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Last active May 30, 2024 11:38
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Henk's plugin v3 - handling undefined audio tracks. All undefined audio tracks will be tagged with either a user-specified tag or with the original language tag (if no user tags have been specified)
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
module.exports.dependencies = ['axios@0.27.2', '@cospired/i18n-iso-languages'];
const details = () => ({
id: 'Tdarr_Plugin_henk_Keep_Native_Lang_Plus_Eng',
Stage: 'Pre-processing',
Name: 'Remove all langs except native and English',
Type: 'Audio',
Operation: 'Transcode',
Description: `This is a modified version made by gsariev of the original plugin. This plugin will remove all language audio tracks except the 'native' and user-specified languages.
(requires TMDB api key).
'Native' languages are the ones that are listed on TMDB. It does an API call to
Radarr, Sonarr to check if the movie/series exists and grabs the IMDb id. As a last resort, it
falls back to the IMDb id in the filename.`,
Version: '1.3', // Incremented version
Tags: 'pre-processing,configurable',
Inputs: [
name: 'user_langs',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
'Input a comma-separated list of ISO-639-2 languages. It will still keep English and undefined tracks.'
+ '( 639-2 column)'
+ '\\nExample:\\n'
+ 'ger,fre',
name: 'priority',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: 'radarr',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
'Priority for either Radarr or Sonarr. Leaving it empty defaults to Radarr first.'
+ '\\nExample:\\n'
+ 'sonarr',
name: 'api_key',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
'Input your TMDB api (v3) key here. (',
name: 'radarr_api_key',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
tooltip: 'Input your Radarr api key here.',
name: 'radarr_url',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
'Input your Radarr url here. (Without http://). Do include the port.'
+ '\\nExample:\\n'
+ '',
name: 'sonarr_api_key',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
tooltip: 'Input your Sonarr api key here.',
name: 'sonarr_url',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
'Input your Sonarr url here. (Without http://). Do include the port.'
+ '\\nExample:\\n'
+ '',
name: 'commentary',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: false,
inputUI: {
type: 'dropdown',
options: [
tooltip: `Specify if audio tracks that contain commentary/description should be kept.
name: 'undefined_lang_tag',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
'Specify the language tag to use for undefined audio tracks. If empty, the original language tag will be used.',
const response = {
processFile: false,
preset: '',
container: '.',
handBrakeMode: false,
FFmpegMode: true,
reQueueAfter: false,
infoLog: '',
const languageConverter = (tmdbLanguageCode) => {
const isoLang = require('@cospired/i18n-iso-languages');
try {
// Convert TMDB language code to ISO-639-2 3-letter format
const convertedLanguageCode = isoLang.alpha2ToAlpha3B(tmdbLanguageCode);
// Log the converted language code
response.infoLog += `TMDB Language Code Return: ${convertedLanguageCode}\n`;
return convertedLanguageCode;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error converting language code:', error.message);
response.infoLog += '☒Error converting language code.\n';
return null;
const parseArrResponse = (body, filePath, arr) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line default-case
switch (arr) {
case 'radarr':
case 'sonarr':
return body.series;
const processStreams = (result, file, userLangs, isSonarr, includeCommentary, undefinedLangTag) => {
const languages = require('@cospired/i18n-iso-languages');
const tracks = {
keep: [],
remove: [],
remLangs: '',
metadata: '',
let streamIndex = 0;
let shouldProcess = false;
// Convert the TMDB language code to ISO-639-2 3-letter format dynamically
const tmdbLanguageCode = result.original_language;
const convertedLanguageCode = languageConverter(tmdbLanguageCode) || tmdbLanguageCode;
response.infoLog += `Original language tag: ${convertedLanguageCode}\n`;
// Flag to indicate if any audio track matches the specified languages
let matchFound = false;
for (const stream of file.ffProbeData.streams) {
if (stream.codec_type === 'audio') {
if (!stream.tags || !stream.tags.language || stream.tags.language.toLowerCase() === 'und') {
// Explicitly identify undefined tracks
const tagLanguage = undefinedLangTag || convertedLanguageCode;
response.infoLog += `☒No language tag found on audio track ${streamIndex}. Tagging it with ${tagLanguage}.\n`;
// Tag the undefined audio track
tracks.metadata += `-metadata:s:a:${streamIndex} language=${tagLanguage} `;
response.infoLog += `☑Tagged audio track ${streamIndex} with ${tagLanguage}\n`;
matchFound = true; // Consider this a match since we are tagging it appropriately
shouldProcess = true; // Mark the file to be processed
} else if (stream.tags.title && isCommentaryTrack(stream.tags.title)) {
// Remove commentary tracks if includeCommentary is false
if (!includeCommentary) {
response.infoLog += `☒Removing commentary audio track: ${languages.getName(stream.tags.language, 'en')} (commentary) - ${stream.tags.title}\n`;
tracks.remLangs += `${languages.getName(stream.tags.language, 'en')} (commentary), `;
shouldProcess = true; // Mark the file to be processed
} else {
response.infoLog += `☑Keeping commentary audio track: ${languages.getName(stream.tags.language, 'en')} (commentary) - ${stream.tags.title}\n`;
matchFound = true; // At least one track matches the specified languages
} else if (stream.tags.language) {
// Check if the language is in the user-defined languages or it's the original language
const mappedLanguage = isSonarr ? mapSonarrLanguageToTMDB(stream.tags.language) : mapRadarrLanguageToTMDB(stream.tags.language);
if (userLangs.includes(mappedLanguage) || mappedLanguage === convertedLanguageCode) {
response.infoLog += `☑Keeping audio track with language: ${languages.getName(stream.tags.language, 'en')}\n`;
matchFound = true; // At least one track matches the specified languages
} else {
response.infoLog += `☒Removing audio track with language: ${languages.getName(stream.tags.language, 'en')}\n`;
tracks.remLangs += `${languages.getName(stream.tags.language, 'en')}, `;
shouldProcess = true; // Mark the file to be processed
streamIndex += 1;
// If no tracks are found to match the specified languages and none are kept, stop the plugin
if (!matchFound && tracks.keep.length === 0) {
response.infoLog += '☒Cancelling plugin because none of the audio tracks match the specified languages or are tagged as undefined. \n';
response.processFile = false;
// Clear the removal tracks to prevent further deletion
tracks.remove = [];
} else {
response.processFile = shouldProcess; // Process the file if at least one track is kept or tagged
if (shouldProcess) {
response.preset = `, -map 0:v -c:v copy `;
for (const index of tracks.keep) {
response.preset += `-map 0:a:${index} `;
for (const index of tracks.remove) {
response.preset += `-map -0:a:${index} `;
response.preset += `${tracks.metadata} -c:a copy -max_muxing_queue_size 9999`;
return tracks;
const mapRadarrLanguageToTMDB = (radarrLanguage) => {
const languageMappings = {
chi: 'cn',
// Add additional mapping if needed
return languageMappings[radarrLanguage] || radarrLanguage;
const mapSonarrLanguageToTMDB = (sonarrLanguage) => {
const languageMappings = {
// Add mappings for Sonarr languages if needed
return languageMappings[sonarrLanguage] || sonarrLanguage;
const tmdbApi = async (filename, api_key, axios) => {
let fileName;
if (filename) {
if (filename.slice(0, 2) === 'tt') {
fileName = filename;
} else {
const idRegex = /(tt\d{7,8})/;
const fileMatch = filename.match(idRegex);
if (fileMatch) {
fileName = fileMatch[1];
if (fileName) {
try {
const result = await axios
+ `${api_key}&language=en-US&external_source=imdb_id`,
.then((resp) => ( > 0
console.log('TMDB API Result:', result);
if (!result) {
response.infoLog += '☒No IMDb result was found. \n';
if (result) {
const tmdbLanguageCode = languageConverter(result.original_language);
response.infoLog += `Converted TMDB Language Code: ${tmdbLanguageCode}\n`;
response.infoLog += `Language tag picked up by TMDB: ${tmdbLanguageCode}\n`;
} else {
response.infoLog += "☒Couldn't find the IMDb id of this file. Skipping. \n";
return result;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching data from TMDB API:', error.message);
response.infoLog += '☒Error fetching data from TMDB API.\n';
return null;
return null;
const isCommentaryTrack = (title) => {
// Check if the title includes keywords indicating a commentary track
return title.toLowerCase().includes('commentary')
|| title.toLowerCase().includes('description')
|| title.toLowerCase().includes('sdh');
const plugin = async (file, librarySettings, inputs, otherArguments) => {
const lib = require('../methods/lib')();
const axios = require('axios').default;
inputs = lib.loadDefaultValues(inputs, details);
response.container = `.${file.container}`;
let prio = ['radarr', 'sonarr'];
let radarrResult = null;
let sonarrResult = null;
let tmdbResult = null;
if (inputs.priority && inputs.priority === 'sonarr') {
prio = ['sonarr', 'radarr'];
const fileNameEncoded = encodeURIComponent(file.meta.FileName);
for (const arr of prio) {
let imdbId;
// Reset infoLog before each processing step (removes duplicated logs being displayed)
response.infoLog = '';
switch (arr) {
case 'radarr':
if (tmdbResult) break;
if (inputs.radarr_api_key) {
radarrResult = parseArrResponse(
await axios
.then((resp) =>,
if (radarrResult) {
imdbId = radarrResult.imdbId;
response.infoLog += `Grabbed ID (${imdbId}) from Radarr \n`;
const radarrLanguageTag =;
response.infoLog += `Language tag picked up by Radarr: ${radarrLanguageTag}\n`;
tmdbResult = await tmdbApi(imdbId, inputs.api_key, axios);
if (tmdbResult) {
const tmdbLanguageTag = languageConverter(tmdbResult.original_language) || tmdbResult.original_language;
response.infoLog += `Language tag picked up by TMDB: ${tmdbLanguageTag}\n`;
} else {
response.infoLog += "Couldn't grab ID from Radarr \n";
imdbId = fileNameEncoded;
tmdbResult = await tmdbApi(imdbId, inputs.api_key, axios);
if (tmdbResult) {
const tmdbLanguageTag = languageConverter(tmdbResult.original_language) || tmdbResult.original_language;
response.infoLog += `Language tag picked up by TMDB: ${tmdbLanguageTag}\n`;
case 'sonarr':
if (tmdbResult) break;
if (inputs.sonarr_api_key) {
sonarrResult = parseArrResponse(
await axios.get(
.then((resp) =>,
if (sonarrResult) {
imdbId = sonarrResult.imdbId;
response.infoLog += `Grabbed ID (${imdbId}) from Sonarr \n`;
tmdbResult = await tmdbApi(imdbId, inputs.api_key, axios);
if (tmdbResult) {
const sonarrTracks = processStreams(tmdbResult, file, inputs.user_langs ? inputs.user_langs.split(',') : '', true, inputs.commentary, inputs.undefined_lang_tag);
if (sonarrTracks.remove.length > 0) {
if (sonarrTracks.keep.length > 0) {
response.infoLog += `☑Removing tracks with languages: ${sonarrTracks.remLangs.slice(
)}. \n`;
response.processFile = true;
response.infoLog += '\n';
} else {
+= '☒Cancelling plugin otherwise all audio tracks would be removed. \n';
} else {
response.infoLog += '☒No audio tracks to be removed. \n';
} else {
response.infoLog += "☒Couldn't find the IMDb id of this file. Skipping. \n";
if (tmdbResult) {
const userLanguages = inputs.user_langs ? inputs.user_langs.split(',') : [];
const originalLanguage = tmdbResult.original_language;
const originalLanguageIncluded = userLanguages.includes(originalLanguage);
const tracks = processStreams(
console.log('Tracks:', tracks);
console.log('Original Language:', originalLanguage);
console.log('User Languages:', userLanguages);
console.log('Original Language Included:', originalLanguageIncluded);
console.log('User Languages Include Removed Languages:', userLanguages.includes(tracks.remLangs));
// Check if no tracks match original or user-specified languages
const noMatchingTracks = tracks.keep.length === 0 && !originalLanguageIncluded && !userLanguages.includes(tracks.remLangs);
console.log('No Matching Tracks:', noMatchingTracks);
if (noMatchingTracks) {
response.infoLog += '☒Cancelling plugin because no audio tracks match the original language or user-specified languages. \n';
return response; // Stop execution
// Continue processing audio tracks
if (tracks.remove.length > 0) {
if (tracks.keep.length > 0) {
response.infoLog += `☑Removing tracks with languages: ${tracks.remLangs.slice(
)}. \n`;
response.processFile = true;
response.infoLog += '\n';
} else {
response.infoLog += '☒Cancelling plugin otherwise all audio tracks would be removed. \n';
} else {
response.infoLog += '☒No audio tracks to be removed. \n';
} else {
response.infoLog += "☒Couldn't find the IMDb id of this file. Skipping. \n";
return response;
module.exports.details = details;
module.exports.plugin = plugin;
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Fixed an issue that caused the commentary tracks to not be properly removed resulting in a loop/same arguments error.

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