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Created August 20, 2021 01:03
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A Postman collection containing the HTTP requests supported by the Wordtrack API
"info": {
"_postman_id": "fd2d699f-c498-441c-9752-f6c56bf83b15",
"name": "Wordtrack",
"schema": ""
"item": [
"name": "GET Get Books",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "https://localhost:44330/api/books",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"port": "44330",
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "GET Get Book By Id",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "https://localhost:44330/api/books/10",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"port": "44330",
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "GET Search Books By Author",
"protocolProfileBehavior": {
"disableBodyPruning": true
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "https://localhost:44330/api/books/search/author?name=mr. fLYER",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"port": "44330",
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "name",
"value": "mr. fLYER"
"response": []
"name": "GET Search Books By Title",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "https://localhost:44330/api/books/search/title?phrase=fly",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"port": "44330",
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "phrase",
"value": "fly"
"response": []
"name": "GET Search Books By Year",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "https://localhost:44330/api/books/search/published?year=-399",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"port": "44330",
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "year",
"value": "-399"
"response": []
"name": "POST New Book",
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\r\n \"Title\": \"The Symposium\",\r\n \"Author\": \"Plato\",\r\n \"YearPublished\": -385,\r\n \"Pages\": 140\r\n}",
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"url": {
"raw": "https://localhost:44330/api/books",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"port": "44330",
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "PUT Update Book",
"request": {
"method": "PUT",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\r\n \"title\": \"The Not So Happy Ants\",\r\n \"author\": \"Antman\",\r\n \"yearPublished\": 2021,\r\n \"pages\": 20\r\n}",
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"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "https://localhost:44330/api/books/2",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"port": "44330",
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "PUT Update Reading Status",
"request": {
"method": "PUT",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\r\n \"id\": 3,\r\n \"title\": \"The Big Ants\",\r\n \"author\": \"Tan Tan\",\r\n \"yearPublished\": 2021,\r\n \"pages\": 20\r\n}",
"options": {
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"url": {
"raw": "https://localhost:44330/api/books/10/status?isRead=true",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"port": "44330",
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "isRead",
"value": "true"
"response": []
"name": "PATCH Partial Update Book",
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"value": "application/json",
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"mode": "raw",
"raw": "[\r\n {\r\n \"op\": \"replace\",\r\n \"path\": \"/yearPublished\",\r\n \"value\": 2014\r\n }\r\n]",
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"url": {
"raw": "https://localhost:44330/api/books/10",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"port": "44330",
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "DELETE Delete Book",
"request": {
"method": "DELETE",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "https://localhost:44330/api/books/9",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"port": "44330",
"path": [
"response": []
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