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Last active July 18, 2023 12:12
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Memberpress Corporate Addon: this function creates a new tab on the Account page called "Sub Accounts" so your subscribers can easily find and access where to create their sub accounts. Paste this function into your theme's functions.php file
/* ==========================================================================
Memberpress: Add a Sub Account Tab to the Account page
========================================================================== */
function gs_mepr_add_some_tabs($user) {
$sub_accounts_active = (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'manage_sub_accounts')?'mepr-active-nav-tab':'';
$transactions = $user->active_product_subscriptions('transactions');
if(!empty($transactions)) {
foreach($transactions as $txn) {
if(($sub = $txn->subscription()) !== false) {
//Recurring subscription
$ca = MPCA_Corporate_Account::find_corporate_account_by_obj_id($sub->id, 'subscriptions');
else {
//Non Recurring subscription
$ca = MPCA_Corporate_Account::find_corporate_account_by_obj_id($txn->id, 'transactions');
if( !empty($ca) && isset($ca->id) && !empty($ca->id) ) {
// display the new tab
<span class="mepr-nav-item manage-sub-accounts <?php echo $sub_accounts_active; ?>">
<a href="<?php echo $ca->sub_account_management_url(); ?>">Sub Accounts</a>
add_action('mepr_account_nav', 'gs_mepr_add_some_tabs');
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