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Last active December 14, 2021 18:07
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k6 and New Relic demo stack

Assumptions: a New Relic account and Ubuntu 18. Works on a t2.micro

k6 installation instructions from their docs

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install k6

store our tests in its own directory. organisation is key 🗝

mkdir k6-tests && cd k6-tests

write a sample script and save it as script.js - k6 scripts are written in JavaScript, just like New Relic Synthetics are 😄

echo "import http from 'k6/http'; import { sleep } from 'k6'; export default function() { http.get(''); sleep(1); }" > script.js

install docker (we need it for running NR StatsD

sudo apt install -y

run the docker container: include account ID and insert API key

docker run \
  -d --restart unless-stopped \
  --name newrelic-statsd \
  -h $(hostname) \
  -p 8125:8125/udp \

If your account is in the NR EU region then also add this to the above command: -e NR_EU_REGION=true \

check the container is up and running

sudo docker ps -a

You just include --out statsd to your test run and the metrics will send automatically to NR. You don't need an agent running, that is optional.

k6 run --vus 12 --duration 30s --out statsd script.js

In New Relic you can run NRQL: from Metric select uniques(metricName) where metricName like 'k6%' to view the metrics sent from k6. You can also just discover them in the data explorer.

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