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Created July 20, 2020 19:41
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "uri"
require "net/http"
require "json"
require 'active_support/all'
module URI
class HTTP
def empty?
email = ""
password = "password"
# max charging session to fetch
limit = 1000
# get login token
url = URI("")
https =, url.port);
https.use_ssl = true
request =
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = "{\r\n \"TAG\": \"Account\",\r\n \"cars\": [],\r\n \"debuggingEnabled\": false,\r\n \"device\": {\r\n \"id\": \"a986c0de8d9aacb6\",\r\n \"model\": \"Android SDK built for x86_64\",\r\n \"type\": \"ANDROID\"\r\n },\r\n \"email\": \"#{email}\",\r\n \"emailConfirmed\": false,\r\n \"isLiveDebugging\": false,\r\n \"isOwner\": false,\r\n \"password\": \"#{password}\"\r\n}"
response = https.request(request)
if response.code == "200"
access_token = JSON.parse(response.body)["accessToken"]
# get charging session infos
url = URI("{limit}&offset=0 ")
https =, url.port);
https.use_ssl = true
request =
request["Authorization"] = "Bearer #{access_token}"
response = https.request(request)
results = JSON.parse(response.body)["data"]
#write charging sessions to xml
xml_results = results.to_xml'evduty_session_exportation.xml', 'w'){ |f| f.write xml_results }
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It seems I've just found the answer :-)
They use this API now /v2/account/stations

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@ionutbaban I'm trying your api path but seem not working anymore. Have you found the correct api call ?

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@ionutbaban I'm trying your api path but seem not working anymore. Have you found the correct api call ?

I can't find the Postman requests right now, but what I've done was to install this app ( on an Android phone, than install the EVDuty app and capture the network trace.
Than you just filter out the HTTP calls to and from and you can see what you need to do in order to use their API
I guess this will change over time.

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@ionutbaban I'm trying your api path but seem not working anymore. Have you found the correct api call ?

I can't find the Postman requests right now, but what I've done was to install this app ( on an Android phone, than install the EVDuty app and capture the network trace.
Than you just filter out the HTTP calls to and from and you can see what you need to do in order to use their API
I guess this will change over time.

Thx for responding with this walkthrough so fast !

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