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Created February 25, 2022 03:17
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ExpressionParser {
class ASTNode {
abstract class Statement : ASTNode {
public abstract Object Execute(Environment env);
abstract class Expression : ASTNode {
public abstract double Evaluate(Environment env);
class VarDeclStatement : Statement {
public string Name;
public Expression Initializer;
public VarDeclStatement(string name, Expression initializer) {
Name = name;
Initializer = initializer;
public override Object Execute(Environment env) {
double initialValue = 0.0;
if (Initializer != null) {
initialValue = Initializer.Evaluate(env);
env.Declare(Name, initialValue);
return null;
class ExpressionStatement : Statement {
public Expression Expression;
public ExpressionStatement(Expression expression) {
Expression = expression;
public override Object Execute(Environment env) {
return null;
class BlockStatement : Statement {
public List<Statement> Statements;
public BlockStatement(List<Statement> statements) {
Statements = statements;
public override Object Execute(Environment env) {
Environment local = new Environment(env);
foreach (Statement statement in Statements) {
Object result = statement.Execute(local);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
class PrintStatement : Statement {
public Expression Expression;
public PrintStatement(Expression expression) {
Expression = expression;
public override Object Execute(Environment env) {
if (Expression != null) {
else {
return null;
class IfStatement : Statement {
public Expression Condition;
public Statement True;
public Statement False;
public IfStatement(Expression condition, Statement _true, Statement _false) {
Condition = condition;
True = _true;
False = _false;
public override Object Execute(Environment env) {
double cond = Condition.Evaluate(env);
Object result = null;
if (cond != 0) {
result = True.Execute(env);
else if (False != null) {
result = False.Execute(env);
return result;
class ReturnStatement : Statement {
Expression Result;
public ReturnStatement(Expression result) {
Result = result;
public override Object Execute(Environment env) {
if (Result == null) {
return 0.0;
return Result.Evaluate(env);
class FunctionDeclStatement : Statement {
public string Name;
public List<String> Args;
public List<Statement> Body;
public FunctionDeclStatement(string name, List<Token> args, BlockStatement body) {
Name = name;
Args = new List<string>();
foreach (Token token in args) {
Body = body.Statements;
public override Object Execute(Environment env) {
UserFnction funcInstance = new UserFnction(Name, Args, Body);
env.Declare(Name, funcInstance);
return null;
class WhileStatement : Statement {
public Expression Condition;
public Statement Body;
public WhileStatement(Expression condition, Statement body) {
Body = body;
public override Object Execute(Environment env) {
while (Condition.Evaluate(env) != 0) {
Object result = Body.Execute(env);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
class CallExpression : Expression {
public string Name;
public List<Expression> Args;
public CallExpression(string name, List<Expression> args) {
Name = name;
Args = args;
public override double Evaluate(Environment env) {
Object callee = env.Get(Name);
if (!(callee is FunctionImpl)) {
throw new Exception("Function calee is not a callable function");
FunctionImpl func = (FunctionImpl)callee;
Environment executionEnv = new Environment(env);
return func.Execute(executionEnv, Args);
class LiteralExpression : Expression {
public double Value;
public LiteralExpression(double value) {
Value = value;
public override double Evaluate(Environment env) {
return Value;
class AssignmentExpression : Expression {
public string Name;
public Expression Value;
public AssignmentExpression(string name, Expression value) {
Name = name;
Value = value;
public override double Evaluate(Environment env) {
double val = Value.Evaluate(env);
env.Set(Name, val);
return val;
class UnaryExpression : Expression {
public Expression Right;
public Token Operator;
public UnaryExpression(Token op, Expression right) {
Right = right;
Operator = op;
public override double Evaluate(Environment env) {
if (Operator.Type == TokenType.MINUS) {
return -1.0f * Right.Evaluate(env);
throw new Exception("Can't evaluate unary expression");
class BinaryExpression : Expression {
public Expression Left;
public Expression Right;
public Token Operator;
public BinaryExpression(Expression left, Token op, Expression right) {
Left = left;
Right = right;
Operator = op;
public override double Evaluate(Environment env) {
switch (Operator.Type) {
case TokenType.PLUS:
return Left.Evaluate(env) + Right.Evaluate(env);
case TokenType.MINUS:
return Left.Evaluate(env) - Right.Evaluate(env);
case TokenType.STAR:
return Left.Evaluate(env) * Right.Evaluate(env);
case TokenType.SLASH:
return Left.Evaluate(env) / Right.Evaluate(env);
case TokenType.POW:
return Math.Pow(Left.Evaluate(env), Right.Evaluate(env));
case TokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL:
return (Left.Evaluate(env) == Right.Evaluate(env))? 1.0 : 0.0;
case TokenType.NOT_EQUAL:
return (Left.Evaluate(env) != Right.Evaluate(env)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
case TokenType.LESS:
return (Left.Evaluate(env) < Right.Evaluate(env)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
case TokenType.LESS_EQUAL:
return (Left.Evaluate(env) <= Right.Evaluate(env)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
case TokenType.GREATER:
return (Left.Evaluate(env) > Right.Evaluate(env)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
case TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL:
return (Left.Evaluate(env) >= Right.Evaluate(env)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
throw new Exception("Invalid binary expression");
class VariableExpression : Expression {
public string Name;
public VariableExpression(string name) {
Name = name;
public override double Evaluate(Environment env) {
Object result = env.Get(Name);
if (!(result is double)) {
throw new Exception("Variable expression evaluates to not double");
return (double)result;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ExpressionParser {
class Environment {
Dictionary<string, Object> Variables;
Environment Parent;
public Environment(Environment parent) {
Parent = parent;
Variables = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
public void Declare(string name, Object val) {
if (Variables.ContainsKey(name)) {
throw new Exception("Variable re-declaration: " + name);
Variables[name] = val;
public Object Get(string name) {
if (!Variables.ContainsKey(name)) {
if (Parent != null) {
return Parent.Get(name);
throw new Exception("Accessing undeclared variable: " + name);
return Variables[name];
public void Set(string name, double val) {
if (!Variables.ContainsKey(name)) {
if (Parent != null) {
Parent.Set(name, val);
throw new Exception("Accessing undeclared variable: " + name);
Variables[name] = val;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ExpressionParser {
abstract class FunctionImpl {
public abstract int Arity();
public abstract double Execute(Environment env, List<Expression> args);
class SqrtNative : FunctionImpl {
public override int Arity() {
return 1;
public override double Execute(Environment env, List<Expression> args) {
if (1 != args.Count) {
throw new Exception("Calling SqrtNative with wrong number of arguments");
double num = args[0].Evaluate(env);
return Math.Sqrt(num);
class UserFnction : FunctionImpl {
public string Name;
public List<String> Args;
public List<Statement> Body;
public UserFnction(string name, List<string> args, List<Statement> body) {
Name = name;
Args = args;
Body = body;
public override int Arity() {
return Args.Count;
public override double Execute(Environment env, List<Expression> args) {
if (Args.Count != args.Count) {
throw new Exception("Calling " + Name + " with wrong number of arguments");
for (int i = 0; i < Args.Count; ++i) {
env.Declare(Args[i], args[i].Evaluate(env));
foreach (Statement s in Body) {
Object result = s.Execute(env);
if (result != null) {
if (!(result is double)) {
throw new Exception("Wrong return type");
return (double)result;
return 0.0;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
// program -> topLevelDeclaration* EOF;
// topLevelDeclaration = "fun" IDENTIFIER "(" paramaters? ")" blockStatement | declaration;
// declaration -> varDeclaration | statement;
// varDeclaration -> var IDENTIFIER (= expression )? ";";
// statement -> exprStatement | blockStatement | printStatement | ifStatement | whileStatement | returnStatement;
// exprStatement -> expression ";";
// blockStatement -> "{" declaration* "}";
// printStatement -> "print" "(" expression ")" ";";
// ifStatement -> "if" "(" expression ")" statement ("else" statement)?;
// whileStatement -> "while" "(" expression ")" statement;
// returnStatement -> "return" expression? ";";
// expression -> assignment;
// assignment -> IDENTIFIER "=" expression | equality;
// equality -> comparison (("==" | "!=") comparison)*;
// comparison -> term ((">=" | ">" | "<=" | "<") term)*;
// term -> factor (("+" | "-") factor)*;
// factor -> power (("*" | "/") power)*;
// power -> unary ("^" power)*;
// unary -> ("-")? unary | call;
// call -> IDENTIFIER ( "(" arguments? ")" )* | primary;
// primary -> NUMBER | "(" expression ")" | IDENTIFIER;
// arguments -> expression ("," expression)*;
// paramaters -> IDENTIFIER ("," IDENTIFIER)*;
namespace ExpressionParser {
class Parser {
public List<Statement> Statements;
private List<Token> Tokens;
private int CurrentToken;
public Parser(List<Token> tokens) {
Statements = new List<Statement>();
Tokens = tokens;
CurrentToken = 0;
while (Current().Type != TokenType.EOF) {
Tokens = null;
Token Current() {
if (CurrentToken < Tokens.Count) {
return Tokens[CurrentToken];
return Tokens[Tokens.Count - 1];
Statement ParseTopLevelDeclaration() {
if (Current().Type == TokenType.FUN) {
if (Current().Type != TokenType.IDENTIFIER) {
throw new Exception("Function name must be identifier");
Token name = Current();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.LPAREN) {
throw new Exception("Missing ( after function name");
List<Token> paramaters = ParseParamaters();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
throw new Exception("Missing ( after function name");
BlockStatement body = (BlockStatement)ParseBlockStatement();
return new FunctionDeclStatement(name.Lexeme, paramaters, body);
return ParseDeclaration();
List<Token> ParseParamaters() {
List<Token> result = new List<Token>();
while (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
if (Current().Type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER) {
else {
throw new Exception("function paramater needs to be an identifier");
if (Current().Type == TokenType.COMMA) {
else if (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
throw new Exception("Unexpected token in paramater list");
return result;
Statement ParseDeclaration() {
if (Current().Type == TokenType.VAR) {
return ParseVariableDeclaration();
return ParseStatement();
Statement ParseVariableDeclaration() {
if (Current().Type != TokenType.VAR) {
throw new Exception("Variable declaration should start with var keyword");
if (Current().Type != TokenType.IDENTIFIER) {
throw new Exception("Missing identifier in variable declaration");
string name = Current().Lexeme;
Expression initializer = null;
if (Current().Type == TokenType.EQUAL) {
initializer = ParseExpression();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.SEMICOLON) {
throw new Exception("Variable declaration must end with semicolor");
return new VarDeclStatement(name, initializer);
Statement ParseStatement() {
if (Current().Type == TokenType.PRINT) {
return ParsePrintStatement();
else if (Current().Type == TokenType.LBRACE) {
return ParseBlockStatement();
else if (Current().Type == TokenType.IF) {
return ParseIfStatement();
else if (Current().Type == TokenType.WHILE) {
return ParseWhileStatement();
else if (Current().Type == TokenType.RETURN) {
return ParseReturnStatement();
return ParseExpressionStatement();
Statement ParseReturnStatement() {
CurrentToken++; // Eat return
Expression result = null;
if (Current().Type != TokenType.SEMICOLON) {
result = ParseExpression();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.SEMICOLON) {
throw new Exception("Return statement should end in semicolon");
CurrentToken++; // Eat ;
return new ReturnStatement(result);
Statement ParseWhileStatement() {
CurrentToken++; // Eat while
if (Current().Type != TokenType.LPAREN) {
throw new Exception("while statement missing opening paren");
Expression cond = ParseExpression();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
throw new Exception("while statement missing closing paren");
Statement body = ParseStatement();
return new WhileStatement(cond, body);
Statement ParseIfStatement() {
CurrentToken++; // Eat if
if (Current().Type != TokenType.LPAREN) {
throw new Exception("If statement missing opening paren");
Expression cond = ParseExpression();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
throw new Exception("If statement missing closing paren");
Statement t = ParseStatement();
Statement f = null;
if (Current().Type == TokenType.ELSE) {
f = ParseStatement();
return new IfStatement(cond, t, f);
Statement ParsePrintStatement() {
if (Current().Type != TokenType.PRINT) {
throw new Exception("Print statement should start with print keyword");
if (Current().Type != TokenType.LPAREN) {
throw new Exception("Print statement needs parenthesized paramaters");
Expression expression = null;
if (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
expression = ParseExpression();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
throw new Exception("Missing right paren for print statement");
Token dbg = Current();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.SEMICOLON) {
throw new Exception("Print statement needs to end with ;");
return new PrintStatement(expression);
Statement ParseExpressionStatement() {
Expression expression = ParseExpression();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.SEMICOLON) {
throw new Exception("Expression statement needs to end with ;");
return new ExpressionStatement(expression);
Statement ParseBlockStatement() {
if (Current().Type != TokenType.LBRACE) {
throw new Exception("Block statement needs to start with left brace");
List<Statement> result = new List<Statement>();
while (Current().Type != TokenType.RBRACE) {
if (Current().Type != TokenType.RBRACE) {
throw new Exception("Block statement needs to end with right brace");
return new BlockStatement(result);
Expression ParseExpression() {
return ParseAssignment();
Expression ParseAssignment() {
Expression left = ParseEquality();
if (Current().Type == TokenType.EQUAL) {
CurrentToken++; // Eat =
Expression value = ParseExpression();
if (left is VariableExpression) {
VariableExpression variable = (VariableExpression)left;
return new AssignmentExpression(variable.Name, value);
throw new Exception("Left side of assignment must be a variable");
return left;
Expression ParseEquality() {
Expression left = ParseComparison();
while (Current().Type == TokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL ||
Current().Type == TokenType.NOT_EQUAL) {
Token op = Current();
Expression right = ParseComparison();
left = new BinaryExpression(left, op, right);
return left;
Expression ParseComparison() {
Expression left = ParseTerm();
while (Current().Type == TokenType.GREATER ||
Current().Type == TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL ||
Current().Type == TokenType.LESS ||
Current().Type == TokenType.LESS_EQUAL) {
Token op = Current();
Expression right = ParseTerm();
left = new BinaryExpression(left, op, right);
return left;
Expression ParseTerm() {
Expression left = ParseFactor();
Token _operator = Current();
while (_operator.Type == TokenType.PLUS ||
_operator.Type == TokenType.MINUS) {
Expression right = ParseFactor();
left = new BinaryExpression(left, _operator, right);
_operator = Current();
return left;
Expression ParseFactor() {
Expression left = ParsePower();
Token _operator = Current();
while (_operator.Type == TokenType.STAR ||
_operator.Type == TokenType.SLASH) {
Expression right = ParsePower();
left = new BinaryExpression(left, _operator, right);
_operator = Current();
return left;
Expression ParsePower() {
Expression left = ParseUnary();
Token _operator = Current();
if (_operator.Type == TokenType.POW) {
Expression right = ParsePower();
left = new BinaryExpression(left, _operator, right);
return left;
Expression ParseUnary() {
if (Current().Type == TokenType.MINUS) {
Token _operator = Current();
Expression right = ParseUnary();
return new UnaryExpression(_operator, right);
return ParseCall();
Expression ParseCall() {
if (Current().Type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER) {
Token identifier = Current();
if (Current().Type == TokenType.LPAREN) {
List<Expression> args = ParseArguments();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
throw new Exception("Function call missing closing parenthesis");
return new CallExpression(identifier.Lexeme, args);
else {
CurrentToken--; // Roll back and parse primary
return ParsePrimary();
List<Expression> ParseArguments() {
List<Expression> result = new List<Expression>();
while (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
if (Current().Type == TokenType.COMMA) {
else if (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
throw new Exception("Unexpected token in argument list");
return result;
Expression ParsePrimary() {
Token current = Current();
if (current.Type == TokenType.LPAREN) {
Expression expr = ParseExpression();
if (Current().Type != TokenType.RPAREN) {
throw new Exception("Expected right paren to close expression");
return expr;
else if (current.Type == TokenType.NUMBER) {
double value = current.Value;
return new LiteralExpression(value);
else if (current.Type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER) {
string name = current.Lexeme;
return new VariableExpression(name);
throw new Exception("Syntax Error");
// expression -> term (("+" | "-") term)*;
// term -> power (("*" | "/") power)*;
// power -> unary ("^" power)*;
// unary -> ("-")? unary | factor;
// factor -> NUMBER | "(" expression ")";
using ExpressionParser;
class Program {
public static void Main(String[] args) {
//Program p = new Program("--3");
Console.WriteLine("Scanner test:");
Scanner debugScanner = new Scanner(File.ReadAllText("../../../tests/math_script.txt"));
/*foreach (Token token in debugScanner.Tokens) {
Parser debugParserarser = new Parser(debugScanner.Tokens);
ExpressionParser.Environment global = new ExpressionParser.Environment(null);
global.Declare("SqrtNative", new SqrtNative());
foreach (var statement in debugParserarser.Statements) {
ExpressionParser.Environment environment = new ExpressionParser.Environment(null);
Statement program = new PrintStatement(
new BinaryExpression(
new LiteralExpression(2),
new Token(TokenType.PLUS, "+"),
new BinaryExpression(
new LiteralExpression(3),
new Token(TokenType.STAR, "*"),
new LiteralExpression(6)
) // End BinaryExpression "*"
) // End BinaryExpression "+"
); // End PrintStatement
//print(2 + 3 * 6)
int Token;
string Source;
public Program(string source) {
Source = source;
Token = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + Expression());
char Current() {
if (Token >= Source.Length) {
return '\0';
return Source[Token];
void SkipWhitespace() {
char c = Current();
while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
c = Current();
double Expression() {
// <expression> -> <term> (("+" | "-") <term>)*
double left = Term();
char c = Current();
while (c == '+' || c == '-') {
Token++; // Eat + or -
double right = Term();
if (c == '+') {
left = left + right;
} else if (c == '-') {
left = left - right;
c = Current();
return left;
double Term() {
// <term> -> <power> (("*" | "/") <power>)*
double left = Power();
char c = Current();
while (c == '*' || c == '/') {
Token++; // Eat * or /
double right = Power();
if (c == '*') {
left = left * right;
else if (c == '/') {
left = left / right;
c = Current();
return left;
double Power() {
// <power> -> <unary> ("^" <power>)*
double factor = Unary();
char c = Current();
if (c == '^') {
Token++; // Eat ^
double power = Power();
return Math.Pow(factor, power);
return factor;
double Unary() {
// <unary> -> ("-")? <unary> | <factor>
char c = Current();
if (c == '-') {
Token++; // Eat negative
return -1.0 * Unary();
return Factor();
double Factor() {
char c = Current();
if (c == '(') {
Token++; // Eat (
double expr = Expression();
c = Current();
if (c != ')') {
throw new Exception("Invalid expression in factor");
Token++; // Eat )
return expr;
return Number();
double Number() {
char c = Current();
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
string tmp = String.Empty;
while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
tmp += c.ToString();
c = Current();
if (c == '.') {
tmp += c.ToString();
Token++; // Eat .
c = Current();
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
tmp += c.ToString();
c = Current();
else {
throw new Exception("Invalid number format");
return Double.Parse(tmp);
throw new Exception("Invalid number");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ExpressionParser {
class Scanner {
public List<Token> Tokens;
private string Source;
private int CurChar;
private int StartChar;
private Dictionary<string, TokenType> Reserved;
public Scanner(string source) {
Tokens = new List<Token>();
Reserved = new Dictionary<string, TokenType>() {
{ "var", TokenType.VAR },
{ "fun", TokenType.FUN },
{ "return", TokenType.RETURN },
{ "if", TokenType.IF },
{ "else", TokenType.ELSE },
{ "while", TokenType.WHILE },
{ "print", TokenType.PRINT }
CurChar = 0;
Source = source;
while (CurChar < Source.Length) {
StartChar = CurChar;
Token token = GetToken();
if (token.Type != TokenType.SLASH_SLASH) {
Tokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.EOF, String.Empty));
source = null;
Reserved = null;
private void SkipWhitespace() {
for (char c = Current();
c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r';
CurChar++, c = Current()) ;
private char Current() {
if (CurChar < Source.Length) {
return Source[CurChar];
return '\0';
private string Lexeme() {
return Source.Substring(StartChar, CurChar - StartChar);
private Token GetToken() {
char c = Current();
char n = Current();
switch(c) {
case ';': return new Token(TokenType.SEMICOLON, Lexeme());
case '(': return new Token(TokenType.LPAREN, Lexeme());
case ')': return new Token(TokenType.RPAREN, Lexeme());
case '{': return new Token(TokenType.LBRACE, Lexeme());
case '}': return new Token(TokenType.RBRACE, Lexeme());
case '+': return new Token(TokenType.PLUS, Lexeme());
case '-': return new Token(TokenType.MINUS, Lexeme());
case '*': return new Token(TokenType.STAR, Lexeme());
case '^': return new Token(TokenType.POW, Lexeme());
case ',': return new Token(TokenType.COMMA, Lexeme());
case '/':
if (n == '/') {
while (CurChar < Source.Length && Current() != '\n') {
return new Token(TokenType.SLASH_SLASH, Lexeme());
else {
return new Token(TokenType.SLASH, Lexeme());
case '<':
if (n == '=') {
return new Token(TokenType.LESS_EQUAL, Lexeme());
else {
return new Token(TokenType.LESS, Lexeme());
case '>':
if (n == '=') {
return new Token(TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL, Lexeme());
else {
return new Token(TokenType.GREATER, Lexeme());
case '=':
if (n == '=') {
return new Token(TokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL, Lexeme());
else {
return new Token(TokenType.EQUAL, Lexeme());
case '!':
if (n == '=') {
return new Token(TokenType.NOT_EQUAL, Lexeme());
// Just ignore if no equal sign, we don't have a ! operator
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
return GetNumber();
else if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c == '_')) {
string parsed = GetString();
if (Reserved.ContainsKey(parsed)) { // Identifier or keyword
return new Token(Reserved[parsed], parsed);
return new Token(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, parsed);
throw new Exception("Scanner error");
private Token GetNumber() {
// No need to rewind, will use lexeme
for (char c = Current();
(c >= '0' && c <= '9');
CurChar++, c = Current());
if (Current() == '.') {
for (char c = Current();
(c >= '0' && c <= '9');
CurChar++, c = Current()) ;
string lexeme = Lexeme();
return new Token(TokenType.NUMBER, lexeme, Double.Parse(lexeme));
private string GetString() {
for (char c = Current();
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c == '_');
CurChar++, c = Current());
return Lexeme();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ExpressionParser {
enum TokenType {
class Token {
public TokenType Type;
public string Lexeme;
public double Value;
public Token(TokenType type, string lexeme, double value = 0.0) {
Type = type;
Lexeme = lexeme;
Value = value;
public override string ToString() {
string result = "Token: " + Type.ToString() + ", Lexeme: " + Lexeme + ", Value: " + Value;
if (Type == TokenType.NUMBER) {
result += ", Value: " + Value;
return result;
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