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Created June 4, 2013 18:23
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/* $Author: cs442 $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2001/11/19 20:08:09 $ */
* File: bmp.c
* Purpose: Provide MS Windows BMP file I/O. Initially designed to only
* read 24-bit BMp files.
* Author: Wayne O. Cochran ( with
* code heavily lifted from the appendix of
* Computer Graphics Using Open GL, Second Edition
* by F.S. Hill, Jr
* Modification History:
* 11/19/2001 (WOC) ............... created.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bmp.h"
* Read 32-bit integer from file stored little-endian style.
static int get32(FILE *f) {
unsigned long num;
unsigned char bytes[4];
fread(bytes, 1, 4, f);
num = (bytes[3] << 24) | (bytes[2] << 16) | (bytes[1] << 8) | bytes[0];
return (int) num;
* Read 16-bit integer from file stored little-endian style.
static int get16(FILE *f) {
unsigned short num;
unsigned char bytes[2];
fread(bytes, 1, 2, f);
num = (bytes[1] << 8) | bytes[0];
return (int) num;
* Finds the smallest value p such that
* p = 2^k and p >= n.
static int nextPowerOf2(int n) {
int pow;
for (pow = 1; pow < n; pow <<= 1)
return pow;
* bmpGetImage();
* Purpose: Read 24-bit Windows BMP file into image buffer with 4 bytes
* per pixel (RGBA). Size of image may be resized to powers of 2
* in both width and height -- any added RGBA values are 0.
* Parameters:
* fname: file name of 24-bit BMP file;
* image: ptr to structure to store image data;
* padToPowerOf2: 1 ==> pad image size to power of 2.
* Note:
* The first pixel stored in a BMP file represents the
* lower left-hand portion of the image. This is nice, since
* the image (i,j) coordinate system has the same orientation
* as the texture map (s,t) coordinate system.
void bmpGetImage(char *fname, BmpImage *image, int padToPowerOf2) {
FILE *f;
static char buf[200];
int i, j;
int fileSize, imageSize;
int offset;
int headerSize;
int w, h, d, W, H;
int bpp;
int compression;
int xpels, ypels;
int lutSize;
int impColors;
unsigned char (*rgba)[4];
if ((f = fopen(fname, "rb")) == NULL) {
* Check first two magic bytes of BMP file.
if (fread(buf, 1, 2, f) != 2 || strncmp("BM", buf, 2) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bogus BMP file '%s'!\n", fname);
fileSize = get32(f); /* file size */
get16(f); get16(f); /* two reserved words */
offset = get32(f); /* offset to image (unreliable) */
headerSize = get32(f); /* always 40 */
w = get32(f); h = get32(f); /* width and height of image */
d = get16(f); /* always 1 */
* Bits per pixel better be 24.
if ((bpp = get16(f)) != 24) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, '%s' not a 24-bit image!\n", fname);
* No compression.
if ((compression = get32(f)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, '%s' is compressed!\n", fname);
imageSize = get32(f); /* size of images */
xpels = get32(f); /* always 0 */
ypels = get32(f); /* always 0 */
* No lookup table for 24-bit image (256 for 8-bit images).
if ((lutSize = get32(f)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad LUT '%s'!\n", fname);
impColors = get32(f); /* always 0 */
* If requested, pad image buffer so its dimensions are powers of 2
if (padToPowerOf2) {
W = nextPowerOf2(w);
H = nextPowerOf2(h);
} else {
W = w;
H = h;
* Allocate image buffer.
if ((rgba = (unsigned char (*)[4]) calloc(W*H, 4)) == NULL) {
perror("calloc() rgba[]");
* Read in RGB values for each pixel (blue stored as high byte).
* Alpha value of 255 used for fetched pixel. RGBA values are 0
* for the rest of the image.
for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
unsigned char bgr[3];
int index;
if (fread(bgr, 1, 3, f) != 3) {
if (ferror(f))
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected EOF: %s\n", fname);
index = j*W + i;
rgba[index][0] = bgr[2];
rgba[index][1] = bgr[1];
rgba[index][2] = bgr[0];
rgba[index][3] = 255;
image->w = w;
image->h = h;
image->W = W;
image->H = H;
image->smax = ((float) w)/W;
image->tmax = ((float) h)/H;
image->rgba = rgba;
#ifdef TEST_BMP
* Creates upside down image!!!
* Interesting. The first pixel must be the lower left hand corner,
* *not* the upper left-hand corner -- this is actually kind of
* nice for texture mapping, since the texture (s,t) coordinate system
* has the same orientation as the image (i,j) coordinate system.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i, j;
FILE *f;
BmpImage image;
if (argc < 3) {
"usage: %s <input-BMP-file-name> <output-PPM-file-name>\n",
bmpGetImage(argv[1], &image, 1);
if ((f = fopen(argv[2], "wb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(f, "P6\n");
fprintf(f, "# created from '%s' (%d, %d) (%d, %d) (%g, %g)\n",
argv[1], image.w, image.h, image.W, image.H, image.smax, image.tmax);
fprintf(f, "%d %d\n", image.w, image.h);
fprintf(f, "255\n");
for (j = 0; j < image.h; j++)
for (i = 0; i < image.w; i++)
fwrite(image.rgba[j*image.W + i], 1, 3, f);
return 0;
#endif /* TEST_BMP */
/* $Author: cs442 $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2001/11/19 20:08:24 $ */
* File: bmp.h
* Author: Wayne O. Cochran ( with
* Purpose:
* Interface for the routine bmpGetImage() which reads a Windows BMP
* file. The stored image is particulary suited for using as
* a texture map.
* Modification History:
* 11/19/2001 (WOC) ............... created.
#ifndef BMP_H
#define BMP_H
typedef struct { /* Image read from BMP image */
short w, h; /* original width and height of image */
int W, H; /* actual width and height of image */
float smax, tmax; /* valid texture map coords in (0,0)-(smax,tmax)*/
unsigned char (*rgba)[4]; /* red/green/blue/alpha pixel values */
} BmpImage;
* bmpGetImage();
* Purpose: Read 24-bit Windows BMP file into image buffer with 4 bytes
* per pixel (RGBA). Size of image may be resized to powers of 2
* in both width and height -- any added RGBA values are 0.
* Parameters:
* fname: file name of 24-bit BMP file;
* image: ptr to structure to store image data;
* padToPowerOf2: 1 ==> pad image size to power of 2.
* Note:
* The first pixel stored in a BMP file represents the
* lower left-hand portion of the image. This is nice, since
* the image (i,j) coordinate system has the same orientation
* as the texture map (s,t) coordinate system.
void bmpGetImage(char *fname, BmpImage *image, int padToPowerOf2);
#endif /* BMP_H */
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