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Created May 30, 2024 11:32
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Modified plugin to keep both original and transcoded audio tracks
/* eslint-disable */
const details = () => {
return {
id: "Tdarr_Plugin_a9hd_FFMPEG_Transcode_Specific_Audio_Stream_Codecs",
Stage: "Pre-processing",
Name: "Transcode Specific Audio Stream Codecs",
Type: "Audio",
Operation: "Transcode",
Description: `[Contains built-in filter] Transcode audio streams with specific codecs into another codec while keeping the original. \n\n`,
Version: "1.01",
Tags: "pre-processing,audio only,ffmpeg,configurable",
Inputs: [
name: "codecs_to_transcode",
type: 'string',
defaultValue: 'ac3',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
tooltip: `Specify the codecs which you'd like to transcode
name: "codec",
type: 'string',
defaultValue: 'aac',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
tooltip: `Specify the codec you'd like to transcode into:
\\n aac
\\n ac3
\\n eac3
\\n dts
\\n flac
\\n mp2
\\n mp3
\\n truehd
name: "bitrate",
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
tooltip: `Specify the transcoded audio bitrate (optional):
\\n 384k
\\n 640k
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const plugin = (file, librarySettings, inputs, otherArguments) => {
const lib = require('../methods/lib')();
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars,no-param-reassign
inputs = lib.loadDefaultValues(inputs, details);
//Must return this object
var response = {
processFile: false,
preset: "",
container: ".mp4",
handBrakeMode: false,
FFmpegMode: false,
reQueueAfter: false,
infoLog: "",
if (inputs.codecs_to_transcode === undefined || inputs.codec === undefined ) {
response.processFile = false;
response.infoLog += "☒ Inputs not entered! \n";
return response;
var encoder = inputs.codec;
if (encoder == "mp3") {
encoder = `libmp3lame`;
} else if (encoder == "dts") {
encoder = `dca`;
var codecs_to_transcode = inputs.codecs_to_transcode.split(",");
var hasStreamsToTranscode = false;
var ffmpegCommand = `, -c copy -map 0:v `;
for (var i = 0; i < file.ffProbeData.streams.length; i++) {
if (
file.ffProbeData.streams[i].codec_type.toLowerCase() == "audio" &&
file.ffProbeData.streams[i].codec_name &&
) {
// Map the original stream
ffmpegCommand += ` -map 0:${i} -c:${i} copy `;
// Map the transcoded stream
ffmpegCommand += ` -map 0:${i} -c:a ${encoder} `;
if (inputs.bitrate !== '') {
ffmpegCommand += `-b:a ${inputs.bitrate} `;
hasStreamsToTranscode = true;
} else if (file.ffProbeData.streams[i].codec_type.toLowerCase() == "audio") {
ffmpegCommand += ` -map 0:${i}`;
ffmpegCommand += ` -map 0:s? -map 0:d? -max_muxing_queue_size 9999`;
if (hasStreamsToTranscode == false) {
response.processFile = false;
response.infoLog +=
"☑ File does not have any streams that need to be transcoded! \n";
return response;
} else {
response.processFile = true;
response.preset = ffmpegCommand;
response.container = "." + file.container;
response.handBrakeMode = false;
response.FFmpegMode = true;
response.reQueueAfter = true;
response.infoLog += `☒ File has streams which aren't in desired codec! \n`;
return response;
module.exports.details = details;
module.exports.plugin = plugin;
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