a>.)
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-For example, we can assign style information to all elements with
-<samp>class~="pastoral"</samp> as follows:</p>
-*.pastoral { color: green } /* all elements with class~=pastoral */
-or just
-.pastoral { color: green } /* all elements with class~=pastoral */
-<p>The following assigns style only to H1 elements with
-H1.pastoral { color: green } /* H1 elements with class~=pastoral */
-<p>Given these rules, the first H1 instance below would not have green
-text, while the second would:</p>
-&lt;H1&gt;Not green&lt;/H1&gt;
-&lt;H1 class="pastoral"&gt;Very green&lt;/H1&gt;
-<p>To match a subset of "class" values, each value must be preceded
-by a ".".</P>
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><P>
-For example, the following rule matches any P element whose "class" attribute
-has been assigned a list of space-separated values that includes "pastoral"
-and "marine":</p>
-p.marine.pastoral { color: green }
-<p>This rule matches when <samp>class="pastoral blue aqua
-marine"</samp> but does not match for <samp>class="pastoral
-<div class="note"><p> <em><strong>Note.</strong> CSS gives so much
-power to the "class" attribute, that authors could conceivably design
-their own "document language" based on elements with almost no
-associated presentation (such as DIV and SPAN in HTML) and assigning
-style information through the "class" attribute. Authors should avoid
-this practice since the structural elements of a document language
-often have recognized and accepted meanings and author-defined classes may
-<div class="note"><p><em><strong>Note:</strong> If an element has
-multiple class attributes, their values must be concatenated with
-spaces between the values before searching for the class. As of this
-time the working group is not aware of any manner in which this
-situation can be reached, however, so this behavior is explicitly
-non-normative in this specification.</em>
-<h2>5.9 <a name="id-selectors">ID selectors</a></h2>
-<P>Document languages may contain attributes that are declared to be
-of type ID. What makes attributes of type ID special is that no two
-such attributes can have the same value; whatever the document
-language, an ID attribute can be used to uniquely identify its
-element. In HTML all ID attributes are named "id"; XML
-applications may name ID attributes differently, but the
-same restriction applies.
-<p>The ID attribute of a document language allows authors to assign an
-identifier to one element instance in the document tree. CSS ID
-selectors match an element instance based on its identifier. A CSS
-ID selector contains a "#" immediately followed by the ID
-value, which must be an identifier.</p>
-<p class=note>Note that CSS does not specify how a UA knows the ID
-attribute of an element. The UA may, e.g., read a document's DTD, have
-the information hard-coded or ask the user.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-The following ID selector matches the H1 element whose ID
-attribute has the value "chapter1":</p>
-h1#chapter1 { text-align: center }
-<div class="html-example"><p>
-In the following example, the style rule matches
-the element that has the ID value "z98y".
-The rule will thus match for the P element:</p>
- &lt;TITLE&gt;Match P&lt;/TITLE&gt;
- &lt;STYLE type="text/css"&gt;
- *#z98y { letter-spacing: 0.3em }
- &lt;/STYLE&gt;
- &lt;P id=z98y&gt;Wide text&lt;/P&gt;
-<p>In the next example, however, the style rule will only match an H1
-element that has an ID value of "z98y". The rule will not match the
-P element in this example:</p>
- &lt;TITLE&gt;Match H1 only&lt;/TITLE&gt;
- &lt;STYLE type="text/css"&gt;
- H1#z98y { letter-spacing: 0.5em }
- &lt;/STYLE&gt;
- &lt;P id=z98y&gt;Wide text&lt;/P&gt;
-<P>ID selectors have a higher specificity than attribute selectors.
-For example, in HTML, the selector <samp>#p123</samp> is more specific
-than <samp>[id=p123]</samp> in terms of the <a
-<div class="note">
-<p><em><strong>Note.</strong> In XML 1.0 <a href="refs.html#ref-XML10" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[XML10]</span></a>, the information about which
-attribute contains an element's IDs is contained in a DTD. When
-parsing XML, UAs do not always read the DTD, and thus may not know
-what the ID of an element is. If a style sheet designer knows or
-suspects that this will be the case, he should use normal attribute
-selectors instead: <code>[name=p371]</code> instead of
-<code>#p371</code>. However, the cascading order of normal attribute
-selectors is different from ID selectors. It may be necessary to add
-an "!important" priority to the declarations: <code>[name=p371]
-{color: red ! important}</code>.</em>
-<p>If an element has multiple ID attributes, all of them must be
-treated as IDs for that element for the purposes of the ID
-selector. Such a situation could be reached using mixtures of xml:id
-<a href="refs.html#ref-XMLID" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[XMLID]</span></a>, DOM3 Core <a href="refs.html#ref-DOM-LEVEL-3-CORE" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[DOM-LEVEL-3-CORE]</span></a>, XML DTDs <a href="refs.html#ref-XML10" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[XML10]</span></a> and
-namespace-specific knowledge.
-<h2>5.10 <a name="pseudo-elements">Pseudo-elements</a> and <a
-<p>In CSS&nbsp;2.1, style is normally attached to an element based on its
-position in the <a href="conform.html#doctree">document tree</a>. This
-simple model is sufficient for many cases, but some common publishing
-scenarios may not be possible due to the structure of the <a
-href="conform.html#doctree">document tree</a>. For instance, in HTML
-4 (see <a href="refs.html#ref-HTML4" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[HTML4]</span></a>), no element refers to the first line of a
-paragraph, and therefore no simple CSS selector may refer to it.</p>
-<p>CSS introduces the concepts of <a name="x22"><span class="index-def"
-title="pseudo-elements"><dfn>pseudo-elements</dfn></span></a> and <a name="x23"><span
-title="pseudo-classes"><dfn>pseudo-classes</dfn></span></a> to permit
-formatting based on information that lies outside the document
-tree. </p>
-<li>Pseudo-elements create abstractions about the document tree beyond
-those specified by the document language. For instance, document
-languages do not offer mechanisms to access the first letter or first
-line of an element's content. CSS pseudo-elements allow style sheet
-designers to refer to this otherwise inaccessible
-information. Pseudo-elements may also provide style sheet designers a
-way to assign style to content that does not exist in the source
-document (e.g., the <a
-href="generate.html#before-after-content">:before and :after</a>
-pseudo-elements give access to generated content).
-<li>Pseudo-classes classify elements on characteristics other than
-their name, attributes or content; in principle characteristics that
-cannot be deduced from the document tree. Pseudo-classes may be
-dynamic, in the sense that an element may acquire or lose a
-pseudo-class while a user interacts with the document. The exceptions
-are <a href="#first-child">':first-child'</a>, which <em>can</em> be
-deduced from the document tree, and
-<a href="#lang">':lang()'</a>, which can be
-deduced from the document tree in some cases.
-<P>Neither pseudo-elements nor pseudo-classes appear in the document
-source or document tree.
-<P>Pseudo-classes are allowed anywhere in selectors while
-pseudo-elements may only be appended after the last simple selector of
-the selector.
-<p>Pseudo-element and pseudo-class names are case-insensitive.</p>
-<P>Some pseudo-classes are mutually exclusive, while others can be
-applied simultaneously to the same element. In case of conflicting
-rules, the normal <a href="cascade.html#cascading-order">cascading
-order</A> determines the outcome.
-<h2>5.11 <a name="pseudo-class-selectors">Pseudo-classes</a></h2>
-<h3>5.11.1 <a name="first-child">:first-child</a> pseudo-class</h3>
-<P>The <a name="x24"><span class="index-def"
-title="first-child|:first-child">:first-child</span></a> pseudo-class
-matches an element that is the first child element of some other element.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><P>
-In the following example, the selector matches any P element
-that is the first child of a DIV element. The rule
-suppresses indentation for the first paragraph of a DIV:</p>
-div &gt; p:first-child { text-indent: 0 }
-This selector would match the P inside the DIV of the
-following fragment:
-<pre class="html-example">
-&lt;P&gt; The last P before the note.
-&lt;DIV class="note"&gt;
- &lt;P&gt; The first P inside the note.
-but would not match the second P in the following
-<pre class="html-example">
-&lt;P&gt; The last P before the note.
-&lt;DIV class="note"&gt;
- &lt;H2&gt;Note&lt;/H2&gt;
- &lt;P&gt; The first P inside the note.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<p>The following rule sets the font weight to 'bold' for any EM
-element that is some descendant of a P element that is a first
-p:first-child em { font-weight : bold }
-<P>Note that since <a href="visuren.html#anonymous">anonymous</a>
-boxes are not part of the document tree, they are not counted when
-calculating the first child.</p>
-<div class="html-example"><P>
-For example, the EM in:</p>
-&lt;P&gt;abc &lt;EM&gt;default&lt;/EM&gt;
-is the first child of the P.
-<P>The following two selectors are equivalent:</p>
-* &gt; a:first-child /* A is first child of any element */
-a:first-child /* Same */
-<h3>5.11.2 <a name="link-pseudo-classes">The link pseudo-classes</a>: <a name="x26"><span
-class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::link|:link|link
-(pseudo-class)">:link</span></a> and <a name="x29"><span class="index-def"
-<p>User agents commonly display unvisited links differently from
-previously visited ones. CSS provides the pseudo-classes ':link' and
-':visited' to distinguish them:</p>
-<li> The :link pseudo-class applies for links that have
-not yet been visited.
-<li> The :visited pseudo-class applies once the link has been
-visited by the user.
-<p>UAs may return a visited link to the (unvisited) ':link' state at
-some point.
-<P>The two states are mutually exclusive.
-<p>The document language determines which elements are hyperlink
-source anchors. For example, in HTML4, the link pseudo-classes
-apply to A elements with an "href" attribute. Thus, the following
-two CSS&nbsp;2.1 declarations have similar effect:</p>
-a:link { color: red }
-:link { color: red }
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-If the following link:</p>
-<pre class="html-example">
-&lt;A class="external" href="http://out.side/"&gt;external link&lt;/A&gt;
-has been visited, this rule:
-a.external:visited { color: blue }
-will cause it to be blue.
-<p class=note>Note. It is possible for style sheet authors to abuse the
-:link and :visited pseudo-classes to determine which sites a user has
-visited without the user's consent.
-<p>UAs may therefore treat all links as unvisited links, or implement
-other measures to preserve the user's privacy while rendering visited
-and unvisited links differently. See <a href="refs.html#ref-P3P" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[P3P]</span></a> for more information
-about handling privacy.
-<h3>5.11.3 <a name="dynamic-pseudo-classes">The dynamic pseudo-classes:</a>
-<a name="x32"><span class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::hover|:hover|hover
-(pseudo-class)">:hover</span></a>, <a name="x35"><span class="index-def"
-(pseudo-class)">:active</span></a>, and <a name="x38"><span class="index-def"
-<p>Interactive user agents sometimes change the rendering in response
-to user actions. CSS provides three pseudo-classes for common cases:</p>
-<li> The :hover pseudo-class applies while the user designates an
-element (with some pointing device), but does not activate it. For
-example, a visual user agent could apply this pseudo-class when the
-cursor (mouse pointer) hovers over a box generated by the element.
-User agents not supporting
-<a href="media.html#interactive-media-group">interactive media</a>
-do not have to support this pseudo-class.
-Some conforming user agents supporting
-<a href="media.html#interactive-media-group">interactive media</a>
-may not be able to support this pseudo-class (e.g., a pen device).
-<li> The :active pseudo-class applies while an element is being
-activated by the user. For example, between the times the user presses
-the mouse button and releases it.
-<li> The :focus pseudo-class applies while an element has the
-focus (accepts keyboard events or other forms of text input).
-<p>An element may match several pseudo-classes at the same time.
-<p>CSS does not define which elements may be in the above states, or
-how the states are entered and left. Scripting may change whether
-elements react to user events or not, and different devices and UAs
-may have different ways of pointing to, or activating elements.
-<p>CSS&nbsp;2.1 does not define if the parent of an element that is
-':active' or ':hover' is also in that state.
-<p>User agents are not required to reflow a currently displayed
-document due to pseudo-class transitions. For instance, a style sheet
-may specify that the <a href="fonts.html#propdef-font-size" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-font-size">'font-size'</span></a> of an :active link
-should be larger than that of an inactive link, but since this may
-cause letters to change position when the reader selects the link, a
-UA may ignore the corresponding style rule.</p>
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P><p>
-a:link { color: red } /* unvisited links */
-a:visited { color: blue } /* visited links */
-a:hover { color: yellow } /* user hovers */
-a:active { color: lime } /* active links */
-<p>Note that the A:hover must be placed after the A:link and A:visited
-rules, since otherwise the cascading rules will hide the <a href="colors.html#propdef-color" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-color">'color'</span></a> property of the A:hover
-rule. Similarly, because A:active is placed after A:hover, the active
-color (lime) will apply when the user both activates and hovers over
-the A element.
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<p>An example of combining dynamic pseudo-classes:
-a:focus { background: yellow }
-a:focus:hover { background: white }
-<P>The last selector matches A elements that are in pseudo-class
-:focus and in pseudo-class :hover.
-<P>For information about the presentation of focus outlines, please
-consult the section on <a href="ui.html#dynamic-outlines">dynamic
-focus outlines</a>.
-<div class="note"><P>
-In CSS1, the ':active' pseudo-class was mutually
-exclusive with ':link' and ':visited'. That is no longer the case. An
-element can be both ':visited' and ':active' (or ':link' and
-':active') and the normal cascading rules determine which style
-<div class="note"><P>
-Also note that in CSS1, the ':active' pseudo-class only applied to
-<h3>5.11.4 <a name="lang">The language pseudo-class:</a> <a name="x41"><span
-class="index-def" title="pseudo-classes:::lang|:lang|lang
-<p>If the document language specifies how the <a name="x44"><span class="index-inst"
-title="language (human)">human language</span></a> of an element is
-determined, it is possible to write selectors in CSS that match an
-element based on its language. For example, in HTML <a href="refs.html#ref-HTML4" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[HTML4]</span></a>, the
-language is determined by a combination of the "lang" attribute, the
-META element, and possibly by information from the protocol (such as
-HTTP headers). XML uses an attribute called xml:lang, and there may be
-other document language-specific methods for determining the language.
-<p>The pseudo-class ':lang(C)' matches if the element is in language
-C. Whether there is a match is based solely on the identifier C
-being either equal to, or a hyphen-separated substring of, the
-element's language value, in the same way as if performed by the <a
-href="#attribute-selectors">'|='</a> operator. The matching of C
-against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively
-for characters within the ASCII range.
-The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name.</p>
-<p>C must not be empty.
-<p class=note>Note: It is recommended that documents and
-protocols indicate language using codes from BCP&nbsp;47 <a href="refs.html#ref-BCP47" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="informref">[BCP47]</span></a> or
-its successor, and by means of "xml:lang" attributes in the case of
-XML-based documents <a href="refs.html#ref-XML10" rel="biblioentry" class="noxref"><span class="normref">[XML10]</span></a>. See <a
-"FAQ: Two-letter or three-letter language codes."</a></p>
-<div class="example"><P style="display:none">Example(s):</P>
-<p>The following rules set the quotation marks for an HTML document
-that is either in Canadian French or German:</p>
-html:lang(fr-ca) { quotes: '« ' ' »' }
-html:lang(de) { quotes: '»' '«' '\2039' '\203A' }
-:lang(fr) > Q { quotes: '« ' ' »' }
-:lang(de) > Q { quotes: '»' '«' '\2039' '\203A' }
-<p>The second pair of rules actually set the <a href="generate.html#propdef-quotes" class="noxref"><span
-class="propinst-quotes">'quotes'</span></a> property on Q elements
-according to the language of its parent. This is done because the
-choice of quote marks is typically based on the language of the
-element around the quote, not the quote itself: like this piece of
-French &#8220;&agrave; l'improviste&#8221; in the middle of an English
-text uses the English quotation marks. </div>
-<div class=note>
- <p><strong>Note</strong> the difference between [lang|=xx] and
- :lang(xx). In this HTML example, only the BODY matches [lang|=fr]
- (because it has a LANG attribute) but both the BODY and the P match
- :lang(fr) (because both are in French).
- <pre>&lt;body lang=fr>
- &lt;p>Je suis Fran&ccedil;ais.&lt;/p>
-<h2>5.12 <a name="pseudo-element-selectors">Pseudo-elements</a></h2>
-<p>Pseudo-elements behave just like real elements in CSS with the
-exceptions described below and <a
-<p class="note"><em>Note that the sections below do not define the
-exact rendering of ':first-line' and ':first-letter' in all cases. A
-future level of CSS may define them more precisely.</em>
-<h3>5.12.1 The <span class="index-def"
-name="first-line-pseudo">:first-line</a></span> pseudo-element</h3>
-<p>The :first-line pseudo-element applies special styles to the
-contents of the first formatted line of a paragraph. For
-<pre class="example">
-p:first-line { text-transform: uppercase }
-<p>The above rule means "change the letters of the first line of
-every paragraph to uppercase". However, the selector "P:first-line"
-does not match any real HTML element. It does match a pseudo-element
-that <a href="conform.html#conformance">conforming user agents</a>
-will insert at the beginning of every paragraph.</p>
-<p>Note that the length of the first line depends on a number of
-factors, including the width of the page, the font size, etc. Thus,
-an ordinary HTML paragrap
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