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Created December 1, 2022 21:20
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Simple Sound
#include "SimpleSound.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <dsound.h>
#include <iostream>
#undef PlaySound
#define SIMPLE_SOUND_PI_4 0.78539816339f
#define SIMPLE_SOUND_SQRT2_2 0.70710678118f
typedef HRESULT(*fpDirectSoundCreate)(LPGUID lpGuid, LPDIRECTSOUND* ppDS, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter);
namespace SimpleSound {
enum class Action { // Messages to send to other thread
None = 0,
struct Command {
Action action;
union {
Bus* bus;
Sound* sound;
struct Device {
Platform platform;
unsigned int numChannels;
bool isValid;
char* errorMsg;
float getResult[4]; // For GetPosition, GetVolume, etc...
Bus* buses;
float volume;
float pan;
float gainLeft; // For 2d panning
float gainRight; // For 2d panning
IDirectSound* dSound;
IDirectSoundBuffer* primaryDSoundBuffer;
IDirectSoundBuffer* secondaryDSoundBuffer;
bool running;
Command* threadCommands;
std::atomic<unsigned int> mainThreadCommand;
std::atomic<unsigned int> audioThreadCommand;
float listenerPosition[3];
float listenerForward[3];
float listenerUp[3];
float listenerMat[9];
unsigned int activeChunkIndex;
float* mixer; // = new float[numSamples * numChannels]
short* buffer; // new short[numSamples * numChannels * 2]
unsigned int bufferSize; // sizeof(chunk) * 2 (measured in bytes)
unsigned int numSamples; // Per chunk
bool mRightHanded; // OpenGL style, forward -1
HANDLE threadHandle;
struct PCMData {
Device* owner;
short* samples; // samples = new short[numSamples * numChannels];
unsigned int numSamples;
unsigned int numChannels; // Always the same as the Device that created it
struct Bus {
Device* owner;
Sound* sounds;
Bus* prev;
Bus* next;
float volume;
float pan;
float gainLeft; // For panning
float gainRight; // For panning
// Interleaved buffer, ie: mix = new float[numSamples * numChannels];
float* mix; // [channel1,channel2..channeln, channel1,channel2..channeln, etc..]
bool clear;
struct Sound {
PCMData* source;
Bus* owner;
Sound* prev;
Sound* next;
bool looping;
bool paused;
unsigned int cursor;
float volume;
float pan;
float gainLeft;
float gainRight;
bool isSpatialized;
float position[3];
float minAttenuation;
float maxAttenuation;
struct LeftRightGain {
float leftGain;
float rightGain;
inline void Cross(float* out, float* a, float* b) {
out[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
out[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];
out[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
inline float Dot(float* a, float* b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
inline void Normalize(Platform& plat, float* v) {
float lenSq = v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2];
if (lenSq > 0.00001f) {
float inv_len = 1.0f / plat.sqrt(lenSq);
v[0] *= inv_len;
v[1] *= inv_len;
v[2] *= inv_len;
inline void Mul(float* result, float* mat, float* vec) {
float v[3] = { vec[0], vec[1], vec[2] };
result[0] = v[0] * mat[0 * 3 + 0] + v[1] * mat[1 * 3 + 0] + v[2] * mat[2 * 3 + 0];
result[1] = v[0] * mat[0 * 3 + 1] + v[1] * mat[1 * 3 + 1] + v[2] * mat[2 * 3 + 1];
result[2] = v[0] * mat[0 * 3 + 2] + v[1] * mat[1 * 3 + 2] + v[2] * mat[2 * 3 + 2];
inline unsigned int uiMax(unsigned int _a, unsigned int _b) {
if (_a >= _b) {
return _a;
return _b;
inline unsigned int uiMin(unsigned int _a, unsigned int _b) {
if (_a <= _b) {
return _a;
return _b;
inline unsigned int StrLen(const char* str) {
const char* iter;
for (iter = str; *iter; ++iter);
return (iter - str);
inline char* StrCpy(char* dest, const char* src) {
unsigned int bytes = StrLen(src) + 1;
char* d = (char*)dest;
char* s = (char*)src;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bytes; ++i) {
d[i] = s[i];
return dest;
LeftRightGain LeftAndRightGainFromPan(Device& device, float pan) {
if (pan < -1.0f) {
pan = -1.0f;
if (pan > 1.0f) {
pan = 1.0f;
float angle = double(pan) * SIMPLE_SOUND_PI_4;
float cos_angle = device.platform.cos(angle);
float sin_angle = device.platform.sin(angle);
LeftRightGain result;
result.leftGain = (SIMPLE_SOUND_SQRT2_2 * (cos_angle - sin_angle));
result.rightGain = (SIMPLE_SOUND_SQRT2_2 * (cos_angle + sin_angle));
return result;
LeftRightGain LinearGainFromPan(Device& device, float pan) {
if (pan < -1.0f) {
pan = -1.0f;
if (pan > 1.0f) {
pan = 1.0f;
float leftPan = (pan + 1.0f) / 2.0f;
float rightPan = 1.0f - leftPan;
LeftRightGain result;
result.leftGain = leftPan;
result.rightGain = rightPan;
return result;
short* GetBuffer(Device& device) {
return device.buffer;
unsigned int GetBufferSize(Device& device) {
return device.bufferSize;
short* GetBuffer(PCMData& pcm) {
return pcm.samples;
unsigned int GetNumSamples(PCMData& pcm) {
return pcm.numSamples;
PCMData* LoadWavFromMemory(Device& device, void* data, unsigned int bytes) {
PCMData* result = (PCMData*)device.platform.allocate(sizeof(PCMData));
result->owner = &device;
result->numChannels = device.numChannels;
char* cursor = ((char*)data);
cursor += 22;
unsigned short numChannels = *(unsigned short*)cursor;
cursor += 2;
unsigned int samplingRate = *(unsigned int*)cursor;
cursor += 4;
cursor = ((char*)data);
cursor += 34;
unsigned short bitsPerSample = *(unsigned short*)cursor;
cursor = ((char*)data);
cursor += 40;
unsigned int dataLength = *(unsigned int*)cursor;
cursor += 4;
result->numSamples = dataLength / (sizeof(short) * numChannels);
result->samples = (short*)device.platform.allocate(dataLength);
short* source = (short*)cursor; // Faster than a memcpy
unsigned int numSamples = result->numSamples;
for (unsigned int sample = 0; sample < numSamples * numChannels; ++sample) {
result->samples[sample] = source[sample];
/*source = (short*)cursor;
std::cout << "Debug LoadFromMemory (last 100 samples):\n";
for (unsigned int sample = 0; sample < numSamples * numChannels; ++sample) {
if (sample >= numSamples * numChannels - 100) {
std::cout << result->samples[sample] << ", ";
std::cout << "\b\b\n";*/
return result;
void Destroy(PCMData* pcm) {
// Returns true if the sound finished mixing and needs to be removed
bool Mix(Bus& destination, Sound& source, unsigned int destOffsetInSamples, bool clear) {
float volume = source.volume;
short* samples = source.source->samples;
unsigned int pcmNumSamples = source.source->numSamples;
unsigned int numChannels = destination.owner->numChannels;
bool looping = source.looping;
if (source.paused) {
for (int i = 0; i < SIMPLE_SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; gain[i++] = 0.0f);
gain[0] = 1.0f;
if (numChannels >= 2) {
gain[0] = source.gainLeft;
gain[1] = source.gainRight;
if (source.isSpatialized) {
const float speakers[6][6 * 3] = { // Positions copied from soloud
{0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{2, 0, 1, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{2, 0, 1, -2, 0, 1, 2, 0, -1, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{2, 0, 1, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, -1, -2, 0, -1},
Device* device = destination.owner;
float listenerPos[3] = { device->listenerPosition[0], device->listenerPosition[1], device->listenerPosition[2] };
float soundRelativeToListener[3] = {
source.position[0] - listenerPos[0],
source.position[1] - listenerPos[1],
source.position[2] - listenerPos[2]
float distanceSq = Dot(soundRelativeToListener, soundRelativeToListener);
Normalize(device->platform, soundRelativeToListener);
Mul(soundRelativeToListener, device->listenerMat, soundRelativeToListener);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < device->numChannels; ++i) {
float speakerRelativeToListener[3] = {
speakers[device->numChannels - 1][i * 3 + 0],
speakers[device->numChannels - 1][i * 3 + 1],
speakers[device->numChannels - 1][i * 3 + 2]
Normalize(device->platform, speakerRelativeToListener);
gain[i] = Dot(soundRelativeToListener, speakerRelativeToListener);
gain[i] = (gain[i] + 1.0f) / 2.0f; // Normalize 0 to 1
if (device->numChannels == 6) {
gain[3] = 1.0f; // Sub should mix everything?
if (distanceSq > 0.00001f) {
float distance = device->platform.sqrt(distanceSq);
if (distance < source.minAttenuation) {
// Don't attenuate sounds if closer than the min attenuation distance
//for (int i = 0; i < device->numChannels; gain[i++] = 1.0f);
else if (distance > source.maxAttenuation) { // Too far, mute sound
for (int i = 0; i < device->numChannels; gain[i++] = 0.0f);
else { // Lerp
float range = source.maxAttenuation - source.minAttenuation;
float t = (distance - source.minAttenuation) / range;
float attenuation = 1.0f - t;
for (int i = 0; i < SIMPLE_SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; gain[i++] *= attenuation);
unsigned int sourceOffsetInSamples = looping? source.cursor % pcmNumSamples : uiMin(source.cursor, pcmNumSamples);
destOffsetInSamples = uiMin(destOffsetInSamples, destination.owner->numSamples);
unsigned int numSamplesToCopy = destination.owner->numSamples - destOffsetInSamples;
for (unsigned int sample = destOffsetInSamples; sample < numSamplesToCopy; ++sample) {
unsigned int busIndex = (sample * numChannels);
unsigned int soundIndex = source.cursor * numChannels;
if (numChannels >= 1) {
destination.mix[busIndex + 0] += float(samples[soundIndex + 0]) * volume * gain[0] - (clear ? destination.mix[busIndex + 0] : 0.0f);
if (numChannels >= 2) {
destination.mix[busIndex + 1] += float(samples[soundIndex + 1]) * volume * gain[1] - (clear ? destination.mix[busIndex + 1] : 0.0f);
if (numChannels >= 4) {
destination.mix[busIndex + 2] += float(samples[soundIndex + 2]) * volume * gain[2] - (clear ? destination.mix[busIndex + 2] : 0.0f);
destination.mix[busIndex + 3] += float(samples[soundIndex + 3]) * volume * gain[3] - (clear ? destination.mix[busIndex + 3] : 0.0f);
if (numChannels >= 6) {
destination.mix[busIndex + 4] += float(samples[soundIndex + 4]) * volume * gain[4] - (clear ? destination.mix[busIndex + 4] : 0.0f);
destination.mix[busIndex + 5] += float(samples[soundIndex + 5]) * volume * gain[5] - (clear ? destination.mix[busIndex + 5] : 0.0f);
if (looping) {
source.cursor = (source.cursor + 1) % pcmNumSamples;
else {
source.cursor += 1;
if (source.cursor >= pcmNumSamples) {
destination.clear = false;
if (looping) {
return false;
return source.cursor >= pcmNumSamples; // Sound can keep playing!
void Mix(Device& device, Bus& bus, bool clear) {
unsigned int numChannels = device.numChannels;
unsigned int numSamples = device.numSamples;
float* dest = device.mixer;
float* source = bus.mix;
float volume = bus.volume;
LeftRightGain pan = LeftAndRightGainFromPan(device, bus.pan);
for (int i = 0; i < SIMPLE_SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; gain[i++] = 1.0f);
if (numChannels == 2) {
gain[0] = pan.leftGain;
gain[1] = pan.rightGain;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numSamples * numChannels; ++i) {
dest[i] += source[i] * volume * gain[i % numChannels] -(clear ? dest[i] : 0);
void SubmitPcmBytes(Device& device, unsigned int _writePointer, void* data, unsigned int dataSize) {
LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER buffer = device.secondaryDSoundBuffer;
DWORD bytesPerSample = sizeof(short) * device.numChannels;
DWORD writePointer = _writePointer;
DWORD bytesToWrite = dataSize;
void* bufferA = 0;
DWORD bufferASize = 0;
void* bufferB = 0;
DWORD bufferBSize = 0;
while (DS_OK != buffer->Lock(writePointer, bytesToWrite, &bufferA, &bufferASize, &bufferB, &bufferBSize, 0)) {
buffer->Play(0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING);
unsigned char* input = (unsigned char*)data;
unsigned char* output = (unsigned char*)bufferA;
for (DWORD sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < bufferASize; ++sampleIndex) {
*output++ = *input++;
output = (unsigned char*)bufferB;
for (DWORD sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < bufferBSize; ++sampleIndex) {
*output++ = *input++;
while (DS_OK != buffer->Unlock(bufferA, bufferASize, bufferB, bufferBSize));
void ActuallyStop(Sound* sound) {
// Unlink
Bus* bus = sound->owner;
if (sound->next != 0) {
sound->next->prev = sound->prev;
if (sound->prev != 0) {
sound->prev->next = sound->next;
if (bus->sounds == sound) {
bus->sounds = sound->next;
// Delete
Device* device = bus->owner;
void ActuallyDestroy(Bus* bus) { // Runs on audio thread
for (Sound* sound = bus->sounds; sound != 0;) {
Sound* process = sound;
sound = sound->next;
// Release mixer
if (bus->mix != 0) {
// Unhook from tracked busses
if (bus->next != 0) {
bus->next->prev = bus->prev;
if (bus->prev != 0) {
bus->prev->next = bus->next;
if (bus == bus->owner->buses) {
bus->owner->buses = bus->next;
// Release bus
void FillWithDebugSound(Device* device, int hertz = 261) {
unsigned int numSamples = device->numSamples;
unsigned int numChannels = device->numChannels;
int squareWavePeriod = 48000 / hertz;
short tone = 1200;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) {
if (squareWavePeriod-- == 0) {
tone = tone * -1;
squareWavePeriod = 48000 / hertz;
if (numChannels >= 1) {
device->buffer[i * numChannels + 0] = tone;
if (numChannels >= 2) {
device->buffer[i * numChannels + 1] = tone;
if (numChannels >= 4) {
device->buffer[i * numChannels + 2] = tone;
device->buffer[i * numChannels + 3] = tone;
if (numChannels >= 6) {
device->buffer[i * numChannels + 4] = tone;
device->buffer[i * numChannels + 5] = tone;
squareWavePeriod = 48000 / hertz;
tone = 1200;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) {
if (squareWavePeriod-- == 0) {
tone = tone * -1;
squareWavePeriod = 48000 / hertz;
if (numChannels >= 1) {
device->mixer[i * numChannels + 0] = tone;
if (numChannels >= 2) {
device->mixer[i * numChannels + 1] = tone;
if (numChannels >= 4) {
device->mixer[i * numChannels + 2] = tone;
device->mixer[i * numChannels + 3] = tone;
if (numChannels >= 6) {
device->mixer[i * numChannels + 4] = tone;
device->mixer[i * numChannels + 5] = tone;
void Blit(Device& device, unsigned int targetChunk) {
unsigned int numChunks = 2; // 2 chunks since it's double buffered
unsigned int numChannels = device.numChannels;
unsigned int samplesize = sizeof(short) * numChannels;
unsigned int numSamplesInBuffer = device.bufferSize / samplesize;
unsigned int numSamplesInChunk = numSamplesInBuffer / numChunks;
float* input = device.mixer;
short* output = &device.buffer[targetChunk * numSamplesInChunk * numChannels];
float volume = device.volume;
LeftRightGain gain = LeftAndRightGainFromPan(device, device.pan);
if (numChannels == 2) { // Pan is only applied if there are two speakers
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numSamplesInChunk * numChannels; i += 2) { // Could multiply this by numChannels to avoid the manual if statements below
// Clip sound if it's out of range
float value = input[i + 0] * volume * gain.leftGain;
if (value < -32768.0f) {
output[i + 0] = -32768;
else if (value > 32767.0f) {
output[i + 0] = 32767;
else {
output[i + 0] = value;
value = input[i + 1] * volume * gain.rightGain;
if (value < -32768.0f) {
output[i + 1] = -32768;
else if (value > 32767.0f) {
output[i + 1] = 32767;
else {
output[i + 1] = value;
else {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numSamplesInChunk * numChannels; ++i) { // Could multiply this by numChannels to avoid the manual if statements below
// Clip sound if it's out of range
float value = input[i] * volume;
if (value < -32768.0f) {
output[i] = -32768;
else if (value > 32767.0f) {
output[i] = 32767;
else {
output[i] = value;
// Submit PCM data to sound card
unsigned int chunkSizeInBytes = numSamplesInChunk * samplesize;
SubmitPcmBytes(device, targetChunk * chunkSizeInBytes, output, chunkSizeInBytes);
DWORD WINAPI AudioThread(LPVOID ptr) {
Device* device = (Device*)ptr;
unsigned int numChannels = device->numChannels;
// Memset device->mixer and device->buffer to 0, then submit silence and start playing
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < device->numChannels * device->numSamples; device->mixer[i++] = 0.0f);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < device->bufferSize / sizeof(short); device->buffer[i++] = 0);
SubmitPcmBytes(*device, 0, device->buffer, device->bufferSize);
device->secondaryDSoundBuffer->Play(0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING);
LARGE_INTEGER timerFrequency = {0};
LARGE_INTEGER tickStart = { 0 };
LARGE_INTEGER tickEnd = { 0 };
LARGE_INTEGER timerStart = { 0 };
LONGLONG timeDelta = { 0 };
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&timerFrequency)) {
std::cout << "AudioThread: QueryPerformanceFrequency failed\n";
while (device->running) {
// Process any commands from the main thread
while (device->audioThreadCommand < device->mainThreadCommand) {
device->audioThreadCommand = (device->audioThreadCommand + 1) % SIMPLE_SOUND_NUM_COMMANDS;
Command* command = &device->threadCommands[device->audioThreadCommand];
if (command->action == Action::CreateBus) {
Bus* bus = command->bus;
if (device->buses != 0) {
device->buses->prev = bus;
bus->next = device->buses;
device->buses = bus;
bus->clear = true; // No sounds yet, clear bus on init
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < device->numChannels * device->numSamples; bus->mix[i++] = 0.0f);
else if (command->action == Action::DestroyBus) {
else if (command->action == Action::PlaySound) {
Bus* bus = command->sound->owner;
Sound* sound = command->sound;
if (bus->sounds != 0) {
bus->sounds->prev = sound;
sound->next = bus->sounds;
bus->sounds = sound;
if (Mix(*bus, *sound, 0, false)) {
else if (command->action == Action::StopSound) {
command->action = Action::None;
// Synch audio based on how far the main buffer has played
DWORD playCursorInBytes = 0;
if (SUCCEEDED(device->secondaryDSoundBuffer->GetCurrentPosition(&playCursorInBytes, 0))) {
unsigned int numChunks = 2; // 2 chunks since it's double buffered
unsigned int samplesize = sizeof(short) * device->numChannels;
unsigned int playCursorInSamples = playCursorInBytes / samplesize;
unsigned int numSamplesInBuffer = device->bufferSize / samplesize;
unsigned int numSamplesInChunk = numSamplesInBuffer / numChunks;
unsigned int chunkIndex = playCursorInSamples / numSamplesInChunk;
unsigned int nextChunk = (chunkIndex + 1) % numChunks;
// Entering next chunk, dump all data, and mix into the one we just left
if (device->activeChunkIndex != chunkIndex) {
// All sounds have already been mixed into the mix of each bus
// Clear the device mixer and Blast all buses into the device mixer
Bus* bus = device->buses;
if (bus != 0) { // First bus being mixed into the device should clear the device
// Doing this saves us a memset, since the mix function happens regardless.
Mix(*device, *bus, true);
bus = bus->next;
for (; bus != 0; bus = bus->next) {
Mix(*device, *bus, false);
// Now that everything is mixed, convert float buffer to short buffer
Blit(*device, nextChunk);
// If there are any sounds left over, or looping, mix overflow for next frame
for (Bus* bus = device->buses; bus != 0; bus = bus->next) {
Sound* sound = bus->sounds;
if (sound != 0) { // Clear bus mixer for first sound, avoiding a memset
Sound* process = sound;
sound = sound->next;
if (Mix(*bus, *process, 0, true)) {
else if (!bus->clear) { // No sounds, clear bus
bus->clear = true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < device->numChannels * device->numSamples; bus->mix[i++] = 0.0f);
for (; sound != 0; ) {
Sound* process = sound;
sound = sound->next;
if (Mix(*bus, *process, 0, false)) {
// SwapBuffers
device->activeChunkIndex = chunkIndex;
Sleep(1); // Windows sleep timer is 10ms min, might want to delete this if burning CPU isn't a problem.
} // Else report error?
timeDelta = tickEnd.QuadPart - tickStart.QuadPart;
double deltaTime = (double)timeDelta * 1000.0 / (double)timerFrequency.QuadPart;
std::cout << "Audio tick took: " << deltaTime << "ms\n";
// Remove all buses (which will remove all sounds)
for (Bus* bus = device->buses; bus != 0;) {
Bus* process = bus;
bus = bus->next;
return 0;
Device* InitWithTime(Platform& platform, unsigned int bufferLengthMs, unsigned int numChannels, void* hwndPtr) {
unsigned int sampleSize = sizeof(short) * numChannels;
unsigned int samplesPerSecond = 48000;
unsigned int samplesPerMillisecond = samplesPerSecond / 1000; // 48
unsigned int numSamplesInChunk = bufferLengthMs * samplesPerMillisecond; // At 16ms (60 fps), this should be 768 samples per frame
return InitWithSamples(platform, numSamplesInChunk, numChannels, hwndPtr);
void MakeLeftHanded(Device& device) {
device.mRightHanded = true;
void MakeRightHanded(Device& device) {
device.mRightHanded = false;
Device* InitWithSamples(Platform& platform, unsigned int sampleCount, unsigned int numChannels, void* hwndPtr) {
if (numChannels > SIMPLE_SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS) {
HWND hwnd = *((HWND*)hwndPtr);
Device* result = (Device*)platform.allocate(sizeof(Device));
result->platform = platform;
result->numChannels = numChannels;
result->isValid = true;
result->buses = 0;
result->volume = 1.0f;
result->pan = 0.0f;
LeftRightGain leftRightGain = LeftAndRightGainFromPan(*result, result->pan);
result->gainLeft = leftRightGain.leftGain;
result->gainRight = leftRightGain.rightGain;
result->mixer = 0;
result->buffer = 0;
result->bufferSize = 0;
result->mRightHanded = true;
result->activeChunkIndex = 0;
result->running = true;
result->mainThreadCommand = 0;
result->audioThreadCommand = 0;
result->threadHandle = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
result->getResult[i] = 0.0f;
result->listenerPosition[i] = 0.0f;
result->listenerForward[i] = 0.0f;
result->listenerUp[i] = 0.0f;
result->getResult[3] = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; result->listenerMat[i++] = 0.0f);
result->listenerMat[0] = result->listenerMat[4] = result->listenerMat[8] = 1.0f;
result->threadCommands = (Command*)platform.allocate(sizeof(Command) * SIMPLE_SOUND_NUM_COMMANDS);
result->errorMsg = (char*)platform.allocate(sizeof(char) * SIMPLE_SOUND_ERROR_MSG_LEN);
char* mem = (char*)result->threadCommands; // memset thread commands to 0
unsigned int size = sizeof(Command) * SIMPLE_SOUND_NUM_COMMANDS;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
mem[i] = 0.0f;
size = sizeof(char) * SIMPLE_SOUND_ERROR_MSG_LEN;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
result->errorMsg[i] = 0.0f;
// Make sure that chunk is a multiple of two
// These are constant
unsigned int sampleSize = sizeof(short) * numChannels;
unsigned int samplesPerSecond = 48000;
unsigned int numSamplesInChunk = sampleCount;
unsigned int chunkSizeInBytes = numSamplesInChunk * sampleSize;
result->numSamples = numSamplesInChunk;
// The audio works with a double buffer scheme. Allocate enough for both.
unsigned int bufferSize = chunkSizeInBytes * 2;
HRESULT error = 0;
// 1) Load Library
HMODULE dsound = LoadLibraryA("dsound.dll");
if (dsound) {
fpDirectSoundCreate _DirectSoundCreate = (fpDirectSoundCreate)GetProcAddress(dsound, "DirectSoundCreate");
if (_DirectSoundCreate) {
// 2) Create direct sound object
error = _DirectSoundCreate(0, &result->dSound, 0);
IDirectSound* dsound = result->dSound;
if (SUCCEEDED(error)) {
// 3) Set Cooperative level
dsound->SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY);
// 4) Create Primary buffer
DSBUFFERDESC bufferDescription = {};
bufferDescription.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);
bufferDescription.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER;
error = dsound->CreateSoundBuffer(&bufferDescription, &result->primaryDSoundBuffer, 0);
if (SUCCEEDED(error)) {
WAVEFORMATEX waveFormat = {};
waveFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
waveFormat.nChannels = numChannels;
waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec = samplesPerSecond;
waveFormat.wBitsPerSample = 16;
waveFormat.nBlockAlign = (waveFormat.nChannels * waveFormat.wBitsPerSample) / 8;
waveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec * waveFormat.nBlockAlign;
waveFormat.cbSize = 0;
error = result->primaryDSoundBuffer->SetFormat(&waveFormat);
if (SUCCEEDED(error)) {
// 5) Create secondary buffer
bufferDescription.dwBufferBytes = bufferSize;
bufferDescription.lpwfxFormat = &waveFormat;
// 6) Play the secondary buffer
error = dsound->CreateSoundBuffer(&bufferDescription, &result->secondaryDSoundBuffer, 0);
if (SUCCEEDED(error)) {
result->isValid = true;
result->mixer = (float*)platform.allocate(sizeof(float) * numSamplesInChunk * numChannels);
result->buffer = (short*)platform.allocate(bufferSize); // Already in bytes
result->bufferSize = bufferSize;
DWORD threadId;
unsigned int stackSize = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
result->threadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, stackSize, AudioThread, result, 0, &threadId);
SetThreadPriority(result->threadHandle, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS);
else { // Failed to create secondary buffer
result->isValid = false;
StrCpy(result->errorMsg, "Failed to create secondary buffer");
else { // Failed to set primary buffer format
result->isValid = false;
StrCpy(result->errorMsg, "Failed to set primary buffer format");
else { // Failed to creat primary buffer
result->isValid = false;
StrCpy(result->errorMsg, "Failed to creat primary buffer");
else { // DirectSoundCreate failed
result->isValid = false;
StrCpy(result->errorMsg, "DirectSoundCreate failed");
else { // DirectSoundCreate not in dsound.dll?
result->isValid = false;
StrCpy(result->errorMsg, "DirectSoundCreate not found in dsound.dll");
else { // Could not initialize dsound backend
result->isValid = false;
StrCpy(result->errorMsg, "Could not initialize dsound backend");
SetListener(*result, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
return result;
void Shutdown(Device* device) {
device->running = false;
if (device->threadHandle != 0) {
WaitForSingleObject(device->threadHandle, INFINITE);
if (device->threadCommands != 0) {
if (device->errorMsg != 0) {
if (device->buffer != 0) {
if (device->mixer != 0) {
if (device->secondaryDSoundBuffer != 0) {
if (device->primaryDSoundBuffer != 0) {
if (device->dSound != 0) {
bool IsValid(Device& device) {
return device.isValid;
const char* GetLastError(Device& device) {
if (device.isValid) {
return 0;
// Make sure it's null terminated
device.errorMsg[SIMPLE_SOUND_ERROR_MSG_LEN - 1] = '\0';
return device.errorMsg;
unsigned int GetNumChannels(Device& device) {
return device.numChannels;
Bus* CreateBus(Device& device) {
// Step 1, make bus
Bus* result = (Bus*)device.platform.allocate(sizeof(Bus));
result->owner = &device;
result->sounds = 0;
result->prev = 0;
result->next = 0;
result->volume = 1.0f;
result->pan = 0.0f;
LeftRightGain leftRightGain = LeftAndRightGainFromPan(device, result->pan);
result->gainLeft = leftRightGain.leftGain;
result->gainRight = leftRightGain.rightGain;
result->mix = (float*) device.platform.allocate(sizeof(float) * device.numChannels * device.numSamples);
result->clear = false;
// Memset is done on audio thread
// Step 2, schedule bus to be registered
device.mainThreadCommand = (device.mainThreadCommand + 1) % SIMPLE_SOUND_NUM_COMMANDS;
Command* cmd = &device.threadCommands[device.mainThreadCommand];// If on command 0, grab and fill out command 1
cmd->action = Action::CreateBus;
cmd->bus = result;
return result;
Sound* Play(Bus& bus, PCMData& pcm, bool looping) {
Sound* result = (Sound*)bus.owner->platform.allocate(sizeof(Sound));
result->source = &pcm;
result->owner = &bus;
result->prev = 0;
result->next = 0;
result->volume = 1.0f;
result->pan = 0.0f;
LeftRightGain leftRightGain = LeftAndRightGainFromPan(*bus.owner, result->pan);
result->gainLeft = leftRightGain.leftGain;
result->gainRight = leftRightGain.rightGain;
result->looping = looping;
result->cursor = 0;
result->paused = false;
result->isSpatialized = false;
result->position[0] = 0.0f;
result->position[1] = 0.0f;
result->position[2] = 0.0f;
result->minAttenuation = 0.0f;
result->maxAttenuation = 0.0f;
Device* device = bus.owner;
device->mainThreadCommand = (device->mainThreadCommand + 1) % SIMPLE_SOUND_NUM_COMMANDS;
Command* cmd = &device->threadCommands[device->mainThreadCommand];// If on command 0, grab and fill out command 1
cmd->action = Action::PlaySound;
cmd->sound = result;
return result;
Sound* Play(Bus& bus, PCMData& pcm, float x, float y, float z, bool looping, float minAttenuation, float maxAttenuation) {
Sound* result = (Sound*)bus.owner->platform.allocate(sizeof(Sound));
result->source = &pcm;
result->owner = &bus;
result->prev = 0;
result->next = 0;
result->volume = 1.0f;
result->pan = 0.0f;
LeftRightGain leftRightGain = LeftAndRightGainFromPan(*bus.owner, result->pan);
result->gainLeft = leftRightGain.leftGain;
result->gainRight = leftRightGain.rightGain;
result->looping = looping;
result->cursor = 0;
result->paused = false;
result->isSpatialized = true;
result->position[0] = x;
result->position[1] = y;
result->position[2] = z;
result->minAttenuation = minAttenuation;
result->maxAttenuation = maxAttenuation;
Device* device = bus.owner;
device->mainThreadCommand = (device->mainThreadCommand + 1) % SIMPLE_SOUND_NUM_COMMANDS;
Command* cmd = &device->threadCommands[device->mainThreadCommand];// If on command 0, grab and fill out command 1
cmd->action = Action::PlaySound;
cmd->sound = result;
return result;
void Stop(Sound* sound) {
Device* device = sound->owner->owner;
device->mainThreadCommand = (device->mainThreadCommand + 1) % SIMPLE_SOUND_NUM_COMMANDS;
Command* cmd = &device->threadCommands[device->mainThreadCommand];// If on command 0, grab and fill out command 1
cmd->action = Action::StopSound;
cmd->sound = sound;
void Destroy(Bus* bus) {
bus->owner->mainThreadCommand = (bus->owner->mainThreadCommand + 1) % SIMPLE_SOUND_NUM_COMMANDS;
Command* cmd = &bus->owner->threadCommands[bus->owner->mainThreadCommand];// If on command 0, grab and fill out command 1
cmd->action = Action::DestroyBus;
cmd->bus = bus;
unsigned int GetNumChannels(Bus& bus) {
return bus.owner->numChannels;
void SetVolume(Device& device, float volume) {
if (volume < 0.0f) {
volume = 0.0f;
if (volume > 1.0f) {
volume = 1.0f;
device.volume = volume;
void SetVolume(Bus& bus, float volume) {
if (volume < 0.0f) {
volume = 0.0f;
if (volume > 1.0f) {
volume = 1.0f;
bus.volume = volume;
float GetVolume(Device& device) {
return device.volume;
float GetVolume(Bus& bus) {
return bus.volume;
float GetPan(Device& device) {
return device.pan;
float GetPan(Bus& bus) {
return bus.pan;
void SetPan(Device& device, float pan) {
LeftRightGain leftRightGain = LeftAndRightGainFromPan(device, pan);
device.gainLeft = leftRightGain.leftGain;
device.gainRight = leftRightGain.rightGain;
device.pan = pan;
void SetPan(Bus& bus, float pan) {
LeftRightGain leftRightGain = LeftAndRightGainFromPan(*bus.owner, pan);
bus.gainLeft = leftRightGain.leftGain;
bus.gainRight = leftRightGain.rightGain;
bus.pan = pan;
unsigned int GetNumChannels(PCMData& pcm) {
return pcm.numChannels;
short* GetOut(Device& device) {
return device.buffer;
float* GetMixer(Device& device) {
return device.mixer;
float* GetMixer(Bus& bus) {
return bus.mix;
unsigned int GetNumChannels(Sound& sound) {
return sound.owner->owner->numChannels;
void SetPan(Sound& sound, float pan) {
LeftRightGain leftRightGain = LeftAndRightGainFromPan(*sound.owner->owner, pan);
sound.gainLeft = leftRightGain.leftGain;
sound.gainRight = leftRightGain.rightGain;
sound.pan = pan;
float GetPan(Sound& sound) {
return sound.pan;
void SetVolume(Sound& sound, float volume) {
if (volume < 0.0f) {
volume = 0.0f;
if (volume > 1.0f) {
volume = 1.0f;
sound.volume = volume;
float GetVolume(Sound& sound) {
return sound.volume;
bool IsValid(Sound& sound) {
if (sound.looping) {
return true;
short cursor = (short)sound.cursor;
if (cursor >= sound.source->numSamples) {
return false;
return true;
void Pause(Sound* sound) {
sound->paused = true;
void Resume(Sound* sound) {
sound->paused = false;
void SetAttenuation(Sound* sound, float aMin, float aMax) {
sound->minAttenuation = aMin;
sound->maxAttenuation = aMax;
float GetMinAttenuation(Sound* sound) {
return sound->minAttenuation;
float GetMaxAttenuation(Sound* sound) {
return sound->maxAttenuation;
void SetPosition(Sound* sound, float x, float y, float z) {
sound->position[0] = x;
sound->position[1] = y;
sound->position[2] = z;
float* GetPosition(Sound* sound) {
float* result = sound->owner->owner->getResult;
result[0] = sound->position[0];
result[1] = sound->position[1];
result[2] = sound->position[2];
result[3] = 0.0f;
return result;
float* GetListenerPosition(Device& device) {
float* result = device.getResult;
result[0] = device.listenerPosition[0];
result[1] = device.listenerPosition[1];
result[2] = device.listenerPosition[2];
result[3] = 0.0f;
return result;
float* GetListenerForward(Device& device) {
float* result = device.getResult;
result[0] = device.listenerForward[0];
result[1] = device.listenerForward[1];
result[2] = device.listenerForward[2];
result[3] = 0.0f;
return result;
float* GetListenerUp(Device& device) {
float* result = device.getResult;
result[0] = device.listenerUp[0];
result[1] = device.listenerUp[1];
result[2] = device.listenerUp[2];
result[3] = 0.0f;
return result;
void SetListener(Device& device, float posX, float posY, float posZ, float fwdX, float fwdY, float fwdZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ) {
float forward[3] = { fwdX, fwdY, fwdZ };
Normalize(device.platform, forward);
float up[3] = { upX, upY, upZ };
Normalize(device.platform, up);
float right[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
if (device.mRightHanded) {
Cross(right, forward, up);
else {
Cross(right, up, forward);
device.listenerForward[0] = forward[0];
device.listenerForward[1] = forward[1];
device.listenerForward[2] = forward[2];
device.listenerUp[0] = up[0];
device.listenerUp[1] = up[1];
device.listenerUp[2] = up[2];
device.listenerPosition[0] = posX;
device.listenerPosition[1] = posY;
device.listenerPosition[2] = posZ;
device.listenerMat[0] = right[0];
device.listenerMat[1] = right[1];
device.listenerMat[2] = right[2];
device.listenerMat[3] = up[0];
device.listenerMat[4] = up[1];
device.listenerMat[5] = up[2];
device.listenerMat[6] = forward[0];
device.listenerMat[7] = forward[1];
device.listenerMat[8] = forward[2];
#undef PlaySound
namespace SimpleSound {
struct Sound;
struct Bus;
struct Device;
struct PCMData;
typedef void* (*fpAllocate)(unsigned int bytes);
typedef void(*fpRelease)(void* mem);
typedef float(*fpCos)(float v);
typedef float(*fpSin)(float v);
typedef float(*fpSqrt)(float v);
struct Platform {
fpAllocate allocate;
fpRelease release;
fpCos cos;
fpSin sin;
fpSqrt sqrt;
Device* InitWithSamples(Platform& platform, unsigned int sampleCount, unsigned int numChannels, void* platformSpecificPointer);
Device* InitWithTime(Platform& platform, unsigned int bufferLengthMs, unsigned int numChannels, void* platformSpecificPointer);
void Shutdown(Device* device);
const char* GetLastError(Device& device);
PCMData* LoadWavFromMemory(Device& device, void* data, unsigned int bytes);
short* GetBuffer(Device& device);
short* GetBuffer(PCMData& pcm);
unsigned int GetBufferSize(Device& device);
unsigned int GetNumSamples(PCMData& pcm);
void MakeLeftHanded(Device& device);
void MakeRightHanded(Device& device);
unsigned int GetNumChannels(Device& device);
unsigned int GetNumChannels(Bus& bus);
unsigned int GetNumChannels(Sound& sound);
unsigned int GetNumChannels(PCMData& pcm);
float* GetMixer(Device& device);
float* GetMixer(Bus& bus);
void SetListener(Device& device, float posX, float posY, float posZ, float fwdX, float fwdY, float fwdZ, float upX = 0.0f, float upY = 1.0f, float upZ = 0.0f);
float* GetListenerPosition(Device& device);
float* GetListenerForward(Device& device);
float* GetListenerUp(Device& device);
// Results are only valid until the next Get function is called
Bus* CreateBus(Device& device);
void Destroy(Bus* bus);
void Destroy(PCMData* pcm);
// Valid on device, bus and 2D sound handles
void SetPan(Device& device, float pan);
void SetPan(Bus& bus, float pan);
void SetPan(Sound& sound, float pan);
float GetPan(Device& device);
float GetPan(Bus& bus);
float GetPan(Sound& sound);
// Valid on every handle type
void SetVolume(Device& device, float volume);
void SetVolume(Bus& bus, float volume);
void SetVolume(Sound& sound, float volume);
float GetVolume(Device& device);
float GetVolume(Bus& bus);
float GetVolume(Sound& sound);
bool IsValid(Device& device);
bool IsValid(Sound& sound);
inline bool IsValid(Bus& bus) {
return true;
Sound* Play(Bus& bus, PCMData& pcm, bool looping);
Sound* Play(Bus& bus, PCMData& pcm, float x, float y, float z, bool looping, float minAttenuation = 0.0f, float maxAttentuation = 10.0f);
void Stop(Sound* sound);
void Pause(Sound* sound);
void Resume(Sound* sound);
void SetPosition(Sound* sound, float x, float y, float z);
inline void SetPosition(Sound* sound, float* position) {
SetPosition(sound, position[0], position[1], position[2]);
float* GetPosition(Sound* sound);
void SetAttenuation(Sound* sound, float aMin, float aMax);
float GetMinAttenuation(Sound* sound);
float GetMaxAttenuation(Sound* sound);
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