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Last active July 6, 2020 19:34
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Chessboard Puzzle Solver
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace ChessboardPuzzle
static class Program
static void Main()
// Inspired by 3blue1brown's excellent video on the topic:
Console.WriteLine("A chess board (8x8 squares) is set up in a prison, with a coin on each square, i.e. 64 total coins.");
Console.WriteLine("A guard places a key under one coin, and picks the values (heads/tails) of each coin.");
Console.WriteLine("Two prisoners (A and B) take part in this puzzle. If they succeed, they escape.");
Console.WriteLine("First, prisoner A is brought into the room, shown the board, and told which position the key is under.");
Console.WriteLine("Prisoner A must then flip one coin - no more, no less. They then leave the room via a different exit.");
Console.WriteLine("Prisoner B then enters the room. They cannot touch the board. They are allowed one guess at which square the key is in.");
Console.WriteLine("If prisoner B guesses the position of the key correctly, both prisoners are freed.");
Console.WriteLine("Prisoners A and B can strategise ahead of time, but the guard listens in and can pick key positions and board states to thwart them.");
Console.WriteLine("The prisoners must come up with a solution that works 100% of the time, even in these adversarial conditions.");
Console.WriteLine("Here's how they solve it...");
var rng = new Random();
Console.WriteLine("Guard is picking the position of the key...");
int keyPos = rng.Next(0, 64);
Console.WriteLine("Key position: [{1},{2}] -> index {0}", keyPos, keyPos % 8, (keyPos - (keyPos % 8)) / 8);
Console.WriteLine("Guard is setting up the board...");
byte[] bs = new byte[8];
var board = new BitArray(bs);
// prisoner A knows the key position, and can see the board
PrisonerA(ref board, keyPos);
Console.WriteLine("==== HANDING OVER TO OTHER PRISONER ====");
// prisoner B only sees the board
int keyPosGuess = PrisonerB(board);
if (keyPosGuess == keyPos)
Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS! Key is found and prisoners escape.");
Console.WriteLine("FAILURE! Prisoners are stuck.");
static void PrisonerA(ref BitArray board, int keyPos)
Console.WriteLine("==== PRISONER A ENTERS THE ROOM ====");
Console.WriteLine("Prisoner A is told key position: [{1},{2}] -> index {0}", keyPos, keyPos % 8, (keyPos - (keyPos % 8)) / 8);
Console.WriteLine("Prisoner A can see the board.");
DrawBoard(board, keyPos);
Console.WriteLine("Prisoner A does a board parity calculation:");
int parity = CalculateParity(board);
int flipPos = keyPos ^ parity;
Console.WriteLine("Change needed to turn parity value ({0}) into key position ({1}) = {0} ^ {1} = {2}", parity, keyPos, flipPos);
Console.WriteLine("Prisoner A flips coin at index {0} -> position [{1},{2}]", flipPos, flipPos % 8, (flipPos - (flipPos % 8)) / 8);
board[flipPos] = !board[flipPos];
DrawBoard(board, keyPos, flipPos);
Console.WriteLine("==== PRISONER A LEAVES THE ROOM ====");
static int PrisonerB(BitArray board)
Console.WriteLine("==== PRISONER B ENTERS THE ROOM ====");
Console.WriteLine("Prisoner B can see the board, but does not know the key position.");
Console.WriteLine("Prisoner B does a board parity calculation:");
int keyPosGuess = CalculateParity(board);
Console.WriteLine("Prisoner B calculated parity of {0}, which encodes key position [{1},{2}]", keyPosGuess, keyPosGuess % 8, (keyPosGuess - (keyPosGuess % 8)) / 8);
return keyPosGuess;
static void DrawBoard(BitArray board, int keyPos = -1, int flipPos = -1)
Console.WriteLine("Board state:");
Console.WriteLine(" | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ");
for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
Console.Write("{0:D2} | ", y * 8);
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
int index = (y * 8) + x;
string suffix;
if (index == keyPos && index == flipPos)
suffix = "KF";
else if (index == keyPos)
suffix = "K ";
else if (index == flipPos)
suffix = "F ";
suffix = " ";
string value = board[index] ? "H" : "T";
Console.Write("{0}{1} ", value, suffix);
if (y < 7)
Console.WriteLine(" |");
static int CalculateParity(BitArray board)
int parity = 0;
Console.Write("parity = ");
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
int bitValue = board[i] ? 1 : 0;
Console.Write("({0}*{1})", bitValue, i);
if (i < 63)
Console.Write(" ^ ");
if (i % 8 == 7)
parity ^= bitValue * i;
Console.WriteLine("= {0}", parity);
return parity;
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