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Last active March 4, 2020 16:25
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Generated by XState Viz:
const ALL = "All";
const fetchMachine = Machine(
id: "fetch",
initial: "loading",
context: { characters: [], filtered: [], genders: [], retries: 0 },
states: {
loading: {
invoke: {
src: "getCharacters",
onDone: { target: "success", actions: "updateCharacters" },
onError: { target: "failure" },
success: { on: { FILTER: { actions: "filter" } } },
failure: {
after: { 1000: { target: "loading", cond: "okToRetry" } },
exit: "updateRetries",
actions: {
updateCharacters: assign({
characters: (_, { data }) => data,
filtered: (_, { data }) => data,
genders: (_, { data }) => [
...[ Set( => c.gender))].sort(),
updateRetries: assign({ retries: ({ retries }) => retries + 1 }),
filter: assign({
filtered: ({ characters }, { genderOption }) =>
genderOption === ALL
? characters
: characters.filter(c => c.gender === genderOption),
guards: { okToRetry: ({ retries }) => retries < 5 },
services: {
getCharacters: async () => {
const characters = await (await fetch(
return characters.sort((a, b) => ( < ? -1 : 1));
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