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Created January 20, 2023 22:49
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#include "memory.h"
#include <windows.h>
mem_cfunc void PrintDebugString(const char* str) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define MemInternal_Assert(cond) if (!(cond)) {*(u8*)0 = 0;}
#define MemInternal_Assert(cond)
#elif defined(MEM_PLATFORM_WASM)
extern unsigned char __heap_base;
extern unsigned char __data_end;
__attribute__ (( visibility( "default" ) )) extern "C" void MemWasmTriggerCallback(fpAllocationInfo callback, u32 index, void* mem, u32 firstPage, u32 numPages, void* tag, void* userData) {
if (callback != 0) {
callback(index, mem, firstPage, numPages, tag, userData);
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define MemInternal_Assert(cond) if (!(cond)) {PrintDebugString("NATIVE ASSERT!"); __builtin_trap();}
#define MemInternal_Assert(cond)
#define MEM_PAGE_SIZE 4096 // Each page is 4 KiB
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_SIZE 40 // (u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32)
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE 30 // (u32, u16, u16, u32, u32, u64, u32, u16)
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE 22 // (u16, u16, u32, u32, u64, u16)
void* gHeap = 0;
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead 0
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage 4
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_pageCount 6
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev 8
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext 12
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_tag 16
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail 24
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_padding 28
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage 0
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_pageCount 2
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev 4
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext 8
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_tag 12
#define MEM_ALLOCATION_padding 20
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_heapSizeBytes 0
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_overheadPages 4
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_firstPage 8
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_activeAllocs 12
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_subAllocFree1 16
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_subAllocSize1 20
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_subAllocFree2 24
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_subAllocSize2 28
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_subAllocFree3 32
#define MEM_ALLOCATOR_subAllocSize3 36
#define MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_MAIN (((u32)'m' << 0) | ((u32)'e' << 8) | ((u32)'m' << 16) | ((u32)'_' << 24)) // 1601004909
#define MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_SUB_ACTIVE (((u32)'s' << 0) | ((u32)'u' << 8) | ((u32)'b' << 16) | ((u32)'a' << 24)) //
#define MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_SUB_FREE (((u32)'s' << 0) | ((u32)'u' << 8) | ((u32)'b' << 16) | ((u32)'f' << 24)) //
#define MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_RELEASED (((u32)'f' << 0) | ((u32)'r' << 8) | ((u32)'e' << 16) | ((u32)'e' << 24)) // 1701147238
#if 0
#define MEM_READU16(ptr, offset) (*(u16*)((u8*)(ptr) + (offset)))
#define MEM_WRITEU16(ptr, offset, val) (*(u16*)((u8*)(ptr) + (offset)) = (u16)(val))
#define MEM_READU32(ptr, offset) (*(u32*)((u8*)(ptr) + (offset)))
#define MEM_WRITEU32(ptr, offset, val) (*(u32*)((u8*)(ptr) + (offset)) = (u32)(val))
#define MEM_READU64(ptr, offset) (*(u64*)((u8*)(ptr) + (offset)))
#define MEM_WRITEU64(ptr, offset, val) (*(u64*)((u8*)(ptr) + (offset)) = (u64)(val))
#define MEM_SUBALLOCSIZE(ptr, index) (*(u32*)((u8*)(ptr) + 20 + ((index) * 8)))
#define MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(ptr, idx) (*(u32*)((u8*)(ptr) + 16 + ((idx) * 8)))
#define MEM_SETSUBALLOCOFFSET(ptr,i,v) (*(u32*)((u8*)(ptr) + 16 + ((i) * 8)) = (u32)(v))
#define MEM_PAGEMASKPTR(ptr) ( (u32*)((u8*)(ptr) + 40))
#define MEM_HEAPSIZE(ptr) (*(u32*)((u8*)(ptr) + 0 ))
#define MEM_ACTIVEALLOCSOFFSET(ptr) (*(u32*)((u8*)(ptr) + 12))
#define MEM_FIRSTPAGEOFFSET(ptr) (*(u32*)((u8*)(ptr) + 8 ))
#define MEM_FIRSTPAGEPTR(ptr) ( ((u8*)(ptr) + MEM_FIRSTPAGEOFFSET(ptr)))
#define MEM_GETPAGEPTR(ptr, page) ((u8*)MEM_FIRSTPAGEPTR(ptr) + (MEM_PAGE_SIZE * (page)))
inline u16 MEM_READU16(void* ptr, u32 offset) {
unsigned char* u8_ptr = (unsigned char*)ptr;
u16 low = u8_ptr[offset];
u16 high = u8_ptr[offset + 1];
return low | (high << 8);
inline void MEM_WRITEU16(void* ptr, u32 offset, u16 val) {
unsigned char* u8_ptr = (unsigned char*)ptr;
u8 b1 = (val & (255));
u8 b2 = (val & (255 << 8)) >> 8;
u8_ptr[offset] = b1;
u8_ptr[offset + 1] = b2;
inline u32 MEM_READU32(void* ptr, u32 offset) {
unsigned char* u8_ptr = (unsigned char*)ptr;
u32 b1 = u8_ptr[offset + 0];
u32 b2 = u8_ptr[offset + 1];
u32 b3 = u8_ptr[offset + 2];
u32 b4 = u8_ptr[offset + 3];
return b1 | (b2 << 8) | (b3 << 16) | (b4 << 24);
inline void MEM_WRITEU32(void* ptr, u32 offset, u32 val) {
unsigned char* u8_ptr = (unsigned char*)ptr;
u8 b1 = (val & (255));
u8 b2 = (val & (255 << 8)) >> 8;
u8 b3 = (val & (255 << 16)) >> 16;
u8 b4 = (val & (255 << 24)) >> 24;
u8_ptr[offset + 0] = b1;
u8_ptr[offset + 1] = b2;
u8_ptr[offset + 2] = b3;
u8_ptr[offset + 3] = b4;
inline u64 MEM_READU64(void* ptr, u32 offset) {
unsigned char* u8_ptr = (unsigned char*)ptr;
u64 b1 = u8_ptr[offset + 0];
u64 b2 = u8_ptr[offset + 1];
u64 b3 = u8_ptr[offset + 2];
u64 b4 = u8_ptr[offset + 3];
u64 b5 = u8_ptr[offset + 4];
u64 b6 = u8_ptr[offset + 5];
u64 b7 = u8_ptr[offset + 6];
u64 b8 = u8_ptr[offset + 7];
return b1 | (b2 << 8) | (b3 << 16) | (b4 << 24) | (b5 << 32) | (b6 << 40) | (b7 << 48) || (b8 << 56);
inline void MEM_WRITEU64(void* ptr, u32 offset, u64 val) {
unsigned char* u8_ptr = (unsigned char*)ptr;
u32 a = (val << 32) >> 32;
u32 b = val >> 32;
MEM_WRITEU32(ptr, offset, a);
MEM_WRITEU32(ptr, offset + sizeof(u32), b);
inline u32 MEM_SUBALLOCSIZE(void* ptr, u32 index) {
return MEM_READU32(ptr, MEM_ALLOCATOR_subAllocSize1 + index * 8);
inline u32 MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(void* ptr, u32 index) {
return MEM_READU32(ptr, MEM_ALLOCATOR_subAllocFree1 + index * 8);
inline void MEM_SETSUBALLOCOFFSET(void* ptr, u32 index, u32 value) {
MEM_WRITEU32(ptr, MEM_ALLOCATOR_subAllocFree1 + index * 8, value);
inline u32* MEM_PAGEMASKPTR(void* ptr) {
u8* target = (u8*)ptr + MEM_ALLOCATOR_SIZE;
return (u32*)target;
inline u32 MEM_HEAPSIZE(void* ptr) {
return MEM_READU32(ptr, MEM_ALLOCATOR_heapSizeBytes);
inline u32 MEM_ACTIVEALLOCSOFFSET(void* ptr) {
return MEM_READU32(ptr, MEM_ALLOCATOR_activeAllocs);
inline u32 MEM_FIRSTPAGEOFFSET(void* ptr) {
return MEM_READU32(ptr, MEM_ALLOCATOR_firstPage);
inline u8* MEM_FIRSTPAGEPTR(void* ptr) {
return (u8*)ptr + MEM_FIRSTPAGEOFFSET(ptr);
inline u8* MEM_GETPAGEPTR(void* ptr, u32 page) {
return MEM_FIRSTPAGEPTR(ptr) + (MEM_PAGE_SIZE * page);
mem_cfunc i32 MemRelease(void* target) {
return MemReleaseFromHeap(gHeap, target);
mem_cfunc void* MemAllocate(u32 bytes, u32 alignment, void* tag) {
return MemAllocateOnHeap(gHeap, bytes, alignment, tag);
mem_cfunc void* MemReallocate(void* src, u32 newBytes, void* newTag) {
return MemReallocateOnHeap(gHeap, src, newBytes, newTag);
mem_cfunc u32 MemForEachAllocation(fpAllocationInfo callback, void* userData) {
return MemForEachAllocationOnHeap(gHeap, callback, userData);
mem_cfunc void* MemPlatformAllocate(u32 bytes) {
return VirtualAlloc(0, bytes, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
#elif defined(MEM_PLATFORM_WASM)
return &__heap_base;
mem_cfunc void MemPlatformRelease(void* mem) {
VirtualFree(mem, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
// Can only manage up to 4 GiB of RAM. This is because internally pointers are keps as offsets
// and each offset is stored as a u32
mem_cfunc void* MemInitializeHeap(void* heap, u32 heapSize) {
MemInternal_Assert(heapSize > MEM_PAGE_SIZE * 3); // Arbitrary
// Align to be on a 4 byte boundary. This will cause all masks to be on a 4 byte boundary as well
// and will make sure that the page mask is 4 byte aligned (since the header is 40 bytes, and the mask starts right after)
u64 alignment = sizeof(u32); // 4
u8* align_heap = (u8*)heap;
if ((u64)align_heap % alignment != 0) {
u64 remainder = (u64)align_heap % alignment;
align_heap += (u32)alignment - (u32)remainder;
heapSize -= (u32)alignment - (u32)remainder;
gHeap = align_heap;
u32 numPages = heapSize / MEM_PAGE_SIZE;
u32 pageMaskCount = (numPages / 32) + (numPages % 32 != 0 ? 1 : 0);
MemInternal_Assert(numPages >= 0);
u32 overheadBytes = (MEM_ALLOCATOR_SIZE + pageMaskCount * sizeof(u32)) + sizeof(u32);
u32 overheadPageCount = (overheadBytes / MEM_PAGE_SIZE) + (overheadBytes % MEM_PAGE_SIZE != 0 ? 1 : 0);
u32 firstPageOffset = overheadPageCount * MEM_PAGE_SIZE; // 0 = 0, 1 = 4096, etc...
// As arguments, you pass in how big each sub-alloctors chunks should be. IE, i want this sub-allocator
// to allocate 72 byte chunks. Then there would be "pageSize / (72 + sizeof(header))" blocks in each page
// If you request an allocation that's MemAlloc(72, 4), it wouldn't fit into the allocator, because that
// allocation needs 72 + 4 bytes. So it would bucket over to the next allocator.
// In the above examples, 72 would be written to the allocator struct as a sub allocator size.
u32 subAlloc1Size = ((MEM_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(u32)) - (MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE * 8)) / 8;
u32 subAlloc2Size = ((MEM_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(u32)) - (MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE * 4)) / 4;
u32 subAlloc3Size = ((MEM_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(u32)) - (MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE * 2)) / 2;
// struct Allocator (40 bytes)
/* u32 heapSizeBytes */ MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, sizeof(u32) * 0, heapSize); // 0
/* u32 overheadPages */ MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, sizeof(u32) * 1, overheadPageCount); // 4
/* u32 firstPage */ MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, sizeof(u32) * 2, firstPageOffset); // 8
/* u32 activeAllocs */ MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, sizeof(u32) * 3, 0); // 12
/* u32 subAllocFree1 */ MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, sizeof(u32) * 4, 0); // 16
/* u32 subAllocSize1 */ MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, sizeof(u32) * 5, subAlloc1Size); // 20
/* u32 subAllocFree2 */ MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, sizeof(u32) * 6, 0); // 24
/* u32 subAllocSize2 */ MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, sizeof(u32) * 7, subAlloc2Size); // 28
/* u32 subAllocFree3 */ MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, sizeof(u32) * 8, 0); // 32
/* u32 subAllocSize3 */ MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, sizeof(u32) * 9, subAlloc3Size); // 36
// Clear page mask (and set overhead pages)
for (u32 page = 0; page < pageMaskCount; ++page) {
MEM_WRITEU32(align_heap, MEM_ALLOCATOR_SIZE + page * sizeof(u32), (page < overheadPageCount));
return align_heap;
// Returns true if all memory has been released.
mem_cfunc int MemShutdownHeap(void* heap) {
#if _DEBUG
u32 allocationOffset = MEM_ACTIVEALLOCSOFFSET(heap);
u32 numUnreleasedAllocations = 0;
while (allocationOffset != 0) {
u8* header = (u8*)heap + allocationOffset;
u32 firstPage = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage);
u32 numPages = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_pageCount);
u64 _label = MEM_READU64(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_tag);
const char* label = (const char*)_label;
allocationOffset = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext); // Iterate to next element
numUnreleasedAllocations += 1;
bool allAllocationsReleased = MEM_ACTIVEALLOCSOFFSET(heap) == 0;
bool subAllocPool0Empty = MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, 0) == 0;
bool subAllocPool1Empty = MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, 1) == 0;
bool subAllocPool2Empty = MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, 2) == 0;
MemInternal_Assert(allAllocationsReleased && subAllocPool0Empty && subAllocPool1Empty && subAllocPool2Empty);
return allAllocationsReleased && subAllocPool0Empty && subAllocPool1Empty && subAllocPool2Empty;
mem_cfunc u32 MemGetPageSize() {
mem_cfunc u32* MemGetPageMask() {
return (u32*)((u8*)gHeap + MEM_ALLOCATOR_SIZE);
mem_cfunc u32 MemGetHeapSize() {
return MEM_READU32(gHeap, MEM_ALLOCATOR_heapSizeBytes);
mem_cfunc u32 MemGetNumOverheadPages() {
return MEM_READU32(gHeap, MEM_ALLOCATOR_overheadPages);
mem_cfunc u64 MemGetTag64(void* _mem) {
u8* mem = (u8*)_mem;
u16 padding = MEM_READU16((u8*)_mem - 2, 0);
u8* header = mem - padding - MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
u32 magicHead = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead);
u32 magicTail = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail);
MemInternal_Assert(magicHead != MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_RELEASED);
MemInternal_Assert(magicTail != MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_RELEASED);
return MEM_READU64(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_tag);
mem_cfunc void MemSetTag64(void* _mem, u64 tag) {
u8* mem = (u8*)_mem;
u16 padding = MEM_READU16((u8*)_mem - 2, 0);
u8* header = mem - padding - MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
u32 magicHead = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead);
u32 magicTail = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail);
MemInternal_Assert(magicHead != MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_RELEASED);
MemInternal_Assert(magicTail != MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_RELEASED);
MEM_WRITEU64(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_tag, tag);
mem_cfunc u32 MemGetTag32(void* _mem) {
return (u32)MemGetTag64(_mem);
mem_cfunc void MemSetTag32(void* _mem, u32 tag) {
MemSetTag64(_mem, tag);
// Returns 0 on error, or the index of the page where a range of numPages starts
static u32 MemInternal_FindFreePages(void* heap, u32 numPages) {
MemInternal_Assert(heap != 0);
MemInternal_Assert(numPages >= 1);
// Find the required number of pages
u32* pageMask = MEM_PAGEMASKPTR(heap);
u32 heapNumPages = MEM_HEAPSIZE(heap) / MEM_PAGE_SIZE;
// Find available pages
u32 startPage = 0; // Page 0 is invalid. First page must be reserved for overhead
u32 pageCount = 0;
for (u32 i = 1; i < heapNumPages; ++i) {
u32 index = i / 32;
u32 bit = i % 32;
if (pageMask[index] & (1 << bit)) { // Page is in use
startPage = 0;
pageCount = 0;
else { // Free page
if (startPage == 0) { // New range
startPage = i;
pageCount = 1;
if (numPages == 1) {
else { // Expand range
pageCount += 1;
if (pageCount == numPages) {
MemInternal_Assert(startPage != 0);
MemInternal_Assert(pageCount == numPages);
return startPage;
static bool MemInternal_ClaimPages(void* heap, u32 startPage, u32 pageCount) {
if (startPage == 0 || pageCount == 0) {
return false;
u32* pageMask = MEM_PAGEMASKPTR(heap);
for (u32 i = startPage, count = startPage + pageCount; i < count; ++i) {
u32 index = i / 32;
u32 bit = i % 32;
if ((pageMask[index] & (1 << bit))) {
return false; // Error
pageMask[index] |= (1 << bit);
return true;
static bool MemInternal_ReleasePages(void* heap, u32 startPage, u32 pageCount) {
if (startPage == 0 || pageCount == 0) {
return false;
u32* pageMask = MEM_PAGEMASKPTR(heap);
for (u32 i = startPage, count = startPage + pageCount; i < count; ++i) {
u32 index = i / 32;
u32 bit = i % 32;
if (!(pageMask[index] & (1 << bit))) {
return false; // Error
pageMask[index] &= ~(1 << bit);
return true;
static void MemInternal_WriteAllocationHeader(void* header, u32 startPage, u32 pageCount, u32 allocPrev, u32 allocNext, u64 tag) {
MemInternal_Assert(header != 0);
// struct Allocation
/* u16 startPage */ MEM_WRITEU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage, startPage); // 0
/* u16 pageCount */ MEM_WRITEU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_pageCount, pageCount); // 2
/* u32 allocPrev */ MEM_WRITEU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev, allocPrev); // 4
/* u32 allocNext */ MEM_WRITEU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext, allocNext); // 8
/* u64 tag */ MEM_WRITEU64(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_tag, tag); // 12
/* u16 padding */ MEM_WRITEU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_padding, 0);// Only sub-allocators use padding
static void MemInternal_AddAllocationToActiveListList(void* heap, void* header) {
MemInternal_Assert(heap != 0);
MemInternal_Assert(header != 0);
MemInternal_Assert(header > heap);
u32 offset = (u8*)header - (u8*)heap;
u32 headOffset = MEM_READU32(heap, MEM_ALLOCATOR_activeAllocs);
if (headOffset != 0) {
u8* headHeader = (u8*)heap + headOffset;
// Replace the prev "pointer" (really offset), which should be 0 (assert?) with our own
MEM_WRITEU32(headHeader, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev, offset); // Set the prev pointer of the old head to the current allocation
MEM_WRITEU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext, headOffset); // Set the next ptr of current allocation to old head
MEM_WRITEU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev, 0);
MEM_WRITEU32(heap, MEM_ALLOCATOR_activeAllocs, offset); // Set the current allocation as the new head
static void MemInternal_RemoveAllocationFromActiveList(void* heap, void* header, u32 magic) {
u32 magicHead = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead);
u32 magicTail = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail);
MemInternal_Assert(magicHead == magic);
MemInternal_Assert(magicTail == magic);
static void MemInternal_RemoveAllocationFromActiveList(void* heap, void* header) {
u32 offset = (u8*)header - (u8*)heap;
u32 prev = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev);
u32 next = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext);
if (next != 0) { // Reling next
u8* nextPtr = (u8*)heap + next;
MEM_WRITEU32(nextPtr, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev, prev);
if (prev != 0) { // Relink prev
u8* prevPtr = (u8*)heap + prev;
MEM_WRITEU32(prevPtr, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext, next);
u32 headOffset = MEM_READU32(heap, MEM_ALLOCATOR_activeAllocs);
if (headOffset == offset) { // Update list head
MEM_WRITEU32(heap, MEM_ALLOCATOR_activeAllocs, next); // Head was detached, next is new head
MEM_WRITEU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev, 0);
MEM_WRITEU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext, 0);
// Header magic is expected to be set to free by caller
static void MemInternal_RemoveSubAllocationsFromFreeList(void* heap, u8 * header) {
u32 magicHead = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead);
u32 magicTail = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail);
MemInternal_Assert(magicHead == MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_SUB_FREE);
MemInternal_Assert(magicTail == MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_SUB_FREE);
u32 page = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage);
u16* mask = (u16*)(MEM_GETPAGEPTR(heap, page));
u16 stride = *(mask + 1);
u8* allocPtr = (u8*)(mask + 2);
u32 numAllocationsInBlock = (MEM_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(u32)) / (u32)stride;
for (u32 i = 0; i < numAllocationsInBlock; ++i) {
u32 offset = (u8*)allocPtr - (u8*)heap;
u32 prev = MEM_READU32(allocPtr, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev);
u32 next = MEM_READU32(allocPtr, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext);
if (next != 0) { // Relink next
u8* nextPtr = (u8*)heap + next;
MEM_WRITEU32(nextPtr, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev, prev);
if (prev != 0) { // Relink prev
u8* prevPtr = (u8*)heap + prev;
MEM_WRITEU32(prevPtr, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext, next);
// Remove any list headers
if (offset == MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, 0)) {
else if (offset == MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, 1)) {
else if (offset == MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, 2)) {
MEM_WRITEU32(allocPtr, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev, 0);
MEM_WRITEU32(allocPtr, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext, 0);
u8* write = allocPtr + MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail + sizeof(u32);
*write = '\0'; // Null out bit after magic
write = allocPtr + MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead + sizeof(u32);
*write = '\0'; // Null out bit after magic
allocPtr = allocPtr + stride;
static void MemInternal_AddSubAllocationToFreeList(void* heap, u8 * header) {
u32 page = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage);
u16* mask = (u16*)(MEM_GETPAGEPTR(heap, page));
u16 stride = *(mask + 1);
u32 subAllocatorIndex = 0;
if (stride == (u16)subAlloc1Stride) {
subAllocatorIndex = 0;
else if (stride == (u16)subAlloc2Stride) {
subAllocatorIndex = 1;
else if (stride == (u16)subAlloc3Stride) {
subAllocatorIndex = 2;
else {
MemInternal_Assert(false);// Stride should be one of the known sub-allocator strides
u32 prev = 0; // Adding as head, always 0
u32 next = MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, subAllocatorIndex); // Current head
MEM_WRITEU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev, prev);
MEM_WRITEU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext, next);
u32 headerOffset = header - (u8*)heap;
if (next != 0) { // Set next prev to this
u8* nextHeader = (u8*)heap + next;
MEM_WRITEU32(nextHeader, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev, headerOffset);
MEM_SETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, subAllocatorIndex, headerOffset); // Set list head to this
static void* MemInternal_SubAllocate(void* heap, u32 subAlloctorIndex, u32 bytes, u32 alignment, u64 tag) {
MemInternal_Assert(subAlloctorIndex <= 2);
MemInternal_Assert(heap != 0);
MemInternal_Assert(bytes != 0);
u32 subAllocHeaderStride = MEM_SUBALLOCSIZE(heap, subAlloctorIndex) + MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
u32 numAllocationsInBlock = (MEM_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(u32)) / subAllocHeaderStride; // First 32 bits in sub-alloc page is a flags mask.
MemInternal_Assert(numAllocationsInBlock >= 2);
u32 freeListOffset = MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, subAlloctorIndex);
// If free blocks for this sub-allocator don't exist, create some.
if (freeListOffset == 0) {
u32 page = MemInternal_FindFreePages(heap, 1);
MemInternal_Assert(page > 0);
if (!MemInternal_ClaimPages(heap, page, 1)) {
return 0;
u8* header = MEM_GETPAGEPTR(heap, page);
u16* subAllocationMask = (u16*)header;
*subAllocationMask = 0;
u16* subAllocationStride = subAllocationMask + 1;
*subAllocationStride = subAllocHeaderStride;
header += sizeof(u32);
for (u32 i = 0; i < numAllocationsInBlock; ++i) { // struct Allocation
u32 prev = 0; // Adding as head, always 0
u32 next = MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, subAlloctorIndex); // Current head
MemInternal_WriteAllocationHeader(header, page, 0, prev, next, (u64)"uninitialized"); // Sub allocation fence is active
MemInternal_AddSubAllocationToFreeList(heap, header); // Sub allocation fence is free
header += subAllocHeaderStride;
// Free block is guaranteed to exist. Grab one.
u32 head = MEM_GETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, subAlloctorIndex); // Current head
u8* allocHeader = (u8*)heap + head;
// Align the allocation (if needed)
u8* allocation = allocHeader + MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
u64 address = (u64)allocation; // Align the allocation
u16 padding = 0;
if (alignment != 0 && address % alignment != 0) {
u64 remainder = address % alignment;
padding = (u16)(alignment - (u32)remainder);
allocation += padding;
// Update header data
MEM_WRITEU64(allocHeader, MEM_ALLOCATION_tag, tag); // Update tag
MEM_WRITEU16(allocHeader, MEM_ALLOCATION_padding, padding);
MEM_WRITEU16(allocation - 2, 0, padding);
MemInternal_Assert(MEM_READU32(allocHeader, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead) == MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_SUB_FREE);
MemInternal_Assert(MEM_READU32(allocHeader, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail) == MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_SUB_FREE);
// Get the pointer to the current pages used bitmask, and find the right bit
u32 page = MEM_READU16(allocHeader, MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage);//head / MEM_PAGE_SIZE; // Also stored in allocHeader
u16* mask = (u16*)MEM_GETPAGEPTR(heap, page);
u8* firstAllocPtr = (u8*)mask + sizeof(u16) + sizeof(u16);
// Claim the allocation as used
u32 index = (allocHeader - firstAllocPtr) / subAllocHeaderStride;
u16 _mask = *mask;
MemInternal_Assert(!(_mask & (1 << index))); // Assume it was off before
_mask |= (1 << index);
*mask = _mask;
// If there is a next pointer, unhook this from it's prev, and set it as the new sub-alloc header
u32 next = MEM_READU32(allocHeader, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext);
if (next != 0) {
u8* nextHeader = (u8*)heap + next;
MEM_WRITEU32(nextHeader, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocPrev, 0); // Set next prev to 0 (unlink head)
MEM_SETSUBALLOCOFFSET(heap, subAlloctorIndex, next); // Set next to be the new head
MemInternal_AddAllocationToActiveListList(heap, allocHeader); // Will reset allocHeader prev and next pointers
return allocation;
static i32 MemInternal_SubRelease(void* heap, void* target) {
MemInternal_Assert(target != 0);
u8* allocation = (u8*)target;
u16 padding = MEM_READU16(allocation - 2, 0);
u8* header = allocation - padding - MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
u32 magicHead = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead);
u32 magicTail = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail);
MemInternal_Assert(magicHead == MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_SUB_ACTIVE);
MemInternal_Assert(magicTail == MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_SUB_ACTIVE);
u32 page = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage);
u16* mask = (u16*)(MEM_GETPAGEPTR(heap, page));
u16 stride = *(mask + 1);
u8* firstAllocPtr = (u8*)(mask + 2);
u32 index = (header - firstAllocPtr) / (u32)stride;
u64 _tag = MEM_READU64(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_tag);
const char* tag = (const char*)_tag;
MemInternal_Assert(MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_pageCount) == 0);
// Release (sub allocation) mask
u16 _mask = *mask;
if (!(_mask & (1 << index))) { // Assume it was on before
return 0;
_mask &= ~(1 << index);
*mask = _mask;
MemInternal_RemoveAllocationFromActiveList(heap, header, MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_SUB_ACTIVE);
MemInternal_RemoveAllocationFromActiveList(heap, header);
MemInternal_AddSubAllocationToFreeList(heap, header);
if (_mask == 0) { // Page is empty, release it
MemInternal_RemoveSubAllocationsFromFreeList(heap, header); // Sets header magic
MemInternal_ReleasePages(heap, page, 1);
return 1;
mem_cfunc void* MemAllocateOnHeap(void* heap, u32 bytes, u32 alignment, void* _tag) {
u64 tag = (u64)_tag;
if (heap == 0) {
heap = gHeap;
if (bytes == 0) {
return 0;
// Early out for any sub-allocators
if (bytes + alignment < MEM_SUBALLOCSIZE(heap, 0)) {
return MemInternal_SubAllocate(heap, 0, bytes, alignment, tag);
else if (bytes + alignment < MEM_SUBALLOCSIZE(heap, 1)) {
return MemInternal_SubAllocate(heap, 1, bytes, alignment, tag);
else if (bytes + alignment < MEM_SUBALLOCSIZE(heap, 2)) {
return MemInternal_SubAllocate(heap, 2, bytes, alignment, tag);
u32 totalAllocationSize = bytes + alignment + MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
u32 pageCount = totalAllocationSize / MEM_PAGE_SIZE + (totalAllocationSize % MEM_PAGE_SIZE == 0 ? 0 : 1);
// Find and claim available pages
u32 startPage = MemInternal_FindFreePages(heap, pageCount);
MemInternal_Assert(startPage != 0);
if (!MemInternal_ClaimPages(heap, startPage, pageCount)) {
return 0; // Error
// Create allocation header
u8* memory = MEM_GETPAGEPTR(heap, startPage);
u8* allocation = memory + MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
u64 address = (u64)allocation; // Align the allocation
if (alignment != 0 && address % alignment != 0) {
u64 remainder = address % alignment;
allocation += alignment - (u32)remainder;
u8* header = allocation - MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
MemInternal_WriteAllocationHeader(header, startPage, pageCount, 0, 0, tag);
MemInternal_AddAllocationToActiveListList(heap, header); // Will set header prev and next pointers
return allocation;
// Returns true if the memory was successfully released
// Returns true if the memory being passed in is NULL
mem_cfunc i32 MemReleaseFromHeap(void* heap, void* target) {
if (heap == 0) {
heap = gHeap;
if (target == 0) { // Sage release
return true;
u16 padding = MEM_READU16((u8*)target - 2, 0);
u8* header = (u8*)target - padding - MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
u32 offset = header - (u8*)heap;
u16 startPage = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage);
u16 pageCount = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_pageCount);
// Delegate to sub-allocator
if (pageCount == 0) { // No page count means it's a sub-allocator
return MemInternal_SubRelease(heap, target);
MemInternal_Assert(MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead) == MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_MAIN);
MemInternal_Assert(MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail) == MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_MAIN);
// Clear the pages that where in use
MemInternal_ReleasePages(heap, startPage, pageCount);
MemInternal_RemoveAllocationFromActiveList(heap, header, MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_MAIN);
MemInternal_RemoveAllocationFromActiveList(heap, header);
u8* write = header + MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead + sizeof(u32);
*write = '\0';
write = header + MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail + sizeof(u32);
*write = '\0';
return 1;
mem_cfunc u32 MemForEachAllocationOnHeap(void* heap, fpAllocationInfo callback, void* userData) {
u32 numAllocations = 0;
u32 allocationOffset = MEM_ACTIVEALLOCSOFFSET(heap);
while (allocationOffset != 0) {
u8* header = (u8*)heap + allocationOffset;
u8* mem = header + MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
u32 firstPage = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage);
u32 numPages = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_pageCount);
allocationOffset = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_allocNext); // Iterate to next element
u64 _label = MEM_READU64(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_tag);
const char* loc = (const char*)_label;
if (callback != 0) {
callback(numAllocations, mem, firstPage, numPages, (void*)_label, userData);
numAllocations += 1;
return numAllocations;
mem_cfunc void* MemClear(void* dst, u32 bytes) {
return MemSet(dst, 0, bytes);
mem_cfunc void* MemReallocateOnHeap(void* heap, void* src, u32 newBytes, void* newTag) {
if (src == 0) {
return MemAllocateOnHeap(heap, newBytes, 4, newTag);
u16 padding = MEM_READU16((u8*)src - 2, 0);
u8* header = (u8*)src - padding - MEM_ALLOCATION_HEADER_SIZE;
u32 magicHead = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicHead);
u32 magicTail = MEM_READU32(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_magicTail);
MemInternal_Assert(magicHead != MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_RELEASED);
MemInternal_Assert(magicTail != MEM_ALLOCACTION_MAGIC_RELEASED);
u32 firstPage = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_startPage);
u32 numPages = MEM_READU16(header, MEM_ALLOCATION_pageCount);
if (numPages == 0) {
numPages = 1;
u8* lastByte = MEM_GETPAGEPTR(heap, firstPage);
lastByte += numPages * MEM_PAGE_SIZE;
u32 maxAllocBytes = lastByte - (u8*)src;
u32 bytesToCopy = newBytes;
if (maxAllocBytes < bytesToCopy) {
bytesToCopy = maxAllocBytes;
void* newMem = MemAllocateOnHeap(heap, newBytes, 4, newTag); // Realloc is always 4 byte aligned. Consider storing alignment in each allocation as well?
MemCopy(newMem, src, bytesToCopy);
return newMem;
mem_cfunc void* MemCopy(void* _dst, const void* _src, u32 bytes) {
u8* dst = (u8*)_dst;
const u8* src = (const u8*)_src;
u32 delta = 0; // Check for overlap
if ((u32)dst < (u32)src) {
delta = (u32)src - (u32)dst;
else {
delta = (u32)dst - (u32)src;
MemInternal_Assert(delta >= bytes);
for (unsigned int b = 0; b < bytes; ++b) {
dst[b] = src[b];
return dst;
mem_cfunc void* MemSet(void* _dst, u8 val, u32 bytes) {
u8* dst = (u8*)_dst;
for (unsigned int b = 0; b < bytes; ++b) {
dst[b] = val;
return dst;
mem_cfunc i32 MemCompare(const void* _a, const void* _b, u32 bytes) {
const u8* a = (const u8*)_a;
const u8* b = (const u8*)_b;
for (u32 i = 0; i < bytes; ++i) {
if (a[i] < b[i]) {
return -1;
else if (b[i] < a[i]) {
return 1;
return 0;
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